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tv   Spasenie v kosmose  1TV  April 13, 2024 2:15pm-4:05pm MSK

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there was a very smart woman among them, uh, an adult, she said, here you are, girls, why are you condemning, svetochka acted like a very decent person, she helped a man, and god will reward her for her kindness, svetlana married a pilot, but she had to live with the astronaut, sleepless nights, frequent separation. eternal worries, few people know what these husband’s space flights cost her, after all , we lived for 55 years, we only had arguments on the issue of raising children, i think so, she thinks so, that’s all, but the rest is complete respect, the lenovs gave birth to two daughters, the eldest vika, in sixty-one,
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the youngest oksana in sixty-seven. of course, svetlana was mainly involved with the girls, and alexey used every free minute to spend with the children. neither during preparation, nor just before the launch day, alexey leonov told his wife about going into outer space. this is how it was supposed to be according to the instructions. and then out of the blue. i will try.
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his wife without witnesses, but he had to play not to return, he really wanted to hug the role, news about his own husband svetlana i had to find out only from newspapers and radio, moscow says, we transmit the message to tas on march 19 in...
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in fact, everything was not good at all. with the return to the ship from space, the problems did not end; on the contrary, new ones began. a ship came in, a page patted the glacier, caught his breath, closed the airlock, the airlock, then they shot her, and then it began. unexpectedly , depressurization occurred. the pressure in the cabin exceeded the norm by almost six times, the oxygen became less and less, the astronauts were no longer even breathing oxygen, but explosive gas, the slightest spark and a fire in the cabin is inevitable, more like an explosion. in addition, in such a situation a person is inevitably drawn to sleep; an accident saved him from death. we reset everything as expected, the temperature to minimum.
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the humidity was at a minimum, the pressure was growing, then suddenly we fell asleep, so in the dream i turned on the pressure booster with my hose, supplying pressure from the cylinders, but as it turned out, with this enormous pressure i put the hatch in place, the air stopped being released from the ship, and the pressure began to come back to normal, here you go that means 400, 300.
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it only takes 3 years to land. and here these immediately appear. they thought everything was fine, the ship will fly without us for another 3 years, and we have 3 days, and i remembered, right now somewhere on earth is my child, my daughter, she is four years old, we sat silently in a daze and we thought where we went wrong, where we went wrong, well, a lot already, a lot. for a whole day there was accident after accident, nothing was known on the ground, the ship left the radio communication zone only the next orbit appeared on the air. what
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happened? us demand where you are in where did you sit? we didn't sit down. we are above you, as if above you, yes, for so many hours, so many minutes, we turned off the automatic release system, we ask you to switch to manual mode, silence, it was a bomb on the ground, how good, good all the time , suddenly a failure, what a failure, and on a ship on which manual orientation is not provided at all. again i had to break all the instructions. leonov got out of the chair and lying down, looking out the window, oriented the commander. naturally, the position of the center of gravity in the ship was abnormal. the ship took off. he
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the optical instrument began to deviate from this view, it was clear that the ship was leaving its original orientation. they figured it out quickly, well done. but fast at cosmic speeds means thousands of kilometers; instead of the kazakh steppe, the astronauts ended up in the snow-covered perm taiga. pasha got out of the ship, the snow was like salt, one of her heads was sticking out of the snow, there was one and a half meters of snow, 60 meters, like that, i jumped out after him too, at that time their rescuer... in a designated place in kazakhstan near kustanai , whose time, command received, full mode radio silence, everyone should be on the receiving end, well , naturally, we are waiting for us to hear sounds or signals from this descent vehicle, time
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has passed, silence in the headphones, crackling, well, like such an industrial one, so to speak, no sound or signal is coming from the spacecraft . only a few hours later the command was given to fly to perm, the local helicopter pilots were the first to reach the cosmonauts, there was no way to get down, trees 30-40 m high were in the way, they dropped our jackets, trousers, high boots, the high boots hit us, the trousers hung on the trees, the jackets were left behind and taken off. of course it crashed, they dropped a bottle of cognac, it also crashed, i say later, guys, well, you couldn’t hang up, take it all on ropes, lower it, only in the morning did the rescuers by helicopters get to perma, from which it was still 200 km to the cosmonauts’ landing site ,
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the rescue group was thrown into the snow, they came to leonov and belyaev on skis, gave them technical uniforms, hats, almost soldiers’, officer’s hats with untied ropes, flaps facing in different directions, they looked like it was as if they had only been released from the zone, everyone was alive, healthy, and the ship was intact, only in moscow they put themselves in order in a ceremonial chanel, now it was the right television picture, the people were announced that the cosmonauts had rested for 2 days in perm. another important stage on the main path to the creation of orbital stations has been completed. leonov deservedly accepted congratulations, but he knew that the real hero remained behind the scenes. this is sergei pavlych korolev.
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he had big plans for space exploration, but alas, fate did not give him the opportunity implement them. in 1966, the queens unexpectedly. 59 years old, we sat until 12, we began to disperse, he then said, but you will stay, and we stayed. yura, i set the corner of the table, put a bottle of cognac at 4:12, it looks so beautiful, very decorated, it looks cheap, but the cognac was so soft, so we sat until 4:00 in the morning, sergei pavlovich told us everything, uh , and a day later yora calls me, lyosha sergei pavlovich, he died, what kind of sergei pavlovich are you? how many people did we lose later, but it’s like a knife in
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the back, a knife in the back, sergei pavlovich, here i am i always see him in my eyes, brown eyes with squinting eyes, such a short-set neck, he suddenly looks like that... she has such rays of kindness appearing, but for me he simply called alyosha, alyosha, well, that’s it, i’m happy, happy, alyosha, i think that today the state of medicine would not allow him to die. they could have saved him, but he could not be sent anywhere, not to america,
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not to germany, nowhere, he was treated here, in the kremlin hospital, sergei pavlovich and lost, his heart could not stand it during the operation. since then every year on the day birth of sergei korolev, a cosmonaut from that first detachment gathers with the daughter of the chief designer, natalia sergeevna. belyaev and leonov are already meeting in baikanur, they are already happy and satisfied, my father is also happy and satisfied with them. what was said to the queens seemed almost fantastic projects, plans, dreams. today's reality confirms in the best possible way that although the queen is not with us, his work lives on. he passed away so early, in fact he was 59 years old and only 2 days old, he could have to work and...
