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tv   Kto khochet stat millionerom  1TV  April 13, 2024 8:05pm-9:00pm MSK

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she was a cook and dad called and said: “lena, i’m getting married, i can’t live alone, i can’t, i need a check, i say, dad, of course, we won’t bring mom back, i say, please, but not everyone they accept it so easily, well , not everyone, yes, all people are different, by the way, seryozha, in my opinion, he did not speak out, but it seems to me that he did not take it very easily, that’s how i feel, well, a year later i got married for the second time" . since everything is god’s will, god’s will, and she’s also not an artist, oh, artists, artists, artists can’t be taken as your wife, oh so yes, so great, that's enough, that's enough for me, that's enough for me, come on, come on, help you, my father was right, right, right, what's interesting about this, he was right, don't touch the dance, i've had enough of your mother, and you allow insult me, actually?
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at home, in your own home, don’t you dare talk about my mommy in that tone, don’t scream, you’ll wake up the baby, igor, i’m enough in this family, that’s it, honey, what are you doing, my love, oh, you, i love my people very much partners, in general this is a separate topic, what for me... means partners, partners are anything, except, but not a wife, no, well , i just know my partners well, a woman, an actress, so what’s wrong with valyushkina, valyushkina is wonderful, i was her student, when i worked with her in the cinema, yes, we we met on the set, it was my second year, what was it like, ’82, my first film, i don’t want to be an adult, it was directed by yuri stepanovichkin, wonderful, amenable,
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then i came to the theater, i was introduced to a crazy performance, the popularity was extraordinary, raw ant room, yes, yes, yes, when they left the scene, it's possible there was no way to go out at all and not play anything else, because it was some kind of crazy couple, well, let’s put an end to it, now i see, now you will open the door and go out, okay, go away, ala, neglect, my dear, you are good... i love you, oh, you see, i’m his sweetheart, i’m his good one, now i just want to say, comrades, gentlemen, students of theater schools, young actors, i tell them every time, steblov plays, i just won’t say great, because what is a word, but a little for big, big russian artist, you just have to go study, here’s a living one sitting... classics, just walk, don’t
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over-praise, i don’t over-praise, i’m saying, i ’m saying what it is, it needs to be said, and moreover, it needs to be heard, it needs to be to hear, no, i won’t calm down until this senseless squandering stops, firstly, of course, the outrageous foul language, it just makes your hair stand out when you read it, and yet there are so many beautiful, capacious, sparkling insults and formulations in the russian language that... ..
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that you are simply passing on your knowledge and skills further, well, i don’t think so, i can say one thing, i acted with him as a director, he also directed a full-length film, and here i am with him, he asked me, i played a small role there for him, so with him it was exciting to work, i, as an actor, was very pleased to work with him, and many of my colleagues said that he works very well with artists and i, of course, when he went to the monastery, i regretted that... i say, you it
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’s so wonderful to work with artists, what can i say, the train has already left. talk all the time about work, about work, about creativity, and besides everything else , he is a son who maybe wanted, i don’t know, some kind of special support from his dad, i never had any contradictions with him, the only thing is that when i got married a year after tanya passed away, i felt that he didn’t tell me anything, but i felt some kind of tension, and then there was a rapist... of the monastery, i was there, when i visited him, uh, he told me, this monk, he told me that he admonished him, he says, your father is so loves you, maybe he felt on his part also some kind of tension between me and seryozha, there, and after that somehow everything
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calmed down, we have a wonderful relationship with him now, except that uh mouth. .. you stopped anyway, there’s nothing you can do about it, and are you selfish in life? well, no, since i ’m trying to be a believer, the concept of humility is very important for me, because what is this word with the world, to perceive everything in peace, for me this is, if you ask what kind of internal work i have, some kind of internal , emotional, spiritual, this is humility, have you already played your favorite role? or there is another one that i really want, you know, for me it’s not the role that is important, but the topic, when i’m offered some kind of work, the topic is important to me, if this topic coincides with some kind of internal development of mine, it’s interesting to me, i don’t feel much of a thrill, it’s just that
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acting is very rewarding, it’s still interesting when you overcome yourself in something or discover something. myself in a role, but just play another role, so they say i can do it anyway, and i know that for me this is not task, thank you very much, i really hope that despite everything, i don’t know the monastic conditions there or something, sergei will be able to somehow watch our program and hear the words you said today, i’ll call him and tell him to i looked and looked, because it seems to me that there are things that cannot be said in a telephone conversation.
