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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 12, 2024 1:40am-2:26am MSK

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represented the raids of the lithuanians, very little is remembered about this now, in fact, lithuania, as i already said, is such a rather powerful association, a powerful union of tribes that seriously threatened the crusaders at that time, and russia, not by chance, the livonian order, which had just emerged, tried to come to an agreement with alexander yaroslavovich to fight against lithuania. russian principalities right up to the right bank of the dnieper, they were subject to constant raids from lithuania, we know more about raids from the east, there were pechenegs, polovtsians, then their own. against the horde, but there were raids from northwest, this is actually lithuania. and the main merit of alexander nevsky from the point of view of his life, oddly enough, was the fight against lithuania. this was definitely more important for contemporaries. eh, the lithuanians seemed to come from nowhere, from the forest, along some paths. they attacked cities, wiped cities off the face of the earth. the polish principality was literally bursting at the seams. the lithuanians had captured smolensk by that time. and the first thing alexander yaroslavovich did was build it. in the shilon river, it would later become
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famous in connection with the battles of the novgorodians with prince of moscow already at the end of the 15th century, but along this river he built towns to protect novgorod from lithuania, and this was more important than the fight with the swedes, because of which it later began to be called nevsky, well, in general, many times, for contemporaries , of course, but it was also important with the swedes , the swedes colonized the territory from the north, in several waves, penetrated finland and laid claim to karelia, here is the father...
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the kiev-novorodskaya, so to speak, in fact, on the way to the greeks , about which is also often they forget, they could control, the swedes could take control of this second sea route, in the person of alexander, the novgorodians, novgorod, yes, they did not miss it this time and stopped this opportunity, if the swedes had taken root there, then perhaps history would have gone differently further , this very battle itself, it is not very numerous, it can even be called a skirmish, it is later that alexander nevsky will be called nevsky from the end of the 15th century. only for the first time, and it
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only took root under ivan the formidable, took root under ivan the terrible, but if we still think a little, yes, then without paying attention to this swedish wave of colonization, we could get sweden, in fact, right there, from where peter i would later knock them out. well, that’s why, you understand, in our country, when we remember the battle of the ice, we pay more attention to some details.
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when two sides fought somewhere on the spring ice on some river, both sides began to fall through the ice, and eventually separated, because well, the cold water cooled the warlike fervor, it was necessary warm up, change clothes, fall through the ice, you are absolutely right, it was actually during the battle of yaroslavach, and with the swordsmen, yes, yes, the fact is that if, according to statistics , yes we are with...
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who wrote 60 years later, that is several generations have passed since these events, notes that 24 knights died in the battle with the russians, and this has never happened, 24 people, 24 of these same ones...
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were looking for intercessors between the non-believers and were not found. mothers cried for their children, trampled before their eyes by tatar horses, and virgins cried for their innocence, how many of them wanting to save her, they threw themselves on a sharp knife or into deep rivers, alive. they envied the peace of the dead, absolutely terrible, yes, it was necessary to choose here, there is such a logic, i have heard it many times and i cannot help but quote it, although i do not completely agree with it, but it lines up approximately like this,
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that the choice was terrible, but it is necessary had to be done, because here are the mongols... there the direction label fulfilled, in general, the requirements of the horde in almost all respects. well, this is actually a serious problem about the onslaught from the west, because that many historians are discussing here believe that the onslaught of the west was much
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smaller, well, it really was smaller, but what can we say than the onslaught from the horde, and the horde howl should not be underestimated, because archaeologists actually know very well that... a number of cities simply did not arise again after it was wiped off the face of the earth by the horde conquest, just remember that there is old ryazan, yes, there is ryazan, yes, these are two different places, there is a long distance between them, because old ryazan after the ardyn invasion it did not recover, and in general there are quite a lot of such examples, the real danger of inculcating catholicism is a controversial question, how much it was, how much strength the knights actually had to carry it out, but the fact that this danger is, in principle, the essence . this gradual slow advancement with ideological coverage with the help of denmark and with the help of the construction of fortresses of the local population,
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baptism by fire and sword, yes, this still took place, but nevertheless horde the conquest, of course, brought much more troubles to russia than what happened to the west. we know that the word baskak practically entered the russian language, that is, these were tatar governors who collected tribute, thank god, they really did, we have an idea that the baskhaks collected, they went straight from house to house and collected this tribute, in fact, of course they collected some elders from the people, and the baskaks were already calculating the total and...
