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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 12, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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and even manufacturers recommend doing a test, applying it to the skin, if there is no reaction, on the arm, on the arm, on the skin, most often we, as allergists, recommend on the forearm, that is, on this back side of the hand, if there is redness or itching, then in this case , it should not be used in any case, on most paints, it is recommended not to be used by people under 16 years of age, without fail. use gloves when applying and when applying paint to the head, and accordingly, do not paint eyelashes , eyebrows at home, in general, globally there are three main rules: first, do a skin test here, if it turns red, don’t use it, second, wear gloves, and third , don’t paint your eyelashes and eyebrows at home, because the paint can accidentally get into your eyes. and at home you
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can get a kick, there are such recommendations globally, they should be followed in a good way, that’s what we wanted to tell everyone today, dear friends, it’s time for us to finish, and as always, finally, before we say any words, we once again congratulations on april 12 to all pilot-cosmonauts, we today, i today i asked mikhaal borisovich, how many of you, how many russian cosmonauts do we have? it turned out that from about 130 to 150, and about people in a country with a population of 140 million, in the world, in the whole world, about 500 people, each of these people, each, he is a real and absolute hero, a real absolute hero, suffice it to say that what is the thickness of the chamber casing, something like a few millimeters, maybe 3 mm, 3 mm, a tin can,
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excuse me, 3 mm thick, today they fly for many, many, many days, so with happy holiday to you personally, every astronaut, especially those on board, happy holiday to your wives, your families, because there are no words to support those who are waiting for you on earth, your mothers, because i think mothers are going crazy, when they expect you to return. you all should always return to earth, because our earth is beautiful. we had a good time with you, may you live a great life. hello, we are starting an information channel.
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work live, the program time will tell, in the studio ruslan nastashko and olesya loseva. the fsb talked about preventing a terrorist attack in moscow, a criminal from central asia was going to blow up a synagogue in the capital, he carefully planned his crime, conducted reconnaissance of the area and even bought components for making an improvised explosive device. during the arrest , the terrorist offered armed resistance and was eliminated. another group of terrorists was detained in donetsk, where militants from central... asia intended to attack a military facility and then flee to turkey, and from there to ukraine. at the site of their detention , fsb officers discovered and seized two improvised explosive devices, ready for use, and hand grenades. but ukraine itself was loud yesterday, our military carried out strikes with high-precision weapons on fuel and energy complex facilities, all goals were achieved, this is what vladimir putin said about this at a meeting with alexander lukashenko. unfortunately. we
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have observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently and were forced to respond, i want to emphasize, we even based on humanitarian considerations, they did not carry any attacks in the winter, meaning that they did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supply, but after a series of attacks on ours. energy facilities were forced to respond, so many immediately after the shots of this blazing trypillian t began to exclaim, why was it possible? so yesterday vladimir putin clearly answered why it was impossible, because leaving people without heat in the cold is not the russian way, because the majority of people in ukraine are our people, who evil irony found themselves not only in a hostile state, but also under it, this is how to extract our people from under the burning rubble of western democracy right away... after a short advertisement.
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i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am next to you, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me... makes me happy the health of loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their happiness. as the chairman of the jury
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, i feel out of place, perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world were sitting at this table, i would like to have lunch. say you like my hat, you don't have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life,
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space architect, designer, artist, engineer, galina andreevna balashova, there was just a red box.
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gives that the flight is normal, silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next second, you don’t understand, the first man in space, the first woman in space, feeling great, first spacewalk, first feature film shot in space, moms , it’s great that we are all gathered here today, tomorrow is the first one. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. do you know what kind of guy he was?
