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tv   Vse zvezdi russkogo kosmosa  1TV  April 13, 2024 4:05pm-4:59pm MSK

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it was one antenna that didn’t open up enough, not a terrible emergency situation, we realized that we could do without it, but i bent one finger, and after 2 days we docked with the station, we docked, but we already have two, that is, two more, three emergency ones the situations passed in 2 days, while we were flying to the station on the ship, i thought life would be... good,
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three emergency situations, and i still have six months to fly, with the station successfully docked , the cosmonauts met with colleagues who had been flying around the world for six months already, valery korzen, alexander kaleri and the american jerry linnanger. on the fifth day of the flight, all six cosmonauts gathered at one table, especially since there was a reason on earth to celebrate defender of the fatherland day. by the way, the module in which the festive dinner took place is not intended for six people, a lack of oxygen quickly began to be felt, usually in such cases they light an oxygen bomb, the standard procedure is to light it, that’s just what they say, in fact, they simply start a chemical reaction in the oxygen generator , the installations were sent to alexander.
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why does something burn that shouldn't burn? lazutkin looked at the flame and realized that they were on a space station hundreds of kilometers from the earth. they literally have nowhere to run and no one will come to their aid. what is a confined space fire? oddly enough, fire burns are not the worst thing, it’s much worse when the oxygen burns out and you just start suffocating. convulsively inhaling
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the toxic combustion products that take its place, thoughts were still racing feverishly in his head, and his hands were already grabbing the fire extinguisher. i took the fire extinguisher, looked at the guys, who were sitting in the next module, they were sitting so joyful at the table, i think if now i shout fire, they will be scared, so i say so quietly, fire? they didn’t hear, i started to put it out, it was still a shock, why is it burning, i look at the guys who are in the next module, i see how they turn, how their eyes open wide, and i think to myself, now there’s a shock with them, no one shouted about the fire, everyone understood that it was useless to shout, they could only be saved if they extinguished the fire themselves. the astronauts rushed in silence. behind
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fire extinguishers, after 15 minutes the fire was extinguished, and the station was filled with bluish smoke, we didn’t know the composition, we thought maybe there was smoke, maybe, well, there were most likely fumes, smoke and what else, so we put on insulating gas masks for the entire crew, even on earth , most people in a fire do not die from fire, from carbon monoxide poisoning, here the fire is closed...
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the window, and we are all in the smoke, this thought came to me, well, i can die from this smoke in space, then... just imagine, the station hasn’t been ventilated for more than 20 years, it’s like a flat car, in in which the windows do not open and which rushes all this time without stopping, but the freshness of the air is not the main problem, it is unpleasant, but you can live, what is really dangerous
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is the toxic substances that the equipment inevitably releases. the iss is probably a small chemical enterprise. it’s small in volume, but essentially it’s a huge chemical plant, where everything that exists is monitored, there are gases that are harmful to humans, there are alarm systems, there are analyzers, every the analyzer is configured for its specific gas, for its specific proportions, as soon as the excess occurs, it means that either a command is given, people turn it on, or in some emergency modes the machines themselves turn on and begin to clean this air. on september 9, 2021 , this is exactly what cosmonauts oleg novitsky did. and pyotr dubrov, after the alarm went off, they turned on the equipment and purified the air, but in ninety-seven there were no such gas analyzers in the world, of course, there were air purification systems too, but after no one understood the composition of the atmosphere during the fire, which means there was no guarantee that the purification
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plants would cope. at this time, people on earth already knew about the fire, but in what condition were the astronauts and were they even alive? tsup? i didn’t disclose it, i was sitting at my workplace . on february 23, i was working in my office, the radio was working in the background, so i heard that today there was a fire on board the mir station, there was no connection, which means the crew there was something wrong, the station was full of smoke, i i don’t remember this message word for word, but i remember that my legs were so frozen, i slid out of the chair, but we didn’t they understood that he was not alive, but then i am still an engineer and i understand what it is?
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and the commander says: you know, he says, this was a very serious emergency situation, he says, it takes two, i remember that i bent my fifth, my soul blossomed, because i clearly hear the voice of this respected man, maximum five, i’m already five, and the worst thing has passed, as it turned out later, it didn’t, on this flight... there will be so many more troubles that there won’t be enough fingers on one or the other hand. a week after the fire, korzon, kaleri and ewalt went according to plan returned to earth. american astronaut lillinger was replaced by michael falls. the scouts on
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tsibliev remained at the station, which required repairs. and after another week, emergency situations began to pour in on our two american cosmonauts. one is scary. and another, first the air regeneration system failed, then a toxic substance began to leak from the air conditioning system, the cosmonauts had to carry out a total repair of the station, but that was not all, on june 25, 1997 to the mir station a progress cargo ship arrived, it was an unsuccessful docking, one might say, and the station received simply...
