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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 12, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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and this neighboring intersection became a symbol of all lovers, in fact, from this fantasy of gennady shpalikov, and then the whole picture was born: basai’s girl walks in the rain and holds shoes in her hands, and the guy rides next to her and tries to cover her under an umbrella, everyone is young , happy, filmed 3 days. three different girls
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and two guys, gennady shpalikov himself from the neighboring lawn all this time watches how his poetic image is embodied, talentedly, but also there is no, what is not there, there is no truth in the characters, the scene with the tenter posing as a writer appeared according to requirement the same artistic council, what is your film about? about good people, answered daneli, yes, but that’s not enough, we need conflict, what is the story about? in general about good people, not enough? in general, this whole monologue of basov is a sharp joke, shpalikova and daneli not only to the artistic council, but also to those colleagues who grumbled dissatisfiedly, how pleased they were, they made a thoroughly positive film, and you, as i see it, are a locker, and you are a opportunist, i ’m walking on moscow, this is a miracle, a miracle, like gen shpalikov, the author of the script, has such poems, there are no explanations for the miracle and i can’t stand it, everyone is to blame, everything is himself, everything is himself, yes, i hope so...
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he even sings that verse that for some reason did not fit into the song. moscow, moscow, i love you like a son, like a russian, passionately and tenderly, i love the flow of your cars, and the fresh summer wind. alexey zotov, mikhail kunitsin, ilya marin, pavel riholetov, sergey klishin, channel one. and now a new series of undercover taxi detective is on the air. i repeat,
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stop immediately, control your speed, get close to the other person, stop immediately, the hijacker has turned, is moving north in the direction of knolochenskoye, this is 812, approach by autorony. stop the pursuit, let him go. 8708 completed pursuit. the suspect turned into the parking lot between buildings 9 and 11. 3307 ended the pursuit. i'm on his tail.
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schumacher and the police have arrived. come out slowly with your hands up, there's a dead end on the map, let's go without any unnecessary problems. final warning, come out with your hands up.
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damn. i don’t care about idiots, stand still, idiot, that’s enough, they were taking me, okay, get down, what are you doing, be careful, come back, oh, damn it, schumacher.
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this is it, the object is in place, we are working according to plan. stand, okay, okay, yes, okay,
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everything, well, everything is always with you. nikolai machalkin has been on our register since he was 13 years old, an orphan, he was already prosecuted for theft, but he got caught with a condition, and where did this poor guy get a machine gun from the second world war, and the devil knows, well, lately something rare has started popping up in our area too often weapons, then a walter, then a mosin rifle, then now an mp40, of course we are looking for where, but so far to no avail, interesting. “yes, me too, okay, come on, i’ll go write a report, listen, you can write down my last name, and i’ll fill it out,
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vecheslav mikhailovich, that we lost them, you managed to copy the number, yes, try it, it’s there, but it’s very fake, i don’t think so. why? because he didn’t know that there would be an ambush, which means he didn’t come in a fiery car, in that , which they use for ordinary trips, logically, let's hope, there is, the car is not listed as stolen, the owner is ivan nikifirovich kromov, lives in ioannina, let's go, let's go, and i, and you're on the phone, i want to be with you, i'm also on i want it.
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ivan nikiforich khromov, yes, what’s the matter, i was at work today. there is a large order at the factory, everyone is working one and a half shifts, can anyone confirm that you were there today? anyone, from the director to the workers, fine. “let’s go back to the car, i’ve already explained everything to you twice, it’s okay, explain it again, but i won’t tell you anything new, i sold it at the beginning of summer, why by proxy, and not officially, the buyer asked, charged for it a good amount, but the buyer didn’t explain why, he said he wants to tinker with the design, but why is everyone doing this and nothing, you can see in these photographs identify your buyer?" oh, this one,
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for sure, 100%. a real militant unfolded today on the streets of st. petersburg, where the police were chasing a car thief who first forced the guards into order.
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hello, let's not here, what not here, i asked you don’t highlight our relationship at work, but i came on business, at night, who will believe me, nina, i really came. for work, our guy crashed on the red triangle, i wanted to, i beg you, turbin, go away, why, because our communication with you was a mistake, not for me, good, for me, i i did something wrong, believe me, it will be better this way, for whom, first of all, for you, turbin. are you serious? listen, that’s enough, well, i saw how you, your ex, ran
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towards each other in the car dealership, inna, we were married for 5 years, of course, i ’m worried about her, but how else? listen, trubin, you can deceive yourself as much as you like, you don’t need me, you love her, and she loves you. “sooner or later you will still get together, and i don’t want to be completely wrapped up in you by that time, so thank you for these few weeks, that’s all, i'm absolutely sure. what's this? mole,
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cool! in general, i called you about the turbine, well, i already understood that, our project is important, very important, they are watching it from the very top, even colleagues from the moscow main internal affairs department are interested in our design, well, that’s good, isn’t it, that’s not just good, that’s great, there’s already talk that if our experiment is successful, it could be implemented throughout the country, well, there is...
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but turbin turned out to be not the worst employee, just about, not the worst, but not the best. in general, it will be necessary follow him in action. i understand you want to give him a partner. yes, okay , sorry, i didn’t understand you, i want you to travel with him yourself over the next week, which means markin still doesn’t call his son, no, for now, you think you’ve figured it out, maybe what’s wrong with the car, how is her dodge, dodge duran, how
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to evaporate, yur, yes, and the cameras, there are a thousand cameras in the city, did they also evaporate? yes, and they left with the courtyards, where are the cameras from, that is , i have nothing to report to the authorities, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let there be something to report, we have so many clues, aunt mishanya, markin’s son , wife, his mother is sick, maybe he ’ll decide to visit her, durang’s daughter will surface sooner or later, what will she shoot then, the question is when, yes, you can interrogate, okay, so... at yourself came, can speak, but is very weak, they allowed 10 minutes, let's go, let's move on, yesterday on the territory of the garden on january 9, an unknown person in a clown costume tried to kidnap a child, the child screamed, adults came running to help, the clown managed to escape, similar cases occurred throughout
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the city throughout last week in builders' park, in the firemen's hero park and... in the end, if anyone has any ideas on how to catch him, i'm listening, or maybe call the circus first, maybe call your mother or the director with the diary send, i'm sorry. a small announcement, throughout this week, if you have any questions, please contact the deputy company commander. if there is really something complicated and urgent, then i will be available on the radio call sign 812. and then they forced
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me to get out of the car. hit me in the head, and you lost consciousness, right? yes, i came to my senses when they slammed the trunk lid, i couldn’t even move, my head was splitting badly, and i heard conversations in the cabin, partially, i was afraid of the face of one of them, his face was wrapped either in a scarf or a handkerchief , and how... he got into the car, this piece fell off his head, i think that ’s when they decided to get rid of me, and you heard it, yes, they first said that they needed to dump me in my old place, in the old place, yes, that's exactly what they said, and then someone called, the one they
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were talking to, he told them that they couldn’t go to the old place, that there were cops everywhere. “sorry, then they went to their place, so who called, you don’t know, no, but the one they were talking to, they somehow addressed him, either, mishunya, mishanya, yes, exactly, mishanya, central , right in front of me a girl is running, naked,
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of involvement in a gang, who suspects? vasetski, well, this is some kind of nonsense, but you said, let’s go to your place, what does that mean, one said that we were coming to me, how long did they take you, well, anyway roughly, it seems to me that there is a mine somewhere? 25, well, for about half an hour, apparently they were taking me somewhere outside the city, because there was no noise from the city. only the noise of the highway, 3:19, curiosity is burning, how are you doing, you took
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action, you took it, and why is it so gloomy, and it turned out to be not a girl. 8:12 decembrist park, a man in a clown costume is seen. 8:12 received, estimated time 2 minutes, press,
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quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what are they, quiet, quiet, calm.
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what about all the garbage that is listening to me now, i don’t understand you, everything is fine, i’ll call you next week, ok, bye dad, i love you very much, creature! listen, can we sit in the car? i try not to eat this in the car. why? if you
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don't mind the interior, does that mean you love your car? i love you, my comrade, then take your mind if you love. when will these emergencies stop? after all, the osb just checked you, just now. and now you have a corpse again. the boy crashed into pieces. i barely fought back, now imagine what an idiot i look when i come to report to the authorities, one of them fell, they hit themselves, can you imagine? no with in terms of detection, everything is excellent, but these constant problems, the bosses have already asked me this question for the second time,
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because they will fire him to hell, so think, alexey, think, otherwise you will be left without a car. or you can without work, i understand, i understand, 8:12, reception, central 8:12, kirovsky lane, the alarm went off, the private security team left, but judging by the information you are nearby, the central received, dictate the exact address, kirovsky lane , house 18, three-story office building in the courtyard.
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go there and have a look.
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the boosts have disappeared, so shall we go and meet them somewhere unknown? oh, look, apparently they hit me when they handed me back, what do you think it is? rear turn signal reflector cover, what kind of car do you know? izh 2715, also called a pie. well done, how do you know, i love cars, we'll go , we'll report to the dispatcher, stand, hands, knees, quiet, quiet, guys, ours, the police, next time you ask me why i'm so nervous, the last time markin called his son was not according to the program, but via regular cellular
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communication. the call was made from an unregistered sim card, after the conversation the sim card stopped showing signs of life, it’s like he’s mocking, yeah, i ’m telling you for sure, there’s someone in his organs, absolutely one hundred percent, you think it’s a turbine, well, you do don’t think so, let’s exclude the turbine from the list of suspects, but if later it turns out that it’s him, you’ll be responsible... you’ll be responsible for this, and you’ve only had conversations with him, you can imagine what consequences this will have for you , well, let's choose, let's leave it for now, well, let's leave it,
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i'll go. the best of all, the new season, on sunday, the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running , shining and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring. we are coming
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as messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. why are you looking at me like that? have you just eaten? hello! hello! what are you doing here? did it come to you in bones? it is forbidden? botonchek! you are my good one! how i miss you! are you okay? yes, i noted
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i see. and what did you celebrate? the next stage of mo. life, come here, why, well, go, i need to tell you something, speak from there, i can’t, it’s a secret, in your ear, please, well, go, please, what kind of secret is this?
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sit here i'll be right back okay i'm coming now i'll come now.
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quiet, quiet.
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good morning, good morning, the coffee smells so delicious. you will, uh-huh, but you will have breakfast, i will have breakfast, great, are you having problems with your wife? no, it's okay, or no, there's something i can do to help, hmm.
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and you’re probably after olenka, she’s been here for a long time, since yesterday, and you know, i think i was drunk, i almost fell. lyosh, thank you for yesterday, well, for what, well, for the fact that we had nothing, we weren’t expecting repin’s painting, and you ’ve been having tea here for a long time, but no, just... you’ll have breakfast with us, and not this is what you did, lyosh, we'll probably go, let
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's go, zhenya, how do you even live in this parents' shack, what did you say, zhenya, what did you say, what did you say, creature, stop it, don't you understand? she’s provoking you, as she said then, let’s go home.
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woman, why are you walking here? please, quickly, there is no need to walk here, why are you standing here, you know how to read the inscription, please move away, woman, where are you going, please move away, all citizens behind the fence, everyone, urgent evacuation, major shabarkin, pps regiment, what is the situation, but nothing is clear yet, an explosion in the house for an unknown reason, the owner of the house was blown to pieces, the house, you can see for yourself in what condition, when walking around the territory,
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you will die now, you won’t wait, then let’s go there, it will be safe there, let’s , let’s get through everything, petrovich finished the game from he's an old fool, and i told him, yes, you're playing around, yes, he found himself an adventure for the fifth point, he's an old drunk, and where did he get them, but i met him when he was driving a bomb, drunk, to the drobodan, i look, and bombs, like in a movie about a war, i say, okay, where did you get this from? he says how much did he give me, what kind of ring is this, and this
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strange guy who rented a house from a person and disappeared 2 days ago, oh, i need to tell all this to the police, oh, i’m afraid they won’t hear from me later they'll leave you alone, how are you feeling, it sucks, i'll ask anyway a few questions, come on, so yesterday we settled on the fact that someone called a criminal, and after that one of them said that you can’t be taken to your old place, you have to go to him, well then come to me, he said, so, yes, so, they drove you for about 30 minutes, it seems to me that somewhere like this, well, i told you that i don’t have anything like that, i just rented out a room and a car to kolya, he put up a shed, and why
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are you a citizen alarming- then they didn’t pick it up when your iron disappeared, after all, several days have passed, they should have called us, it’s so young, it’s gone tenant, i rent a room to him, his name is kolya machalkin, and i’m like his mother or something, and then he often disappeared for 2 days, he came with such sunken eyes, barely alive, and what else can you say about the road, please try to remember, this important... the noise in the city is completely different, i understand. and then what? then they turned onto some
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road, it was very bumpy, well, further, further, i remembered, after this bumpy road there was a crossing, a railway crossing, you are confident, yes, i am sure, you have the keys, no, this... he hung it himself, well, you have to break it, break it, wait, break. wow, there are keys, no, mochalkin
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didn’t have them with him either, he’s already. two sentences for selling weapons ammunition, by the way, the second time the weapon was rare, that is , it was your thief mochalkin, he was driving a car from an arms dealer, in the car he found three artillery shells, one german barrel, then he was afraid to melt the car because he realized who he was he stole it, well done,
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you figure it out quickly, in any case, thanks for the help, install the outdoor lights, why, well, if the owner comes for the car, he will probably have it. the weapon was turbines, why are you chasing turbines, mochalkin crashed, we found the car, took out the ammunition, why should marcinko come here, put it on the wheel, please, you're stubborn, okay, i'll put trubin in tomorrow, my last name is turbin, that's what i said, hello, the bandits called a taxi here, they got into the car the two of them at once, then they turned right towards the mentors, and then... they stood somewhere here under the bridge, pulled red out, turned him off , put him in the trunk, and then went to some old place, what is this old place? i think we can start from the fact that it is somewhere in the area rzhevka porokhovs, and based on what
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the taxi driver krasnov told us, this could be an industrial zone, which is located in the area of ​​​​the street of advanced workers, too many of them connect with this place, of course, fingers. into the sky, well, let's say, slow down, what happened, slow down, let's go back, hedgehog 27:15, pie, so, when... they were driving along the front line, they got a call, they got out of the car, changed the numbers and decided to go to to one of our own, where? so, they first turned several times, then drove onto the highway, after 20 minutes they drove onto a bumpy road, a couple of minutes later there was a railway
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crossing. in any case, from here in 5 minutes you can only get to this route, but in this area it is somewhat railway. well, apparently we’ll get our bearings on the spot. we’ll still take margaral, but my friend, somehow it will happen so that all the neighbors will see the guard, so that the safes will be brought, so that we
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have the order on our hands, but no, we’ll hide it here, take the money and dump it. crowbar to the ground, hands behind your head, cut out the singer, eh! against crowbar, there is no technique. teach the turbine while i'm alive, ahead of the source,
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then there are two options, straight or to the right, not, if to the right, we’ll go back to the city, krasnov was sure that they left the city, that means straight, well, i understand you, i understand, yes, leave now, that’s it, come on, lieutenant, let’s go, alexey what happened just now? 02 lyudmila mikheeva’s neighbors called, they said that two suspicious men had entered her property, now there were screams coming from there, and all sorts of strange noises, who was mikheeva, well, the landlady with whom your thief lived, understood, well, there’s a new exit ahead to the right , and i know this place, it’s zanevka, a country road leads directly to the village, and there is a railway crossing there. well, let's check it out. everything seems to fit our criteria, let's check.
