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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  April 12, 2024 4:05pm-5:00pm MSK

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it just emanates sincerity, such an angel. lily, did you cook this yourself? yes, i love, come on, i’ll treat the groom, of course, sit, sit, i’ll treat the groom, she’s of course a very modest, beautiful girl, but i don’t know how they will get along in terms of character, but we’ll see, the man who loves , how can he take money from a woman, in general, you gave him everything, at that moment i... wasn’t thinking there, that is, it was as if my mind had turned off, well, my mind, i couldn’t fix it all, and i was driven by emotions , feelings, what he asked you for, you were giggling money, in general it all started, well, with some little things, well, some everyday moments, and then it began to grow more and more, some different situations began to appear in which he found himself, right up to that the police and something else, and there were a lot of these situations.
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then i began to find out that he was leading a double life, that not only money was involved, but meetings with other girls, even then i still turned a blind eye to it, well, my feelings for him, they were stronger, and i did all this when these feelings could, here look, you were intimate with him extremely rarely, and then only when you rented, for example, a hotel room, he didn’t even take you anywhere, they understood, judging by everything with their own money, that means it’s already the second time. a girl who has problems with self-esteem, i agree, such a man definitely does not need such a girl, i agree with you, even, i think that now some kind of click has occurred , a reconfiguration has occurred, i have already begun to look no longer at emotions, at the person , how he treats me the same way, it’s true you wanted to hire bandits, to teach him a lesson, but there was such a situation that i returned the money, but i was thinking how to influence him?
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i like it, now you work two jobs, you’re paying off debts, these are those debts, relationships, this whole situation doesn’t work for me , that is, from one job i ’ve got a lot of money, a fairly large amount of about a million rubles, yes i took out a loan, well , that is, it turns out i had a credit card, and i was using this card, the apartment wasn’t transferred to nothing, well, it didn’t reach the second stage , if i wasn’t going to do this. so good for you
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it seems, listen, why didn’t she rewrite the apartment, that’s for sure, all that remains is for her to do it, lilya, but show us a surprise, yes, of course, with pleasure, but i need to get ready for this, if you do it quickly, go, yes, as they say, there are devils in quiet moments, i think that something interesting will happen. they're just straight up cheating, in general, when a person doesn't lie, he believes everyone, it couldn't have occurred to her that her girl was very good, well, not a girl, a young woman, 36 years old. i think she still has a mouth
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it will spoil him, well, he loves blondes, blue-eyed ones, well, well, that’s not his thing, yes, sipazh, if i were a sultan, i would have three wives, yes, well, unfortunately, but having survived from st. petersburg, yes, here, and lily, we have moscow, even the moscow region, listen, two capitals, two apartments, i actually really love moscow, very close, the voice is interesting. i like charismatic ones, of course, i like blondes more, in fact, let’s change the color, your mentality is very similar, your families are, as they say, from the same sandbox, let’s see the surprise.
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all rights reserved. نزدیک من نیاد تو برو برو دلم جای دیگه هست دیگه نمیخوام ببینمت برو بر و دلم تو رو تو رو نمی خواست دیگه نمیخوام ببینمت برو برو دلم جای دیگه هسسس ت دیگه نمیخوام ببینم س.امو هرودیس. i think it was cool, in general, i didn’t
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understand his emotions, of course, whether i liked it or not, but i think it was bright, kirill, somehow you rushed to see her off, but when she danced very poorly. i also have a surprise for kiril, while our program was on, i wrote a song, it’s right now it will sound here, it will be a premiere. kirill, i invite you to the stage of all our brides, i also call the stage, you, right during
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the song, decide which of them is your chosen one, listen, well, now maybe you will choose with your heart.