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dangerous missions in the history of astronautics, neither before nor after an emergency situation of such a scale happened at the orbital station, in my opinion, throughout the first night he he spoke, he told everything, i... was simply fascinated by all this and what he was saying, because due to some kind of temperament, he is a very taciturn person, he had never shared much of his thoughts and feelings before. , there are sensations of work, and here he spoke as if some kind of tap had been opened and he said: every second spent in orbit is a risk, in space there is always in the literal sense... there is always a threat of emergency situations, and help from the earth will not come soon, and in order to avoid tragedies , an astronaut
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must be able to cope with anything independently . astronauts are a little bit of everything; we have such a very wide range of skills that an astronaut simply must know and be able to do. on october 5, 2021
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, final preparations for a unique space flight were underway at baikanur. we went to the iss russian director klim shipenko and actress yulia peressild. because he and we will make a space journey and became the first in
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the world, all the people on earth, they are surprised, the russian people, they are proud and happy more than others, because they did it. a film shot in space is our priority, but it is far from the first, and hopefully not the last. in space, you can’t touch anything in the literal sense of the word, from rockets to the iss itself, the orbital station. all these are the priorities of our country. october 5, 2021 at the launch pad.
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hero of russia anton shkaplerov, the other two are people of creative professions. russian cosmonauts oleg novitsky and pyotr dubrov were working on the international space station at that time, of course, waiting for the arrival of guests. filming will take place in this module, it’s a fantastic feeling when you see through the windows, you can already see the station itself when you fly up to it, and also when the engines turn on - such sparks from us, from our capsule, from our descent device and he’s so f-fu-fu-fuh, it’s so beautiful, you see these... huge solar panels, you see the edge of the earth, well, that is, it’s such a complete feeling that
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you’re just flying somewhere into some kind of i don’t know computer game, scenery, well, it can’t be like that this is what something really looks like. the flight of the soyuz ms-19 spacecraft with a film crew on board followed a shortened pattern, two orbits around the earth, the estimated time of arrival at the iss was 3 hours 18 minutes. after the launch, the launch of the ship went according to plan, the flight also went normally until the moment of docking, we always have ships should normally stick automatically. in anton's mode, at a short range of about 30 m, one set of headings failed, we have two of them, and the ship reacts adequately, that is, they stop the process of approaching the station and begin to retreat ; the sets are gradually switched, the second set started working, and began again to bring the ship to station and approximately the same range, the failure of the second set occurred, no one expected this,
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for klim and yulia everything that happened was more ... if the entire crew, as expected, consisted of professional cosmonauts, it’s one thing: all
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possible emergency situations are worked out automatically on the ground for years, but on board there was... only one cosmonaut, the captain of the ship, anton shkaplerov, and he had to do the work, one might say, for three, and i remember what anton nikolaevich said several times, tsup, give it back, well, now i won’t say the exact wording, but give me permission for manual knocking, give me permission for manual knocking, something i realized that this was a serious matter, at that moment i looked at the climate control and thought, lord, what stupidity, what...
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"this is the first time in the history of mankind when a film will be shot in space. the soyuz rockets that today deliver astronauts into orbit are direct descendants of the soviet r7 rocket, or as it is called, the magnificent seven, the world's first intercontinental
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ballistic rocket, legend and pride of the soviet union. the r-7 rocket accompanied all our space achievements, the ship of the planet's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin, was launched into orbit by the vostok carrier rocket, a direct descendant of the magnificent seven. how is it in the emptiness, in the unknown, in principle, no one knew whether i would ever return from there or not. yuri gagarin's flight day on april 12, 1961 became a holiday for everyone, well, almost everyone. spontaneous rallies gathered on the streets of europe, asia, and africa, people danced and sang, but the american government called that period a week
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of shame for danger. everyone understood that in this round of the space race, the ussr again won against... its main competitor. from that day on, all the boys in the world dreamed of becoming astronauts, including klim shepenka, the director of the film call. the sky really beckoned him, he first flew paragliders, broke his finger, his hand, and then this proposal with space arose, that is, it didn’t just appear out of nowhere, you see how it beckons you into the sky. klim shipenko, one of the most fashionable modern directors. his comedy serf has long been the highest-grossing film in russian cinema. and the movie catastrophe. became almost prophetic for the director, i never wondered why cosmonauts only give birth to girls, well, the picture was shot on
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based on real events, filming the feat of astronauts, weightlessness, reviving a dead station, director klim shipenko could not even imagine that a few years later he himself would find himself in a similar situation, when i finished the fireworks... it was even strange to me, somehow , well, it can’t end like that, well, somehow my interaction with space can’t end with the fact that i will imitate space, it seemed to me that something like that would happen, so when they called me and offered it, i had feeling, well, here it is, really, really, i i knew that i would fly, the main thing is the ascent, the contact of the ascent, the central one passed... the parameters of the control system of the launch vehicle are normal 15. the funny thing is that so
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many people told me how you let him go, and it was in all seriousness, well that is, which is strange for me, because no matter how globally no one asked me, naturally. and then, it seems to me that when there is such a chance in life, it’s somehow strange to prevent it, i answered such questions that klim usually asks his mother, so the questions are for her, yulia peresilt never dreamed of space, she dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood and became, the first female cosmonaut is also our priority, 2 years after the flight of yuri gagarin.
