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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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a fairly wide range of military responses, which will be very difficult for israel to respond to, without the use, of course, of nuclear weapons, but israel now really does not have a single ally in the world who is ready to defend israel to the end, even the united states of america, so israel is in dire situation, our cause is undoubtedly right, the lie will be broken , victory will be ours. we pass the word to the news, all the best, until next week. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main ones topic: the day the space age began. 63 years ago, our yuri gagarin said the famous “let’s go” and high rewards for those who continue with dignity.
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we have never renounced the peaceful resolution of disputes; in fact, we have been inclined to do just that. ukraine is the main topic at the negotiations between the leaders of russia and belarus in the kremlin. the bomb is right under the hood of the suv. the car of a former sbu lieutenant colonel was blown up in moscow. vasily prozarov openly exposed the kiev authorities. what condition is he in? what is carding?
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technology why this is a real breakthrough for our doctors, advanced developments are discussed at the congress of hematologists, and this is the real medicine of the future, a unique talent, a big kind heart, stand, stand, stand, oh, see how she stands, you are my good fellow, the legendary director of the cat theater, who known throughout the world, yuri kuklachov accepts congratulations on his anniversary, he... 1 hour 48 minutes, which turned our understanding of space upside down and opened up new opportunities for the exploration of airless space. today we celebrate cosmonautics day, exactly 63 years ago the famous let's go sounded and yuri gagaririn went into earth orbit. launch on the vostok ship from the baikanur cosmodrome. gagarin flew around our planet once and successfully landed. they go out into airless
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space and conduct scientific work. vladimir putin today awarded the title of hero of russia to cosmonaut dmitry pitelin and andrei fedyaev, as stated in the text of the decree, for the courage and courage shown during a long flight in orbit. the russian president also noted the first female cosmonaut in the history of belarus. a this is footage from the kremlin, oleg novitsky and marina vasilevskaya at a meeting with vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko. just last week, the cosmonauts returned from the iss, and on their professional holiday they communicate with two presidents at once, this is the day when we celebrate achievements.
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soviet union means our common, common achievement of all republics of the former soviet union. then we did a lot together. now we, together with belarus, continue this joint work. and the fact that the first belarusian cosmonaut flew into space is external is only a manifestation of our joint activity, although, of course, it is not limited to this, this activity is not limited. now without space it is impossible to solve a single effective problem on earth, this is an increase in defense capability, these are modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, this is where you can’t point a finger, everywhere there is an application to space technologies, so this is all the more important , we are and will continue to pay the necessary attention to it, we have programs in russia... we are constantly working on it,
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it is clear that there is always a shortage of money, but nevertheless there is movement. thank you for inviting us, i was more involved in this flight, for you this is ordinary, for us this is big news, because the first girl astronaut, the cosmonaut ended up in space, the first belarusian cosmonaut, independent belarus and our oleg, he was born near minsk in the town of his parents, his mother lives there, we met recently, this is symbolic, so i am very... gifted to you for this flight, this is not just a tribute to the fact that we are here, if then you had not given the go-ahead and agreed, but this flight would not have happened. towards the flood situation. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is record high. it exceeded
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the danger mark by more than 2 m. the ministry of emergency situations reported this. about an hour ago the data arrived, the current figure is 11 m 54 cm. it was announced in the city during the day. siren, more than one and a half thousand residents have been evacuated, businesses are counting the damage. in general, in orenburg it is estimated at tens of billions of rubles. meanwhile, in orsk, where the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov fell again today, the high water is gradually receding, its level overnight fell by 30 cm. our correspondent svetlana kostina works in the disaster zone, here is her report. it is now impossible to leave these two-story houses on your own, the water is here...