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told you: let's get married, he beat me , i wish that my loved one would definitely hit him very hard with his fists, there was a bruise here, alexey tiran, alexey is a drunk. and why can’t her new husband protect her from her ex? yuri vasilyevich, he is not a scandalous person, not a conflicted person, how do you know everything, i know from lyuba’s stories, how did you live with your ex-wife? at first they lived in perfect harmony, then she began to cheat, she caught you more than once, even with her own sister,
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shame on you, what are you talking about, you beat her mercilessly, sometimes for cheating, but i ran out and screamed, help me, undressed, barefoot, and you with him? they drank, i needed it to relieve stress, our next heroine is your stepdaughter, she’s also almost a prostitute, she’s already on her third man, now we hear everything, is this true or not? good afternoon, live forever, clean forever, i am always i thought that a marriage can be happy or unhappy, but it also turns out that there can be a drunken, drunken marriage, yes, interestingly, today in
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our studio irina khvostunkova, she wants to save her friend love from her ex-husband. hello, irina, hello, yulia! what happened there that you came to save your friend? julia, please help me save my friend, love skvortsova, from her ex-husband alexey, alexey tiran, alexey alkash. he is a brawler, he constantly beat her. in the twenty- first year, probably on paska, he beat and sophia and lyuba were knocked down by a very strong man, they took off the beatings and nothing was wrong with him, he only had correctional labor, and how long have they not lived together, since 2021, and he still pursues her, yes, but she was always afraid of him, he has money he didn’t give her anything, but how many children do they have, she has three, and these are his children? no, sofia is 20 years older, not his daughter, here is nikolai, this is his
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son, 16 years old, she assigned alimony for him, yes, for the child, and for her the court ordered alimony for him during a divorce, she filed, yes, for nikolai , middle son, he pays, no, no, he has a debt of more than half a million rubles, wow, the bailiff doesn’t react to this at all, she has a little son maxim, and how old is he? he was just born from his new husband, yuri skvartsov. oh, it’s absolutely lyuba who is currently in the hospital with him. and that’s why she couldn’t come to the show. why can’t her new husband protect her from her ex? well, you know, he is yuri vasilyevich, he is not a scandalous, non-conflict person, he is very calm and balanced. i understand everything, he is calm, balanced, lives at home with his new wife, she is pregnant, walks around, gives birth, and he seems to be, well, stalking her exes, stalking her, until i don’t... i understand, it’s like, that is, it’s you who wrote for our program, this you ’re fighting for your friend, you’re worried, you want
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her ex to leave her alone, but your current husband isn’t worried about the process, well, he’s worried, but he’s just not a conflict-bearer, he’s inactive, yes, you can say that, i understand, tell me , what’s the story with the apartment, but lyuba has an apartment, bought with her mother’s money capital, lyuba has a share in this apartment, sophia has a share. nikolay's ex-husband alexei has this apartment, when his alimony debt began to grow, it was arrested, wait, he has his share, his share, the share of love and nikolai's son's share, it turns out to be nonsense, look, he doesn't pay alimony to the child , for this the child’s apartment is taken away, i don’t know how this can happen, well, this can’t be, it’s simple, but there’s a big debt, probably there’s still a debt on the apartment , there’s a debt on the apartment for the quarter when lyuba lived, yes... not for long it was, why is she there now? does not live? well, because she’s afraid that alexey won’t allow him to live there, he changed the locks
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several times, that is, he stayed in the apartment, he doesn’t live in it himself, who lives there? no one, it’s just standing empty, he won’t let you come in, he says: come in, i’ll give you my hands, but lyuba’s daughter showed us this apartment, let’s see, we haven’t lived here in this apartment for 3 years, because he won’t let us i'm here. to live, our apartment is good, there is a bathroom here, but there really is no toilet, since we don’t allow colonization on the other hand, and also there is a good kitchen, there is a drain, a gas water heater, there is warm water, we did renovations in the kitchen with my mother, we hung wallpaper tiles, in the hallway we also did renovations with my mother, this is our hall, he is the biggest, here they were just sleeping, mom and stepfather, here most of ours... stayed, this is kolya, when we went to first grade, he did all this, we also decorated this, it was our new
