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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 12, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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the atmosphere, it separated, then before gagarin fired on the ejection seat from the spaceship, it was six east , they did this when he fired from the ship on the ejection seat, the ejection seat had to separate, the parachute did not open on the ejection seat, it separated and fell, crashed, then gagarin was left with his parachute to fall to the ground, he had to open it - he took the headset to breathe. oxygen on his own, he tried to do this for several minutes, the fact is that there is a puck on the headset, which he had to pull and the visor of the headset would open, he tried to do this, he didn’t succeed, only yuri alekseevich gagarin thought of looking in the mirror that is on the spacesuit and determined why the headset did not open, then he understood , i saw that this was a puck in... into the unmasking
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shell of the spacesuit, he pulled it out, pulled it and the headset opened, then he lands and sees that there is a huge river ahead, he realized that he is landing in the saratov region, the wind is very weak, understands that he will land on the water and he will die, then he thought of unfastening the wearable emergency reserve of 37 kg, which fell to the ground, it becomes lighter and lands on... due to the fact that the flight path changed, no one met gagarin, they met him residents of the village of smelovka, engelsky district, then major gasiev drove up to him on the lawn, this is how it is already known everywhere, please tell me, on those magnetic tapes on which gagarin’s conversations were recorded, in the event of these emergency situations, how did he react when realized that he was flying in a different orbit, negotiations were stopped. if you look at
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the photo of the first minute after landing, how he was going into flight, how cheerful, cheerful he is, and here he has the otherworldly look of a person, how many emergency situations he has experienced, our yuri alekseevich gagarin. going on a space flight, yuri gagarin wrote a letter of will to his wife, such a young guy, twenty-seven, but he understood that he was going into the unknown, in which he wrote that... you never know what can happen, although i am very happy and happy that i was entrusted to go on a space flight first, i ask you, valechka, arrange your life as you wish, do not forget about my parents and raise our children to be true patriots of their homeland, thank you very much for today got in touch with us, all the best to you, by the way, even the americans of the new york times admitted that gagarin’s flight took place, let’s look at the publication:
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how did the united states confirm the epoch-making soviet breakthrough in space, skeptics can look comfort, passing off soviet achievements as fiction, but their doubts are contradicted not only by soviet statements, but by all the evidence available to the american government, as dr. prank press, a member of the president's scientific advisory committee, stated, no knowledgeable person in this field doubts what they did russians. well, if we remember a little about the history of this whole moment, then it was one of... from the heights of the cold war, at the height of the cold war, and in principle, now they are very actively monitoring each other’s missile launches friend, suddenly this missile might not have been necessary with yuri gagarin, the rocket could have been completely different, so the americans at their bases in alaska and hawaii actively monitored soviet launches, and some kind of negotiations, and so on, and literally in a few minutes after launch. of our
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spacecraft, they had already established the very fact of launch, after that they had guided gagarin’s negotiations with the ground, and even some excerpts from, i don’t know , television broadcasts, so to speak, were already practically on the table of the american president, an unknown, by the way, kennedy, so the americans knew that gagarin was in space and had no doubt literally after there... minutes and hours, it is clear that they had various clubs and associations there that did not believe and did not could afford to lose in the space race, but nevertheless the soviet union won unconditionally, without options, so in the future the americans decided that the only way to somehow make up for this defeat would be to land on the moon, but this as they say, a completely different story, but the americans not only in their newspapers... not
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only in the new york times, but also the cia officially confirmed yuri alekseevich’s flight into space, so there is no doubt. central intelligence agency national security archive by est, in memory of ours. the first great cosmonaut , of course, you need to preserve them, tell the truth to children , read books, but if any news or books cause you doubt, send them to our editor, reasons for pride, like always, of course, all the best to you too, channel one presents. hair dye, it turns out, is super dangerous, dye examination and much more important and interesting in the program to live healthy. so, friends, this is our
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amazing and beautiful blue planet. today is cosmonautics day, we... earthlings don’t know anything about space, but the only thing we know is that these people should be admired, so maybe our questions to a real cosmonaut that we ask today will seem stupid to some, but in every case, we will ask these questions with admiration and love for these amazing people, each of whom is gold. our guest today is the hero of russia, mikhail kornienko. mikhail boris pilot, cosmonaut,
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hero of russia. you know, every time cosmonauts come to us, i admire their overall intelligence, general development, culture, and appearance. here. i haven’t seen a single cosmonaut about whom we can say that he is an uninteresting person, why am i making such an introduction, because our questions to you, we asked, called this section stupid questions to the astronaut, why? because you are such educated people, you have already experienced so much, our guest has been in space twice, that you will forgive me if the questions seem stupid, there are no stupid questions, we also think so. but i want to start with this: we are earthly people, we have a whole system for regulating sleep and wakefulness, we must wait for the sun to set, when the sun sets, we close our eyes, we begin to produce the hormone melatonin, as far as i
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know that when you are in space, you have almost there are not 18 sunrises, that is, you have 16 sunrises, that is, you practically have. there is no darkness, this was the introduction, now we will invite the first guest who wants to ask us a question: i have been tormented by one question for a long time: everyone knows that people sleep almost a third of their lives, it turns out that astronauts sleep a lot during a flight, but how without gravity?