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speak up, fool, where are the weapons from my car, from the car that found you in the barn, i don’t know, it’s kolya’s bastard, he’s damned, let me go, save me! okay, if you don’t want it to be good, it will be bad, now you tell me everything, police, weapons on the floor, hands on
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your head, put the weapons away, he said, don’t come, i’ll cut her, weapons on the floor! come on, be careful! run, lie down, lie down, come on, major, come on, i told you to put the handle on, well, excuse the turbine, check everything, again! “oh, it hurts so bad, i even forgot how painful it is, and in general, i’m too
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old for this crap, they just spent a couple of days with me and started talking to me like a hero from an american action movie, vyacheslav mikhailovich, it seems to me that we’re there, why?" “ you feel what a road, potholes, potholes, half of the country is full of potholes and potholes, here is the railway crossing, and the crossing is next to the exit.
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vyacheslav mikhailovich, i see, yura, we are getting out of the car, yours on the left, inna, don’t lean out, police, got out of... the car, turn off the engine, hands on the hood, yura,
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the need to evacuate has been announced, those of them, take them seriously, if you evacuate immediately. be healthy, take care of yourself, our good morning begins, it traditionally begins with a warm-up. good morning, in order for the child to be slim and athletic, parents need to lie on the sofa less. let's set a good example for the children. this will probably form a good habit for life. place a small object on your side, a notebook or book will do. or a soft toy, we jump from one side to the other, we move without stopping, the knees should not be straight, we land with slightly bent legs, we absorb the shock load on the spine, at first we are not in a hurry,
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when... we adapt, we speed up the pace and try to jump higher, not let’s stop, the exercise is very invigorating, by the way, you need to do it strictly, jumping with a full belly is harmful, have a nice day everyone, key to the start, cosmonautics day is today, on this day exactly 61 years ago, at 9:7 moscow time.
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laughed and said, yes, i’ve never heard anything like that before. he called us all into space, neil armstrong, the one who first stepped on the moon, would later say. sergei samburov has had a dream about flying since that day. when yuri alekseevich himself personally came to his grandmother, tseolkovsky’s daughter. since then, this has been a tradition for all astronauts. and he patted me on the head and said: “oh, boy, come and join us astronauts.” well, i started studying well. they didn’t take me on flights, but sergei nikolaevich has been with rsc energia for more than half a century. on april 12, sixty- first, the whole world had a dream, it became feasible. dmitry kuzmin, sergey morin, andrey aksenov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. the dacha season is rapidly approaching us; we need to prepare to meet it, it’s true, including the need to get in the right shape, it’s just like that, as the story will show us now, there’s a dacha ahead, and
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we’re unaccustomed to physical work, i suggest together to prepare the joints and spine for the upcoming loads, let's start with the diet, leaning on foods rich in calcium. choose what you like best: cheese, cottage cheese, canned sardines, beans. sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds, parsley and dill. they also have a lot of calcium. we also eat beef jellied meat more often. it contains the protein collagen, which makes our joints more mobile. brazil nuts will also help us. a couple of pieces a day is enough to replenish. selenium deficiency, and i also have a personal secret recipe: pour a tablespoon of rose hips into a liter of hot boiled water, add a teaspoon
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of crushed burdock and chaga roots, filter after 15 minutes, drink half a glass of infusion twice a day. rosehip promotes collagen production. burdock root enhances the synthesis of intra-articular fluid, chaga prevents the destruction of lumbar tissue. what else? if you have had joint injuries before, or sometimes your lower back hurts, rub the problem areas with camphor oil. and, of course, we do gymnastics every day. rotate your pelvis, shoulders, elbows, better. warm-up is the best way to prepare your body for the upcoming physical activity, stay healthy. the flood in russia remains
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the number one topic: the most severe flood in the last 100 years, the most difficult situation in orenburg region, as well as in kurgan and tyumen regions. in total, there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone. dear tv viewers, please watch carefully. messages from emergency services, take them seriously, if the need for evacuation is announced, evacuate immediately, right now the news is on channel one, hello, the news is on the air in the studio sergei tugushev, negotiations between vladimir putin and the president of belarus alexander lukashenko continued in the kremlin until late in the evening, meeting.
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which have nothing to do with reality. ukrainians on social networks urge their compatriots to fear not russian high-precision strikes, but the consequences of the work of ukrainian air defense deployed in residential areas in violation of international norms.
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this was stated by the postpreneur of russia at a meeting of the security council on the humanitarian situation in ukraine. the diplomat also pointed out numerous violations of the rights of ukrainian men of military age during their forced mobilization and terrorist methods of kiev. bewilderment already very soon, the only topic for any international meetings on ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the kiev regime, i advise you all to prepare for this in advance. the latest data on the progress of the air defense system , the crews of the santsipok heavy flamethrower systems destroyed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction. the militants suffered significant losses of personnel and equipment. and now our motorized rifle and tank units will be able to more actively push the enemy in this sector. front, and
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russian pilots worked effectively near donetsk. the strike air group hit a strong point and concentrations of enemy infantry. the flights were carried out by k-52, transport and combat mi-35m and multi-purpose mi-8 helicopters. terrorist attacks were prevented in moscow and donetsk; the criminals who were preparing the attack were detained by fsb officers. footage of operational shooting in the report by anna prokofieva. fsb special forces are preparing for a special operation. in a few seconds the suspects will already be lying face down on the floor, on their knees, on their knees, on their knees, i say, lie down, hands, in the operational footage the moment of the detention of six militants from central asia, who they were preparing a terrorist attack on a military facility in donetsk. single file, on the way out, who else is in the apartment? on april 11 , 2024, the federal security services suppressed the activities of a terrorist cell consisting of six citizens of one of the states. central
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asia, whose members planned to commit a terrorist act against a russian armed forces facility stationed in the city of donetsk. two ready-to-use improvised explosive devices and hand grenades were seized from the detainees. according to operational data, the activities of the criminal group were supervised by ukrainian territory. after committing a crime in russia, the militants planned to travel to turkey and from there cross over to ukraine. and this is footage from operational shooting in moscow. according to the fsb, a man from central asia was planning to commit a terrorist attack in one of the moscow synagogues. the suspect offered armed resistance and was eliminated. the foreigner made preparations to commit a terrorist act, carried out reconnaissance of the area surrounded by one of the synagogues in moscow, and also acquired components for making a homemade explosive devices. a ready-to-use explosive device and other explosives were found in the apartment where they lived.
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suspect. according to intelligence services, while serving a prison sentence in his homeland, the man joined an international terrorist organization banned in russia. after his release in november 2023, he entered russian territory and settled in moscow, where he began preparing a terrorist attack. recently, this is the second terrorist attack in moscow synagogues that has been prevented. on march 7, fsb special forces liquidated members velayat kharasan group banned in russia (isis cells in afghanistan), which were planning. using firearms . anna prokofieva, sergei komensky, channel one. the scale of the flood in orenburg is growing, almost 800 more household plots and more than 200 houses are flooded. a new maximum level of the ural river has been recorded, almost 11 m. experts say that the flood will reach peak values ​​in the near future, and then everything will decline. vorsky - this point has already been passed, the water has begun to recede, and 200 buildings have been cleared of it. river level there near. people began to return to their homes,
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rescuers are helping them, they are delivering food, bottled water, and basic necessities. meanwhile, in the kurgan region, water in the tabol river continues to flow, but not as quickly as in previous days. the peak of flooding in the mound itself is predicted for the end of the week. in the city, embankment dams are being strengthened and their height is being increased. the program will continue to air on channel one. good morning. our good and cheerful morning continues, it's time to stop by. on the internet, yes, yes, another portion of funny funny yegor uspensky prepared videos for all of us. we miss the cats, here they are, or rather he is king, or in our opinion, the king. he lives in one of the chinese gyms. king became famous for giving visitors a paw every morning, and in such a fashionable way. the video featuring king has already been liked by 7 million users, and this is just the beginning. well, the heroine of our next one. a video addict
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named martha from thailand, she is very well-mannered, smart, and look how hard-working she is, she goes to the market for groceries herself, according to the owners, martha never comes true from a given route, doesn’t eat or forget anything along the way, can you imagine how clever it is, a kinggaroo got into the habit of visiting the residents of the australian town of ventvor, the marsupial like a proprietor enters the house, goes to the kitchen and inspects whether everything is in order there, after which he goes into the yard to play: with a cat, according to tradition, users suggested that this is how kinguru joins the team of this australian family. well , finally, about the panda katyusha from the moscow zoo, she once again touched her fans. katyusha stole mom's lunch she ran away with him, well, the child has every right, it is unknown how this funny scene ended, but the video is wonderful and it seems to me that it allowed everyone to smile in the morning.
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now many people are going to work, their pets stay at home and wait for their owners all day, they are very bored, so in the evening, when the owners cross the threshold, the four-legged joy knows no bounds. dogs jump, play, and lick, and greet in their dog language, and very loudly, and of course, you can understand, but still agree, when all this happens, well, you already at this moment you are ready for this, that is , you have already undressed, taken off your shoes, sat on the sofa, and generally wait, yes, asya titova will tell you how to combine it all, when you come home, the dog should not throw itself on your neck and knock you off your feet with joy , you need to undress, put... brusya is very happy, jumps, wags her tail and measures, of course, not when her owners return home,
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she knows when we somehow try to push her away, somehow stop her, she starts doing the opposite warm up more and even more. jump in, this is all in a new cycle. it looks cute, but such stormy meetings are not good for the dog’s psyche, says dog handler valeria popova. if the dog shows too much emotion when we return to him, this means that his anxiety will be higher when he is left without us. it happens that when you come and the dog suddenly becomes overexcited, he even becomes incontinent. we will teach brusya to greet his family calmly. sit, we sit the dog, then our task is to teach it to sit as long as we need, we sit it and give it a few pieces until until they said the word everything, which means you no longer need to maintain this position, this is an exercise of endurance, a few repetitions and brusya understood what
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they wanted from her, smart girl, we complicate it, move away from her, clap our hands, jump, in general, we provoke as much as we can. brusya is flint, she stayed in place, we praise him, yes, well done, we move on, we ask elisha to leave the house for a few minutes and come back, but what about brusya, she’s lying calmly, it’s clear that she was tired and we didn’t have to wait long for elisha, but nevertheless this is an excellent result. and another very important rule: you yourself do not provoke the dog, for example, you don’t need to baby him ahead of time; if you are
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calm, then the dog will understand much faster what they want from him. you've probably heard about it: lavender raf, a delicate coffee drink with a floral aroma; it's not available in all coffee shops, but we'll prepare it at home. i mix dried lavender flowers with sugar, they are sold in tea departments, grind the buds into powder, pour in the flower. mixture into hot milk, whisk, mm, what a delicate aroma, so that the drink turned out not only tasty, but beautiful, i tinted it lavender, that is, a light purple color. it's very simple. i add blue red
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dye drop by drop to the jug and stir. i pour the milk into a glass and pour strong coffee on top. like this. a thin stream to one point, look, there is a stain left, i’ll show you how to hide it: i cover the drink with a spoon along the edge of the stain, sprinkle the flowers like this in an arc, lavender has a bright taste, beautiful texture and exquisite aroma, that’s why the coffee turns out special. so, april 12, astronautics, what are we talking about? congratulations to all of us, and of course, special congratulations to those whose lives are connected with space, who construct, create, design space technology, those who fly into space, all this...