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elena yurievna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat with a mustache. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old ladies in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he won’t get caught in anything there in my life, as in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came... to my mother and threw out such hysterics: "i want to be yura." yuri alekseevich was like a relative for our family. when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, as they cried with all my relatives. there is such a tradition, you must drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gogarin himself drank;
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it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly into a spit. tomorrow, after the program time. on april 12, 1961 , the first manned flight into space took place. yuri alekseevich gagarin made a historic flight on the vostok-1 spacecraft. and already according to the established historical tradition our cosmonauts, who are now in orbit, congratulated everyone on the holiday; oleg kononenko, nikolai chupa and alexander grebyon sent their greetings from the iss. dear friends,
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we cordially congratulate you on cosmonautics day. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of yuri alekseevich gagarin, who ushered in the space age of mankind. the name of the first cosmonaut on the planet is forever inscribed in world history. and we are proud that by developing the domestic cosmonautics, we are continuing the work begun by our predecessors. date: april 12 is still a symbol of the scientific and technical. systems, former cosmonaut training specialist at the yuri alekseevich gagarin center, denis prudnik, denis olegovich, hello, good afternoon, denis olegovich, well , why is the launch of the angara a5 launch vehicle called historic? yes, well, i’ll start a little with congratulations to all our citizens on this historical day, on this historical holiday, i really congratulate everyone,
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space is an integral part of our life within the country, and indeed a very important day for everyone. regarding the launch of the angara, it is really very pleasant that it was on the eve of cosmonautics day, yes, that is , such a gift to all the specialists who worked for a long time for the rocket to take off and its historicity is actually due to the fact that very few countries in the world, one countries in the world can make heavy-class missiles, and here we saw the most complete success of the launch, which does not happen often during the first tests, this launch was carried out for the first time from the newest russian vostochny cosmodrome, in principle, the entire test cycle was completed successfully, this means that we can continue to count on the fact that soon rockets from there will be sent on a flying plane, huh, but what tasks should this particular angara a5 rocket perform? angara a5 is a heavy rocket, as was correctly noted, yes, that is, it is very heavy in mass, 770 tons of launch mass. one of the largest rockets today in the world of space launch vehicles, so the range of tasks it will have is very, very
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large, probably one of the main, if look at the current program of the rocket and space industry - this is the deployment of the russian orbital station, this is our next project after the iss, this is our russian orbital station, which should be built by the end of the twenties, and indeed we cannot do this without the angara, so he has the main thing, of course, is the deployment of growth, as i already said, but for sure the spectrum will be set. much wider, and we will gradually receive this information from official sources regarding what we can do with it release. well, everyone watched the rocket launch very carefully, in such nervous tension, and this launch was postponed several times, why? in fact, this is not exactly a standard procedure, but nevertheless, we are talking about testing a space rocket system, we mean a bunch of launch vehicles for ground infrastructure, and of course some problems may arise. moreover, this is the first launch of the vostochny cosmodrome, as i already said, therefore, as i noted, the general director of uskosmos yuri ivanich
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borisov, in fact, this is the standard routine work of specialists, such a problem arises, the automation can prohibit the start, but in general we see that 2 days of cancellation, on the third day we still successfully started, so this is the normal workflow for a new, complex launch complex, and here you don’t need to look for any reasons that the rocket is bad, this is a standard procedure that is necessary. had to go through in order for the package to successfully complete its mission. that denis correctly noted that in practice it is very rare when heavy rockets immediately go into space well the first time, but ours succeeded, yes, they were delayed, but the main result is that everything went successfully, normally and this is great, especially since i still have the feeling that they were postponed on purpose so that it would be closer to the day cosmonautics, all this was so that there would be more news feeds, but this is such a joke and irony, because everything is serious there at the cosmodrome, the eastern cosmodrome is also the most important component of our... space system in general, thank you very much, denis alegievich prudnik, he was with us on the line connections, and such greetings from the earth, but cosmic
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greetings to everyone and once again, happy holidays. regions of russia continue to struggle with floods, the most difficult situation is now in the orenburg region, the level of the ural river has reached a record high in the entire history of observations, approaching 11 m, the peak of the flood is expected today, about 12 thousand residential buildings or more are flooded in the city. 800 residential buildings have already been liberated, more than 5,000 remain under water, but the process is already underway, in the kemerovo region, a river overflowing its banks washed away an entire village, these are the videos that local residents share on social networks: that’s it, we’re screwed, it’s absolutely terrible, what ’s being done, lord, save me, god, what
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’s being done, all the material has floated away, that’s it. how is it endless, nothing at all, i don’t know what it will be, in the kurgan region, where a state of emergency has been declared since april 8, more than 6,000 people have already been evacuated from floods, work is now in full swing there to strengthen a dam with a total length of 30 km, specialists are doing everything possible to ensure that it can withstand the water level somewhere around 11 m, the peak of the flood has not yet arrived there, yesterday vladimir putin held a meeting on eliminating the consequences of the floods, the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, as well as the governors of the affected regions took part in this meeting. in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not yet left, but now we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing,
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and infrastructure, of course, so don’t delay, please prepare for this in advance. in the tyumen region, authorities are just preparing for spring floods; the day before, the ministry of emergency situations arrived there water-filling dams have been delivered to russia to protect residential buildings; the situation in the region is expected to become more complicated by april 20, with a peak predicted for the 25th. a website has been launched for residents of the tyumen region with information about the flood situation in the region. and now the novosti journalist, tatyana, is in direct contact with us.
