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tv   Poekhali  1TV  April 13, 2024 12:15pm-1:11pm MSK

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then he will illustrate a certain publication in a newspaper, today the publication’s photographers work in photo galleries, that is, you can show the event in volume. meanwhile, the announcement about major renovations was removed from the entrance to the museum today; it hung there for more than a year and a half, but they say there will be big changes, we won’t notice the spectators, but the exhibits will feel them, a new ventilation and climate control system, this means that all six the floors of the museum on ostozhenka are ready for an influx of visitors.
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and you went down quickly, you also know, only nimble, hello everyone, this is the program, let's go, its host is evgeny pokrovsky, and maria osadnik, you are used to us traveling around our vast russia, but this time we decided to expand the geography of our program, and came to visit our neighbors, guess where we. and we are in a country where there are a lot of castles, nature reserves, incredibly tasty farm products, yes, here they really treat agriculture with trepidation, here it is incredibly clean and luxurious roads, and friends guessed it, we are in belarus, well, this the main calling card of its capital, the gates of minsk, sightseeing, get ready, let's go, well, let's go, let's go.
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rus' is simply tempting, let’s consider the advantages. the climate of the trails is similar, it’s convenient, we take only seasonal items. you don't need to know two foreign languages. a flight from moscow to minsk takes 1:20 minutes. from 8 to 11 hours the train ride is the best option for an overnight trip. and a little over 8 hours by car. we arrived in minsk immediately. the exchanger is a different country,
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so the currency here is its own, also a ruble, but only here they call it a ruble, a belarusian ruble, so where is our exchange rate, for 100 russian rubles, we get 3 rubles 48 kopecks today, belarusian, i change cash, well, in fact, a card of the russian payment system is here too they work great if you have it connected to your phone and... 30, almost 35 rubles. i’m paying for dinner today, and for souvenirs, too, by the way, so we’ll go for souvenirs.
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hello, hello, hello, hello, i know you, yes, seriously, watch the program, program, let's go, yes, ah what is your name? tatiana? tatyana is now our favorite souvenir seller, please buy our beauty, and what are the main, let’s say, symbols of minsk, and... in general , three main symbols in belarus: this is a flower, cornflower, cornflower, the animal bison, oh, how stork bird, made of bison, look, with a stork and a cornflower, evgeniy aleksandrovich, well, you simply must buy me such a magnet, but we still haven’t named something, there is another pride in belarus, let’s think for a few seconds. hint, the first letter is t,
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the last is r. remember, novosibirs, fierce frost, swinga village, blue tractor, me driving, what romance, well, we couldn’t even think then that we would find ourselves in the homeland of this legendary transport, we are at the minsk tractor plant, guys, and this is a whole city within a city, and the locals are kind they even call this territory a tractor city, imagine 35 streets, three avenues, but the main road users are , of course, tractors, they drive, all these products, they are supplied to all five continents, they are known in more than 120 countries around the world, they are even depicted on banknotes some states, but most importantly, you
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've probably heard it, well, let's say, an unofficial anthem, yes, but it doesn't say that you haven't heard, a blue tractor is coming, papalyam, papalyam, blue, but the truth is that the blue tractor is coming towards us, but here you see, it is already red, some rebranding has taken place, this does not change the main one, this is a legendary tractor, but we are in the heart of the plant, this is an assembly line, this is where the finished tractors come off, for a minute every 5 minutes. if you count, then per shift, it’s about 120-130 pieces. well, we are here not only to to show you all this beauty, and in order to say that you, well, as a tourist, can visit here, yes, yes, yes, take part in assembling the tractor yourself, what we will do now, let's go, let's go, gave
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way to the lady, let's get started to install the engine compartment sector. hold it, and this thing is moving, yes, it turns out that every 5 minutes of the conveyor a new tractor descends, please, into this, here, this hole, just like that, it holds, holds, let’s move on to the next ones, oops, i lost all the nuts, what? do, here’s another one, this is a drill, this is a pneumatic nut, turn it, i’m holding it, so i insert it, twist it until it spins, the grower becomes straight. so that's it, well done, that's it, let's change to this side, and i liked it, now my task is to install a bracket for the tractor's cooling system, that's it, that's it, oops, you see, yes, sergey, yes, yes,
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what, it's not magnetic, what is that so? lord, sergey, i have one big request, you don’t have to tell anyone that i assembled this particular tractor, well, you never know, i don’t know, then it will come up, there’s just one more part left to screw on, and the conveyor, let us remind you, is moving all the time, that’s it , i press, yes, let's go, be careful, something of some kind, i need you whole. he’s somehow aggressive, so , now this, but he doesn’t stretch, that’s it, stretched, let’s go, quality control, oh, look how good, normal, there’s strength,
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it’ll go, installing the steering wheel is a serious, responsible matter , because where the steering wheel turns, there... it goes to the tractor, oh, it’s not here, there’s no floor here, well, it’s small, it’s ready, come on, that means, this is what the steering wheel looks like, whether it worked or not, wait, where do you need to press, this is beyond feminine logic, zhen, where are you, how is the device ready? yes, you’ve assembled the tractor, count that plus one profession in your piggy bank, and zhen, give me a tractor, so where can you look then, in what fields? wait, before you get a tractor, what do you need? that's right, take a test drive. let's go, and then we'll think about it.
