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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 13, 2024 2:30am-3:15am MSK

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i flew training on a cruise ship, unfortunately, spacex doesn’t share much about how you prepare in california, you spent more time, for example, than me, i’m mostly in houston, you’re mostly in california, tell us about this training, general impressions about her, maybe you can reveal something that we don’t know, well , first of all, i want to say that my state of mind from all this preparation is simply completely comfortable and wonderful, why because? that all the specialists with whom we are in one way or another, we, i mean the crew in which i was and i personally had the opportunity to work together, they are so focused, focused on the qualities and comfort of the crew during preparation, on interaction, on feedback, that is, they are completely open, they are very polite, tactful, pleasant, always support, guide, that is, it’s them... they behaved
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like real partners, comrades in the best sense of the word, they didn’t scold them much for mistakes, but no, debriefing, there is debriefing, and the point is not to scold someone -but discuss constructively some things, mistakes or misunderstandings, of course, we had dialogues and as a result of analyzing certain situations, especially situations that were not entirely clear to both sides, we always brought all unsolvable issues to the end. as a result of discussions, in the process of discussions, the second side, i mean, these are not only instructors, this is their ground flight control center, which is included as much as possible in the crew training process, they do even an order of magnitude more work, because the crew dragon is maximally automated, a lot of control comes from the ground, and the crew works at least with the ship’s systems, but is focused on turning on in certain... situations in
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the process, well, they train for this, and i just enjoyed how effectively and logically it can to be built and implemented, the discussion side of this side of the training work process, when there are especially many people, somehow they have it built there, because there are actually a lot of specialists working there, whom we... they have their own rooms, locations in which they are located, working remotely with all this electronics with the crew, there is a full-size and maximally adapted sub-real spacecraft, as in our case in our union, a ship simulator, a ship simulator, and the model is exactly what it looks like, it’s such a truncated cone larger, naturally, one sealed volume in union 2, with one and two there will be more space. yes, there is only one and, accordingly
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, there is more freedom when you are, the position of a person in space, well, an astronaut in this case is more comfortable for the knees, a chair of a slightly different type, but all the principles are the same, it’s just that the design and layout is slightly different, we of course went through all of this, studied it in order to navigate the design of the ship, how to work inside, in the interior of the ship, beautiful spacesuits, by the way, it was implemented according to a modern design, that is, it was also customized to suit you, this is absolutely, about 150 measurements were taken from me, first the first version was already made; in principle, you can implement the external design of the spacesuit itself, and there were timely adjustments, these sealed
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shells, it was so funny, only one sealed shell was put on me, and i looked like some kind of frog with these with green fingers, all sorts of things like that, it was funny, they cut everything on me, they did a great job, ultimately, during the final fitting and - leak tests, some kind of grinding - they made corrections to the spacesuit, and i was fine he is absolutely comfortable throughout the flight, that is, it’s great to realize which is our falcon more comfortable? and there is a little difference in the designs and well , it’s more convenient, okay, let’s say it’s simpler, it’s more convenient, this and that one wore me when they prepared the falcon spacesuit for me according to my standards and i put it on, i also felt comfortable in it because it was where it was sewn for the falcon spacesuit, i also have it there is , of course, i’m a backup because i was a backup crew actually in the union for the sixty-seventh expedition, well, which one is more convenient, the one that suits your needs sat well by the standards, you can say beautiful clothes this is. both are convenient for me, they are just
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different, i want to say that - by the way, where is the russian one kept at home, well, why is it still there, and what about you? through the falcon, and you enter through the central opening in the abdomen area, by collecting a sealed fabric of the sealing material and bundling it, you create a seal, here are the different designs of the helmets, the headsets are also in tomsk
