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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 12, 2024 12:15pm-2:59pm MSK

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terrible war, now we are fighting, as they say, against this evil again, because the undefeated, so to speak, turned out to be, an exhibition of the immortality of the feat, recreating one of the brightest heroic pages of the common history of fraternal peoples, is open in the museum and exhibition center ros-izo , it will last until june 9. valentina solavyova, alexander isaev, kirill kushnev, dmitry kucheryavets and dmitry litvinenko, channel one. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. the information channel on the first continues your work, good afternoon everyone, this is a live broadcast, anatoly kuzichev is with you. you know, we so habitually use the word terrorism, international terrorism, we don’t just habitually use it, we believe quite rightly what it is.
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on the first, say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, space architect, designer, artist, engineer, galina andreevna balashova, was here just a red box, red, in this device they should have flying around the earth, korolev said, nonsense,
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i want to say thank you, that only in russian cabins there is a porthole, at the architectural institute they teach a person how to organize space, how to organize space so that it is beautiful, comfortable, and necessary, so you were instructed to develop symbolism, in america was signed that this is a completely different artist, and you yourself dreamed of flying into space, well, you see, the time has come for just such an occasion, podcast lab. today on the first, for cosmonautics day on the first, all day on nerves, we worry all day, hello everyone, by the way, you are 17, 17, 16, 15, ignition. call, broadcast of the launch and
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landing of the first space film crew, tomorrow on the first, premiere, i love my country, tomorrow on the first, well, i’m different. different. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia. he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light. do you love me? i walk around moscow for family reasons. in these films, he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and i haven't for a very long time i understood what i did there. and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i never loved anyone before tanya. i am her. he took me by the arm and it was like
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an electric shock, our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. tanya and i lived with us for 38 years. son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery, what brought his loyalty to the end of his life, why it was not possible to avoid tragedy, all this divine providence, as the lord directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. let's go, you know what kind of guy he was, elena yurievna gagarina, alekseevich's eldest daughter, new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in a hat, with a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she breaks into everything classes, says
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gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he won’t get caught on anything there? the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining
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and screaming, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming. we are the young spring messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. so, we continue to work live, this is our special project, the time to remember terrorism and terror. well, it should be noted that the americans in recent decades, well, decades, yes, so to speak, we have mastered this theme, this theme of the fight against terrorism, saddled ourselves, put on
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the laurel wreath of the fighter against terrorism, the main light. michael makes notes, laurel wreath. okay, so with this sauce, with this. so to speak, under this guise the american cia set up secret prisons around the world, it’s like a fact, yes michael, well , it’s no longer secret, if it’s not already a secret, then it’s a fact, thank you, that means terrorists are kept there, that means they are there they are tortured, they are all there, so to speak, whatever happens to them they do it because listen, well, you understand, these are terrorists, yes, they got involved in more than one military operation, overthrew more than one government, all this is within the framework of the fight against terrorism, within the framework of the fight for democracy, i don’t mind. i don’t have anything in general about democracy, but so to speak, it seems to me that the democracy that americans have on their lips is, of course , not democracy at all, it is such a social, so to speak, instrument of manipulation and control, with the democracy that we imagine we imagine, it has nothing in common, it is important to understand this, yes michael, yes,
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it turns out, listen, that the states may be, once again, may be involved in the financing of terrorism, so to speak, not directly in this way, not conceptually, not generally philosophically. completely direct and immediate, and not somewhere out there, in ukraine. this week, the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal investigation into the financing of terrorism by officials of the united states and other western countries. the case was opened after an appeal from a group of state duma deputies and public figures who asked to check this document, check the involvement of the united states and ukraine in undermining the northern streams, terrorist attacks against the murder of simply daria dugin and vladen.
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prominent political and public figures causing economic damage. the sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars are being verified. involvement of specific individuals from among government officials, public and commercial organizations in western countries. in addition, through investigative operational means , the connections of the direct perpetrators are worked out terrorist acts with foreign curators, organizers and sponsors. slana petrenko mentioned, yes, well known to us under the name burisma holdings. let's remember what kind of burisma this is and what it is.
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after the coup in ukraine in the spring of 1914, it became one of the key players in lobbying western interests, among its top managers were ex-president of poland alexander kwasniewski, former head of the cia anti-terrorism center joseph cover b, as well as son joe biden hunter biden, with the appointment of biden jr. causing the greatest resonance. gurisma hired hunter biden as a board member in 2014 when his father, the vice president, joined. states led the obama administration's policy towards ukraine, the company paid him up to $1 million a year, despite
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the lack of relevant experience in the energy industry. what hunter biden did during his time at the company is unknown, but he completed his contract completely until 2019, although he later complained that he spent the fabulous money that came to him from burisma on alcohol, drugs and women. lobbying of western interests did not go unnoticed by the prosecutor's office. in 2016, the prosecutor general of ukraine viktor shokin begins a corruption investigation against the burisma company. shokin was going to interrogate all the top managers, including biden jr., but then washington intervened in the matter and the prosecutor was simply removed from his post by phone call. joe biden has repeatedly boasted about this fact. i tell them said, we won't give you a billion dollars, they tell me. you don’t have such powers, you are not the president, but the president said that he would give it, i answered him, call him, i
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’m telling you that you don’t get a billion dollars, i looked at them and said, i’m leaving in 6 hours, if your prosecutor general they won’t fire you until then, you won’t get any money, you son of a bitch, and they fired him and replaced him with someone who was suitable at that time. the clouds gathered over burisma after the election of donald trump as president, but the corruption scandals in ukraine remained pr strategies for the us election race, founder. burism from zlochevsky moved to london and there he continued the tactics of bribing western elites; since 2016, he has been holding an energy security forum in monaco, under the patronage of the atlantic council, this is one of the nato structures. in 2020, ukraine is rocked by another corruption scandal, this time the director of legal affairs of burisma, andrei kicha, as well as the first deputy head of the state tax service of kiev, nikolai, are detained. ilshenko, they tried give a bribe to close a criminal case against nikolai zlochevsky. we are talking about
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the largest bribe in the history of modern ukraine, 6 million dollars, a criminal case was opened, a trial began, but this money ultimately went to its intended destination. on april 21, twenty -two. the ukrainian court transfers these 6 million cash cash, in agreement with representatives of burizma, to the disposal of the military unit of the main one. intelligence agency of ukraine, here is the number of this unit, this is a secret decision, no one has seen it yet, after a period of time, the northern streams begin to explode, an attempt is made on dugina, prilepino, tatarsky, the heads of the ukrainian special services do not hide the fact that they are carrying out political assassinations, terrorist acts for extra-budgetary cash, that is, once again.
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everyone, excuse me, a fart, excuse the word, they stand in the usa, you know, they call it, it’s too much, it’s being devalued, remember, remember the parable about marchik, who cried wolf, wolf, every day, and you cry dry land ciru, so good , that's it, i understand you, that's it, yes, and you read chekhov, yes, yes, well, thank god, but the story, remember, the letter to the learned neighbor, remind me, this cannot be, because it cannot be. never, that there was such a formula, once again, this cannot be, because it can never be, you essentially mean, no, michael was supported, okay, no, i listen, once again, now, michael used the word there verb , you say, if you paid attention, we are reasoning, we are obliged to do this, yes, we have a lot of examples before our eyes, starting from i don’t know, from the iran-contra scandal,
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ending, i don't know, ending with this flirty, oh, we don't know who blew up the nord stream, hee hee, listen, we have to, we have to. because demos in athens was the area of ​​athens where the richest people lived, they could elect and be elected, in this sense, in the usa there is such a demos, because democracy in greek is laocracy, and not democracy, i my task is not to just blame america, so to speak, i don’t know , and
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to back it up with some convincing arguments and so on, no, i want to agree on terrorism in terms, because well, the truth is important. i want to say that america, on the other hand, is also a victim, we should not forget this either, that is, the state of the united states is not only, as if in some sense, on the one hand, it is a villain, but also consists of some completely incompatible compounds, water and oil, these are the supporters of globalization, in fact, the term international terrorism is actually a rather strange invention, because terrorism, you asked what it is, it’s a decedent...
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there to sympathize with michael, and in general close the program, then go on to sympathize and the like, no, let ’s sympathize after the program, however, i would just like justice, in this case i don’t want to look at this picture linearly, because when we talk usa, we must understand what forces are in the usa, that of biden, say, or the clinton group, and there they have quite complex relations with each other, but this is their problem, they, of course, are supporters. globalization, and the worst thing is the decision who makes, the decision is made by thomas, the same demos who, well, i don’t know, is there, michael, let him tell you, george town, yes, this area, where who is undermining the northern streams in the broad sense of the word, the clinton group, or something , in these same watersuits, the deep state, biden
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is the frontman of a certain group of american globalists, yes. he also declares that it was they, it was they who at least financed and planned the operation to blow up the northern ones, it should be noted, frontman, yes maybe, but the frontman is not like in a group, so to speak, in fact, he is the president of the united states of america, so we have every right reason to say that he is an old man who is a puppet. yes, i see this, but i repeat, once again, my task is not to blame the states, let’s get to the bottom of the meaning of the term and, so to speak, understand in general how everything works, please, let’s get to the bottom of it, in 1947. the cia was founded, yes, and it was given the task of fighting the soviet union, all in every possible way, there
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ideological influence, economic, political, subversive activities and terrorist acts, no need to guess anything, no need to invent anything, take what the workers themselves, retired cia officers say , listen to the conclusion of the church commission in the seventies, and you will understand that terrorism is a legitimate form of the united states, promoting its interests under the auspices, so to speak, of democracy and so on, everything is written out there, there are dozens of books written by people who did all this in angola, in nicaragua everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, it talks about who financed it, how they...
