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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 13, 2024 1:50am-2:31am MSK

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and an ordinary strength trainer, now that ’s a trainer that can be installed there at our new russian station, that is, constant development is underway, that is, sirius is radically different from mars at a new level, well, just equipment, new experiments, and that too the same as if you take the world and the iss, yes, that is, there is a service module like it is one, but the filling is completely different. another, there was an analogue one, and here it’s digital, that is, this, that is , this is a completely different level of work, so alec said about artificial intelligence, how he was used in an experiment, maybe you know examples already used in space, data processing, that is, you are in space , yes i used it, but i had access to the internet and of course i came to it very interestingly, i saw how my son he does these lessons very quickly for me, and i looked, he just... asked the chatbot questions, well
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, with old data, but it was quite difficult, well, he noted well, these are these social networks that we have - well, since 2014 years to the astronauts, well, how is our work, but we have to lead them, then the description of the posts, you can ask the artificial intelligence a question about the area over which you are flying, and it will answer you, well, really, you have to... of course , keep an eye on it, because sometimes it has something with geographic coordinates with names, he has these gaps, he can and a person still needs to be checked, but what do you think, in the future, where artificial intelligence can manifest itself, i mean in space, of course, well, i think that the first - this is for the safety of the crew, in order to track the parameters of the systems that surround you when you are flying, that is, you know that we... are not on duty,
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yes, that is, like a submarine, we do not have duty officers there who are on watch, yes , we are all sleeping, yes, we have security systems, yes, there are different sensors, artificial intelligence, i think that in addition to the fact that it will be built into it, it will receive data from all sensors about the tightness of the ship, he will also offer you a way out of the situation, whatever he can maybe, then, in principle, what the specialists who sit in the center are doing now.
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tsukubi they help us manage the station , help us get out of all sorts of emergency situations, here this will be your assistant, when you are completely autonomous, it is clear that the person who or the crew who will fly to mars there to the moon or even further, they will already trained in how to behave in emergency situations, but an assistant such as artificial intelligence will allow the level of survival to reach a different level, of course, yes. we continue the conversation about the future of russian cosmonautics with oleg artemev. russia begins to build its russian orbital station. well, tell us what has already been done, what will be done. tasks that i would be very happy about, all the astronauts who, well, plan to fly, we are happy that we have a polar orbit, which...
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people sometimes see things a little narrowly, here’s a person like murtazin, those people who are involved in astronautics, they live it, they understand immediately, they understand what it is, that it is necessary, that this is exactly how it should be done, that is, it’s like the ship is beautiful, that is, you understand why it was done exactly this way, and this and the station should fly exactly like this, especially since this, well, this is our kind of station, which is right here on our territory, this is very cool, and then , that the station... well, just recently there was a meeting
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with our president’s space rocket, yes, that is, that it was approved, approved, yes, in general, i’m one of the most. for this preliminary design, exactly a year later he received a report that there was a preliminary design, they calculated how much money, he approved it and let's keep doing it. we all understand what we need to do in what direction to work. now the second thing is that this station will take the best from
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the previous stations that we had, salute, mir, tamk, and it will have open architecture, what does this mean? these are the stations that we have flown, they are always... replaceable, that is, it is open, you can undock, change, yes, this is very cool, because well, technology does not stand still, we constantly have scientific and technical work going on revolution, with everyone every year we learn something new, some new
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materials appear, some new thoughts, maybe another korolev will be born there, he will come up with something else, and we will continue to modernize this station we will have it. is the project open indefinitely or will only the russians fly no, well, it is clear that now it is growing and the russian orbital station and service ones, but i think that those countries that are friendly to us and those that maintain good relations with us will always be the way to this station is open and in order to work and have international cooperation, this is a must, here is this module, which is assembled inflatable and transformable. well, we have developments in our industry on the iss, there is a beam, and the american module has been flying there for a long time, checks, but the only one they want to build is a hotel. the only disadvantage in such modules is that of course it