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“i can already do everything, make repairs, and fix the toilet, replace the battery on the car, nothing is impossible. besides, the husband is an astronaut - this means that when the whole family has a strict schedule, alexandra and sergei even had to arrange the wedding around work. sergei returned from dubbing from baikanur on the twelfth, and on the thirteenth we got married , a after dubbing there is a vacation, we went on a honeymoon, we really wanted to combine this with '. the first month and the only opportunity was april 13 after cosmonautics day, and the wives of astronauts like to joke that they always know where their husband is with whom, and he will never return home suddenly, but he can call, and this is very important, but i didn’t understand, that it was also hard, i didn’t say, but then i realized i started supporting the second flight, well, i’ll say that i call home from space almost every day, albeit very be for a short time. an astronaut to have the courage for two to persevere for everyone, when a son, husband, dad, astronaut - it’s always about
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a friendly family and powerful support. elizaveta inkishova, anastasia zavidova, evgenia futerman, sergei morin, sergei falendysh, channel one. exactly 63 years ago, on april 12 , 1961, yuri gagarin stepped into outer space, and all of humanity stepped there with him, just as the countdown to the new space age began. today, space is already a part of the life of each of us, everyone has a navigator in their smartphone, this is the most important thing there is space technology, without them modern television is impossible, by the way, well, in general, you can’t list everything, but it will be even cooler, one might say, without false pathos, our prospects are simply cosmic, in the literal, figurative sense. there is a launch of the launch vehicle engine, a new breakthrough in domestic cosmonautics, the launch of the angara launch vehicle again, with its help they will be launched. new manned spacecraft, satellites. and these are unique shots. satellite marathon of the
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sfera project. it will be launched into space this year 750 km from the ground for super-fast internet. there are plans for 264 such devices and this is just the beginning. there will be other satellites for digital internet broadcasting to provide the arctic with internet. in general, total coverage. well, there’s a lot of space, just more than everything, not just more space. much more, but how do you like this new manned spacecraft , which is very roomy? if we are progressing in delivering cargo to the russian segment of about 2.5 tons, then ptk will ensure the delivery of cargo of about 5 tons, it will be the only one both as a truck and as a transportation, delivery of the crew to the descent orbit, and the reusable return vehicle can be used up to ten times, and it will dock to the russian orbital station. by the way, it is already being designed. this is what the first module looks like. now work on the cladding. the station is unique,
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for the first time in the world in polar orbit, from it our entire planet will be visible, from pole to pole. and what’s more, look, it looks like a big construction set, any module can be replaced and as many modules can be attached to it as needed, and this means the station can live indefinitely, but what about deep space, we are preparing, here, for example, they are making a new launch vehicle soyuz 5, the payload capacity is one and a half times higher than its predecessors, it can launch more spacecraft or a heavier spacecraft is capable of all kinds of orbits participate in projects to explore the planets of the solar system, as well as the moon. yes, yes, interplanetary flights are not science fiction. the russian academy of sciences is conducting a real isolation experiment. they built a station the crew stays there for 365 days. everything is for real. we are laying this scientific foundation for further flights into deep space. for example, we are developing some
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innovations in the medical care system. we do not have such a position as a doctor on the iss. crew, in this experiment, for example, and we can conduct this study and say: yes, a doctor is needed or a doctor is not needed. behind the scenes, a large staff of doctors, psychologists, physiologists, and immunologists are monitoring non-stop. the crew goes to the surface of the moon, into this module, the only one where there is access from the outside while no one is there. they perform a field test, physical exercises, and then move on to two stands that simulate being on the moon in lunar conditions, they deweight a person to 1/6 of his usual weight, and we, as scientists, look at how their physiology responds, and this immediate plans, so no matter how close we are to space, this seems to be just the beginning. anastasia soveleva, vasily valetov, channel one. we can talk a lot about how space technologies enter our lives, they make it more comfortable, how they push
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science forward, help us understand the universe, all this is true, but there is more. one very important thing, space is a dream, guys, it’s true, and the dream of many boys and girls, i’m sure, for some of them it will definitely become a reality. we spent several weeks constructing a rocket out of cardboard, figured everything out, but it fell apart during takeoff. did the engine break somewhere? you say it was an unsuccessful launch, but the young engineers of the st. petersburg modeling rocket club are delighted, which means there is something modify. the engine must be made so that it does not fly out, because here... it went through the rocket and just knocked out the head optic. these boys have been thinking differently since childhood and will find a way out of any situation. our main goal is to teach children to solve problems using engineering methods. not all of them will become space engineers, but they will learn to solve everyday problems using engineering methods. all inventors started with this. young sergei korolev also experimented with small rockets and was not afraid to make mistakes,
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like these guys from the sverdlovsk region, curiosity reigns even at competitions. not competition, i glued the tail brace incorrectly, it should be like this, what is it, yes, now we’ll find out, it’s twisted, but that ’s also good, there’s no bad result here, move away, i say, in the end, if it explodes, it won’t take off, first of all , won’t take off, it ’s interesting, how the rocket will remain intact, explode, so we’ll applaud, it’s interesting, where else can you blow something up, it’s not allowed at home, it’s not allowed in kindergarten, it’s not allowed at school, here you can blow it up, but you can’t launch it. it’s cool, really, but the child understands whether it’s his or not, and moves on; in the kursk student design bureau , high school students are already creating real spacecraft that are launched into the troposphere and stratosphere. the teacher himself dreamed of being an astronaut since childhood. already in the tenth grade we made our own unhod. it was the same size, it was not a model, but it was a working model, it was on wheels,
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it transmitted, a transmitter was installed in it. and then we made another control panel. functional. now they teach young people. guys they solder microcircuits, create a housing on a 3d printer, and program them. the crew of thirteen-year-old roman globov from lugansk is also preparing for the start. their rocket is designed to study the atmosphere. became interesting. for example, where the importance will be high, near the ground or about 100 m, at 200, at 350. and then according to our command, to which we will directly give the command to the motor. our parachute will open. and this rocket will go smoothly. stingrays, when they become students, the rockets will be more serious, and the flights will be higher, perhaps next time these shots will be filmed their spacecraft. sergey abramov sotnik, marina guseinova, channel one. the flood in russia continues, it is already being called the strongest flood in the last 100 years. there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone, the situation is difficult in the orenburg region, in
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the kurgan and tyumen regions, but in the orenburg region the most difficult. it comes to the aid of those who find themselves in the flood zone. an enterprise from yekaterinburg sends water by truck to orsk, free of charge. we hope that our help will be available; volunteers will also deliver it. now people in orsk are in trouble
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happened, so we help. we, we, we are close, as they say. help for the victims is being collected all over the country, collection points are open in bashkiria, yakutia, udmurtia, no one is calling anyone. everyone comes on their own, bringing things, water, that’s what the victims need right now. first of all. this means household chemicals, disinfectants, baby food, hypoallergenic baby food is required, but essential medicines are needed, anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a need for chargers, because people are very many people were in a hurry to get ready, besides, bed linen, underwear, socks, new ones, from time to time there are not enough beds, folding beds, in the future heat guns will be needed to dry the houses, the casting can be given to volunteers. our help is needed, so yesterday
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i handed over humanitarian aid, today i also bought some and brought it in addition, while the water is coming to the mound itself, the city is preparing, this is how they strengthened the dam near the kirov bridge, all together, then people pass by and say: we can do something... then help, that's it, shovel in hand forward to the general business, but... gin first channel. once again we would like to remind you
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that there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone, so please be vigilant. dear tv viewers, carefully follow the messages of emergency services; you cannot ignore them. if the need to evacuate is announced, evacuate immediately, take care of yourself and your loved ones. please look and listen to what the elder will tell you now. if you live in a flood zone, i recommend preparing an emergency supply in advance, which should include a flashlight and batteries, it’s better to have canned food with a ring so you can open the jar with your hands, bread, cookies, chocolate, put three large garbage bags into each other, put it all inside, also put pyrochin. or a knife in a case. we need another container with a lid for food products; in case of a flood, we will pack documents in it. we may also
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need a large piece of polyethylene, in case we have to sit on the roof in the rain, we wrap a blanket in it. and you definitely need to have a coil of thick rope. she will help out if you need to wait out the night on the roof. tie yourself, for example, to a pipe. with this one. you can take a nap with insurance, now we’ll make a rope ladder, after about 20 cm we tie knots on the rope, we do this several times so that they are about the size of a tangerine, we leave one end without clamps, the simplest ladder is ready, when the water comes up quickly, evacuate to approaching rescuers have to directly from the roof, in this case the ladder... guides you: now we tie the bag, it should always be at hand, at a critical moment these things can help you a lot. our good morning
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continues, prizes for winning sports competitions are not only cups and medals. as honorary trophies, the winners sometimes get to take away rather strange objects with them. materials from maria rumyantseva. every athlete dreams of lifting a prize over his head for winning a competition. and it doesn’t really matter what kind of trophy it is. sometimes the organizers of competitions show remarkable imagination when deciding how to reward the winner, what is it worth at least a lobster, an honorary prize that he gives. at the stage of the nascar racing series in the american town of loudoun, after the award ceremony, it is prepared to treat the winning team, and the driver who finished first takes the remaining lobster shell as a souvenir. one of the most outlandish sports invented by the british is cheese racing. at a signal, participants rush down a steep slope, struggling to stay on their feet. the winner's reward is that same head of cheese,
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it weighs almost four. in switzerland they prefer not to throw away cheese, but at a tennis tournament in the city of gstatt, the legendary roger federer received a cow as a gift. the main prize of these competitions also deserves special mention; it is a weighty piece of granite, into which a decoration in the form of a sword is inserted. at one time , russian tennis player mikhail youzhny also lifted this heavy trophy over his head. a similar award exists in cycling. participants of the famous the paris roubaix race, which has been held in france since the end of the 19th century, a significant part of the distance is more than 50 km, driving on large paving stones. this is not an easy test, because on such a route there is an extremely high risk of puncturing a tire or breaking the bike. the rider who comes to the finish line first receives this cobblestone, without exaggeration, one of the most prestigious prizes in the world of cycling. surfing also likes to present unusual trophies. for example,
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the winners of the american tournament. brass bell and rings it at the awards ceremony. friday morning continues, right now we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of the first channel. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. stay with us. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. negotiations between vladimir putin and president of belarus alexander lukashenko continued for almost 4 hours. the meeting took place in the kremlin and ended late in the evening. the main topic of the open part was the situation around ukraine. as russian leaders noted, the opposite side painted itself into a corner by refusing to
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negotiate. and now. got into enough difficult situation, the expectation of defeating russia on the battlefield and inflicting a strategic defeat on it did not materialize, while moscow emphasized that vladimir putin was always ready to conduct a constructive dialogue, but based on reality. the head of state called a certain conference in switzerland, where russia is not invited, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without it, a panopticon. vladimir putin also recalled one of the goals of the northern military district, the demilitarization of ukraine, and explained why russia switched to tactics.
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energy supply to social institutions, hospitals and so on, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities we were forced to respond, first of all, we proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry, the defense industrial complex of ukraine, and directly. in addition to the news of the special operation in the zaporozhye region, our military destroyed three observation posts of ukrainian formations, 15 militants were eliminated. they were struck by mortar crews using coordinates transmitted by drone operators. our soldiers also successfully worked in conjunction with drone crews in the area the village of chasovyar. there , an arena relay was discovered that ensured the operation of enemy aircraft. he was on a cell tower. a precise shot from the fagod anti-tank missile system destroyed the target. and in the area bordering the belgogorod region on the territory of ukraine, our military managed
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to disrupt the rotation of enemy forces. the militants suffered heavy losses; in addition, the stock of ammunition that was being transported to the forward positions of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. in donetsk , fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack on a military facility, six people from central asia were detained. here are operational shots. on your knees, on your knees, on your knees, i say, lie down. two improvised explosive devices, ready for use, and hand grenades were seized from the detainees. operational data on the activities of the criminal group were supervised from ukrainian territory. after committing a crime in russia, the militants planned to travel to turkey and from there cross over to ukraine. another terrorist attack succeeded. prevented in moscow; according to the fsb, it was planned to be carried out in one from moscow synagogues, a suspected man from central asia put up armed resistance and was liquidated. later, a ready-to -use explosive device and other
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explosives were found in his apartment. the scale of the flood in orenburg is growing, almost 800 more household plots and more than 200 houses are flooded, a new maximum level of the ural river has been recorded, almost 11 m. they are delivering food, bottled water, and essentials. according to preliminary estimates by the regional authorities, damage from the flood exceeds 40 billion rubles. about half of the houses in the flood zone.
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that's all for now, stay with us! good morning, dear friends, thank you for celebrating the new day with us on channel one, let us remind you that today is friday, april 12, polina svetkova and roman budnikov are with you, today is still cosmonautics day, exactly 63 years ago, a sensation spread all over the earth, man in space. yes, gagarin's, let's go! opened the way to the stars for humanity, and we are getting closer to them every year, space is nearby, it’s easy to make sure, just come to the russia exhibition at vdnkh. exhibition russia, question for children, what will you become when you grow up?
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astronauts, they are very brave, it’s cool in space, to see the moon, yes, it’s very beautiful there, to look at this majestic beauty of the universe, how to pass the selection and become an astronaut, detailed instructions. denis prudnik, an aerospace engineer and former cosmonaut training specialist, shared. cosmonauts are aspirations, cosmonauts are hard work, there are certain sacrifices, there are business trips and so on, they must be prepared for this. i hope that one of today’s listeners will be an astronaut and we will see them in orbit. more than twenty regions have prepared a space program to cover everything for the excursion. if you look up, you will see the international space station, but smaller. 400 times a new route in space, the program even goes a little beyond the scope of vdnkh, it starts from the house of the korolev museum, after 75 pavilion the cosmonautics and aviation pavilion will take about 4 hours, the flight is normal. when we we’re starting to dive into the history of astronautics,
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we don’t want to look away anymore, these stories that excite, you can’t tell about space in short, it’s so vast here. one of the stops is a real space capsule, get your nose dirty with soot and your wish come true. such a tradition, it’s important, we still have to dig to find it, almost all of it has been used, i have a lot of desires, for everything to come true, for my child to go where he wants, finally, and i want the sun to shine, let’s once again, yes, to make sure it comes true, interactives are all about space, take off on a rocket, visit the iss, or maybe work the ground and give a command from the mission control center, even a flash mob ... already in space, and also lectures and master classes on how to master the galaxy, is it possible to count the stars, how soon let's start traveling to other planets, all the answers are in a game format. at the stand of the samara region there is a quiz about the secrets of space. learning about the world around us. in
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the saratov region, a lesson about the first flight into space. they discuss and create, it’s better remembered. we make a portrait of yuli gagarin based on contours. weddings at the exhibition already as usual, but today the astronauts will congratulate the newlyweds. in our pavilion , four couples from space regions will sign for space. and in the evening there is a procession. meet at 17:00 at the main arch. i'm going to school soon, but before that i need to tone myself up, everyone together.
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margarita kuznetsova, master of sports in street lifting, will join us in this. good morning, in order for the child to be slim and athletic, parents need to lie on the sofa less. let's set a good example for the children. this will probably form a good habit for life. place it on the side small from myself. object: a notebook, a book or a soft toy will do: we jump from one side to the other, we move without stopping, the knees should not be straight, we land with slightly bent legs, we absorb the shock load on the spine, at first we do not rush, when we adapt, we speed up. and we try to jump higher,
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we don’t stop, the exercise is very invigorating, by the way, you need to do it strictly, jumping with a full belly is harmful, have a nice day everyone, we remind you that today is friday, april 12, the most cosmic day of the year, cosmonautics day, congratulations to everyone again, and if you want to contact... then listen to our astrological forecast. april 12 is the fifth lunar day, 24 sunny, cheerful, nimble, businesslike, skillfully plans his affairs, if you have accumulated any deficiencies over the week, he will help you get rid of them. he is also very sociable, easily makes new acquaintances, loves to attend all sorts of events, visit guests, and, in a word , hang out. however, this day is also very good for business contacts. and also. thin connoisseur of beauty, cons, as often
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happens, continuation of the pros, he fusses a lot, loves to be the center of attention, does not tolerate loneliness well, easily spends money on all sorts of beautiful things, on such days, let’s say, we often forget some lessons, in as a result, we fall into the old rake. aries, you heard this, and don’t be shy, if anything, ask for help or advice from experienced people, otherwise the day is good, and for those who need to speak in front of the public, advertise something... present yourself in a favorable light, just great. taurus can to upset someone’s actions, here the stars urge you not to rush to conclusions, perhaps you misunderstood something, and do not promise something that you are not firmly sure of, well, if you promised, keep your word. gemini has a good day for business meetings, meetings and negotiations, but a romantic date may not work out or disappoint and be careful with fragile items, expect guests in the evening. cancers take risks. into some kind of dispute or conflict? needless to say, this is of no
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use to you at all? otherwise, everything should work out. they can small money will come in, however, it will most likely go away immediately. leos can repay a debt or provide a reciprocal favor, there will be a chance to move things forward, get stuck in things, improve something, speed it up, and even make some dreams come true. just be more careful while driving. virgos are faced with chores around the house, possibly expenses, it looks like something seasonal like clothes. or shoes, there will be an opportunity to agree on something with someone, and this is also a wonderful day to improve your personal life. libra has a smooth friday, there is truth there’s a risk of miscalculating, but you’re just not lazy , double-check everything, everything will be fine, free yourself for the evening, it looks like he ’s preparing a get-together for you in pleasant company. scorpios may learn something that will change their plans for the evening, or maybe for a longer period of time, some will think about changing jobs, think about it. never harmful, but with actual steps , wait a little and be careful when working
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with power tools. sagittarius will have some serious conversation, it is possible that it will be about money, stars. hint if boil, nothing good will come of it, about pleasant things, the opposite sex is not indifferent to you today. capricorns can also feel an interest in their person, it is not surprising that today they are generally in the center of attention, literally attracting glances, this day will also help improve relationships with relatives, yours or your significant other, the evening may invite you somewhere. aquarians have a rather calm day, when everything somehow goes well and rolls as if on rails, the main thing is not to make some... stupid mistake, especially when when working with capricious equipment and all sorts of electronic gadgets, take care of your stomach and liver. it’s just a nice day for pisces, when you can get some kind of profit or benefit from everything, however, not everything in this life is measured by benefit, but then figure out for yourself what is more important to you, the stars will not advise anything, well, good luck to you all, for
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those who have a sedentary job, doctors recommend taking breaks and doing a warm-up, and having a good walk after work. sit a lot on the computer on the sofa and no sports, sooner or later back pain will come, doctors say for prevention, massage rolls and swords help, but which ones? let's talk to chiropractor evgeniy speridonov, for starters with rolls, hard with a silvery surface. for advanced beginners, muscle spasms will not be easy to remove; if the roll is very hard or has a small diameter, the pain will be quite noticeable, a little discomfort will be felt; optimally, if the roll is smooth and soft or of medium hardness, when performing exercises there is less pain, the diameter
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of the roll is also important , 15 cm, good, easier to roll out, ride a couple of times along the thoracic spine, not the lumbar spine, now... about the length of the roll, universal 45 cm, you can take it on a trip and easily work out everything connected with the back, the same calves, hips, you will notice that you bend over more easily , it will be easier for you to be on your feet for a long time, a lot of time behind the wheel, at the computer, in the infraspinatus muscle, excess tone, hence the tension in the neck, this is where massage swords, exercises from the wall, a hand on the shoulder, the middle finger, and the hands fall just on this infraspinatus muscle. the optimal ball size is not more tennis. you can relax the muscle in about a minute and a half. if the ball is too big - all five. and all these massagers will help if your overall health is in order, otherwise you can do harm. for serious illnesses, it is better to first consult a doctor.