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we are in sleeping bags, in our own cabin, you climb into a sleeping bag, but weightlessness, it is weightlessness, yes, if on the ground, you can somehow turn over one side, on the other, then in the sleeping bag it’s straight as a stick, yeah, my legs are numb, yes, i came up with an option where i put my legs spread out like this in the sleeping bag so that my knees were bent, i slept like that, and at first when arrived, there was not enough pillow, you know, this would seem nonsense, yes, well, my head keeps looking for a pillow. this was probably the first week, and i took a soft bag like that under my head and i’m so used to it already , we have a recording of one of your colleagues, here’s his story about how he goes to bed, let’s see together, there’s a rubber one a tourniquet with which i pull myself to the side
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so that my body feels supported, and secondly, there is a rubber tourniquet wrapped around it for comfort. with which i press the floor, the tension is literally a couple of kilograms, if you relax completely, like now, then you can sleep very well, because the pelvis is with'. they touch the wall on the back of your head, it feels like you are lying on the bed, this is familiar, this is how it is much easier for a person to fall asleep, there are hands left that float, touch each other, scare you, because they are really just real they float, this is also not very comfortable, so i put them inside like this, this is the position i chose as the most comfortable for sleeping, i can turn my legs. in any direction, you can also turn your head a little to the side, so you can sleep conveniently and
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comfortably, you get enough sleep in space, in general , as i understand it, each astronaut develops his own ability to fall asleep, that’s right, that’s absolutely right, it’s such an individual thing , they give us a basic option, but here’s a sleeping bag for you, here’s for you cabin, then there are such life hacks for everyone who develops their own system for how to fall asleep, at the bone like this... in ways, but i couldn’t sleep with this towel on my head, but i needed a pillow, we’re waiting for the next guest , they probably won’t hire me as an astronaut, but i still want to ask, there is no gravity in space, right, all objects seem to be flying. everyone without exception, drops too, that’s what i’m getting at, how does one
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go to the toilet in space? we have a recording, we will show the recording right now, and then let’s listen to yours, take the sin off your soul, well , show me the receiver, this is for sending small needs here, and the receiver is for sending large needs, but we don’t open it now, because first we need to turn it on for exhaust ventilation. did not allow the smell to howl from there, now how it works, we take the urinal, turn on the air coming out, it is sucked in, we carry out everything in a small way, then we wipe the funnel with a napkin, napkins, close it, and turn it off, that’s it, that is, in short, essentially , this is a vacuum cleaner in which you need to write and
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i'm sorry, poop, absolutely correct, yes, but is it true that in russia, back in the soviet union, a unique technology has been developed for purifying urine to such an extent that it can reach the purity of drinking water, or is that a lie? no, this is not a lie, we used to have such a control system system at the mir station, it processed urine. into urine, sorry, into distilled water, well, pure distillate goes there, but no one drinks it, it goes into the electron system, decomposes into oxygen, hydrogen and we breathe, just oxygen into the cabin, hydrogen you force them to make oxygen from urine so that astronauts can breathe, it’s just amazing, we’re waiting for the next guest, it’s just amazing, well, a child has arrived,
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they’re using it for drinking, is that true? so i want to say that i also heard that astronauts must necessarily produce a certain amount of sweat, because it is impossible. a towel, well, that is , there is some kind of moisture in the atmosphere, quite large,
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it is collected by a special system called, yeah, and what to do with it, a system for regenerating water from condensate, well, this is ordinary the refrigerator, where atmospheric moisture condenses, is collected, filtered, in the same way it turns out that practically the distillate goes there for electrons for oxygen, that is, here i even wanted to show this model, this is a muscle, so we burn it like this. and the skin in the muscles in order for the muscle to work, in weightlessness the muscle does not work, so it really comes to the astronauts to get back on their feet.
