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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 12, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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footage of the fsb special operation prevented two terrorist attacks on a military facility in donetsk in the synagogue in moscow. one of the suspects offered armed resistance. new maximum. the urals rose above 11 m. the peak of the flood in orenburg is expected today. evacuation is underway. preparations are being made for the rise of water in the kurgan region. 108 minutes that changed the world. today is cosmonautics day, an extensive program of events across the country, and a frank conversation about filming the first in the world. but in
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orbit the premiere of the audio version of yulia peresil’s book is space, baby. it was cool school, school of life. russia has never abandoned peace negotiations on ukraine. moreover, we are inclined to resolve the conflict in this way, but without imposing schemes that have nothing to do with reality. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with president of belarus alexander lukashenko in moscow. one of the main topics was ukraine. the so-called peace summit was also discussed. which switzerland is going to hold without the participation of russia. vladimir putin also clearly outlined why our country has now switched to tactics disablement of ukrainian energy facilities. konstantin panyushkin, more details about everything. on thursday evening, walking up the porch of the senate palace, alexander lukashenko intended to discuss the economy of the union state with vladimir putin, but as it turned out, a big conversation about ukraine awaited him in the kremlin. we have never renounced the peaceful resolution of disputes, moreover, we were inclined precisely to this; we did not start
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this war in 2014, the president of russia decided to recall moscow’s honorable attempts to stop the bloodshed, first with through the mediation of belarus and then turkey. let me remind you that at that time we were told that we could not sign documents, ukraine could not sign a sign with a pistol, we needed to withdraw troops from kiev. we did it, immediately after we did it, our agreements were thrown into the trash. and now. almost 2 and a half years of fighting in mid-june, switzerland is going to hold an event called a peace summit, to which, according to press reports , about 100 countries will be invited, we are not there they invite, moreover, they believe that there is nothing for us to do there, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there, this is actually some kind of popticon saying that we refuse negotiations, us they don’t invite, they say:
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when they refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it, now they understand that this is impossible, they refused negotiations and now find themselves in a rather difficult situation. by the way, switzerland is convening a summit by request.
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thus, belarus, if necessary, can again become a mediator in the ukrainian settlement, but for now the special operation continues. in recent weeks , russia has been withdrawing missiles and drones from construction sites.
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you all need to prepare for this in advance. and new data on the progress of the special operation, footage from the ministry of defense in the kupinsky direction. our military hit the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine, the crew of the heavy fire-throwing systems of the sun, hit from a distance of over 5 km, and destroyed, in particular, dugouts with armored vehicles.
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three were liquidated in the zaporozhye region observation posts and concentrations of militants, artillery operators of fpvdrones worked harmoniously, and our helicopter pilots successfully completed the combat mission in the southern donetsk sector. aircraft missiles... reconnaissance reports that the target has been hit. fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in donetsk at a facility of our armed forces. the six people detained, all immigrants from central asia , acted on orders from ukrainian curators. it was established that after the crime the perpetrators planned to flee to ukraine through turkey. two homemade bombs, as well as hand grenades. our security forces prevented another terrorist attack in moscow. central asia, already convicted in his homeland, was going to cause an explosion in the synagogue. when attempting to apprehend the terrorist, he resisted and was neutralized by return fire. now in orenburg, there is a flood situation, another 360 houses and 900
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household plots were flooded overnight, and evacuation from the emergency zone is underway. the water level in the ural river has exceeded 11 m ; it is predicted that it will decline only in 2 days. as for the situation in the region, vorsk. the situation is improving, the water is gradually receding, another 800 houses have been liberated within 24 hours, residents of the affected areas are being provided with humanitarian aid, food, bottled water, and essentials are being delivered, the military is helping the rescuers, they are using special equipment, meanwhile, in the kurgan region they met a plane from the ministry of emergency situations from the amur region delivering 20 prefabricated dams, one such set produces a protective structure about a hundred meters long. the peak of the flood in kurgan is expected this weekend. just a little commercial now, we'll be back in a few minutes, don’t switch gears, i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i would like to have lunch, please, but this is the seating, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in
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a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role, and is golbert a cop? the local public, they are expecting some, some other round of russian cinema, we are from the clinic, are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell history. say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, space architect, designer, artist, engineer, galina andreevna balashova. there was just a red box, red, in this device they were supposed to fly around the earth. korolev
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said, nonsense. and i want to thank you that only russian cabins have a porthole. at the architectural institute they teach a person how to organize space. how to organize space so that it is beautiful, convenient, and necessary, so you were tasked with developing symbolism. and in america they signed that this is... a completely different artist, but have you yourself dreamed of flying into space? well, you see, the time has come for just such an opportunity. love's podcast, today on the first. for cosmonautics day on the first. kagarin was a flash, a smile, communication, it was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. the flight is normal for 400 seconds, it’s been there for a long time. people are falling there, he says in a cheerful voice that the flight is normal, silence and darkness, and what will happen
