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tv   Segodnya vecherom  1TV  April 13, 2024 9:35pm-11:01pm MSK

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the audience won’t notice a number of big changes, but the exhibits, the new ventilation and climate control system, will feel them. this means that all six floors of the museum on ostozhenka are ready for the influx of visitors, from the roof with an excellent view of moscow, soon each guest will be able to take his own personal photographic masterpiece. alexey zotov, mikhail kunitsin, ilya maryin, alexander isaev and maxim kurifeev, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated . and now on air on channel one. program tonight about the first cosmonaut land of yuri gagarin this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the most famous person. dear friends, relatives
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and strangers, compatriots, in a few minutes a mighty spaceship will take me to the distant expanses of the universe. everything that has been lived, everything that has been done before, has been lived and done for the sake of this moment. attention, ready in a minute. key to start. we convey a message from tas about the world's first human flight into outer space. there is such a beautiful blue areon along the edge of the earth along the edge of the horizon. the orbits of his glory encircled the earth. like lightning the cameras flashed at the press conference in london. 2,000 journalists. i brought you the most sincere
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wishes of the soviet youth, of the entire soviet people, i am ready to fulfill any new task of our party and government. major gagarin. how did people need his feat? dear friends, i am sure that each of us experiences some kind of feelings, i know for sure wonderful ones in relation to gagarin, and i already told you once that in my life it was very funny, because well, like in all soviet houses there was a portrait of ilekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, then suddenly, when i was growing up, i began to see that the same portrait was on every trolleybus, on every bus, on every minibus, and of course i realized that it was, well, who knew it ? , and then fate gave me a meeting with lena. we are really very
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friendly, elena yuryevna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter, i know how many times you told me what kind of guy he was, what kind of father he was and so on, but still your feeling, your memory, it is of course the most, most important, i'll probably only talk about those childhood years that i have with my father, there you are with bows, that’s you, yes. this is me and how old are you, well, five years old, probably five years old, already an adult, and even younger, this is gallya, yes, this is gallya, gallya, probably three years here, this is the apartment where we lived for a very long time, immediately after alekseevichkalovskaya’s flight, there was a military unit there, everyone trained there, we lived there for quite a long time, until we moved to the star town, which... was absolutely
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such a house in the forest, in the star town, when we went there, there were very few people, everyone knew each other by sight, then there was nothing there, there wasn’t even a store to buy bread, we rode the nachkalskaya train, everything appeared very quickly, then my parents already had a job. close to home, in star city, a completely different life began, very interesting and wonderful, in star city the apartments were never closed, everyone had little time, so if friends played sports, played basketball, played hockey, played football, then usually the time for this was only at night, so someone was left at home to look after the children, the apartments were open, everyone else was closed, but everyone knew each other. yes, yes, everyone else went to play
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hockey at night, for example, it was a wonderful pastime, everyone had a lot of fun, everyone... constantly went to visit each other on business and just to see each other, my parents spent their weekends with all my parents’ friends somewhere besides home, usually these were trips somewhere in nature so that you could calmly play sports, well, tell me, is it you, it’s me, i’m being tormented, is this already? bicycle, yes, i never learned to ride a bicycle, unfortunately, and it was one of those sad periods of my life, because i fell all the time, broke my knees, yes, but i never managed to master it, len , well, in the first years, probably, yuri alekseevich
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was always on some kind of business trips, because he always traveled around the world, in the first years yuri alekseevich was on business trips, then yuri alekseevich graduated from the zhukovsky academy, in parallel, yes, yes. when did they start to live in the star city , they saw it from time to time, but it was quite rare, despite all his busyness, if he had free time, he still tried to give them to his family, children, no legs, but i walk, but no, but i’ll tell you when dinner, when to sleep? when the work started, right, he loved to record the children on tape, when it was connected with some date for the children, the children usually prepared poems, songs and he recorded it with pleasure, the recording was made on november 8
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, 1965, the warmth went away, they slept, the cranes are melting . children he tried to give books on their birthdays, which he believed were necessary and useful; he especially remembered the day of september 1, when his eldest daughter went to school, on this day yura was able to free himself from work in order to get together and see off his daughter, they met at again and her. with friends and girlfriends we waited for the first bell, and after classes, coming from school, we gave her a small children's party, but unfortunately, there were very few such days and hours spent together. now
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they showed when mom, she was so sad she said that these hours were very few and somehow quickly... she returned, it is clear that how difficult it was for her, this whole public life, as i read and heard you, was very burdensome for her. well, naturally, this time was not easy, especially since she had small children and work, and she always gladly received all the guests who often unexpectedly appeared in the house, and gladly organized holidays for us and for friends . yuri alekseevich, so life was also very active and eventful, so march 9th is alekseevich’s birthday, they always celebrated it at home, and celebrated it at home, and the holidays began on march 6, when our upstairs neighbor valentina vladimirovna