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preparations are being made, preventive measures are being taken, the level on the ishim river is expected to rise, next saturday, and almost tomorrow in the kazan region the water level is expected to rise to 750 centimeters, but there is no settlement, as i understand it, according to the government information , low-level bridges and agricultural land will be flooded, and as i already heard you said, the situation is expected to happen in the region on april 23-25. here tatyana, you said that preparations are underway, but what exactly does it consist of? now all efforts are aimed at strengthening dams in areas of expected flooding. yesterday
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, the governor reported to the president that they are increasing everywhere by a meter and a half, too. work is underway to protect the federal highway, which is approximately 6 km, and tyumenyomsk is located in the floodplain of rikin shin , a four-kilometer water-filling dam will be installed there, which was provided by the ministry of emergency situations, and efforts are also being made to ensure that this transport artery is open, and people, people, are preparing for peak of the flood, a lot of information work is being done to... explain to people about the need to evacuate, in principle, everyone is also treated with understanding by the higher-ups, who are one of the first to fall under this wave, and floods, in 2017 this already happened, this year they prepare for the worst possible scenario, it is assumed
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that of course this will not happen, however, a lot of preparatory work is going on, a lot of explanatory work with each person. they talk there, they explain, there are already more than 100 points in the region for temporary accommodation, it is assumed that, mm, they will be able to accommodate up to 13,000 residents, but of course not everyone will go there, the majority will still go to relatives, yeah and others, and also help people with timely evacuation arrangements, and special equipment has been prepared for their valuable property for this purpose warehouses, they are all guarded, uh, so that no one has to worry about anything, in general, everything is still as planned, everything is still quite calm in the region. thank you very much, tatyana tikhonova, a journalist from the avosti agency, was in direct contact with us about the situation in the tyumen region. a large-scale genocide began in ukraine, the day before the verkhovna rada in the second reading adopted a scandalous mobilization bill, from now on ukrainians can
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be mobilized even without a summons to the military registration and enlistment office, there will be no demobilization now, dismissals only due to serious injury and all men from 18 to 60 years old are required to carry a military id with them, but for a long time they tried to convince ukrainians that they are all in the same boat, as... the bill on mobilization for the rich , the new bill on mobilization for many
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has become unexpectedly scandalous, there are many provisions caused heated discussions both among the common people and between the deputies and officials themselves. almost at the last moment, almost at the last moment , the issue of demobilization was excluded from the document, such was the request of the commander-in-chief. came as a surprise, demobilization after 36 months of service, but finally the decision was ruled out, some military personnel on
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social networks have already expressed their indignation, there are 28 years left until demobilization, thank you, please, exclusion of the amendment on demobilization, fierce cringe, the whole army waited and was silent , gaining patience, how many more years should i be on the brink of life and death, it’s hard to even call it life, go to hell with the legislators, it’s better to jail them, then i’ll be released even faster, according to the bill, according to the bill evaders will be punished as follows: if they did not comply with the requirements of the territorial recruitment center on time, the military commissar will sue, by court decision, violators will be temporarily deprived of the right to drive a car, a separate bill: which the rada adopted yesterday in the first reading, provides for fines for violating military rules taking into account legislation on mobilization in the amount from 3,400 hryvnia to almost 60,000 hryvnia. in addition
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, the bill provides that anyone who has been found to be of limited fitness will be required to re-pass a military medical commission for re-examination within 12 months. in addition, those ukrainians liable for military service who received the second or third disability group after february 24, 2022 are subject to repeated military service.
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we are ready to fight not only to the last ukrainian, but also to the last ukrainian woman, in fact, these kinds of methods , to put it mildly, do not fit within the framework of the law,
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the laws of war, and were supposed to demonstrate to western sponsors that the ukrainian leadership is still ready to commit the last final acts, as they say, yes, just give me money, in fact it seems to me that one side is deceiving the other, this country is deceiving, that is, they are simply deceiving each other, in general, alexey alekseevich, there is a lot of confusion here, and i i would like to ask you to help unravel this whole tangle, because of course they adopted this law on mobilization, but they have mobilization anyway. goes, you know, and so they row everyone, but i paid attention to the proposal, which means that here is an expert, yes, whom we just saw on ukrainian television, he said that this whole story, implying this scandalous bill on mobilization and the disagreements there, does not correspond to the constitution, so it could end in one moment if there was simply a clear signal that the ukrainian economy was moving to military rails, what is the subtext,
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in fact, the expert tried to deduce. from the legal field to the emotional one, he immediately asked a sacramental question, we want, we are doing this for the sake of victory, if for the sake of victory we need to do this, that and that, very much, in fact, a sensible proposal, but he understands perfectly well that this will not be done, because the imf does not provide loans to a warring country, but there are certain, there are certain nuances, the imf is violating its own rules, but nevertheless, if they announced this, he said everything, there is no war, there is mobilization, martial law.