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olympus. i can't live seriously at all. now i want to teach young people to be ironic. we have collected the most complete collection of the best issues of the legendary writer satire. let's start with the monologue that brought mikhail zadornov all-union fame. 2/9 of the car was accidentally connected to the passenger train. well, of course, it’s complete absurdity, because imagine yourself in the shoes of those people who have tickets for the ninth carriage. well, first of all, all people are normal and can
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count to nine. therefore, they know for sure that the ninth car is the one immediately after the eighth, and not the one before the tenth. therefore, everyone naturally boarded the first, ninth carriage. and the train went. very surprised conductor of the second ninth carriage, which not a single person boarded. i went to the train foreman in the first carriage and said: my carriage is empty. he says which one, the ninth. he got angry, said that something was mixed up again, as always at the ticket office, and gave a radiogram to the next station to sell tickets for the ninth car. everyone who received tickets to the ninth carriage is next. they were also normal people, they also knew how to count to nine and also understood that the ninth is the one immediately after the eighth, so naturally they ran together into the first ninth car, the conductor of the first ninth carriage, where everyone had long since drank tea, went to bed, in horror, he said, comrades, are you saying that i don’t have a single free seat at all, this is some kind of mistake, run
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quickly to the train foreman, and run quickly, because he is in the first carriage, you still have to run, and the train stops for only three minutes, they run to the crossing with their things, seeing off the children, a very surprised man meets them at the first carriage. carriage, then he naturally decides to correct this mistake, returns to his compartment and gives a radiogram to the next station, unhook
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ninth carriage. it was at night, those who uncoupled were also normal people and also knew how to count to nine, so they uncoupled the ninth, first, and ninth car with people sleeping peacefully and took it to a siding. after which they reported to the train foreman. the train foreman finally breathed a sigh of relief and gave the train its departure, and the train moved on. at this time, the conductor of the second ninth carriage came to him and said: my carriage is empty. i don’t know whether the foreman of this train ended up in an insane asylum after this trip. he just told me this story the man who was traveling in the first ninth carriage. late at night he went out to smoke, smoked, they say, smoked, smoked,
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smoked, smoked, smoked, smoked, thought that we had been standing for a long time, lit up again, smoked, smoked, smoked, smoked, finally couldn’t stand it, ran out the window, and not from the front, not from the back, of the carriages, but this excerpt from another legendary monologue, in which for the first time a phrase was heard that became a calling card for many years... foreigners are in vain calling us fools, in vain, they are all fools compared to us, everyone , of course, they invented something, telephones, they invented automatic machines, but we were the first to figure out how to call them without paying 2 kopecks. they invented plastic bags, but not even an american would realize that they can be washed, turned inside out, and dried on a clothesline with clothespins. i saw a program on tv, their children never cheat in schools, do you know why? they don’t
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know what can be copied, they are underdeveloped from childhood, they are stupid, not a single french woman would think of rolling out dough with a zhiguli beer bottle, or sucking up mosquitoes with a vacuum cleaner before going to bed, you definitely know all this you work out according to your reaction, and in order for the now fashionable freckles to appear, to sunbathe in early spring... he was joking not only at americans, but at our way of life, it’s not smart to declare that our goods are not good for anything, they are very good, you just need to know which ones for example, children's flying saucers are good for protecting the wheel rims from corrosion, gift candlesticks are good for self-defense, and carnation decalon discourages mosquitoes from living. cookies for 14 kopecks, which are made from all natural products, soda, lime and sand, hello