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the cia is a government agency, it’s not a private shop, but it’s a state shop, that is, like this, that is, it reflects the position of the politician, so to speak and other aspirations of the state, so
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if in the cia charter it means to fight the union, but now russia has come to change the union using all possible available methods and means, then it believes that this is a declaration of the state, okay, that means this state has a big quantity of different kinds companies, all sorts of companies that one way or another promote the position of their state.
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east directly to chechnya, what was behind this, look, terrorism, i would like to draw attention to this problem, because when american companies drew the attention of oil and gas companies, including standard oil and petroleum, that 200 billion barrels of oil are in the caspian sea, and goes through the formidable one to novorossiysk from baku, accordingly, this operation was immediately invented, of course iran.
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for terrorism the united states of america, which accuses everyone of terrorism in libya, afghanistan, iraq, north korea and so on, are themselves state terrorists, they have stigmas in the cannon, what kind of stigmas are these, let me explain, you asked a question to remember, these are stigmas directly , of course, the central intelligence department is one, this is the state department, this is two, iranian administration officials say, this is proven by the united states of america and, of course , corporations. cia and is financed, most importantly, from government funds,
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united states of america, state. terrorist, we understand, the united states of america is even written down in the concept of terrorism, we cannot be terrorists, terrorists are only a group that fights against the united states of america, in fact, the united states of america is waging a low-intensity war in the reagan doctrine, this was spelled out , yes, we remember, and now we will now show the plot, michael, just briefly, i conjure you, because not everyone has said it yet, a short clarification, my task is not to whitewash tsyuru, they have their own sins, like... this is just an example of a serious topic, i also have questions, when i talk about information dumps, i meant other examples, for example, that there are chemical weapons in ukraine, where are these chemical weapons in ukraine , informational, i’m talking about the fact that the coronavirus was developed in the usa, because it is profitable for
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the american pharmaceutical company. this is very serious, this is precisely the accusation that gates, bill gates are trying to microchip russians through vaccines, this issue needs to be dealt with, this is a very serious matter, i tell you i understand, i understand you, where is the cia, friends, of course, yes, the cia, where is the cia in the states, the cia never, the cia, what do they care about us, what they themselves write, thank you, wait, now a second, wait, me chipped, of course.
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can't you see, look, uh, now the chip will tell me what to do new york times, okay, so where is the cia, asks michael, raising his hands to the sky, where is the cia, yes, that means the cia, here, michael, here, in the same place where the cia is, nearby, at the gates, literally, at the borders, we read, okay, god bless him, let's go along that path, which michael outlined for us along the path, so to speak, of studying serious sources, the new york times newspaper, a serious source, yes. let's read, please. located in a dense forest, the ukrainian military base looks abandoned and destroyed, but it is above ground. nearby is a discreet passage to an underground bunker, where groups of ukrainian soldiers monitor russian spy satellites and eavesdrop on the conversations of russian commanders. an underground bunker built to replace a destroyed command center a few months after the russian invasion, is the secret center of the ukrainian armed forces. the base is almost fully funded and
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partially equipped. the cia and other us intelligence agencies, which provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track the movements of russian troops and help maintain spy networks. the post-bug in the ukrainian forest is part of a cia-backed network of spy bases established over the past 8 years, including 12 secret sites along the russian border. i didn't understand, sorry, despite the chip, i i don’t understand something, over the past 8 years there have been 12 secret objects, but how do they live? this means what this means, russia on february 24 , 2022 and all that , all of it, and over the last 8 years there have been 12 secret facilities along the russian border, andrei frantsievich, it seems to me that this is the answer to michael’s question rhetorically, where is the cia, here cia, please, this is unnatural, brother, do you remember where your country is, look, i ’ll show you, well, suddenly you forgot everything, right here, yeah, and for some reason the cia is here, but
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show me where syria is and where russia is ? organizations that conduct foreign policy . in fact, we also have a lot of activities, and i remember when i had the opportunity to work in one of them, we studied the experience of the west, i think maybe there’s something we can spy on there, interesting elements, soft power , it was already said today, yes, but there is such an american agency for
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international development assistance, the department of energy , you can imagine, for example, only the presidential adviser, on which everything converges, the united states has its own intelligence service, which is under under the cover of yusaid or other organizations , whatever, there is peace all over the world, they go to countries, explore some interesting minerals, where they can then come 11 and there are a lot of them. bribery, blackmail, political murder, in 1990 there was a very resonant story when
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a cia textbook, closed since 1954, was leaked to the press, that’s what political murder is called, an initial course that describes how to do, yes, which describes, political murders, initial course, uh-huh. describes what classification, and if the performer needs to be destroyed, this is a political murder with losses, if he is alive, then he remains and is described as doing it publicly or camouflaging as an accident and so on, examples have already been given today of death squads that were and so on, the americans and the current whenever power happens, they also try to deceive themselves within the system, for example the cia, for their special operations they need some money. not accountable to congress for conducting operations, including in the interests of deep states, transnational corporations, of course, a very striking example, george bush older, director of the cia in the seventies, was very friendly with a cia employee, nariego in
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panama, and from there they traded cocaine in america, they made good money, when he became president, when he became president, he immediately made a war and put him in prison because he was no longer interesting. what i'm bringing this all to, they really like to later leak their agents and those performers who carried out their dirty deeds, so as a rule they have events are taking place with the loss of the performer, saakashvili, who is sitting in naryogo prison, and there are many such examples that can be carried out, let's listen now, let's still have time to remember, let's see, we haven't collected everything, not everything, just one hundredth there, so to speak activity of the united states on the planet as part of the same attempt to get to the bottom of the meaning of this famous term. let's watch the story and get back to the conversation, please! july 1979, american president jimmy carter signs a decree on funding anti-communist forces in
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afghanistan. the cia smuggled billions of dollars worth of weapons into the hands of the afghan resistance. the department proposed to buy lethal military equipment for the mujahideen, the holy warriors of afghanistan, or to provoke. coup d'état. 6 weeks later, the cia began a series of black propaganda operations aimed at supporting the tribal insurgency in afghanistan. carter initially tried to move cautiously , and on july 3 he signed a secret order authorizing the cia to support the afghan rebels. the original amount was modest - 695 dollars. operation central control is called cyclone. pakistan and its intelligence act as a mediator. there is a whole network of training camps for militants on its territory. trained by nato instructors. the then national security adviser to the american president , sbigne brzyzinski, even came to the khyber pass in pakistan. the purpose of coordination with pakistan is to keep the soviets bleeding for as long as possible. the total amount of assistance
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to the afghan mujahideen from the united states in 1988 reached $2.1 billion. hundreds of thousands trained and armed militants later turned into several terrorists. groups, among which was al-qaeda with its leader osama bin laden. terrorist financing tactics in the united states have been applied to latin america. 1978, civil war in nicaragua. dictator anastasio samosa fled the country, but the long-awaited peace did not come. washington did not like the independent government of nicaragua and the americans began to arm opposition groups called the contras. in addition to weapons and money, the cia issued to the rebels. several instructions, the americans explained how to call citizens to maintain contact with washington, the press wrote that some rebel leaders even had the personal number of the commander of nato forces, general wesley clark. us intelligence agents have admitted that they helped train the kosovo liberation army before
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nato troops began bombing yugoslavia. central intelligence agency officers were in kosovo as observers during the ceasefires in 1998 and 1999. establishing ties with the kosovo liberation army, providing it with american combat training manuals and operational information on the actions of the yugoslav army and serbian police. in 2001, the united states again turned its attention to the middle east. the september 11 attacks were a turning point in the financing of terrorists in the east. washington launches a military invasion of afghanistan. for 20 years the country was under us military influence. the region was divided between radical groups. drug trafficking has increased hundreds of times. american pmcs sold weapons to the black market. they tried to use a similar scheme in syria. the so -called free syrian army. set as its goal the overthrow of the regime of bashar al-assad,
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then the militants split into several groups, with isis taking one of the most prominent roles. the americans supplied terrorists with weapons, intelligence data, and sponsored militants. weapons for us-trained syrian rebels in jordan ended up on the black market under the nose of the ucia. since 2013, us intelligence agencies , together with the saudis, have armed and trained syrian rebel forces to fight the regime of bashar al-assad. the code name for the secret operation is wood. after all, russia has repeatedly offered the united states of america after the 2001 terrorist attack and the french after the terrorist attacks in paris in 2015 joint participation.
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this is all nonsense, rose-colored glasses, it’s time to take them off.
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news on channel one. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. russia today celebrates cosmonautics day. april 12, sixty-one yuri gagarin did the first one. in the history of mankind, space flight. the legendary phrase “let's go and 108 minutes in the near-winter space opened a new era of research” made our country a leader in the industry. the contribution of those thanks to whom we remain in leading positions today was noted by vladimir putin, by presidential decree, the title of hero of russia awarded to cosmonauts dmitry pitelin and andrei fedyaev. the order of gagarin, awarded to sergei prokopyev, oleg novitsky, and their colleague from belarus, marina vasilevskaya. happy holiday to industry employees all russians... decades have passed,
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technology has advanced far, but we are still taking our first steps beyond the earth, because space is extremely difficult, dangerous and expensive. we celebrate success together and overcome difficulties together. we learn from mistakes and move forward. today we are actively exploring near space, but soon we will have to go further beyond the earth. this is a most difficult task that requires the resources of all humanity, which has yet to learn to work together to solve it. today i wholeheartedly congratulations to all compatriots, all workers in the rocket and space industry, for whom april 12 is a professional holiday.
