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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 12, 2024 12:55am-1:41am MSK

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says, says, you understand, he sits down in front of me, the bank manager sits the client down, says, you understand that you are doing something stupid, you understand that this is a scam, he says: yes, yes, yes, but please give me your money, how can a bank help in this case, how can a bank help, the point is that if this is exactly the situation when a person is already withdrawing money, the most he can do again is to explain to him that you are now going to lose this money , please don't do it, but the more.
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recently there was a case in one of the asian countries , a representative of an english one, well, not just some big financial company, using deepfakes from conversations in several conversations, transferred about $70 million via video link, remotely, in several payments , thinking that it was his bosses from london, yes, and here copies were made, but deepfakes are a deep copying of a person’s voice, then they directly showed him on the screen.
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and we, or our listeners, the audience, still fell for this trick, well, this is how it happened, and the money has already been stolen, right away call your bank, say that due to your stupidity, due to your mistake, they wrote it off, but don’t make a claim to the bank right away,
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because here you need to understand that if you actually took the money out of your pocket and gave it back, then the bank has nothing to do with it, so here we need to be in cooperation mode.
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intelligence needs to be used not only by swindlers, but also by law enforcement officers, yes, that means it is necessary to build a system in which it would be possible to accumulate all this, structure, systematize and quickly identify source channels from there, where does the main flow of these requests from scammers come from, in the zone of a special military operation, combat tests are taking place, a new version of the missile and gun complex: in the world we can effectively work on this class of targets, a cloud of damaging elements is thrown up, that is, through which it is almost
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impossible for the automation of the shell to fly through such a level that the armor can be like a robot, we have eight stars marked on our car, seven enemy planes hit the helicopter, you have to be strong, they are afraid of the strong and do not touch never, we have created a direction that ensures that superiority, by the day of the air defense forces on sunday on the first, now quite serious systems have appeared in the leading banks that counteract... the transfer of compromised cards, compromised phones, etc. well, the bank is blocking preventively, we must also give credit to the regulator, he introduced such a three-level system of green, yellow , red traffic lights, when
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these forms of deposit have already been noticed, then it turns on yellow, if these were isolated incidents, so that there would be increased vigilance. i’m finding out, that is, if you are of sound mind, if you speak calmly, if you provide, a call is already coming from the bank
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with information adequate about the passport, about registration, and so on, some questions, then the operation will be unblocked in 5-10 minutes , that is, they say that if the operation is relevant, no, in some cases, yes, but in others, when i say that traffic light, which is being implemented within the framework of regulatory policy, supervisory policy, it implies that at a red light. these accounts, which already raise questions, they can be blocked for some time, but most importantly, yes, but the most important thing is that there are still various forms of counteraction, when we must, accordingly, exchange information between the banks themselves about questionable transactions, that is, already the ultimate beneficiary recipients, yes or that the corresponding payments that were.
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that’s it, people seem to have no way back, they say: well, i’ll come and confess, and then these people will bring all the charges against me in the first steps, you know, this is a very serious thing and...
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a similar risk, that is, it is possible to enable p2p payments for the purchase of cryptocurrency, they carry some kind of fraudulent scheme, so that , for example, they can be hooked on blackmail, a very important factor that will warn you from the many risks associated with these scams, when you do something, you must understand what you are doing, if you have opened an electronic wallet, you must understand how you open it, how...
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you won’t spend it, but it’s there and other risks, and if necessary, they identify you if they forcefully present the phone in front of their face, and then start using it, then this risk also comes, so it must be taken into account, so you must weigh for yourself whether there is such a risk that someone can
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force you, accordingly, but it always exists , here you are on the street, if you...
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and by connecting a vpn to your phone, you are simply sending all the phone’s traffic through someone unknown, let’s put it this way, all your passwords and numbers can be at any time, not to mention published, just used, let's do it for that matter, mikhail, then, in principle, by having a phone, you are, to a certain extent, already yourself...