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they are shocked, their eyes open wide, and i think to myself, now
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they are in shock, it started there, not even the destruction of the rocket, a fire started there, all this was visually very clearly observed, but then after a while visually everything disappeared, the rocket realized that it was not in order, it turned off, it began to blink and beep, the flight was normal for 400 seconds, people had been falling there for a long time, but he still said in a cheerful voice that the flight was normal, every blow heart, compression and flies out, which means blood, bubble, and they are flying, which means these bloody ones, i was doing, it’s silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next second, you don’t understand, salvation in space, today on the first, well, i’m different, different, evgeniy steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was glorified by the video where he...
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life, why the tragedy could not be avoided, all this is in god's providence, as god wills, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere. today is the first one. you didn’t have the feeling that maybe god took your son away from you for something.
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here, near kirzhach , the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin crashed during a training flight. these birches were cut off by the wing of his plane. and every year on the day of the death of yuri gagarin, cosmonauts come here to honor his memory. you will hear voices in your ears.
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they were backups for alexei leonov, valery kubasov and pyotr kolodin, who never flew into space, and were not supposed to fly into space at all that time, but at the last moment the medical commission removed kubasov from the flight, along with the entire crew. 11 hours before the start, cubas was diagnosed with a serious the swelling of the lungs, i myself saw it on film on an x-ray.
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they died due to the depressurization of the ship, and leonov still cannot get rid of the feeling of his own guilt in their death. the children remained, volkov has one boy, the volunteer has two children, we are neighbors, two girls, the eldest, the other, studied with my daughter, every time the question is why... dad died on uncle lesh on your ship, what can i say, can you imagine, from life in america there is the best program, goodmon in america, in the morning at 7:00 am, when they all
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they are eating and watching, and at this time the air force colonel. it was also known as the handshake in space. this was a joint experimental manned soviet space flight program. the soyuz-19 spacecraft and the american apollo spacecraft. preparing for it was incredibly difficult, primarily psychologically. the earth had to interact with each other, starting from the design stage, ending with the flight control stage, and so on. the crews
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are different in different languages, people with different mentality should have been. conditions, as well as political ones, we had all agreements on parity, that is, the striping should be twice, once the active apollo node. another time an active node of the union, the meeting should be on the border between the ships, between the shell compartments and the union on neutral, on neutral territory,
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as if in this tunnel, many, many such nuances were monitored by politicians, i don’t know, managers, so that later it was possible to write into history that we worked as equals,
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in america, leonov was even offered to act american cosmonauts had a big movie tour, because i want to be a movie star, a colonel in the soviet air force. but in fact , by this time leonov had already acted in films, though not in hollywood, at the soviet gorky studio, he played himself in the film “the great space journey.” perhaps many of you guys were upset that they didn’t see real space travel in the film, it didn’t happen, but that’s only for now, and in 40 years... it will be played by other actors, as in the film “gagarin the first in space." charging three, can you hear me?
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i understand you, i can hear you satisfactorily. how is the flight going? the machine is working fine, the flight is going well. i continue the flight in orbit. hello, blond guy. everyone called him blond, but he was apparently a redhead. even in the film, when we are standing in kamchatka, catching his gagarin to contact him, here he is to me, he says, hello to the blonde, hello to the blondes, then we go out to smoke, and the guy there, well, also some kind of military man , he says, what a blond you are, you 're red. not blond, you're red, no, i'm blond
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on january 22, 1969, there was a live broadcast of a meeting of space crews . suddenly the broadcast was cut off, a familiar setup table appeared on the screen, millions of tv viewers decided that these were just technical problems, and at that time leonov again walked a few centimeters away. from death, and in the literal sense, when the driver was sitting 20 cm in front of me, suddenly i saw a black hole and blood, i
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turned my head towards this shot, at that time the bullet was flying, if i had not turned, it would have hit my temple, as ballistics experts said, there is nowhere escape, but this is the reaction: he turned his head sharply, and so, two, three, four. four bullets went through me, but thank god they didn’t hit anything. the bullets were intended for brezhnev, but did not hit leonid ilyach. the assassination attempt on the general secretary failed. there was not a word said about this in the news. it was believed that there were no terrorist attacks or disasters in the ussr. this is the privilege of the capitalist world. if it wasn’t on tv, that means it didn’t really exist . by the way, a reception took place in the kremlin that day. they told everyone, everything is quiet, everything is clean, so everyone went to the reception, scared, leonid
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ilyevich, let's go, show me where it is... i'm an overcoat, well, they told him that i have bullet marks, i went into the locker room with me, i show him, and there is teal on my chest , here, and he tells me, well, don’t worry, it’s not at you, it was me who was shot, but not from all tragedies, fate saved the famous cosmonaut, in ninety-six a tragedy happened in the leonov family, vika’s eldest daughter died . she was only 35, leonov himself took his daughter to the hospital, did not leave her side for 3 days, i found the best doctors, but i couldn’t save vika. on friday i was in the hospital in sokolniki, i sat and talked, she saw me out and the gate, a smart girl.
