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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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we say goodbye to you for exactly one week. joy to your home for these short 7 days. god bless you. today's broadcast was very fast and fun. i am very glad that i became the winner of the super game. i wish everyone prosperity and joy throughout the entire program. and thank you to the studio for your support. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. cosmonautics day on the anniversary of the first manned flight to kostmos, meeting in the kremlin, the presidents of russia and belarus with the crew who recently returned.
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focus on ukraine, peace talks, strikes on energy facilities relations with the west. details of the negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko. nuclear terror, what is happening at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which kiev has been hitting with kamikaze drones for a week now. our film crew was the first to see the journalists. space is love, the premiere of the audio version of yulia peresilt's book about the filming of the world's first movie in orbit, the film challenge. the belgorod branch is next to those who suffer from ukrainian shelling.
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and today the kremlin received cosmonauts who had recently returned from orbit, with them the presidents of russia and belarus met. report by anastasia kobazeva. the second day
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of negotiations, alexander lukashenko is again in the kremlin, the central topic today is: on the day of cosmonautics, cooperation between our countries in this industry. within the framework of the union state, russia and belarus, a number of important programs and cooperation in the space industry have already been implemented, and they are only gaining momentum. at a meeting with the presidents, participants of the twenty- first expedition to the iss. the first female cosmonaut of belarus marina vasilevskaya and russian cosmonaut oleg novitsky. together they returned to earth just the other day, cosmonautics day, ours.
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flew into space, this is only an external manifestation of our joint activity, although, of course, it is not limited to this, this activity is not limited to, the background is important here, vladimir putin recalled the long-standing proposal of belarus to include its cosmonaut in the iss crew in 2021 at a meeting of the supreme state council union state, about this proposal for the possible inclusion of a belarusian cosmonaut in the crew of the international space station.
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he lives there, we met recently, this is symbolic, so i am very grateful to you for this flight. marina vasilevskaya spent almost 2 weeks in orbit and conducted a number of scientific studies in the kremlin. shares his impressions, it is a great honor for me to be here, to meet with you, of course, i would like to express my deep gratitude for the joint project, for a grandiose project for our country, of course, the conquest of space by a citizen of the republic of belarus is a very outstanding event for our country, i thank you for opening this door for us, oleg novidsky has four space flights, three spacewalks under his belt, well, i would probably like to thank you for my part too for such a joint effort. since i really consider myself a person of the soviet union, i cannot divide our state in any way, and the fact that we work together like this, we work very simply, is worth a lot on some human relationships, i want to congratulate you on
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the holiday, you, well and as in such cases they say to your face everyone who works in the industry, engineers, designers, workers, astronauts, doctors and so on and wish them further success. and today it became known that vladimir putin awarded the order of gagarin to marina vasilevskaya and oleg novitsky. the astronauts have rehabilitation ahead of them; they have not yet had time to rest after the flight. without the development of the space industry , it is impossible to solve a single problem, including in the field of increasing the country's defense capability, putin noted. the development program until 2030 has been drawn up and guidelines for further cooperation have been outlined. you know that the fifth start of the mountain has just taken place, our a new heavy launch vehicle, this is also a good move forward from our new space inspection center, from the eastern one with the help of this
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launch vehicle we will then launch everything that is necessary to create a russian orbital station, i hope that this cooperation will continue, many say, why are belarusians here? ... this is without question, our optics, by the way, are no worse than in the west, they are good. russia and belarus are working together to create advanced satellites with high resolution, that is, in a photo from space it will be possible to distinguish the make of a car in parking lot and even see a matchbox. one of these satellites is planned to be launched into orbit in the coming years. the meeting did not
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limit itself to congratulations to those who work in the space industry. yamal was also in touch. the pyak reindeer family is celebrating their golden wedding there today. holiday april 12, cosmonautics day, we all congratulate you on your anniversary with your golden wedding, you and zoya igrumovna, your entire large family, we wish you all the best, success, we hope that we
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will see you again, i give the floor to alexandruvich lukashenko, it’s very symbolic for me, it’s very important to talk with people who are far from... here the keys to this miracle video device lie, so yes stealth, cool, the most sincere reaction, that’s all, but you’re still, you’re still a little bit
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small, very soon you will grow up, you will already be riding on it, gingsia and zoya are line breeders in the fifth generation. they have eight children, three of them continue the work of their ancestors. the large family of dyichenko from the lpr came to visit them in yamal, who also attended the meeting with vladimir putin in january. we'll go, we... in every sense, the space dream will come true for one of pyak’s grandchildren, he will organize a trip to the cosmodrome, he will see with his own eyes the launch of a spaceship. anastasia kobozeva, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, svetlana barkova, kirill loginov, channel one. we will return to the topic of space, but for now about the situation with floods in orenburg , the water level in the ural river is already more than 2 meters above the dangerous mark in the city. svetlana kostina’s film crew worked with them on the flooded streets today.