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fandry spacex, there is no shlimophone, there are individual speakers that are cast according to your ear, and the microphone is built into the helmet is here in the chin area , whereas... in our spacesuit, the headset is placed completely on the head with built-in speakers and a microphone that comes out here opposite the mouth opening, but it’s just a different design, we understand, both, both comfortable, great, tell me about the start, about the start on the dragon, wow, that was very interesting, was it the first time you flew, yes, it was cool, the first time we flew at the appointed time after boarding the ship, before that you asked the question: this is a model of the ship in which we we were training, but we had this effect among the guys in my crew, uh, for everyone at the same time, after they closed the hatch for us, don’t you think that it’s as if we were sitting in a simulator in a mock-up, but it’s so well simulated, it’s real, even the smell of
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everything, the lighting in full, the effect was that in the simulator and i even caught myself thinking, is this reality or not, that okay, you sit, concentrate on work, on the upcoming steps. this is the contact of the rise, these first few seconds that you experience, i was collected as much as possible, and it was so unusual, i expected that there would be a small push, now you’ll tell me how it happens in our union, somehow we pick up speed, there’s such a gap, and then it’s just easy, easy a slight set, just acceleration, speed, and this gradually began to be felt at the level of the body, here is a soft, completely soft feeling that you are just so gently, gently, affectionately lifted in the palms of your hands, just a little faster, faster, faster, faster, acceleration, it was a very unusual feeling, and then how long did it take you to fly to the station, 29 hours, almost half of this time we slept, you took off the spacesuits, yes, of course,
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after the takeoff we took off the spacesuit, carried out our hygienic procedures there, did we go straight to sleep, after i woke up, i asked, of course we had a certain cyclogram of actions there. how much we slept, it turned out to be 13 hours, we slept for 13 hours since the summer, that’s what i was influenced by, but i don’t think so, no, it just somehow accumulated like this and pre-launch, maybe - here all this training camp, where you are constantly before the start, how you slept like a gagarin, yes , great, i slept like a real gagarin, well done, like a real one, and how did you like the crew, you flew completely, all foreigners, how are the relationships in general, how is the work together ? nikolman, josh kaseda, these are two of us guys who were selected into the detachment in 2013 a year after me, nikol was the commander of our crew, and koichiva kota, who has already
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flown into space for the fifth time, is such an experienced specialist, there are many of him - many astronauts, astronauts know, this is the soul of the company, this is a wonderful person, very kind and radiant. cheerful, he has one of the phrases, he says: life is wonderful, and i absolutely agree with him, and in russian, in russian, in russian, he speaks russian well, not bad, we had such good interaction between the crew , it was constructive, the sense of comradeship was well developed, there were warm relationships that supported each other, a single cool team, just like a good team, which should be everywhere always in any form, look, you get to the iss and you switch to russian, you become part of a team from russia, yeah, how was your work at the station, what were there, maybe some funny ones, when i entered, i found myself in a large volume of the station, us we were met with
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cameras, here we are flying on a ship, we’ve all docked, then we need to get into the station, when i get to the station, i have such a smile and just a finite realization, this is all... it’s true, it exists, it’s just that i’ve been ready for so long , you got into the studio, you got into space, it takes so long to prepare, yes, for all this, but still on earth, on earth, on earth, and you... that’s how everyone is with smiles, with hugs, we are so joyful, then they took me to our segment , you’re still on earth, you say, you came in, they took you, like yes, well, yes, and we ’re flying after them, now we’re flying in space, i’m flying, i remember my legs, i remember the changing interior, we’re flying through the american segment, and then we're coming in, and you mean that you're from the very, well, let's say, forward point where we docked on... and we're coming in
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into the functional cargo block, okay, this is all normal, but when i get into the service module, my first impression is that it’s like i’m on a simulator, the world, i don’t know why the world, but i have some impression left in my head , well, from the previous station, the mir orbital station, we have in the cosmonaut training center and well, it’s like a simulator more like... such a museum model and the layout is like this for some reason, i think that these are some kind of interior painting, maybe panels gave such such an effect, i immediately i flew through the central post, i saw these computers, these old vshtv, and puma, which we have in reserve, but this is just very old equipment and i see our dining table. and everything somehow turned out like this, as if i was in the world, and so at first it was so interesting, then