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alexey leonov was the commander of a cosmonaut corps and deputy head of the flight and space training center for many years. almost all cosmonauts of that time prepared for flights under his leadership. he was always at training, always at methodological classes, that is, it was as if it were sacred, that is, he was such a person in this regard.
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thousands of his peers could not find themselves in a new life, they sang, fell, died, but lyonov was not happy with such a fate, one person calls me and says, now a new foundation is being created, which means that you should take on the responsibility of the president of the foundation. many, having learned that the astronaut had become a banker, were indignant, saying that he was taken in by the money and
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switched to something new. the most amazing thing is that there was never a word about any kind of material reward; this amazed us. the first thing he said was whether his activities would then be considered as some kind of deception, whether he would harm someone harm, will there be harm to the state? leonov began to supervise.
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this is, perhaps, the earliest work, langeron 19507 odessa, i was on vacation in odessa, langeron, under the impression of maevazovsky, moonlight night, space is with him forever anyway. korolev’s daughter has a recording of sergei pavlych talking about the prospects for the development of astronautics. this was even before the first flight of alexei leonov. we need to solve two problems now: go into outer space and be able to work there. and the second task, despite... the fact that there are only two countries are flying in space, we cannot help each other, we need to learn to look for each other, we need to learn to dock, go to provide assistance, you know, i was just listening to this last time, and
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the thought came to me, and after all , i solved these two problems, but it just so happened that i solved both problems that sergei posed. even as a child, alexei leonov wrote in his diary: my destiny, i myself. that's how it all turned out. it turned out to be a good fate, a real one. am i happy, of course i am. we can be proud that alexey leonov is our contemporary. he really is a hero. and truly the only one. and these are not just big words, as often happens. and the best thing is...
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the soyuz t-10 ship is at the start, crew vladimir tetov and gennady strikalov. 19:37 minutes 40 seconds flames appeared on the rocket casing . from the outside it was not clear what happened. abnormal engine starting or fire. and after another 9 seconds there was a monstrous explosion. to make it clear how quickly events developed, twice as long has passed since the beginning of the film. time. the archival video looks more like footage from a hollywood blockbuster,
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with the head compartment with the astronauts flying out of the raging flames, like a cork from a bottle. and we are all terrified somehow. numb, from the observation post it was visible how the head part of the block with the cosmonauts was thrown upward from the blazing rocket by a blast wave. information about the next space launch still appears in news releases. the manned soyuz spacecraft set off on a record-breaking flight from the ground today. but admit it honestly, few people remember names anymore astronauts. tourists,
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women, and elderly people go into orbit. it seems that flying into space is no longer a feat, but a routine. this routine. we owe the feeling of safety of space flights to our unique emergency rescue system, and this system is multi-stage and can save astronauts at any part of the flight, literally from the ground, when the rocket is stationary, to space itself, when the ship has almost reached its first escape velocity. without an emergency rescue system and well -thought-out, hard-won rules safety, tragic news would sound more often, because danger awaits a person in space flight constantly, literally, every second, from launch to descent.
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one second saved them, and these are not figures of speech. here, dear mother, you don’t even have time to say, we were carried away, soviet cosmonauts vladimir titov and gennady strika. were supposed to go on an expedition to the salyut 7 orbital station. gennady strikalov’s daughters remember the day when they accompanied their dad to baikanur. the girls were then 8.9 years old. there are always traditional ones there was a farewell a few days before the expected start, and they didn’t want to take us, but right in the evening i asked for it and said: well, take me and they took me with you, that is, i don’t remember. here i just can’t say, tan, whether you were there or
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not, but i went, why did i remember that it was already quite the middle of autumn, it was quite rainy, so they took me, perhaps gennady mikhailovich did not want to take the children to the farewell because - for bad premonitions, because even then, a couple of days before the start, his soul was uneasy, he called his grandma, grandma, widow, schoolboy or something, i have a stomach ache, i’m going to school, yes, that is, this is right here, word for word , she tells him i’m begging him, son , think of anything, everything will be bad, she was crying, everything is ready, here it is, the rocket is standing on the platform,
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my crew , in which i should have already joined for crew training, the crew of titolov strigalov duplicated, that is, leonid kizim and vladimir solovyov were in direct communication in the bunker, and they assigned me to the stalls, they said, from here it will be seen amazingly well, so you’ll get pleasure, preparations for the launch proceeded as usual, the shooter...
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at this time below, well, it seemed as if the engine had allegedly started, which should not have happened, he immediately said that this was not normal, well, the process developed quickly, because it was... an explosion , fire, it was night, a strong gusty wind, so the rocket trembled all the time, the rocket began to tremble like that, this vibration is not just wind, but quite strong, it begins to grow, and then disappears somewhere, which means with such a time difference, well, 5-6 seconds.
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alexey shumilin took 4 seconds. after 4 seconds, he shouted: dniester, dniester, dniester, this was the password by which the operator, sitting in a separate building, had to press the button for the cosmonaut emergency rescue system, but this was not enough to save the astronauts. for the system to work, one more person must say the code word. at his command, the second operator will press the button. they sit in slightly different rooms,
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so they receive a command that gives, well, as we say, the shooter, this is our number one, he gives the appropriate command, it’s not just there, but khavaria, oh-oh-oh, guys, something is burning there, no, everything is regulated there, everything is written out, these teams know there, two, three , four people, so that god forbid someone gets in through some channels. on different consoles they issue a set of this command, when it is formed together, checked and sent for execution, then the system begins to work. each operator is alone in an empty room, in front of him is only a remote control with buttons and that’s it. they
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are closed, so they sit for more than 2 hours, with in this case, they cannot move, make noise, get up, nothing. because of this, it is forbidden to do all this, the operators are constantly monitored by two cameras for backup, one looks at the operator’s face and we understand his physical condition, if the operator suddenly feels unwell, for some reason there is a backup crew behind the doors, that is at this moment we have completely excluded the human factor, the second camera looks at the operator’s hands, this is what happens now, it was the same way... then in 1983 give the command the second operator was supposed to say the code word to the technical director of the flight , alexander soldatenkov, the designer, developer of the launch vehicle, but soldatenkov was silent for two, three, four seconds,
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soldatenkov is like the one in charge of the rocket, he is a rocket scientist, but they made noise, but he was just... our number one shooter, now we say he is launching, shooting, that is, but this is the person who commands in general, this is absolutely everyone soldadenkov commands the rocket men, as if he is responsible for the rocket, during these seconds one of the best soviet designers in the field of rocket and space technology tried to understand whether it was possible to somehow correct the situation so that the launch took place?
