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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:37pm MSK

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no, invincible people, no, you know, sometimes i ’m proud of ours, only ours, demand to feel a sense of pride for ours, only ours, in hamburg, brought shame to the sex shop, german women don’t blush at all, here he made the sex shop saleswomen blush, well done, he went into sexop, asked for a rubber woman and asked where the fitting room was. well, so that you really leave with a feeling of pride, the last story, well, even i don’t need to ask you to feel a feeling of pride, you will experience it yourself, in the same spain, which filled me for a long time, i remember in the hotel, room room, door to door, wall to wall, ours and the germans lived, our children were screaming, screaming in the morning, the germans were tired of this, they felt that they needed to, in general, somehow... bring our people to reason,
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they knocked on them at 6 in the morning and they say: your children are screaming, you want to sleep, ours answered coolly, now you will feel a sense of pride, they told the germans, and you are going deaf, they said, you attacked us at 4:00 in the morning, remember, yes, laughter is the voice of the soul, we spent a very soulful evening with you. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. a war crime, ukrainian militants targeted a residential area in...
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maka in the zaporozhye region, the latest data on the dead victims, including children. success in the ovdeevsky direction. our defenders completely liberated the village of pervomaiskoye, which is happening in other sectors of the front. and a report from the lugansk people's republic, about the work of the akhmat special forces. new areas are drowning, flooding in orenburg, in the regional center alone, 3,000 houses are being evacuated, in orski residents are returning to their homes. 24 hours above the rocks, accident on cable car in turkey, one of the cabins fell apart in the air, what was the cause of the emergency and how were people rescued? current island wildlife rehabilitation center in volgograd, we will show how volunteers care for birds that have suffered at the hands of humans. the main shots of different eras of art that form. kiev militants attacked the city
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of takmag in the zaporozhye region; the preliminary attack was a combined rocket artillery and cluster shells; at the moment, ten people are known to have died, including children, two people are listed missing, at least twenty injured.
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rescuers at the site of the shelling are coordinated by employees of the administration of the zaporozhye region, the child was found on the second floor under the rubble, it was quite deep under the structures, with the help of a crane they removed the slabs and removed the child, a child born in 2014, now we are looking for the child’s grandmother, as a result of this powerful shelling four cities of takhmak have been destroyed over the past 2 years. apartment buildings, this two-story building next door, where there is no entrance, now there is another one house and a five-story section, the militants of the kiev regime knew where they were hitting, they used high-precision weapons on civilians, the data on the dead grew as the destroyed
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houses were dismantled, there are now 10 people on the list of victims, of which at least three children, five residents were extracted alive today from under the rubble, doctors have already examined them and sent them for outpatient treatment, the worst thing is... the patients are in the intensive care unit of the city hospital, among them andrei spitsky’s wife, my wife is in the hospital in intensive care, and where is your what floor is the apartment on? at the first, it was more or less preserved, but there everything won, nothing remained. the doctors said that 13 people were taken to the hospital, well, there was a mine explosion injury, shrapnel wounds to the head, neck, and chest.