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wow, this is not a tractor, this is a whole tractor. but firstly, i need a license to drive, and secondly, this thing is very difficult to drive, as much as 450 horsepower. hello, can i come to you? hello, yes, please come in. my name is mash, my name is alexander, alexander, and i turn out to be i’m sitting on the wheel, this is an experienced wheel, the only one on the chicken is the only one that i’m now going to ride on a unique technique, technique, yes, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, yes, today i’m the queen of the road, the height of my throne is 4.5 m, the speed is up to 38 km/h , well if.
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i also continue to do what i love, asking questions. is the steering wheel tight? no, can you climb elbrus with this? i think yes. do you have women here on the territory who have become friends with this machine? you can do it like this, well, look, consider, consider, i this unit has already settled down. well , as they say, you are still very, very
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far from sitting, our tests, one might say, were successful, the mise-en-scene is called the baby and carlson, or getting married on a convertible tractor, the case when you can ride across the field with the breeze, well, that you are driving, enjoying the views, breathing fresh air, how do you like it, my friend, listen, well, great, and did you notice... cosmonautics day on the first. gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication. this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly seemed to the whole world. 400 seconds.
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moms, it’s great that we are all here today, today at the first one. we are glad to welcome you to the ancient ugra land; these animals actually lived in ugra about 10-30 thousand years ago. what is yugra? translated it means water people. the most interesting, the most beautiful is the ice that you will see from below. this.
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comfortable? we passed the first chronicle mention of minsk without any queues at all, found in the tale of bygone years, 1067 , official. year of birth of minsk, here where exactly the city was founded, historians are still arguing, but let’s not delve into the essence of the dispute, it’s our first day in minsk, we have a lot to do, the main attractions can easily be covered on foot in a couple of hours. first of all, we decided to go up to the upper city to see the cathedrals, town halls and other
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artifacts of old minsk. the upper town, historically the most important center of minsk, is also the center of social, cultural and religious life, well, pay attention, even two main churches, the main catholic and the main orthodox, well, today it is a tourist center, almost every tourist excursion starts from here, and on saturdays during the warm season , concerts are held here on the square for all music lovers from... classical to rock. from the 13th to the end of the 18th century, the territory of modern belarus was part of the grand duchy of lithuania, the dominant religion was catholicism. that is why there are so many
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catholic churches here, one of the most famous is the church of the holy trinity. the church of the holy trinity is the oldest parish in the city of minsk, but in in the eighties, a small philharmonic hall was located here, thanks to which the organ was preserved here, and one of the three most sonorous in belarus, and we, of course , told quite a lot about organs in our time, during our business trips, but this is not an ordinary one, not the organ itself, but its location, it is located in the altar area, and maybe... today we will finally be able to play the organ. the church was built in the sixties of the 19th century. previously, two temples stood on this site, but both burned down. why the golden hill, this place is called where the temple is built. there are several legends. i’ll tell you,
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uh, three legends, my favorite one, i’ll leave it for later, because the zaak has already been here. concerts, every sunday and on holidays. today the church holds services and
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on days you can come here and listen to the organ. oksana, it’s bang, yes, it’s bang, it seems to me that for everyone who comes here, it’s magic for everyone, when the organ sounds, something like that, oksana, you can let me in, try to play, i’ve never played in my life on the organ. put it together,
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it was fantastic, oksana. that sound, yeah okay, you played the main part, you didn’t play, he played everything, well, just such instruments, they immediately impress a person with talent, we did it, i congratulate you, thank you, if only...