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we are talking about, today the insured cost of one launch is 4,786 million rubles. later it will be determined that during pre-launch procedures, one of the valves in the fuel supply system failed. it was no longer possible to fix anything, but at that moment no one understood what was happening. actually it started there, not even the destruction of the rocket, but a fire started in one of the engine engines compartments, one of the blocks, in fact, the first thing people saw was that there was a fire,
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almost 300 fuel was about to explode, when the launch was about to happen, of course, we were all there. very nervous, understands that something has probably gone wrong, these minutes should already be counting down, they usually call so that everything goes away, and no one calls, soldatenko thought 5 seconds, 5 seconds after alexey shumilin shouted out the password dniester dniester, he shouted the same words,
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the second operator pressed the button, remember these footage, where? the head part of the ship seemed to be thrown out by a blast wave, in fact it was the engines of the emergency rescue system that fired, their launch simply merged with the explosion of the rocket. 300 tons of liquid oxygen, kerosene, like an atomic bomb, volodya soloviev gasped there, he was in touch, he and kizim duplicated us, and he means that he is working, he is working, well, of course. what works, we answer him, he doesn’t hear us, only a second separated the cosmonaut and strikalovo from the inevitable death. no one at the observation post knew this, the connection was interrupted, although vladimir titov, despite the fact that no one could hear them, continued to report the situation.
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we are obliged, we are obliged to dictate, many planes crash, and the pilots do not give any information. they are not trained, they do not know how to do this in a stressful situation, that is, fly an airplane and say something. we were taught to specifically do two things, but we were taught how, for example? during parachute jumps they put a mask on you, a microphone under the mask, you leave the helicopter, you start talking right from the helicopter, how you got out, how you fall, spin, don’t spin, so in a stressful situation, a person is forced to do two things. vladimir tetov and gennady strikalov became the first cosmonauts in the world to survive thanks to the emergency rescue system that was activated during the launch phase. the capsule flew 1600 m away from the burning ship, then the parachute opened and the vehicle with the astronauts landed. well
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, we can probably say about this now, in general, we gathered with them when in their room, in the commander’s room, there were a few, well, that is, backups, them, the head of the operational group and more. general, well, in general, we didn’t sleep until the morning, we talked with them until the morning, drank everything that was there, and there wasn’t a single drunk person, we talked about how good it is to be alive, and mom met dad in the hallway and he so she started crying on her chest and started crying, you know, with anguish, but dad probably thought it was, what? he was crying, probably somehow , he was probably even a little shy, and he hugged her like that and told her,
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alive, alive, i remember that too well. gennady strikalov, after this accident made three more space flights, leaving the cosmonaut corps in 1995. vladimir tetov, who also traveled to space three more times, has been in reserve since 1998. we. many times we thought about how it was then, naturally we returned to this in our memory, volodya and i never really discussed this, we even have some facts different, because for some reason he thinks that someone is for me another called, but nevertheless i remember that it was like this, the bell rang and... pyotr ilyevich klemok and pyotr ilyevich called said: the start did not take place, before
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he even gave an explanation, i asked him, did sas work? sas: emergency rescue system. it is present on all soyuz-class ships; each of us has seen it many times in the news or in films about space. this spire on the rocket is sas, more precisely. part of it, well , actually, here is the emergency rescue system, you can see it very clearly on this model, the emergency rescue system, this is almost all of our stabilizers, here these are also like elements of the system emergency rescue, 9 minutes 540 seconds. this is how long a flight into space lasts. this time can be divided into three stages. each element of the sas is responsible for a certain stage of the flight. everything
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is calculated to the second, literally. by the way, the russian emergency rescue system worked at each of the three stages. and every time she saved people’s lives. the first stage: from zero, that is, start to studio. it is a solid fuel, and this is important, solid fuel is reliable and predictable, solid
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rocket fuel is hollow, thick-walled... pipes, this is not gunpowder, as we are used to, hunters fill with fine gunpowder, no, here it is pressed in the form of a corpse, after 110 seconds of flight, if no emergency situation has occurred, the spire is shot off, in the future it is not needed, there is a possibility of salvation after another 10 seconds, since there is also a separation engine for the head fairing compartment, these...
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from the rocket cut off from the fuel, splits into pieces and lands down. when the saz is activated, nothing depends on the crew at any stage. in the emergency system rescue control from the cosmonauts is not provided in principle, which means, unfortunately, even a trained cosmonaut, the body, is not able to realize in a short time that an accident is developing in time to issue a command, press a button. emergency rescue system. detects accidents and issues a command to turn on the engine in 1/2 second. the human body is simply not capable of such speed. the worst thing for astronauts at the moment the sas is triggered is colossal overloads. they can be up to 10 times higher, than the overload of fighter pilots.
