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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  April 13, 2024 9:45am-10:01am MSK

9:45 am
he is my vice-rector, but he is not your vice-rector, maybe he is wrong? write to us, please, because without you we, well, what strength are we without you, our strength is our tv viewers, from kaliningrad to chukotka abroad, be happy, and we will work, goodbye, goodbye.
9:46 am
i sna tvoje glorify your resurrection.
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for praying for me, for the fact that today we celebrated the divine liturgy together, and i felt that today not only the pious flock under the arches of this temple was praying for me, but many, many in our church. and, probably without this conciliar prayer for the patriarch.
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this should be the banner of your life, to proclaim the one day of salvation of our god. well, the lord hastened in such a way that in all those places where the hierarchy, by god’s providence, directed me, like at that time the leningrad theological schools, the smolensk diocese, and then the responsible ministry of the chairman of the external department.
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the lord helps me to evangelize, not only during church sermons, but by trying to include evangelism in all those acts that the patriarch must perform, because only then are they filled. saving content, even administrative affairs, even economic affairs, even disciplinary and many others, they acquire saving significance for people and for the patriarch himself, when they are filled with the power of god’s grace, with these words, proclaim the day of the day of salvation of our god, i as i wish i could live until... today,
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realizing that today, as a patriarch, i cannot alone not only realize these words, but also carry out my ministry in general, i thank god for all my helpers whom the lord has given and continues to give to me. these are my brothers, co-workers, these are the people who help me, including surrounding me in my life, these are many other workers who help the patriarch in many ways, even perhaps without knowing that they are helping him, serving selflessly churches. god, therefore, my first word to all of you, and through you, to our entire church, is gratitude for your prayers, for your collaboration, for your labors, for your trust in the patriarch. once again, i will say again for your prayers, in which the patriarch is very very
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needs, because it is impossible to bear the patriarchal cross with human strength, it is possible only then, we live in a special time, although there are no non-special times, because even in the most prosperous times the most unfortunate human acts, sinful ones, can happen, our russian national history is so filled with this ,
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we remember all this, and therefore, again and again turning to the lord, we must call on his help for our lives, for... service, so again and again i thank you, vladyka, archpastors and those present here and addressing the entire episcopate of the russian church, i thank all of you, my dear saints, for your participation in the work that, by your choice, is being carried out by the current patriarch. i thank our clergy, our parishes, our monasteries. our believing people, our church youth, for everything that is happening today in our church, strengthening the orthodox faith in people, may the protection of the most pure queen of heaven remain over our people, over the countries that form historical
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russia, over our church over all who with with faith and hope he looks to the lord, turns his prayers to him, and carries out his christian work with love for his neighbors. amen! happy holiday to all of you! glory to the father and son of the saint!
9:54 am
some call him a confessor, but i think the moment will come when we will proclaim that he was not a confessor, but a martyr, because the godless government could not tolerate the fact that even here, in
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captivity in the donskoy monastery, the patriarch of all russia lived. the mere fact of the patriarch's existence was a force that... attracted him to people, by the force that inspired the orthodox people, not only in dreams, but also in prayers, for thousands of years, the church, which, as
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a mother, spiritually raised the people in a spiritual cultural sense, worked to ensure that our people prospered, everything was trampled upon, everything was covered in mud, the clergy were accused of everything as counter-revolutionaries, of course, the most terrible counter-revolutionary lived here, when we are told that well... the holy one died of his own death, it’s hard to believe, very hard to believe, and maybe such a time will come, when we say that he was not only a confessor, but a martyr, because saint tihan, the patriarch of all russia, was very dangerous; for that very godless power that did not cast out everything, there remained the spiritual symbol of russia, russia. that same spiritual symbol and that spiritual power that instilled
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hope in the orthodox for the revival of russia, for the revival of the church, for stopping all these persecutions, but before god there is no difference between a confessor or a martyr, the saint gave his life undoubtedly, remaining faithful to the holy church, faithful his... bishop's oath and faithful to his calling to be the patriarch of all russia. and he rejected all these attempts by the powerless authorities to persuade themselves to bless the schismatics, who, to please that government, wanted to carry out such reforms in the life of the church that would simply destroy the church. that's why. the significance of st. tikhon is so great for the modern history of our church
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that never and under no circumstances should our church and the orthodox people forget and cannot even forget this great name of the holy saint of god, the humble elder a strong-willed patriarch who did not agree. to make even the slightest concession to the godless power and renounce everything to which he swore allegiance through his priestly, bishop and patriarchal service. remembering saint tikhon, we will remember all those of his co-workers, co-workers, brothers, most of whom died. in this terrible meat grinder of persecution of the 20th century in russia.
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he was surrounded by reliable, kind and courageous people. maybe this also gave him the strength to reject any attempts the authorities to convince him of the need to give blessings to the schismatics, who, when the authorities came, were ready to do anything. in order to weaken and then destroy the russian orthodox church, through the prayers of st. tikhon, may god strengthen the faith in our people, may our national self-consciousness, which is closely connected with orthodoxy, not weaken, may our church not weaken in its missionary, pastoral works, all us, lord, the strength of the ability to courageously,
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if necessary, stand for our fatherland and for the orthodox faith. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. there are many dead, and people may remain under the rubble, so mak, as a consequence of the vile strike of the ukrainian armed forces on residential areas, civilians were hit with high-precision weapons. save everything you can from pets.


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