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tereshkova had a birthday, first they celebrated there, then on march 7 it was my younger sister’s birthday, they celebrated it, then it was march 8th was celebrated, and then my birthday. and 4 days, yes, yes, 4 days, endless holidays, look, this is what, this is how you comment, this is the new year, for the new year there was always a wonderful performance, costumed, every year it’s a skit party, every year it was a completely new theme, i don’t remember which sixty-fifth, but tashka, this is this sixty-fifth, in my opinion, then the cosmonauts were musketeers, this is the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in this form in a hat, with a mustache, in butt boots, and of course, for us it was a completely unusual appearance, and we were completely delighted. oh great! let's look at some more footage: this summer
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, the famous cosmonaut yuri gagarin visited sochi, together with yuri alekseevich, his wife, valentina ivanovna. youngest daughter galochka. the hero of space is a completely earthly person. now is the rest, we need to strengthen our health even more, there is so much to do ahead. this turns out to be summer, exactly the years of the flight, yes, yes, this is immediately after the flight, and where were you and they didn’t take me, i was guilty, they gave mom the opportunity to rest, they gave mom the opportunity to rest, at least from one child, there was a letter that was written to your mother. which alekseevich wrote before the flight, it has already been published, he
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reads it often, we have sergei kayumovich, this is exactly his i’ve read it more than once, already publicly, now we ’ll ask him to read it to us, such touching and generally important words are said there, a wonderful letter, simply exceptional, when did len even read it, we were already quite adults when he showed it to us this letter, yes. no, you need to get to this letter, as they say, when uh it flew, when levitan in his grandiose velvety beautiful voice conveyed the message uh tas, uh, at that moment uh i was getting ready to go to training, i’m 19 years old, suddenly my father says: drag it, and they, and the announcement has already happened, drag these stools quickly. they went to the selection, and we lived on arbatsky lane on the left side of the building 4, i was born, and we all lived
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together, communal apartments, and if some event is carried out, and i say, i have training, damn your training, you even you don’t understand what happened, i say, but that a man flew into space, i say, the coach will kill me, but he will kill me, i will protect you, in short, i will help him, in 10 minutes. after 15 - libeta announced, already in the yard they carried everything, some moonshine, some here, some with swine, some with what, well, the yard, it was a workers’ and peasants’ yard, you know, an employee no more, but no, wait, we had one professor, now, i still remember him last name, itin, professor, he came out with cognac with lemons, and you know why, his salary was 300 rubles, and 300 rubles was money in those days. a ton of bread cost 18 kopecks. 13 kopecks and a bottle of vodka 200 260 2.64, so they measured
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how many bottles you could buy for yourself, this was what united, but the most interesting thing was not this - there were also old women us there in the yard and who simply have never seen a plane, i’m not even saying that they flew, they say, he and one of the others there are five of them there, they say and he will return, where will he go, and him? it won’t get caught on anything, but why can it get caught on the stars, so wait there, it’s kind of dark there, well, no, well, well, there’s some funny story there later, we laughed, but if he stays , god will shelter him, somehow she will shelter him, well , they will cover him with their wings, it will be very good, this is not this eyeliner, because people didn’t, well, it’s clear that people didn’t understand what was happening, that’s the first thing, secondly, and many with... healthy and smart people weren’t very good either - because it was real, listen, this is just
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confirmation these grandmotherly conversations, this happened 2 days before the start, he wrote a letter, put it in the nightstand, i think, lenushko, well, yes, in a suitcase, in a suitcase, yes, but they live in a hotel, when it’s not a hotel, this is the small house where he and german titov lived, and now they are in guests. well, yes, i understand, well, in short, he put it in his suitcase so that god forbid someone would read it, and listen, amazing, hello my dears, warm, and tick, i decided to write you a few lines to share with you and share together the joys of happiness that i had today. dear, how glad i am, i want you to be there too. decided to send me into space first, you know, together with me, an ordinary person was given such a big state task, to pave the first road into space, is it possible
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to dream of more? i believe in technology completely, it shouldn’t fail, but it happens that out of the blue a person falls and breaks his neck, something can happen here too, but i myself don’t believe in it yet, but if something happens, then i ask you to first of all, valyusha, don’t be overwhelmed with grief, because life is life, no one is safe, it’s true that tomorrow they won’t be asked by a machine: please take care of our girls, love them, as i love them, please don’t grow out of them white-handed children, not mother's daughters, real people who... if only life wouldn't be scary, grow up people worthy of a new society, communism, the state will help you with this, but arrange your personal life as your conscience tells you, as you see fit, i don’t impose any obligations on you, but i have the right to do it, something turned out to be too mournful a letter, myself i don’t believe in this, i hope that you will never see this letter and i will be
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ashamed of myself for this fleeting thing. but if something happens, you must know everything to the end, i hope that in a few days we will be together again, we will be happy, valechka, you, please don’t forget my parents, if possible, help with something, say hello from me, and let them forgive me for the fact that they didn’t know anything about it, and they weren’t supposed to know, well, it seems that's it, goodbye my dears, i give you a big hug and a kiss with greetings, your dad and yura, he is amazing...