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but stop communicating, because one way or another you are giving a reason to get hooked, to again become a victim of some sociological schemes, some other kind of manipulation, just stop talk. thank you, leave your information and i will call you back. rule number two: if it seems like a quick, some kind of immediate benefit to you, this is especially true for our young audience, when they offer you 5-10 thousand for opening a card and handing it over. nothing more, remember that in addition to the fact that you become participants in a scheme to deceive people, because the card will not be used just like that, no one gives money just like that, you
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automatically become an accomplice in much more serious crimes, even criminally punishable, even with heavy sentences for, let's say, if some operations were carried out with this card in favor of prohibited organizations, you simply become an accomplice... of terrorists with appropriate punishments and rule three, if something happened, you were stupefied, you felt bad and succumbed to tricks, you followed some commands from the scammers and you realized that you did something wrong, immediately call the bank, you should have, like emergency services , like the gas, police and ambulance services there, you must have digital coordinates, that is...
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these are droppers, precisely the words throw , reset, yes, well, this is already a financial term , which also means an anti-dropper fight so that many people do not use for carrying out yes so such a term is already professional, let's say a few words about the current situation in the banking system. well, first of all, i would like to talk about the rate.
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explain to justify, but on the other hand, when it comes to the fact that this is a very high rate, it provokes high interest rates on loans, i, of course, remind you that at the same time it gives an opportunity to those of our fellow citizens and those bank clients who have there are free funds, there are not many of them, unfortunately, there is a layer of people who have free funds.
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well, let's say a few words on this topic let's talk, because it was very relevant in the summer, especially right now there was such a thing as young people talking about the hype around the topic of the digital ruble, and despite the fact that the central bank says that it is only testing the platform, a number of banks have announced that they accept participation in this testing, 30 banks this year will be involved in this experiment, but the digital ruble is still not from this series, digital rubles are not needed,
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yes, yes, therefore, but the digital ruble has another meaning, who should be more afraid digital ruble, if you should be afraid at all, users, that every step is being watched, or banks, that in general the banking institution will die out, as you said, which means that neither one nor the other has any serious basis yet, because through the digital ruble, firstly, digital the ruble is the third form of currency that is used.
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and well, what do you know, it’s watching, our sleshka is not enough of this, so here it certainly brings with it new questions, new risks, new problems, but it carries with it the positive thing that, in principle, the same budget payments, if they go through the digital ruble, of course this is better, because the anti -corruption factor can be strengthened so that it is clear where it goes.
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lending is a conscientious motivation, you yourself assess your risks, the bank and you together assess the client’s risks, and you are motivated to overcome this risk to expand your business, and if all the money
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goes into the digital ruble, and well, we hope that the central the bank will not yet start lending to the market and will not become commercial, if it also begins to lend, then indeed this is the same risk... when it is no longer due to digitalization everything will go to telephone and internet companies, banking services, and it will simply become the state bank of the ussr, a single one, which will itself lend, will itself serve, will itself open current accounts, make payments, and then also take commissions, of course, for free, he won’t do it, there’s no need to go to any of these extremes of balance, well , what can i say in conclusion that i’m very pleased that... not just a participant, one of, well, let’s say, the most experienced specialists and banking, banking is right, he is at the head of the association of russian banks, but also academician ran, with such a sound, logical position, is at the head
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of the organization, which monitors the very balance so that there are no distortions in either direction, well, further development follows in any case keep up with progress. but do not forget not only the opportunities, but also the risks that lie behind this and keep your ears open, and your brains sane and sober in memory. thank you very much, galigin ashotovich, for coming, for telling us in detail, this is an easy podcast money, and today we spoke together with the president of the association of russian banks garigin tusunyan about what new and old types of fraud are present on the market as a bank. we are struggling with this and how we can resist scammers, ordinary citizens,
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well, today we have alexander nevsky, a largely mythologized figure, well, a classic example, whoever comes to us with a sword will die from the ball, this... we need to figure it out, well, really, there are discussions around alexander nevsky among historians and not only historians; there are a lot of myths exist, and these myths are difficult to separate from the truth, especially since there are not many sources, this is our task, i think this is the task
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of historians, first of all, yes, it is to compare all these few data, choose something to paint some consistent picture, such a puzzle , yes, with missing details, as usually happens with historians, here, but to figure it out, to try to figure out where this is actually a myth and where the truth is, you need to try. hello, this is a historical russia-west podcast on the swing of history. pyotr romanov is with you. and sergey solovyov, today we are talking about alexander nevsky. well, the times of alexander nevsky were the most difficult and difficult times for the russian people, because there was disunity, there was a numerous principality.