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i got used to it a little, naturally, we immediately ate, there were the first ones, they gave it to me, the first in my life i opened a can of food there, the first one there my filled package in space, i did everything as much as possible, as our instructors taught me, so as not to get burned or anyone don’t burn me, i remember all this, then the most difficult thing was at the station, well, maybe i wanted to sleep more, so what? at the station, we work even on weekends, you know, they plan to work for us even on saturday, firstly, we are obliged, if we are talking about weekends, then such a full cleaning must be done once a week, it takes a certain time there, vacuum cleaning, wiping panels, surfaces, wet cleaning, replacing some filters, something else, and this takes some time, then often on these days they stage some kind of popularization events. some kind of notes and participation in various educational events there, this also
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takes time, but between them it doesn’t matter, even if there is a slightly long break, you are still involved in some events, affairs all day long, so you have saturday has flown by, sunday is left to you, once a week - a private video conference with your family, you also wait there all week, when you have it, to see your family there or close people, it’s all the same saturation is underway. plus physical training also has days off, that’s it all the time, did you have any - i don’t know, dangerous funny situations on the iss? when we have time, and especially some music is playing, we start having fun there, spinning on the spot, especially me, dancing, it’s fun, dance floor, no floor, yes, yes, dance is not floor, yes, it’s very interesting , in this other dimension , to move some way, use some surfaces from which you can... create some movements in space for your body, well, this is very unusual and cool, if
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we talk about the return, but how did the return take place on kru-dregen, how long was it from the moment the hatch was closed until the splashdown, you splashed down in the ocean, but somehow everything passed quickly before we closed the hatch, put on spacesuits, went in for more than 10 hours, we were in space for... fuel, you have special cabins, there were probably there, yes, there would be special places where the astronauts who were taken out of
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the descent capsule are immediately transported, are sent to an area where medical workers where the spacesuit is removed and medical workers provide some primary actions for ours were medical workers at the landing site, rusan’s crew doctor, at this trial, yes, she had her own actions, she had undergone training before that.
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body began when specialists began to lift us from our seats, there’s a special sequence, they lift us up, and through a special bridge they take us out, push us out of the ship, put us on a special gurney, a reclining chair, and take us away on it - to medical kind of place, a corner, right here, when they started to take me out of the chair, of course they rocked me when i was already placed. they said: sit down on this couch, yes, but i just don’t understand how to sit down, i just imagine that i’m just going to relax my legs a little bit and just fall somewhere like some kind of lead, big, powerful... then a tool, you are now undergoing rehabilitation, yes, that is, six months, you are not attracted anywhere, i mean no training, tell me, did you have time to visit
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your dear novosibirs, and so far i haven’t had time to visit my native novosibirsk, but we have such a task, we have it planned... a business trip there, i personally have a business trip and a very large set of events related to the celebration of the city’s 130th anniversary novosibirs is when it will be, it will be in the twenties of june and i’m waiting for this trip , people are waiting for me to arrive there, i’m enjoying the fact that i’m finally skinning in novosibirsk, i probably haven’t been there for two years. tell me, is there any point in flying a second time? into the space? of course it's interesting. anh, let's dream, yes, let's speculate, what do you think a person will do in 50 years in space? gradually, gradually, of course, space will be open to an even wider audience, the public, different people, and we see this before our eyes, the development of this whole process is happening, tourism is becoming more and
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more, and one way or another we still somehow let's approach... through the bell-shaped space to the moon, we'll start organizing something there and try to build some elements that will be useful to us in the future, in understanding how this can be used in the further study of space objects for the benefit of people, man will fly to mars, i ’m not a prophet, i don’t know, but i hope that yes, someday, of course, anya, thank you for coming to visit and telling me about your wonderful, interesting flight. thank you very much, anton, for this warm, sweet, relaxed conversation, and i also say goodbye to everyone, happy happiness to everyone, all the best, today i visited the beautiful anna kikina, the only woman in the roscosmos cosmonaut corps, i'm anton shkaplerov, this was a space stories podcast.