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specifically and cynically, at the moment in ukraine there are more than 500,000 people avoiding mobilization, if we take their data, well , in just one region there were 30,000, let’s just calculate according to their official data those who should receive summonses, have already received them, but the military registration and enlistment offices have not come, in fact , there are more than 5 million men of military age who have fled abroad, they have this beautiful word, they have a beautiful word, they have more than 500,000, they have more than 500,000, they are now fighting at the front, it is somewhere in the order 800,000. that is, a whole army is running, after the adoption of this law you can imagine how many more will start running, given that now the times are warm, there are enough forests, especially in western ukraine, i think that there will be a whole army sitting in the forests there, but in general they count, of course, until the end of the year they had such a dream, an idea, at the beginning of the year they said 500,000, now the truth is they already understand that this will not work, god forbid 350, all this turns into the fact that we have carried out an audit here, we still have found people, but in
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principle it’s as much as possible... you see how it turns out, which means that at one time ukrainians were taught to gallop for a long time, so they learned to gallop, now they themselves are learning to run perfectly well, a short advertisement and let’s come back, let me remind you, they have , for cosmonautics day on the first day, on nerves all day, we've been worrying all day, hello everyone, by the way.
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call, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew, tomorrow on the first. premiere, i love my country, tomorrow at the first, well, i’m different, different, evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, you love me, i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that it would soon be a deception will open up and they will hit. but how did the relationship develop in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive
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interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years and we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did you bring him?
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chanson is not just for you, you have to do it, it was so festive, i wanted to go out dancing, but i couldn’t, i was attached to to this, well, i would also like to say that even in such a company, potential would open up for anyone. and mom, mom, mom, i love the gypsy, taechka, your voice knows no bounds at all, you are an amazing classical singer,
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but you can sing in any genre, this is a very strong folk song, it seems to me that this is some kind of new interpretation, but i recognize the cute one about his gait, but... and he wears a hat , a napanama, he wears boots for repairs, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, are running shine, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us, forward, what, where,
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when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first, we return to the tyumen region, there now the authorities are preparing for the spring peahen. on the tabol river and the ishim river, this year they will be
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at historical highs, while the water remains, remains at different rates, on the tabol a little slower, on the ishim, the dynamics are more dynamic, at the ilinka post, which borders the republic of kazakhstan, over the past day plus 112 cm and for the last 4 hours, now roshydromet has switched to more streamlined level measurements. another plus 24 cm and ishim, apparently, already today in the region, in our kazan municipal region, will reach the floodplain, but there is still a margin of almost 2 m before dangerous phenomena, however, we have some time to prepare, the main we began preparation activities on april 5, when , in fact, we received notification that the water level in these rivers will be significantly higher than historical maximums, so it is important that we carry out this in advance
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work with the population, we notify them, those settlements, those streets that, according to our calculations, may fall into the zone of probable flooding, we notify citizens that such an event may occur, we notify , we notify about where temporary accommodation centers are located, we help people get out valuables from their households, now we are transporting and evacuating lonely people. pensioners, and people with limited mobility, large families, in order to do this in advance and not do it on an emergency basis, while we understand all the levels there, where we need to make additional installations of earthen oxen, in some places we increase the height of the crest of existing dams in order to create a certain reserve, based on the maximum forecast level that has been brought to us, is everything there now? necessary in the region
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, we heard in the media that prefabricated dams were heading to the region, is there any understanding of what this is? yes, we asked the ministry of emergency situations, thank you very much, the minister responded very quickly, we really requested water-filling dams in order to protect federal highway r-402, this is tyumen-omsk, which runs through the territory of the obatsky district, near the village of obadskoye , right along the ishim river, this is a simple sleeve, roughly speaking, in simple words, made of a special material that is filled with water and attached to the ground, given that the road there is a decent length, we received 4 km of such dumps, now specialists are starting to install them, everything else, the rest of the length, has already been filled with soil, so our task is to prepare based on forecast maximum level protect. route from a possible overflow of water and the peak is expected from april 21 to april 25, as far as i