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there was a child, he made it clear, what children like, so, friends, no matter how old you are and what grade you had in physics and chemistry, here in the museum you can feel like
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real physicists and chemists, meet evgeniy, evgeniy is me, and this is evgeniy’s girlfriend, and this is me, the real one, this is the real one, so madam, excuse me, this was once there was a visitor to the museum, yes, what did you do with him, you violated... safety regulations, everything is fine, so what are we going to do now, we can now set fire to your hand, if you want, whose, well, anyone 's, we can yours or yours or mine, so first we add a little water, then let's add this substance, this is our detergent, detergent, absolutely right, just a little bit, in the most scientific way in the world, stir it, if you want, you can finger, and the water is warm, oh zhen, here it’s right here for you jaku bath. the dishes can be washed at the same time, and that this burns well, of course, if we add gas, it’s so beautiful, what miracles,
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now you are getting foam for yourself, this is on your palm so that it is on top, so we remove all the excess from you, friends, if anything, hand in front of you like this, like this, his hair won’t catch fire, well, it won’t last long. it was scary, it smells like barbecue, come on, give me, yes, give me, show your pen to the camera, listen, yes, it’s burnt, you can spend the whole day in this museum, the visitor record is 9 hours in a row, this exhibit natural human sounds, this is the pain of all wives. “hold on, girls, they hang out in the area of ​​human anatomy for the longest time, we seem to understand why, look, anatomy,
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eighth grade, as i remember now, i don’t know, i was in ninth, eighth, before ninth, before eighth, what the difference, you stayed for a second year, admit it, yes, i found that organ that you are missing, well , you don’t have a heart, that’s zhenya, if i were you, i would turn it into...”
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i agree, of course well, underestimated, dear comrades, girls, really, you it’s not easy, let’s go, let’s do it this way somehow, masha, 33 years old, spent 2.5 hours in this museum, well, by the way, about age, in fact, here you are your child, you saw or are seeing this in exactly the same way the world is still, well, if you are about four years old, approximately. and by the way, you’ve been watching for a while, more than half of the program is already behind you, come on quickly, there’s so much more interesting stuff, award “i love
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my country, today is on the first day, welcome to the city where even stones can be under your feet precious, hello, ekaterinburg, emerald itself a beautiful stone for yourself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, just chop, it’s not time to chop, eugene, the snow makes the filling.” they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they are lying, you can live your own. premiere, tomorrow on the first. the second bread in belarus, that’s right,
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potatoes, aka bulba, according to the most conservative estimates, here every person eats on average 180 kg per year. scientists of the scientific and practical center of the national academy of sciences of belarus on potato growing horticulture, they developed potatoes with tubers of unusual colors with increased antioxidant activity. we were also given potatoes with syrey to try. and pink pulp, i take marie sergeevna to a restaurant in the very center of minsk. maria sergeevna, this is what i will surprise you with now, you know what, try to guess the color of potatoes by the taste of potato pancakes, and the color of potatoes by taste, yes this. look,
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so, maria sergeevna has temporarily gone blind, lot number one, come on, well, try it, you know, with a salty, citrus flavor, accordingly, that means it’s most likely yellow potatoes, not really, i ’ll tell you this, it’s my grandmother’s favorite hair color. eggplant, that's right, purple, let's assume, you guessed right, so, such a taste, solid, well, they're just so very rich, starchy, full stop, regular yellow potatoes, that's right, well done, look, i managed it even without any hints, well, the next one is probably well, well, it’s clear which ones, yes, yes, obviously, maria
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sergeevna won with a score of 2:1, they won. our potato pancake experiments don’t end there, here it is incredible beauty, meet yulia, come to us, i’m afraid to imagine how many kilograms i’ll take away from here after such a set of pancakes, pancakes with brisket, pancakes with mushrooms and tsibulya with khatny sour cream cheese. the old recipe for potato pancakes is very simple: grated potatoes, egg, potato starch. and tsibulya, that is, onion. tsibulya is used to prevent potatoes from darkening. well, yul, drayniks are a classic. what other dishes are prepared from potatoes here? also in belarus, one of the traditional dishes is sorcerers. sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers. each one contains a charge of magic. sorcerers, these are big pancakes for one day. inside with a secret. well,
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maybe he’ll hide it. in fact, sorcerers cook with mushrooms, with cabbage, with meat filling in this case, zhen, uh-huh, but with potatoes, we in belarus, we’ll take it as a compliment, oh, i don’t know about you, but i have a glut of potatoes , let’s go with you and peel a bucket of potatoes, it’s like an old studio.
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attractions are just around the corner, and meanwhile we are on our second day in minsk, starting it with visit to the national library of the legendary building. very unusual shape, it is called a diamond-shaped cuba octider, it is very difficult to pronounce this word, so in everyday life you can simply say: diamond! please! why are you so scared, young man, pokrovsky? yes, but you haven’t brought me any books since last year? i, you, you, it can’t be, you, now, now, now i ’ll find your card, here, well, please, not
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a know-it-all on the moon, it’s in the same interesting place, well, there must be some kind of intrigue, you can’t take it right away, first, first bring me dunno, and then everything else, what are you doing, are you making noise, man, there should be silence in the library, the national library of belarus is one of the largest in the world, its area, just imagine, is 114,000 m2, for comparison this about the size of seven football fields, more than 10 million documents are stored here, but the oldest before...