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the majority of the residents evacuated on their own, when it was still possible , those who did not want or were unable to leave remained, the day before it was possible to swim out of the entrance onto boats, today this is no longer possible, the way out blocked by water, the popov family hoped until the last that the rise of water would stop, but the level of the ural river is now a record in the entire history of meteorological observations, for night he grew up and now even on the second floor it’s uneasy, they took him away from here. the canopy was still visible, now it is already under water, the water comes very quickly, people have to be taken out through a narrow window in the entrance, then lowered into the boat along the stairs, this happened in ninety-three, now they didn’t even wait at all, here the dacha has now sunk,
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the entire popov family is left homeless, the daughters’ houses are also in the flooded suburbs, the water today has come close to the new buildings, earthen barricades are no longer helping, in the city they began to cover the streets, the water is already flooding... the roadway, the symbol of orenburg, the europe-asia monument, is hidden under the water, the city embankment is completely flooded, in orsk, the water is receding, overnight the level dropped by 30 cm, but still remains high, here today , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the presidential envoy to the volozhsk district, igor komarov, arrived. there is still a small coal so that naturally, the water goes away, the water goes away, but it doesn’t go here, it goes into the sea, we had to make a breakthrough to the lower one. is not discussed, this is the second compensation - this
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is the loss of property, meaning movable property, this is from 50 to 1000 and the third then comes a fork, the first fork if. weapons and drones against the facilities of the fuel, energy and military-industrial complexes of ukraine. in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities. explosions were reported in
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the vinnytsia region. a fire occurred at an energy facility in the krivoy rog district of the dnepropetrovsk region. in the city of sumy the thermal power plant was damaged. in the avdeevsky direction, our army continued to advance in depth. enemy defenses, 65 counterattacks of assault groups were repelled. in the donetsk sector, the fighters occupied more advantageous positions, hit four assault, two airmobile, tank and nine mechanized... groupings of troops in a week, five launchers, anti-aircraft missile systems, a franco-italian sumpt, s-300 and s-125 were destroyed, and also two radiation stations for detecting air target tracking p-18. during the week, aviation air defense systems shot down an anti-ship
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missile neptune, 12 hammer aircraft guided bombs, made in france and jam made in the usa, 25 rockets from multiple rocket launchers, hymers and hurricane, as well as 1,712 unmanned aerial vehicles. our pilots received a batch of new multifunctional su-35s fighters. super-maneuverable combat vehicles belong to the 4++ generation, thanks to modern equipment, they ensure air supremacy, strength and power of aviation. the planes were donated by the gagarin aviation plant, which is located in komsomolsk-on- amur. all su-35s passed ground and flight tests in various modes and flew to their place of duty. fighters are capable of using any of the existing, as well as promising, weapons of the class. we have never renounced the peaceful
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resolution of disputes. moreover, we were inclined to do just that. this is how vladimir putin outlined russia’s position on the ukrainian crisis the day before. ukraine became a central topic at the leaders' talks russia and belarus. the day before in moscow they lasted almost 4 hours; according to the head of our state, kiev itself, to a certain extent, painted itself into a corner. report by konstantin panyushkin. on thursday evening, walking up the porch of the senate palace, alexander lukashenko intended to discuss the economy of the union state with vladimir putin, but as it turned out, a big conversation about ukraine awaited him in the kremlin. we have never renounced the peaceful resolution of disputes. moreover, we were inclined to do just that. we did not start this war in 2014. the russian president decided to recall moscow’s attempts to stop the bloodshed, first through the mediation of belarus and then turkey. let me remind you that then we. almost 2 troops need to be withdrawn
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from kiev, we did it, immediately after we did it, our agreements were thrown into the trash, and now, after a half year of hostilities, in mid- june switzerland is going to hold an event called a peace summit, at which, according to press reports , about 100 countries will be invited, we are not invited there, moreover... that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that nothing can be resolved without us, and since we are not going there, this is generally some kind of nopticism, they say that we refuse negotiations, we they don’t invite, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, they call it a peace conference, but if they want to talk about peace in ukraine without us, the lord is with them. i have already said this, our position is that they can only agree there
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how to increase the escalation of this conflict, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be, there cannot be a peace process, this is obvious to everyone, but then why carry out a meaningless international trail? i think that they, at least the other country, to a certain extent drove themselves into a corner, well, yes, when they refused to negotiate.
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long prepared for the hybrid war unleashed by the west against us with the hands and bodies of ukrainians and ukraine, now only by eliminating these root causes can we seriously consider an agreement that will take into account the legitimate security interests of all parties. the swiss formula consists of pulling as
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many countries as possible to the ultimatum by hook or by crook. as i understand it, about the principles on which dialogue should be conducted, unfortunately, this principle, the principle when the parties directly, without interference from exile, are looking for some
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mutually acceptable solutions, was undermined in istanbul, if not the ability to negotiate, which is now clearly characterizes the kiev regime; if it continues, it is very difficult to imagine a situation where something can be done. a meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the cis will take place on october 7 in moscow. anatoly lazarev, andrey podgortov, sergey panasyuk, olga merkulova, oleg smalkov, channel one minsk. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under article of attempted murder after the explosion that occurred today in the north of moscow. the bomb detonated under the suv of a former sbu lieutenant colonel. vasily prozrov is wounded, but his life is not in danger. the ex-officer of the security service of ukraine in recent years lived in... in russia and investigated the crimes of the kiev regime. anton vernitsky with details. an explosion in the north of moscow occurred after the owner of the car
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turned the ignition key. at first , law enforcement officers also considered the possibility of a gas explosion in the parking lot. shortly before this, a gas service was working there, but as soon as the identity of the victim became known, a version of the terrorist attack also appeared. wounded in the legs and arms, a former lieutenant colonel of the security service of ukraine, a native of the zaporozhye region. russian intelligence, as he himself stated, for ideological reasons. when the consciousness of a nationalist, even nazi, anti-people coup in kiev came to me, i decided to fight this government with any available methods. as a result, the prozorovs handed over dozens of documents from the central apparatus to our intelligence service. the sbu, its so -called anti-terrorist headquarters, was primarily involved in preparing military operations in the donbass back in 2004. it was assumed in advance that there would be a large
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number of civilian casualties, which, in turn, were immediately declared accomplices of terrorists, even before the start, one might say, of active hostilities. you understand that even in april 2014 , none of the kiev authorities planned. a peaceful solution to this conflict, all statements of commitment in a peaceful way are nothing more than hypocrisy. among the documents handed over by vasily prozurov, there is a story about torture in a prison set up at the mariupol airport, and a memorandum from the head of the sbu, addressed to the then acting president of ukraine turchynov, with recommendations for special information measures, including the main rejection of the image of russians as a fraternal people, consolidation of the image of russia as a threat to the supposedly civilized world. today we see very well that...