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stellar group product cognac old barrel stellar group product bourbon steersman product stellar group let me go like the night lets the stars blown from the sky from the sky the feeling will remain somewhere, i will rise to it.
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sadness is carried away, anxiety leaves the soul, you have been hit, you are a star, give it to the people, star factory, the best, tomorrow is on the first, tonight our program is dedicated to the first. was never discussed, i think, because such charm, such light emanating from within a person was difficult to find,
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there was no one except him, that’s right, fight, korolev was not only a brilliant designer, but also a physiognomist, because when yuri sevich smiles, you you start smiling too, look, it can drive you crazy, yes, yes, yes, sorry, maybe i can intervene. as a boy he baptized me, carried me around the font, when he flew, i was 14 years old, you know, it seems to me that this is to unite the image of yuri gagarin, if we talk only about his supportive smile, well, i think there were only ourselves in this detachment.
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he says to me, then it seemed that this one would be the first, tamar, while you said that aleksevich baptized you when you were 13 years old,
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he was 13, he was 13, and you were little, he is 13 years older than me, lenochka, you were baptized, you weren’t baptized, how it wasn’t baptized, we weren’t baptized, you were baptized, well, that was later, that was given later , later.
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welcome to gagarin, our small town is connected with yuri alekseevich gagarin, this is his family home, in which he was born, where he spent his childhood and youth, the house that stood in klushino, in 1947 they moved this house to the city. at home - this is an ordinary peasant hut, this small room, it was the room of yura and bori, a lot of us lived here, eight people, and then more friends came, it was always here, especially in holidays, so fun, grandfather played the harmonica, yura played the trumpet. well, now through the window we will see a house that was built in 1961 as a gift to the parents of yuri alekseevich.
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this is the volga, which was given to him by the government for his heroic flight, but we really loved it when he came, we all piled into his car, went to pick mushrooms, i want to introduce you. with my sister, natalya borisovna, gagarina, daughter of yuri alekseevich’s younger brother, i remember that all the visits that were to my parents, they were all such, you know, like the anticipation of some kind of holiday, especially for us for the children, i remember very well yuri alekseevich’s last visit here, to this house, literally here, leaning against this doorway, he stood very reluctantly .. at that moment i remember very well that they sang a song: i love you life, i love you life, and i want.
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life ended very early, of course, very early, it’s a pity, but you know, the russian proverb says, god needs good people, you often had the opportunity to communicate, of course i don’t remember in childhood, because i was born at forty, he left at forty, here i am...
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on a bicycle, then i was just happy about these gifts, that’s what these gifts were worth, i realized when i started working in the museum and traveling to those places that were associated with gagarin, when i arrived at the technical school, my teachers all praised that the best student there, and so on and so forth, they show the progress log, i look, i say, there is a pass, here is a pass, here, i say, and why are you praising him to me, he is your pass.