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the first female cosmonaut, valentina terezhkova , spent three days in orbit, during which time she completed 48 revolutions around the earth. tereshkova is still the only
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woman in history to have completed a solo space flight. among all the women who flew into space, she is still the youngest. pereshkova found herself in orbit when she was 26 years old, 3 months and 11 days. all ship systems work perfectly. i’m feeling great, you ’ll allow me to call you just valya, valentina, i’m very glad and, well, like a father , i’m proud that our girl, a girl from a soviet country, is the first in the world to be in space, and we’re proud of your success, proud of you, that you glorify our people , our homeland, our party, our ideas so well. they say that the idea of ​​​​flying a woman into space was brought by german titov from the usa. while visiting america on an official visit, he heard that
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american feminists were seeking to send women into orbit. while women in the west were fighting for their rights, our woman flew, and not only the first, but the second woman to go into space was from our country, svetlana sovitskaya. only 20 years after valentina terezhkova’s flight into space. an american went, at the moment there were six of our women in space, the fifth in a row was actress yulia peresilt, she stayed in orbit for 12 days, all these 12 days we had enough time to make a film, we had enough time, but for that, just to be there, well there you go let's look down and enjoy this - space, but still it was not enough, of course it was, we slept little, but still it was not enough. the film is a challenge space drama, the action takes place on earth in space on the international space station. the plot is about a woman doctor who was offered to fly
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to save her. moved my legs, i had complex shots that i wanted to shoot in one shot, he helped me move me or so that i just walked into the hatches, i was corrected by mine, my trajectory of movements, petya with the technical he helped me there, he helped me gather material there, restore the cameras, organize the space, oleg was mainly in the frame when he had time, we had to film him as an actor, all three
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professional cosmonauts who... were there at that time on the iss, anton shkaplerov, pyotr dubrov and oleg novitsky quite successfully retrained as actors for 12 days. oleg novidsky did not get a cameo role, but one of the main ones. he is the same astronaut whom the earth doctor flew to help. yes, it was for me great joy, not many words, after all, i was a sick person, practically wounded, well, i rolled my eyes. yes, he coughed, he probably spoke somehow as if half-delirious, well , there are some moments that are still difficult for us to play in any case, so most likely this burden fell on yulia, but she is a professional actress , it’s easier for her to do this than for us, the title of the film challenge speaks for itself, this movie is another victory for russia in the international space race, i think all the people on earth, they are perhaps even surprised
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we’re glad because... for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived in the station for 38 years, we have a son,
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our only solovetsky monk. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, today on the first. you didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? move away, don’t disturb her, she’s alive, there’s no way for you, seriously? i want someone prettier, i don’t want to tell olya about this directly, because she will think that i want to quarrel with her, zhenya. alexey, first of all, thank you for coming to me with this information and not to olga. olya, i, i love you. lava and you ended up with us. i see that a girl from work is staying with you for the night, and olechka is stopping by for the night. i’m chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, i need help from everyone nearby. how did you know
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that there will be a raid?
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the main difference from its predecessors is the gateway for cargo docking. spaceship, that is , supplies can be brought from the ground at any time, as a consequence the possibility of unlimited stay in orbit. the americans had the only orbital station called skylak, but they used the volume of the tanks of the third stage, and they organized a station in this volume. in fact, they were not engaged in construction, creating an original new one. stations. the americans launched the first and only us orbital station, skylab, 2 years later after our fireworks, in 1973. she hosted three expeditions, after which she was in orbit without a crew for 5 years. all nasa resources were
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devoted to the space shuttle program. the americans relied on reusable spacecraft . a total of five shuttles were built. they flew into orbit 135 times, but we...