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the story of the death of the soyuz-11 crew is, to some extent, also a story about avos. on june 29 , 1971, the descent module with soviet cosmonauts georgy dobrovolsky, vladislav volkov and viktor potsayev made a soft landing in a given area.
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without signs of life, at that time the unions could only accommodate two cosmonauts, but they wanted to send three to the orbital station, in order to get ahead of the americans, we had to sacrifice something, we then could only launch ships with a weight of 6,300 kg, so for in order to lighten the ship, but...
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depressurization began, they are at an altitude of 150 km from the ground, complete vacuum, complete, that flight was the last in the history of russian manned cosmonautics, when the cosmonauts were on board the ship without spacesuits, to this day we all crews. at the unions he flies in spacesuits and in general there is no reason for us to take off the spacesuits, well, no matter how we see it, that’s why all of this, well, unfortunately, is our mistakes, they are paid for with their lives, a paradox, an idea of
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​​​​a backward soviet astronautics, born american cinema. hollywood cliches, a drunken russian cosmonaut in an earflap hat. everything is held together by snot. at the start, everyone is shaking with fear. this is despite the fact that the score, if it is appropriate to use this word here, in the deadly competition is 174. in the entire history of space exploration in the ussr, four cosmonauts died, and the usa has 17 names on the list of those killed. at the same time , there have been no fatal accidents in modern russia. there have been no emergency situations with tragic consequences in the russian manned space program for the last 50 years, let's go for a ride,
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an emergency rescue system is now available on all russian spacecraft. until october 11, 2018. the soyuz ms-10 flight to the iss was planned for this day. crew : russian alexey ovchinin, american nick hake. the weather was. well, it was a little cloudy, the launch was, as far as i remember , around lunchtime, after lunch the initial
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section of the trajectory, when it started to work, all this was visually very well observed, but then after a while everything disappeared visually and was somehow suspicious... nobody understood anything, we we realized that an accident had occurred because our emergency warning alarm went off, and we felt that something was wrong with the rocket, with the ship, that is, shaking and vibration began, we realized that the flight could not continue, 122 seconds into the flight, altitude 47 km, a thick cloud appears in the sky. there will obviously be an explosion in the smoke. now the only hope is cas, which has never worked before in the second, shortest, fifty-second flight section, from 110 to 160 seconds after launch,
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the spire with the powder keg had already moved away; all hope was on the engine of the head fairing. we have already passed this peak of high-speed pressure. that is, but to be honest, we worked out when this system was there for many decades, we had different cases, just this particular area, here we are, well, as if we had never come across it, we had never worked on it , that is, in fact, no one was 100% sure whether the technique would work as expected, i became very worried. because i became very excited because of the astronauts i was worried about the performance of our products, how they worked, the eyes of millions of people were
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glued to the sky, in which a trail of white smoke trailed behind the rocket, everyone’s hearts sank, except for those who needed to worry the most, a carrier accident, isn’t it scary?
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the pluses, when the guys had already returned, we found them, brought them, and our chief designer said, well, guys, don’t be too upset, you worked out exactly the area that we haven’t worked in for many decades, well, this is generally the case, maybe it was a joke, but nevertheless it is so, today we can say that we have developed sas, as they say, in flight in... all
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possible areas of its use. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. go! do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yurievna gagarina, eldest daughter of yuri alekseevich. new year, the astronauts were musketeers. we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time wearing a hat and sushi in butforty. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all classes. gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he won’t get caught on anything? in my life, like in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of yuri alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i wanted to be yura so much, i came to my mother, gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich, it was like for...
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look after the program, everything follows the same pattern: a car pulls up, a girl gets into it, he stops in a quiet place, takes out money and jewelry, throws the girl out of the car, and then drives off. man in the clone mask continues to scare the residents of the city, please help, quiet, quiet, quiet, police, police, calm, her words, the criminal looks very much like you, like me, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first, and you you are not afraid that it could be a mistake that we are with you now.
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all tragedies in astronautics were in one way or another connected with testing new technology. unlucky 1967, the americans were the first to open the tragic account. on january 27, during tests under the program, the first one is piloted.
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was supposed to go into space on the first manned soyuz spacecraft. the tragedy happened when everyone had already exhaled, during landing. due to a failure in the parachute system, the descent vehicle hit the ground with terrible force. the astronaut died instantly. vladimir komarov became the first person in the world. who has been in space twice and was the first soviet cosmonaut to die during the mission, everything is fine, everything is in order. on january 16, 2003, the american shuttle columbia went into orbit; 16 days later, columbia was destroyed during landing. after colombia tragedy list of victims. space
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has been replenished with seven names, in total there are 21 people, 17 americans and four of ours. over the entire existence of manned cosmonautics, four soviet cosmonauts died, but there could have been at least two more victims.
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buzzing for a long time, then we just fell, she did her job, and the overload, of course, was great, it was very, very disgusting, we got out completely wet, completely wet and scary, of course, there was nowhere else to go, you’re already sitting, you don’t need anything do, must you just need to be afraid, but it’s right, so that you don’t make mistakes, the big nasty overload that oleg makarov talks about is 21g, as a result, the cosmonauts felt terrible overloads at... this stage of descent, up to 21 units, 21g. 21g, the human body practically cannot withstand such an overload. in aviation, there are cases where, at fifteen units , pilots’ kidneys were torn off.