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has increased radiation, well, there is radiation itself in space, but it’s inflatable the module has minimal protection, that is, of course there is a person there the dose is normal, so that module. which we have in the project, it will most likely be a storage module of some kind for some replaceable elements, resource elements, and sooner or later it will appear, now at this stage, which we see from the construction plan of our station, that is, it not a priority, in some way in the future it will be, first you need to make the basis, of course, and then think about launching transformable modules, so i know... when they built the world from salute 7, that is, the extreme salute, about 800 kg of equipment were transported from the salute station to the world, well, in order to carry, well, the most expensive, the most necessary thing was whether they could do this with the iss, so that it would grow, but it’s great that you remembered this
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operation, this is a unique operation, because that i don’t know anyone else like him, and we already mentioned vlekseevich solov, he just participated in this skizim, it was an important event, but with us it is of course unlikely to succeed, because these are completely different inclinations, but with us , if, as you already recalled murtazin, he probably said that the biggest cost of fuel is just to change the inclination, and of course it is unlikely that we will have this, the only thing we can do is, well, if i fantasize and all the most valuable things we have in space load the station into some kind of module, then undock it with a truck and lift it into an orbit such that it would fly endlessly there and when there is an opportunity, when we have such means, where when we can calmly fly in near-earth space and not think about the fact that we have high fuel costs, then
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we can someday fly there to pick up either for museums of the earth or for museums of the moon there, these are the things that would be the most valuable. space station, but of course, i think that there is no such thing in the project, you can only dream, that is, it will turn out that the growth will completely consist of everything new, yes, everything. the newest everything that was tested on the international space station, what passed this certification and this flight, because every flight, every day here, which is passing, it gives some kind of benefit to the equipment that we have working on the international space station and thanks to these buildings we are making that new equipment equipment that will fly to ros, and what are you and i doing for rusan, we we're getting ready, we're, uh, now we're participating in the project. the cosmonauts are directly involved, yes, yes, the project seems to exist, well , as i understood it, it’s general, but what does it mean, like it’s not
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, it’s there, it’s all ready, it’s already almost protected , and uh, we’re getting to know the cosmonauts , because every cosmonaut in the detachment as an astronaut, he is an expert in space , he sends us the entire preliminary design that is available and we read it - we discuss it , we consult somewhere, we argue with the designers and the designers. we come to some common opinion, and this, of course, we look at in the complex of problems, maybe something is unprofitable, something is too expensive, or there are, for example, some such wishes, but because of this, the station may not fly, so not all wishes come true, yes, that’s why we look at the level of our production, the level of what we can do without interfering, you, you personally contributed something, i had such a wish that we have a module. for physical education classes, so that it is all transparent, yes, so that we fly, that a larger, firstly,
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porthole, because there were not enough of them in the preliminary design from the very beginning, and you are right in saying that it would be nice to have like domes, that is, these big glass windows, so that you can relax and play sports, that is, physical, well , of course, there is such a desire, but for now it can there may be no such materials, but thanks to the fact that we... this is architecture, as soon as opportunities arise, we will have such technologies, when we can make such a transparent module, which itself then darkens, as in these science fiction films, then it will appear in russia, it will be worked out in order to fly further, well, there is a version of a commercial module that will be specially made for tourists, it will be there, they will have separate cabins there and there will be a lot of portholes, just in my opinion two domes want do it, yes, well, we’ll see , we’ll see, we’ll wait, we’ll see, but in general, design is now being done by specially invited students,
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yes, it’s very cool that yes, ours attracted stroganova students, they have a lot of interesting projects there, a real professional designer, yes, yes , the real professionals are connected, well, they are beginners and they seem to be young and well, they have an open-minded look, and of course they offer such things there. something very well, if you look, especially russian met, it seems to me that there were no designers there at all, not just any back then they were, but they were still soviet, yes, yes, well then you see, then we were in first place , defense capability was, well, it’s true that now it is in first place, then of course then survivability was in first place, yes, and now they are engaged in interior decoration , stations, and well, all the comments have been taken into account, you remember, we... lived in the service module, when we had it and where we eat, and where we go to the toilet, where we sleep,