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an unfamiliar star is shining, we are separated again from home, our friends from komsomol invited us to relax in crimea in artek, where there is a children's camp, and one day it coincided with the fact that yuri alekseevich, his wife, his girls, his daughters, and i remember... skolis nikolai nikolayevich dobronrav, so we looked, we see gagarin sitting on the shore, i then tell her kolya, yes, look how wonderful, yura sits and doesn’t know that there is already a song about him for him, that’s what, hugging the sky, hugging the sky with strong arms, the little boy
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is gaining height, i want to wish him to my daughters, my dear girls, whom we know and love, happiness, joy, but i can say that he was a pure person, a pure , very sincere person, i would like not only us who somehow knew him, but also the new generation, so that our youth. so that even children know what kind of gagarin we had, he was a man who did not mind devoting his time to people, and for him it was probably very difficult, you know, a man for the first time in space, the first man, this is ours, the whole world idolized him simple, and we should take great care of him,
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only... it’s empty on earth alone without you, and you, you fly, and the stars give you their tenderness, you know what kind of guy he was, the one who followed the starry path... digging the flame was a game behind the cosmodrome, he said quietly, he said to go, he waved his hand as if along the st. petersburg street he rushed over the ground , as if along the st. petersburg street he rushed
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over the ground. you know what kind of guy he was, how he loved his native fields, in that steppe distance, the first start of the earth was... a declaration of love for her, he said, let's go, he waved his hand, as if a howl along the st. petersburg, st. petersburg, swept over the ground, as if along the st. petersburg, st. petersburg, swept over the ground, do you know what kind of guy he was? the whole world carried him in his arms, the son of the earth and stars, he was a gentle thrower, he brought light to people, he said, let's go, he waved
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his hand, like a whine across the st. petersburg street, swept over the earth, like a whine through the st. petersburg street. rushed over the ground, you know what kind of guy he was, how he came out with a stick, how he sang songs, how cheerful he was , how he wanted to live recklessly, he said, let's go, he waved his hand as if st. petersburg, swept across... the earth, you know what kind of guy he was, no, he wasn’t, because he defeated death, you hear the distant thunder, you see, it’s him, he’s going to the examination again, say, let’s go, from a living
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star, like a whine in st. petersburg, st. petersburg, rushing over the ground. as if rushing along the st. petersburg street above the ground, thank you, introduce yourself, zhenya, tell me what is your perception of alekseevich. in general, by the way, they just remembered about alexandra nikolaevna, i had the opportunity to visit him and we were so friendly, and i practically i don’t remember a single meeting that she didn’t remember yuri alekseevich, she constantly remembered, that is, some songs, we remembered something, she remembered muslim
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constantly remembered alekseevich gagarin, i remember how she very often talked about his - incredible human qualities, about his charm, she says that she has never met a charming person, and of course my generation also grew up on... these events, it is clear that i was already born in the year eighty-three, 20 have already passed years after alekseevich flew into space, flew into space, or rather, here, but since childhood, from kindergarten, we acted out these scenes of flying into space, i was a rocket, i remember we studied this, we had some stars in the background, they put some boy in a rocket, who was called alekseevich gagarin, we went into space, shouted, let's go, i knew all this from early childhood, but there is nothing to say about school, that is, i was already in october. we had constructions of congratulations on this holiday, therefore, therefore, everyone passed, who was present because there were lines about this, so i grew up on this and knew what april 12, cosmonautics day, was, everything was according to the same scheme,
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a car pulls up, a girl gets into it, he stops in a quiet place, lifts money, jewelry, throws the girl out of the car, well, he drives away, the man in the clone mask continues to scare the residents of the city, please help! quiet, quiet, quiet, police, police, calm, in her words, the criminal looks very much like you, like me, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday to first, and you are not afraid that it may be a mistake, that we are now with you, with fabulous ease, a provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, but i am not repeating.
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it feels like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. motador on friday. on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. march 9 this year would have been the 90th anniversary of the first man in space, yuri gagarin. we met this evening to talk about how a simple country boy became the greatest man on earth. present at our table is yuri galtsev, who was born on the day of the flight. april 12, 1961, and
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yurychka, i know that you were called that because yuri alekseevich committed this heroic act. well, first of all, mom, they say that this is one time in a million, she walked not for 9 months, but for 10 months, as if she had predicted this day. i was born on april 12, sixty -one, and naturally, as i remember, from the age of 3 everyone called me an astronaut, i remember very well that in childhood there was a photograph of gagarin hanging nearby in the garden. now i’m seeing elena yuryevna for the first time,
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i’m so pleased to meet you, i haven’t approached yet, but can you imagine, we talked, talked, i only found out later when she gave me a business card that we were on red square, on red square, and for me now there is such an aura that i’m not even excited, now you will understand what i’m talking about, because yuri alekseevich was like a relative for our family, it was just a spring, because everyone already told me that you would be the first a treat... well, naturally on a day like this i was born and named yura, i don’t know what my father wanted to name me, there were rumors about the gofon, the microphone, i don’t know, that’s not the point, they named yura and my father was happy, and such a historic day, and you know, i remember perfectly, that when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, well, mom, dad, grandma came, they just cried, and for us it was of course very big, i feel very good. but nevertheless, the road had already
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been paved, i should have been an astronaut, a pilot, after eighth grade i entered tambov higher military aviation school, after eight, wow, the first commission, you know, like in a theater institute, i passed the first round, the second songs, fables, everything is fine, i pass three commissions, that’s it, it seems to me already, as they say, i already have one foot somewhere there, my joy had no end, and some grandmother arrives , old, such a grandmother, such a doctor, so small, so, you know, she says, i look, my elbows, i’ve already passed three commissions , well , let me look at you, that you looked at me, looked at me, then open your mouth, i’m a mouth opened it, she did something to me, no, my dear, you’ll never be a pilot or an astronaut anywhere, the fact is that there’s some little thing up there that’s needed, and you have a bad bite, you’ll never miss it , you will never be, i’m hysterical, i come home for 2 weeks and...