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it’s called, they say, whoever took it with greetings, but it’s impossible to eat it, but you can put these cookies very beautifully in the window of a bakery, glory to work, it’s not for nothing that we are called a people of craftsmen, considered a people of left-handers, not in the sense that everyone here is engaged in left-wing things , sheepskin coats in short supply have learned to peel off borderline sheepskin coats, the glue has run out,
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you can chew candy and risk, stick up whatever you want, it will dry out there if there is no scraper, this is a combination of acquired resourcefulness with innate unpretentiousness, makes our man practically invulnerable in any situation, try not to give our commander an iron in the hotel, he will put the bricks under the mattress and sleep all night without moving, not a single nation in the world... no longer has such intelligence, they have it written there abroad on the price tag there is a vacuum cleaner, that means it is a vacuum cleaner, a shovel is a shovel, a remedy for headaches only helps with headaches, we started rubbing hair liquid into our heads every day, the muscles developed, they were worn out, that’s why they are abroad there is no such flight of thought, there you will never see an american sealing windows with a medical plaster, a german under a mercedes from which the spark has gone forever, an italian who applies another layer of bf6 glue on top of her nail polish so that this varnish does not immediately peel off, and not a single french woman will guess to put aside
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the torn tights so that he can wear them under his subbotnik trousers later. a person who has incensed the soviet regime can incriminate any government in the world. the americans realized this with the arrival of soviet emigrants to their country. they kept shouting: “let us go dissidents." we let them go, but no one knew that they were so dissident. in general, our people formed a whole region there, emigrants, russians. history knows that when blacks came somewhere, all nationalities left, this is the first time in their lives , when the blacks fled from somewhere, after the russians came there and the areas were filled with
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restaurants, yasha and sons, urim, tashkent, russia, the feeling of happiness that they left the soviet union will last for the rest of their lives. .they are having fun every day, ours as if everything, every day is the last. tomorrow we will return back to the soviet union. such a rich yalta with odessa temperament and kharkov taste, and they don’t even teach us english, they’re arrogant.
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you put, let’s say, two bunches of bananas in plastic bags, you put them, put the plastic bag on the scales, the scales tell you how much you should do, a check comes out from here, you paste the check over the plastic bags, you go to the cashier, where they charge you according to the price indicated cool, now, no, our bananas are put in plastic bags and even plastic
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bags are placed on scales, since it is all viewed by television cameras, but they will put it and lift the bananas. the spaniards recorded a conversation between spaniards and americans on the purity of an extreme situation at sea. spaniards.
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a-853. please turn 15° south to avoid colliding with us. pineapple, the distance is only 25 nautical miles, americans, the captain of the united states of america is speaking to you, we advise you to turn 15° to avoid collisions with us! spaniards, we consider your proposal impossible, inadequate, we advise you to turn 15° south so as not to crash into us, i can’t read any further, americans, there’s already another voice in a raised voice. this is richard james howard, commander of the uss lincoln, the second largest warship in the us navy, speaking to you. we are being escorted. two cruisers, six advise, i order you to change course to fighters, four submarines and numerous support ships, i do not
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15° north, otherwise we will be forced to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of our ship, get out of our course, spaniards, ready, spaniards, juan manuel sales is speaking to you. alcanara, we are two people, we are accompanied by a dog, dinner is two bottles of beer, we are supported by one canary, which is now sleeping, i can’t. continue, we are not going to turn anywhere, given that we are above land and are a lighthouse.
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spaniards, well done, further, spaniards, wonderful guys, we have neither the slightest idea what the size of the place is. we occupy among the spanish lighthouses, you can take all your fucking measures for your safety, but if you don't, your fucking lincoln will crash on our rocks, friends, you see, yes, the americans are in charge in the whole world, their president...