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it’s all on our little patch, now if you look at the project - the module where we will be there to live, where we will eat, it’s all spread out, we sleep in one place, eat in another, the toilet is in a third, that is, it’s all spread out and doesn’t interfere with each other and is more convenient, we continue talking about the new russian orbital service station ros with oleg ross - this is the most ambitious, largest project that russia has, and what other projects do we have, well, just off the top of my head, this is the sphere, the spectrum, the sphere - this is a satellite constellation, that is, it is so m, well, you can say , so semi-fantastic for like as if for our conditions, but in fact , our industry is already fully included in this... program, in this project, we need our own independent satellite constellation, we
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need communications, so we have our own location, our own system that will allow, by the way , will displace our mobile communications, that is, cellular communications, and it is intended to ensure that we have constant communication in any corner of the world, well , first of all, of course, in our country, and then, of course, in any part of our globe, etc. .. what it is, that is, we have it of course geostationary satellites, yes glanas, and they fly in geostationary orbits of 3600 km, and these lower ones will... there will be more, the signal will be better, it is clear, yes, that the geostationary is hanging over one point, but still yes, that is, because because it’s far away, the signal is not always stable, it’s closer to the ground, of course, the place where it will fly will be smaller there, but due to the fact that there are more satellites, they will
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transmit this among themselves the connection will be more stable. also the sphere it's like it's not only the same satellites, these are many satellites, different satellites, the sphere project, the sphere project, and the sphere project, and i think that this is one of such ambitious projects, as can be compared with ros, and of course there are two such near-earth observatories are a spectrum, we have them, that is , we can’t really talk about the sphere, well, the sphere is in first place - the ability of our country, so we can’t know everything completely , it’s like secrecy remains after all - everywhere and abroad, in our country the first place is, of course, defense capability of our country, the defense capability of our national economy and, as it were, speaking about satellites in the sphere - it is growing right now and
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is being developed to repair satellites directly in space, yes, yes, that’s it. like any mechanism, it can break down, fail, then you can improve it, for example, change its filling to a more modern one, so they want to learn how to catch satellites, deliver the space station to russia, the cosmonauts will be engaged in repair and restoration work and launch it back, yes, this this is an old dream, in fact, this will happen a special platform, yes yes, this is an old dream and mine too, you just mentioned the non-ship activities where i worked, this... how many 25 years ago, then they still dreamed that we would have a dock outside at our station, where we, so that we catch the satellite, install it, repair it, then tow them back into their orbits, i don’t quite understand how we will catch them, well, there will be a tug, we have a tug project, this tug will little by little pick up and bring , that is, we are not talking about the tug
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will be located near the station, but near station or docked and, well, those delivery ships that will be delivering. will the fuel refuel it or will it be i don’t know what kind of electric jet engine it can use, which little by little it will reach which satellite is broken and then pick it up and bring it back, well, these are all such fantastic projects, but i think that this is the near future, well, they want this platform to do it, but it’s not, well, it’s already in the project, it’s there, that is, there will be a module with a platform on the outside, that’s how we now have such a cargo platform on mlm. which... recently at the exit they installed the same platform in order to dock a satellite, go into outer space or an astronaut or with the help of a manipulator, because one of the things that we will have at rosa is robotic, then there will be manipulators that will help us in experiments, in repairs, just to
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repair satellites and replace them, that is, one of rosa’s tasks is testing, testing the equipment that then... can already be launched into space after we it was tested at ross, that is, it is like a testing laboratory, the ross station will dock russian alliances, alliances, no, in my opinion, an alliance is not envisaged now, although i think it may be the first time, but in any case we are building our new ship , yes ptknp, eagle, but now the extreme name was eagle, oh well... maybe it will remain like that, for now while those docking nodes that now exist are intended specifically for the ship - this is a new generation of eagle, for alliances for now there is no such possibility, no, they go together with the iss, everything can be, yes, the alliances will remain on the iss and i think that, well, in any case, there will be a crossover correctly, that is