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the cosmonauts experienced such monstrous overloads because the emergency rescue system worked almost in orbit. the accident occurred on 261 seconds of flight, at an altitude of 170 km, that is , in the third stage of the flight. the separation of the second and third stages of the launch vehicle did not occur, the rocket rocked and the sas was activated. vasily lazarev and oleg makarov in the descent module flew to the ground along a ballistic trajectory. ballistic descent is like throwing a stone at everything. this is how a pebble flies, this is how a ship flies, this is a ballistic descent, there is no control there, this is how it, how it entered the atmosphere, this is how it goes. in a normal situation, when astronauts return from orbits, the descent vehicle could taxi
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and absorb overloads, and the ship with lazarev and makarov on board simply fell to the ground. on the ground at this time they were still counting down. a flight that no longer happened, according to a template, the one who keeps the timing on the radio means it continues there, that means 305, there are 350 seconds, the flight is normal, the flight is normal for 400 seconds , people have been falling there for a long time, people are there, and that’s all, that means , there in a cheerful voice he conveys that the flight is normal, but the crew had an accident, and the guys on... there frankly, that means, with a mother tongue to the whole world, motherfucker, we are falling abroad, that means, back and forth, the whole world heard this whole thing, oleg makarov and vasily lazarev landed in altai in the mountains,
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the cosmonauts at first didn’t even realize that they were in the mountains , nothing was visible through the smoked glass window, according to the instructions, the first thing to do is shoot off the parachute. but commander vasily lazarev did not do this, some kind of inner instinct, they were very lucky, we said that they got caught in tall trees with slings, the descent module did not rolled into the gorge, because if they rolled into the gorge, they would have to fly about 300 meters there, the ship hovered over the very abyss, sharp gusts of wind rocked the ship so much that it stopped.
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having practically fallen from a height of 170 km, people remained alive thanks to the emergency rescue system. you are always surprised by this,
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i don’t know, intelligence, that gift - those designers who did all this, these were literally brilliant people who made these machines, today almost 600 people have been in space, and we are no longer we remember the names of astronauts, but in vain! after all , a flight into space is actually not a routine, yes, today there are thousands of options for rescue, the thousand and first variant of an accident may always arise, and the astronaut profession is still heroic. in 2001 , an alliance launched from the baikanur cosmodrome with the world's first space tourist on board.
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american millionaire denis tita purchased a ticket to low-earth orbit. the crew consisted of commander talgad musabaev, flight engineer yuri baturin and flight participant dennis tito. exactly this is how he appeared in official documents. “musabayev was immediately warned, it was an honor to be the first to send a tourist into space, so they ordered not to take their eyes off this same tourist, and they immediately gave me a nickname, which means that i, first place baby sitter, means the first space nanny, laugh with laugh, and so it was, the crew commander had to..." not only lead the mission, but constantly babysit the millionaire, because the soyuz spacecraft is an uncomfortable business
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jet, and the iss is far from a five-star hotel, problems began almost immediately, after a few hours after the start, tito felt bad, he was literally turning inside out, his eyes are naturally bulging, it’s like in a cartoon, remember? everything comes out with nothing, that means, yes, but he keeps turning it up and down, and i told him, don’t turn your head, i’m speaking straight russian, he doesn’t understand, but when you say it firmly, he understands, yes, that’s it uh, because you can’t turn your head, especially during the first hours of the flight, you don’t need to turn your head, i told him 100 times in english, in russian, and in command language. means he said, well , you know, yes, preliminary, intermediate,
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hurray, we're off, the first day of the flight is the most difficult, any astronaut knows this, as soon as the ship enters outer space, along with weightlessness comes nausea and dizziness, this is called motion sickness. the body is in such a state of complete confusion for the first day, it does not understand where is up, where is down, where is the ceiling, where is the floor, especially for those who fly for the first time, this disorganization of all the work of receptors, all sensory systems, it is very clearly manifests itself, and i practically don’t remember any exceptions that to one degree or another these manifestations did not occur. now imagine that a sixty-year-old tourist experiences this motion sickness. of course, he
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underwent pre-flight training, but his age is still serious. all the way to the station, which was almost two days, musabaev had to inject tito with medicine. the commander was tied to the flight participant in the literal sense of the word. to monitor his condition, musabaev fastened tito to himself with belts. so cramped yes, they flew to the station without any offense. on the iss, tito adapted and his health improved. musabaev exhaled. and as it turned out in vain, on the fifth day of the flight, when the main crew was repairing the station, tito lost control of his own body and crashed his head into a metal protrusion. i left him for 5 minutes, as i counted, suddenly i hear that something is wrong, he
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shouts: “help, how quiet, quiet, help, help,” he turns out to have cut his head. received lacerations and did not test for myself how blood coagulates in space. at the first space tourist had a chance at the same time to be the first person to die from loss of blood in zero gravity. based on news reports, it seems to us that the iss is a small space where everything is close, just reach out. but in reality this is not so. as luck would have it, at
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that moment neither the boarder nor the americans were nearby.
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get out of the seat, take out the first aid kit, find tablet number five, and give it to the flight participant, that’s what they say, well, all this without a last name, nothing, commander, flight participant tablet number five, all that is the descent of a spaceship to the ground - the most dangerous stage of the flight, all fatal... accidents in the history of our cosmonautics happened precisely during the descent, suddenly the crew commander unfastens and leaves his seat, i mean i ’m trying to get this pill, i got it , i took it somehow, she’s wearing gloves, it’s not like using her fingers, i sat down, i can barely hold it, it’s dark, that means i’m talking, i open my mouth, that means, well , there’s nothing else in english, he looks,
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i tell him i’ll repeat it three times, he doesn’t understand, i say, i’ll open my mouth. he opens his mouth so, i say, take it, and now drink it, he takes it, at this time the tablet flies away, and you will never find it. this was musabaev’s first reaction; you can use any words yourself. after that, musabaev flew for the second tablet. all this time, the descent vehicle was without the control of the commander. musabaev himself put the second tablet into his mouth here. returned to his place, but he didn’t even have time to buckle up when a new order came from the command center, commander, now take out tablet number three, he has it turns out that i later find out that he had a heart attack, which means a cardiogram, and the earth receives it, a medical wire,
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every cosmonaut has it in a spacesuit, this is a complex of sensors that transmits information about the state to the ground...