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russia has never refused peace negotiations on ukraine, moreover, we are inclined towards exactly this kind of resolution of the conflict, but without imposing schemes that have nothing to do with reality, vladimir putin said this at a meeting with president of belarus lukashenko in moscow, one of ukraine became the main topic. clearly outlined why our country switched to such tactics right now, let me remind you that in energy, unfortunately, we have observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently, and were forced to respond, i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian
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reasons, we did not carry out any attacks in the winter, meaning that we did not want to... leave without energy supply - social institutions, hospitals and so on, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, we were forced to respond. but i repeat once again, if all this is looped into solving those issues that we talked about initially, and the blows to the energy sector are also related to solving one of the tasks that we set for ourselves, and this is mm...
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russian troops launched new attacks on the rear areas of ukrainian militants, arriving in the dnepropetrovsk region at the mining and processing plant in krivoy rog. it is reported that the substation was hit, the enterprise was de-energized. in addition, the fire at the krivorozskaya thermal power plant also caused explosions ...
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gunners, fpv drone operators. and in the southern donetsk sector , our helicopter pilots successfully completed the combat mission. aircraft missiles hit a strong point enemy. intelligence reports that the target has been hit. fsb officers managed to prevent two terrorist attacks in donetsk and moscow. in the dpr , militants planned to attack a facility of our armed forces. six immigrants from central asia were detained, who were subsequently planning to leave for ukraine, from where the activities were supervised. details and footage of operational shooting in the following material. the fsb special forces are preparing for the assault; in a few seconds the suspects will already be lying face down on the floor. operational
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footage shows the moment of the arrest of six militants from central asia, who were preparing a terrorist attack on a military facility. on april 11, 2024, the federal security service suppressed the activities of a terrorist cell consisting of six citizens of one of the central asian states, whose members were planning to commit a terrorist act against a facility of the armed forces of the russian federation stationed in the city of donetsk. two improvised explosive devices ready for use were seized from the detainees. and hand grenades. according to operational data, the activities of the criminal group were supervised by ukrainian territory. after committing the crime in russia, the militants planned to travel to turkey and from there cross over to ukraine. and this is footage from operational shooting in moscow. according to the fsb, a man from central asia planned to carry out a terrorist attack in one of the moscow synagogues. the suspect offered
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armed resistance and was eliminated. the foreigner made preparations to commit a terrorist attack and conducted reconnaissance of the area surrounded by one of the synagogues. moscow, and also purchased components for the manufacture of a homemade explosive devices. a ready-to-use explosive device and other explosives were found in the apartment where the suspect lived. according to intelligence services, while serving a prison sentence in his homeland, the man joined an international terrorist organization banned in russia. after his release in november 2023, he entered russian territory and settled in moscow, where he began preparing a terrorist attack. this is the second terrorist incident that has been prevented recently. act of moscow synagogues 7 velayat group banned in russia in march, fsb special forces eliminated members of the isis kharasan cell in afghanistan who were planning an attack using firearms. first channel. security issues are being discussed today in minsk, where
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the council of cis foreign ministers is taking place. our delegation is headed by sergei lavrov. after the traditional photographing ceremony, the participants went to a meeting in a narrow format on the agenda: current international and regional topics, main areas of work with an emphasis on russia’s chairmanship in the organization this year. special attention jointly countering new challenges and threats, including terrorism. at the beginning of the meeting. announced minutes of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in kropus city hall. now in orenburg, there is a flood situation. the water level in the ural river has reached almost 11.5 m. an extremely dangerous level, a siren sounds in the city and mass evacuation is carried out. overnight , another 360 houses and 900 household plots were flooded there. as for the situation in the region, in orsk the water is gradually receding; another 800 houses have been released within 24 hours. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived, he checked how the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster was going, inspected the protective dam, it was restored. residents of the orenburg region
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continue to be provided with humanitarian assistance, food, bottled water, and basic necessities are delivered; the military is helping rescuers and using special equipment. meanwhile, in the kurgan region, they met a board of the ministry of emergency situations, 20 prefabricated dumps were delivered there ; from one such set , a structure about a hundred meters long is obtained. the peak of the flood in kurgan is expected. this weekend on ice is exploding in rivers; in total , more than 500 houses in nine settlements were sunk in the region . and we return to the celebration of cosmonautics day. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin visited the flying club in dubki, saratov region. it was there that yuri gagarin learned to fly and first took to the skies. a new runway, a renovated historical headquarters building, modern hangars for equipment. a large-scale reconstruction was recently completed. the speaker of the state duma laid flowers at the monument to the first cosmonaut and talked with parachutists. the holiday is celebrated throughout the country, but for residents
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of the saratov region it is special, because yuri alekseevich gagarin is dear to us, one of our own. i studied here, flew into the sky for the first time here, gained wings, then landed here, everything is connected with the permocosmonauts of the world. the flying club must develop, it is necessary to create an opportunity so that everyone can... the restoration of the monument to gagarin on leninsky prospekt in moscow is planned to be completed ahead of schedule, the monument is going to be presented in an updated form in november of this year, and not next year, as previously reported. scaffolding will be erected in may and they will begin restoring the pedestal and the sculpture itself, the world’s first cosmonaut; it is made of a special titanium alloy, the kind used in the construction of spacecraft. today is a holiday for the participants of a unique... menta simulating a space expedition, six little ones in isolation for a whole year, conditions as close as possible to a real flight to other
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planets, a sealed room, communication delays, special food, the program even includes a virtual landing on the moon, everything is under close observation of specialists, they have already sum up intermediate results. details from alexander lyakin. today it is exactly 150 days since six volunteers went inside the sealed object, this is the fourth stage of the sirius project, designed for 12 months, which means they have 215 days left to spend in isolation, or rather 216, a leap year, in these experiments they are looking for the answer to one question: how can a person survive a long space expedition to other planets? while we can say for sure that a person can stay in a hermetic facility for 520 days, it’s quite difficult to say how much longer, because that over such long periods of time there already begins to be a zone of unpredictability, psychological problems in such missions.
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past them, the exit from the module is scheduled for november 14, but even the autumn slush will seem like a real paradise, after a long isolation, people begin to appreciate ordinary everyday life, virtual reality helps brighten up monotonous everyday life, evidence in glasses, let's see, here we have a video of the sea , and to be honest, i watch it most often, the crew is planning an imaginary landing on the moon, for this they need to go to another room, where with the help of special devices the lunar moon is simulated... they put it on, they
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see it even more. on such a scale , isolation experiments are carried out only in russia, one expedition replaces another, most of the participants are employees of the institute of medical and biological problems, but several times active cosmonauts also took part in the missions. this time there are two men and four women in voluntary confinement, of course, not like in the song about 10 girls, but gender inequality is obvious. it seems to me that we can, with such an unusual composition, where the four girls bring in. data into the psychological aspect of the experiment. in the entire history of the project, there were only two cases when participants left the mission early. one japanese man could not stand the isolation and left the ship on the ground. during the last expedition, a girl broke her arm on a simulator; they hardly persuaded her to finish the project and go to the hospital. all the rest completed the task in full; others are not accepted as astronauts. alexander lyakin, andrey melikhov, ekaterina
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belova, sergey levashov, channel one. and that’s all for now, the broadcast will continue on the first program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues its work, live broadcast, time will tell the program, anatoly kuzich is with you, let’s build on my final phrase of the last part about the rose-colored glasses that will have to be taken off, i repeat, it wasn’t about that we and we are not like that, we i don’t know, maybe i, maybe in this raging world we have to be just like that, i don’t know. taking off the rose-colored glasses, let's talk about the ukrainian crisis, its prospects, its development, the negotiations, in particular, there is such the common saying, our experts repeatedly say about this, is that you must agree that any
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conflicts end in negotiations, reasonably, on whose terms? good question, russia has never refused peace negotiations on ukraine, but without imposing other people’s schemes on us, vladimir putin stated this, commenting on the so-called peace summit, which is planned to be held this summer in switzerland. let's listen to our president. they don’t invite us there, moreover, they think that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that without us there’s nothing it’s impossible to decide, and since we’re not going here... it’s already some kind of noctic, they say that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so it’s sad, we are ready to work constructively, but of course there can be no imposition on us of any position that is not based on reality, but if we were not now on the air of the first channel, i would of course call a similar approach when it means some kind of peace negotiations, but
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without russia, i would call it idiocy. but not i can afford it, so let’s use some other terms, look, this means that the world powers, there is this coalition, almost all of it is here, well, don’t count someone overseas, which means, excuse me, it has arrived in sweden , that means they are trying to discuss the ukrainian conflict, resolution, its peace plan, but without russia, and zelensky, in his current situation, his position, with his prospects, which we also spent the last hour actually discussing and his prospects. too, that means, that means, he is trying to put forward some of his own conditions to impose, that’s what he said about the upcoming summit in switzerland. if the next counteroffensive fails, you will not be able to take back the country when the time comes to sit down at the negotiating table with vladimir putin. we have developed a very specific ten-
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point plan for diplomatic negotiations, which should be based on the outcome of the peace summit. the first peace summit will take place. switzerland, but without russia, without russia, of course, because we don’t need them to block anything for us there, but how is this how we can negotiate? we will prepare plans, i think some items will already be ready with actual details of what needs to be done. after that, we will develop a complete plan, and some negotiators, some continental representatives, will present this plan to russian representatives. well, i do not know. this is actually the face of andrei frantsovich, it seems to me that these are comments on this, well, on the other hand, listen, on the other hand, the leaders of almost 100 states come to switzerland after all, right? by the way, it’s important representatives of the russian embassy in switzerland said that even if a similar invitation to a meeting is received there, in bürgenstock, then russia is well done, the russian side will not accept it, please, you know, it is very interesting to watch
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the events taking place, because now they are happening simultaneously, relatively speaking , two trends: on the one hand, non-neutral switzerland, which chose that side and for us is no longer neutral, actually is not, that the problem is that...