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hello, i am pilot cosmonaut anton shkaplerov, this is a space history podcast. today my guest is anna toshcheeva, an employee of the cosmonaut training center and a specialist in space nutrition. anna, you have been working at the cosmonaut training center for a long time, you are an experienced employee, tell us what you do there? well, for the last 3 years i have been training cosmonauts and astronauts by...
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it was a childhood dream or somehow by accident did it work? i think i had no choice, because i was already born in star city, when there was a military unit, my dad, being a lieutenant, came to star city, in fact, i was already born in star city and graduated from a school named after cosmonaut vladimir mikhailovich kamarov , so i think that one way or another , my whole life from the moment of birth led me into this industry, in fact, i ended up at the astronaut training center, that is, from school you were already prepared. it's about cosmic nutrition on earth and me often this is what they ask: how do astronauts eat? and do they even eat from tubes? they really eat from tubes, well, more precisely, they ate, the first cosmonauts actually received food packaged in the form of just not tubes, stupid,
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it looked about professional, if we speak in professional language, these are not tubes of toothpaste, these are tubes of food, yes, well, this is actually what these tubes look like now, at the moment, yes, they still exist, at the moment there is mustard, honey, seasonings, just these things now we have these tubes here, and... at the dawn of cosmonautics, in fact, starting with yuri alekseevich gagarin, the cosmonauts actually ate exactly the same, well, for the simple reason that at first it was not clear how the digestive organs would work in conditions of weightlessness , how they will absorb useful microelements from food, that ’s why, in fact, we need food in the first place, so it was decided that it was necessary to puree the food so that it would pass through the digestive organs much more easily. systems, and the tubes were convenient because they the packaging is quite light, and the main thing is that by twisting the tube, you may not finish it completely, you can conditionally close it, twist it and
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put it aside then and then begin the process of absorbing food again, that is, in this regard, in all respects, the tube was really very comfortable, but the first cosmonauts had not yet heated what they were sent in tubes, and there was just borscht and feathered meat, but at first it was all cold only... the first food warmers appeared at the unions so that the astronaut had the opportunity to consume already hot food, that is, at the unions there was already a food warmer already at the union, and at union nine the first food warmer appeared, that is, but at the same time it was still barely out of the tubes, but it was mostly tubes, then in the process, little by little, the packaging of space food began to evolve , in fact, what we have come to now is an almost complete rejection of blunts, as i said, only mustard, honey and all sorts of seasonings, now mainly... food, snacks, some desserts, for astronauts in this form, in the form of a can jars, they come in different types, here we have a large tin can,
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250 g, yes, there are small jars of 100 g, now new ones have appeared, you probably haven’t seen them yet, slightly thinner jars in which nowadays, canned fish are stored, well , although it may already be so, well, actually , so that such a jar can be used for food, yes, of course, you can have enough of it. open it, everything is already ready, there is no need to cook anything, open it and eat it with a fork, but still, if it’s some kind of a meat product, a second course, then of course, it’s more pleasant to eat it hot, so the cosmonauts on the star module, the service module have a special chair for eating, in which electric heaters are installed, jars are inserted into this electric heater, five of them fit in there, a lid the electric heater is closed, the button is pressed and after half an hour the contents of the jar are heated... to 65°, now it’s ready for use, in addition it’s hot and tasty, this is what concerns jars, and also electric food warmer
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, space bread is inserted, it’s also a fairly popular thing, what’s so interesting about this bread is that it looks like this, it’s somewhat similar to these chocolate bars, which are divided into squares, and there are several cubes, i have 10 of them there, yes , absolutely 10 centimeter by centimeter in size. yes, yes, yes, absolutely, why is that? this is done so that, as they say, one cube per bite, because any crumb that flies away in zero gravity can get into the respiratory tract, can get into eyes, there is nothing pleasant, god forbid, it will be painful, unpleasant, so they are actually trying, well, at least there will be no garbage, yes, they are trying to get rid of crumbs at the station, and also to minimize the amount of garbage that flies around the astronauts, bread too heated, well, i think that any housewife on earth knows, if the bread has been lying around since... yesterday, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, it will become soft, fluffy, the same principle is here, also four pieces of bread are installed in the electric heater and heated together with banks and