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, the iss will not be flooded for at least a year, i think, i think that longer, i think there are very great opportunities, this we have the northern, yes, the northern sea route, a sea route that is being developed on earth, new icebreakers are being built, they have already been laid down, and this shortens the routes, logistics, and just with the station it will be possible... to manage, to help, yes, well, create the equipment that will be necessary for the same ships, ros herself is there she expects you to have surveillance. across all ranges, that is , optical, and radio-luxation, radio-technical, everything, well, firstly, this is for safety, that is, you, well, you never know what
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might happen during the northern sea route, you will have an understanding , what is happening in general, on any of this icebreaker, on any ship, of our northern fleet, that is, you can quickly even film, yes, operational filming, yes, that is, yes, monitoring... some of the ecology, the fauna , there can be counting bears it will work out, well, i think there really needs to be a maximum of six people at the station, well , it’s unlikely that there will probably be six people, because it kind of assumes that the first crew there will be , in my opinion, two each man, until she ba when she will of course be completely built, but i think before six it, well, i think that it will all depend on how, well, on the ship that will fly there, i think. there will still be four people, so we talked about what it will be like in the next 5-10 years, we looked a little into the future, this is what you think a person will do in 50 years in space, i think that you can even
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think about theroforming, this is a dream, that is, we have two objects for toroforming, these are venus and mars, troforming, that is, it is to make the planet suitable for human life, i am generally a supporter, first of all, not to start with mars, but with venus. you would fly away to live on venus, no, not to live, but how would you do it so that it would transform and be a spare planet for the earth, i think that’s perhaps, first there will be some kind of holdings in which the first generations will live there, then lower and lower as they are processed, then some powerful machines that will further process the atmosphere, i hope that maybe, well, 50 years, maybe it’s... a short time, but suddenly. oleg, today we talked about the present and future of the space industry, and once again we were convinced that russia, as it was,
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is, will be the greatest space power. exactly. today my friend, pilot, cosmonaut, hero of russia, visited me. oleg artemyev. it was a space stories podcast, and i, anton shkaplerov. hello, i'm pilot cosmonaut anton shkaplerov, this is a podcast about space stories. june 16 marks the 60th anniversary of the first flight of a woman into space. on june 16, 1963, valentina tereshkova, the first woman to overcome gravity, found herself in earth's orbit. today in the cosmonaut corps...
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i liked it, the work was very intense, the feeling of weightlessness is generally impossible to convey, despite the fact that we imitate it on earth, in some of our types of training, real weightlessness, it is unique, inimitable, everyone who has been in space will confirm this, for example, you, yes, yes, of course, anya, tell me why you decided to become an astronaut, i decided to become an astronaut when i was 27 years old , at that time the first open enrollment in the cosmonaut corps in our country was announced, and now this is being practiced. then it was the first time, the first time for me in 2012, 2012 it was, yes, but how did you find out about this news? i worked at a radio station and my
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colleagues who collected news they informed me that if you want, fly into space, they just said so, yes, they offered, and i analyzed all the requirements that were presented to the applicants, i immediately woke up not completely natural. i tell him: there are such opportunities, please help me collect documents, because in reality it is not so simple, a very large package of documents, which includes
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all your certificates. very little, i had little time, thanks to alexander, he helped me promptly, as much as he could collect, they sent it a package of documents and i was invited to the face-to-face stage of the cosmonaut training center, and he divided how long, in my case it lasted a month, how many were selected, well, in the end there were 10 people selected, of whom eight were left, you and seven men, me yes and as
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in some of the options. the media said that seven people and one woman, well in our case it’s logical, by the way, yes, everything is correct, you went through, well , of course, a lot of training, serious, next to you there were men who also looked, you had to naturally be on the level, no less, and i know that the requirements are the same, we don’t, that girls should have less, i don’t know, more time for changing into a spacesuit, it’s all the same, you can tell , and maybe in the most interesting extreme types of training, i don’t know, parachute jumping, zero-gravity flights, you say, you name these examples, they really can be said to be the most striking, because there is a great, maximum psycho-emotional involvement in these types of training, this special diving training, special parachute training, and you parachuted before the cosmonaut corps, and i did four jumps,