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evgeny pilikov, dmitry roshkov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. let us remind you that the calendar shows april 12, 2024. by the way, this is important. definitely something important, excuse me, where is everyone standing? hello, how about something to eat, the food here is very tasty and inexpensive, perhaps we ’ll stand and at the same time find out how people react to wait, when i became a student, we stood in line at the historical library for about an hour, probably these are some pleasant memories or rather negative ones? these are rather pleasant, because there
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was so much to talk about that you didn’t have time to meet, here’s a living example, i met my future wife in the queue. canteen, i work at a company, lunch time starts at 12, and as a rule, whoever can leave there before five, the hungry ones, i’m one of them, some girl ran in, i looked at him, so fragile, i think, well , let me go ahead, now they stand in lines together and don’t let anyone else in, recently we went to the moscow zoo to look at the country’s first giant panda cub, katyusha, she was born last year, but only recently moved into the enclosure, there are hundreds of people wanting to meet each other; after 15 minutes in line, we only made it halfway. but we found out that most often people react calmly to waiting, but only on condition that it brings them positive emotions. i was on an attraction and that’s why they remained so cool impressions, not only from the fact that i rode this slide, but also that i waited for that very moment. one of the biggest queues was in march for the
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spring rehearsal exhibition to see 3,000 tulips bloom, the wait was 2 hours. where else were you standing in line? and... last time, to the russia exhibition, exhibitions, art objects, this is why we are ready to stand for hours even in the cold, and also for new impressions, for bananas for 2 rubles. and there was such a queue, we stood in line, stood properly, but we there were probably two bananas left there, for each little banana, at least there were tasty bananas, the bananas were green, and there are also negative aspects, and the worst thing is what a line in the metro, uh-huh, and the clinic is terrible, now let’s figure out what it depends on this difference is perception, most often those queues that you are not prepared for are annoying, and if you psychologically went to buy sausages... there is a very long queue in the store, of course, you will be annoyed, but if you are ready for the fact that you will have to stand , you will stand and wait
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in anticipation, again this marketing trigger tool is playing, so we fell for it, 30 minutes in line flew by, let's go, it's time to find out what's inside, maria kuskova, nikita kulakov, rastislav kolesnikov, yulia bykova, first channel, for cosmonautics day on the first. i've been on nerves all day, we've been worried all day, hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition, call, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew.
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tomorrow on the first. well, i'm different, different. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists of russia. he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and i am very much. for a long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me, but how the relationship developed in the family of evgeniy steblov himself, i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i took her arm and hissed me like an electric shock, our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk at the solovetsky monastery. what did you bring him? loyalty to the end of life, why it was not possible to avoid tragedy, all this is god’s providence, as god wills, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry
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borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? rum, do you like turnip salads? i can’t even say, just cut everything like this. first of all, she very tasty, secondly, healthy, now it’s even in trend, one might say. in general, by the way, they’ve been forgotten for a while. a little about turnips, but in vain, in vain, because turnips are healthy, tasty, and easy to cook, potatoes were not always the queen of the fields, before peter the great brought them to russia, turnips reigned in the country’s vegetable gardens, they made porridge from them , they cooked soups from it, steamed it, fried it, in general, they made a lot of dishes from it, including salads. our ancestors knew that there is nothing simpler and cheaper than steamed turnips. all you had to do was cut the fruit, put it in a pot and put it in the oven, but turnips are healthy, rich in calcium, there is less starch and calories in them than in potatoes, and
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they taste like turnips, only sweeter, and turnips are also aromatic, so i even had them in my underground, all the same, oh, the magical aroma remains, so fragrant, i really want it, oh, just a fairy tale, crimean natalya paller has loved this since childhood. from the cabbage family , she prepares her granddaughters herself for their favorite root vegetable , the girls especially love turnip chips, they crunch like potatoes, and there are more benefits, turnips are cut into slices and sent to the oven, timed for 20-25 minutes and ours will be ready, today they will try to make soup from turnips, to it natalya adds greens, peppers, onions, potatoes and carrots, chops them, and then boils them over medium heat and always adds a pinch ... the main crimean secret is to add a few sprigs of rosemary. puree, an ordinary vegetable soup,
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is transformed using a blender. what will tasters say? the soup tasted like cauliflower and potatoes, but at the same time you could also smell carrots, it was very tasty and even healthy. anastasia aabaeva from yekaterinburg loves to organize bachelorette parties with songs accompanied by a guitar. the main treat is a sweet turnip and pineapple pie. the dough is shortbread, the dough must be placed in the mold in such a way that small sides are formed, while the filling cannot leak out. anastasia cuts the turnips for the filling into cubes. and the pineapple pieces must be drained of the syrup so that it does not soak the dough. anastasia lays out turnips, then pineapple. the cream filling completes everything, the future pie is sent to oven, 50 minutes the pie is ready, you can set the table. natalya kravchenko, victoria dinova, anna gazhala, channel one. so, april 12 is cosmonautics day, on which we
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congratulate all of us and, of course, special congratulations to those whose... your son is enrolled in the cosmonaut corps, the ship, what are you doing? dmitry petelin prepared in secret, the training lasted six months, it was not easy, but he achieved his goal. parents keep all the newspapers and magazines with articles about him, their son’s favorite books and even the school button accordion; it’s not easy to be the mother and father of an astronaut. especially it’s scary when this hot ball flies, and it flies for about 10 minutes, probably
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2.0°, this ball, imagine, 2.0. that you can’t be with your spouse before the start, yes, that you accompany him to baikanur all the time. then farewell through the glass, there are also such instructions on a business trip not to tell my husband bad news, to support him when he calls, vera recalls, at first the calls from the iss were a shock. all these calls from space, when you are standing in a store and your spouse just calls you, sometimes you want
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to say, but this is not just a call, i am from space is calling. and the wives of astronauts also have a sign: as soon as the husband flies away, everything in the house breaks down. alexander and the wife of sergei ryazansky, the first cosmonaut scientist, finds advantages in this: i can already do everything, make repairs, fix the toilet, replace the battery on the car, nothing is impossible. in addition, the husband is an astronaut - this means that the whole family has a strict schedule, alexandra and sergei even had to adjust their wedding to work. sergei returned from dubbing from baikanur on the twelfth, and on the thirteenth we got married. a after dubbing there is a vacation, we went on a honeymoon, we really wanted to combine this with a honeymoon and the only opportunity was april 13 after the cosmonautics day, and also the wives of astronauts like to joke that they always know where the husband is with whom, but he never will return home suddenly, but he can call, and this is very important, i didn’t understand that this was also difficult,
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i didn’t say it, but then i realized i started supporting him, the second one... well, i’ll say that i called home from space almost every day , albeit for a very short time, to be the wife of an astronaut, to have courage for two and perseverance for everyone, when a son, husband, dad, astronaut - it’s always about a friendly family and powerful support. elizaveta inkishova, anastasia zavidova, evgenia futerman, sergei morin, sergei falendysh, channel one. our good cheerful morning continues, it's time to look on the internet. yes, yes, another portion of funny funny videos. yegor uspensky prepared for all of us, we missed the cats, here they are, or rather he is king, or in our opinion the king, he lives in one of the chinese gyms, king became famous for the fact that he gives every morning visitors a paw, and it’s so fashionable, the video with king’s participation has already been liked by 7 million users, and this is just the beginning, but the heroine of our next video is a monkey
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named martha from thailand, she is very well-mannered. she’s smart, and look how hardworking she is, she goes to the market to buy groceries herself, according to the owners, martha never strays from her given route, doesn’t eat or forget anything along the way, can you imagine how smart she is, visiting the residents of the australian town of ventwork i started visiting the kangaroos, the marsupials are bossy enters the house, goes to the kitchen and checks whether everything is in order there, after which he goes into the yard to play with the cat, according to tradition, users assumed that this is how hakenguru in... well, finally, about the panda katyusha from the moscow zoo, she once again touched her fans, katyusha stole her mother’s lunch and ran away with it, what a child. has every right to know how this funny scene ended, but the video is wonderful and i think it made everyone smile in the morning.
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flood in russia remains topic number one, the strongest flood in the last 100 years, the most difficult situation in the orenburg region, as well as in the kurgan and tyumen regions, in total there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone. dear tv viewers, please. carefully monitor all messages from emergency services, take them seriously, if the need to evacuate is announced, evacuate immediately, the news is on channel one right now. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. negotiations between vladimir putin and the president continued in the kremlin until late in the evening belarus by alexander lukashenko. the meeting lasted almost 4 hours, and the main topic of the open part was the situation around ukraine, as the russian leader noted, the opposite side drove itself into a corner by refusing negotiations, and now found itself in a rather difficult situation, while moscow,
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vladimir putin emphasized, has always ready to enter into a constructive dialogue, but based on the realities of the resolution, the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not invited there, moreover, they believe that we there... there is nothing to do, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there, this is already some kind of ponopticon, they say that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but once again i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing in common here. ukrainians on social networks urge their compatriots not to fear russian precision strikes, but the consequences of their work ukrainian air defense deployed in residential areas in violation of international standards. this was stated by russia's envoy to the un at a
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security council meeting on the humanitarian situation in ukraine. the diplomat also pointed out numerous violations of the rights of ukrainian men of military age during their forced mobilization and the terrorist methods of the kiev regime, which speaks of ogoni. in the kupinsky direction, the militants suffered significant losses of personnel and equipment, and now our motorized rifle and tank units will be able to be more active push through the enemy on this sector of the front. and
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russian pilots worked effectively near donetsk. the strike air group hit a strong point and a concentration of enemy infantry. the flight was carried out by k-52 helicopters , transport and combat mi-35m and multi-purpose mi-8. in moscow and donetsk prevented. on the way out, who else is in the apartment? on april 11, 2024, the federal security service suppressed the activities of a terrorist cell consisting of six citizens of one of the central asian states, whose members
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were planning to commit a terrorist act in relation to a facility of the russian armed forces stationed in the city of donetsk. two improvised explosive devices ready for use were seized from the detainees. and hand grenades. according to operational data, the activities of the criminal group were supervised from ukrainian territory. after committing a crime in russia, the militants planned to travel to turkey and from there cross over to ukraine. and this is footage from operational shooting in moscow. according to the fsb , a central asian man was planning to commit a terrorist attack in one of the moscow synagogues. the suspect was armed resistance and was eliminated. the foreigner made preparations to commit a terrorist act and conducted reconnaissance of the surrounding area. one of the synagogues in moscow, and also purchased components for making an improvised explosive device. ready-to-use explosive devices and other explosives were found in the apartment where he lived... according
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to intelligence services, while serving a prison sentence in his homeland, the man joined an international terrorist organization banned in russia. upon release in november 2023 year, he entered russian territory and settled in moscow, where he began preparing a terrorist attack. recently, this is the second terrorist attack in moscow synagogues that has been prevented. on march 7 , fsb special forces eliminated members of the velayat kharasan group banned in russia (isis cells in afghanistan), who were planning an attack. using firearms. anna prokofieva, sergei kamensky, channel one. in the kurgan region, water continues to flow in the tobol river, but not as quickly as in previous days. the peak of the flood kurgan is forecast for the end of the week. in the city, embankment dams are being strengthened and their height is being increased. the flood waters are not receding in the orenburg region; almost 800 more household plots and more than 200 houses are flooded there. a new maximum level of the ural river has been recorded, almost 11 m. experts say the flood
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will reach peak values ​​in the near future, and then everything will decline. in orsk, this point has already been passed, the water began to recede, 2.0 buildings were freed from it, the river level there is about 8.5 m, people began to return home, rescuers provide assistance to them, they deliver food, bottled water, and basic necessities. the program, good morning, will continue to air on channel one. the dacha resident is approaching us with swift steps. season , we need to prepare for the meeting with him, this is true, including the need to get into the right shape, it’s like this, as the plot will now show us, there is a dacha ahead, and we are unaccustomed to physical work, i propose that together we prepare the joints of the spine for the upcoming loads, let's start with the diet, leaning on foods rich in calcium, choose what you like best, cheese, canned sardines,
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beans, sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds, parsley and dill, they also have a lot of calcium, we also eat beef jellied meat more often, it contains the protein collagen, which makes our joints more mobile. brazil nuts will also help us, a couple of them a day is enough to compensate for the selenium deficiency. and i also have one. personal secret recipe: pour a tablespoon of rose hips into a liter of hot boiled water, add a teaspoon of chopped burdock root and chaga, after 15 strain for minutes, drink half a glass of the infusion twice a day, rosehip promotes the production of collagen, burdock root enhances the synthesis of well... joint fluid, chaga
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prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue. what else? if you have had joint injuries before, or sometimes your lower back hurts, rub the problem areas with camphor oil. and of course, we do gymnastics every day. we rotate the pelvis, shoulders, elbows, and wrist joints. warm-up is a way to prepare the body for upcoming physical activity. be healthy. now many people are going to work, their pets stay at home and wait for their owners all day. and they miss you very much. therefore , in the evening, when the owners cross the threshold, the four-legged joy knows no bounds. the dogs jump, play, and lick and greet in their dog language, and very loudly. and of course, one can understand, but still agree.
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when you come home, the dog should not throw himself on your neck and knock you off your feet with joy, you need to undress, put your things away, a well-mannered dog lies calmly waiting for the time to hug, well done, hello dogs, this is... perfect option, but more often, of course, it happens differently. brusya is very happy when her owners return home, she jumps, wags her tail and , of course, does not know how to stop. when we somehow try to push her away, uh, somehow stop her, on the contrary, she begins to warm up more and bite and jump even more, and this is all in a new cycle. it looks cute, but such stormy meetings are not good for the dog’s psyche, says kino. if the dog shows too much
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emotion when we return to him, this means that his anxiety will be above, when she is left without us, it happens that... when you come and the dog suddenly gets overexcited, she even becomes incontinent. we will teach brusya to greet his family calmly, sit, and sit the dog. our next task is to teach her to sit as long as we need. we sat her down and gave her a few pieces until we said the word everything, which means we no longer need to maintain this position. this is an endurance exercise, a few repetitions and brusya understood what they wanted from her. smart girl. complicate it, move away from it, we clap our hands, jump, in general, we provoke as best we can. the timber, the flint, remained in place, we praise it. yes, well done, let's move on, we ask elisha to leave the house for
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a few minutes and come back. what about grusya? he lies calmly. it is clear that she was tired, and she did not have to wait long for elisha. this is an excellent result. now we will gradually increase the time intervals, so brusya will learn to greet you calmly. a few days later, elisha sent us a video, for example, of how his dad now comes home. and another very important rule, you yourself do not provoke the dog, for example, do not baby him ahead of time. if you are calm, the dog will be much faster. will understand what they want from her. you've probably heard about it, lavender raff, a delicate coffee drink with a floral aroma. not
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all coffee shops have it, but we will prepare it at home. i mix dried lavender flowers with sugar. they are sold in tea shops. departments, i grind the buds into powder, pour the flower mixture into hot milk, whisk, mm, what a delicate aroma, so that the drink turns out not only tasty, but beautiful, i’ll tint it lavender, that is, a light purple color, it’s very simple: i add a drop of blue red dye to the jug. i mix it, pour the milk into a glass, pour strong coffee on top, like this in a thin stream at one point, look, there’s a stain left, i’ll show you how to hide it, i cover the drink with a spoon along the edge
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of the stain, i pour the flowers like this in an arc, lavender has a bright taste, beautiful texture, and exquisite aroma, which is why the coffee turns out special. hair dye. it turns out that there is a super-dangerous paint examination and much more another important and interesting thing in the program is to live healthy. today is the first one. gin. snop stellar group product, monte shocha cognac, stellar group product, rom castro, stellar group product, vodka, veta, stellar
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group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, chanson - this is not just for you. that's how they need to deal with it. it was so festive and i wanted to go out dancing, but i couldn’t, i was attached to it. well, i would also like to say that even in such a company , anyone’s potential would open up.