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get out of these two-story houses now impossible on your own. more than 2 m of water here has flooded all the entrances, so residents need the help of rescuers. a team from the spas center arrived in orenburg, professional rescuers with experience in dealing with an earthquake in turkey and major floods in the irkutsk tyumen region of yakutia. man, you're fine.
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the urals are now a record high in the history of meteorological observations, overnight it grew by another 40 cm, people had to be taken out through a narrow window in the entrance, then lowered into the boat down the stairs, they didn’t even wait at all, we have a dacha now it has sunk, in orenburg today the water has come close to new buildings, earthen embankments are not saving them, streets in the city have begun to be blocked, water is already flooding the roadway, the symbol of orenburg , the europe and asia monument, is hidden under the water, and the city embankment is completely flooded, the authorities are calling on residents to evacuate . gvorski, who was the first to bear the blow of the elements, the water is already receding,
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overnight the level dropped by 30 cm, but still remains high, the first floors of many houses remain flooded, under water abandoned cars. today , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the presidential envoy to the court district, igor komarov, arrived in orsk. there is still a small coal for that, there is water leaving, water leaving, but it does not go here, it goes into the sea, more precisely. it came to make a breakthrough in the lower part of the dam, i can also show it on the map, we were flooding this microdistrict, so as not to flood, we made a decision, made a puncture here and the water went away, work began in the city on paying compensation, the first component - this compensation of 2000 rubles is not discussed, this is the second compensation - this is the loss of property, i mean movable property, this is from 50 to 100 thousand, and then the third comes...
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now the special operations. our troops are advancing in several directions at once: kupinsky, donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk and avdeevsky. the enemy along the entire front lost almost 6,700 killed and wounded in a week. attacks continue on the infrastructure that serves the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. today, explosions were reported in the ladyzhinskaya tes area, in the vinnetsk region, arrivals at krivorozhskaya tes and under the station of the local mining and processing plant in the khmelnytsky region, a military airfield was hit. stara konstantinov. which are being prepared to receive western fighters b16. the results of the combat work were summed up in our ministry of defense. from
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april 6 to april 12, the armed forces of the russian federation, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities , carried out one massive and 47 group strikes with high-precision air-, sea-based, ground-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles. by objects: energy and military-industrial complexes of ukraine. in addition, logistics bases and temporary deployment points for special operations forces units of the ukrainian armed forces were hit. foreign mercenaries, all designated targets were hit. kiev has put itself in a difficult position by prohibiting itself from negotiating with russia, vladimir putin announced this the day before during a meeting with alexander lukashenko. the russian leader recalled that moscow has always been determined to resolve the matter peacefully. the president of belarus shares this approach and is ready, for his part, to assist in resolving the conflict. important statements and
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details of the conversation in konstantin’s report. on the second day of negotiations, alexander lukashenko, a journalist from the couple. if the president of russia yesterday devoted half of his opening speech to peace negotiations, from a diplomatic point of view, you understand why this is, in fact, the day before, vladimir putin devoted most of the public conversation to attempts moscow to stop the bloodshed. we have never renounced the peaceful resolution of disputes; moreover, we were inclined to do just that, we did not start it. this war in 2014, back in 2022, negotiations on the conditions for ending hostilities were conducted first through the mediation of belarus, and then turkey, let me remind you that then we were told that we could not sign the document, ukraine could not sign with a pistol weight, we needed to withdraw troops from kiev , we did it, immediately after
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we did it, our agreements were thrown into the trash, now after almost 2 and a half years of fighting in the middle.