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no, he brought some kind of log at home, we had such a khrushchev-era building, which means he made the nose here and there with a hatchet, put some kind of platform , and i had this rocket before the theater institute, when i entered already with these moves, i don’t know, i would be for it now i don’t know if i’d give this rocket away, let’s go, he’s in the village, it’s a little story, it’s actually a little story, and his neighbor recognizes him, kolya, hello, this is your little bunny, yes, my dear, we’re happy. such a daughter of mine gave birth to twins, my father says: oh, congratulations,
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everything is fine, i just don’t know what to call it, maybe you can tell me, he says that’s how yuri says: yuri, maybe you can tell me, i say, well, let’s the squirrel is an arrow, and she, and she says, who is this, and i say, dogs, i didn’t understand, i say, dogs that are in they were flying into space, she was offended, and my father was so picky, he said, no, she wanted to tell me, bella and stella, what do i care about, this is bela and i’ll never forget. from social networks i put a photo of elena yuryevna, yes, really, you can imagine, elena yuryevna, this is actually, i wrote the words, so you see how our program is giving back a little now, wait for me, your meeting happened, i, you won’t believe it, i when i found the photographs, on my birthday
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, march 9, gagarin’s 90th birthday, i saw the photograph, well, i wrote there in three or four words, but it was... it was so nice that i don’t know each other, now i’ll get up and kiss your hand, i’m very pleased, very pleased that i know you like that, thank you, thank you, yanushka, well, you haven’t changed at all, only this is not a school desk, it’s probably somewhere in the ninth or tenth grade, yes. well, now we remember that on the day of the flight, yes , everyone, probably from the older generation , somehow associates this day, storms, of course, you
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remember this day, but of course, i studied then in the sixty-first year in the fifth class, fifth grade, alone? 12, that something like this, and i remember, well, in my opinion, it was a working day, wednesday, on wednesday, yes, it was, it was wednesday, and well, we are studying, well, i came to school , as usual, normal, that’s how i remember now, we had a terribly strict teacher who didn’t like me, well, it doesn’t matter, for failing me, well, it doesn’t matter, then suddenly she herself is a very strict woman, suddenly she bursts into all classes, in all classes, he says, gagarin flew into space, hurray, immediately all the spartans ran out into the street, climbed on some poles, all of leningrad it just buzzed, buzzed, i still remember how suddenly a whistle sounded, a terrible whistle, and i
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realized that it was the factories that began to hum, the baltic, kirov, well, all... the factories began to hum on this holiday, and in the evening, in my opinion, there was even a fireworks display, i don’t remember whether there was one or not, but if i were, that is, the chairman of the city party committee, then i would definitely make this fireworks display, but i don’t remember whether there was one or not, but i would have made sali, let's see the story, how kakvich was welcomed all over the world, the first of the human race...
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dear friends, allow me to thank the entire bulgarian people, the central committee of the communist party of bulgaria, the bulgarian government, for the invitations sent to me to visit your country, received a lot of letters from the working people in bulgaria, everyone invites me to visit them, visit them, see how they live, how they work, what they do. i would love to visit everywhere, but i’m afraid that there won’t be enough time to visit everywhere. the triumphant march of space explorers across the planet continues. a storm also passed over india, a storm of delight and triumph. okay, okay, gagarin. met his songs
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in japan. humanity, as if the burden of everyday life had been thrown off its shoulders, had shaken off the burden at least for a moment. worries, fears, worries, good, good, gagarin, he personified the country of the soviets, and his smile was his flag. well, there are a lot of myths and legends about these travels len, in particular, according to different versions , the reception with the english queen elizabeth ii is described. this is all just some kind of nonsense, so i want to hear from you so that we can remove these myths once and for all, and the reception, of course, at
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buckingham palace, as far as i understand, was, it was breakfast, breakfast, there the queen, the prince of edinburgh, and a number of other people were present, and my british friends presented me with a seating plan, as it happened, they showed the room where it was. stories about tea, about something else,
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they’re tired of the equipment, that’s all, yes, these are, of course, all fairy tales, legends, traditions, yes, yes, these are all fictions, they also said about the back, that it seems like the queen saw a man’s back for the first time, i heard such a story, such a story, i didn’t, that you can’t turn your back on her and... and of course, photographs, you know, too very interesting, i think there are many present here who have traveled the length and breadth of the world, but photographs of alekseevich
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are present everywhere one way or another, in different museums, in different institutions, well , his face is so loved that he is truly, absolutely, a man of the world, and the only thing where i was very hurt was that there was a photograph of him. very small, it’s in washington at the museum of cosmonautics, it’s very unnoticeable there at the entrance, here’s a tiny photograph, just like that, and there it’s written in small letters that the first flight was made by a russian, then it’s like anyone who comes in understands that, in principle , astronautics began in another country, but if someone makes a substitution, they will say, well, why not, well, it’s written like right there, and that’s how i feel about it, of course... it was very offensive to the russians, but we’ll forgive them for it. gennadiyovich, i know that you are personally, well, not acquainted, but