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wears on us, he wears boots on jealously, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. the key is to start, today is cosmonautics day. on this day, exactly 61 years ago, at 9:7 moscow time, the vostok-1 spacecraft launched from the baikan cosmodrome. yuri gagarin became the first man on earth to conquer outer space. from this day forward, we all live in the space age. this is now known in 18 minutes of flight, gagarin risked 12 times. 12 emergency situations, each of which could end... in the death of an astronaut, and equipment literally a decade after the end
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the second world war, it was done in such a way that everything went perfectly. leonid aleksandrovich kitaev smyk was responsible for training the first group of cosmonauts, he is 92, but on april 12 , 1961 he remembers in detail, my boss andrei mikhailovich kalachkov comes running, absolutely even, absolutely calm always, suddenly he doesn’t look like a person, shouts: gagarin has flown, i have soul. it was calm, since it took off, it didn’t burn out, it was an amazing day. after 2 days, the first cosmonaut was greeted by all of moscow. leninsky prospekt, full of people, homemade posters, some chants, there was a feeling of some kind of second victory. this joy captured the entire planet, 6 days of rest and a grand tour. there are 29 countries in sixty-one and two alone. gagarin in quimano, gagarin among the pyramids, in cuba there is barely a limousine. does not sink after a tropical downpour, i had to carry a needle and thread with me, the jacket’s buttons were torn off for souvenirs. the
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british authorities did not plan the meeting in advance; the astronaut was invited by trade unions. we found out that gagarin is a metallurgist, that gagarin once received this in lyubertsy, which means this this is the profession of a molder-foundry worker. and then a decision is made at the level of the prime minister and the queen of the party to accept gagarin. the queen even changed the protocol, thinking that... it is possible to give a dinner in honor of an unearthly person, jazz began to sound again in the ussr, czech musicians wrote their hit in an hour and a half after the historical message of tas, and this is 63, natalya erofeeva - the same girl in the photo, read gagarin a clean sheet. i was sitting on the moon, peeling potatoes, and a loon flew in and started playing the accordion. lady, you are mine! “i love gagarin, and another one, german titov.” well, yuri alekseevich laughed and
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said: “yes, i’ve never heard that before.” he called us all into space, neil armstrong, the one who first stepped on the moon, would later say. sergei samburov has had a dream of flying since the day when yuri alekseevich himself personally came to his grandmother, tsalkovsky’s daughter, and since then it has been a tradition for all cosmonauts. and he patted me on the head and said: oh boy, come to us astronauts, well, he began to study well, they didn’t take him on flights, but sergei nikolaevich has been at rsc energia for more than half a century, on april 12, sixty-first, the whole world had a dream; it became realizable. dmitry kuzmin, sergey morin, andrey aksenov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. exactly 63 years ago, on april 12, 1961, yuri gagarin stepped into outer space , and all of humanity stepped there with him. started. the countdown to the new space age has just begun, and today space is already a part of the life of each of us, everyone
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has a navigator in their smartphone, this is the most important thing in space technology, modern television is impossible without them, by the way, well, in general, you can’t list everything, but it will be even cooler, one might say, without false pathos, our prospects are simply cosmic in a literal figurative sense. a new breakthrough in domestic astronautics. from the angara a5 launch vehicle, with its help they will launch new manned spacecraft, satellite spacecraft, and this is unique footage, the marathon satellite of the sfera project, already this year it will be launched into space 750 km from the earth for super-fast internet, there are plans for 264 of them device, and this is just the beginning, there will be other satellites for digital internet broadcasting providing the arctic with internet, in general total coverage, but there is a lot of space. just more than absolutely, the place is not just bigger, much bigger, but how do you like this new manned
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spacecraft is very roomy. if we are progressing in delivering cargo to the russian segment of about 2.5 tons, then the ptk will ensure the delivery of cargo of about 5 tons, it will be the only one, both as a truck and as for transportation, delivery of the crew into orbit, from launch, and the return vehicle is reusable , can be used up to ten. a it will dock to the russian orbital station, by the way, it is already being designed, this is what the first module looks like, work is currently underway on the skin, the station is unique, for the first time in the world in polar orbit, from it you will... be able to see our entire planet, from pole to pole , and that’s one more thing, look, it looks like a big construction set, any module can be replaced and as many modules can be docked to it as needed, which means the station can live indefinitely, but what about deep space, we’re getting ready, here for example making a new soyuz-5 launch vehicle, the carrying capacity is
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one and a half times higher than its predecessors, it can launch more spacecraft or a heavier spacecraft into possible orbits and is capable of participating in projects to explore the planets of the solar system, as well as the moon. yes, yes, interplanetary flights are not science fiction. the russian academy of sciences is conducting a real isolation experiment. they built the station, the crew stays there for 365 days, everything is for real. we are laying this scientific foundation for further flights into deep space. for example, we are developing some innovations to the system. qing support, we on the iss do not have such a position as a crew doctor, in this experiment, for example, but we can conduct this study and say: yes, a doctor is needed or a doctor is not needed. behind the scenes, a large staff of doctors, psychologists, physiologists and immunologists monitors non-stop. the crew goes to the surface of the moon, into this module, the only one where there is access
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from the outside, while no one is there. they do a field test, physical exercises, and then move on to... very important, space is a dream, guys, this is all this is really true, but there is one more truth, and the dream of many boys and girls, i’m sure for some of them it will definitely become a reality, they spent several weeks constructing a rocket out of cardboard, calculated everything, but during takeoff it fell apart, the engine was punctured , you say, an unsuccessful launch,
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and the young engineers of the st. petersburg rocket modeling club are delighted, which means there is something to be improved, the engine should be made so that it does not fly out, because here it passed through the rocket and just knocked out the nose fairing. these boys have been thinking differently since childhood and will find a way out of any situation. our main goal is to teach children to solve problems using engineering methods. not all of them will become space engineers, but they will learn to solve everyday problems using engineering methods. all inventors started with this. young sergei korolev also experimented with small rockets and was not afraid to make mistakes, just like these guys from sverdlov. region, even at competitions, curiosity reigns, not competition. i glued the host incorrectly feasting, it should be like this, what is it, yes, now we’ll find out, it’s twisted, but that’s also good, there’s no bad result here, step back, i say, into everything, if it explodes and doesn’t take off, firstly, it won’t take off, that’s interesting , the
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whole rocket will remain intact, it will explode, so we will applaud, this is interesting, where else can you blow up something at home, it’s not allowed, what? you can’t do it in kindergarten, you can’t do it at school, here you can blow things up, launch them, and that’s cool, really, but the child understands whether it’s his or not, he moves on, in the kursk student design bureau, high school students are already create real spacecraft that are launched into the troposphere and stratosphere; the teacher himself dreamed of being an astronaut since childhood. already in the tenth grade we made our own lunar rover, it was the same size, it was not a model, but it was a working model, it was on wheels, it transmitted a transmitter, it was... placed in it, then we also made a control panel remote. now they teach young people, the guys solder microcircuits, create a case on a 3d printer, program, the crew of thirteen-year-old roman globov from lugansk is also preparing for launch, their rocket was created to study the atmosphere. it became interesting, for example, where the importance will be higher, near the ground or about 100 m, at 200, at 350, then
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according to our command, which we will directly approach. the flood in russia continues, it is already being called the strongest flood in the last 100 years. there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone, the situation is difficult in the orenburg region, in the kurgan and tyumen regions, but in orenbursk. rescuers and volunteers come to the aid of those caught in the flood zone. volunteers come to help from various regions of our country.
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as if i can’t stay in the country, enterprises are joining in, water is sent by truck from yekaterinburg to orsk, free of charge, we hope that our help will be in the state, volunteers also deliver it, now people in orsk are in trouble, so we are helping, we we we nearby, as they say, help for the victims is being collected all over the country, collection points are open in bashkiria, yakutia, udmurtia, no one calls anyone, everyone comes on their own, bringing things. water that's what the victims need it now: first of all, these are household chemicals, disinfectants, they need baby food, hypoallergenic baby food, and
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they need essential medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a need for chargers, because a lot of people were in a hurry to get ready, besides bed linen, underwear, new socks, periodically there are not enough beds, folding beds, in the future we will need thermal ones. shovel in hand forward to the common cause, at night the ministry of emergency situations arrived here, they continued this work, well, today we continue it again, there are no indifferent people,
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we devoted all our capacities to the production of drinking water, we shipped about one and a half tons of clean drinking water to the volunteers of the city of kurgan. we remind you once again that in flood zones it is better to drink bottled, clean, purchased water. if your home is in a risk zone, evacuate immediately and prepare essentials in advance. elizabeth. once again we would like to remind you that there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone, so please be vigilant, dear tv viewers, carefully follow the messages of emergency services, you cannot ignore them, if the need for evacuation is announced, evacuate immediately, take care of yourself and your loved ones, please watch and listen to what the senior rescuer of the water rescue society of the ministry of emergency situations, osmandi, will now tell. if you live in a flood zone, i recommend preparing an emergency supply in advance, what should be in it: a flashlight and batteries for it, canned food preferably with a ring so that you can
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open the jar with your hands, bread, cookies, chocolate, stack three large ones in each other garbage bag, we put it all inside, we also put a pyrochin or knife in a case, we need another... one container with a lid for food products, in which, in case of a flood, we will pack documents. we may also need a large piece of polyethylene in case we have to sit on the roof in the rain. we wrap a blanket in it. and you definitely need to have a coil of thick rope. she will help out if you need to wait out the night on the roof. tie yourself, for example, to a pipe. with this insurance you can take a nap. and now. let's make a rope ladder, after about 20 cm we tie knots on the rope, do this several times so that they are
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about the size of a tangerine, leave one end without clamps, the simplest ladder is ready. when the water comes up quickly, you have to evacuate to the approaching rescuers directly from the roof, in which case the ladder will help you out. now we link the package, it should always be there. at hand, in a critical moment, these things can help you a lot. next up is the newscast. stay with us. hello, at on air news in the studio sergei tugushev. negotiations between vladimir putin and president of belarus alexander lukashenko continued for almost 4 hours. the meeting took place in the kremlin and ended late in the evening. the main topic of the open part was the situation around ukraine. as the russian leader noted, the opposite side painted itself into a corner
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by refusing to negotiate. i found myself in a rather difficult situation. the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield and inflicting a strategic defeat on it did not materialize. at the same time, moscow, vladimir putin emphasized, was always ready conduct a constructive dialogue, but based on reality. the head of state called a certain conference in switzerland, where russia is not invited, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without it, a panopticon. vladimir putin also recalled one of the goals of the northern military district, the demilitarization of ukraine, and explained why. russia has switched to the tactics of withdrawing and building ukrainian energy facilities. in the energy sector, unfortunately, we have seen a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently, and we were forced to respond. i want to emphasize even on the basis of humanitarian considerations, we did not launch any attacks in the winter,
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meaning that we did not want to. to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, we were forced to respond, first of all, we proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry and the military-industrial complex of ukraine, and directly. in addition to the news of the special operation in the zaporozhye region, our military destroyed three observation posts of ukrainian formations. 15 militants. strikes at them mortar crews applied the coordinates transmitted by drone operators. our soldiers also successfully worked in conjunction with drone crews in the area of ​​the village of chasovyar. a relay was discovered there that ensured the operation of enemy aircraft. he was on a cell tower . an accurate shot from the fagot anti-tank missile system destroyed the target. and in
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the area bordering the belgogorod region on the territory of ukraine, ours. the military managed to disrupt the rotation of enemy forces, the militants suffered heavy losses, in addition, the stock of ammunition that was being transported to the forward positions in the ssu was destroyed. in donetsk , fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack on a military facility, and six people from central asia were detained. here are the operational shots . they were confiscated from the detainees. improvised explosive devices, ready to use and hand grenades. according to operational data, the activities of the criminal group were supervised from ukrainian territory. after committing the crime in russia, the militants planned to travel to turkey and from there cross over to ukraine. another terrorist attack succeeded prevent in moscow. according to the fsb, it was planned to commit it to one of the moscow synagogues; the suspect was a man from central asia. when detained, he offered armed resistance and was liquidated. later,
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the finished product was found in his apartment. use of explosive devices and other explosives . in orenburg, a new maximum level of the ural river of more than 11 m was recorded. it is expected that the flood will reach peak values ​​today, and by the beginning of next week everything will begin to decline. in orsk, this point has already been passed, the water began to recede, from it 2,000 buildings were vacated. the river level there is about 8.5 m. people began to return to their homes. rescuers assist them and deliver the product. and bottled water are essential items. according to preliminary estimates by the regional authorities, damage from the flood exceeds 40 billion rubles. about half of the houses in the flood zone cannot be restored. owners will receive certificates for the purchase of new housing. meanwhile, in the kurgan region from the amur region, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 water dumps, they are strengthening embankment structures increase their height. the level of the tabol river continues to rise, but
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not as fast as in... the following days. the peak of flooding in kurgan itself is predicted for the end of the week. a flight that marked a new era in human history. exactly 63 years ago, yuri gagarin was the first to conquer space. on the vostok spacecraft, he reached near-winter orbit and made an orbit around our planet. it was 108 minutes that changed the world. april 12 is not only cosmonautics day in russia - it is the international day of human space flight. one of the first congratulations, of course, on the iss. industry. throughout the country today there are thematic lessons, excursions, and exhibitions. in the capital, on the site of the sun of moscow ferris wheel , paintings with augmented reality will be shown. light show and master classes will be held. an image of yuri gagarin
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and his famous let's go appeared on the stankinsky television tower. similar. today postcards will be broadcast by television towers in many russian cities, for example, in sochinsk. and on channel one tomorrow , space saturday will feature films and a program about the conquest of space. viewers will see broadcast of the launch and landing of the film crew of the film challenge, the world's first film shot in orbit. and a little later, the documentary "a star named gagarin". that's all for now, stay with us. good morning, dear friends, thank you for celebrating the new day with us on channel one. let us remind you that today is friday, april 12, polina tsvitkova and roman budnikov are with you. today is still cosmonautics day, exactly 63 years ago it flew around the entire earth. man in space, yes, gagarinskaya let's go, she opened the way to the stars for humanity, and we every year it gets closer and closer, space is nearby, it’s easy to see this, just come to the russia exhibition at vdnkh,
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the russia exhibition, a question for the children, what will you become when you grow up, an astronaut, they are very brave, it’s cool in space, to see the moon, yes, it’s very beautiful there, looking at this majestic beauty of the universe. denis prudnik, an aerospace engineer and former cosmonaut training specialist, shared detailed instructions on how to pass the selection process and become an astronaut. cosmonauts are aspiration, cosmonauts are hard work, they are certain sacrifices, business trips and so on, they must be prepared for this. i hope that some of today’s listeners will be astronauts and we will see them in orbit. more than twenty regions have prepared a space program to cover everything for the excursion. if you look up, you will see.
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space capsule, stain your nose with soot and your wish will come true, such a tradition, it’s important to dig, you still have to find, almost everything has been used, you have many wishes, for everything to come true for me, for my child to go where he wants, finally, and i want , so that the sun shines, let's do it again, yes, so that it definitely comes true, the interactives are all about space, taking off on a rocket, visiting the iss, or maybe working on the ground and giving a command from... the mission control center, even the flash mob is also in space, and more lectures and master classes on how to master the galaxy, is it possible to count the stars, how soon will we start traveling to other planets, all the answers in a game format,
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at the stand of the samara region there is a quiz about the secrets of space, we teach the world around us, in the saratov region a lesson about the first flight in space, discuss, create, it’s better remembered, we ’ll make a portrait of yuriyan. according to the contours, weddings at the exhibition are already customary, but today the astronauts will congratulate the newlyweds. in our pavilion, four couples from space regions will sign up for space. and in the evening of the procession, we meet at 17:00 at the main arch. see our cosmonauts, walk next to them, shake their hands, chat, take pictures, learn something interesting about space first-hand. let's get to the stage and call together. on the screens there is a connection with the iss and, of course, a concert, they will arrive at 18:00 earthlings, fashion and other stars, details on the website anna popova, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one.