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more, and it works out, or it’s directly included in the daily routine, the tsup plans a day and a half, yes, if possible, do it about an hour or so a day, definitely, yes, then you work out your free time yourself, or you can profile yourself and say, oh okay, i won’t or you won’t risk it, it’s fine, elena is not a philonite at all, she got on the path like this , she’s dangling you have telemetry in your control room , you’re running around, and there are others like that, we’re waiting for the next guest. people of all ages came to this program when we said that they could ask questions to a real astronaut. poor girls, i can’t imagine what it’s like in space, for us girls hygiene comes first, otherwise not washing for a whole year is like
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in general, i can imagine what the cosmic aroma is like on the iss. how do astronauts survive soullessness and a bath? how do you wash in general? there is no aroma, everything is very hygienic and absolutely clean, clean, no odors, that’s how it seems, this is a common opinion, yes, it’s wrong, we have wet towels with a special herbal impregnation, uh, vacuum packaging, we hide it after physical education, we wipe ourselves thoroughly - we wipe the whole body, you can just get some water, but soak a towel with warm water from special dispenser, wash, wipe, and wash your hair in the same way. well, this process is intact, i especially feel sorry for the girls, here we have footage of when yulia peresilt flew into space, she directly filmed how she washed her hair, and it’s just like rubbing shampoo into her head, this is really a problem for me girls, it’s leaving them it takes an hour and a half there, but i’m fine, it’s somehow shorter here, i squeezed out water there
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, shampoo there, rubbed towels there, took it all off, well , everything is very hygienic, there’s no smell, i don’t worry either in the toilet or at the station. that's it there is sometimes more hygienic than it turns out on earth, i always think, because there are systems for processing everything, and there are skin and all sorts of others, i had such a friend, unfortunately, he is no longer alive, valery polyakov, our famous cosmonaut , yes , no one had ever flown over him, no one had flown over him, yes, he was a doctor in his own right, and he told me that his skin and hair were never as good as in space on earth. is always right, the doctor is always right, we are waiting for another guest, we will ask one more question, here i had a catastrophe that summer on
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at my isolated dacha, my blood pressure jumped, so much so that my breasts began to ache, i wanted... there was no connection, well, thank god everything worked out, now i want to thoroughly prepare for the new dacha season, i want to put together a first aid kit like an astronaut's , that if, god forbid, something happens, as they say, i could help myself when there is nowhere to wait for help, please tell me what should be put in such a first aid kit, we have two first aid kits, one with ointments, the other with tablets directly from bart, but it’s true, not only do you have a first aid kit, you’re also trained use it all. that’s right, well , of course, a first aid kit is only part of this first aid kit, in fact, we have a whole medical cafe , yeah, and there are many, many, many of these kits, yes, for all occasions, in the american segment there is one like this here, this table is probably laid out, you unfold it, and there, too, for all occasions, it ’s unlikely that you will be able to form what is on board, yours is specific, you have pressure, yes,
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astronauts are healthy people, so... i don't think we have much blood pressure, something's wrong i saw. medicines, that is, on board there are banal medicines, for headaches, for fever , although where can you get viruses there, the temperature rises if we get infected from each other, only if someone flew in and brought it, otherwise you can’t get sick there, it happened, it didn’t happen to me, but my comrades told me what it was like, yes, they arrived, somehow they didn’t follow, well, immunity drops a little, yes, naturally, and the fact that for a healthy person from the ground that flew in unnoticed, yes , well... at the station someone was being picked on, well, no absolutely critical, that is , everything passes there for a couple of days, that is, these are the most serious cases provided for in the first aid kit, so what do you need to do yourself.