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i was stopped on the street, they say: we did an internship in america, you can’t imagine how we remembered you every day, we boiled potatoes, they tell me, and they ask, americans in the hostel, why are you boiling potatoes, why not you can buy, we say, cheaper, they say, but how do you check the readiness of these potatoes, well, that’s exactly how stupid... and they say, well, we don’t tell them that you are stupid, but we tell them, well, like with a fork, look, i ’m afraid to tell you further, and then we started
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boiling eggs, you know, what’s nice to me, russia has joined the right game, why are we laughing at the chukchi, at the american lifestyle, not at the american lifestyle, the americans are good , they are inside... very kind, they think that it is necessary to be kind destroy iraq, but they think so, they are sure that jesus taught, when they hit the right hand, i substitute the left one myself with an underhook at this time, they really are kind, undereducated, and it is very easy to direct an undereducated person in any direction, i now they send instructions that are produced in america, instructions for various kinds of items, well, i saw many of them myself, for example, i bought a blanket in america and there in the instructions for the blanket it was written not to be used as protection against tornadoes, well, that is, a useless purchase actually did saying that they write everything, an iron,
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the instructions say not to iron clothes on yourself, a hair dryer in the instructions there is a note, the point is, do not use a hair dryer in a dream, have you ever tried to use a hair dryer in a dream, well, in texas i saw - a memo in the cab of the truck, by the way, at first i thought that i had misunderstood this memo, but then they explained to me that i understood everything correctly, the driver remember that the objects reflected in the side mirrors are behind, not in front of you, in the instructions for the bengal it's written in the lights that you can't put it in your mouth, but everyone wants, you know, i have one thing, well , they’re stupid, it’s like... what degree of stupidity do you have to have to write on a swimming cap on only one head? but. all records were broken
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by the instructions for the american chainsaw, i saw it with my own eyes, or rather they sent it to me, again this wonderful process, people got involved in this process, i apologize, but i will translate literally what is written there, an urgent request not to stop the chainsaw bare hands or genitals. you know, friends, when i tell you all this, when we laugh, i know one thing: we have hope that we will not become like that, in this sense, i really like zhvanetsky’s parody of me, with one brilliant person, after all, mikhail mikhalovich, one phrase, but he immediately destroyed me with all my creativity, i on the one hand i say that we are not hopeless, on the other hand i say that i’m telling you everything that i see in our life, and his
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family... i’m like, well, of course, this must be said in his voice, finally there is light at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel is a bitch and never ends. inna, move away, don’t bother me, she’s alive, how are you and her, seriously, i want to paint someone, i don’t want to tell olya about this directly, because she will think that i want to quarrel with her. alexey, first of all, thank you for coming to me with this information and not to olga. olya, i, i love you. lovilas you ended up with us. i see that a girl from work is staying with you for the night, and olechka is stopping by for the night. i’m chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, i need help, everyone around me. how did you know that the bank would be raided? a thorough investigation will be carried out regarding the turbine. if
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you will find something related to the turbine. consider this a verdict, you think he's a rat, i'm from the police, i'm in the know, i didn't find out, undercover taxi , premiere from monday on the first, vodka veda, product of the lar group, cognac, old barrel, product of the lar group, persman product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. cnop gin, a product of stellor group. you know, sentimental feelings left me. i remembered how i went on stage for the first time, how i went to a literary newspaper for 8 years, there was a page of 12 chairs, it was the most a popular page where
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the best comedians were published. and i’m so brighter, i say, and if i correct him, he says: the old man will still be crap, for 8 years he sent me with this literary review from a literary newspaper, but then it turned out that i wrote for amateur performances, my miniatures artists began to perform, although i worked as an engineer at the moscow institute of engineering, it turned out that professionals
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became professional artists. my miniatures could be read from the stage, but there was censorship and i was allowed to read artists the way it was written by me, then they began to invite me to perform, i read a story that i haven’t read from the stage for 25 years, i want to read it, because another generation has been born, not everything will be clear, because what are potatoes, young they don’t know that entire institutes have gone out to harvest potatoes, and what a quality mark is.