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year, there we have kolya’s room, mom bought kolya a computer desk, here is kolya, a school album, when he graduated from the fourth grade, most of the things remained here, because we have a rented apartment and we can’t take a lot of things there, there are also mother’s things here, jackets are left here, all this will soon become moldy. my room was also left, there was a double bed, i had it here, most of my things were still there, you can live in this apartment, it’s just worth everything, mold will soon appear here. lyuba offered him, she said, you give us a share, refuse the share, so that it’s our apartment, mine their children, i say, i’ll take the alimony and write off the debt, we don’t need anything, just give us the apartment, no, he didn’t agree, i ’m about to go crazy, your friend has her own apartment, and you’re married... her
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new one husband, son nikolai, little maximka, and sofia lives, she doesn’t live with them, she lives with a guy, yeah, and sonya also showed us the rented apartment in which she used to live and where her two brothers now live, so it turns out her mother , let 's see. due to the fact that we are not allowed to live in that apartment, we have to rent apartments, this is the third one, in each of the three apartments we constantly invested something, a microwave here. was bought, we also bought a faucet here, because it was old here, the pipes were leaking, we bought a washing machine, it’s painful for us, although in that apartment we have everything, here we have dinner at the table, on the other side we have a bedroom, here we also had to buy a bed and a wardrobe, this is
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our living room, here we had a sofa for us, the owners left it, there is also a small sofa, it happens that when i come here, i i sleep here, and this is my brother’s room, kolya, in this room there is a sofa, a closet where his school things are stored, we have also already prepared a stroller for the little one, soon they should bring us another crib, i just want it for my family, for my mother, so that then everything was just fine with them, since there is now a new addition to the family and they would like to have their own apartment, which is not rented after all, but what do you suppose, why has he still not cooled down, why is he running after her? well, i guess he still loves her, he hopes that she will return to him, there she is, doesn’t he understand that she is already living with another man, has already given birth to a child for him, well , apparently he doesn’t understand, but where does he live? he himself lives with his mother, in the apartment of his
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brother alexander, this is not his apartment, but his brother’s, alexey, come to us. hello, what are you talking about? what are you hanging? you know everything, i know, from lyuba’s stories, from stories, you know everything, i say what i know, and what i don’t know, i don’t say it, so she was silent, look after herself, she’s a prostitute, and that's how you are, you have no conscience, you're shameless for being drunk, hello again, and you decided to say hello to us, yes, yeah.
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i’m having a drink, please tell me how you lived with your ex-wife, how at first you lived in perfect harmony, then she started cheating, i already began to guess what you’re talking about, who cheated on you, she caught you more than once even with her own sister, how you’re not ashamed, just as you’re not ashamed, she caught you in her own bed, with her own sister and lyubina, that you ’re lying, i’m not lying, but whatever, and so she cheated on you, yes, and you kicked her out, i didn’t kick her out, but she ran away on her own, voluntarily, i didn’t kick her out, so if she left you voluntarily, well, why are you pursuing her, i didn’t i’m chasing, that’s what she’s weaving, it’s you, it’s you weaving, now you want to seem
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good here, you show your real face, show your real face, so that you show the good. space film crew, tomorrow at the first, in the zone of a special military operation , a new version of the pantsir sm missile and gun system is being tested. now the most important targets are quadcopters, multiple launch rocket systems, hail. today, only we in the world can effectively
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work on this class of goals. a cloud of damaging elements is thrown, that is, through. on sunday on the first. chanson is not just for you, you have to do it.