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still achieved some of the most acceptable at that time within the framework of the possible conditions so that his subjects could still survive, as for faith, he also achieved a certain success, of course, during the invasion itself , many monasteries were plundered, churches were destroyed, but then there was still some definite one. ..
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in relation to the horde, you actually already touched on it, i will refer to the opinion of academician valentin lavrentievich yanin, and he literally wrote the following about alexander nevsky: alexander nevsky, having concluded an alliance with the arda, subordinated novgorod to the horde’s influence, he extended to novgorod, which was never conquered, that’s what you were talking about, with the tatars he extended tatar power to novgorod, and gouged out the eyes of the novgorodians who did not agree, he had many sins of all sorts, despite the fact that he was the winner of the germans during the battle of the ice in other battles, but still.
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monk karpin to accept the latin faith, would have fulfilled his promise if he had not
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died suddenly, and that the son is obliged to follow the good example of his father if he wants spiritual salvation and worldly happiness, and well etc. alexander, according to the chronicle, called upon wise people, consulted with them and wrote to the pope: we know the true teachings of the church, but yours is unacceptable and we don’t want to know and similar... there were several attempts, but that doesn’t mean how often we are presented with the idea that alexander nevsky had hostile relations with the vatican, he was a great politician, a great diplomat, and judging by the correspondence, such relations are absolutely correct, let me remind you, many of course do not know this, that in fact alexander nevsky is a saint and for catholic churches. this is a historical podcast russia-west
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on the swing of history. today we are dealing with the figure of alexander nevsky. what religious situation was russia in then? many people don’t know about this either. this means that at this moment the byzantine empire was fragmented after the attacks of the crusaders. that is, there is no patriarch of constantinople. there is a patriarch in nicaea and his legitimacy in general is somewhat questionable there. there is also no kiev metropolitan after the tatar invasion. the new metropolitan of kiev, by the way, on the initiative of the gallite prince, is sent for accordingly, a blessing for their own powers. nicaea just receives them, but he returns to the north-west to alexander, because his own support, the kiev metropolitan, is with alexander, and with the prince, later the grand duke of vladimir, and he acts together with alexander, and alexander in this the moment when there is no patriarch, when the fate of orthodoxy, in general, is doubtful in this situation, he had a way to either
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submit to rome, quite a politically possible advantageous way at that time, or continuation of orthodoxy, and he did.
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he showed very great courage there , the tatars themselves respected him, when he was once in the horde, he was perhaps the only prince who was really received with honor, respected precisely for his courage, but nevertheless he fought all his life just with the horde, unlike alexander
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nevsky, he did not agree with the horde, he fought in history with... if alexander immediately dismissed, even without talking, any cooperation in this sense with the vatican, and daniil galitsky on the contrary, he maneuvered, yes, he maneuvered and that means he was there, he was seduced by the crown, they also promised an army, in the end
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it ended with the fact that neither he fulfilled his promise to... of course, yes, when they talk about - galitsky -volyn principality, but he, of course, is usually not remembered there, and if we talk about alexander yaroslavovich, then, in particular, some historians reproach him for his struggle with his brothers, because his brothers tried to lead the anti-horde movement, they sided with alexander the famous
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nevryuev's army, which in general brought trouble in russia a little less than botyevnoshi, according to one point of view. but alexander’s position can also be understood, because russia then, at least the lands under his control, could not resist the horde, that is, there simply was no strength, this was very clearly shown by batu’s invasion itself. lithuania more or less succeeded, but it also temporarily fell under the power of the horde, and of course there the power of the horde was weaker due to the fact that russia resisted; russia spent a lot of effort. there is also a complex political connection here, which needs to be understood very easily ideologically... and wave in one direction or the other, yes, discarding very important fundamental details, from gorsky’s point of view, alexander’s activities, on the contrary, contributed to the local, somehow limited, yes.