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know, yes indeed, a dangerous phenomenon, there is such a term, expected april 20, peaks april 23-25, thank you very much, alexandrevich mor, governor of the chemen region, was with us in direct communication, and meanwhile in ukraine they are preparing for the peak of mobilization, so as soon as the scandalous bill was adopted in the verkhovna rada, military commissars immediately began sending a request. universities and in order to obtain all information on students in from the age of 24, for some of these military commissars, students, it turns out, will not be enough, they demand more and more. young recruits, in my opinion, mobilization, in my opinion, mobilization should occur from the age of 20, we have wasted too much time, if we want to survive as a country, we must turn our face to the war, accept it as a reality, start something about it to do, otherwise it’s all in vain, hundreds of thousands of people who died, were maimed, who are dying
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today at the front, while we ’re talking here, it’s all in vain, we’re losing time, we are ineffective, an ineffective country will never win a victory over a totalitarian authoritarian tough one. zova, there is one, instills in children such a nazi ideology so that schoolchildren in the future do not run away from military commissars, but voluntarily go to the front. ukraine, ukraine, holy mother of heroes, holy mother of heroes, sit still. the noise of the carpathian streams, the noise of the carpathian streams, the battles of the glorious conqueror father khmel, the battles of the glorious conqueror father khmel, the triumph and boom of the garmat to revolutionize, yes, well, the only thing that won’t cover the ukraine with a copper basin
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only the golden youth, i guess what to call paganism or some kind of satanism, but it looks like the children, and as if they were not to blame for this, it seems to me, that is... they came and tried this guy, who is worth a healthy refusal and not not not to repeat for him is what he demands, but while the flywheel of repression is just unfolding, in ukrainian social networks, while they are still trying to joke, a new trend has appeared called the everyday life of a draft dodger. such is the normal everyday life of a draft dodger, but the main draft dodger in ukraine is, of course , an under-president or whatever you call him,
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expired zelensky, who was mowed down from the army, i will remind you as many as four times, but he reminds his fellow citizens that violation of the law is punishable. mobilization is very strict, mobilization is ongoing, as it should be in wartime, according to the law, as for the laws or one of the laws regarding changes in the mobilization process, which was voted for this morning at the request of our troops and military leadership, there are some changes in mobilization , yes, there is increased control among the colonists, but i want to tell you that any a person without this law, who violated the law and was of mobilization age and was a draft dodger and... did something outside the law, he already violated this or that legislation in force, for some zelensky creates rules, but for himself there are complete exceptions. evgeny, but zelensky is a specific person, yes, he is a little devoid of an adequate perception of the world, due to the use of psychotropic substances due to his
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character, he himself avoided military service four times, he himself canceled the elections, appointed himself a usurper and became. thus an overdue president, probably for the first time in the history of ukraine, and nothing bothers the ukrainians that they are commanded, this man says: you are going to die, they will mobilize you, there is this bill with many, many points, there if you have two cars, your second car can be taken away from you at any time for the needs of the army, and the second or third car can only be left alone, and that’s not a fact. by and large, the reaction of ukrainian society is this so-called wave of everyday life, that is, those who were able to leave, those who could afford to leave, considering. very high tariffs of ukrainian border guards for leaving ukraine, they are now demonstrating on ukrainian social networks what the majority of ukrainians really sincerely want, just to leave this very real concentration camp from a madhouse at the same time surrounded by cowards and the eu, which is
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what they wanted, well, i think , that now it’s a little bit different, a little bit different, i think that there are still some adequate people there who understand that it’s probably best to emigrate to the russian federation now... it would be a more preferable option, given that ukrainian military commissars are already starting to look at those who have left for the countries of the european union, i will even say more, here there is information that recruitment of ukrainian refugees into the so -called german legion, which may be sent to ukraine, well, in exchange for further obtaining german citizenship, by and large from the point of view of zelensky, his regime, from the point of view of western ideas... we are all faced with one simple reality, that for ukrainians, for ordinary ukrainians, there is only one fate in store, this is promotion and a path to one. it’s called the end to the front, so you don’t even need a summons anymore, you see, you don’t even need a summons anymore, yes, they’ll just catch you, but by the way, about the fact that there’s no
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need for a summons, this epic with the adoption of the bill, it dragged on, well , at least since december last year, more than four months, even before the new year, they actually began a real catching of the population, that is, i can’t even call these actions differently, that is this is such a misanthropic policy that it demonstrates... it’s normal for ukrainians, but what to spend, what in the west is treated like a resource simply as a resource that the kiev regime treats like that, well, from the point of view of common sense, probably , this is not normal, but we all understand perfectly well the nature of the kiev regime, so unfortunately, this is also normal, in alexey’s opinion, it’s not normal, yes, which of course is not normal, it contradicts all the so -called... western values, i also, this not only resources, these are also means of profit, because, as far as i understand, many people