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bit to death, kidnapped 11 presidents, cuckolded thirty shahs with their griefs, found out the secret of embalming egyptian pharaohs, having lain for 2 months next to tutankhamun, and also found out how the pussymos of greenland got hold of the secret of making triple cologne from chukotka, but a year ago i received my main and last task, to sneak into the territory of the ussr unnoticed. take a tram under the guise of a young specialist, find out how long a person works, and what they produce at the research institute: neiv, tor, cheese, even, honey, nonsense, marriage, darkness, supply, shame, sales, for gran stand , thanks
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to the documents perfectly prepared by the beauty jen, i really quickly got a job, so far my losses were only self-inflicted buttons, which were torn off for me on the very first day on the trams. then something incomprehensible began, for the first week i, as a young specialist, was not assigned any work, then i began to slowly ask the cases about what they were releasing, but they just shrugged their shoulders and asked again: why do you need it, a spy or something? this alarmed me. and then, in order not to arouse unnecessary suspicion, i decided to use telepathy and intercept the thoughts of the chief engineer, but he spent the entire day i was solving a crossword puzzle and painfully thinking about what kind of five-letter bird this is that lives in the southern... bavari doesn’t lay eggs, but hatches from them, and he thought so intensely that my session ended with an overstrain of my brain’s telepathic center, and i i forever lost the ability to telepathy, although i knew for sure that this bird was a rooster, out of
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despair, out of despair, i began to walk around the rooms, i wanted to count. cases, but it turned out to be useless, because all the other cases also walked from room to room and by the evening i counted them up to 50,000, then i ran into the head of his department, who suddenly said: “enough of milling about in the corridors, it’s time to get down to business, tomorrow you’ll go to the potato harvest.” i asked him what it meant, you'll go for potatoes. he looked at me very surprised and asked again: are you an idiot or did you come from america? i was so scared that i immediately said: “i’m an idiot.” i urgently contacted the boss, who reassured me, explaining that going to the potatoes means the conventional name for agricultural work, during which collective farmers help workers mental labor to harvest, since i somehow never
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went to harvest potatoes during my participation in the reconnaissance school, i was very afraid that my inability to handle them would arouse suspicion against the background of those who studied this for many years in various higher educational institutions, so i was very he tried hard, worked without smoking breaks, for which he was beaten by his colleagues in the field on the very first day. there were 15 of them, i wanted to use seven mavashi techniques and eight yokagiri techniques against them, but i didn’t have time, because as soon as i got into a fighting stance, they immediately came to me an unknown technique was used from behind, which one of the attackers called the belarus tractor spring. since then, i began to limp on both legs, stopped mastering karate techniques and forever forgot morse code. at the end of the agricultural work, i was again unable to begin my task, because i was immediately after.
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put the pothole on the side of the squiggle and pull the pimp twice, and then hit the squiggle with a plopper, and the codes will make a clack, from the tape further and pretend to be a rag and don’t shine, because at that time it will here and there, yoksel-moksil, brush your dust and wait until it cools down, the order of operation of the concrete mixer that i wrote down for the foreman was immediately transmitted by me to the center. for 8 weeks, the most experienced cryptographers struggled with it, but they were still unable to figure out what the scientific term forbidden means, i didn’t have time
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to find out either, because straight from the construction site i was sent to english language courses, from which i was expelled for failure because the teacher did not understand my pure english pronunciation, one day she she asked me where i studied english, i answered honestly in english. school, she replied that she, it turns out, always did not trust english special schools and that, quite differently from me, it is necessary to pronounce the table, according to the latest instructions of the all-union central council of trade unions. during the remaining 3 months of my stay at work, i visited the vegetable base five times, four times the people’s squad, where at first we caught the hooligans, and when we caught them, they started beating us. during this time, i became a forced member of a voluntary society for running barefoot in the snow called in the footsteps of suvorov, the autumn society for collecting acorns to help starving pigs and took part in a dedicated concert. on the twelfth anniversary of the opening of a left turn towards
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berdyansk on the kiev highway near magadan. from so much social work, i began to have unbearable headaches, but the doctor did not write me a bulletin, because after listening to my chest and abdomen , he diagnosed me with flat feet. and he put orthopedic boots on me to walk in, which i can’t even wear with crutches. i have tried commit suicide and lie down on the rails not far from the yaroslavl station. but the train is behind. i was just 18 hours late, and i was so cold that i had to go to the grocery store to warm up with the 7 rubles left from my last salary after paying all the membership fees, and there i drank and thought soberly, since i had lost all my means of livelihood, i didn’t complete a single point of the task, i forgot all the knowledge i acquired in intelligence school, i had only one way out, i drank a little more for courage,