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eat food, we were the first to develop and this is our space kitchen, here we are space stations, along with them a system for long-term stay of humans in space,
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what to eat, where to get water, how to breathe, to the iss the russian electron vm system has been installed, with the help of which it performs so-called electrolysis; water enters a special container and electricity is passed through it. current, as a result of which the liquid breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen, and this oxygen is what the station breathes. the zvezda service module is the main base module of the russian segment and the service module contains control systems for the russian segment, there are life support systems, such as an air conditioning system, an air purification system, a system for producing oxygen from water; there are also reserves of water for fuel. the supply of water at the station is limited; for six months, one cosmonaut is allocated 400 liters for everything, including for preparing food and water procedures. here on earth we spend this amount in 3 days.
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even at the mir station, a regeneration system was introduced, it’s like the water cycle in nature. the system captured all the moisture from the astronauts’ breath, condensed it, and purified it. it was even possible to have such water. the circle began all over again, thanks to this it was possible to stay for months at an orbital station, there is a special one here, there is a water heating distribution unit, in general, which we affectionately call nashainichek, where we can make freeze-dried food like this, right now i have vegetable puree soup in my hands, everyone has different tastes, we prefer which one... .soup, some canned food, others generally prefer fish, meat, all these food products are delivered to us by truck progress. our
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scientists were also the first to come up with space food. nowadays the tubes remain, except perhaps in museums or issued as souvenirs; sublimated products are sent into orbit, canned food, juices, more than 300 different items for every taste. no, i can’t say that we were starving, but like on set, you often skip lunch, for example, or at the lita you grabbed something, but there it was right on the fly in every sense of the word on the fly if. on earth this is a figure of speech, then there it is exactly like that, well, there the taste changes a little from the diet that was there, the kharcho soup is delicious, it looks very much like borscht soup, very tasty, by the way, by the way, taste preferences in space change, very simple explanation, everything is in weightlessness the fluid in the body is evenly distributed throughout the body and, rushing to the face, stuffs up the nose, from this with...
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i don’t know, some kind of squash caviar, the fact that i’m on earth, well, i want something salty or something like that pepper or some kind of mustard, i really wanted it, after lunch the kitchen turned into a film set, everything is close by, you don’t have to go far, or rather fly, but you don’t really fly to the iss, the station is not as spacious as it seems from the news reporting. its area is measured not square, but cubic meters. the volume
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of the russian segment is about 200 cubic meters. if apartments were measured this way, then our part of the iss could be compared to a standard three-ruble note - 70-75 m2. i lived in the mime 2 module between two spacesuits, it was quite spacious, about the width of a module. i hooked the bag down.
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burns well, but for quite a long time. at a porthole unprotected from ultraviolet radiation, you can get first-degree burns on the skin after 30-40 seconds of exposure to direct sun at this porthole. that's what happened with julia, she burned in the sun, she didn’t burn, of course, but she was seriously burned, and in less than a minute. well, mlm porthole, mll pressurized adapter. he is the biggest porthole. the only thing is that it doesn’t have ultraviolet protection, the science module is
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exactly the place where, according to the script, my heroine zhenya lives, so there were a lot of shots near this porthole, and what is the film process, stop, just like that, don’t move at all, and i suddenly smelled such a burnt chicken, i think that’s where this strange smell came from, we just filmed the footage, then i looked at me just like that. lim called me from the iss, he was calm and serious, he only spoke about spacesuits, there was a conversation, because there we have access to outer space, and there it was necessary to resolve the issue of how to distribute these spacesuits, something like that , i don’t remember, we wished him good luck, in fact, he heard us , of course we didn’t go into outer space, that’s all. everyone understands perfectly well that going into
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outer space requires a completely different level of training, the entire space flight - this is a dangerous event, so from what point of view, well, yes, it’s probably more dangerous, because after all, the spacesuit is smaller in size, there is no possibility, well, to repair it during the exit process, but like any part... of the flight into space, from landing in a rocket to exiting the descent vehicle, this is, of course, a dangerous, difficult undertaking. if yuri gagarin opened the way to space for us, then leonov opened the door. in 1965, for the first time in history, cosmonaut alexei leonov made a spacewalk. then again no one knew what awaited the person outside
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the station. a spacesuit called berkut. this is the first spacesuit in history that was designed for... sensors, to the point where they take electrocardiograms from the astronauts. a spacesuit is a stove and a refrigerator in one bottle. there is no other way in space. under the sun's rays, the temperature can reach +100°, and after a minute it's worth getting into the shade -100. the suit can withstand temperature differences of 400°. russian spacesuits
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have an important advantage over american ones. the astronaut can put on our spacesuit alone before leaving. outer space, the astronaut can’t do it alone, he needs help. it is almost impossible for an american spacesuit to give birth on its own; it consists of many segments that are disassembled, from which it is then assembled, and even in the process of entering it, it turns out that several parts need to be joined together. ours is solid, the entrance to it is actually to close it behind you.