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against the backdrop of these future graves that they are there they are digging up, it gives a picture all over the world that we are now suffering defeat on the battlefield, if they don’t give us shells, missiles, money, we will die, the second thing is this supposedly peaceful
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summit, where they want to drive more people, in the end that’s all converges at one point, he will beg there for money and weapons to continue the conflict, there is no talk of any peaceful settlement at all, because this is impossible, even if they all get together, russia will say.
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yes, despite all the difficulties, yes, constantly confirming, even in contrast to switzerland and how apparently, austria is not rushing to this platform now, so i sympathize with switzerland, and
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in the previous broadcast you gave an extensive quote from the new york times, right, well, they are leaking ukraine, but this case, excuse me, please, is too burdensome, why, i i understand, it’s like that... also a kind of expert consensus, but why gather 100 countries to dump ukraine, no matter how serious things are, they don’t do that, you know, these are all imitations. insofar as this is the balanced state of the world, associated, among other things, with tectonic changes american elections, you understand, i won’t even touch on this issue now, because it stretches across the entire globe, all these internal american problems, you see, trump said a lot of things there, until then we need not to lose face, this is purely an act without losing face , everything
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that is wrong, look, everything is still going according to the formula of lavrov and putin, so far, that means, look, and now, as for the leak, here’s another, here’s an illustration, it’s clear that none of the officials will get up there on come out to the podium and say, let’s start leaking, comrade, no, of course, well, it’s clear that something leaks to the press is always not by accident, always not by accident, keep this in mind and you know, we’ve already quoted today, let’s quote it again, but just a little bit, so to speak, we’ll give you another fragment to read. please, about a million men who serve in the ukrainian army are broken and exhausted, tens of thousands of people have died, new recruits are desperately needed, but ukraine has a serious demographic crisis, there are very few young men in it who are healthy men under the age of 30, who form the backbone of the majority of the armed forces, are part of the smallest generation in modern ukrainian history. zelensky’s decision to call up men from the age of 25 may further reduce the already small generation of ukrainians, who are now 20. 5-26
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years old, such an inspiring article, well, imagine that we are reading it or have set ourselves the task of depopulating the post-soviet space, what is this about, yes, but how would we realize it, ukrainians are probably horrified by it, some people realize, and the new york times writes about this, imagine what it’s like to read these articles to him or to all these people, they read, i say, such an inspiring story, isn’t this an illustration of a drain that began carefully, maybe and no, i don’t know, an addition to the plan for the war with the soviet union of the wehrmacht, the addition is called the famine plan, in which there is a famine plan, i apologize for interrupting you, i just have another question if i may. remember
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the americans who said that they would send there are these drug dealers sitting in prisons and various others, i generally got the feeling that they have long been, we were talking about terrorism before, they have long wanted to counteract this ballast somewhere, and most likely this is an attempt to cause sympathy, there are not enough ukrainians, they really need it, maybe they howled, maybe they don’t need it for this by the way. no articles, nothing, this is being done, they just collect these bandits and send them to ukraine, who will really die there, the most important condition they set is, don’t return to us territory, that’s it.
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have already been dismantled into pieces, let me remind you that when the us representative to the un came to the territory of ukraine for the first time, she went to look at the lands, fertile lands and granaries that belonged to american corporations, only then humanitarian issues, they are now prohibiting ukrainians from expanding cemeteries in those lands that have long been sold to the americans, and the number of lands sold is greater than the territory of italy, well, just to understand the size, yes, what is happening in ukraine now? he is simply selling the future of his country, because now we are talking, by the way, about the mobilization of women, because this suggests that the situation is reminiscent of the collapse of hitler’s germany, hitler jugent, the civilian population, attempts to somehow hold the front, something else , but in fact we
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understand that the situation is quite critical, part of the population has already gone underground and they are trying to somehow hold on, and this law, of course, is being sold, in the near future we will see a difficult situation. i just don't know, it's a crime against humanity, well, this is cruel, this is horror, this is some kind of thing, but why don’t these people understand this,
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don’t realize it, they once jumped on the maidan, found pots and so on, they are sectarians, all of them processed for 30 years, that is , this is this, this is this. as in the house of trade unions, or they are outside ukraine, mainly in russia, which may not have, say, any tearfully warm feelings for our leadership, but they look at it all soberly, they have long since left, the rest is sectarianism, you know, elite. consciousness, we discussed the cia before, the cia had an ica ultra program, that’s right, for the manipulation of mass consciousness, there are all these methods of recruitment into totalitarian sects, all of them were used in ukraine, they are a totalitarian russophobic
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sect, they are a sect of witnesses to hatred of russia, that’s all it’s clear that ukraine has been turned into one big concentration camp, the borders are closed, and the repressive apparatus is receiving. big money has deferments from the front, their kpis, useful actions, the number of people they have to pick out during the day, to get it from somewhere, so holding a maidan there or some version of it, now this is impossible, because any person who can lead something is killed there, i remind you, a whole series of political murders, the murder of the assistant of the same zaluzhny, as a hint to him , what you don’t need from the negotiators, let me remind you what they distributed to the defense industry. are detachments that carry out extrajudicial executions there, and in a large amount of sea information, therefore , at present, ordinary citizens who resist this should organize in
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it is impossible to make a maidan for any group, they will be dispersed, imprisoned and destroyed, so they can only be saved by an external, related, relatively speaking, people in the form of us, which is simple. that is why they are destroying it so purposefully and methodically, well, well, that is , no matter how scary it may sound, there is consistency and logic in their actions. actually, well, it’s not a secret, as if yes, we are not children here, it’s clear that ukraine, ukraine is such a tool, there’s a sharpening or a battering ram or something else, it’s tool. well , of course, the tool is treated, well, up to a certain stage, so to speak, with care, and then they throw it away when it breaks, becomes dull, and so on, if it cannot be repaired, but what is it, if it cannot be subdued, and what kind of tool is it, tool what, well, for... for the west, as i understand it, this is a tool, so to speak, for preserving the previous world order, russia is in the way here and china, which means the previous
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world order is called a unipolar world with a known to us, so to speak, hegemon, which allows financial problems europe, everything else and everything else and so on, this is how it is structured, it’s interesting, really, it’s interesting, this is how it is structured, so to speak, from the inside about the realities of big politics, in the program it’s time my colleague ekaterina strizhena, a former employee of the american senate, told tara, her name is, she's in her nineties. worked as joe biden's assistant, 20 years later, she publicly admitted that biden harassed her, but this is the second thing, in general, the main thing is what i just told you about, she talks about this, look, it’s interesting, my body language was saying, “no, don’t touch me.” but he didn’t understand, what biden did was not out of a desire to be with me, he wanted to show power, he wanted to have fun here now, he used his power for this, and he’s all. space architect, designer, artist, engineer,
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galina andreevna balashova, there was just a red box, red, in this device they were supposed to fly around the earth, korolev said, nonsense, and i want to tell you thank you, that only in russian cabins there is a porthole , at the architectural institute they teach human organization of space, how to organize space? so that it would be beautifully convenient and necessary, so you were instructed to develop symbolism, in america they signed that this is a completely different artist, and you yourself dreamed of flying into space, well, you see, the time has come for just such an occasion, podcast lab, today on the first, for cosmonautics day on the first. gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication. it was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world.
