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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics: 10 dead, three of them children. a monstrous attack by ukrainian militants on the city of takmak in the zaporozhye region. they targeted residential buildings. mayskoye in the ovdeevsky
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direction was liberated, our military improved the situation in the kupinsky and south donetsk sectors of the front. details of the ministry of defense. big water is coming to kurgan. the city is building dams under the threat of flooding in 62 settlements in the region. and in orenburg the water level is already above the critical level, by more than 2 s2 m. a nightmare in the ev emergency. there is a dead person, dozens of people waited almost 24 hours for help at a great height, shocking footage. a universe of contemporary art, the famous multimedia art museum has reopened after a major renovation. from sports photography to fashion photography, we'll tell you why it 's worth seeing. so, we start with the monstrous attack of the ukrainians. to the city of takmak in
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the zaporozhye region. at night , residential buildings were hit in the ssu. 10 people died, including three children. 13 civilians in hospital. work to eliminate the consequences of the shelling continues for almost a day. at the scene, the military investigated the investigative committee. all the latest information is in the report by alexey ivanov. this is daughter lisa, the eldest. 11 years old, this is sonya. the youngest was supposed to go to school this year. on alexander’s phone, photographs of his two daughters, the girls, their mother, and alexander’s wife were killed by ukrainian militants; one of the ammunition that radicals from the armed forces of ukraine had used to fire at the front-line town of takmak flew into the apartment where the family lived the day before. alexander saw the moment of shelling, when i returned home from work, i immediately rushed to save my relatives. i started running around the house, started calling my son, and then he responded, people sat me down, helped me, and i climbed up through the first floor. well, to his home, well, he began to dig out
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his daughter, found his daughter, pulled her out, yes, without signs of life, of course, without signs, the ukrainian armed forces militants carried out a massive blow on friday evening, when most of the residents were found from the house, explosions occurred in the area of ​​gogol street, one from the most densely populated areas of the city, it started with an explosion, we lay down on the floor, that's it, the smoke came out and the houses were not visible and the houses were not visible. the fire was completely aimed, everything was high-precision, high-precision american weapons, many neighbors died there, our five children died, the rubble at the site of the destroyed house, rescuers have to dismantle it manually, occasionally they use a crane that lifts heavy slabs, the search operation will continue until until they find all the residents who were here at the time of the shelling, more than thirty rescuers are busy in the search, coordinating work at the site of the shelling...
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today the residents were pulled out alive from the basement. doctors have already examined them and sent them for outpatient treatment. the most serious patients are in the intensive care unit of the city hospital, among them andrei spitsky’s wife, my wife is in the hospital, in intensive care , and where is your apartment on what floor? at the first, it was more or less preserved, but there everything won, nothing remained. some patients who required surgical treatment were transported to melitopol, the site of the shelling was examined today by explosives experts, some of the ammunition did not work i could at any moment. to detonate,
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such a fragment was found here at the site of the shelling, a metal fragment, destructive elements that were scattered here around the area, the type of this ammunition has yet to be determined, investigators will begin work at the site of the shelling in the near future. experts also discovered a fragment of ammunition that had not previously been found at shelling sites either in the zaporozhye region or in the neighboring donetsk people's republic. presumably, this is the tail section of the rocket, an element of the engine. preserved the marking here is the woodwart company. according to open sources, the company is based in the us state of colorado and produces engines. judging by the found fragment, the ammunition is relatively new, manufactured. october 2020, similar shells or missiles marked woodward were found last fall in another hot spot on the world map, in the gaza sector such ammunition also hit civilians, it is possible that the attack on takmak was a combined one, eyewitnesses heard explosions of cluster warheads , this one
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a five-story building was hit by at least two shells, you can see a hole here between the second and third floors, here on the first floor, well, this is just a piece of ammunition, the type of course still needs to be determined... but it is already known for sure that this shell was nato model. residents of destroyed apartments will be provided with financial assistance, all victims will be provided with temporary housing , and assistance will be provided with the registration of lost documents. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, vladimir belyaev, sergey nashchekin, first channel takmag, zaporozhye region. about liberation of a new settlement in the avdeevsky direction, the ministry of defense reported today. our units took control of the village. mayskaya, which is located near donetsk. in addition, eight counterattacks of ukrainian armed forces assault groups were repelled, enemy equipment and strongholds were destroyed. on two front sectors at once, kupinsky and yuzhnodonetsk, the tactical position along the front line has been improved, western equipment,
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american howitzers, a polish artillery mount, and the nota electronic warfare station have been disabled. over 200 ukrainian drones were shot down by air defense systems per day. eight multiple launch rocket systems. and a vampire, as well as a us-made guided bomb. regarding the flood situation, large amounts of water are rapidly coming to kurgan, the right bank part and the city center are under threat of flooding, the authorities report this. the flow speed of the tabol river is up to 20 km per day, it can increase at any time. now the flood is approaching the village of baraba near kurgan. people are being urged to evacuate immediately. meanwhile, the water level in the ural river. near orenburg has already exceeded the critical mark by more than 2.5 m. from the disaster zone, report by sergei ponomarev. so you tied the bathhouse, right? yesterday there was my husband, the windows of their house could barely peek out from under the water. the stepanovs left in advance, as soon as
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the evacuation was announced, now they take a boat here every day to check if the water has begun to recede? yes , we’ve already experienced it, well, it’s still, well , probably a global catastrophe for everyone, not only. therefore, i don’t know, but how else to react, sit and cry, i think there will only be more water, in this in the private sector of orenburg under water and the house of their parents, they say that many neighbors did not want to leave, they waited until the last minute, i hope that the water will not get here, like the residents of other suburban villages, now social networks are updated with more and more new videos, the roof, that’s all today, there it is with the people, the first floor has gone under the cart, the second is already on the way. the water level in the ural river in the orenburg region is approaching 12 m, 2 and a half more than critical, almost 3,000 houses are flooded, this figure continues to grow. today in the media satellite images of orenburg from space appeared, which are called before and after the flood. the dubki residential complex is the southern outskirts
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of orenburg, the water has not yet entered the houses, but this is what the only road now looks like connecting this residential microdistrict, so to speak, with the mainland. the water, by the way, came from that side, over there behind the trees, the old, familiar bed of the urals. people began to evacuate from here the day before; many, while they still have the opportunity, are returning to pick up their things. now the main thing is to remain calm, not to lose your mind, not panic, as many people begin to panic, well, calm down. a group of the ministry of emergency situations from different regions of russia is now working in orenburg. rescuers from kirov say that they often have to put out forest fires rather than rescue people from the water, but they're under pressure.