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it turns out such a delicious soft bread, and there are different types of bread, and different types of bread, and in this case we have table bread, sometimes borodino bread, well, in fact, our foreign colleagues really like borodino bread a lot, and there are a lot of different types of bread depending on what kind of bread astronauts actually prefer, this kind of bread. will also put very tasty honey mats in the same form, our cosmonauts also praise it, it’s like a dessert, well, this is one part of the types of food products, and another cluster what is taking place now is that these very stupid ones have replaced these, this is freeze-dried food in this form, that is, now soups, some main courses, salads are all in this form. this is the kind of kharcho soup we get here, and it’s like a pretty strong cracker. well, in fact, there is real kharcho soup here, such sublimates are prepared at the beryulevsky experimental plant, and there is a process plant at this
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plant. moscow, castle, right? yes, that’s absolutely right, this plant has a separate line for the production of space food, which is what makes these products unique. so, well, if so, in short, there are cook aunts, boiling large vats of that same borscht or khorcho soup, then this soup is completely prepared, frozen, sent to a vacuum chamber and slowly heated. thus, our water immediately goes from a solid state, from an ice state, to a gaseous form. bypassing the liquid phase, it turns out that water droplets, water molecules, leave every pore of the product, absolutely every one, and then this everything is packaged in briquettes in vacuum packaging, the advantage of such packaging is that under vacuum we have no access to oxygen, there is absolutely no water in the product, there is absolutely nothing to spoil, in this form, but there is consistency, there is consistency, yes, now we’ll talk about it , yes, but i mean that in this form it will actually be stored
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for many, many years. but yes, as you pointed out, there is an expiration date, it is indicated on each product, but this is the expiration date specifically for delivery on board and, as it were, presumably, for this product to arrive on board the congress, then there is and how many years does supakharsa have, this one is from the nineteenth year, and when the expiration date expires, it can be stored for 2 years and the expiration date from the nineteenth year has passed, but it was expired, well, i hope we don’t get to that point today to eat it, although it’s not evening yet, i mean, it’s also a big plus that this packaging is becoming lighter, yes, i just wanted to say what the advantage is, yes, not only does nothing get in here that could spoil the product, also, this packaging is much lighter in weight and mass than the same tubes, in terms of volume, yes, this is all very important when delivering a set, of course, very important, yes, well, actually, so that the astronaut can consume this kharcho soup, not bite it in the form of a cracker, eat it like soup, as we
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are used to, and... the packaging has special places - there are special places at both ends, which means that from this end the packaging is cut along the colored line by the astronaut, with this dovetail it is pulled onto the fitting of a special system onto the dispensing and heating block, from which water will flow, on each package it is written exactly how much this product requires water so that it is restored to that consistency. but basically, when we season soups, of course we want to season it with hot water, i think it is written on the packaging how long it will take for this product to be restored, in this case , 15 minutes will be enough for us, our soup will be ready as soon as our soup is ready, we still keep such a boot, warm clothes and ducklings, after we fill it
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we put more in there so that it lasts even longer. checked which nourished more, because if present meat, it absorbs water very poorly and becomes tough, so we’re still there, even though we don’t have cooks, but we ourselves, like space cooks, finish cooking what didn’t work out, well, of course , no one can talk about this topic better than astronauts, so what if we are talking about the first course, then in order to consume the soup from this package, you do not need to pour it into a glass, we simply turn the package over with the other end, and here if you make an incision, a tube will come out, in fact, it is very convenient to come out of the tube. this product to consume, in this form, as i said, soups, there are main courses, there will no longer be this tube at the end, that is , after refueling, after restoration, it will be necessary to cut it , it’s convenient enough to eat spoons or squeeze it out, but that’s what as for drinks, drinks are also available in freeze-dried form, these are juices, jelly, milk is freeze-dried, but if we are talking about tea and coffee, then