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taechka, your voice knows no bounds at all, you are an amazing classical singer, but you can sing in any genre. this is a very folk song, it seems to me that this is some kind of completely new interpretation, and i recognize my dear one by his gait, he wears trousers, and he wears a hat wears. he wears boots for repairs, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, when did you live together before she
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began to cheat on you, what did you live on there, i worked for a farmer, they lived on mine, on my salary, who they worked for , tractor driver, how much did you earn, it’s time... and then where am i in the doghouse, and how much money did you buy this apartment with? whose? well, this one where you don’t let love in? maternal capital? what
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is your attitude towards maternity capital? well, my share is one, one-fourth. maternal capital - this is our money, ours, we work, we pay taxes, from these taxes you pay taxes, and the state gives money to children, right? yes, my recommendation. alone, go straight away and transfer this share to your son to your son, now i’ll explain one more detail, small, but not good, so look, and after this program, what will happen, your ex will go write a statement to deprive you of your paternal rights , of course, such a debt according to ali, the court will do it in a second, since there is more than half a million in debt, just in a second that she is lying, but how much, what is half a million, and how much 800? i don’t see here, as a lawyer, this is really an obstacle to depriving this man of parental rights,
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the issue will be considered not only on a material level, about such a huge debt, but taking into account the amount of wages that have accumulated for alimony for two, two administrative fine, these are the jobs we heard about, but also... the same as relationships, i work at an institute, i work, with me at an institute, 750 rubles for 2 months, big money, big money, you can live on 750 rubles, he deducts from me, 2,000 a month, and for you i’m not ashamed myself, i have no conscience, no shame, nothing at all, like a man, but you don’t represent anything masculine at... here they said that you beat her mercilessly, you beat her, it happened, but why ? for treason, even her sister called me, how are they, in this,
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she has children in the house, she had two children, this is one, that is, the sister with whom you slept, snitched on her sister and said that this idiot believed it, just because... then she called me, her sister said: come, she was beaten, lyubka and i are his brother, well, love with my brother, they beat me up, i came, this, i say, i won’t go, and she, i say, as you gave it there, i say, well, as i say, i’ll go, so you and olga slept, that is, she confirmed, no , no, we didn’t sleep, what kind of relationship do you have with sonya and your stepdaughter, normal from... we call back, correspond, you told us that she was also almost a prostitute, she was already on her third man, and lyubka and i were
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still living.
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i even - they even called me and said that - the man is just leaving for work, she’s already going with you for beer, that you’re lying, that you you're lying, wait, who's calling you is telling you about her, that they're calling, i won't talk, but why, if you don't care about her, me too, i'm saying the same thing, i'm saying that you're everything to me, so call and say, that she went somewhere, somewhere, i say:
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i didn’t leave the house at all, but we met, i ’m going to work, you’re where you’re coming from, i always said hello to you, i said something bad to you, but you understand how i felt at that time, when you were coming at me, i was afraid, everything was shaking, i say, at any moment you will hit me, well of course, but he beat you, beat you and repeatedly from... they helped her, why is she lying that you are chatting, even her neighbor saw her running away from you in her shirt, i ran out and screamed, help, take off your shoes, take off your shoes , and why doesn’t your current husband give him a dig? he seems
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to be the kind of guy, no need , no need to get involved with him, love, after all, i want to specifically understand, during the entire time you didn’t live with him, how he pursued you, why you still already living with other men, he still panicked are you afraid, now i’ll tell you the situation, he must remember it, the meeting at the birch tree near the store, when he left the store with one and a half... drank, i went to this store for cigarettes and when i saw him, my eyes just popped out and i didn’t know , where should i run, but still i turned around and ran back, he calmly sat on his bike, came there in the direction in which i ran, he was walking again, if he didn’t need me and he wasn’t
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following me, he would no... at that moment i was working at a flour mill, i didn’t have time to get to the notary and to certify kolya’s birth certificate, but the next year a girlfriend helped, then on march 1, 2021 i filed for divorce, and he says that you cheated on him, well, according to him , i can now even be a woman
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, sister, when... you they beat me up at my sister’s, you, when they called me, i told you that you changed me, you also tell olga, why did you tell him all this?