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400 seconds flight is normal, it’s been there for a long time people are falling, there he says in a cheerful voice that the flight is normal. silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next second, you don’t understand, let’s go, the first man in space, the first woman in space, police, the first spacewalk, the first feature film shot in space, mommies, how great it is that we are all gathered here today, tomorrow at the first, well, i’m different, different, evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i'm walking in moscow, due to family circumstances, in
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these films he awakened truly nationwide sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time saved. loyalty to our only stania, we lived for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk solovyatsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedies? all this is in god's providence. as the lord directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. tomorrow on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy,
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they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run and shine, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when , spring series of games. on the first. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald, it is a beautiful stone in itself, yes, and i think that all women probably love this emerald. unfortunately, for us men, we only have to chop. this is not the time to chop, evgeniy. snow makes the filling. unsurpassed juicy, the dumpling is a small universe, because how many
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meters down are you talking? 193, they say that you cannot experience a feeling at the same time. visual pleasure and fear, they lie, you can, the life of your own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, bend over, it didn’t help, we’ll save, come on, this is how children learn to do the heimlich maneuver, this is first aid for those who choked, you see, the balls flew, it turned out how to save adult child. even children can do this; we will tell you about many other important and interesting things in the “live healthy” program. on monday, on the first. a new scandal surrounding the biden family is flaring up in the united states. in the states, a new round of scandal around the family, secret
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materials of the biden family, family secrets president, a new batch of scandals, us president joe biden. again at the center of a scandal. joe biden was accused of harassment. scandals in the biden family do not subside; public discussion of members of this family is not off the agenda. and moral behavior, drugs, loss of secret information, corruption, before one scandal has time to subside, a new one immediately appears. interestingly, significant accusations of sexual crimes against the current president of america have been heard for several years now, but this did not stop joe biden to take the presidency. nevada state assembly lucy floris alleges that biden kissed the back of her head in 2014, when he was vice president of the obama administration, leaving her feeling awkward and confused. only eight women said that the us president touched them inappropriately; the fact that biden has some oddities, that he likes to get closer, put his hands on his shoulders, sniff, was already obvious to many,
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but the majority spoke about this manner of communication between the politician and women like oh quite harmless. these joe biden shoulder massages are magical. should you try it? have you tried it yet? in 2020, new, even more significant charges emerged. former biden employee tara rith said that the current head of the white house sexually harassed her back in 1993. everything happened very suddenly. he pressed me against the wall, one of his hands was under my shirt, the fingers of the other were sliding. under my skirt, he kissed my neck, spread my legs with his knee, his fingers penetrated me, when he saw that i was not complying, he pulled away, pointed his finger at me and said: “you are nothing to me.” these words stuck with me for the rest of my life. i will never forget how he called me worthless and pointed his finger at me. it would seem that this would
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have a devastating effect in the united states, where society is especially sensitive to accusations of harassment. bombs, but the largest american television channels fell silent about the story, after which none of the journalists asked joe biden himself, and only a month later biden deigned to personally answer these accusations, of course, completely denying them. in the face of the american people, can you answer whether harassment occurred? no, this is not true, i state unequivocally that this never, ever happened. following the journalists , democratic women also rose to joe biden’s side. i have great respect for the movement. i have four daughters myself, but joe biden is joe biden. he is the personification of hope, optimism and sincerity. so i don't want anyone to have any doubts. slowly but surely, alone one of the most scandalous stories of the 21st century was reduced to nothing. the biden family always
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manages to get away with it. unlike the others. let's remember the public investigation into ... all the press fuss forced him to announce his resignation, which president joe biden eagerly supported. i think he should resign. in the early nineties, tarit was lucky enough to find her dream job in the us senate. she hoped that this would be the beginning of her career in politics, but what happened to her within the walls of the senate destroyed her all plans. finally, he used his power and resources to silence me. the day he carried out this attack, he took away my future. after tara reid told everyone her story, her life was ruined. in 2020 , an investigation was launched against reed on suspicion of the same evidence, and later threats began to be received
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against the family. in 2023, tara was forced to change her place of residence and... move to russia, tara, when you see these shots, i see tears in your eyes, for so long passed, what are these tears about? that's all, of course. i want to start from the very beginning of the story, how did you meet joe biden, what position did he hold then? he was a senator, chairman of the foreign affairs commission and chairman of the legal commission. at that time, i worked in the democratic party and thought of joe biden as a very respected , very powerful politician. then i didn’t know anything about him as a person. i really enjoyed working in the senate, when i came to them for an interview we... he looked at me, smiled and said: “marien, hire her.”
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then he left, and marien, a little embarrassed, said: “okay, in that case, we ’ll take you.” i was a lower-level staff member and worked in administration. i didn't see him every day, but he made it clear that he liked me. he approached me from behind. during the meeting, he put his hands on his shoulders. and this was in front of the eyes of all the interns, all the staff, he was running his finger through my hair, that is, he was touching me all the time, it was a little strange, and you tried to tell joe himself that this was unpleasant for you, which or was i'm scared that i could lose my job, you know, i was worried about my job, so i really kept quiet, tried to be respectful, at one point i... so that during a fundraising meeting i was serving drinks, he there he looked at my legs, i went to the girl who supervised me and said that i am here to study, i want to be a senator myself, i don’t
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want to be looked at like that , she told me to lower my head and do what's great, it all happened during a big event when he asked bring a bag, that’s when he tried to rape me right in the corridor, after which they told me: more work? and he also got angry with me, when he gets angry, he smiles, and so, through clenched teeth, he then did this, and he told me,
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you are a nonentity, then he repeated it again, for me you are a nonentity, and i was amazed, and you know, he then pressed me against the wall, spread my legs with his knee and tried to penetrate me with his fingers, this is essentially rape, i tried to stop him, but he liked it, he was very excited by it, it was more about power and control, and not about sexual attraction, as far as i knew jubiden at that time, i understood that this man was very dangerous, he did not respect anyone, he really liked to show his power, to show that he was in control of the situation , and he, of course, is very corrupt, and i already knew about it then, and after that moment when it happened, in the case of rape, i returned home, i was too scared to go to the police, after that i filed “tara, we you we’ll just destroy, ruin your life.” they knew about biden's behavior, but they covered for him
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because it's their job to protect those in power. and i was very scared when all this happened. that's why i left washington and did it very quickly. i decided to talk about this in 2019 when i heard lucy flores. lucy floris, a former nevada legislator, says that at a campaign event , the vice president standing behind her, smelling her hair and kissing the back of her head left her feeling, quote, awkwardly beaten. i didn't expect this intimate behavior, i felt helpless and did not know how to react to this. former vice president joe biden responded to the former nevada state legislator's accusation. said in a statement: "i never thought i acted inappropriately, if it is suggested that i did so, i will listen to him with respect. when he says he
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never thought he acted inappropriately , then frankly , i think that's not true. he's probably never been in a situation where he would have been told this, vice president, you should stop doing this, touching women this way, and keep your hands to yourself. and i knew that there were other women and similar situations with me, when there was no investigation, and no justice followed, as far as i know, it is difficult in america. to fire someone just like that, especially considering this history, there are also trade unions, at least someone would meet you halfway, someone would help you? no, the senate should have helped me, and i went there for help, but then i they said that no one would do this, it was 1993, then there was no help for employees, in fact, 70% of the people who worked in the capitol offices then were subjected to
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sexual harassment. i don’t know how it is now, but after all this time i can say that they were essentially trafficking in young women, women who wanted to start a career there often found themselves in unpleasant situations. monica levinsky was subjected to a huge number of threats, and you know, there were a lot of such people who that they did not agree, and then simply disappeared and disappeared. what if joe biden proposed a relationship with you? no, no, i wasn’t interested in that, i wanted to make a career on my own merits. i might have liked him, i don’t know, he was married, i’m not interested in relationships with married men, that’s firstly, and secondly, he wasn’t attractive to me personally, but you see, i was 20, and he he was 50, he had bald spots, he was not attractive to me, i remember very well when all this happened, i remember the feelings, smells, there was some kind of smell from his bald spots, i can’t even explain, i didn’t like the way he looked, i didn’t like him at all,
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it was very clear, “no, don’t touch me, but he didn’t understand, then, what biden did was not out of desire to be with me, he wanted to show power, he wanted to have fun here now, he used his power for this, and he is all about it, recently a porn actress spoke out against trump, i went to the restroom when i returned from there, he was sitting on the bed, all like, come here, and i was like, well, we arrived, and we started kissing, he kept saying, i'll call you..." i'll call you, i 'll call you, i have to see you again, you're amazing, when it was all over, i stayed there for a while, actually- then i don’t even know why i did it, but i remember that while we were having sex, i kept thinking, just don’t even think about paying me, you ended up on trump’s side in this situation, yes, that ’s right, i think this is very ridiculous , she is trying to show that there was something wrong with the relationship she agreed to, she porn star, she took a lot of money for it,
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i was never... on her side, i’m not an investigator or a forensic expert, i can’t draw conclusions, but i didn’t like the way she made fun of it, how she tried to profit from her perfume line, again, i 'm not questioning her accusation, but she literally mocked rape, she made jokes, she joked about it on national television, like it's something you can joke about, it's not, and you know, because... for her it is more difficult for other people to prove that this is happening to them happened, it’s disgusting, the whole point is that specifically in my case... i didn’t want to tell it in the media. nobody wants to be notorious for something like that. there is a difference between being famous and being known in this way. democrats are literally attacking those who talk about sexual harassment. donald trump is right there: look what’s happening, what case is being brought against him? the same thing happened to me. my case is in federal court. i'm also trying to respond to congress remotely. let's see what happens. you haven’t given up completely yet, you still
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hope that something can. i am not giving up, i continue to fight from here from russia, but i am doing this, and i want to reveal who joe biden is so that they still punish him. do you think he can even remember anything at all now, because we see how he forgets many things. yes, this is a good question, it seems that he has a little bit of dementia. the order among those present on the stage has changed slightly.