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welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg, emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately. for us men, just chop, it’s not time to chop, eugene, the snow makes the filling unsurpassed, juicy, the dumpling is a small universe, below me, how many meters are you talking down? 193, they say that you can’t simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they may be lying about their own lives, the premiere is on sunday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are running, they are shining, and they are shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are
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messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, spring series of games. on sunday on the first, we remind you that today is friday. april is the most cosmic day of the year, cosmonautics day. once again, congratulations to everyone, and if you want to turn to the stars, then listen to our astrological forecast. april 12, fifth lunar day, twenty-fourth solar. cheerful, nimble, businesslike, skillfully plans his affairs, if you have accumulated some deficiencies over the week, he will help you get rid of them, he is also very sociable, easily makes new acquaintances, loves to attend all sorts of events. visiting guests, in other words, hanging out. however,
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this day is also very good for business contacts, and he is also a keen connoisseur of beauty. the disadvantages, as often happens, are a continuation of the advantages. he fusses a lot, loves to be in the center of attention, does not tolerate loneliness well, easily spends money on all sorts of beautiful things. on such days, let’s say, we often forget some lessons and, as a result, step on an old rake. aries, did you hear that? and don’t be shy, if anything, ask for help or advice. experienced people, otherwise the day is good, but for those who need to speak in front of the public, advertise something or present themselves in a favorable light, it’s simply excellent. taurus may be upset by someone's actions, here the stars urge not to rush to conclusions, perhaps you if you misunderstood something, don’t promise something you’re not completely sure of, but if you promise, keep your word. gemini has a good day for business meetings, meetings and negotiations, but a romantic date may not work out and... and disappoint and be careful with fragile items, expect guests in the evening.
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cancers run the risk of getting involved in some kind of dispute or conflict. needless to say, this is of no use to you at all? otherwise, everything should work out. a little money may come in, however, it will most likely go away immediately. leos can repay a debt or provide a reciprocal favor, there will be a chance to get stuck things moving, push something, speed it up , and even make some dreams come true. just pay attention while driving. virgos will have troubles around the house, possibly expenses, it looks like something seasonal like clothes or shoes, there will be an opportunity to agree on something with someone, and this is also a wonderful day to improve your personal life. it's friday for libra, there's really a risk of miscalculation, but you just don't be lazy, double -check everything, everything will be fine, evening release him, he seems to be preparing a get-together for you in pleasant company. scorpios may learn something that will change their plans for the future. or maybe for a longer period of time,
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some will think about changing jobs, it’s never harmful to think about it, but wait a little while taking real steps, and be careful when working with power tools, the sagittarius people will have some serious conversation, it is possible that about money, the stars hint that if you boil, nothing good will come of it; the opposite sex is not indifferent to you about pleasant things today. capricorns they can also feel an interest in their person. it is noteworthy that today they are generally in the center of attention, literally attracting glances, this day will also help improve relationships with relatives, yours or your significant other, the evening may invite you somewhere. aquarians have a rather calm day, when everything somehow goes well and rolls along as if on rails. the main thing is not to make any stupid mistake, especially when working with capricious equipment and all sorts of electronic gadgets, take care of your stomach and liver. pisces are having a great day when they can do everything extract. some kind of benefit or benefit, however, not everything in this life is measured by benefit, but
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then figure out for yourself what is more important to you, the stars will not advise anything, well, good luck to you, for everyone who has a sedentary job, doctors recommend taking breaks and doing a warm-up , and after work it’s nice to take a walk, and a massage wouldn’t hurt either, excellent recommendations, especially now there are many different massage rollers for sale, and you can choose the one that will help you with our help. sit a lot on the computer on the couch and no sports, sooner or later back pain will come. doctors say that for prevention, massage rolls and swords can help. which ones? let's talk to chiropractor evgeniy spiridonov, for starters with rolls, a hard silver surface for advanced beginners will not be easy to remove muscle spasms. if the roll is very hard or has a small diameter, the pain will be quite noticeable. it feels a little bit. discomfort is optimal if the roll is smooth and soft or
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medium hard when performing exercises less painful effect, the diameter of the roll is also important, 15 cm, good, easier to roll out, ride a couple of times along the thoracic spine, not the lumbar spine, now about the length of the roll, universal 45 cm, you can take it on a trip and easily work out everything related to the back , the same calves, thighs, you will notice that you... massage swords, exercises from the wall, hand on the shoulder, the middle finger of the hand hits exactly this infraspinatus muscle. the optimal size of the ball is no larger than a tennis ball; you can relax the muscle in about a minute and a half if the ball is too large, all five. and yet, all these massagers will help if your overall health is in order, otherwise
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they can cause harm. for serious illnesses, it is better to first consult a doctor. evgeny palyakov, dmitry roshkov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. let us remind you that on the calendar april 12, 2024, by the way, it’s the 21st century , friends, it seems that we have long been accustomed to buying everything on the internet, with delivery, conveniently, and we also prepare the document online, this is the key, but it really seems so there are still queues in our lives, there are probably some there may be a little less, but we still have to stand in them from time to time, so we’ll tell you why, where and how to do it correctly now. if there are a lot of people in line, then there is definitely something important there. excuse me, where is everyone standing? hello. the food here is very tasty and inexpensive. perhaps we ’ll stand and at the same time find out how people react to waiting? when i became a student, we stood in line at the historical library
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for about an hour, probably some pleasant memories or rather negative ones? these were rather pleasant, because there was so much to talk about there. here’s a living example, roman, i just met my future wife in line, in the cafeteria, i work at a company, lunch time starts at 12, and as a rule, whoever can get there before five, the hungry ones, i’m one of them, ran in some - that’s a girl, i looked at him and she’s so fragile, i think, well, let him let him pass in front of me, now they stand in lines together and don’t let anyone else in, recently we went to the moscow zoo to look at the first giant panda cub in the country, katyusha, she was born last year, but not... but we found out that most often people react calmly to waiting, but only on condition that it brings them positive emotions, she stood on the attraction and therefore such a great impression was left, not only from that that i rode this slide, but also
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that i waited for that very moment. one of the longest queues was in march for the spring rehearsal exhibition to see how ... tulips bloom, the wait was 2 hours, where else did you stand in line and the last time, at exhibition russia, exhibitions of objects of art, that's why we are ready to stand for hours even in the cold, and also for new impressions, for bananas for 2 rubles, and there was such a queue, we stood in line, stood regularly, well, we probably had nothing left there two bananas for each, they sorted it out, at least it’s a tasty banana. the bananas were green. at the same time, there are also negative aspects. what's the worst queue? in the underground. yes. what about the clinic? terrible. now let's figure out what this difference in perception depends on? the most annoying queues are those which you are not ready for. and if you psychologically went to buy sausage in a store and there was a very long
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line, of course, you will be annoyed. and if you are ready for the fact that you will need to stand, you will stand and wait for anticipation, again . this marketing trigger tool is playing, so we fell for it, 30 minutes in line flew by, let’s go in, it’s time to find out what’s inside, maria kuskova, nikita kulakov, rostislav kolesnikov, yulia bykova, channel one. our good morning continues, prizes awards for winning sports competitions - it's not just cups and medals. as honorary trophies, the winners sometimes get to take away rather strange objects with them from competitions. material by maria rumyanka. every athlete dreams of lifting a prize over his head for winning a competition, and it doesn’t really matter what kind of trophy it will be. sometimes the organizers of the competition show remarkable imagination when deciding how to reward the winner, which is worth at least the lobster, an honorary prize that is awarded at the stage of the nascar racing series in the american
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town of loudoun. after awarding him prepared to treat the winning team, the racer himself, who finished first, takes the rest as a souvenir. this competition also deserves special mention: it is a heavy piece of granite, into which a ball-shaped decoration is inserted. at one time, this heavy trophy was also lifted above the russian head. a similar award exists in cycling; participants in the famous paris rouge race, which has been held in france since the end of the 19th century,
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spend a significant part of the distance over 50 km riding on large cobblestones. it's not simple test, because on such a route there is an extremely high risk of puncturing a tire or breaking the bike. the rider who comes to the finish line first receives this cobblestone, without exaggeration, one of the most prestigious prizes in the world of cycling. in surfing, they also like to present unusual trophies, for example, the winners of a tournament in the american city of lemore receive a model of a tractor, and at competitions in torque, australia, the winning sorfing player receives a brass bell and rings it at the awards ceremony. soon to work, soon to school, but before that we need to tone ourselves up, everyone together. margarita kuznetsova, master of sports in street lifting, will join us in this. good morning, in order for the child to be
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slim and athletic, parents need to lie on the sofa less. let's set a good example for the children. this will probably form a good habit for life. place a small object on your side, a notebook, book or soft toy will do. we jump from one side to the other and move. without stopping, knees should not be straight, land with slightly bent legs, absorb shock load on the spine, at first we don’t rush, when we adapt, we speed up the pace and try to jump higher, we don’t stop. the exercise is very invigorating, by the way, it must be performed strictly on an empty stomach, jumping with a full belly is harmful, have a nice day everyone. our
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good cheerful morning continues, it's time to look on the internet, yes, yes, yegor uspensky prepared another batch of funny funny videos for all of us, we miss the cats, here they are, or rather he is a king, or in our opinion a king, he lives in one of the chinese gyms . king became famous for every morning he gives visitors a paw, and it’s so fashionable, the video with king’s participation has already been liked by 7 million users, and this is just the beginning. well, the heroine of our next video is a monkey named martha from thailand, she is very well-mannered, smart, and look how hardworking, she goes to the market for food herself, according to the owners, martha never strays from the given route, does not eat anything along the way and does not forgets. imagine how clever she is, when visiting the residents of the australian town of ventvor , ingur went to visit the marsupial
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enters the house, goes to the kitchen and checks whether everything is in order there, after which he goes into the yard to play with the cat; according to tradition, users assumed that this is how hakinguru joins the team of this australian family. well, finally, about the panda katyusha from the moscow zoo, she once again touched her fans, katyusha stole her mother’s lunch and ran away. than the video is beautiful and it seems to me that this funny scene ended, i don’t know, everyone smiled in the morning. happiness is home, it is loved. native synonym the words harmony, this is communication with children, their energy, i recharge, it’s very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone
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says: oh, twins, take care of your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be them example. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised to always help. our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, so, april 12 is the day cosmonautics, for which we congratulate all of us and, of course, special congratulations to those whose lives are connected with space, who construct, create, design space technology, those who fly into space, all this is incredible and wonderful, of course, their loved ones who are waiting for their cosmonauts here on... nadezhda vladimirovna remembers very well the day when she found out that her son dmitry petelin became
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an astronaut, in september the weather was so good, he called me and said: he says: mom, can you congratulate me? i i say: son, with what? he says: your son is enrolled in the astronaut corps. sodnok, how are you? dmitry petelin prepared in secret, the training lasted six months, it was not easy, but he achieved his goal. parents keep all the newspapers and magazines with articles about him, their son’s favorite books and even the school button accordion. being the mother and father of an astronaut is not easy. it’s especially scary when this hot ball flies and flies . for about 10 minutes, this ball, imagine, it shows everything on the screen, well, it’s scary. nadezhda vladimirovna and alexander trifonovich live in chelyabinsk region, dmitry in moscow, there were always connections from space too, and even there you could feel the family nearby. care, in the form of some parcels, yes, sweets, which they sent me for the holidays, for the new year on
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my birthday. and romantic in fact - this is the constant observance of a huge number of rules. it was a surprise to me that you couldn’t be with your spouse before the start, and that you were always accompanying him to baikanur. next, farewell through the glass. there are also such instructions on a business trip for bad husbands don’t report any news, support him when he calls. vera recalls that at first the calls from the iss were a shock. all these calls from space, when you are standing in the store, and it’s easy for you. your husband calls, sometimes you want to say, but this is not just a call, they are calling me from space, and also astronaut women have a sign that as soon as the husband flies away in the house, everything breaks down, alexandra and the wife of sergei ryazansky, the first scientist cosmonaut, this has the advantages finds, i can already do everything, make repairs, fix the toilet, replace the battery on the car, nothing is impossible, besides, the husband is an astronaut - so when the whole family has a strict
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schedule, alexandra and sergei even had to adapt their wedding to work. sergei returned from dubbing from baikonur on the twelfth, and on the thirteenth we got married, and after dubbing there is a vacation, we went on a honeymoon, we really wanted to combine this with a honeymoon and the only opportunity was april 13 after the cosmonautics day, and cosmonauts’ wives also like to joke, they say they always know where the husband is with whom, and he will never return home suddenly, but he can call, and this is very important, but i didn’t understand that it was also... hard, i didn’t say, yes, then i realized i started supporting, the second flight, well, i’ll say that i called home from space almost every day, even if for a very short time, to be the wife of an astronaut, to have the courage for two and fortitude for everyone, when a son, husband, dad, astronaut - it’s always about a friendly family and powerful support. elizaveta enkishova, anastasia zavidova, evgenia futerman, sergei morin, sergei folendysh,
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channel one. russia remains topic number one: the worst flood in 100 years. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region, as well as in the kurgan and tyumen regions. in total, there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone. dear tv viewers, please carefully monitor all emergency messages and take them seriously. if an evacuation order is issued, evacuate immediately. and right now the news is on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir’s negotiations continued in the kremlin until late evening putin with president of belarus alexander lukashenko. the meeting lasted almost 4 hours. the main topic of the open part was the situation around ukraine. as the russian leader noted, the opposite side drove itself into a corner by refusing to negotiate, and now finds itself in a rather difficult situation.
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conference in switzerland, the idea of ​​holding some kind of event doesn’t move forward with us , they invite us, moreover, they think that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that nothing can be solved without us, and since we’re not going there, that’s all by nopticum someone says that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited. they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but once again i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality . ukrainians on social networks urge their compatriots to fear not russian high-precision strikes, but the consequences of ukrainian air defense deployed in residential
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areas in violation of international norms. this was stated by russia's permanent representative to the un at meeting. security council on the humanitarian situation in ukraine. the diplomat also pointed out numerous violations of the rights of ukrainian men of military age during their forced mobilization and terrorist methods in kiev. in these conditions, the attempts of the head of the kiev regime to promote his formulas and convene summits in support of the kiev regime only cause bewilderment. very soon. the only topic for any international meetings on ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the kiev regime. i advise you all in advance to prepare for this. latest data on the progress of the air defense system, the crew of heavy flamethrower systems. tsypyog destroyed positions in the control system in the kupinsky direction. the militants suffered significant losses of personnel and equipment. and now our motorized rifle and tank units will be able to more actively push through the enemy in
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this sector of the front. and russian pilots worked effectively near donetsk. the strike air group hit strong points and concentrations of enemy infantry. the flight was carried out by helicopters k-52, transport and combat mi-35m and multi-purpose mi-8. in moscow and donetsk. terrorist attacks were prevented; the criminals preparing the attacks were detained by fsb officers. footage of operational shooting in the report by anna prokofieva. fsb special forces are preparing for the assault. in a few seconds, the suspects will already be lying face down on the floor. on your knees, on your knees, on your knees, i say, lie down. operational footage shows the arrest of six militants from central asia who were preparing a terrorist attack on a military facility in donetsk. single file to go out, who else is in the apartment? federal security service april 11 in 2024, the activities of a terrorist cell consisting of six citizens of one of the central
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asian states, whose members were planning to commit a terrorist act against a russian armed forces facility stationed in the city of donetsk, were suppressed. two ready-made homemade explosive devices were seized from the detainees. use and hand grenades. according to operational data, the activities of the criminal group were supervised from ukrainian territory. after committing a crime in russia, the militants planned to travel to turkey and from there cross the ukraine. and this is footage from operational shooting in moscow. according to the fsb, a man from central asia was planning to commit a terrorist attack in one of the moscow synagogues. the suspect offered armed resistance and was eliminated. the foreigner made preparations to commit a terrorist act, conducted reconnaissance of the area surrounded by one of the synagogues in moscow, and also acquired components for the manufacture of an improvised explosive device. a ready-to-use explosive device and other explosives were found in the apartment where he lived
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suspect. according to intelligence services, while serving a prison sentence in his homeland, the man joined an international terrorist organization banned in russia. after his release in november 2023, he entered russian territory and settled in moscow, where he began preparing a terrorist attack. for the last one. this is the second terrorist attack in moscow synagogues that has been prevented. on march 7, fsb special forces eliminated members of the velayat kharasan group banned in russia (isis cells in afghanistan), who were planning an attack using firearms. anna prokofieva sergei komensky. first channel. in the kurgan region , a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered water-filling dams from the amur region to protect populated areas from flooding. in the capital of the region, they are strengthening embankments and increasing their height. by the end of the week, peak flooding is expected in kurgan. the water in the tobool river continues to flow, but not as quickly as in previous days. the flood does not recede in the orenburg region, a new maximum level of the ural river has been recorded, more than 11 m.