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then my mother-in-law took flowers, a box of chocolates, we went to the village council and signed, that’s how his share in the apartment turned out, but he doesn’t pay child support, yes 750, 2.5, i’m always at school i’m collecting it, i told you last year, i say, let’s go to school, i don’t have any money, collect it yourself, you forget about it forever. every year i get him ready for school, don’t talk, i always gave him money, i offered to give him a share of the child, i will cover his child support, when you offered, only the bailiff told me that the bailiff told me,
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he says, she says she didn’t offer you , but he says she didn’t offer it to me, listen, but he drinks love every day, i don’t know now when we... he drank, yes, but you drank with him, there were moments together, but then i went to work, i needed it to relieve the stress that he still imagined for me after work, cosmic... to say thank you, that only in russian lands, korolev said: nonsense, and i want you
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to fly around in this device , there was just a red red box, there is a porthole in the cabins, at the architectural institute they teach a person how to organize space, how to organize space so that it is beautiful, comfortable, and necessary, here you have been instructed. develop symbolism, in america they signed that this is a completely different artist, and you yourself dreamed of flying into space, well, you see, the time has come for just such an occasion, podcast lab, today on the first, well, i’m different, different, evgeniy steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was glorified by a video where he looked confused and unhappy, light, are you me? “i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes, but for a very long time i did not i understood what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how did the relationship develop in the family
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of evgeniy steblov himself? i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i took her by the arm and she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. stan". we lived for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery, what brought his loyalty to the end of his life, why it was not possible to avoid tragedy, all this is in god's providence, as the lord directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? this year we celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the world's first astronaut. yuri gagarin, let's go, you know what kind of guy he was, elena yuryevna gagarina, yuri alekseevich's eldest daughter, new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat, susa, in
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butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all the classrooms, says, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go. but he won’t get caught there, there’s nothing, in my life, as in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of alekseevich and i was sure that... this is a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, i threw out such hysterics , i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich, it was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, this is a tradition, be sure to drink from the well, from which yuri alekseevich himself drank, it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly to koska, tomorrow after the program it’s time, when.
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the first woman in space, great, the first spacewalk, the first feature film shot in space, moms, how great it is that we are all here today, tomorrow is the first one. i want to invite our next heroine here to this
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studio, this is natalya grishkina, your sister, that’s right, yes, let’s call her, natalya, come to us, you are all good here, what she says, that he beats her, well, maybe there were moments there, but he always doesn’t tell her, he didn’t beat her when they lived together, but he’s doing it all here in the house. i bought all that stuff to eat, she didn’t work anywhere at all, then she went to the mill and started working there for it, and before me she didn’t work anywhere at all, now love what you need from your brother, well, it all comes down to apartment, and what does your brother have to do with this apartment, well, in return , then he needs to live somewhere, what has he done in this life, if now? at the expense of your child, to whom he doesn’t pay a penny of alimony,
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except for 750 rubles, once again 2 and a half, he wants to get another place to live, and even after that you will protect him, on the one hand i don’t protect anyone, and you have children, yes , how many three, but there is a man, yes, he lives with you, yes, he provides for the children, yes, well... when was the last time you saw your nephew? but because he doesn’t come to me, he’s not a nephew, a godson, what’s the difference, and he doesn’t come, she forbade him, why should i lead him by the hand, if we come to me, and when will you was the last time you gave your nephew and godson anything? instead of, as a mother of three children, hitting my brother, an aboltus, in the head, sit here justifying him,
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we talked with the residents of the village of vorontsovka, in which the former spouses lived most of their family life, that’s what we heard, and you know , yes, yes, yes, she knows well, the whole village knows her, here’s a girl, her family was all drinkers, her parents, six people all drank, now to the last, and she herself, now she doesn’t drink, but this is also a bruise, damn, ah did lyosha drink too? yes, probably, of course, why doesn’t he drink, he drinks now, it doesn’t matter how they lived, there’s nothing to hide, she left the deputy, they don’t live there either, they fight and rub wherever they want, but she’s not a bad girl, but he, well, he’s a drunk, a natural drunk, it happened there that he could beat children, that happened, yes, they’re normal, so normal, and he lives, of course, peacefully, yes, yes, he was here, they didn’t drink, give it to him, together what yes, of course. he worked here in the fields