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herself into a corner, well, yes, when she refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia in the field , inflicting a strategic defeat on it. now they understand that this is impossible, but they refused to negotiate and now find themselves in a rather difficult situation. well, what if russia is still invited to the swiss summit? journalists already asked sergei lavrov today. they are not going to invite us, they are, well, just frankly. they said that first you need to register a collective ultimatum to russia, but this simply negates any chances of any success for this swiss venture. it is known that switzerland is convening a summit at zelensky’s request and will promote his so -called peace formula. this has been directly stated, they want to formulate and bring to mind the notorious 10 points of
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zelensky’s peace formula, then present it to the russian federation. but the fact that this is a road to nowhere, to put it mildly, is obvious to any normal political observer, so even if an invitation had been received, why would moscow a summit that will be filled with ultimatums to russia, divorced from reality? we are ready to work constructively, but of course there can be no imposition on us of any position that is not based on reality. what i'm getting at is that i absolutely support the position of the current russian leadership.
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legally prohibited negotiations with russia, he signed a decree prohibiting everyone from negotiating with russia.
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now russia has switched to such tactics, i want to emphasize that we are even based on humanitarian considerations in the winter, they did not carry out any attacks, meaning that they did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without energy supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, they were forced to respond with regard to the energy of the attacks. i remember this conversation and they even reproached you in russia, that’s why they need to hit these pain points in the energy sector, you said then, maybe not military,
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you feel sorry for the people, the enemy probably understands everything, but uses our high-precision strikes on infrastructure to escalate anti-russian hysteria that lukashenko and putin will take over europe tomorrow, such plans have never been discussed that we want to take over someone, we have enough of our own problems. lukashenko once again explained to journalists as openly as possible that neither moscow nor minsk want a big war. you know, the front is 1.0 km in ukraine now. do you think it's simple? not easy. 1500. approximately kilometers our border with ukraine, add 1,500, in the baltic, polish direction, another 1,500, 3,000 km, you and i will have to
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close this front if we enter the war, we we can do it, we can’t, i ’m telling you, we can’t, we want problems for ourselves, we don’t want to, and belarus, in particular, does not intend to be drawn into the conflict at all.
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professional work of the fsb. and in confirmation of what was said above, today in the north of moscow the car of ex-colonel of the security service of ukraine, vasily prozorov, was blown up. he is wounded, but his life is not in danger. the surveillance camera recorded how it all happened. the bomb went off immediately after prozurov started his suv. consistent critic kiev regime, he has been collaborating with our intelligence since 2014. in 1919 he moved to russia and continued to expose the crimes
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of his former colleagues. the investigative committee for... a criminal case of attempted murder. in the energy center in the city , satellites of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant again declared an air danger today. the kiev regime, which has been hitting the station with kamikaze drones for a week now, with the complicity of the west, continues nuclear terror. what happens at zas after the start of intense attacks from the ukrainian armed forces, the first of our film crew saw the journalists. report by evgeny lyaminov. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is operating normally, everyone is cooperating. their duties, today at noon the aviation danger signal went off, this is when all people should be in shelters, but here, it seems, they are already accustomed to this, since this signal goes off almost every day, both at the station itself and in the city of nargodari. last week the heating season ended in energodar, and therefore the fourth power unit, which was the only one in a hot state, produced steam for heating the city, today they began to switch to the so-called cold shutdown mode or, as they say,
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cooling down. at this time , the air signal went off, air hazard, personnel were in open areas strictly behind the block under reliable protection, so the employees continued to work. when announced , the head of the shift station gives the command , air hazard prohibits movement in open areas, suspends work in open areas, so all the personnel, these are the ones who are now coming to meet us when such a command is announced, they...