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have you crossed paths with alekseevich? i couldn’t cross paths, though personally, but in alexandrov’s anamda there is an amazing photograph, this is a meeting of yuri alekseevich with the artists of our group, and this is this, yes, yes, and this story, it turned out completely spontaneous, that’s exactly it. everyone was getting ready for bed, suddenly there was some noise in the hotel, well, everyone was leaving, and here one of the guys said: guys, yuri alekseevich
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gagarin flew here, well, in general, everyone gathered in the lobby, this is this meeting, this just suddenly it is reflected in the photograph. i would really like yuri alekseevich’s favorite song to be played on the program today. i love you life. i love your life, which in itself is not new, i love you, life, i love you again again, now the windows are lit up, i... i’m tired from work, i love your life, and i want
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you to become better. “i have been given a lot, the vastness of the earth, the plain of the sea, i have known for a long time, the selfless friendship of men, in the ringing of every day, how happy i am that there is no peace for me, there is...” i have love, life, you know what it is , call every day, i’m so happy that no, there is no peace, i have love, life, you know what it is, as i sing...
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nightingales, twilight, a kiss at dawn and the pinnacle of love, this is a great miracle, children again we will go through childhood, youth, train stations , piers, there will be grandchildren, later. everything will repeat itself again from the beginning, oh, how the years fly by, we are sad sitting by, noticing life, you remember the soldiers who died defending you, so
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the face of the trumpets will die... like a spring anthem, i love you life, i hope that it is mutual.
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“i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land , and we will save you, russian speech, great russian word, very, very, i. i love russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent , the best in the world, only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens of our dear homeland of unity, a peaceful sky of cohesion, today in our studio there is a hero of our country, an astronaut,
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test pilot. anton shkaf, anton, i know that you went into outer space three times, and you are the first cosmonaut to star in a feature film, so this is a challenge. everyone really followed your work, everyone was very worried about how it would turn out, tell us about your choice, why you became an astronaut, becoming an astronaut is my dream since childhood, i was born in the seventy-second year of the last century, then astronautics was very popular and all the boys and girls dreamed of becoming gagarin and tereshkova, that is, i made myself one like this , let’s say, the plan for my life is that at the beginning i should become like the first gagaren set, all the first cosmonauts, at the beginning a military pilot.
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flight school, graduated from it, after that, as an excellent student , the uzhikovsky academy of air force engineers was accepted, i studied at that same fifteenth department, i know that yuri alekseevich gagarin, when he graduated from the academy, he graduated with honors, and he and german titov, they graduated together as then famous cosmonauts, and there was another, there was also a group of non-flying cosmonauts, so they were offered to study further scientific work, he had a very interesting topic, these are prototypes of future burans, that is, these shuttles. aircraft, over the years i completed my residency and became a candidate of technical science at this fifteenth department, in which he i studied together with all the cosmonauts, let's
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look at the footage of the film challenge, where you filmed, and have you ever been to australia, madagascar. come follow me, mommies!
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why are we arriving now? baikal? baikal? tell us about that experience and what it was like for you all? the most important thing there is that it was not just a flight of a film group, it was a space experiment, that’s what it’s officially called, that is, the most important thing was to popularize the profession of an astronaut, that is, while we were preparing, i mean our crew, me, yulia and klim, for the flight , all the time there was filming about how this happens, new episodes were shown all the time on weekends, and this at least somehow showed that we have astronautics, i mean in our social science, that we have the iss, that we have... a town , the huge roscosmos system and so on, and thanks to the film, many learned that there is such a thing, that we fly, this is an international space station, that international crews, and even now we
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have a nasa representative in every russian crew, in the american spacecraft dragon, there is a russian cosmonaut , that is, we we also continue to interact and i believe that the international space station is a symbol of friendship. well, what do you think, it was very difficult to get used to not being an astronaut, relatively yes, first of all, we didn’t go through any castings, that is, it was me, it was my next fourth space flight and we just fell for it, since i was one of the most experienced commanders, i have already been the commander of a spaceship three times, so i was entrusted with taking two non- professionals for the first time. they gave you the text, yes, yes, here it is this was the most difficult thing, you taught it, you had to teach it, yes, the wedge at the beginning, the scriptwriters, they wrote some texts that i don’t say like that in life, it was hard for me to say,
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well, i had to memorize them, but there that’s how it was at night, yes, i was very, i was very jealous of those who were chosen, i thought, i would risk everything so that we would not be chosen, both me and my two colleagues who were already at the station, they in general, they saw yulia for the first time. i think more, yes, that is, we confused we looked and who didn’t succeed more with us with us i into the camera he says everything there, well, it’s also a doublet , well, everything was cool, you looked at the camera but didn’t look, don’t you believe me, let’s go and show you, and we didn’t even notice that we seemed to be playing a scene, and i’m the camera here, it’s so simple, well, these are professionals, not a professional we are cosmonauts , well, we had to try, in the end i think that the film was a success, not only in russia, all over the world, uh.