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happen in the next second, you don’t understand, let’s go, the first man in space, the first woman in space, i feel great, the first spacewalk, the first feature film shot in space. mommies, it’s great that we are all here today, tomorrow is the first one, this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world’s first cosmonaut, yuri gogarin, let’s go, you know what kind of guy he was, elena yurievna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter, new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, for the first time... we saw a hat with a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she
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burst into all the classes, kogarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old ladies in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he won’t get caught on anything there , in my life, like in all soviet houses , there was a portrait of alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i wanted to be a yura, i came to my mother, such hysterics, i gave out, i want to be a yura, yuri alekseevich, it was like for our family, a relative, when yuri alekseevich died, i first saw father’s tears, how they cried with all their relatives, there is such a tradition, you must drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gogarin himself drank, it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly to costa. tomorrow, after the program time. this is the news on the first,
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and we continue: russia today celebrates cosmonautics day. on april 12, sixty -one, yuri gagarin made the first flight into space in human history. the legendary phrase “let's go and 108 minutes in bare-earth space, opened a new era of research, made our country a leader industry." we now remain in leading positions only the day before for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. the angara a5 launch vehicle was launched, from the iss, where our crew continues its mission, the cosmonauts sent congratulations to the russians. dear friends, we cordially congratulate you on cosmonautics day. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of yuri alekseevich gagarin, the man who opened the space age of mankind. the name of the first cosmonaut of the planet is forever inscribed in world history, and we are proud that, developing domestic cosmonautics, we continue a work begun by our predecessors. cosmonautics day will be celebrated today in the capital, including at vdnh.
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in the evening there will be a light show using augmented reality technology on the moscow sun ferris wheel. an image of yuri gagarin has already appeared on the stankin tower, and this is what the tv tower in sochi looks like today. and on the occasion of cosmonautics day , a presentation of the audio version of yulia peresilt’s book - it’s space baby - took place. a frank conversation about how the filming went. the lead actress admits in the studio that she felt as if she had experienced everything all over again, especially a touching part of the letter to the daughters, which they read out for themselves, what secrets space hides, why...
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the automation for docking to the iss refused, a frank conversation about space, the filming of the world's first movie in orbit in the actress's book this is space baby, named after oleg's phrase novitsky. the premiere of the audio version, one of the most poignant moments, julia published letters to her daughters, which they were supposed to receive in the event of a tragic outcome of the mission, for the first time they read them when creating the audiobook. audiobook director dmitry nikolaev suggested such a thing that girls.
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but we are filmmakers, it was very beautiful, cream, i remember, in profile, wait, wait, wait, wait, like that, oh, oh, that's it, come on, and then at some point i naturally live, and i will feel such a smell, i understand that it didn’t last that long, but i realized that it all just burned out, thank god, this shot was included in the movie, it’s not so offensive, in the book
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the whole flight is planned literally day by day and revealed there are many cosmic secrets, why is there an hour of sleep on the iss? like two earthly people, like filming a movie perceived by the american crew, and what they managed to steal from space as a souvenir, i have such a box in which my space spoon lies, which i, so to speak, well , a couple of t-shirts in which i returned under the spacesuit, accidentally ended up on me when i flew down, but how could you not pick it up, but how? the huge success of the challenge in our country abroad, most of all yulia was struck by the reaction of the chinese public, a chinese viewer came up with the name for me, space sister, it was so touching, they were received wonderfully, with some great love, but it seems to me that first of all, well, such a cool task , now we have the opportunity to klim, first of all, of course, we have humanities and people from the art world to promote so that in our country space becomes incredibly
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popular and so that everyone knows a lot about him, the portholes, in fact, all the portholes. before the release of the audio version of the book, julia meets with her readers and viewers again. the main goal of a many-hour heart-to-heart conversation is to inspire new achievements. i have i really have a dream too, to be there in this space. well, at the beginning she says the impossible is possible. i think, yes, even the connections of the cosmonaut training center. i didn’t know about traditions at all, i knew absolutely nothing about preparation. well, somehow, well, i knew that space
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constantly communicates and worries about those who, without exaggeration, became its space family, in the end the angara was launched, here we are now , and the third launch took off, today everything that happens in this industry, she still can’t help but touch, well, when navitsky doesn’t started, my heart just sank like that, i think, god, no, in fact , anyway, she has become somehow close, dear, well, how do you worry about cinema, about theater, about the culture of this country, so like... .. now you are also worried and rooting, in a good way, of course, for the space industry, and i am very grateful to them, it was a cool school, a school of life, when asked how many women cosmonauts there have been in our history, those who came also name their last name peresilt, the actress says, does not claim the laurels of real heroes, those who solve incredible problems in orbit every day, but are happy that...


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