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elements that were scattered around here , the type of this ammunition has yet to be determined; in the near future , investigators will begin work at the site of the shelling. experts also discovered a fragment of ammunition that had previously been found at shelling sites neither in the zaporozhye region nor in the neighboring the donetsk people's republic was not found. presumably, this is the tail section of the rocket, an element of the engine. the markings have been preserved, here is the woodwart company. according to open sources, the company is based in the us state of colorado. and is just producing engines, judging by the debris found, the ammunition is relatively new, manufactured on october 12, 2020, it is possible that the attack on the takmak was a combined one, eyewitnesses heard explosions of cluster warheads, this five-story building was hit by at least two shell, you can see here the hole between
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the second and third floors, here on the first floor, well, this is just a piece of ammunition, the type is still to be determined, of course, but it is already known for sure that this shell was of a nato type, on the lists of missing... unaccounted for two people are listed, meanwhile, a special commission has already begun to work at the site of the varvarov shelling, first of all, financial assistance will be provided to the residents of the destroyed apartments, all victims will be provided with temporary housing and will be helped with the registration of lost documents. alexei ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, vladimir belyaev, sergey nashchekin, first channel takmag, zaporozhye region. as it has just become known, the death toll in takmak has risen to eleven, having escaped from the rubble. one woman, this is not the only terrorist attack by the kiev regime in a day, eight victims of shelling in gorlovka in the dpr, among the wounded were children, cluster shells were also used against civilians. further, the progress of the special operation, the success of our troops in the avdeysk direction, the village of pervomaiskoye came under
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complete control of the russian armed forces, this will allow targeted attacks on enemy positions at a greater distance, in the area of ​​​​the neighboring village of vodyanoye, which for a week now, like ours, laid down their arms de... ukrainian paratroopers from the twenty-fifth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, they say, the level of planning of military operations and the training of command personnel is low, the mood in the units is panicky against the backdrop of huge losses, they don’t see their commanders on the front line, the task is set remotely via radio communication, they send us like well, like waste material, while they themselves are somewhere in side, when they took us captive, ours started shelling on ours. it turns out that this means that we are already at a losing stage, that we, we, therefore, are no longer needed by them, yes, i was captured and thanks to this, that i remained alive, that they didn’t shoot me, it’s worse in the zsu, yes, than in russian captivity, now about the work of our
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army special forces, they are real generalists of the front, launch, beat up drones, fire to kill, predict the enemy’s maneuvers and put him at a disadvantage , the akhmat unit is fighters brilliantly trained and a warrior...
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unsuccessfully tries to smoke him out of the forest. scar tells how the ukrainian artillery unit. a current employee of the bar association came here to volunteer. the enemy, like a hunted animal, already pressed against the wall, no longer knows what measures to take, but they are all even, because in any case, victory will be ours. the mortar gunner shows his position. the day before, the enemy, using artillery and drones, tried to destroy it for several hours. this is exactly the same position where yesterday several fpv
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drones arrived at once, look, there is a mortar and here , literally a few meters away , there are spare parts, or rather what remains of those same fpv drones, motor blades, here is one, a second, a third, here is another element quadcopter fighters counted seven arrivals of kamikaze drones, no personnel or mortars were injured, yes... all that remains is the dugout, the main striking force now is with us, the enemy is artillery and, of course, drones, the military say, reconnaissance copters are hanging over the forest almost all the time, for about 10 minutes now , we’ve been hiding under a tree like this, moving from side to side, depending on which side, we can hear the buzzing of a quadcopter, the square where this special forces mortar is operating from. akhmat is under special control of the enemy, the crew hits so effectively that almost every mine hits the target,
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they have already destroyed more than one dugout, a shot, a clear cop was hit by mines, when they began to dig in, we were let down by our spotters, we got right into the trenches. the good-natured gunner arrived at the northern military district immediately after service in the army, before that he studied at college to become an auto mechanic. and could have served in the repair battalion, but refused, that is , they offered me to become some kind of driver there, i didn’t want to, i wanted to dig up here for the boys, at some point the sound of the drone’s propellers is heard right above us, the commander notices the drone, i here the guys watch the bird in the air and try to shoot it down with machine gun shots and destroy it.