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history, of course, proved that alexander nevsky was right, so... which, from the point of view of many historians , was the key to the independence of the subsequent moscow state, on the other hand, this is really the suppression, the bloody suppression of the anti-ardyn uprisings,
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and this is very difficult to fit into one figure, which, of course, became the banner of the fight against the west at moments of aggravation of relations. the nickname nevsky appears at the end of the 15th century, but along with others, and takes root precisely under ivan the terrible, under whom, in fact. alexander nevsky was canonized in 1547, this was the beginning of the independent reign of ivan iv, he was elevated to the kingdom at that moment, in the context of deteriorating relations with livonia and then the future, of course, livonian war, in which the levonian order would be destroyed. cult of alexander nevsky strengthens during the levon war, he rises to the shield under peter i, of course, it is no coincidence that the alexandra nevsky lavra is named after him, where his relics are transferred. century , relations with the germans are calm, prussia and austria are allies of the russian empire, relations with alexander nevsky are calm, in the church in his
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name, they do not name him in honor, but when the first world war approaches, relations with the germans worsen and during the first world war, alexander nevsky again , the man who fought against the germans is back in the dust, and of course, actualization during the second world war, you mentioned the film at the very beginning, the brilliant film of sergei ezenstein with cherkassov, respectively. in the title role, who, by the way, is actually an actor depicted on the order of alexander nevsky, we don’t know what alexander nevsky looks like, and, accordingly, the main character of isenstein’s film, and is completely a myth from historical truth, especially taking into account the insufficient number of sources in the mass media consciousness to separate, i think, is practically impossible, here the task of the historian is still we will have to figure it out further, but in the mass consciousness alexander nevsky will remain who he is at the moment, i think that this has already taken root, taken root. today we dealt with the figure of the famous grand duke alexander yaroslavovich, alexander nevsky. this was a historical podcast
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russia-west on the swing of history. pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you. study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the website of the first channel hello, dear tv viewers, you are watching the triggers podcast, we are with you, its hosts are psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist and psychotherapist, sergey nasebyan, and today our guest is leonid. hello, leonid, tell us what you came to us with? hello, i have come to see you. with a request, a problem, i have an eldest son, he is 7 years old, so my son doesn’t know that i live with another family, that i have two children,
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twins, he doesn’t know about your other family at all, he doesn’t knows, yes, why, because i'm afraid, well, to hurt him psychological, because i don’t live with him now, i love the child very much, so i’m trying to give him as much as possible everything that is possible, for my part, the younger ones still don’t understand anything, they’re 2 and 2 years old, so they’re still growing, but in the future i i understand that when they grow up, they will have to be friends, communicate and to whom they owe, well, these are brothers, i would like, well , i would like, because if you now claim that they should communicate, then you will cause the maximum trauma to all of them three, well, yes, it would probably be more accurate would be, because as it is customary in our family, so that relatives always communicate, we all always spend a very friendly time there. i don’t know what to do, should i introduce him now or some time later when he has matured, because maybe, well, some kind of
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injury. happen, yes psychologically, can affect the further development of the child, i came to your program with this question, problem, where did you even get the idea that this could cause injury, where did you even get the idea that injuries exist, where did at you have the idea that this trauma can affect his development, well , an adult, when he is growing up, is always influenced by some childhood moments, yes, when there are some injuries, some cases they are there further... in general , they shape him character, shapes his personality, well, i even know from myself that certain moments happened, and they could have had a very strong influence on me, and then in the future, on my relatives, loved ones, that’s who i communicated with , i looked, there was such a moment that really happened, then when it became an adult, because of these moments he behaved completely differently, uh-huh, but what kind of
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trauma do you have, for example, trauma as such, probably, but how did you manage to survive without trauma? well, there are probably all kinds of traumas, but those that influenced me specifically in childhood, then tell me, what kind of trauma did you see in another person? i have a relative, whatever you want, don’t name people, there’s just one guy, he has such and such an injury, that’s why he behaves this way, for example, yes, there was a situation, we were all walking together, and... to the gardening community uh suddenly the police, although we didn’t do anything, the police were behind us, they started driving, we got scared, we ran, we ran, we ran, the two of us were the eldest, i had a relative who was the youngest, and when we realized that they were catching up with him, we stopped, but he was very scared, after that moment he was so very fearful, and even it seems to me that at some moments he was just very cautious,
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afraid of something, that’s it. this is one of the moments that i think had an impact. you said that there were some situations that affected you, well, you don’t see the injury, but some situations, you can define them, situations, if it’s like this right away, i probably can’t, because uh, okay, a story happened, the police were driving after you, you stopped, the guy... got scared, this somehow it affected him, because of this he became withdrawn, i don’t know, fearful, cowardly, well, it doesn’t matter, be careful, careful, okay, but what kind of trauma in the same context as you just described the reasons investigative connection, what kind of trauma are you afraid to inflict on your eldest son, or, in fact, by introducing him to his brothers, well, i left him, abandoned him, i am now with other children, i spend