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no need, at least for the basic things that, in general, every person should be able to do, you know, please give us flowers, because the only one who
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deserves such flowers today is, of course, our amazing guest, happy holiday to you, this is for you, mikhailovich, i know that you are a man, you are used to flowers, no, it’s better to give them to your wife, because there is another side to flying, these are women who are waiting at home. and this is what mikhail gorrivich told me, return the first aid kit, i’ll return the first aid kit, i took it from the medical department, i must return it, thank you, it’s a holiday to you, i want to wish all the astronauts only one thing: be sure to return to earth, we congratulate everyone now on this day, and to those who will return in space. i also want to say that the great power of space is that no matter what relations there are between countries... there are still international crews and people are still friends with each other, because it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, it matters what
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kind of person you are, it’s good that everyone up there understands this, happy holiday to you, let’s take a break for a while and then continue, a strategic reserve, if only all the noodles that are eaten in the world were put into one. the ruler would be 600 million kilometers long, and it could wrap around the entire globe 15,000 times. shelf life is 10 years and above, all about the benefits and harms of noodles. to break a record, like a lush, what does it threaten us with? the cough was strong, irish, strong, i was literally choking on the cough, yes, so strong that i even lost consciousness. and why children and adults need vaccinations against it. hair dye. cancer, severe poisoning and other
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troubles. it has been shown that long-term use of black paint leads to cancer of the hematopoietic system. our expertise. for cosmonautics day on the first. i've been on nerves all day, we've been worried all day, hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew, tomorrow on the first. in
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the special military operation zone there are combat tests, a new version of the sm missile and gun system. now the most important targets are quadcopters, first-fire missile systems, and fences. today, only we in the world can effectively work on... for the day of the air defense forces on sunday on the first, did i see you on
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tv? who's on tv in our house, you 're kidding, you're kidding, you're kidding, how does bayan differ from harmonica, there's a domajor, then a seventh chord, a dominor, confused me even more, and you like to perform more than one or with a team, that's it, oh, what a beauty, yes, martin, of course you have no chance, you have to become a star, but yes, the best of all, the new season, on sunday on the first, well, dear friends, we make noodles in our kitchen, this is a program to live healthy, our theme - products of eternal storage. noodles are classified
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as shelf-stable products; they can be stored for more than 10 years, so if anyone is concerned about which products can be stored for a long time, this is definitely noodles. therefore, dear friends, come on andrei petrovich, go to the cheops pyramid and bring us a product of eternal storage, specifically lapsu, in fact, some products were actually found in the pyramids and... of course, they were mainly cereals, lentils, and noodles are a product made from cereals. so, noodles, a product that lasts forever. mikhail egorovich, you are our noodles, we know that they, so to speak, came from the ancient world, brought to europe by marco polo in the 13th century. in 1819 , approximately the same machine for making lavsha was made, and now with...
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i’ll say right away that if all the noodles that are eaten in the world were folded into one line, it would turn out to be 600 million kilometers, and it can be was to wrap around the entire globe 15,000 times, but i want to ask boris, how much is the perimeter, this is the circle that the space station passes in a circle around the earth, how many kilometers is it, well, if the earth’s diameter is 64, in my opinion, thousands, but not the diameter circumference. well, the orbit is not much larger, 400 km above the earth, everything is somewhere around the secret, but it turns out that noodles can be wrapped in noodles many times, people eat so much, this is shocking information for me, it’s simply made from flour, usually durum varieties, flour happens first, second thousand, first second, dried, cut and, as you said, can be stored for decades.