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in ukraine carry money with them in order to pay off right away, that is, this is corruption to the nth degree, you see, i apologize, but the money is allocated for the fight with corruption, and are allocated to ukraine by european countries, why, in order to grow this corruption even more, that is, it turns out that european countries are now directly sponsoring. the best corrupt officials are being sent to fight corruption, and in general, can ukraine find new soldiers without destroying an entire generation, american journalists are already asking this question, it’s surprising that for some reason zelensky is not interested in this question at all, about a million men who serve in... the ukrainian army are defeated and exhausted, tens of thousands of people have died, new recruits are urgently needed, but in ukraine there is a serious demographic crisis, there are very few
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young men in it. the healthy men under 30 who make up the backbone of most armed forces are part of the smallest generation in ukraine's modern history. zelensky's decision to call up men from the age of 25, the already small generation of ukrainians, who are now 25-26 years old, can further reduce it. but in the meantime, ukraine entered the top three. countries with the lowest birth rates, the historical record has been broken, the worst indicators in the last 300 years. a total of 187,000 children were born in the country during this year, this is the smallest number of newborns over the entire observation period, even taking into account the possibility of children being born abroad in temporarily occupied territories that were not registered in the ukrainian legal framework, taking into account historical estimates of the population of ukraine, as well as estimates of the number of newborns per thousand. residents, one can reasonably assume that so few children were not born on the territory of ukraine for at least three centuries, even in 1719, when
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the population within modern borders was estimated at only 5.7 million people, the number of births was estimated at 280,000, you see alexey alekseevich, they write , that means, an american journalist, and we specifically quoted them in order to understand the extent to which they generally show you the ignorance of the west and themselves ukrainians, which means the historical record has been broken by the worst. indicators for the last 300 years, well, let's start with the fact that 300 years ago there was no state of ukraine on the territory, which means that russian statistics from 1739 are authoritative for the american publication, even if you imagine it in your imagination, but ukraine has never entered into such a deep military conflict with their brotherly people, the russians, and about 50 countries there and in this western coalition that support ukraine, yeah. that is, behind them is a barrier detachment from 50 countries that incite, egg on, say: die, die, children must die, women must die, to be honest
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, this one freezes me out - the practice of sending women to the front line, simply purposefully, not in the form of nurses, but in the form of military personnel, then can you imagine what a satanic plan is for a woman who is called to give birth - to solve the demographic problem, she will kill later, what will she give birth to? i'm sorry, you see, they should n't have strollers with babies driving through the streets, but tanks, this is what the bet is on, in fact , this is from the point of view of meaning, in terms of content, spiritual content of the processes that are happening in ukraine, this is some kind of diabolical monstrous mega-experiment in inhumanity, it breaks all records, i ’m afraid that the results of this conflict, even hitler’s experiments will fade a little.
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in the west no, to be honest, i came to a different exit, in the west there is now a collective hitler, yes, so on, well, against the backdrop of the adoption of the law of mobilization, zelensky took announce a new counterattack. do you really believe that crimea and donbass can be returned, because last year your counter-offensive failed, your soldiers do not have enough weapons, how can they recapture such a large territory, let’s face it, we didn’t
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fail, we didn’t fail the counter-offensive. but it really wasn’t as successful as we expected, is it true, the russians knew how we would attack, where would we attack from? do you have a new counteroffensive plan? yes, we have a counter-offensive plan, and this is a counter-offensive must give its results, we will definitely win, we have no alternative, but i cannot promise to give a date. well, in our ministry of defense they cooled zelensky’s ardor and decided to remind him that during last year’s contour... the famous and publicized ukrainian army lost 166 thousand people killed and wounded, as well as 789 tanks, almost 2,500 other armored vehicles and 132 aircraft. a new counter-offensive in usu will turn into a complete disaster for kiev. thanks to such non-trivial approaches in military planning, there is no need doubt that the implementation of
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zelensky’s new counter-offensive plan will end in complete disaster for ukraine. the final defeat of the ukrainian armed forces and the beginning of the path to peace on russian terms. well, for now zelensky is announcing a plan for his new counter-offensive. our troops are moving forward without any loud words, this is what western journalists report on this matter. russian troops are launching a new wave of drone attacks and missile attacks on ukraine. this is the novo mikhailovka area, which is next to donetsk. and you are so calm.