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i approached the first policeman i came across at the intersection and told him that i was a foreign resident, to which he answered me, since you are a resident, we will now send you to the residence, and he sent me to the sobering-up center, where i am now, and i am writing this explanatory note , and most importantly, i urge you to take into account that i am a foreign resident, i want to voluntarily surrender, so i am needed. medical history, made by the head physician, for a patient
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who called himself a foreign resident, i immediately checked, asked him, since you are a foreign resident, probably in you speak the language perfectly, he was delighted and answered, yes, perfectly, i said, that ’s good, you’ll stick stamps on envelopes, which is what he’s doing now, i keep repeating a strange phrase to myself, ruff your dust. order, the last part of the order, order from the kgb, to all citizens who skillfully played the roles of scientists, collective farmers, builders, as well as an orthopedic doctor and english teacher, for creating unbearable working and living conditions for the most dangerous intelligence officer, express gratitude, reward the ambulance driver trains vladivostok, moscow, with a personalized hourglass. and also promote to the rank
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of senior lieutenant, who so convincingly played the role of the spring of the belarus tractor, the task is completed, the buzz is caught, if we continue to work like this, we will wear them all out, comrades, this year we celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the world’s first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin, let's go, you know what... guy he was, elena yuryevna gagarina, yuri alekseevich's eldest daughter, new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we first saw yuri alekseevich in a hat with a mustache batfortakh, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she rushes into all the classes, says, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he is not there clings to nothing, we don’t dream of fate from the cosmos. at home, in my life, as in all
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soviet houses, there was a portrait of ilekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i wanted to be yura so much, i came to my mother, gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich is was like for our family relative, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gagar himself drank, it is considered if you drank from... see after the program time for cognac monte. shoka, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. steersman bourbon
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is a product of stellar group. mikhail zadornov made one of the first, probably the most striking parody on mikhail gorbachov. well, now i’ll say without a piece of paper, well, i ’ll give everyone a lesson in literate speech, i’ll give it, i’ll give it, yes, otherwise its decline has intensified, you know, and it needs an introduction, comrade, well, i understand your reaction, but you agree with me, i i see. and this is the main thing, otherwise many comrades here all the time speak more broadly, this is wrong, it is correct to speak more broadly, but you can see by the face more than once that everything has been marked with a board of honor for lack of culture, you and i still don’t have enough
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books, you know, or tretyakov’s holonteries are also not enough yet. "that's where the dog has been rummaging, we need to cultivate ourselves, exhibitions it’s necessary, it’s necessary, the people’s wood massacre, you know, the borodino sawmill too, of course, and the winter palace, the architect was shot, well , you know that, well, i’ll tell you straight out, we won’t allow the century of genocide of the apartment to anyone without getting caught, we have our own head behind our shoulders, so we always.
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the time has come to tell the truth, everything in the world came from the russians, and today there is all the evidence: the first man was dug up in africa, they heard that he is 800,000 years old, and you saw what he looks like, a chain on his neck, fingers
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in a brace, next to him the woman is all in tchotchkes. there are broken dishes around them. well, he was estonian, or what? no, there were still a lot of thimbles lying around him. he was already getting divorced. even the ancient greeks were russian. greeks from the word "sins". the failed line of our ancestors. where's the proof? in history, everything changes, except for traditions and manners: firstly, any hard work among the greeks was considered shameful, and the greeks’ favorite pastime was gathering symposiums, by the way, symposium translated from greek means drinking party,
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the ancient greeks joked that way, three greeks - this is a symposium, oh, well, who are they after this, what estonians or what? three greg symposium. the greeks even then loved to gather in groups of three, in our style, they even had the main city, as it was called, troy, that’s right, our trojan horse, you’ll drop a piece of wood, so much surprise, all our egyptian priests, our ancient priests, priests, they are already then they ate more than the rest, as the priests called them, anoi, who built the ark, our grandfather. who in rome besides ours could immediately build the ruins of aqueducts? everything is from ours, i tell