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it is not there, there is no impulse conduction, there is enough copper, the nerve works well, if we talk about the bad, then we talk about the fact that noodles have a high glycemic index, here we see, so to speak, two vessels, a clear example, if we eat
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a lot of noodles. and we don’t move, then accordingly we get this situation, we have fat deposited, this is the first, second, here i am showing this one a model, this is a model of the retina, the retina is covered entirely with vessels, and if our blood sugar rises and diabetes mellitus develops, and diabetes mellitus spoils these vessels that nourish our retina,
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our active life, so when we talk about long-term storage, meat you won’t preserve it for a long time, although this protein is a good food, but you can preserve the noodles for a long time, i want to ask. our wonderful guest, but there is an opportunity, well, we all imagine space food as canned food or some kind of paste in tubes, and is it possible, at least sometimes, especially when you fly for a long time, to send you the land, roughly speaking , open noodles directly in the form of noodles or not? no, unfortunately, there is a list of products that can make it to the station, and some that simply won’t make it, but open noodles won’t make it, seriously, they can be made. here on board, yes, yes, that is , you just add boiling water, well, not boiling water, we have 80° water there, that is, you still have such a product as noodles on board, there are, well, not like in ours understanding, well
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, something like that, that’s good, yes, well, we have the question remains, how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly, how to choose, how to choose, mikhal? so we choose the packaging, look at what is written on the packaging, what to choose, what is preferable, preferable, well, look, of course, different flours are used, preferably, probably, there is flour of the second coarse fiber, second grade, then the color then the noodles or pasta will have this such, in terms of calorie content , by and large it is the same in any case, but a little more coarse fiber, we look at the packaging, the expiration date, it should be not opened and so on, everything, how to properly store noodles so that they last 10 years more, they need to be stored in a dry and cool
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place, where there are no foreign odors, so that they do not absorb these odors, the most important thing is this a cool and dry place, and the last question, how about noodles... and to eat them correctly, you need to boil them, but to cook them you need to not finish cooking them, the so-called alden test, so that we can feel with our teeth, when we bite into them, that they have not yet been cooked completely, thus reducing glycemic index, all those passions that we told you about are reduced, the benefits from it increase and are generally necessary. to say that the problem is not so much with the noodles, if we are talking, but with the volume, but with the volume, on the one hand with the sauce, on the other hand, because sauces can be quite heavy, yes, it is better to use vegetable sauces,
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so i know , what else do i want, i keep looking at our wonderful guest, we have never had astronauts come to us many times, we have never seen fat people, excuse me, astronauts, you seem to have a habit of eating. that’s right, it’s in your blood, or you’re genetically designed this way, or it’s still a habit that’s acquired during the preparation process. well, probably, it’s two in one: firstly, they select healthy people who are not prone to being overweight, because the maximum weight is 95, in my opinion, kilograms, it’s the doctors there who are completely strained, and secondly, we each a day at the gym, because health is part of our job, everyone understands this, right, do you want to eat in space? or not, the hunger remains there, how, how, how, on the stomach doesn’t press anything, well, that’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, well, i’m different, different, evgeny steblov, one of
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the most unusual artists in russia, he was famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy, light, you you love me, i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he truly awakened all the people to his heroes. for sympathy, but for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how did the relationship develop in to the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived in the camp for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. i, who brought his loyalty to the end of his life, why was it not possible to avoid tragedies? all this is god’s providence, as god directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. tomorrow on the first. you didn't have the feeling that maybe
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maybe god took your son away for something? welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald, he is on his own. a beautiful stone, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, just chop it up, this is not the time to be timid, eugene, the snow makes the filling unsurpassedly juicy. dumpling is a small universe, below me, how many meters are you talking down? 193. they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they may be lying about their own lives, the premiere is on sunday on the first. so, dear friends, whooping cough is breaking records in russia. the incidence of whooping cough has increased by some innumerable
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number of times, well, in a year by 8 times, 8 times, 9 times the incidence of whooping cough has increased, the main symptom of this disease is coughing, so the first thing we will do is turn to all coughing people, if you are coughing and you are an adult, exclude whooping cough, right now andrei petrovich and i are going to our medical site, where we are undergoing an examination, a wonderful family who survived whooping cough, mother and daughter, tell me daughter, what’s your name? ira. irochka, how old are you? 14. how old were you when you got whooping cough? 13, that is, you haven’t been vaccinated recently, that you were vaccinated, everything was done according to age. why did the child get sick? unfortunately, it must be said that bardetella pertus is the same pathogen. now it is changing, not everyone has 10 years more
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immunity; at 14 years old, unfortunately, immunity already begins to decline, because revaccination is done at six, and then it is necessary every 10 years to do a revaccination, now we and all over the world scientists are struggling to make a new vaccine, a specific vaccine, bordetelis is a resident, only a person. no one else, no one can tolerate it anymore, now there is a rise all over the world due to the fact that it has lost its specificity, the vaccine no longer protects us as much. in short, we take our daughter, we put our mother in jail, come with us, you survived everything, we’ll talk about whooping cough, my question is this: your cough was strong, irish, strong, you were literally choking on the cough, yes, so strong that i even lost consciousness, to the point of losing consciousness, oh my cat, how many of them are you going to school for? well
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, for a week, i was in the hospital for a while, and then my mother sent me to school . the upbringing in the family is tough, which means, andrei petrovich, here is your bardetella, of course it has the most beautiful name, bardytello pertus, this is a microbe that affects the respiratory tract, and the microbe itself doesn't really do much other than release nasty toxins, and those toxins end up in there. after the illness, we still hope that she has
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immunity will last for several decades, at least, so there is a difference: vaccine immunity lasts 10 years on average, and immunity after an illness, we hope, will last a lifetime, i understand, yes, this is a joy, now tell me, please, how you were treated , i was treated with medications, i took antibiotics since... you probably get an a in your studies, yes, judging by how clearly, our adults cannot pronounce the word antibiotic, here the child is spitting, well done, that is, you are generally an excellent student, yes , which means treatment is antibiotics, and let's go back to vaccine, what to do with the vaccine, what should we do, here we are adults, we need to be revaccinated or there is no point, look, the standard protocol includes prevention and the best profile. tick against whooping cough - this is vaccination in the russian
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schedule, this is 3 months, 4 and a half and 6 months from birth - these are the first three vaccinations, vaccination against whooping cough is included in the vaccine that everyone has heard, this is dtp, and then there is a revaccination at 6 years, then at 14 , but unfortunately, she apparently didn’t have time to catch this moment, that is, roughly speaking , 14 years and there is an age for revaccination, yes.