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explode directly next to the station, directly next to its perimeter, and the first one was our cargo port, which is located from the station fence, from the perimeter somewhere at a distance of about 400-500 m, right there there was an impact from these drones, then on the same day the drone exploded very close to another object very important in our work, this is... a nitrogen-oxygen station, which supplies the technological needs of the station with gas, this is nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen. previously, the ukrainian armed forces itself was attacked by drones station, one drone hit the protective dome of the sixth power unit, another was suppressed by means the rap fell nearby, it also hit a car that brought food to the canteen, three people were injured, the situation remains tense both at the nuclear power plant itself and in the city. over the course of a week, the ukrainian armed forces tried
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to attack energy dar several times. on wednesday , air defense systems shot down several drones as they approached the city. the day before , magathe's board of governors met in vienna to discuss the threat of global catastrophe due to ukrainian attacks on the station, and although the conclusions in in general, the right things were done, such actions are unacceptable, they must be stopped, and the perpetrators of what is essentially nuclear terrorism, endangering the lives of millions of people, were never named. on monday , the situation around the zaporizhia nuclear power plant will be discussed at the un security council. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kachuri, niki sebastyanov. first channel of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the new multirole su-35s fighters, after all ground and flight tests , flew to their permanent home base. this the first batch of 4++ generation fighters of the year. military pilots place what are called super-maneuverable combat vehicles on the wing. they were made at the gagarin aviation plant in komsomolsk-on-amur. all are capable of using the latest high-precision weapons both on ground targets and in
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the air. our ministry of defense also reported that a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile of a mobile missile system was carried out from the kapustin yar test site in the astrakhan region, as specified in the military department, tasks completed in full, the test results confirmed the high reliability of russian missiles, ensuring the strategic security of our country. at the russian exhibition at vdnkh , the fifth season of the competition was launched today, a big change. for the first time, elementary school students will be able to participate. all the previous age categories remain; they cover schoolchildren from fifth to tenth grade , college and technical school students. there will be 12 nominations, for example, talk about the main thing, save nature, the winners are among.
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there was a lot of interesting things at the russia exhibition, it all started with a march into the future, like an allegory, the entry of the exhibition into a new stage , all this accompanied by the orchestra of the ministry of defense. for the newlyweds who are celebrating their holiday at vdnkh today, a gift from the roscosmos corporation, a certificate for visiting
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the baikanur cosmodrome on the day of the rocket launch, and of course, a big festive concert in which the group “earthlings” took part. cosmonautics day was celebrated on the wheel with a view of the sun and moscow; in the evening it was turned on with special festive lighting in blue-green tones. big space day tomorrow on channel one with a film program about space and travel to orbit. we will also again show the takeoff and landing of the world's first film crew who worked on the film challenge. actress yulia peresilt told everything about the flight to the iss in her book space baby. the audio version is now out. the leading actress admitted that when she was recording the book, she experienced all the same emotions again. it was a truly risky
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expedition. in this book, julia talks about what she had to overcome. when i looked at klim, i thought: 37 years old, a talented director, 37 years old, a good actress, is there so much to do, what a stupid, what a mediocre death, we didn’t even have time to make a movie, well, of course, i will remember this second for a long time. such thoughts flashed through yulia peresilt’s mind at the moment when the automation failed during docking to the iss, a frank conversation about space filming the world’s first movie in orbit in the actress’s book is space, baby, named after oleg novitsky’s phrase, the premiere of the audio version, one of the most poignant moments, yulia published a letter with her daughters, which they were supposed to receive in the event of a tragic outcome of the mission, for the first time they read them when creating an audiobook, the director of the audiobook, dmitry nikolaev , suggested such a thing that the girls themselves would read these letters, to be honest, i’m all