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86 settlements in 39 regions, operational
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services reported this to the tas agency today. the most difficult situation in orenburg. the water level in the ural river in the region of the regional center is still rising, the flooding area is increasing, and in orsk, where the situation is stabilizing, a major cleanup begins. electricity was restored to more than 2.0 houses and gas to 3,500 houses. schools will resume face-to-face classes on monday. report from the disaster zone by sergei ponomarev. that is, you tied the bathhouse, yes. the windows of their house barely peek out from under the water. the stepanovs left in advance, as soon as the evacuation was announced, now every day they come here by boat to check whether the water has begun to recede? lived, well, it’s like, well, it’s probably a global catastrophe for everyone, but how can we react differently, there’s not enough water here, i think there will only be more water, in this private sector of orenburg their parents’ house is under water, they say many neighbors did not want to leave, they waited until the last minute, i hope that the water will not get here, like the residents of other suburban villages, now social networks
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are being updated with new videos, the roof is gone, today that’s it, people’s first floor has gone under water. the second one is on its way. the water level in the ural river in the orenburg region is approaching 12 m is 2 and a half more than critical. almost 3,000 houses were sunk and this number continues to grow. today , satellite images of orenburg from space appeared in the media, which are called before and after the flood. the dubki residential complex is the southern outskirts of orenburg. the water has not yet entered the houses, but this is what the only road connecting the residential neighborhood looks like now. so to speak, with a large land, the water, by the way, came from that side, over there behind the trees, the old, familiar bed of the urals, people from here began to be evacuated more the day before, many return to pick up their things while they can. now the main thing is to remain calm, not to lose your mind, not to panic, as many people start to panic, but calm down. a group of the ministry of emergency situations from different regions
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of russia is now working in orenburg. rescuers from kirov say that they have to put out forest fires more often than... somewhere with humor, thank you, thank you. heavy equipment is working on nearby streets and temporary dams are being built to stop the flow of water. together with rescuers in the zone during disasters, police officers are on duty, they patrol flooded streets to prevent looting, they monitor the situation from the air and even at night, a drone with a thermal imager helps.
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wild animals are also saved from the elements; emergency situations ministry employees advise to be careful when meeting, for example, such forest animals... a wild boar on the streets of orenburg. boar. in the east of the vorsk region, which was the first to bear the brunt of the flood, people are gradually returning to their homes. more than 2.0 buildings are already connected to the power grid. gas is supplied to 3,500 homes. by commissions began visiting the yards to assess the damage. for those who were unable to save the documents, they are restored in an expedited manner. during the flood, my passport was lost, i contacted the migration service on the same day. day of application, received a passport. vaccination against hepatitis a is in full swing in clinics and temporary accommodation centers to prevent an outbreak of the disease. and to be honest, i want to somehow protect myself, i think it definitely won’t get any worse. all our friends, all our acquaintances, just started getting vaccinated against hepatitis a en masse, so we decided necessary too. the day before , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, visited the city again, he visited
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a temporary accommodation center and talked with local residents. everyone should say thank you for... they saved us in general, the ministry of emergency situations too, thank you, this is a special thank you, but i hope that they will not abandon us, they will not abandon us. i want to remind you that the task set by the president is federal, you are not alone, the whole country is behind you, yes, and this country is now working to come help. according to forecasts, in the near future time the water level will begin to decrease in orenburg. sergei ponomarev, yulia khodorova, yuri shatokhin, sergei suvorov and yuri yarchenko, channel one. the disaster raged today in kabardino-balkaria, showers with thunderstorms, hail and squally winds, as a result of a powerful cyclone. nalchiki, some streets became more like rivers, several private houses were flooded in the lowlands. the ministry of emergency situations, road utilities are working in emergency mode, water, gas and electricity are supplied to residential areas without interruption. there were no casualties, a storm warning was issued for
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tomorrow, there is a high probability of new precipitation with strong winds. iranian special forces. the containers were grabbed by a cart that was traveling from the united arab emirates to india under the flag of portugal. everything happened in the strait of armus. a landing from a helicopter forced the crew to proceed to the territorial waters of iran. it is known that the ship belongs to an israeli company. the team consists of 25 people. most of them, according to some sources, are indian citizens. israel called for new sanctions to be imposed on the islamic republic. the hijacking of the vessel took place against the background warning to tehran to respond to the recent israeli strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. israel in turn. diplomatic facilities are unacceptable, the conversation took place at the initiative of tehran. emergency in sydney, australia, a man with a knife