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and less debris and meteoroids than a spacecraft, so the risk increased, the shells are soft, therefore, it means that damage is possible as a result of activity, on sharp edges, on something, pinching all this, so this is not only a collision with particles, but also as a result of some kind of manipulation on
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the surface of the station, if the shell will be damaged, the spacesuit will depressurize and death will inevitably occur. atmospheric pressure drops sharply and the human body rapidly expands, nitrogen dissolved in the blood evaporates, forming gas bubbles, it’s like decompression in a diver, just hurry up the prime minister, i love my country, today on the first. this year we are celebrating.
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they cried with all their relatives, this is a tradition, you must drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich himself drank loons, it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly, watch the time after the program. walking into outer space is much more dangerous
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than space flight, and the first woman walked into outer space only 20 years after the feat of alexei leonov, and here too our priority was. svetlana did this in 1984 soviet. sovitskaya did an excellent job, but the main thing is that the experiment was very important. vladimir dzhenebekov was svetlana sovitskaya’s partner during the spacewalk; their task was to carry out repair and installation work at the station, and most importantly, they had to test the invention of soviet scientists, a device capable of welding, cutting and soldering metal in zero gravity. soviet, so they gave her this universal hand tool, universal - cutting, welding.
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very precise movements, you can't be it’s like you’re in a state of weightlessness, it’s very, you ’re in motion all the time, not stopping for a second, you’re basically in flight, these boots were invented that attach it to the handrails there, in hollywood there have been a lot of blockbusters where the action takes place in space, perhaps the most realistic of them is the film gravity, there are two options for the development of the situation, or i will give up. upon arrival , will i tell you an amazing story, or will i now be torn to pieces? but all the world movie masterpieces about space were filmed on earth. the challenge
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is the first time that a film crew was sent to where gravity ends and weightlessness begins on the iss. it is impossible to truly capture a single frame here. this has nothing to do with space at all. this is also very beautiful. of course, but this is not about that, the most important thing is that the point is not that it is impossible to implement, it was impossible to think of it when the challenge project was just starting, it was impossible to imagine that a film expedition into space would take place, well, our planet is located in space, where do we live? there are also stars there, but of course they seem so small, but in fact they are huge, like every planet, but
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i don’t understand why they are so small. clementine, the daughter of director klim shipenko, learned the details of the filming process before she learned the multiplication tables, and authoritatively declares that making films in zero gravity is quite possible. her dad was in orbit and was a director, cameraman, he operated the camera himself, for example, i’m in space and holding the camera, it won’t fly anywhere in my hands, no, of course, it will be held like this, or they will attach it somewhere, for example, uh, there is, for example, some kind of mount attached everything, or i took a solfie stick , climateshipend. yulia peresilt our cosmonauts worked seven days a week to have time to film all the space scenes. this is the case when it’s impossible to finish or reshoot
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. filming on the iss only took place. 12 days each, that’s exactly how long the film group’s expedition lasted. by cosmic standards, this is a very short flight. russian cosmonaut valery polikov, the record holder for the longest stay in orbit. this is also our priority: 438 days, a year and 2 and a half months. that's how long he lived and worked on the mir space station, from january 1994 to march 1995. there was a proposal to make a long space flight within the time of adequate flights to mars and back. during the flight of valery polyakov , the mir station covered a distance of 280 million kilometers, approximately the same amount was required for the expedition to mars. upon returning to earth, valery vladimirovich was in good health. physically fit, stood confidently on his feet.
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one of the most important tasks of this flight was to prove that with the right physical activity. in a flight to the red planet , a person will actually go quite safely; during this flight, valery vladimirovich performed more than a thousand research manipulations, more than a thousand medical experiments to study the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, metabolic studies, hematological parameters, immune systems , the mission to mars is not then took place, but received, in addition to the treadmill, there is also a bicycle ergometer and a separate strength training machine for the arms. an astronaut goes into outer space not on his feet, but rather on his arms, so the astronaut’s biceps and triceps must be in good shape. the training must be intense, because the entire time he is flying in zero gravity,
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the loads are minimal, and in order for all our... systems to work, primarily the cardiovascular system, the neuromuscular system, a load is necessary, yulia peresilt and klim shipenko did not train in space, all the time was devoted to filming, but they spent it on...


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