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by the way, but... in the novosibirsk region at the bertsky airfield, the first four jumps of my life were this your homeland? yes, this is my homeland, where i come from, the city of novosibirs, my favorite, beautiful, and besides parachute training and diving, yes, special flight training, then special types of training with work in spacesuits, with a spacesuit and in spacesuits, how in a rescue suit there is a falcon, which we use in a spaceship, so with... fandro, for going into outer space, which is called an eagle, you are all familiar with this, these are very interesting types of training, work in a hydro laboratory, weightlessness flights - this is a unique , of course, a thing that, by the way , in principle anyone can try if they want, and this is for you what is the most difficult or most interesting, the most difficult thing for me was passing the state exam, when the chickens slowly turned into adults, the chicken and ... when
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there is a transition from candidates for cosmonauts, uh, all the applicants who have been selected for the cosmonaut corps are enrolled in the position of candidate cosmonauts, and these guys, these people, these persons, they study and prepare at the first stage of general space training, after which they pass a grandiose state exam, a large, very large commission, which further qualifies you and gives you the green light to become an astronaut. after passing this exam, you become, move from the ranks of candidates to cosmonauts, testers, to before you fly, after you fly, you become a pilot-cosmonaut, and survival you remember how it went, and survival, yes, by the way, is a very interesting part of our cosmonaut training, and survival in various climatic and geographical areas is the case if something will not go exactly as planned, well, let’s say, a deviation from a certain standard scenario, and... landing
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or splashdown may take place in the place where they are waiting for you, and it may be in the place where they are just waiting for you... a little bit aside and you may find yourself, for example , somewhere in altai, well, this could be the case. in this case, a program was created according to which astronauts learn to act correctly when they are independently in certain conditions before the arrival of a rescue team. brigade that takes you out of the emitted apparatus, this is called survival, rescue in the case when we are waiting for a rescue team, this could be in winter in a wooded swampy area, it could be on the water, splashdown, urgent leaving when you we lower the apparatus, when you immediately evacuate from it right in the spacesuit, there is a certain set of actions that need to be done, or if time permits, you put on a special diving suit with
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the expectation that you need it for a long time... it was 45° in the shade, then we had a hairdryer blowing, it was this wind with sand, hot, and then there was a very powerful cloudiness, and it was all mixed up, a hairdryer, cloudiness, fried, steamed,
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it was all together, and it lasted a long time, i remember that the situation was that our task was to build a shelter and maximize do not show activity, firstly, so as not to lose moisture, and secondly, so as not to heat up too much and wait it out. this heat, during the day the heat had accumulated so much in the body that when the sun set and it became generally cold, in fact it was downright cold, and i remember that for the first hour i was simply completely undressed, lying and giving off heat from my body, like a radiator, until it cooled down, well, this is an indicator that heat has really accumulated during the day, well, it’s very interesting there, we extracted moisture from plants and from a hole dug using condensation. interesting, any types of special space training for astronauts, they are all interesting. we said that you spent 10 years preparing for your first flight, were there moments when you thought that you wouldn’t fly, that you gave up, i don’t know, and you were afraid of not
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flying, well, let’s start with the fact that i wasn’t afraid, i expected that i would fly, but i didn’t know when it would be, then ultimately i was assigned to the backup crew, with procopius petelin together. but for publishing the crew, it means that they obviously put you in the crew i understand that the next one will be your main one, but we have such a line, you are right, and you remember this moment when you were told that you were assigned to the backup crew, well, who told you this news, i don’t even remember who it is to me he said, somehow it didn’t happen that they came up to me and handed me a flag, now you’re in the crew, it’s like he’s in the crew, well , okay, cool, great, great, then we’ll work in the crew, somehow yes , well, that’s it, the time has come, let’s move on, we’re working, and i learned about the dragon roof. one might say, by accident, the squad leader told me about this, and i was already seriously preparing for the backup crew and almost before the start of the main crew, which we were backup, i found out about this and these final stages i