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rewind when i was vice president, my president told me that i would like me to meet sizempin, because it was clear that he would lead russia, they say that now he cannot even really answer in court, because it is clear that he, unfortunately, is no longer capable, he is essentially a puppet , you are right, but the trial is still ongoing, my case is small, here the corruption is big, and this is a threat, a threat to people all over the world, very serious, and this is a threat to the biden administration, too many people have suffered for a handful to get rich, i want so that they show everything and revealed. all because i am an american, and i tried to talk about the crime, and the people who were supposed to help me, on the contrary, followed me, where to go if trouble happened, of course, to the police, but they did not help me, they tried to get rid from me, you don’t regret doing exactly
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what you did, you never did, you never wanted to be with him, i didn’t like him, he didn’t offer, he forced, that’s a big difference, and that’s wrong, that’s why. .. spoke about russia when you were working? yes, he spoke about this in 1993 after the collapse of the soviet union, at that time he spoke not so formally, today the discourse is more strict, then everyone talked about it, there were rumors, at one of the meetings at
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which john mccain, biden and other senators, they talked about russia, and biden attacked russia very strongly there, he was against the soviet union, he still has the cold war in his head, and in fact... he said that russia will never get a seat at the table negotiations on equal terms, because that they understood that russia would gain strength. they wanted russia to be weak, to be suppressed, and that hurt me because my cousin is russian. i have a lot of respect and love for russia. i believe that the united states does not have the right to determine the future of other sovereign states. joe biden used his opportunities because he gets a lot of money from dupont. this is military-industrial. and the usa needs such powerful politicians, for example, leon ponetto, this is the first senator with whom i worked, he is developing military technologies, they need an enemy, they decided that it would be russia. and when everything happened, did you try to turn to this senator for
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help? no, i would never go to leon poneta for help. you understand that the democrats are sticking together. this is a very close circle. i guess i could only go to the police, but that was it. where? the american people have no say in their own democracy? i came to the conclusion that there are people who are considered dissidents who adhere to my position and now there are more and more such people. the us conquered democracy, took it away, took control of it. isenhower was president for quite a long time, he then warned that this would happen, that the military-industrial complex would do this. he said that intelligence and special services would take away democracy from the people. and so it happened. i
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think this happened long before i got there in 1993. it all started with the kennedy assassination. are you satisfied with your work in russia? freely, i can freely express my opinion, i want continue to work, i like to write, and i hope to see my daughter, she will get married in june, but i can’t come to the wedding, you can’t come to the wedding because of security, are you afraid? yes, i asked for political asylum in russia, so i cannot leave the country, cross the border, i hope to obtain russian citizenship, then i will have freedom of movement, if i return to the usa before the elections, i will simply be arrested. i will be charged for my actions. tara, now is the time to say the most important words. i i want to tell russians that many americans support and admire russia. there are representatives of the elites, the hawks, who are trying
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to start a third world war. but the american population does not share these views. we don't care what happens. we do not want a world war, we do not want a war with russia. i am grateful, i express my deepest gratitude to the russian federation, the russian. he must confess this before he stands before god. he used force to silence me, to get rid of me, but i survived, i’m here, i’m not going anywhere, and i’ll definitely live.
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today in russia they are celebrating a landmark day in space exploration, the first human flight into earth orbit. on april 12, 1961 , the famous let's go sounded and yuri gagarin set off to conquer space. launched on the vostok spacecraft from the baikanur cosmodrome, gagarin flew around our planet once and successfully landed in the saratov region. that same legendary flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. and today our cosmonauts continue to carry out complex missions.
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roscosmos, headed by head yuri borisov today laid flowers at the kremlin wall memorial on red square, where the legendary designer sergei korolev and the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin are buried. towards high-level negotiations in moscow. the meeting between the presidents of russia and belarus lasted almost 4 hours the day before. the main topic is ukraine. our country has never renounced the peaceful resolution of disputes - these are the words of vladimir putin. the head of our state emphasized: “we are ready
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to work constructively, but there is no need to impose on us something that is not based on reality.” concerning kiev, he himself, to a certain extent, painted himself into a corner, the russian president commented on our attacks on ukrainian energy facilities. all the details are in the report by konstantin panyushkin. on thursday evening, walking up the porch of the senate palace, alexander lukashenko intended to discuss the economy of the union state with vladimir putin, but as it turned out, in the kremlin...
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we’re not going, this is actually some kind of nopticum, he says that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if not it was so sad, they call it peace conferences, but if they want to talk about peace in ukraine without us, but the lord is with them, i already said that, our position is that they can only agree there on how to intensify the escalation this conflict.
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they refused to negotiate and are now in a rather difficult situation. by the way, switzerland is convening the summit at zelensky’s request. participants will be asked to discuss his so-called peace formula, divorced from the reality of the ultimatum to moscow. we are ready to work constructively, but of course, there can be no imposition on us of any position that is not based on reality. what i'm getting at is that i absolutely support the position of the current russian leadership.
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did not carry out any strikes, meaning that they did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without energy supplies, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities they were forced to respond, as for the energy of delivering strikes, i remember this conversation and they even reproached you in russia, that's why you have to beat there on these energy pain points?
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region, a military airfield in the suburb of starokonstantinovo in the khmelnytsky region, where they were preparing to receive american f16 fighters, was also dusted. a fire occurred at an energy facility in the krivoy rog district of the dnepropetrovsk region, in the city of sumy - this is eastern ukraine; a thermal power plant was damaged. high-precision strikes against
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ukrainian critical infrastructure facilities are a response to attacks by the armed forces of ukraine on russian energy facilities. meanwhile ours. the pilots received a batch of new multifunctional su-35s fighters, they were transferred to the gagarin aviation plant, which is located in komsomolsk-on-amur. all combat vehicles passed ground and flight tests in various modes and flew to their place of duty. the new super-maneuverable su-35 belongs to generation 4+. they are capable of using any of the existing, as well as promising , air-to-air air-to-surface weapons, including high. the water level in the ural river in orenburg has risen by 40 cm over the past 10 hours and may reach the level of 11 m 65 cm, this is the maximum for the entire flood period. the city is undergoing a mass evacuation and sirens are sounding in the streets.
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over the course of a day, more than 300 houses and almost a thousand country houses were flooded. temporary accommodation centers have been organized for residents, in orsk, where the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov arrived again today, the high water is gradually receding, its level dropped by 30 cm overnight, over 500 residential buildings remain flooded, 2,500 people have left their homes, almost half of them are children , rescuers provide them with everything they need help is being restored, there is still a small amount, there is. there is water leaving, water leaving, but it does not go here, it goes into the sea, or rather we had to make a breakthrough in the lower part of the dam, i can also show it on the map, we were flooding this microdistrict, yes, so as not to flood, we made a decision, made a puncture here and the water went away, and let's return to the first topic of our
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issue, on cosmonautics day, a gift from the world's first actress who went into orbit, yulia peresilt released an audio version of her book, this is space baby, she admits while recording, i again let through all the emotions, experiences, all the smallest details of 12 days on the iss, which shocked the whole world. the most poignant moment of the letter. and to their daughters, they read their mother’s parting words themselves. pyotr deryagin will tell you more. when i looked at klim, i thought: 37 years old, a talented director, 37 years old, a good actress, we could have done so much, what a stupid, what a mediocre death, we didn’t even have time to make a movie. well, of course, i will remember this second for a long time. such thoughts flashed through julia overpowered at the moment when it failed during docking to the iss. tamatika has a frank conversation about space filming the world's first movie in orbit in the actress's book - this is space baby, named
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after oleg novitsky's phrase. the premiere of the audio version, one of the most poignant moments. julia published a letter to her daughters, which they were supposed to receive in the event of a tragic outcome of the mission, they first read them when creating the audiobook. the director of the audiobook, dmitry nikolaev , suggested such a thing that the girls themselves... these letters, to be honest, i relived everything again when we recorded it, because it was very emotional and for me , too, in those 12 days in orbit there was everything, the frantic rhythm of work, and euphoria, danger, so this is how the filming of an episode in the science module ended, where there was no protection from aggressive solar radiation on the windows, we were told about this 10 times, we were warned 10 times that we couldn’t stand, we couldn’t watch, that’s all, but we were filmmakers, it was very beautiful. to the profile, wait, wait, wait, wait, that's it, oh, that's it, come on, and then at some
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point i naturally live, and i will feel such a smell, i understand that it was not so long, but i realized that it all just burned out for me, thank god , this shot was included in the movie, it’s not so offensive, in the book the entire flight is planned literally day by day and many cosmic secrets are revealed, why an hour of sleep on the iss is like two hours on earth, how the american perceived the filming.
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not only follows all the news about launches and missions, but constantly communicates and worries about those who, without exaggeration, have become her space family, the angara was eventually launched, here we are now, the third launch has taken off, today everything that happens in this industry, it still cannot help but touch you, you are also worried and rooting in a good way, of course for the space industry , when asked how many female cosmonauts there have been in our history, those who came name and surname peresilt, the actress... says, she does not lay claim to the laurels of real heroes, those who solve incredible problems in orbit every day, but is happy that she became part of something
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huge, immense, and now can share this cosmic feeling. pyotr deryagin, larisa nikitina, denis avcherov, andrey govalevich, channel one. and tomorrow the first space program will be broadcast. broadcast of the start and landing of the world's first film crew. i followed this unique expedition without exaggeration. and with this i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia, right now the “great game” program. good afternoon, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. happy cosmonautics day everyone. i remember very well, day 12 april 196.
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this was so stunning that not a single western portal specializing in space news even reported about this launch. can you imagine what a shock for western specialists in this field, that is, truly an absolute success, but as for our airborne -space forces, then they continued to solve the problems of a special military operation, there was a powerful strike... even in krivoy rog and, apparently, very successful, and the logic of our strikes was explained yesterday by the president of our country, vladimir putin, talking with his belarusian colleague, let's listen: in the energy sector, unfortunately, we have seen a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently, and we were forced to respond, i want to emphasize, we even
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based on humanitarian considerations...
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destroying the enemy and squeezing out him from convenient lines where it is convenient for us to squeeze him out. the same thing, there is good news, we won’t talk in advance yet, but today there was good news from berdyshchi, i hope it won’t become clearer by the evening, that is, in general, the ocheretensky direction is very it is moving intensively towards its logical end, i hope it will get there over time.