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experts say the flood will reach the highest values ​​in the near future, and then everything will decline. in orsk, this point has already been passed, the water has begun to recede, and 2.0 buildings have been cleared of it. the river level there is about 8.5 m. people began to return. rescuers help them at home; they deliver food, bottled water, and basic necessities. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. start key: cosmonautics day is today. on this day, exactly 61 years ago, at 9:7 moscow time , the spacecraft launched from the baikanur cosmodrome ship vostok-1. yuri gagarin became the first man on earth to conquer outer space. from this day forward, we all live in the space age. this is now known; in 108 minutes of flight, gagarin took risks 12 times. 12 emergency situations, each of which could have ended in the death of the astronaut and technician
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literally a decade after the end of the second world war, it was done in such a way that everything went perfectly. leonid aleksandrovich china vsmyk was responsible for training the first group of cosmonauts. he is 92, but april 12, 1961 remembered in detail. my boss andrei mikhailovich kolochkov comes running, absolutely calm, always absolutely calm, suddenly he doesn’t look like a person, he screams, the kagarin flew, my soul was calm, since... it took off, it means it didn’t burn out, it was an amazing day. after 2 days, the first cosmonaut was greeted by all of moscow. leninsky prospekt, filled with people, homemade posters, some chants, there was a feeling of some kind of second victory. this joy captured the entire planet, 6 days of rest and a grand tour. only at sixty first, sixty-second 29 countries. gagarin in kimano, gagarin among the pyramids. in cuba, a limousine almost drowns after a tropical trip.
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he called us all into space, neil armstrong would later say, the same one who first stepped on the moon, sergei samburov had a dream about flights from the day when yuri alekseevich himself personally came to his grandmother, tsyalkovsky’s daughter, since then it has been a tradition for everyone cosmonauts, and he patted me on the head and said: oh boy. well, come join us as an astronaut, well, he began to study well, they didn’t take him on flights, but sergei nikolaevich has been with rsc energia for more than half a century; on april 12, 1961, the whole world had a dream; it became feasible. dmitry kuzmin, sergey morin, andrey aksenov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. rum, do you like turnip salads? mm, i can’t even say, just cut everything like that. firstly, it’s very tasty, secondly, it’s healthy, now it’s even in trend, you can say i love it, in general, by the way.
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for some time we forgot a little about turnips, but in vain, in vain, because turnips are healthy , tasty, and easy to prepare. not always potatoes were the queen of the fields, before peter the great brought them to russia, turnips reigned in the country's vegetable gardens, porridge was cooked from it, soups were made from it, they were steamed, fried, in general, they made a lot of dishes from it, including salad did. our ancestors knew that nothing could be simpler.
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since childhood, she has loved this plant from the cabbage family, she cooks it herself and got her granddaughters hooked on her favorite root vegetable, girls especially love turnip chips, they are crunchy like potatoes, but there are more benefits, turnips are cut into slices and put in the oven, we time our cookies for 20-25 minutes they will, today they will try to make turnip soup, natalya adds greens, peppers, onions, potatoes and carrots to it, chops it, and then boils it over medium heat and be sure to... add a pinch of southern magic, the main crimean secret, add a few sprigs of rosemary, puree , an ordinary vegetable soup is transformed with the help of a blender, as the tasters will say, the taste of the soup tasted like cauliflower and potatoes, but at the same time you could also feel the carrots, it was very tasty and even healthy. anastasia abaeva from yekaterinburg loves to organize hen parties with songs accompanied by a guitar, the main treat is a sweet pie. from turnips and pineapples,
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shortbread dough, the dough must be placed in the mold in such a way that small sides are formed, while the filling cannot leak out. for the filling, anastasia cuts the turnips into cubes, and the pineapple into pieces; the syrup must be drained so that it does not soak the dough. anastasia lays out turnips, then pineapple. the cream filling completes everything. the future pie is sent to the oven. 50 minutes and the pie is ready. you can set the table. natalya kravchenko, victoria edinova, anna gazhala, channel one. as the chairman of the jury, i felt out of place. at this table sat on...
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no, i'm trying to tell a story from trice banks and the last seven days of laura palmer, you are laura palmer, matodor, today on the first, tell me you like my hat, you don't have a hat, i wanted i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. cognac, monte shokoka. product of steller group. for
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cosmonautics day on the first. we’re on nerves all day, we’re worried all day. hello everyone, between. call, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space movie. crews are on the first day tomorrow, the dacha season is rapidly approaching us, we need to prepare to meet it, this is true, including the need to get in the right shape, this is how it will now show us in the story: the dacha is ahead, and
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we are from physical work we’ve lost the habit, i suggest that together we prepare the joints and spine for the upcoming loads, let’s start with the diet nutrition: leaning on foods rich in calcium. choose what you like best: cheese, cottage cheese, canned sardines, beans. sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds, parsley and dill. they also have a lot of calcium. we also eat beef jellied meat more often. it contains the protein collagen, which makes our joints more mobile. the brazilians will also help us. nuts, a couple of pieces a day is enough to compensate for the selenium deficiency. i also have a personal secret recipe: pour a tablespoon of rose hips into a liter of hot boiled water, add a teaspoon at a time chopped burdock root and chaga,
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filter after 15 minutes, drink half a glass of infusion. twice a day. rosehip promotes collagen production. burdock root enhances the synthesis of intra-articular fluid, while chaga prevents the destruction of lumbar tissue. what else? if you have had joint injuries before, or sometimes your lower back hurts, rub the problem areas with camphor oil. and of course, we do gymnastics every day. rotate the pelvis. shoulders, elbows, wrist joints. warm-up is the best way to prepare your body for the upcoming physical activity. loads be healthy. now many people are going to work, their pets stay
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at home and wait for their owners all day. and they miss you very much. therefore, in the evening, when the owners cross the threshold, the four-legged joy knows no bounds. dogs are jumping. lies calmly waiting for the time to hug, well done, hello dogs, this is an ideal option, but more often, of course, it happens differently. brusya. she is very happy when her owners return home, jumps, wags her tail and, of course, does not know how to stop. when we
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somehow try to push her away, somehow stop her, on the contrary, she begins to warm up more and bite and jump even more, and this is all in a new cycle. it looks cute, but such stormy meetings are not good for the dog’s psyche, says dog trainer valeria: if the dog is too bright. when we return to her, this means that her anxiety will be higher, when she is left without us, it happens that when you come and the dog suddenly becomes overexcited, she even shows incontinence, we will teach the bar to greet the family calmly, sit , we sit the dog, next, our task is to teach her to sit for as long as we need, we sat her down and gave her a few pieces until we said the word everything, which means we no longer need to maintain this position. endurance exercise, several repetitions of the parallel bars, she understood what they wanted from her, smart girl, make it more difficult, move away
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from her, clap our hands, jump, in general, provoke as best we can, flint bars, stayed in place, praise, yes, well done, let's go next, we ask elisha to leave the house for a few minutes and come back. so what? brusya? he lies calmly. it is clear that she was tired and did not have to wait long for elisha, but nevertheless, this is an excellent result. now we will gradually increase the time intervals, so brusya will learn to greet you calmly. a few days later, elisha sent us a video. for example, this is how his dad comes home now. wait! and another very important rule. you yourself do not provoke the dog, for example, you do not need to coo with it ahead of time; if you are calm, then
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the dog will understand much faster what they want from it. exactly 63 years ago, april 12, 1961 year, yuri gagarin stepped into outer space, along with him all of humanity stepped there, the countdown to a new cosmic history had just begun. and today, space is already a part of the life of each of us, everyone has a navigator in their smartphone, this is the most important thing in space technology, modern television is impossible without them, by the way, well, in general, you can’t list everything, but it will be even cooler, you can to say, without false pathos, our prospects are simply cosmic, in the literal and figurative sense of the launch vehicle engine, a new breakthrough in the domestic cosmonautics, the launch of the angara launch vehicle again from her. new manned spacecraft and satellites will be launched with help. and these are unique shots.
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satellite marathon of the sfera project. already this year it will be launched into space 750 km from earth for super-fast internet. there are plans for 264 such devices. and this is just the beginning. there will be other satellites for digital internet broadcasting to provide the arctic with internet. in general, total coverage. well, there is a lot of space, more than in the union. places. not just more, much more, but how do you like this new manned spacecraft , which is very roomy? if we are progressing in delivering cargo to the russian segment of about 2.5 tons, then the ptk will ensure the delivery of cargo of about 5 tons, it will be the only one both as a truck and as for transportation, delivery of the crew into orbit, release, and the return vehicle is reusable, can be used up to ten times, and it will dock to the russian... orbital station, by the way, it is already being designed, this is what the first module looks like, now the work is on the sheathing of the station
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unique, for the first time in the world, in a polar orbit, from it our entire planet will be visible, from pole to pole, and what’s more, look, it looks like a large construction set, any module can be replaced and as many modules can be docked to it as needed , which means the station can live indefinitely, but what about deep space, we are preparing, here, for example, they are making a new rocket to carry. the payload capacity is one and a half times higher than its predecessors, it can launch more spacecraft or a heavier spacecraft into all kinds of orbits, capable of participating in projects to explore the planets of the solar system, as well as the moon. yes, yes, interplanetary flights are not science fiction, the russian academy of sciences is conducting a real isolation experiment, they built a station, the crew stays there for 365 days, everything is for real. we are pawning. this scientific basis for further flights into deep space, for example, we are developing
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some innovations in the medical support system, we don’t have... positions on the iss as a crew doctor, in this experiment, for example, but we can carry out this research to say, yes, a doctor is needed or a doctor is not needed. behind the scenes, a large staff of doctors, psychologists, physiologists, and immunologists are monitoring non-stop. the crew goes to the surface of the moon, into this module, the only one where there is access from the outside, while no one is there. they perform a field test, physical exercises, and then move on to two stands that simulate being there. a person to 1/6 of his usual weight, and we are like on the moon, in lunar conditions, they deweight scientists and see how their physiology responds, and these are the immediate plans, so no matter how close we are to space, this seems to be just the beginning. anastasiyava, vasily valetov, channel one. you can talk a lot about how space technologies enter our lives,
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make it more comfortable, how they push science forward, help us understand the universe, all this is true, but it is. one more very important thing, space is a dream, guys, it’s true, and the dream of many boys and girls, i’m sure, for some of them it will definitely become a reality. some we spent weeks constructing a rocket out of cardboard, figured everything out, but it fell apart during takeoff. the engine has been blown, you might say an unsuccessful launch, and the young engineers of the st. petersburg rocket modeling circle are delighted, which means there is something to improve, the engine can be made so that it doesn’t...
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blow up, launch, and that’s cool, really, but the child understands that it’s his or not, it goes further, in the kursk student design bureau, high school students are already creating real spacecraft that are launched into the troposphere and stratosphere. the teacher himself dreamed of being an astronaut since childhood. already in the tenth grade we made our own lunar rover, it was the same size, it was not a model, but it was a working
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model, it was on wheels, it transmitted, a transmitter was installed in it, then we also made... a remote control . now he teaches young people. the guys solder microcircuits, create a case on a 3d printer, and program it. the crew of thirteen-year-old roman globov from lugansk is also preparing for the start. their rocket is designed to study the atmosphere. it got interesting, here it is for example, where the situation will be higher near the ground or about 100 m, at 200, at 350. and then according to our command, with which we will directly approach the command for the motor. our parachute will open and the rocket will descend smoothly, when they become students, the rockets will be more serious, and the flights will be higher, perhaps next time these frames will be filmed on the camera of their spacecraft. sergey abramov sotnik, marina guseinova, channel one. good morning, dear friends, let's start today
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's cinema news with cameramen, a key profession in cinema. on april 9 , the twentieth anniversary award ceremony took place.