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animals, the hut there is on chicken legs, it stands without windows, without doors, then what, actress,
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they never try, we have created a direction that ensures that superiority, for the day of the air defense forces, on sunday on the first, i saw you on tv, who, in our house on tv, are you
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kidding, are you kidding, are you kidding. how does bayan differ from harmonica? there is c major, c sintochord, c minor, it confused me even more, but do you prefer performing alone or with a team? this way and that, oh, how lovely, yes, martin, of course you have no chance, you have to to become a star, well, yes, the best, new season, on sunday at the first, bend over, it didn’t help, we’ll save, come on, this is how children learn to do the heimlich maneuver, this is first aid for those who choked, you see,
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the balls flew , it turned out about how to save an adult child, even children can do this, about many other important and interesting things. we will tell you in the program to live healthy on monday on the first. well, like this, the heads are painted in different colors, in different colors, in different colors, in different colors, today we have an examination of paints for hair, women's hair dyes, this is a very serious problem, very, because there are different colors and there are colors that are, in the literal sense
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of the word, life-threatening, well, you saw this whole palette, today there are a countless number of colors. and i want to invite our doctors so we can start talking about hair dyes, thank you very much to our girls. so, hair dyes. mikhail egorovich, let's start with when chemical hair dyes appeared, because there were organic dyes, bolohna, people they dyed their hair, in ancient rome they used these dyes, but... in 1863 there was a synthesized substance that was used for dyeing fabrics, based on... this substance in 1967 in 1867 hair dyes had already appeared, but i
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want to show it on the screen the label of the first hair dye, look how beautiful it is, but before that , hydrogen peroxide was used, so to speak, to bleach hair, which opened up a whole new era, so to speak. they are shown about the black light that long the use of black paint leads to
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cancers of the hematopoietic system, lymphoma and meloma. let's come to our screen because that's what the research was about. so, it is the black pigment that is associated with the risk of cancer, and. a study found that women who used black dye for 20 years had an increased risk of developing lymphoma and meiloma. i want to say that these studies were published back in 94, more than 500,000 women took part in them, so this is a serious study, black paint with a black mark we have a. now andrey petrovich, over to you, what should i pay attention to that should not be in paints?
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paints should not contain lead compounds; these are the paints that are most dangerous from a cancer point of view. what toxic substances should you be sure to read the label to see and not take this paint? if the paint contains lead acetate. and you should know that this substance is a carcinogen, that is , a substance that leads to the development of cancer, and also lead and its compound, that’s right, german, yes, of course, andrei petrovich, a question for you, what rules must be followed when a woman uses hair dyes, firstly, you really need to know that you do not have a specific reaction... reaction, because to this kind dyes can have reactions, so you need to take a small amount of paint and even manufacturers recommend
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doing a test, applying it to the skin, if there is no reaction, on the arm, on the arm of the skin, most often we , as allergists, recommend on the forearm, that is, on this back side of the hand, if there is redness or irritation, then in this case it should not be used in any case, on most. gloves and thirdly, do not paint eyelashes and eyebrows at home, because the paint may accidentally get into your eyes.


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