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it is packaged in this form. bagged, yes, an absolutely ordinary bag, familiar to everyone, a bag with tea, if it’s tea with sugar, then there will also be a spoonful of sugar poured in there, i also don’t understand why the package is in a bag, well, that’s how they came up with it, and in general cosmonauts have very tasty cocoa, i tried it not so long ago, incredibly tasty cocoa, which is natural, mostly one package, but two get in, yes two get in, two get in, it’s probably some kind of defect, but we like it, you’re happy, yes, that two are not, that food, they deliver special food with a reserve, plus another truck, but i think we still have about three months we will live on the reserves that we have, which are delivered to you with each truck in the form of fresh vegetables, fruits, yes, these are bonuses directly, although we have bonus containers, these are containers, we still call the bonus
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foreign. that is, this is what we chose after trying the food in nasa, before it was possible to take half of our food from the russian one by somehow mixing it. tone of american cuisine and we calmly exchange, but most of all we eat together when we gather on friday or saturday either at the russian segment or at american, that is, if they come to visit us, we fill two heaters there, yes
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, that is, we fill everything with cans, cook, well , sometimes you ask what they prefer from russian food, that is, we prepare it, invite everyone to visit, so everyone gathers around the table. we’re discussing the news, just how the week went, we’re consuming russian food. the next day is saturday, according to tradition, we go to the american segment, they are preparing for us, they are already trying to something tasty from the american diet, sweets, whatever you like did you like the most? oh, well, i ’m not interested in sweets at all, i don’t like them, so i didn’t care what they had, what we had, i always gave them out to everyone, neither on earth, nor in space, nowhere, nowhere, yes, although the support group is trying to give us, i don’t know, some goodies, chocolates, sweets, marshmallows our colleagues really like, in america there is no marshmallow, but it turns out to be very tasty, many cosmonauts said that if they they don’t eat sweets on earth, well, in principle, they’re somehow indifferent, so
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up there on the iss i really really want something sweet, apparently the receptors still require some new sensations, so i’m interested. anna, we discussed our food, yes, we still looked, yes, well, you can also just talk about sweets, yes. cosmonaut, anton shkaplerov, this is a space stories podcast, we continue the conversation with anna tochva about space nutrition, how to write cases with american food, it is the same type, in general the packaging and cooking methods are the same, but of course she prefers american food to that food that americans eat at home homeland, that is, for example, barbecue sauce. as far as i understand, there is such a thing in use there, we don’t have it on board, for example, and somehow i don’t use it, well, there are no burgers, well, yes, there are pieces of meat, just steaks, they say steaks, they really are soaked and so this barbecue sauce, there are other
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sauces, but i prefer not this sweet barbecue, but where there is spicier food, more where mexican food, and in general the trends are the same as ours in terms of packaging, at least in production, almost everything is the same too. there are difficulties, you you can’t hold on with your hand, you have to hold the bag with one hand, open the valve with the other and hold on only with your feet, not having experience holding on to the handrails, you slip, hot water continues to be poured, all this was poured there after all, it’s 85°, this can be done very well there were difficulties in learning, well , over time, yes... to open the cans, after that it must be made flat, so that it reduces the volume during disposal, so that the volume that remains after our life activity is as small as possible, well, like any garbage, we try to minimize it, and
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it is definitely very important to finish everything from the can , because if suddenly it starts to deteriorate and gas, after all, the garbage will lie on the progress for six months until the progress is undocking, in fact, this is what we also teach astronauts, we are trying to convey them experience. senior colleagues, young cosmonauts who are just getting ready to set off on their journey, this is exactly what we are doing, and we are telling them how they can still exchange all this at the station, because, but i definitely do this all the time, it’s one thing to order more on the ground, but it doesn’t come in sufficient quantities, but knowing the preference of the crew, for example, i flew with an italian, samata cristoforeiti, i remember exactly for her, borodino bread, for the sake of borodino bread she can give everything she has . here is don petit, by the way, who is going to fly again, who is now training in the star city, i flew with him, he was a lover of cottage cheese, and he exchanged it in advance for any piece of meat, which is what i always preferred, i had no problem getting