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or something, they lived normally here mother uchkin here they lived when she didn’t run away, but everything was fine here, they took someone who worked here and he was like that too, she took them together, these in short drank and didn’t work, and both boats, that’s what i’ll tell you, they didn’t finish everything with us, the next heroine almost all her life lived. roof with alexei, this is your stepdaughter, sofia, you said that you are in a normal relationship, now we hear whether this is so or not, sofia, well, let's talk to you normally? come on, come on, where were you normal, where were you good, if we were constantly running and hiding from you, well, of course, hello, why did you run and hide and how did he mock you? well , it also started from the moment when my mother and i
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just started living with them, when i was still little, with someone, with alexey, yeah, he was just when we were just living there. in the village, he broke my mother’s nose for the first time, she wanted to leave him, because he drank a lot here, when i broke your nose, and remember, when kolka was just born, i just stepped away from the stroller a little, we went home we came in and you broke my nose, that’s what you’re lying about, that’s what you’re lying about, everyone sit, why did we...
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buy it for school, so i gave it to her, why are you lying, what he bought, what he bought, okay, even if i’m not his own daughter, i’m nobody to him, well, at least you if he would have treated me with respect, when i went from first to fourth grade, we had a good relationship, when we just moved into the house, when we bought an apartment with maternal capital, this is where everything went well for us, you told us, let's see how you lived in that apartment. i can't be in this apartment because i was here once i tried to kill myself, these scars still remain, in general, i strangled my mother on this bed,
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he beat me very hard with his fists, there was a bruise here, he constantly hit the walls, he simply had nowhere to put his strength. scream, kolya was hiding under our table, i constantly ran to my room, hid behind the door so that he wouldn’t touch me, it happened that even on the bed i removed the pillow right in the very corner and hid, oh, what are you lying, and what not, you're lying, when we, when we, when we called the police, when we then they ran away when the children were with natasha, that you were lying, as if i was an extra person in this family, i was overcome with poop. shut up, please, for god's sake, that after all, we've already lived a lot, and he didn't become a father to me, he only made everything worse, you just told us before the program that he didn't just beat you physically, that he also
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beat you mentally killed, yes, what did he tell you, well, what did he say, why did your mother give birth to you, she would have been better off having an abortion, that ’s exactly what happened, he... they lived, they came running to me, i have glass broke it, the slut lives with me, he killed me with a brick, i called the local policeman and what’s the point, everything went crazy for him, and he rushed at you with his fists, rushed, we sat and drank nothing, he has a habit, a drunk pretends to sleep for you, like he won’t make it, he lay down on the floor, i told him once, twice, he threw a fight at me, why did he do that, well
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, so that they would leave him, so that only he would be next to his mother, he is so fixated on love, so fixated, who would live with such a moron, did we kick him out? i called the local police officer again, he got away with it again, my own son was there, when he was swearing, i was with them many times too, he was hiding from him right under the table and the closet, kolya, yes son, and he beat your mother severely, and she even had beatings on her face, under there were bruises in his eyes, he tore out chunks of her hair, and he beat kolya, no, only you and your mother, yes, but he constantly put moral pressure on him, like what are you, an aguzyk? that’s what you ’re lying and what’s not, that you’re lying, well, no, it wasn’t like that, it’s not like that, that’s what you’re lying about, you cheated on your mother, do you have such information. do you know this for sure, and where? because it happened with my mother’s sister, with olya, in our apartment on the same sofa where they slept with
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my mother, it also happened with olya in the apartment where she used to live, and how do you know this, because i saw it with my own eyes, god, what nightmare, love, did you know about it, no, i didn’t know about it, at least he worked, brought money, yes, but he didn’t give it to anyone, when his mother at that time, no, when for the first 2 years he worked in moscow, it was... yes, he brought home his salary, the salary was in the house, but when then my mother got a job, that’s why she went to work in the first place, because the poking began on her part, on his part, that she was not buying what was needed for the house, that it was his money, that’s mom she left, got a job, they helped her get a job at a milk mill, then he got a job with a farmer, a tractor driver, he only worked for a season, this was the summer. plowing, this is sowing, this is this, and in the winter he sat at home, you all, this is who has shares in this apartment, you
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need to get ready to write a statement, because everyone is already adults, well, except for nikolai, yes, why don’t you go to the bailiffs, why didn’t you go to court all this time, why be afraid, the point is that we are registered, but when i came to the bailiffs so that they would help me take from him for... an application with a claim to the court to take the apartment, a share to pay off the debt, and only after that you can become the owners of everything. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury.