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to what extent is this an objectively accurate forecast of the nato military, bloomberg writes that ukraine is now in the most vulnerable position during the entire conflict, is this really true, why is all this being spread through... the western media, well, in fact, in the first days there too there were big problems with vulnerability, if we don’t discard these ones there in the first week, then yes, perhaps this is the most vulnerable place, because we were able to create a tactic thanks to which, regardless of how much the enemy throws in reserves, we simply go forward, interrupting them, grinding, that is, our tactics are cabs, artillery, drones, really overwhelming superiority in artillery , especially on the main ones...
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these reserves are just another throw, that is , they first polished with cabs, artillery, throw, took new positions and so it will go monotonously this rampart, which so far they cannot restore to the enemy even with the number of their infantry, is a big problem, i would also like to comment on zelensky’s words regarding the counter-offensive for which they are preparing, but i want to remind history, adolf hitler planned his last counter-offensive, sitting in a bunker in surrounded berlin, that wenck's army would now hit the russians in the rear in a counter-offensive. will throw them back from berlin, that was also a plan, the question is not whether there is a plan or not, how feasible it is, this is a different situation, as far as i see implemented, there are no implementable plans for a counteroffensive in the armed forces of ukraine , on the contrary, everything is moving towards
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extinction , it’s too early to say that the enemy is completely broken, no, of course, he is desperately resisting, on the other side russian guys are the same as on this side, stubborn, desperate, deceived, unfortunately, so of course the fight is very serious, is there any understanding of the consequences. of our massive attacks on the energy infrastructure in kiev, in the kharkov region, in western ukraine, it is now clear that we have knocked out and how long it can take for everything to be restored, the question is what goal are we trying to achieve, the main thing, that is, knocking out something itself itself, and the trypillian tez, for now it looks like it won’t go back until the end of the war, that’s the biggest thing is that the sumy was hit there, it’s a little of everything, again, as i understand it, they can still repair it there in kharkov in a small way. struck, that is, this can still be solved, the problem is different: we showed in kharkov that we can generally exclude a powerful industrial region, a logistics region, from the turnover of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, and if we continue these attacks, apparently, we
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will continue these attacks , then three or four more serious blows and kiev could be shut down in the same way, regardless of what, for example, there will be in part of the territory there is an excess of electricity, but again, we will not hit nuclear power plants, but around nuclear power plants. it will be possible to simply set up greenhouses there and grow cucumbers using electricity, the question is not that they don’t need cucumbers, they need shells, they need armored vehicles, there will be problems with this, that is, the task is not just to turn off the lights in ukraine, but not to give the enemy an opportunity produce weapons and, accordingly , turn off the most important logistics hubs so that they cease to be such, because the metro, the same and the metro, is essentially continuation of the railroad, especially the underground railroad, that is, we... it doesn't work, that's it, it doesn't work anymore and so on. but how can our strikes
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concentrate forces accordingly, and if the energy infrastructure affects the plans of the west, to open their production facilities in the military-industrial complex on the territory of ukraine, because several corporations have already announced that we are opening production there, the germans, in particular rhine metal, but we gave them a clear signal, yuri ivanovich, it turns out, well... if you remember my comments on that the moment when those statements were made last year, i immediately said that it was a bluff, foreigners will not open any production facilities here, i explained the reasons, so now in my opinion this bluff is obvious, they are declaring this in order to show support , that is , visualization of support, we will support you in order to encourage those unfortunate people who are now being grabbed by the istsk workers and thrown to the front, often unprepared, that’s what all these statements are for, everyone understands perfectly well: no production in the west ukraine will not do anything military, they are begging, they understand that this is completely pointless. how is the situation at the front? what should you pay special attention to now? well
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, the main directions are ocheretinskaya, let’s call it northern avdeevskaya, and karlovskaya is southern avdeevsko, western avdeevsko and chasovyarskaya direction also krasnogorovka, that is, the main offensive battles are taking place here, well, novomikhai, you also showed a report, the main offensive battles are underway. seversky is gradually being connected here area, but basically it’s still chasova cheretina, karlovka. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka was in direct contact with us. our military is a jeweler. suffered retaliatory blows only after ukraine chaotically simply white-washed our energy facilities, this is what vladimir putin said about this yesterday at a meeting in moscow with his belarusian colleague alexander lukashenko. unfortunately, we have seen a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently, and we were forced to respond. i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons in winter...