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cottage cheese , he not only prepared it, he i also put it in the refrigerator in the evening so that i could eat it cold in the morning, that is, he is such a real gourmet in this matter, so yes, michael barrett told me how he... once cleaned my toilet in turn for this creation, so yeah , they also have their own stories, they also sometimes share with us, you know this taste, what else could people do? it’s interesting to do for food, yes, but as i understand it, many crews were already distinguished by the fact that they prepared food themselves on board, so i heard that pizza was prepared on board, rolls were rolled, yes, in my opinion, that’s how once this year they made an easter cake from cookies and oleg artemyev definitely made condensed milk from the cookies, for some reason there is a myth that canned food is over-salted, well, they are really quite salty, if you eat a lot of canned food - on the ground. i was at the approbation, they are ordinary, normal, tasty, at the approbation
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you try literally a spoonful, just a little bit at a time, but maybe half a jar if no one is looking, but no, i think it’s some kind of myth that they are too salty , no, they are fine, they are not over-salted, our colleagues have them, they are all not not salty, that’s why we don’t have salt, we don’t have it in ration salt, we don’t have it in ration salt, but the americans have it, yes, but the saline solution on board still holds about right now, i think it’s american . they oversalt it deliciously, and any product
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is sweet, well, here’s dessert, it’s sweeter than on earth, here, firstly, we fight for proper nutrition, we have nothing oversalted and there won’t be anything super sweet, excursions come to me very often , in addition to my main activity, i also lead excursions to the cpc, too just in terms of nutrition, a lot of just people, so to speak from the street, complain that something is really very salty, very fatty, and these waters, so that’s it... there is such a tendency, it seems to me that it’s still from the person depends, but why did i ask about sweets, because after all, most astronauts’ tastes change, that’s what they tried and chose for testing here on earth, after all, something there seems to them no longer as tasty as it turned out to be here, well , i have a different opinion, the food remains delicious eats, we know that we have a 16-day food ration, that is, every day we open three new, sometimes four , containers. depending on the program,
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the same set of products, there is a special hint - in each container, what to eat first today, second tomorrow, and so on, well, i don’t know that anyone sticks to it, you usually open it, that's what you want, then you eat, plus we have quite a lot of high-calorie food with an estimate of more than three thousand, there's somewhere around 3200, if you take it with bonuses with everyone, yes, but around 3.00 - this is the 16th trial. diet, well, i don’t think that an astronaut needs exactly 3,000 calories on a normal day without going outside and so on, well, in any case, doctors are trying to monitor their health, by the way, what’s good about all this food, you don’t have no preservatives, no additives, what we are already accustomed to here on earth, the maximum is salt and citric acid, so we take great care of your health, and naturally, why exactly do we have a sixteen-day diet, no eight, not ten, the less often you get it. containers, the more variety you will have, before there was a six-day
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diet, then it was increased each time, i think that - the more days there are in the diet, the less often you will open the containers, so it seems to me that this is a trend like this, just because all the time for 16 days we put the same containers with the same food again, then the food does not change in taste, it seems to me that she simply overeats, having experience after the first flight already when was going to the second, except for things like... which you can take with you up to one kilogram, if there is a truck, then the family can put 5 kg of things on board for you, well , which are allowed naturally, well, i try this as much as possible so that it was food, and it’s ordinary food, i tell my wife directly, you go into a department store, what a big one, yes, here are the seasonings, take everything one by one , we’ll load it all up to us, there will definitely be that person who will like this particular seasoning, if the product is already boring and not i really want it if i add a certain seasoning, it changes the taste, everything is fine. there is, but the truck came to me literally before