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he looked at me like that and i remember his sparkling blue eyes, big blue eyes that won’t blink. hello, senior lieutenant gagarin, northern pilot, i am southern pilot. nobody knows who will fly first and who will fly second.
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the first group, no more than 170 cm tall, was completely brilliantly divided, which included gagarin, titov, nikolaev, popovich, bykovsky, the rest will go to the next program. alexey arkhipovich was the first reserve, but that’s true, but i was given the opportunity to command the academic group. everything is ahead of you. this evening our guest is the daughter of alexei arsitovich lenov, oksana leonova. unfortunately, your dad can't be here today, but i'm sure you've heard a lot from him. oyuriyavich? i heard a lot, that very meeting, the very first, the most important meeting in my dad’s life took place on october 4 , 1959, when he arrived at the military in one of the... moscow military
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hospitals, where a group of young pilots, 40 people, they arrived at the medical commission, dad went into his room and saw yuri alekseevich gagarin, they were together in this room, they became friends that very day. the friendship was very reverent, strong, faithful, they went through a lot of tests together, but in the very first days of their acquaintance they went through some kind of prank. which later ensured dad’s career as an astronaut, the fact is that they underwent a medical commission, and literally right away dad was removed from this commission because he had physically increased hairiness, as it was written in the medical book, and the doctor told him: you cannot pass a medical examination, because how will you fly to distant worlds, there is nowhere to attach the sensors, they are impossible. when are we going to distant worlds,
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well, in a year, in two, and you won’t be able to, well, dad didn’t focus on this, he turned around, came into the room, told the lawyer what to do, but they decided to go to the nearest store, bought a machine, disposable blades, a kiss a bunch, we went to the shower stall, which means that dad was beaten in front, yuri alekseevich shaved him from behind, everything was clean, neat, the next day he already went, there was a friend.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining, and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring it’s coming, spring is coming, we are young ghanaians of spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games. tomorrow after the program time. zoya borisovna personifies. herself for a century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, i’m not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, especially her attitude towards talents, she i felt
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right instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i without i can’t work at all, i have to go somewhere for someone. to help andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna , dedicated a poem to her: “stay bright, incessantly sending messages, i don’t reproach you for passing, i thank you for coming.” andrei generally had two priorities in life, his work and my mother. we lived very friendly with andryushka, it was his song that reflected our moment. the only quarrel on the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya premiered on tuesday on the first flight into space on april 12, 1961, made by yuri gagarin.
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semyon, tell me, i know you, probably like all boys, dreamed of being an astronaut, but it didn’t work out, yura explained to us why not, but why not for you? i am very afraid. oh, i’m very afraid of heights and have always been afraid of heights, but i wanted to be an astronaut. well, yura, a lot of people started to be called yura, i really wanted to be yura, i came to my mother and said: “mom, marry this same cosmonaut, gagarin, i want to be yura, just like him, i’m hysterical gave out such things, i want to be yura, what kind of name is senya, everyone is around yury, and i'm alone. in general, this is how my life was, so i grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up , went to a boarding school, to a boarding school, berabidzhan, guys, excuse me for a second, i was born there into a large family, and so was my brother fima, he played the trumpet, i came, he played
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the trumpet in this boarding school orchestra, yes, he played very well, then he played the trumpet in the black sea fleet, in the ensemble of the black sea fleet, walked on red square, so... i say, why are you playing a trumpet, some kind of small trumpet, everyone plays basses there and so on, trombones, let's switch to the trombone, he told me, gagarin played the trumpet, and i by inheritance, yes yes, he played, gagarin played the trumpet, and i by inheritance began to play in the same orchestra, in the same orchestra, i also played the trumpet, and was the best trumpet player in the city. zhana, because my brother, gagarin himself, played the trumpet. next, well, i also flew in a hot air balloon in one film, and not only you, i said let’s go, you
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also played part of gagarin, but that’s it, leva, oh, i found it, it’ll do. lyova, you are quite sure, this is a risky business, this way it will also be included in educational manuals, well, by god, let’s go, we can’t get them, how come no one has ever left the nightingale? every cunning is a natural ingenuity, a dream is your nobility, i said, i suggested it to ragoshkin, i say, listen, let me say it here, when i climb up to the ball, let me say, let’s go, he thought so, scratched his mustache, he says, speak , and
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i went, i also want to remind you that after yuri alekseevich’s flight, in the west, especially old emigrants. ours, they could not combine human flight in space and a simple russian village guy, they suddenly began to remember, well, there was an aristocratic surname, gagarin, you remember, no, yes, there were, there were such, even they were such in the 18-17th century, our ancestors were great americans, yes, well there were such conversations, can i s...