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i experienced it again when we recorded it, because it was very emotional, and for me, too, space is love, says yulia, and weightlessness, there is no other way to describe the real feeling of falling in love. well, you are in flight, you are flying, and this is not a dream, all the time you wanted to sing and dance, such a fantastic feeling of flying in general, lightness, when you don’t feel your body, when you, when your hair develops, i don’t know, when you once turned over, rolled over, this is probably the state of falling in love, during these 12 days in orbit there was everything, the frantic rhythm of work, and euphoria, danger, this is how the filming of an episode in the science module ended, where there was no protection from aggressive solar radiation in the portholes, we are told about this 10 times they said, we were warned 10 times that we couldn’t stand, we couldn’t watch, that’s all, but we were filmmakers, it was very beautiful, cream, i remember
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when the profile, wait, wait, wait, wait, like that, oh, oh, oh , that's it, come on, and then at some point i naturally live, and i feel such a smell, i understand that it was not so long. but i realized that it was all just burned out for me, thank god, this shot was included in the movie, it’s not so offensive, in the book the whole flight is planned literally day by day and many cosmic secrets are revealed, why is it an hour of sleep? my name is space sister, it was so
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touching, they received it wonderfully, with some great love, but it seems to me that first of all, well, such a cool task , the opportunity now we have, i have klim , first of all, of course, we have humanities and promote people from the art world so that in our country space becomes incredibly popular and so that everyone knows a lot about it, portholes are, in fact, all portholes. space is beautiful, but there is no detail, i really liked it, this is the story, the first
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actress, the astronaut, yes, this is great, i at first i didn’t believe it when they said it, and then, when i started reading and watching the program, i have no words, just delight. she has been on earth for 2 and a half years already, and her thoughts are carried away again and again into outer space. yulia peresilt not only follows all the news about launches and missions. and so now you are also worried and rooting,
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in a good way, of course, for the space industry, and i am very grateful to them, it was a cool school, a school of life. when asked how many female cosmonauts there have been in our history, those who came give their last name peresilt, the actress says, does not lay claim to the laurels of real heroes, those who solve incredible problems in orbit every day, but is happy that she has become part of something huge, immense, and can now share this cosmic feeling. pyotr deryagin, larisa nikitina, denis avcherov, andrey govalevich, channel one. cosmonautics day coincides with the birthday of the legendary front-line traffic controller maria limanskaya. the queen of the brandenburg gate turned 100 years old and today the head of the russian guard viktor zolotov congratulated her. he sent maria filippovna a holiday address with gratitude and wishes. health, strength, energy. maria limanskaya became known throughout the world thanks to black and white.
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victims of shelling temporarily left their homes or were left without housing at all, specialists from the belgorod regional branch of the russian red cross provide them with psychological support and help them not to get confused.
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the only thing missing is the bed doors, mom, i forgot something else, well, there’s not enough closet and a kitchen, now we’re putting together food kits, they contain butter, flour, canned goods, cookies, while the city is just waking up, red cross volunteers have already collected humanitarian aid to distribute food, bed linen and hygiene items throughout the belgorod region, hundreds of people are already waiting at emergency aid centers, be healthy. thank you very much, the bikes came in very handy for us, because after we moved we didn’t take much of anything, so we evacuated very quickly so as not to get hit by drones. many people from the grayvoronsky district , some in the apartments of friends, came to whatever they were, they are given vouchers for new clothes.
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we left on march 15, when the bombing began heavily and there was a lot of destruction. we can suffer today by sending a message for our favorite show participants, and if you point your smartphone camera at the qr code and go to the help collection page of the belgorod regional branch of the russian red cross, then right now you can donate any amount. we do not refuse anyone,
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we provide everything that is possible in our power, and even conduct first aid classes so that this hand did not press on this one. we have two points of support, here, here is one point of support and at a right angle the second leg, because the red cross has permanent wards who simply cannot cope alone, this is the smallest one, what’s your name, nikita nazenov. alexey himself is raising four children, the middle ones are now in the camp, the youngest has grown out of all his clothes for the umpteenth time, the eldest is going to enter the cadet corps, casting his vote for his beloved.
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support your favorite participants, income from voting, first channels, partners who joined our action, they will be handed over to the belgorod regional branch of the russian red cross. so, the voice, the main vocal show of the country, we watch and listen and vote. this is a voice project, we are live, and today i would like to start with this: on april 8, evgeny kungurov, honored artist of russia, passed away. zhenya was a participant in the very first season of our project; in alexander gradsky’s team he reached the semi-finals.


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