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this suggests that we are now working intensively in the hour ravine, precisely in the microdistrict, the canal, there are battles, there are prisoners, there are buildings taken, we are also waiting for confirmation, we are waiting for good news from this direction, although i think on the flanks there there may also be good news that will make us happy; there may also be some in the northern sector, because previously there have been attacks for several days in a row, both to the south of the northern sector and to the east successful, and if we manage to take the white mountain, this is eastern seversk, then their entire defense system will collapse, which has been standing here for many months on which a front tens of kilometers long rests, and the day before we took the southern spurs of this the eastern mountains were already ours, i really hope that we will prepare an attack, knock out the enemy from this key point, and traditionally we are waiting for news from krasnogorovka, where our troops are gradually gnawing through the defenses in the city of severney,
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the day before may day was taken, again to the north we went umanskaya and nitaylova, as i understand it, today, since aviation is working along nitaylova, it means we can expect an attack either today or tomorrow on nitaylova, this is deep coverage of krasnogorovka from the north, well, novomikhailovka is also waiting for confirmation any day now final - the end of our victory for the cleansing of this village. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka, for accurate information about what is happening on the line of combat contact, and what is happening there is that we are simply moving in all directions and... the enemy can do little to counter this, why? because we clearly have an advantage now, well, at least in the technical part, exactly, christopher kovoli, the commander in chief, spoke about this... his conversation with senator tom coton about how the ammunition of russia and ukraine compare. let's
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listen. russia is working extremely hard to rebuild its armed forces, they have made some progress, especially in the ground forces, they have replenished tank losses, they have established their production, they are undergoing repairs. cope with this, the same number of tanks are deployed on the territory of ukraine as there were at the beginning of the war, they are again the same as they were before, they have some gaps formed as a result of this war, but their overall potential is still very significant, they intend to increase it. did they return the information that russia has a three to one advantage over ukraine in the production of ammunition? no, they have a three to one advantage over the north atlantic treaty organization countries.
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very correctly noted what is happening replacement with new equipment, the equipment that began, which began to be introduced as part of the beginning of a special military operation, and what is noteworthy is that this is new equipment, these are new tanks, these are modernized armored vehicles, if we supplement yuri ivanovich palyak, then we are really conducting very successful actions in the chasyar area, only in the last 24 hours thanks to our reconnaissance and assault units correctly.
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within the framework of military intelligence, and we understand that the military intelligence of ukraine is helped by all europe, it helps, the united states of america, england, we have achieved parity, and that in many types of weapons we are really superior, and what they say is that we... are passing one in three, but this is with a decrease, really, why? because in some areas we have an excess of both 1:5 and 1:6, and if we analyze the production of ammunition, then in some, firstly, in ukraine, i don’t even want to compare with ukraine, because in ukraine weapons in general are actually is not produced, they are in vain, thanks again, the nato bloc is scraping off the latest equipment in the warsaw post-warsaw pact. to their territory, but western countries don’t want to share new equipment with ukraine, why? because they are already drained of blood by this two-year confrontation, in fact, because they are drawn into this war with the russian federation
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indirectly through the supply of weapons to the territory of ukraine, except for the fact that we are superior, overwhelmingly superior to the modern opponents of the aerospace forces. bombs, especially the enemy recently, what about they say they surrender, do you know why? the use of fabs, the use of fabs and high-precision weapons leads to the fact that ukrainians surrender en masse, we also have a completely different moral state of a warrior, why? different weapons, different approaches, different tactics, and we see this now on the line of combat contact, zelensky now has one word in his ability, patriot, he shouts at all corners, give patriots. it’s all over, now he’s in the baltic states, which means he communicated with duda, nauseda, so they held a joint press conference, and there, naturally, the question of patriots was the main one, that’s what duda said,
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let’s listen to what is holding europe back from transferring air defense systems, are lithuania and poland considering transferring patriot systems at least for temporary use, thanks for the question, lithuania there is not a single patriot system recently. we have agreed with the netherlands that we will have one battery deployed for training this summer. frankly, it is becoming increasingly difficult to transfer anything as we are running out of financial resources. facilities. as for missile defense systems, poland does not have the patriot missile defense system . we are just starting to install it. poland has nothing to transfer to ukraine, even if we wanted it. those batteries deployed in poland belong to the us or british armies. and let me remind you that we ourselves are under the threat of russian attacks. and we need these allied systems for protection, and if we take into account that the patriot system costs $1 billion, then in general zelensky’s chances of getting missiles are not the highest. i agree with you, allow me
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a few words about april 12, but i can do it for temporary use, it’s also unlikely, because for temporary use it is supposed to be returned, but most likely there will be nothing to return, you know why the launch of the angara is important , symbolic, of course, april 12, today is cosmonautics day, the fact is that the year 24 according to the calculations of the west, this should be a year from the point of view. economy of russia when , from their point of view, the delayed effect of these 1900 sanctions will affect us, from their point of view, we do not there should have been no hangar, we couldn’t have fap 1500 and 300, which are now on the battlefield, we couldn’t have delivered a whole squadron of new fifth-generation su-57 fighters, which are already used in the combat zone today , we didn’t have there could have been a twenty percent growth rate in the aviation... shipbuilding complex,
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machine tool building, metalworking, everything that today is a key factor in the development of our economy, this is today just about the question of what is happening in ukraine, you do you think why all this rhetoric has changed, western rhetoric in relation to what is happening today in the ukrainian-russian direction, why they started talking about negotiations, why they started talking, even if it’s a trick, of course, it’s...
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tell me what you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. rum castro, a product of stellor group. space architect, designer, artist, engineer, galina andreevna balashova. there was just a box here. red red, in this device
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were supposed to fly around the earth. korolev said: nonsense, and i want to thank you, that only in russian cabins there is a porthole, at the architectural institute they teach a person how to organize space, how to organize space so that it is beautiful, comfortable, and necessary, so you were instructed to develop symbolism. and in america they signed that he was a completely different artist.
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the first time yuri alekseevich was seen in a hat with a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into everything cool, gagarin flew into space, hurray! in my life, like in all soviet houses , there was a portrait of alekseevich and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich - it was like for our family relative when yuri alekseevich died.
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multiple launch rocket systems, hail, today only we in the world can effectively work on this class of targets, a cloud of damaging elements is thrown, that is, through which it is almost impossible to fly automation armor at such a level that the shell can be like robot, we have eight stars marked on our car, seven enemy planes and one helicopter, you have to be strong, they fear the strong and never touch them, we have created a direction that ensures superiority. to the day of air defense forces. on sunday on the first. fascism appeared in
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italy at the beginning of the 20th century, from where this infection spread throughout europe. fascists, as a rule, come to... no one can clearly define what fascism is, so the only thing you can start from in trying to understand the essence of what happened, this is the word itself, fascism,
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premiere, ordinary fascism 2, from april 15 to mondays on the first. the big game is live, here the swiss government, well, it’s clear that not without washington’s suggestion, decided to hold a peace conference on ukraine, invited from 100 to 120 countries, well, it’s true that russia was not among the invitees, which was already the case from the beginning. deprives this peace conference on ukraine of any meaning, well, in principle , of course there is a question for discussion, and our representative of the united nations, vasily nebenze outlined the possible contours of future negotiations at a meeting of the security council. ukraine today is nothing more than
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a private military company, fighting for the west and with western weapons to the last ukrainian. all that remains for kyiv. my formulas to convene summits in support of the kiev regime only cause bewilderment, very soon, the only topic for any international meetings on ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the kiev regime, i advise you all to prepare for this in advance, you are already ready, in general
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diplomats speak diplomatic language, so that everyone understands, everyone understands that a turning point is soon planned at the front, this turning point is already in fact. is happening because russia is moving forward, but there is no talk of any second counter-offensive from kiev. remaining territories, and what nibenja said in the security council is russia’s response to plans to convene a so-called peace conference on ukraine in switzerland in mid-june, the europeans are now trying to drag the chinese there, there is no answer, well, a number of asian countries, moreover, those friendly to us will probably be present, including south africa and saudi arabia. and india, but they already see what is happening on the fronts, and knowing
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the eastern people very well, one can imagine what their position will be at this summit, they no longer believe in the possibility that zelensky and his team will survive this confrontation, i feel sorry for the people, the people who live in these territories, because it is visible to the naked eye that his team is operating in foreign countries.
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security, and no one in the white house or the senate of ukraine until our border is in still hasn't even moved. secondly, if we are talking about collateral assets for ukraine, this is one thing, but you cannot lend to a country that, in essence , has no economy at all today, and this will not work in the long term, how will they then pay off, and it seems to me that... this is not an idea with which senators would go to, say, donald trump, but there are also senators who are promoting this idea because they want to give even more money to ukraine. if there's anything we can do, then we should talk about natural resources in ukraine. if you want our help in preserving your sovereignty, then at a minimum the united states must gain access to mineral deposits so that we can recoup the money that we spent on ukraine, but in any case, the republicans in the house of representatives will no longer give ukraine.