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indeed, then cia representatives were in the building of the central office of the sbu in kiev. after 14 years, i don’t know for what reasons, i think security, conspiracy, cia officers are present. representatives of mi-6 came to kiev in 2016, the british, it seems, charles beckford and justin hartman. it is clear that in 2019, having moved to russia, vasily prozurov told his colleagues from our intelligence much more than he told the journalists at that press conference, and the sbu understood this very well. last year , the russian federal security service already prevented an attempt on his life. and today there is another attempt by the nationalist ukrainian regime.
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stay on channel one, i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury; perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table.
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say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world’s first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. go! do you know
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what kind of guy he was? elena yuryevna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter, new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat with a mustache in batforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes and gagarin flew into space, hurray, they were still old ladies us in the yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he won’t get caught in anything we want. perogat of the cosmodrome, in my life, as in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of alekseevich and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich is was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, be sure to drink from the well, from
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which yuri himself drank. reserves, the roads here are incredibly clean and gorgeous, we are in belarus, and the start, yes, we are in a country where there are a lot of castles, i have one big request, you don’t have to tell anyone that this particular one... i collected 1902 1899 they are the same before the revolution, it was thanks to the microclimate that the temperature was 18 plus minus 2° humidity, i know it’s good for the skin, by the way, people are also well preserved here, it’s just that such tools are immediately a person’s talent 1 2 3 2 3 understand correctly, in the 21st century we have a little more to another
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dancing. let's go, the premiere is on the first tomorrow. premiere. i love my country. tomorrow on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy breg. they run and shine. and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. this is the evening news and
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we continue vladimir putin, during a meeting with the president of belarus alexander lukashenko , cosmonauts who returned from the iss, spoke on the phone with the yamal family olenev the pyak couple are celebrating their golden wedding today. they told the head of state about this holiday personally in january at the “family and loved ones” forum. the president then promised to congratulate parents with many children, and today he kept his word. can you hear us? i hear, i hear, who is it? all your friends from the kremlin are with you, your friends from the kremlin. good good. we have guests here, firstly, the first female cosmonaut of belarus, the president of belarus. and today, because it’s a holiday, april 12, cosmonautics day, we all congratulate you on your anniversary. with
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golden wedding, you and zoya igrumovna, your entire large family, we wish you all the best, success, we hope that you and i will hear each other again, i know that... it is very important to talk with people who are far, far away in the arctic and the deer are doing this kind, bright work, good luck to you and may god grant that
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you and your children have health, thank you, goodbye, today the participant in the great patriotic war, maria limanskaya, the famous traffic controller, celebrates her centenary anniversary. victory, as they began to call it after that a black and white photograph, against the backdrop of the dilapidated brandenburg gate, captures young efrey terlemanskaya at her usual work. this shot spread all over the world and became one of the symbols of victory, and the girl in the photo was nicknamed the queen of the brandenburg gate. the director of the russian guard, viktor zolotov, congratulated maria filippovna on her centenary; in his telegram, which was read at the veteran’s home by the head of the department for the saratov region, the head of the department expressed gratitude for the unprecedented feat and wished him good health. number of bone transplants brain and stem cells increased by more than 50% over 5 years, thanks to the federal registry of donors created on behalf of the president. this was discussed at the congress of hematologists. leading doctors
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from different countries gathered in moscow. our experts share invaluable experience, report by olga knyazeva. the patients show a small plastic bag, how many hopes and expectations are associated with its contents, very soon, the so-called. the cartic cells will become part of her circulatory system, we are now injecting you with your cartic cells, yeah, the infusion will literally take about five minutes, uh-huh, we'll finish here, the procedure will end, and for this woman life will begin without aggressive back-cell lymphoma, the so-called carti technology at the hematology research center of the russian ministry of health is now at the final stage of clinical trials, thanks to these tests, thirty-eight-year-old andrey has been dead for almost a year now remembers his illness. when the cells were transfused, i lay and waited, every day i felt much better and better, the pain just went away, i can’t describe or say in words what the pain was. what's the point this method? each of us has