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now we mostly remember about the threat of the west and the fact that the forces inspired by the vatican were advancing towards russia, so to speak, but even more...
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a difficult, humiliating policy, because he was on the losing side, as it were, he was the losing side, here is klyuchevsky regarding alexander nevsky, he is completely rightly said that he had to demonstrate how to combine incompatible qualities, on the one hand , military valor, on the other, the humility of a monk, in fact, this is the image that we are used to, alexander nevsky.
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that the west germans actually considered
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the territory of estonia, the territory of latvia, livonia, in fact, the spheres of influence of the russian princes, the russian princes took tribute there, maybe not regularly, but nevertheless they took tribute, when catholic missionaries appeared there, then there was no conflict initially didn't bring it with me this was not a challenge to the russian principality, they actually asked to preach the word of god in these... after this penetration acquired a more aggressive character, bishop meingard, who was appointed by the pope to the bishopric, interestingly, is an exclusive in russia, that is, this territory was considered as if already russia, there is ruthenium, to be precise, who brought christianity to livonia, he was at first he concluded an agreement with the livs, right? accordingly, he began to build stone
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castles there on the territory of christianized tribes, but he was not satisfied with the christian zeal of these tribes, uh, they even threatened to kill him, and his successor , bishop berthold schulte, was distinguished by even greater zeal, which ended with him being killed 2 years later, after which he became a bishop after his death its predecessor in 1698, which in turn led to the first crusade to the baltic lands against the pagans, of course, these are not the crusades that were against the arabs, but for the liberation of the holy sepulcher, but subsequently it must be said that riga, which will be rebuilt by the germans to penetrate these territories, it was perceived as such a northern jerusalem, it is far from the southern one, especially since the crusaders had setbacks there just at that moment, jerusalem was lost, here, accordingly, here is a new application of forces, the crusades were then repeated in the baltic lands and...
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for the west, respectively, catholicism, and an alliance against it seemed very relevant for the livonian order, but it did not work out. there is another very important point, how we moved on...
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of course, some attempts to introduce christianity existed, but first of all, in those days such material interests dominated, tribute, tribute, first of all, well, in relation to the crusaders, in those days these two things are very difficult to separate, in fact, they are difficult to separate, of course,
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it is necessary still understand that there is not a single evidence that the vatican at that time proclaimed how... this neutral field buffer zone in the process of, so to speak, struggle for influence on these tribes collided and some kind of battles took place, speaking of battles alexander nevsky, it must be said that
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the lithuanian raids posed a particular danger to russia at that time, very little is remembered about this now, but in fact lithuania, as i already said, is such a rather powerful association, a powerful union of tribes that seriously threatened and... at that time in russia, it was no coincidence that the livonian order, which had just emerged, tried to come to an agreement with alexander yaroslavovich to fight against lithuania. russian principalities right up to the right bank of the dnieper, they were subject to constant raids from lithuania, we know more about raids from in the east, there were the pechenegs, polovtsians, then the horde itself, but there were also raids from the north-west, this is actually lithuania. and the main merit of alexander nevsky from the point of view of his life, oddly enough, was the fight against. with lithuania, this was definitely more important for contemporaries, the lithuanians seemed to come from nowhere, from the forest, along some paths, attacked cities, wiped cities off the face of the earth, the poltsk principality was literally bursting at the seams, the lithuanians by that time had captured smolensk, and the first what alexander yaroslavovich did, he built by...


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