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three, i think what is this, well enough, it’s even smaller, now i’m for him, but he needs it, now the tsup tells me, you don’t just let him swallow this pill, but so that he dissolves it under... his tongue, i forgot the words mean english like this the situation is the tongue, it needs to be under the tongue , which means i show it to him and say it here then i show it like this, just like in the movies , in general, in a comedy, it means he did his eyes, and i covered him with a pressure helmet. there were no further instructions from the father. musabaev began his immediate duties with relief. the landing of the descent vehicle went smoothly. but what’s most
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amazing is that after landing, tito felt great and even screamed with happiness. this jubilant man was awaiting intensive care on the ground, but the tourist did not need doctors. after titus was pulled out of the descent module, doctors understood why he was like this cheerful and healthy looking. it turns out that he was wearing the medical train incorrectly, the medical train under the space suit and you can’t get in there, nothing, so he went into a curveball. despite all these adventures, denis tito still considers space flight the best event in his life, and does not hide the fact that he owes this life to the astronauts who were his rescue doctors. the man fulfilled his dream with the help of my husband and yuri baturvin. we are used to seeing astronauts in the news or on newsreels, smiling and confident in their to yourself. they cheerfully wave at the camera before the launch and
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convey greetings from orbit. it has always been this way. these shots were taken on july 6, 1976, cosmonauts boris volynov and vitaly zholobov are preparing for a flight to the salyut 5 orbital station . he was eating and didn’t want to sleep, he was flying , you know, the position was close to the belly, in this position he was flying, not saying a word, glassy eyes on his face, you know how they are on the skin goosebumps... it's from the cold, it was persistent all the time, sallow-colored skin,
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fort engineer vitaly zholobov was 39 at the time of launch, it took him 16 long years to get to his first flight, he was a well -trained cosmonaut, very competent man. very competent, he graduated from the academy, was a military veteran, an established engineer, he was stubborn, if he gets stuck on something, it ’s difficult to convince him, he prepared for a very long time, he was not included in the team for a long time, and then when this question came up it was turned on in a word, the flight to the station is 5th seventy-six was planned as part of the military program for the tasks of the ministry of defense, crew commander boris volynov, flight engineer vitaly zholobov. at the orbital station, zholobov was supposed
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to test new reconnaissance equipment. salyut 5 was generally an orbital station for military purposes under the almaz program. and quite high-quality photographs of all sorts of military objects were taken from orbit. well, it was a military station. military targets, an observation station, practically, the preparations were normal, everyone was getting ready, well, one caustic one, another insistent, the crew was selected, great, the start of the docking from the orbital station went, as they say, normally, on the forty-second day of the flight, during routine work at the station, a siren suddenly wailed. the crew commander, boris volenov, was near the communications center and sent a short message to the command center on board the accident. at that very second the connection
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was interrupted. the electricity at the station was completely cut off. pitch, real cosmic darkness. the most, well, it was for me. this is silence, i don’t remember such silence, where would i hear, silence and darkness, and what will happen happen next second?
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there was no work at all, he got to the bottom of every little thing in order to solve some issue, there was nowhere to run, the only way to escape was to start the solar panels, that is, turn the station with the desired side towards the sun, but how to do this, there are remaining fuel in the engines the ship they arrived on, but where is the sun? bolynov remained at
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the central console. he sent zholobovo to the soyuz lander. there was a single porthole with a wide viewing angle. looking out the window, flight engineer corrected the actions of the commander, who manually, without any computer calculations , used the remaining fuel in the union to deploy a multi-ton bunch of station ships. an hour passed, the lack of oxygen began to be acutely felt, the cosmonauts tensely tried to get on the desired trajectory, zholubov directed, volynov turned, no way, an hour and a half, there was no result, the cosmonauts understood, another half hour and they would lose consciousness from suffocation. in general, after hour 47 the station
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started working. the astronauts exhaled with relief, but most importantly, they inhaled. at the station all equipment came to life, including the air regeneration system. only then did the astronauts realize that they were only a few minutes away from imminent death. on earth , after something like this, someone needs to drink a bucket of valyrian, someone needs to sleep for a day, someone needs to go to a psychotherapist. the station crew, having experienced acute stress, must continue to live in orbit, expecting a repeat of the accident at any second, and continue to do their work. then they began to fly, but the flight was not in order. the food was challenging.
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on earth they understood, while zholobov was in space to him not help, the person needs to be saved and urgently. an unprecedented decision was made at tsup: to abort the mission and return the astronauts to earth. this happened for the first time in the history of astronautics. on august 24, 1976, the crew made a safe landing. another 5 years.
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worked at the cosmonaut training center as an instructor, he never flew into space again. boris volynov also never flew again. during his two flights, he probably suffered more than any other cosmonaut or astronaut in the entire history of space exploration. he got hurt great, i broke my jaw, knocked out teeth, and damaged my spine. it is clear that only healthy people fly into space, but everything is not provided for. it is impossible to completely predict how the body will react to stress, this is a real force majeure, but sometimes the human factor intervenes in the course of events: for cosmonautics day on the first. go. the first man in space. completely into the void, into the unknown. and no one knew whether they would even live back or not. i feel great.
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the first woman in space. my flight in general was planned for one day. everything is fine with me, and i can apply to the state commission to extend the flight. first exit. into outer space, a spacesuit called berkut, in exactly the same spacesuit , the first person in history went into outer space, the first feature film shot in space, there was this red thing that caught fire, an accident, there was still such a sound, i looked at the climate and thought, what a stupid, i don’t know, death, we didn’t even film anything, all the stars of russian space, today on the first, viewer i'll be shocked. because he will travel with us into space. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group.