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time with him, because he is me. loves him very much, that’s how i do, right madly, yeah, but that is, it’s a trauma that he will think that you abandoned him because of these children, yes, i think that maybe it’s great, but now tell me, how do you spend time with him now, i try to pick him up from school, take him to training, he goes to the pool, that is , almost every day, not every day, we live very far away, because my ex-wife. v in a communal apartment, i live closer to the center, yeah, the time there takes about an hour, yes, if it takes me half a day to pick him up, but two or three times a week i go, but at the same time, you took him, took him, you stayed with him, brought him back home, left, yes, and he ’s like, well, let’s just say, that’s what he gets by with, but you don’t take him to your home, you don’t introduce him to the children, you don’t introduce him. with
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your current spouse, assuming that you told everything went well, how his life will change in the context of communication with you, he will spend more or less time with you, he may - in time, most likely will not change, but he may become offended, so he will begin to be offended by me, because he is a very sensitive child, he is very close to everything perceives it to the heart, so i think it can have an effect. that is, when he knows that he has brothers, when he knows that dad has another family, and you won’t take him there on weekends, so to speak, you won’t spend time together with the five of you, i really want to spend, i want to they communicated, i want to spend as much time as possible with him, then it turns out that the amount of your communication will increase, communication will definitely increase, then what is the problem, then there will be a plus rather than a minus, well,
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the problem is still in the former. spouses, let’s talk about this, yes, she is categorically against it, so that the eldest son communicates with the younger ones with his new wife. well then the problem is this, and not the child, and also yes, probably, but what a legend for your eldest son, and how do you explain to him why you are leaving and you don’t live with him, i explain that it’s inconvenient for me to get far to work closer to where i live now, and supposedly there’s not enough space, probably, to live, and his mother supports this legend, you agreed with her that you will be with him so to speak, regarding support, i can’t say for sure, so... this is my legend, what i try to explain to him when he asks, well, i think my mother also most likely supports, but how did you agree with his mother, when you separated, well, we are on good, normal terms, yes, she’s everything like the mother of my child, i try
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to support her there as much as possible, and i treat her very well, this is still not a stranger there, yes, this is the person who is raising my children, my child, so i try to listen to her together. .. solve some issues, how did you agree, what will you say to the child? we didn’t agree on the fact that he wouldn’t communicate, she said: no, you won’t, i don’t want him to be seen communicating with children and, because it could traumatize him, including, yes, but what else, well including she still has a negative relationship, and you broke up a long time ago, broke up, divorced for two years, something like that, but broke up, but broke up for three. yeah, but she has a negative relationship, because as i understand it, perhaps, yes, because i have a new family, and because the relationship with that woman may have arisen when you were still married, yes, that is, with her there is reason to dislike that woman, okay, i
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’ll tell you approximately how the whole story happened in our country, i lived in the north on yamal, that’s where we met my first wife, and we had a long relationship in the sixteenth year, andrei came to us, and after 2 years we moved to moscow, but they were not in a relationship, well, i was not happy, yes, there were relationships, like most families, yes, 80%, probably 90, live and live together, yes, but i needed exactly a person, a partner, with whom i can make some plans, go on developing a lot, a lot together, so... and i , when i had my first child, andrey, yes, for me it was just an unforgettable emotion, i’m straight to the core, this, probably the best moment of my life,
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why? because, well, when i lived before, i didn’t understand what children were, well, children, children, well , it’s necessary, it’s necessary, everyone is at work, it’s time to have children, and you don’t attach much importance to this, but then, when you have... a future spouse, and i saw exactly the person, the spouse of a partner, yes, with whom i can, with whom i want to develop, yes, she thought the same way as me, she also thought like me, yes, she too, these are all the ideas, really, really, well, i guess
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i’ve never fallen in love like that, because there were no matter what kind of relationship there might be, i wouldn’t have left, yes, but here i actually met a person who would radically influence there, well, influence my life, so... against the backdrop of this, my wife and i preliminary, we started for the first time, the question was raised about divorce, they had already filed an application and, more precisely, i was the initiator, then we agreed that we would try to get everything right, but nothing happened, nothing changed, six months passed, so it really bothered me, well question about more children, yes, i really wanted more children. she doesn't i didn’t want children in any way, but at that moment i realized that i need to change my life, i understand that with this person i have the goals that i
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set for myself, what i want, he gives me won’t be able to give, here’s my new wife, with whom i live now, yes, i’ll be happy with her, and besides, she’s... ready to give what i need, yes, ready to give a family, including number of children, against the backdrop of all this, my first wife and i divorced, so i had a new family, and after some time children appeared. you watch the podcast triggers with you, its host tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan , leonid is our guest and we are discussing whether it is worth confessing to the eldest son from his first marriage that he has stepbrothers. what about andrey? you say i wanted new children, i wanted more children, but he? he... i also wanted him to have brothers, to have brothers