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did not carry out any attacks, meaning that they did not want to leave without power supplies, social institutions, hospitals, and so on, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities they were forced to respond, well, western journalists write that our military carried out attacks at the fuel and energy complex of ukraine, with the latest x-69 missiles. during the attack on trypilska tes, the enemy used his new x-69 cruise missiles, which allowed him to completely destroy the most powerful power plant in kiev. according to additional information received, the missile range was about 400 km. the successful strike suggests the possibility of its penetration through the obviously depleted ukrainian air defenses. also, its use precisely due to the launch of the su-34 or su-35 may be more widespread due to its nature.
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with 150 kg of explosives, on its basis the x69 was created, the missile is completely unique, by the 22nd year it was made, but already during the time of the ied it was, as they say, very well modernized, that is, its range is now, at least officially we she's nowhere to be found they gave it, but in the west they write that it is more than 400 km, moreover, it is modular and not completely new, well, we started assembling it in 1922, modernized, yes modernized, it is modular. in the west , i don’t rule out that it can fly at 600, 800, that is, depending on how many modules there will be, i read there, they say that the altitude is unique, its most important feature is that it can fly in terrain- following mode , that is, from 50 there are 200 m, in this case, of course, for the apu the problem is that it is launched from virtually any of our fighters, bombers or bombers, in this case, if, as they themselves write there, the take-off of heavy bombers or mig-31s ​​there, they can at least... with
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the help of western intelligence track, then the constant work of our aviation not tracked, and accordingly, they can track their launches only at the moment when they are already arriving at the targets, plus, of course, it has a very specific shape, this square one, it has a stealth coating, it is very bad, then there is let’s just say, it’s hardly noticeable on the screens, that is , this is a very serious weapon, and in all this one more very important thing must be said, you remember, especially the first year was a favorite time...
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also objects in other regions of kiev, zaporozhye, odessa and lviv. each of our neighbors in europe, each of our other partners sees how critical ukraine’s need for air defense is. right here, exactly. now, if russian missiles and suicide bombers hit not only ukraine, but the determination of their partners, this will be global permission to terror, we need air defense and other defensive support, and not turning a blind eye and long discussions. the expired product that zelensky became by canceling the elections, apparently, the western guarantee does not apply, or
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does zelensky hope to extend it, alexey alekseevich? there is a very interesting nuance here that should be clearly kept in mind: zelensky is blackmailing the west. demanding the provision of air defense in any form, in any quantity, better more than less, hiding behind civilians, that is, in essence , he is doing, using the same model that used the armed forces of ukraine at one time, when they made oporniks in residential areas, and then accused russia of carrying out attacks on residential areas. zelensky has now brought this model to the political level, that is, he says: if you don’t provide us with patriotism, it means accordingly, we will hide behind the population, as he says, there will be very large casualties. all this will fall, as they say, on you, too, because i, you didn’t give me weapons, you promised me and didn’t give me weapons, by the way, western figures also fell into this trap, remember, they all maniacally repeated this mantra: we will be with ukraine, we will provide everything until the moment it is needed, now they
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have actually been caught in words, zelensky is holding his tongue and says: well, you promised, let’s do it, otherwise i will shut you down with the population, but europe, in turn, has high hopes for the united states. ask for help from ukraine, the americans are of course in no hurry, in america they are preparing for the presidential elections, and one of the main candidates, despite his advanced age, is the current owner of the white house, joe biden, about his secrets in it was time for his former assistant tara rit to tell the program. in the nineties, she was harassed by biden. the senate was supposed to help me, and i went there for help, but then they told me that no one would do this. this was 1993 , then there was no help for workers. in fact, 70% of the people who worked in capitol offices then experienced sexual harassment. i don’t know how it is now, but after all this time i can say that they were essentially trafficking young women. women who wanted to start there
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career, often found themselves in unpleasant situations. for details of biden's harassment and more, see the full exclusive interview with tarr red, today on the program after the news at 13:00. well, the main task here is to really clearly monitor what is happening in the west and what details of western politics in general, well, i don’t know, are presented by those people who were once involved in it, the news on channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. celebration of space scale. today in russia they celebrate a significant day. the first manned flight into space. on april 12, 1961, the famous let's go sounded. and yuri gagarin.


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