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they asked, they asked for it, and now we are here, so let's go, you have a unique opportunity to see this first, look, look, 1902, 1899, here these books already
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more than a hundred years, they were still there before the revolution, hello, hello, it is thanks to this microclimate that there is a certain temperature, a certain humidity, and what is the temperature? so look how my hands are frozen, you’re not very happy about the books, no, i’m glad too, well, is that really a problem, cold hands, we’ll be younger, of course, the humidity is like in the tropics, 55%, plus or minus 5, oh, not bad, not bad, this is considered good, but it is necessary for storing magazines, newspapers, i know, for the skin, by the way, this is also useful, for the skin. people too they are well preserved here,
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yes, in this room the books take on a second life, this is the restoration department, the employees of this department can restore them. books that were written, printed, published back in the 17th century. well, of course, there are machines that help people with this, but mostly the work is manual, they restore it with their hands, and to restore one book can sometimes take a whole year. yes, so before you ruin the book, think about it. i would never have thought that the restoration of a book begins with water procedures. so, this is a book, this is a bath. this is olga, this is olga, our book accepts water procedures, yes, absolutely right, the document also came to us from the document decoding department, it is from the age of thirty-six, we see that the paper is very oxidized, there are many
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losses, impulses, it was at one time is held together with wire staples, and over time these staples have developed rust stains, so in order for us to save this document before. first we need to rinse it in distilled water several times, this process will be very long, several hours per distilled water, then getting rid of moisture, careful transfer, impregnation of the cellu.
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and that’s all, by the way, the speed is up to 45 km/h,
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but the whole circle takes about two or three minutes, i forgot how to control it, how to control it, but there’s no need to control it, just relax and enjoy what you’re doing , at the end, brake, at the end , brake, that’s it, yes, don’t brake, i mean, don’t brake yourself, at the end, brake, here’s the descent, well, let’s go, let’s go, ah, wow, oh, i take my words back , really, really, this thing is pretty fast, wow, wow, wow, let's slow down, guys, this
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is cool, where we slow down, where we slow down, where we slow down here, oh, so, and before the beginning of the tunnel we have to slow down, well, let's go, i'm stuck, so, well, that's it, that's it, not bad, not bad , your children will definitely like it, i forgot everything. what needs to be done, but i liked it, we are traveling around belarus, it is not without reason that it is called the country of castles, at different times there were 150 palaces, fortresses and other fortified objects, many of them have survived to this day, such as the nesvezh castle.
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does, yes, but in russian ekaterina, ekaterina,
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ekaterina, that’s it, i’m the housekeeper in this castle, i’m meeting you today, i have all the keys to all the doors and i need to look after the servants, to greet guests, well, since you came to us , it’s time to meet the owners, let’s go, yes, you won’t believe it, but this is not just a show, this is how tourists are greeted here, in the old castle, literally in their faces... they tell how they used to live here, here are his rooms, his his grace mikhail kazimir is already waiting for you. oh prince, greetings you, dear guests, in my palace, it’s interesting for us to travel around belarusian castles, we are curious, so what interests you, tell us about your castle, oh, the prince’s fate is not easy, how many rooms do you have?
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you know, i go on and on, i haven’t visited more than 100 yet, but the servants claim that there are more of them, balls, balls. throw balls, this is my favorite holiday, by the way, i think that your dance at the ball would be worth appreciating, this lithuanian hetman was known by the nickname little fish, he treated everyone, especially beautiful ladies, the same way, my little fish, dandy, little fish, my soul, i’m so lucky with her, she helps me in this big palace, by the way, introduce me, i think she’s in her chambers, and we can visit her, let’s go, such theatrical excursions are available to everyone, however, you need to order them it is necessary in advance and they are held on certain dates, always
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in a group of up to 25 people, don’t worry, it won’t be boring, this is not just a historical theater, there are quests, riddles, yes, what can i say, here you can even learn new skills, as you please , for example, polonaise lessons? by the way, my soul, maybe you should show us, let’s pass. arrived to you from moscow from the 21st century, good afternoon, we are very glad to welcome you, we could also teach you this wonderful polaneuse dance, and we will also get a beautiful one, or it’s unlikely, just you understand
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correctly, we are in the 21st century we dance a little differently, we walk one big step, one step and two small times. no, of course i knew that there were castles here, but i didn’t know that they were so beautiful, big, large-scale, like in children’s fairy tales,
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so i’m very pleased, i’m surprised if for masha is more of a fairy-tale belarus, then... for me, of course, it’s a gastronomic one, well , i probably haven’t eaten so many potato dishes in the entire previous year, they are amazing, oh, well, in general, it’s just fiery, it was my first time riding on legendary tractor in general, belarus, you really captivated us, surprised us and made us very happy, so no, we ’re not leaving yet, we’re staying from the capital , moving southwest to brest and its environs, this is a real electric car, we’re going, and there dudu.