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attacked people in a shopping center. six people were killed and several more were injured. the only one who dared to confront the attacker before the police arrived was one of the store visitors who spoke russian. he grabbed an iron fence post and blocked the intruder the escalator, while the man shouted: “don’t come closer.” so he was able to prevent the killer from entering the floor where... the children were, the police arrived, and in the end the criminal was shot. an extremely alarming day in antalya, turkey, the day before the cable car broke down, one of the supports collapsed, a flying element hit the cabin, from the impact, its floor fell off, people fell from a height, one person died, the remaining 200 passengers remained in cabins that hovered above mountain gorge. the rescue operation took more than 22 hours, people they took away, including helicopters, 2.0 rescuers,
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it is difficult to imagine what his story would have been, because even those who were removed almost immediately still cannot stop trembling in their hands and try not to let go of the children from their embrace. when we had already risen high enough, it seemed to us that something was burning, then the cabin shook and we stopped. and how long were you there? i think a little over an hour. how did you feel? well, naturally, fear, what else? now i’ve calmed down a little, but up there we were just screaming all the time. i i heard children screaming from other booths. those rescued could not calm down even on the ground; many, after a day of captivity , could no longer walk on their own, however, now we can already say that the rescue operation was completed successfully. 11 of our citizens
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were hospitalized, but this is more of an insurance measure; all of them are in satisfactory condition; i can gladly add that none of those rescued even had scratches. according to preliminary data from the investigation, the accident occurred due to negligence; the support element on which the rollers were installed could not withstand the load, holding. according to some sources, the structure rusted, according to others, it simply did not have enough fastening bolts, it came off and hit this cabin, eight people were riding in it at once, the floor could not withstand the impact, the people fell on the stones. after the funicular stopped, 24 cabins with passengers were at the height; due to the terrain, 90 people could only be removed by helicopters; at first they tried to deliver rescuers to the cabins with their help, but due to the strong wind it was considered mortally dangerous. then they climbed onto the supports.
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invaders. one of the first tanks to enter the city was the t-34 tank with tail number 201. later it was installed in victory square. today they laid flowers there. the occupation of simferopol lasted 865 days. during this time, the nazis killed and tortured thousands of people in camps. resistance groups operated in the city. during the war, they blew up 11 fascist trains and attacked german military targets more than sixty times. the partisans also thwarted the nazis’ plans to undermine the city along with the units that entered it. red army. new season of the all-russian memory watch campaign started at the federal military memorial in the moscow region. more than 700 activists, search
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teams, representatives of military-patriotic societies and the ministry of defense. they were united by a common cause - the holy memory of those who fell for their homeland. a minute of silence. holy wreaths for the monument to the grieving mother of the eternal flame. in that. grandiose battles, including hundreds of expeditions to the sites of the historical project battle of moscow. birds, but not like in a hitchcock thriller, the troubled household of alina erina. at its center during rehabilitation , birds injured in the wild improve their health. if possible, pets are prepared to return to their usual conditions, but some remain salty forever; like a real doctor, she can go out. even in the most difficult cases, our correspondent, elena pich, met orlitsa in this kennel, whose intelligence is like that of the smartest shepherd dog, it’s interesting to see, no, no, no,
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no, no, not that... yes, not there! a young swan named baby resolutely does not want to swim away from his savior, he is one of three birds that were released at the volgograd center for the rehabilitation of wild animals this winter, and now they can be released, but after months of treatment, the steppe expanses and water surface of the sarpinsky lakes frighten the swan, he touchingly hugs alina erina with his long neck, he won’t be there, well, the so -called mother, yes, who will watch, protect, but they need it. in december last year, the baby was saved by the zolotaryov family; the hatchling, barely grown, was unable to muster the strength to fly with his relatives to warmer climes. he just landed at our place of work so that the dogs wouldn’t tear him apart, i took him at first, the swans needed medical attention, so volunteer anya smolininova took him to a rehabilitation center to make sure that the bird was not injured by hunters and had no fractures, to a veterinary clinic the baby was x-rayed, but they don’t treat such patients there, wild birds