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perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch please, this is pasadena only, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? is holbert a policeman? how do the local public perceive our films? from some other round of russian cinema, we are from a clinic, are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell the story of trisa banks and the last seven days of laura palmer, you're laura palmer, matodore is on first today. say you like my hat, you don't have a hat, i'd like to future. to say that i did everything i could in my life, we are in a country where there are a lot of castles, nature reserves,
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the roads are incredibly clean here and the roads are gorgeous, we are in belarus, and the start, oh, yes, i have one big request, can anyone not to say that i assembled this particular tractor, 1902, 189. humidity, i know, by the way, this is also good for the skin, people are also well preserved here, well, it’s just such tools, they immediately call out a person’s talents, one two, three, one, two, three, get it right, in the 21st century we dance a little differently, let's go, era, tomorrow on the first. three chords, new season, on sunday, on the first.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore. they run, they shine, and they shout, they shout to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming. “we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday at the first, let’s start from the very first, that is, like a goal that you want to achieve.
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he has debts on fines, fine debt is also within the jurisdiction of bailiffs, so arrest can be spread in this way, due to the fact that the bailiff service has some incorrect administrative levers of pressure, data duplication may occur, in connection with this your seizure
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is imposed on several shares instead of one, you must first contact the bailiffs with a written statement so that they indicate to you on the basis of which your property is seized. second, regarding alexey, alexey, please tell me, were you only involved in administrative liability or criminal liability too? also, also under 119 of the first part, threat of murder, or under 116 - minor harm to health, 116, 116 article, look, you say that the authorities are inactive, we have this one.
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a stone from the ground, telling her the right to you will be found, this can be qualified as article 119 of the criminal code, threat of murder with the use of a weapon or any other object that can be regarded as a weapon. and i advise you to definitely acquire video recording audio recording, because if your issue is not resolved in a more peaceful way, you will have to provide evidence in a criminal case. in general, this is such a terrible story, i even remembered mine, when i also divorced my husband, these ones, when you are kicked out with a child in your arms, and when your husband says: where am i going to live, takes away your apartment, you you go to some kind of removable zhabhata, disgusting, in order to somehow survive,
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constant threats, all that i see now is such... the horror that i had in my time i experienced it, and it’s really hard on my heart to feel all this, and the only thing, you know, is that i really want to sincerely help you, because at one time i also wanted to lay hands on myself, because you can’t take out all this pain, and i want to get you out of this story, i just watch how my mother is very loyal to all the beatings that this man inflicts on her, because she is already so used to all this... hopelessly, so no one cares about her defends that she already , well, yes, well, her nose was broken, well, the neighbors ran, well, what can you do, but she really won’t do anything, so the state , yes, helps, helps you, the children, helps the children, yes, so that there is an apartment, there is some other standard of living, so that the children can escape.


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