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on april 14, 1961, this video was broadcast on live broadcast. here yuri gagarin is only 27 years old. just 3 days ago almost no one knew about him. now hundreds of millions of people are watching it. he goes to the head of government with a report. the path seems endless. the audience watches with bated breath. the world's first space flight was carried out on the soviet spaceship vostov
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on april 12, sixty-one, all the ship's equipment systems worked accurately and flawlessly, i was in excellent health, ready to carry out any new task of our party and government, major gagarin, even in the time... of the first flight into space, gagarin went through fire and water, but ahead of him were copper pipes, tests of glory, which is sometimes more difficult. it’s not so easy when you live, essentially, under the guns of the whole world. how the astronaut withstood the glory that fell upon him. it was always a lot of fun to lie around and run with him. to arrange some kind of jokes, pranks, this was always the case when he was at home, another thing is that he was not at home very
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often, why was gagarin entrusted with this historical mission, to become the first person in space, this was his peculiarity, we envied ourselves for this, those who knew him personally, relatives, friends, colleagues, will tell about yuri gagarin, everyone has their own cosmonaut story, number... suddenly one jumps out from the crowd and touches him shoes by hand, which is very unusual. i am an ordinary russian person, the same as tens of hundreds of thousands of soviet boys and girls. what a real, unposterous yuri gogaririn he was.
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on april 12, 1961, the life of yuri gagarin was divided into two parts; on april 11, he was one of. one of the members of the first detachment. boris volynov, today is the only one from that legendary group of cosmonauts. from the moment of their first meeting until their last days, volynov and gagarin were friends; they met for the first time on march 7, 1960, the day they were enlisted as cosmonauts. didn’t name it, also a fighter pilot, all fighter pilots. the first detachment was formed from fighter pilots. but why? because
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you are alone on the plane, performing serious tasks, no one will help you. everything happens, you decide for yourself. well, no death it doesn't work either. in the end, they came up with a formula. on which the initial selection was carried out. a fighter pilot no older than 35 years old, no taller than 170 cm and weighing no more than 70 kg. such restrictions were imposed by the design of the spacecraft. the first group of cosmonauts recruited 20 pilots, of whom the main six applicants for the first flight were formed. gagarin, titov. nelyubov, nikolaev, bekovsky, popovich, but by the time of
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the flight there were two candidates left, gagarin and titov. be ready, always ready, twice a hero soviet union, pyotr klemuk, was accepted into the third cosmonaut corps in 1965. the members of the first detachment were already senior comrades for them, he said, i immediately realized that gagarin would probably fly first, i said, why? and somehow korolev started talking to him and somehow it turned out to be a very serious conversation, a very long conversation, the king paid very serious attention to him, but why did sergei pavlovich korolev immediately pay attention to gagarin? it is often written that because of his wide open smile, and indeed, gagarin’s smile is very inviting. but, you must admit, it’s hard
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to believe. that the chief designer decided who would fly into space only because of this, there was something else, something that korolev felt during his first meeting with gogarin, in the sixties, naturally, when our cosmonauts were being prepared for the flight, sergei pavlovich korolev decided to get to know the candidates for the flight better, and invited them to his design bureau in podlipka, and there a chair for...
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she spent her entire childhood with her beloved uncle, who was also her godfather when i was born, yuri was 13 years old, so i don’t know, firstly, i was the very first niece, the eldest, and he really wanted him, he was the godfather, he
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bought me around, carried me, so that the whole life i called him godfather. tamara dmitrievna recalls the stories of her grandmother anna timofeevna, mother of yuri gagarin. the family did not have any special method of education. the children simply saw how hard their parents worked. then our peasants all lived like this, because they had to feed the children, they had to work on the collective farm, they had to have their own ensure a huge economy, take care of it. speak to them like this.
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no one knew for sure about the astronaut, i want to say that there were serious tests then, korolev before the first flight, he tried to do this, because well, they didn’t know what would happen to the person. the first thing that was clear was that there would be large overloads during launch and landing, so the astronauts were trained a lot.


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