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knew the family, and uh, i just want to read these few lines: dusk, dusk, dusk, how suddenly you died then, the whole earth was crying for you, i didn’t cry, you asked that i remembered you alive, you loved me, you forgave, under vladimir, over the grave, over peace old-timer, i... alone have the power to remember you alive forever. central russian quiet rivers,
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we will sail more than once, you will leave me forever, only with my death, the two of us, it happened, you know, it’s so worthy to carry the memory of my husband, it’s just me, for example, i simply bow to this woman. i think that absolutely everyone will support you, because really valentina ivanovna has dedicated her entire life to the memory of her husband and the happiness of her daughters, that this is really an example for so many women in the world, but you know, since we met today thanks in honor of alekseevich’s ninetieth birthday, i don’t want to end on such a sad note, and it seems to me that if the anthem of our cosmonautics is played now, and the song
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that is officially the decision roscosmos, elevated to this rank, it will be very correct, this anthem in honor of the first cosmonaut in the world. the earth in the porthole, the earth in the porthole, the earth in the porthole is visible, like a son is sad about his mother, like a son is sad about his mother, we are sad about the earth, it is fire, and the stars are nevertheless, and the stars are nevertheless a little closer, but still just as cold and... as in the hours of an eclipse, and as in the hours of an eclipse, we are waiting for the light and earthly, we see dreams,
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we dream not the rock from the cosmodrome, not this icy blue, we dream of grass, grass near the house. green green grass, and fly out in morbits, along unbeaten paths, the space is stitched with meteorites. courage is justified, cosmic music, our
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conversation floats into the body, in some kind of matte haze, the earth is in the porthole, the evening and early dawn, and the son is sad about his mother, and the son is sad about his mother, we are waiting for a son, a mother, and for sons, the earth, i dream about the fate of the cosmos. peta is icy blue, and there is grass there, grass near the house, green, green grass.
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“the song is not rocking for us kasmaroma, meta flying blue, the grass is hellishly muddy, the grass near the house is green, green grass.
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leningrad, to the head of the fleet department kitchugin, the unloading at the russkaya polar station has been completed, the polar explorers have been removed, the ice conditions are still difficult, movement is difficult , wind at 15:17 m/s, gusts up to 20-25, snow charges, we are taking measures for...
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whoever is with me, let’s go have a look, oh well, let's go, let's go, let's level it out, load the car more, accepted. we load 900, there are 900, the old man will tell you how beautiful the city is, yuzha, wait, wait, yusha, wait, forgive me,
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it won’t happen again, duchess, dusha, go to the commission.
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hold, hold, whose dog, where are you, take the dog. where you got out, and where you grew up, keep your lock, be afraid, be afraid, everyone is alive, men, you put someone on the winch, where you are holding, pull, it’s your fault, comrade captain, well, an animal, not a rescue, look, you didn’t interrupt anything. torn changes the guy to the left rome, this is in vain, you climbed under the cable, climbed okay, well done, you climbed, but
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you can’t fasten it yourself, if the captain of the ship is messing around, what does that mean that there is no distance, he took the floor for repairs? yes, i’ll come, i’ll check, i understand, no, no, i was taught that the sailor should be afraid of the captain, so that the captain would pass by, and the sailor, yes, the berg is right on course, requests to urgently arrive on the bridge.
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yusha, leave her alone, let’s go behind the house, you haven’t seen dyusha, no, where are you, nikolaevich, aizberg is on course, the distance is five cables. let's go around on the left, duchess, come on, wait a minute, tell me, duchess, but you don’t understand the russian language, the steering wheel is left 20, there is a left 20, hey, master of the bite! wow, the dots are flipping over there.


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