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you, we read in the encyclopedia, i quote: stoli, listen carefully, the capital of the roman empire was rich due to the fact that all other cities lived poorly. does this remind you of anything? so, it’s not for nothing that there is an expression: moscow, the third rome, further. encyclopedia, i’m afraid to read to you, i couldn’t believe my eyes, i re-read it several times, when there wasn’t enough money in the roman treasury, one of the oligarchs was imprisoned, ours, ours, all the signs are in the senate, ready, in the senate, in the roman senate, it’s written in the encyclopedia , senators often fought, like this, i think one of the encyclopedias. was so jerky, i read that his nickname was crazy, one day he was so
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got excited that he poured nectar on everyone, niktar, well, there was no mineral water at that time, so what if he’s latvian after that, no, it’s directly written in the encyclopedia, he was the son of an etruscan woman and an unknown lawyer, what else, let’s look at it, france, and france . there’s no point in even stopping for a long time, and it’s so clear, the french language comes from russian, how many of our words they still have, wallet, lampshade, spikenaire, airport, laces, doshira noodles, where paris began, from the champs-elysees, listen closely , the champs elysees, who always ate the fields, ours traditions all came from ours, all the egyptians, portuguese, spaniards, the basque people in spain and ours, their singer still sings them, the inquisition began
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with russian folk medicine, with jars, mustard plasters, with the russian bathhouse, 120° mouse-like crown, a little barbed wire added to make it creepy, it’s not for nothing that foreigners are still afraid of russian baths, that’s what they say, this is the russian crematorium, and all the great ones in history were ours, blind homer, what books he wrote, only ours. could so colorfully describe something that newton had never seen, only ours you have to hit him on the head for a thought to come to his mind, columbus, only ours could sail to india and end up in america, and in the middle ages who could build the leaning tower of pisa without a foundation right away, only moldovans. but they didn’t exist then, they were all from ours, all these chinese also
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came from ours, from siberians who had died, it’s clear from the language, linguists confirm how chinese workers were called in history, coolies, because they were asked that way, are you working as coolies, even heroes myths, all russians, zeus is our godfather in the zone, a typical trader, her goods were torn off with her hands, and this tisei, tisei, the only one who figured out how to fool the minotaur in nashinsky, the legend, remember, in crete, in the labyrinth there lived a minotaur, a monster, every year they fed him 12 boys, 12 girls, tisei in nashinsky, he said, that’s it, he’ll kill him , accepted the order, entered the labyrinth himself, with nashin’s cleverness, stood there, came out, said, killed, that’s it, killed it, everyone believed it, they didn’t let the monster eat it, it died, and finally, many
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similar examples can be cited, of course, unfortunately, ukraine wants appropriating everything for yourself will not work, ukraine itself was formed, in russia, someone steals something to the extreme, stole to the extreme, stole, to the extreme, that’s where everyone who stole has accumulated, ukraine. no wonder they still have the main enterprise that trades gas from russia, do you know what ukrgas is called? since we are now nearing the finish line soon, and i will tell you something funny, i will read this story so that you can rest a little before actually laughing normally, the letter. my husband and i were sleeping, there was a call on my husband’s mobile phone, he picked up the phone, his voice was drunk, some guy is clearly drunk, asks to call
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lilya, and call me lilya. the husband says: she is sleeping, the drunk man asks: who am i talking to? peredyava, like this, the husband is talking to the husband, the man begins to swear, curse at lily, say: “she didn’t say that she was married, then the husband woke up already, when did you see each other?” he says: “thank god, he writes to me, lilya, i was at home at that time, there was no question, my husband tells him, call your lilya...” check the phone number or, it doesn’t bother us to sleep, there will be no further continuation in any country be not maybe none, but not among the slavs, 2 hours pass, the phone rings again, the same voice, ready, listen, man, i haven’t reached my lily, at least let me talk to yours, touching, but our people, touching.
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i'm driving and driving, i was already nervous, i was buzzing and buzzing, yelling at her, it was useless, suddenly after 15 minutes she walked away, sat down on a bench, at the bus stop, the driver writes, i couldn't stand it, i stopped, stole the cat, i ask, grandma, that i couldn’t move away, i was buzzing for so long, she said, darling, during the war a german tank was following me, i didn’t leave even then,
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no, invincible people, no, you know, you feel a sense of pride, you will experience it yourself, in the same spain that filled me for a long time, i remember in the hotel, room to room, door to door, wall to wall, ours and the germans lived, our children have been yelling and screaming since 6 in the morning, the germans are tired of this, they feel that in general our children need to be brought to some sense, so they knocked on their door at 6 in the morning and say: your children...


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