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are exotic. the whitetail literally stretches out your hand, it seems, but of course i won’t do that, they have huge beaks and very sharp claws, but here unfortunately, all these birds, they suffered at the hands of man, someone was hit by a car, someone suffered from an electric shock, landing unsuccessfully on a power line, someone had to remove hunting shot, this orland along with its wing, man is crowding out wild he kills animals where they have lived for centuries for the sake of entertainment, and sometimes tries to turn them into his toy, like this huge and
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smart one... styopa, won’t you throw yourself? yes, you need to be fed, my soul. a beauty with a two-meter wingspan and intelligence shepherd dogs once stole a chick from an eagle's nest and presented it as a gift. the troublesome present quickly became boring. the bird was thrown out the door, but it doesn’t know how to live in the wild, so it flew to a neighboring village. i can imagine the reaction, when such a bird flies to your site with its wings spread like this and demands food, not every person here will be happy to visit such a thing. they said they would just shoot her. stepanida was lucky; she was caught by a local resident and brought here. affected birds from all over volgograd areas from neighboring regions, people are accepted here at any time of the day or night, although few people realize that the rehabilitation center fits into alina erina’s private farmstead, and some of its patients live literally among the garden beds. doesn’t it bother you that in your yard there are chickens living with people, and you have seagulls with seagulls, well, by the way, we also
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have chickens, that’s why i’m with the seagulls. they dilute a little, let’s say, the overall look. alena’s friends, volunteers and, of course, family help. son danya not only takes care of the birds, but undertook to cure an exotic lizard. when he was brought in, he had terrible rickets, this is when the bones are soft and soft and they can take any shape and even break very easily. that is, someone brought it to this state, the previous owner? yes, but we left him. only those who will never be able to live in the wild remain in the center.
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other swans eventually moved to a large steppe lake and settled in a flock of relatives. elena pech, alex tatun, yulia khodorova, dmitry orekhov, channel one volgograd region. stop for a moment, you are beautiful. a carpet of time is woven from hundreds of such moments and presented on the sites of the multimedia art museum, which opened its doors after a large-scale reconstruction. here you can study history and the most famous people from photographs. masters presented their works here, there are no stereotypes, only experiments and pure beauty, which is presented to the audience by the owner of this house, the director of the museum, olga sviblova, it’s a pleasure to listen to her, a person passionate about her work, and that’s why the result is like this. alexei zotov will confirm. humpty dumpty sat on the wall, humpty dumpty fell in his sleep. any of us will remember this when we see this picture. a production for a glamor magazine has long lived on
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its own. and now, through the whole thing. the audience also exchanges glances with another alice, russian supermodel natalia vodianova. it seems that there is no obvious connection between these photographic masterpieces from the pages of glossy magazines, but everything is not so simple. this.
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it would seem that we know eric bulatov’s work very well, but at the exhibition for his ninetieth birthday everything was turned upside down. head, and the main thing was not the paintings, but the drawings, the masterpiece, the statements. now you can see how long the artist searches for the intersection
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of life and loud slogans, how meticulously he tries to ensure that the written word has the opposite meaning, breaking stereotypes, freeing himself from the imposed. how do i know where, thanks to erik bulatov. we remember that this is the main question of everyone’s life, these are drawings from 2001 to 2009, but there is no painting, no, because eric during this time never found the only image that he sees from the portrait photographer and passionate collector yuri rybchinsky begins the hall of his memory, since the late eighties he bought and traded with friends their photographs taken on the table without...
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the creator of a panoramic fresco, it is visible only in ultraviolet rays, decided to show us what happens to the psyche if we are suddenly left alone with ourselves, and who we become, once again finding ourselves in a roaring sea of ​​​​people, about how sports photography has changed over the last 100 years, here the whole floor is changing... the technique and the sports photographer are changing, you no longer an artist, but a reporter. the photographer no longer has the task of photographing one masterpiece, which
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he will then illustrate for a certain publication in the newspaper. today, the publication’s photographers work in photo galleries, which means you can show the event in full. this series of wallpaper paintings by the artist konstantin.
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to the influx of visitors, from the roof with an excellent view of moscow, soon each guest will be able to take his own personal photo masterpiece. alexey zotov, mikhail kunitsin, ilya marin, alexander isaev, maxim kurifeev, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time, stay up to date with events, now on channel one there is a program tonight about the first cosmonaut of the earth, yuri gagarin.
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this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the most famous person.


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