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heavy equipment is working on the neighboring streets, temporary dams are being built to stop the flow of water, in the east of the region in orsk, which was the first to receive the impact of the flood, people continue to return to their homes, those who could not... save documents are being restored they are made in an accelerated manner, for example, a passport is made in just 24 hours. i lost my passport during the flood, i contacted the migration service, and received a passport on the same day, the day i submitted my application. the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, worked today in the altai territory, the region has just recovered from the severe flood of late march, early april. within the framework of climatic and territorial features, you all know that there will probably be... a second wave , we will talk about the current situation and , accordingly, about the prospects for climatic and
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seasonal and i don’t forget that we still have a fire season ahead. minister of construction and housing and public utilities irek faizulin arrived in the kurgan region, where they are just waiting for the peak of the flood, they are preparing with all their might for the arrival of big water. now the most important thing, of course, is that... the residents who live today on that bank of the river, and there will definitely be flooding, leave on time and, unfortunately, that means they don’t believe that such a high rise in water will happen, but that’s how life is , as well as measures throughout the kurgan region of the organization and on roads, enterprises and protection of the population is provided, along with rescuers in the disaster zone , police are on duty, they patrol for...
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wild boar on the streets of orenburg. even when they find themselves in such great trouble, many orenburg residents do not lose heart. today these images have spread across the internet. but a life-affirming melody is not a hindrance. sergei panomariov, yulia khodorova, yuri shatokhin, sergei suvorov and yuri yarchenko, channel one. 25 crew members are on board a commercial container ship that was seized by the iranian military today in the strait of armus. this was reported by the iranian irna agency. it is known that the ship was flying the flag of portugal, but... it was transporting cargo in the interests of israel. the incident occurred against the backdrop of information emerging about iran's plans
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to attack the jewish state in the near future. american tv channels, citing officials, even said that tehran intends to use hundreds of drones and dozens of missiles. the idf, in turn, stated that iran will bear responsibility in the event of further escalation, and israel is ready to respond. today fighter jets of the jewish state attacked a series of attacks on military targets of the shiite hezbollah movement in four areas in southern lebanon. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov and his iranian counterpart discussed the situation in the middle east by telephone. the head of the russian foreign ministry strongly condemned the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria. sergei lavrov and the head of iran's ministry of foreign affairs confirmed their commitment to maintaining a high level of coordination on regional and international issues. in turkey, a large-scale rescue effort lasted almost 24 hours. surgery on cable car in antalya , the cabin collapsed while moving, one person died, 10 more
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were injured, there were no russians among them, our consulate general reported. one of the iron supports that held the funicular broke off the night before and hit the cabin with passengers, they fell down the mountain slope, almost 200 people hung over the rocks, most waited for help all night, they could only be evacuated by air. local tv channels showed live how... a center of attraction for all connoisseurs of contemporary art, the capital the multimedia art museum opened after a major renovation, the dramatic changes are not noticeable, but everything has been done to ensure that the art objects are stored in proper conditions. what guests will definitely notice is a wide variety of exhibits, there are several exhibition projects at once, fortunately, the territory.
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now you can see how long the artist searches for the intersection of life and loud slogans, how scrupulously he chooses to ensure that the written word has the opposite meaning, breaking stereotypes, freeing himself from the imposed, how do i know where, thanks to eric bulatov, we remember that this is the main question of everyone’s life, these are... drawings from 2001 to 2009, but there are no paintings, no, because eric during this time has never found the only image that he sees. the hall of his memory begins with a portrait of photographer and passionate collector yuri rybchinsky. since the late eighties, he bought and traded with friends their photographs taken on
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the table without a chance of publication. after all, often this was not just the unspectacular, but the unsightly side of life. here's a flophouse from the twenties or the washerwomen on the moscow river, the not-so -ceremonial change from double-headed eagles to five-pointed stars, or the first passengers of the moscow metro, the metro builders themselves, but what seemed too piquant, as it seemed then, is a photograph of soviet athletes, all these photographs are a gift to the museum, even if you have never been in a roaring stadium and you can’t compare, just believe me, in this installation the sensations are very realistic and right there... the most interesting thing happens. the creator of the panoramic fresco, visible only in ultraviolet rays, decided show us what happens to the psyche if we are suddenly left alone with ourselves, and who we become once again in the roaring sea of ​​​​people. there is a whole
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floor about how sports photography has changed over the last 100 years, from the komsomol physical education class hello and parades on red square to the physical sensation of tension.
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jump from the stratosphere to the north pole. cosmonaut mikhail kornienko, test pilot alexander lynnik and stratonaut denis efremov for the first time in history jumped from an il-76 aircraft from an altitude of more than 10,000 m. side -55°. they were in free fall for 3 minutes, when there was a kilometer left to the ground, they opened their parachutes. the record is dedicated to russia and its role in the development of the arctic.


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