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special lymphocytes in our blood, t-lymphocytes - cells responsible for the functioning of the immune system. it turned out that if each such lymphocyte is trained, or rather, equipped with a special receptor through genetic modification, it will be able to recognize tumor cells and destroy them. we must register the drug by the end of the twenty- sixth year in the twenty-seventh year, that is , it must be a drug from somatic cells, we are now building a complex on the territory of our center, who will produce this medicinal product, in the year twenty-seven, i hope that this will be, so to speak , the scale of such industrial production. after just a few days , you can see on an ultrasound or katya that the tumor begins to shrink. this is a breakthrough for russian hematology. how this science is still developing was discussed at the congress
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of hematologists. of course, the breakthrough moment in development was the decision of the president of the russian federation to create a unified federal bone marrow register. at first it was 112 thousand potential donors, which have been accumulating for 10 years, over the past year we increased the number of donors by 2.7 times. biotechnology is in the service of hematology, some acute leukemias today are quickly and effectively treated with the help of so-called nonspecific antibodies, these are a kind of bullets that hit the right targets, molecules; by turning them off or on, you can defeat the disease. importantly, this method helps save children. we had. 77 patients, 4.5 years have already passed since the first patient was enrolled in this protocol and are alive today, it’s even scary to say, 100% of patients, 6% relapsed, and we roughly understand how
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to manage more relapses. doctors and scientists from belarus, kazakhstan, iran, and germany came to the congress of hematologists. i am here to support the long-term collaboration of the european leukemia research community. russian colleagues, russia has very strong doctors and a scientific school, therefore, despite the difficult times, we are looking for ways to adopt russian experience, this is the only way to move forward. there are doctors in our country today. are actively trying not only cartytherapy, but also technology, when with the help of drugs those cells are shaken and restrictions are removed from them to fight. the basis of all these methods is the use of our own protective cellular response, which, if approached, can defeat any tumor. we have come to a solution to the problem of treating malignant diseases. i hope that literally in the coming years there will be a complete breakthrough in that we will use these methods not as within the clinical framework.
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a creative world that gives joy and smiles to a wide variety of viewers, adults and children. he himself seems to be a bit of a child at heart, open and sincere. our correspondent, maria saushkina, met with yuri kuklachev. stand, stand, stand, oh, see how she stands, her tumm is golden. it’s hard to believe today that kuklachev’s clown career didn’t work out. what’s even more difficult is that he joined the circus seven times. i had no data, external data. before, to have a funny face, then we’ll take me, when they didn’t
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take me, i said, i don’t have a funny face, i have the heart of a clown, well, after the end school, already in the arena, everything was not easy, i was fired from the circus and was not allowed to perform, many friends stopped calling, i was just a clown, a tricky clown, there is such a profession, and an acrobat, and a juggler, an equilibrist, you know, like a parodist clown after each . i went out, my husband and i were walking down the street, we found a kitten, i felt sorry for it, we brought it home, fed everything, and he stayed with us, he hugged me, and i feel that way, he’s talking to me, why don’t we perform together, so this is where it all started, the cat suggested the first number to kuklachev, climbed into the pan, and so the legendary performance of the cat chef appeared , based on krylov’s fable of the same name, the first of which we had. museum, it was leonid ilivich who gave me the figurine of the cat chef, where is this?
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in fact, he was at the performance in 74, not only was he at the performance, he went to the circus every 10 days, and they took me there for 5 days to show and send me, but i worked for a whole year, and for a year they came to the moscow circus the impresar saw canada and america, they immediately concluded contracts. boleras for animals are called here crystal locks, stained glass windows, marble floors, door handles, everything is dedicated to them, firstly, everything is covered with marble, which means that there is no smell, cats live, here the viewer comes, here are the cat apartments, see where you will see it , all breeds of the world, 200 furry artists live in the theater, kuklachev, as a pioneer in this area, in search of a strategy for communicating with cats had to rely only on his own intuition. but here they live like in a family, or does this individualism
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still manifest itself in them? cat as it was cat, it stays that way. the main task, the word training is only suitable in one case, when it is not i who train them, but they who train me, and i obey them, and this is very good, they demand it in the way they want. kuklachev select cats based on their looks, they should not be timid, afraid of the light and applause of the public, they say that... all of kuklachev’s children, ekaterina, dmitry and vladimir, today work in the cat theater. yuri dmitrievich believes that he owes his career to his wife, who completely devoted her life to cats. they say to her: oh, how cunning, she came out married to a puppet boy, she says: girls, i married a circus teacher student.


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