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, to communicate with them, i understood that i would be with him, i would help him with him, but well, in fact, at that time , you probably said correctly, there wasn’t yet that kind of understanding, yes, that there are some investigative actions, well, that some depth may follow, that there may actually be a problem and that how this can... her reaction, as if, well, it may be unpleasant for her, but that’s her, how should she
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go to a psychologist, what’s your business, why did it even stop you, what did she say, absolutely not, i’ll lie down in front of the door and won’t allow this, and i also don’t want them to communicate, and with a very serious scandal, yes, well, that’s the point: the scandal was so serious that it traumatized you, and not andrei, including, yes, yes, andrei was four at that time, and somewhere around that, that’s why i say. that you know something about trauma, but how to say, somehow very, well, as it should, in general, superficially, from the point of view of the general formation, occurrence of trauma, and, so to speak, its consequences in the formation of personality, some- then such words, and you seem to have taken it from another person, that it can traumatize, and then you begin to find from your history and your... memory confirmation that this is so, as if
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the parents divorced, it is a fact, the parents do not live together, the fact is that dad has another family, the fact is, how would it be, this fact, it can be both a plus and a minus for andrei, you are not you know how this will happen, no one knows how this will happen, this can be minimized by minimizing the traumatic and dramatic nature of this situation. but this can only be done on the condition that three adults, now viola, you and your first wife, understand that there is nothing more important than mental health in life. at the moment andrey, if three adults take this as a priority, then andrey will not be injured, andrey will only be injured as a result of the conflict between.
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says: i fell in love with another woman, but i respect your mother, she is the best mother in the world, there is no trauma. but when two adults cannot resolve a conflict between themselves, then this conflict splits the child and his consciousness and he will very much need it to somehow digest it and form a shell of it around it. mental psychological defenses, which as a result will become just this on his paternal a... behavior or character, like you, why did i ask you,
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tell me so that i can understand how you imagine this, how trauma works in general , then yes, then he won’t understand how to behave, he will think every time that if someone is there, i don’t know, he calls someone, and they don’t pick up the phone, he will, well, i see , like my dad in childhood went to other brothers, so now that’s it, what if you two, well, three adults at the moment , agree that this child has a mother, a father, and a father’s wife.
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there is a high probability that this is a lie, it will ultimately, well, how can i say, make him weaker for one simple reason, because he will have one reality in his head, another reality in life, the discrepancy between these realities will cause a split personality, i am very much right now i’m speaking harshly in this sense, but that’s how it is, but then yes, then it will be difficult for him, but the truth is just the truth, then the question is, how can you step over the child’s mother. there is no way to overstep, no, well, you must understand that if you cannot agree, then at least one of you must live within the framework of adequately understanding that you, for your part, have certainly done everything you think is right, and being right is just
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true, we need to find it, we need to find words, we need to find time, we need to find the situation, the circumstances under which this is possible and necessary. said, injury, you know, you will have to blame it on another, well, another part of his life, on his mother, so i’m not very i understand why your ex-wife seems to be like this, well, i mean no, of course i understand, but if we are counting on the adequacy of three adults, then of course this must
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be done, and moreover, you know, you convey i just don’t know, maybe we will watch this program in the end and hear us, or maybe you’ll tell her that it doesn’t traumatize the child... the presence of other children with the father traumatizes the child when mom and dad lie, let’s take andrey, yes, after 25 years, he’s already 32, here are two options: andrey has no brothers, and andrey has brothers, believe me, in a normal situation, that everything is in order with you, andrey with brothers will feel much better than andrey without brothers, because if you can build such relationships so that the children love each other, communicate with each other friend, they supported each other there, they really considered themselves brothers. yes, summary, but thousands of examples, millions of examples when this perfectly allowed people to build relationships with each other, but it’s just the situation itself in which you are now you also get tired of her, and, as it were, the only way it turns out is that the person who is now not tired of anything and does not suffer in any way is your
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first wife, that is, it turns out that you took the child and - the two of you, i mean with her, they took the child and brought him. as a sacrifice of her peace, well, excuse me, but really, if we talk here with such a juvenile position, yes, when we stand on the side of the child, why are you both crazy, or something, no peace of an adult is worth the psyche of a child, this first, second, well, yes, there was a divorce, it’s clear that she thinks that you did something bad , that you acted wrongly, and you, probably somewhere, also think that it could have been done differently, that it should have been developed earlier. realize, he will understand, well, 7 years is like the age when, in my opinion, you minimally traumatize him.


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