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there is something to compare with, i recently returned from the territory, and i know what the government of the donetsk people’s republic is doing, what the head of the donetsk people’s republic is doing, this is building a peaceful life, these are serious infrastructure projects, and we see what they are doing, relatively speaking, in the united states of america, what legislation, so i had the opportunity yesterday to look at what our state duma is adopting, what laws our amendments are adopting, yes, that is, this is a concern about people first of all, and it’s not clear what it’s about, and you correctly say that, taking everything into account... what we see is that in the near future ukraine will not be able to receive serious funding for
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the war, and this once again shows that ukraine is not a subject, it is an object of control, nebenzya clearly said what we have been writing about for a long time in our telegram channels, when we talk about the fact that ukraine, we call it nato pmc, ukraine or nato pmc ukraine zelensky or nato pmc armed forces of ukraine, that is, like this. representatives from the republican party told him that if you put the question to a vote, you will resign from the post of speaker, but now the decisive figure in the republican party is still, in fact , donald trump, of course, and apparently, trump nevertheless took johnson under his protection, in any case, today johnson is going to
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trump’s estate in florida, where they are discussing a joint agenda, in fact, what they will talk about certainly does not concern ukraine, they are going to introduce a bill about how? let's listen. speaker mike johnson will hold a joint press conference with donald trump at the former president's residence in maralago. the house's top republican will tout legislation that would raise voting issues. non-citizens in federal elections. this meeting will be their first appearance together and comes at a critical moment when facing peter johnson. with the threat of removal from office by his colleagues, republicans, a really serious event and a serious bill, in fact, it is certainly clear, it is clear what problems trump is solving, because this bill, if you imagine that it will be adopted, it cuts off a certain electorate, the electoral base of the current president, and trump is clearly moving towards
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november events, counting on victory, but returning to ukraine, we must understand where this skepticism comes from in the american political elite: all american politicians by nature are a little businessmen, they all understand politics, including through money, money is there is always some result: i gave you money, i should get something in return. this dark-skinned guy, so to speak, let it slip quite clearly: we, if we give money, at least tell us what we will take from you in return, yes, well, the land has already been taken, so what? there there is still something left that we will take from you, and if this is not so, then why give you money? to win? but this is very doubtful, we no longer see this victory, what should we pay for? you need to understand that this signal, which comes from the elite from these guys in congress, is heard quite well in american society, and trump needs to be elected, he also
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hears this signal, which is why zelensky’s position today, as we usually say, worse than the governor's, indeed. and give money for what? for what, for what should we give money? in fact, kovolya said this absolutely frankly, yes, that the money was given to ukraine in order to weaken russia, in fact there was one goal, but what happened? as a result , russia produces three times more weapons than the entire nato bloc, and as a result of the fact that they decided to weaken russia.
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he drew attention to the consequences of conversations about the confiscation of our gold and foreign exchange reserves. let's listen. the white house is considering the possibility of confiscating russian assets worth $300 billion invested in american securities paper. while they are running around with this idea, gold has already risen in price by $500 per ounce, and russia's gold reserves are approximately 3,000 metric tons, that is, russia has already made money on the fear of confiscation of its own. assets are 50 billion dollars, what kind of idiots are sitting in washington? that is, we earned 50 billion simply from fears of what all this could lead to with the rise in the price of gold. of course, confidence in the dollar is falling, and this is a very serious international conflict, to just go and
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expropriate assets and even interest on because it doesn’t work out, it creates... from china, they also touched upon chinese financial assets, what they propose to do about russia is already the third major
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option, every time the americans and their allies refuse drastic plans, but this information the noise that arises is already affecting the situation, and confidence in the dollar is going down sharply, and the de-dollarization of the world economy is progressing successfully, gold is rising in price, like our gold. and crash, but of course, there is a lot of talk now about the middle east, in fact, today is the last day of raza
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al-fitr and everyone is expecting that tomorrow iran will definitely strike israel, what will happen tomorrow after the advertisement, on the first cosmonautics day, on nerves all day, worrying all day. hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition, call, broadcast of the start and landing. the first space film crew, tomorrow on the first, for cosmonautics day on the first. gagarin was
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a flash, a smile, communication; he was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. 400 seconds flight normal, people have been falling there for a long time, he conveys in a cheerful voice that the flight is normal, silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next seconds? you don’t understand, the first person in space, the first woman in space, feeling great, first spacewalk, first feature film shot in space, mommies, how great it is that we are all gathered here today. tomorrow on the first. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. do you know what kind of
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guy he was? elena yurievna gagarina, eldest daughter of yuri alekseevich. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat, susa, in butforty. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all the classes and says. gagarin flew into space, hurray! there were also old women in our yard and one another: will he come back? where will he go? and he won’t get caught on anything there. in my life, as in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of yuri alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny. i wanted to be yura so much, i came to my mother, i threw out such hysterics, i i want to be yura. yuri alekseevich - it was like for... our family a relative, when yuri alekseevich died, for the first time i saw my father’s tears, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, it is necessary to drink from the well from
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which yuri alekseevich gagarin himself drank, it is believed if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly to koska, tomorrow after the program it’s time for the premiere, i love my country, tomorrow is on the first day. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg, emerald, it is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, just chop, it’s not time to chop, evgeny, snow makes the filling unsurpassed, juicy, dumpling - it's a small universe. below me, how many meters are you talking down? 190. three say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time. they may be stealing their own lives. premiere on sunday on
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the first. combat tests are taking place in the special military operation zone, new version missile and gun complex pantsir sm. now the most important targets are quadcopters, multiple launch rocket systems, hail. today, only we in the world can effectively work on this class of goals. a cloud of damaging elements appears, that is, through which it is almost impossible for automation armor to fly through.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they are running and there will be a sleepy shore, they are running , shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, spring series i. on sunday on the first, bend over, it didn’t help, we’ll save, come on, this is how children learn to do the heimlich maneuver, this is first aid for those who choked, you see, the balls flew, it turned out how to save child adult
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words, even children can do this, about many other important and interesting things, we will tell you in the program to live healthy, on monday, on the first, a big game live, the whole world is in anxious anticipation, today... iran must strike back on israel in response to the killing of ksir generals at the iranian consulate in damascus. the reasoning was very different and the scenarios were also very different. what kind of blow will it be, will nuclear capabilities be used, a strike on...
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an object, that is, the most terrible scenarios, but it seems that iran still wants to play cat and mouse with israel. in any case, the latest statement by iran's representative at the united nations suggests such thoughts. let's listen. if the un security council condemned the reprehensible aggressive accessionist regime in regarding our diplomatic facilities in damascus. then brought the perpetrators to justice, then the need for iran to punish this rogue regime could have been avoided, is iran really taking a step back, or is this trolling of the highest order? well, just like that, we finished the fast, celebrated the holiday with renewed vigor forward, purely in the eastern way, without rushing, as it is written in the koran, patience is wonderful, but iran’s response is inevitable, iran cannot but respond. and
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we will see this answer in the coming days, if not the clock, but the fact that iran wants to fix its moral position, this is understandable, and this is a game of cat and mouse, not even so much with israel, the iranians are playing with the united states of america, they generally believe that everything that happens in region, this is the responsibility of the united states of america, not its regional allies. they are right that if washington really wants to do something, it can achieve these goals, but the americans have admitted their failure, the head of the united states central command, michael kuril is visiting israel, and is apparently preparing for a serious attack either from iran or from its regional proxies, and naval missile strikes are being discussed. for
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iranians, america is nothing more than a shaitan, and tehran says, well, there is a security council, make some decision, condemn it, anyway. they know very well that the americans are now secretly offering various solutions to this conflict under the table, there are even hints that the iranians, just wait a little, there will soon be early elections in israel, perhaps netanyahu benny gantz will be removed from his post in his place, it will be easier then to negotiate, they offer deals linked to the situation in the palestinian gas sector, but this does not work,
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on the iranian facility in syria, which has raised risks for american forces in the middle east. defense secretary lloyd austin complained directly to his israeli counterpart, defense secretary yoam gallant, during a phone call on april 3. three u.s. officials said austin and
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other senior defense officials believe israel should have informed them about the attack in advance. the information obtained would allow the pentagon to strengthen the protection of american personnel and deploy assets, including warships. miller, who is the talking head of the state department, assures that blinkina has now simply turned into a peacemaker, devoting all his efforts only to this. let's listen. we remain concerned about the risk of escalation in the middle east, in particular the threats made by iran in recent days against the state.
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do not aggravate the situation, in the last few days, we also worked with european allies and partners and called on them to also send a clear signal to iran that an escalation of the conflict is not in the interests of iran, the interests of the region and the interests of the world. well, the last time i honestly saw such fear was before the start of our northwestern military district in the united states. you know, it seems to me that iran is now really, well , let’s say, conditionally in a strong position, because they understand perfectly well that... they need to survive as much as possible for themselves from this hesitation of the americans, because if you imagine that the strike will take place, the americans will be forced, as they say, to use their own tactics, which means turning on the aircraft carrier in
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the direction of israel, this will benefit netanyahu, but it will definitely not benefit the americans, who do not want such a grandiose escalation now, especially with unclear consequences, so iran seems to be holding on. get nothing, no desired benefits, well, in this situation, israel has practically no allies, but the united states is now such a semi-ally, in fact, they are very carefully their only beneficiary - netanyahu, who means he wants this war,
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well, it’s also unlikely, because the americans are already going to remove him, apparently, he achieved this too, it’s true that sunok’s second ally, the prime minister of great britain, appeared, he also came out and made a statement . let's listen. tehran has vowed to retaliate after two generals were killed earlier this month in what the us military believed was an airstrike on the iranian consulate in syria. he said we, as americans, are completely we support israel's right to self-defense, we have already emphasized that iran poses a significant threat to regional security and have taken steps to protect the uk from threats from...
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everyone in the world knows this very well, when he was directly visiting, when he was visiting the uk , where is director misha from directly his residence, which is not the case for the president, i honestly don’t know if he is misha’s agent?
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israel is indeed in a very weak position right now, the economy is falling apart, has quarreled with the whole world, essentially there are no allies, even the united states is no longer an ally, people are on the streets, and netanyahu is suspended, so it is very difficult for them, well, our cause is just, the marriage will be broken, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news, see you again at 17:00.
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hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. russia today celebrates cosmonautics day. on april 12, sixty-one, yuri gagarin made the first flight into space in human history. legendary the phrase "let's go" from...


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