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landing, about a couple of weeks in advance, i realized that i didn’t need so many crossings, and i just asked for regular juice that doesn’t need to be diluted, which is what we drink on earth, well, some kind good company, where there are no food additives, and i received 5 kg, 5 liters of juice, they drank with such pleasure, i forgot in six months how you can drink regular juice, anna, or maybe you heard something else so interesting what the cosmon’s relatives conveyed. there's food on board, just food, yes, well, i probably can't remember what's interesting right now, mostly marshmallows, candy, and sausage, maybe, yes, if - that is... we have one problem , there is no refrigerator in the progress cargo ship, so if you bring sausage that does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, they may miss it, and there are such hunting sausages, so the support group reports, well, that means the astronauts are simply hiding all this from the cameras so that we can see it in the videos , which they send us have not seen, no, everything is official, that’s for sure
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officially, it’s like with caviar, but they don’t deliver red caviar to us, because red caviar must be stored in the refrigerator, and please eat black caviar on new year’s eve. i honestly haven’t eaten as much black caviar on earth as i ate in space, and i still come across international foreign crews all the time, they don’t eat it at all, that is , they don’t consider black caviar as a product as some kind of delicacy, so i’m like, well, guys, you won’t be fine, no, well, everything is as if i suggested it once, great, have you heard about the products that astronauts ask for? the first thing to sit down after landing, specifically , i heard apples, now i don’t remember which of the astronauts, but he wanted to. specially green apples were brought for him, and right there at the planting site he was sitting in this blanket, eating, crunching on this apple, so i’ll tell you exactly how it happens, until recently the head of the otspk at the planting site was sergei georgievich malikov, so here he is always about 2 days before
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landing, already in kazakhstan, i contacted the crew as required by work and reminded actions on... after opening the parachute, after landing, well, how will communication with him be maintained, he, because the connection is already there when we are on the ground, before they got us, well, it just reminds how this will happen , so he always asks the crew, what would you like to try, just the first one, but honestly, he never asked her for apples, i remember exactly, i wanted cherries, he found cherries, the doctors at first didn’t let him in, then they forced him to tear him away each... berries, stalk, stalk, i remember they brought me such a plate, i really wanted to eat cherry, i managed, i don’t know, to eat five or seven pieces, then they took it away somewhere, they started measuring my blood pressure, then when i asked, we said no, no, that ’s enough , that’s enough for you, in short, then the girls, the nurses who accompanied me
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on the helicopter, they honestly admitted, they ate it themselves, everyone wanted cherries, yes, the last one, i remember, in my opinion, he asked for an orange, well, i remember romani, how ... they asked him what you want, he said, nothing to eat, but he landed in winter, there was snow, and he says, but i want green grass, so sergei georgievich was not lazy, went to a hardware store, bought this artificial grass, a piece, i don’t know, about two meters, when they sat him on a chair on the ground, he sat him down in front of him, he says, you asked, asked, please, for you, grass, grass, grass, grass near the house, yes, i am pilot cosmonaut anton shkapi. this is a hint of space stories, we are still talking about space food with anna toshcheva, but are there any products that are prohibited, it’s difficult to say, they are directly prohibited, but we talked about the fact that products that cannot be stored in the absence of a refrigerator are not allowed, but we definitely teach cosmonauts how to determine whether a product is suitable for consumption or not, that is, if
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the jar is swollen, if traces of corrosion have appeared somewhere, if you feel that the taste of food from the jar has changed , then it is accordingly better not to... consume it, or as for sublimates, if somewhere the packaging is suddenly torn, the packaging has deteriorated, then accordingly they do not eat such food, everything else is only what is allowed on earth, what has already been allowed on ground, then it will already be possible on board, but now to the point that sauces of such industrial production are delivered on board, not only sauces, we were just talking about new cans, this is industrial production, this is no longer bere, it does not make beryl, this not post-strakhansky somewhere in the far east. they made something from vegetables that was very tasty, they also have such packaging, they have hot peppers, they also have packaging smoothly, we are really moving on.


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