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a new version of the pantser sm missile and gun system is undergoing combat testing in the special military operation zone. now the most important targets are quadcopters and multiple launch rocket systems.
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for six people, russian cosmonauts oleg artemyev and sergei prokopyev, german alexander gerst, american astronauts andrew fustel, richard arnold and serina auñon chancellor. as part of one of the scientific experiments, serina auñon underwent a routine ultrasound examination, the results, as always, were sent to the ground, a standard procedure, but nasa, having received the transcript of the ultrasound, grabbed their hearts.
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there was a ticking bomb in my chest that could explode at any moment. this is very dangerous, thrombosis of the pulmonary artery, which is very difficult to diagnose and in practice very often the mortality is immediate. ultimately, after several consultations, the earth decided not to interrupt the flight, to save the astronaut right there in space. serini was prescribed a course, blood thinning drugs, such benefits were in the orbital first aid kit, drink more fluids and pray.
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it is possible in orbit in a single table, the list contains more than 80 items, from cardiac arrhythmia, acute appendicitis, docarios and traumatic brain injuries, this is already happening in space, by the way...
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once a week, each iss crew member has a private conversation with his doctor , an astronaut is allocated 15 minutes of airtime, the same as for one patient in earthly clinics. during this time, the doctor should listen to him, assess his condition and give recommendations.
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these numbers are not taken out of thin air, the first aid kit has its own regular place at the station, where it should fit without problems, each box is responsible for some kind of disease. the abbreviation is sometimes incomprehensible, but we still try to make sure that it has some kind of semantic meaning, for example, we have a cardiovascular system , a skeletal system, which is gastrointestinal. the blisters with tablets, as well as the instructions, are attached to the medicine cabinet with threads so that they do not fly away. in addition to the first aid kit with pills, on board the iss there are also so-called stowages, which contain medical devices for diagnostics of emergency care. diagnostic equipment includes a blood pressure meter and a glucometer. tropnin test to determine
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damage to the heart muscle during a heart attack and others. there is also a fairly extensive range of tools for providing emergency medical care. trachioesophageal tube, breathing bag - ambu, right here in this package. there is also a trachiostomy kit. here. there is also a catheter for bladder catheterization. problems also arise during flight. different. each crew member knows how to use all this, because in the event of an emergency there will not be a delay to come to them, and even the flight doctor may not immediately get in touch, so long before the launch, the astronaut is trained to the level of a paramedic, that is , an emergency medical care specialist. nikolai chub from the first open recruitment in the history of russian cosmonautics. in 2012 , roscosmos announced that anyone, the main one, can become a cosmonaut. pass the competition, before that we selected cosmonauts from, as
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a rule, military personnel, from flight units, in the post-reform period, when it was already new russia, we began to be selected, well, let’s say, by competition, we are being prepared to be able to provide first aid to each other in space, we are being trained to the point of performing a tracheotomy. a trachiostomy is essentially an emergency operation for breathing problems. a deep incision is made in the throat, through which a special tube is inserted into the trachea, through which air flows directly into the lungs. surgical intervention in zero gravity is of course a rarity, but dental surgery is common. still many astronauts stay in orbit for a year or even longer. remember how often you go to...
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cosmonaut sergei ryazansky, together with oleg kutov, carried the olympic torch into outer space in 2013. proceed with the transmission from the olympic fakke. these shots of the astronaut smiling spread all over the world. what remains behind the scenes is that ryazansky began this flight. problems with teeth, a filling fell out, i was eating something, i think it was some kind of dried fruit bar with nuts, and suddenly i let go, the filling broke off. on earth, when we have a toothache, we immediately run to dentist, but the astronauts have nowhere to run.
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there are no dentists in space, but there is a special dental treatment. there he comes in. earthling cosmonauts know how to use it, the ryazan one is no exception, before the flight he was trained by excellent dentists, looked in the mirror, yes, at first he asked one of my colleagues
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to help me, then he installed it himself, this is such an ordinary event, an ordinary event for... the worst thing on a space station is a fire, there is nowhere to run.
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in space hundreds of kilometers from any fire station. on the evening of september 8, 2021 year, russian cosmonauts oleg novitsky and pyotr dubrov went to bed early. in the morning they had to go into outer space, but the astronauts did not manage to get enough sleep. at 4:55 am the emergency alarm at the station went off. fire, running out, or rather, flying out at the sound of a siren, navitsky and dubrov smelled harry, they had to get up there, react to this signal, do something, and something had to be done very quickly, in a fire , seconds count, to fortunately, there were no
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flames or smoke from navitsky and dubrov discovered. very often there is a false alarm, because these smoke detectors react to changes in the transparency of the atmosphere, but it can be just a particle, dust, or just dust, a cloud of dust, because there is a lot of dust there, especially in the space behind the panels, in the non-residential area to get rid of the burning smell, the cosmonauts turned on the on-board air purification device and lay down to take a nap, exhaled on the ground, it was a false alarm, no, this time, but at tsup they well remember the emergency situation when the space station really was burning.
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on february 10, 1997 , russian cosmonauts vasily tsybliev, alexander lazutkin and german reinhold ewald launched from baikanur. alexander lazutkin’s wife saw off her husband with a heavy heart. i had some kind of panic. the crew was accompanied by tamara globa. and she then said that it would be an extremely difficult flight. tamara globa did not even suspect how prophetic her words would turn out to be. however, then lyudmila lazutkina did not pay attention to this. in her bad feeling, the astronaut's wife wrote off with the usual excitement, because it was her husband’s first flight. and...
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while we were flying to the station on the ship.


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