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in parallel already began to prepare for crudrgon and finished in ours there you know, at the final stages there are a lot of exams that we pass before the certification flight and was... in the union in the crudron, and as soon as we returned beyond baikanura, after the guys were launched into the main crew, here i’ve already immersed myself in just one cru-dragon training, and how did your family, friends, i know, react when they found out that you would fly into space, well, that is , you were appointed to the crew, but it’s still organic and logical what happened, in general, if we talk about my loved ones, they found out back in 2012 that i would fly into space, so we need to talk about how they reacted to it, because otherwise. otherwise, why would i even join the detachment? well, she wants to fly kusmo, oh, a lot of thoughts started there in my head and joys and some excitement there, but this is mainly of course with my parents, but of course my husband was also worried, but he expresses it differently,
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my family and friends and people in general will really support me, and i always feel it, it’s so great , when you do your job with pleasure and just gradually and periodically, sometimes on the left , then... you won’t fly, well, in the sense that these people won’t take you away, she’ll go to moscow, well, i don’t know what she was ultimately thinking about everything there , but but it was funny, and what only after that when i was accepted into the detachment, i told my mother: mom, i’m in the cosmonaut detachment there now
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, as a candidate, i’m starting to prepare, then my mother took it as - as if i had joined some kind of youth circle, like, like, pio, yes, she thought there was just some movement there. cool, something like that, well, then, when she found out, when she turned it on, when she seriously realized, mom, that you are serious, a real astronaut who will soon fly real real, she got worried, she was more worried than happy, but then gradually i got used to it, got used to it, let it go, and as much as possible was with me throughout this whole period, well, sasha, your husband works for us at the astronaut training center, and is a specialist in our physical training, that’s his reaction, that’s all. knows, he prepares us to be cosmonauts, we are helped
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by flight time, rehabilitation, that is, the person generally knows where you ended up, why, what was his reaction already when they started to join you in the crew, and of course sasha, my husband, he i was very happy, because he knows how much work i put into this business, how much time, how much of myself, well, i do this first of all , of course, for myself, because i like it, i do it for pleasure, but nevertheless, this is where i invest my resource from myself, and did he ever want to water it? yes, of course, he wanted to take you to the cosmos, yes, no, no, no, sasha is a person who knows how to sincerely rejoice for others and will always support you, and this has nothing to do with his personal trajectory in his directions of development, but of course he also tried and wanted to become an astronaut, his dream - this is to fly into space with me, and what do you think, if this is possible, that’s super, he really wants to, i think that he is a very worthy candidate for this. and a suitable person
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to be an astronaut, he was once selected according to one of the medical criteria according to our medical requirements in our country, he was not allowed further, although well, in general, that is, in another country they would have been allowed, well, for example, in naso, he would have gone to nasa went, well, i don’t know, he didn’t go to naso, of course, but maybe over time there will be more loyal demands for medicine, what i count on, everyone counts on. because medicine is moving forward, there are a lot of worthy people who are ready and able to do this work, well, yes, the flight experience shows that you don’t have to be super healthy, i’m talking about tourists, for example, whom we take, these are far from not super healthy people, to select them so that they at least return there alive after a short two-week flight, but in principle you are right that it is time, of course, to lower this bar a little, that it is necessary to open access. of course, the flight will include as many people as possible, and sasha is included in that
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including one of them, i believe that if this ever happens in our lives, that we will be able to fly together as a married couple, this will be the first time, by the way, couples have not flown, there are couples, well, two astronauts, but they are not together crossed paths in space, you will be the first, think about it, we are all about it now, it will be cool, sasha is still getting older, right? quite, excellent, he’s strong, he’s a tough guy, we’ll wait, but what kind of health indicator has knocked him down, isn’t it a secret? purely based on the bite of the teeth, but in my opinion, it’s possible fix, this is not the heart, yes, so sasha has what he wants, in the next recruitment, by the way, maybe he will prepare and join the cosmonaut corps, the official recruitment will be announced soon, we also want to recruit a certain number of young, ambitious and yes...
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but the state of all this preparation is simply completely comfortable and wonderful, why? because all the specialists with whom we, in one way or another, we, i mean the crew in which i was and i personally had the opportunity to work together, they are so maximum focused, focused on the quality and comfort of the crew during preparation, on interaction and feedback, that is, they are completely open and... they are very polite, tactful, pleasant.


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