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will overpower the first space actress for the film challenge, why do you think a person needs to go into space, meanwhile, the kansk international festival yesterday announced its program, as everyone predicted, a new film by kiril
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sererenikov, limonov's ballad about eddie in the main competition. in the role of limonov, ben whishaw, a british actor who can be remembered from the drama perfumer, the story of a murderer, based on the book by emmanuel carer, about himself an outrageous russian writer, whom many in russia still remember personally. the script was written by pavel pawlyakovsky, director of the masterpiece "cold war", so we are expecting a high-quality story. another russian slednokan festival in the main competition is a new film by independent director from new york sean baker annor. starring our yura borisov, as well as young mark eidelstein. baker and the director of the successful $100,000 iphone-shot indie drama mandarin, a raucous and sad story about love, friendship and humanity, so the collaboration talented director. baker and one of the best russian actors yura borisov promises something interesting. with this, dear friends, today i say goodbye to you with wishes for a good weekend. we'll see you
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in this movie section on wednesday morning on channel one. friday morning continues, right now we are giving the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. the morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, stay tuned. hello, on air news, in the studio sergey tugushev. negotiations between vladimir putin and president of belarus alexander lukashenko continued for almost 4 hours. the meeting took place in the kremlin and ended late in the evening. the main topic of the open part was the situation around us. to conduct a constructive dialogue,
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the defeat was not justified, while moscow, vladimir putin emphasized, was always ready but based on realities. some kind of conference in russia on the battlefield to bring it to strategic switzerland, where russia is not invited, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without it impossible, the head of state called it a panopticon. vladimir putin also recalled one of the goals of the northern military district, the demilitarization of ukraine, and explained why russia switched to the tactics of disabling ukrainian energy facilities. in the energy sector, unfortunately, we have seen a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently, and we were forced to respond. i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons in the winter... we did not carry out any strikes, meaning that we did not want to be left without energy supplies, social institutions,
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hospitals and so on, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities we were forced to respond, first of all, we proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry, the defense-industrial complex of ukraine, and directly. in addition to the news of the special operation in the zaporozhye region, our military destroyed three observation posts of ukrainian formations. 15 militants were eliminated. they were struck by mortar crews using coordinates transmitted by drone operators. our soldiers also successfully worked in conjunction with drone crews in the area the village of chasafyar. there , an arena relay was discovered that ensured the operation of enemy aircraft. he was on a cell tower. an accurate shot from an anti-tank missile system. about a year, the target is destroyed. and in the area bordering the belgogorod region on the territory of ukraine, our military managed to disrupt the rotation of enemy forces. the militants suffered heavy losses. in addition, the stock
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of ammunition that was brought to the forward positions of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. in donetsk, fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack on a military facility. six people from central asia were detained. under operational shooting footage. on your knees, on your knees, on your knees. two ready-to -use improvised explosive devices and hand grenades were confiscated from the detainees. according to operational data, the activities of the criminal group were supervised by ukrainians. a suspected man from central asia offered armed resistance during arrest and was eliminated. later , a ready-to-use explosive device was found in his apartment. a new
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maximum level of the ural river was recorded in orenburg. it is expected that the flood will reach peak levels today, and by the beginning of next week everything will begin to decline. porske - this point has already been passed, the water has begun to recede, 2,000 buildings have been cleared of it, the river level there is below critical, people have begun to return to their homes, rescuers are helping them, they are delivering food, bottled water, and essentials, according to preliminary estimates by the regional authorities damage from the flood exceeds 40 billion rubles. about half... of the houses in the flood zone cannot be restored , the owners will receive certificates for purchasing a new home. meanwhile, in the kurgan region from the amur region, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 water dumps, they are strengthening the embankment structures and increasing their height. the level of the tabol river continues to rise, but not as fast as in previous days. the peak of flooding in kurgan itself is predicted for the end of the week. a flight that marked
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a new era in history. humanity exactly 63 years ago, yuri gagarin was the first to conquer space; on the vostok spacecraft he reached low-earth orbit and made a revolution around our planet. it was 108 minutes of change world. april 12 is not only cosmonautics day in russia, it is the international day of human space flight. one of the first congratulations, of course, is on the iss. russians oleg kononenko, nikolay chup, alexander grebenkin, who is now at the station , thanked the workers of the russian rocket and space enterprise for their work. paintings with augmented reality and a light show will be held. an image of yuri gagarin and his famous let's go appeared on the ostankino tv tower. today, similar postcards will be broadcast by television towers in many cities of russia. for example, sochi. and on channel one, tomorrow is cosmic saturday in
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the program. films and a program about the conquest of airless space, viewers will see a broadcast of the launch and landing of the film crew of the film calling the world's first film shot in orbit, and a little later a documentary film by a star named gagarin. that's all for now, stay with us. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. our good morning continues, prizes are awards for winning sports competitions, these are not only cups and medals. as an honorary trophy. winners sometimes get to take home some rather strange items from competitions. material by maria rumyantseva. every athlete dreams of lifting a prize over his head for winning a competition. and it doesn’t really matter what kind of trophy it is. sometimes the organizers of competitions show remarkable imagination when deciding how to reward the winner. what is even lobster worth? an honorary prize, which is awarded at the stage of the nascar racing series in the american town of loudoun. after
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rewarding him. one of the most outlandish sports invented by the british are cheese racing. at a signal, participants rush down a steep slope, struggling to stay on their feet. the winner's reward is that same head of cheese, it weighs almost 4 kg. in switzerland they prefer not to throw cheese around, but they do at the tennis tournament. in the city of gstatt, the legendary roger federero received a cow as a gift. the main prize of these competitions also deserves special mention. this is a heavy piece of granite with a sword-shaped decoration inserted into it. at one time this russian tennis player mikhail youzhny also lifted a heavy trophy over his head. a similar award exists in cycling. participants in the famous paris rouge race, which has been held in france since the end of the 19th century,
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are a significant part. distances of more than 50 km are driven on large cobblestones, this is a difficult test, because on such a route there is an extremely high risk of puncturing a tire or breaking a bicycle. the rider who comes to the finish line first receives this cobblestone, without exaggeration, one of the most prestigious prizes in the world of cycling. in surfing too they like to present unusual trophies, for example, the winner of tournaments in the american city of lemore gets a model of a tractor, well, at competitions in australia. volunteers come to help from
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various regions of our country. people from all over the country came to help in flood-affected areas. this is an all-russian student rescue corps in orsk. here we have izhevsk with us. we have yekaterinburg, moscow, samara, voronezh, and of course, the guys from orenburg from our local branch, from the first days we have been delivering humanitarian aid, evacuation of the population. people are needed everywhere, collecting aid, packaging, distributing, anton arrived, one of the first. if i can help, how could i not stay away. enterprises are connected, water is sent by truck from yekaterinburg to orsk, free of charge. we hope that our help will be there, volunteers are also taking it, now people are in trouble, so we are helping, we, we, we are nearby, as they say, help for the victims is being collected all over the country,
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collection points are open in bashkiria, yakutia, udmurtia , no one calls anyone, everyone comes on their own, they bring things, water, this is what the victims need now, first of all, these are household chemicals, disinfectants, they need baby food, hypoallergenic baby food, and they need essential medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a need for chargers, because people are very many were in a hurry to get ready, besides, bed linen, underwear, socks, new ones, periodically there are not enough beds, folding beds, in the future heat guns will be needed to dry the houses, they can be donated to volunteers fords, flashlights. anastasia from kurgan herself went to the victims. families with children, who, it seems to me, need our help, saw temporary accommodation, so yesterday i donated humanitarian aid, today i also bought additional supplies, and the water is coming to the mound itself, too, the city is preparing, this is how they strengthened the dam near
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the kirov bridge, that’s all together, then people pass by and say: we can help with something, everyone shovels in their hands forward for a common cause, at night the employees of the ministry of emergency situations arrived here, they continued this work, well, today we do it... 39 regions, so please be vigilant, dear tv viewers, carefully follow the messages of emergency services, you cannot ignore them, if the need to evacuate is announced, evacuate immediately, take care of yourself and your loved ones. please watch and listen
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to what the senior rescuer of the water rescue society of the ministry of emergency situations, osman dilibash, will now tell. if you live in a flood zone, i recommend preparing an emergency supply in advance, what should it contain? lantern and... batteries for it, canned food is better with a ring so you can open the jar with your hands, bread, cookies, chocolate, put three large garbage bags into each other, put it all inside, also put a pyrochin or knife in a case, we need another container with a lid for food products, in case of a flood we will pack documents, we can also... it will help out if you need to wait out the night on the roof, tie yourself,
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for example, to a pipe, with such insurance you can take a nap, now we’ll make a rope ladder, after about 20 cm we tie knots on the rope, do this... once, so that they are about the size of a tangerine, leave one end without clamps, the simplest ladder is ready when the water comes up quickly, you have to evacuate to the approaching rescuers directly from the roof, in this case, the ladder will help you out, now we tie up the bag, it should always be at hand, at a critical moment these things can help you a lot, soon to work, soon to school, but before that... you need to tone yourself up, all together . will keep us company in this master of sports in street lifting margarita kuznetsova. good morning, in order for the child to be
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slim and athletic, parents need to lie on the sofa less. let's set a good example for the children. this will probably form a good habit for life. place a small object on your side, a notebook, book or soft toy will do. we jump from one side to the other, moving without stopping. the knees should not be straight; we land lightly. legs bent, absorbing the shock load on the spine, at first we don’t rush, when we adapt, we speed up the pace and try jump higher, don’t stop, the exercise is very invigorating, by the way, you need to do it strictly with training. jumping with a full belly is harmful, have a nice day everyone. our
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good cheerful morning continues, it’s time to look on the internet. yes, yes, yegor uspensky prepared another batch of funny funny videos for all of us. we miss the cats, here they are, or rather he is king, or in our opinion, the king. he lives in one of the chinese gyms. king became famous for giving visitors a paw every morning. and it’s so fashionable, a video featuring king 7 million users have already liked it, and this is just the beginning. well, the heroine of our next video is a monkey named martha from thailand, she is very well-mannered, smart, and look how hard-working she is, she goes to the market for groceries herself, according to the owners, martha never strays from the given route, does not eat anything along the way and doesn’t forget, can you imagine how clever she is, to visit the residents of an australian town... to go to ingur, the marsupials enter the house like a master,
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go to the kitchen and check if everything is in order there, after which she goes into the yard to play with a cat, according to tradition, users assumed that the takingguru was joining the team of this australian family. well , finally, about the panda katyusha from the moscow zoo, she once again touched her fans, katyusha stole her mother’s lunch and ran away with it, well, the child has every right, how this funny scene ended is unknown? but the video is wonderful and i think it made everyone smile in the morning. you've probably heard about it, lavender raff, a delicate coffee drink with a floral aroma. not all coffee shops have it, but we will prepare it his home. i’ll mix dried
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lavender flowers with sugar, they are sold in tea departments, grind the buds into powder, pour the flower mixture into hot milk, whisk, mm, what a delicate aroma, so that the drink turns out not only tasty, but beautiful, i’ll tint it in lavender, that is in light purple color. it’s very simple: i add a drop of blue red dye to the jug, stir, pour the milk into a glass, pour strong coffee on top, like this in a thin stream at one point, look, there’s a stain left, i’ll show you how to hide it: i cover the drink with a spoon along the edge of the stain, sprinkle flowers, like this in an arc, lavender has
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a bright taste, beautiful texture and exquisite aroma, which is why the coffee turns out special. good morning, dear friends, thank you for celebrating the new day with us on channel one, let us remind you that today is friday, april 12, polina svetkova and roman budnikov are with you. today is still cosmonautics day, exactly 63 years ago a sensation flew all over the earth, a man in... space, yes, gagarin's let's go, opened the way for humanity to the stars, and we are getting there every year getting closer and closer, space is nearby, it’s easy to see this, just come to the russia exhibition at vdnkh, the russia exhibition, a question for the children, what will you become when you grow up, an astronaut, they are very brave, it’s cool in space, to see the moon, it’s very beautiful there, look at this majestic beauty of the universe, how to get through?
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denis prudnik, an aerospace engineer and former cosmonaut training specialist, shared detailed instructions on how to prepare and become an astronaut. cosmonauts are aspiration, cosmonauts are hard work, a certain victims. there are business trips and so on, they must be prepared for this, i hope that one of today’s listeners will be an astronaut and we will see them in orbit. more than twenty regions have prepared a space program to cover everything for the excursion. if you look up, you'll see the international space station, but zoomed out 400 times. but the new route, the space one, the program even goes a little beyond the framework of vdnkh, begins from the house of the korolev museum, after the seventy-fifth pavilion. astronautics and aviation will take about 4 hours, the flight is normal, when we begin to dive into the history of astronautics, we no longer want to break away, these stories that excite, you can’t tell a short story about space, it is so vast, one of the stops is a real space capsule, to get your nose dirty with soot and the desire will come true, such a tradition, it’s important
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to dig, we still have to find it, almost all of it has been used, i have a lot of desires, for everything to come true, for my child to go where... i want him, finally, and i want that, that the sun was shining, let's go once again, yes, to make sure it comes true, the interactives are all about space, taking off on a rocket, visiting the iss, or maybe working on the ground and giving a command from the mission control center, even a flash mob is also in space, and also lectures and master classes on how to master the galaxy , is it possible to count the stars, how soon will we start traveling to others.
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at 17:00 at the main arch, see our cosmonauts, walk next to them, shake their hands, chat, take pictures, learn first-hand something interesting about space. let's get to the stage and call together astronauts on the screens communicate with the iss, and of course, a concert, at 18:00 earthlings, fashion and other stars will arrive, details on the website anna popova, denis panomariov, stanislav tezhnyakov, channel one. premiere. i love my country. tomorrow on the first. well, i'm different, different. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia. he became famous for his roles where he looked confused
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and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow for family reasons. in these films, he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and i'm very for a long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me, but how the relationship developed in the family of evgeniy steblov himself, i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i took her arm and hissed me like an electric shock, our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk at the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedies? all this is in god's providence, as the lord directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. tomorrow on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something?
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combat tests are taking place in the special military operation zone: a new version of the pantsir sm missile and gun system. now the most important targets are... quadcopters, multiple launch rocket systems, hail. today, only we in the world can effectively work on this class of goals. a cloud of damaging elements is thrown, that is, through which practically it is impossible to fly automation of the shell to such a level that the shell can be like a robot. we have eight stars marked on the vehicle, seven enemy aircraft and one helicopter. you have to be strong, strong. let us remind you that on the calendar april 12, 2024,
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by the way, yes, it’s the 21st century, friends, it seems that we have long been accustomed to buying everything on the internet, with delivery, conveniently, and the document too. and how to do it correctly, we’ll tell you now, if there are a lot of people in line, it means there’s definitely something important there, excuse me, where is everyone standing, hello, but there’s a lot of food here the food is delicious and inexpensive, perhaps, and we ’ll wait, at the same time we’ll find out how people react to waiting, when i became a student, we stood in line at the historical library, for about an hour, probably these are some pleasant memories or rather negative ones , it's rather pleasant. because there was so much you could talk about that you didn’t have time to talk about, here’s a living example, roman, i met my future wife just in line, in
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the dining room, i work at a company, lunch time starts at 12 and, as a rule, who can live there without five turns out, i'm the hungriest one of them, some girl ran in, i looked at him, so fragile, i thought, well, let me go ahead, now they stand in lines together and don’t let anyone else in, recently we went to the moscow zoo to look at the country’s first giant panda cub, she was born last year, but only recently moved into the enclosure, and there are hundreds of people wanting to meet her. in 15 minutes in line, we only moved halfway, but we found out that most often people react calmly to waiting, but provided that it brings them positive emotions, they stood on the attraction and therefore such a great impression was left not only from the fact that i rode this slide, but also that i waited for that very moment. one of the longest queues was in march...
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but there are also negative moments, but what was the worst queue? in the metro, and what about the clinic? terrible, now let’s figure out what this difference in perception depends on? most often, those lines that irritate you are those for which you are not ready, and if psychologically you went to buy sausage in the store and there was a very long line, of course you will be irritated, but if you are ready in addition to the fact that you will need to stand, you will...
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i recommend preparing an emergency supply in advance, what should be in it, if you live in a flood zone, i have a flashlight and batteries for it, canned food is better with a ring so that you can open the jar hands. bread, cookies, chocolate. we stack three large garbage bags inside each other, put it all inside, and also put
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a penknife or knife in a case. we need another container with a lid for food products; in case of a flood, we will pack documents in it. we can also a large piece of polyethylene will come in handy if you suddenly have to sit on the roof in the rain, wrap a blanket in it. you definitely need to have a coil of thick rope, it will help out if you need to wait out the night on the roof, tie yourself, for example, to a pipe, with such insurance you can take a nap, now we will make a rope ladder, after about 20 cm we tie knots on the rope, we do this in several times so that they are approximately the size of a tangerine, leave one end without clamps, the simplest ladder is ready. when the water approaches quickly, you have to evacuate to the approaching rescuers directly from the roof, in this case the ladder will help you out, now
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we tie the bag, it should always be at hand, at a critical moment these things can help you a lot. our program has come to an end, thank you very much for starting today, roman budnikov and polina svetkuva were with you, take care of yourself, your loved ones, see you on channel one. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. about a peaceful solution, attacks on energy facilities and relations with the west. one of the main topics at the negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko was ukraine. we are ready to work constructively, but there is no
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imposition of any position on us. not based on reality, of course it can. the leaders made their positions clear. it is impossible to hide from a volley. our military destroyed enemy fortified areas with the solntsepek flamethrower system in the kupinsky direction from a distance of 5 km. on gorn's knees. lie down. footage of the fsb special operation prevented two terrorist attack on a military facility in donetsk and. synagogues in moscow. one of the suspects offered armed resistance. new maximum. the urals rose above 11 m. the peak of the flood in orenburg is expected today. evacuation is underway. water rises are being prepared from the kurgan region. 108 minutes that changed the world. today is cosmonautics day, an extensive program of events across the country and a frank conversation about the filming of the first in the world.


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