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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 14, 2024 4:00am-4:46am MSK

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good luck thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you, it was a theater podcast and i and its host anton getman, our guests were the artistic director of the moscow pushkin drama theater evgeniy pisarev and the incredible actress of the pushkin theater, alexandra ursulyak. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. a war crime, ukrainian militants targeted an elderly neighborhood in takmak in the zaporozhye region. latest data on dead victims, including children.
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success in the avdeevsky direction. our defenders completely liberated the village of pervomaiskoye, which is happening in other sectors of the front. and a report from the lugansk people's republic about the work of the akhmat special forces. new areas are drowning, floods in the orenburg region, in the regional center alone, 300 houses are being evacuated in the water, in orsk, residents are returning to their homes. there was an accident on a funicular railway in turkey, one of the cabins fell apart in the air, what was the cause of the emergency and how were people rescued? techy island is a wild animal rehabilitation center in volgograd. let's show you how volunteers care for birds that have suffered at the hands of humans. main shots from different eras of art, which shapes time. in moscow, after a major renovation , a multimedia art museum opened, what have they prepared? visitors targeting elderly
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houses and civilians, kiev militants attacked the city of takmak in the zaporozhye region , the preliminary attack was a combined rocket artillery and cluster shells, at the moment it is known about ten dead, including children, two people are listed as missing, at least twenty were injured, the destruction is serious, the rubble has been cleared for almost a day, our correspondent alexey ivanov reports... from the scene, this is daughter liza, the eldest, 11 years old, this is sonya, the youngest was supposed to go to school this year. on alexander’s phone, photographs of his two daughters, the girls, their mother, and alexander’s wife were killed by ukrainian militants. one of the munitions with which the radicals from the eastern military district had fired at the front-line town of takmak the day before flew into the apartment where the family lived. alexander saw the moment of the shelling when he was returning home from work.
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the operation will continue until all the residents who were here at the time of the shelling are found. more than thirty rescuers are involved in the search, employees of the administration of the zaporozhye region are coordinating the work at the site of the shelling, the child was found on the second floor under the rubble, he was deep enough under the structures with the help of a crane they removed the slabs and extracted the child, a child born in 2014, now we are looking... in as a result of this powerful shelling of the city of takhmak, four apartment buildings were destroyed over the past 2 years houses, this two-story building, next door, where there is no entrance, now there is another house and a five-story section. the militants of the kiev regime knew where they were hitting, they used high-precision weapons against civilians. the death toll grew as the destroyed houses were cleared away. there are now 10 people on the list of victims, including at least three children. five residents were
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pulled out alive from the rubble today. doctors have already examined them and sent them for outpatient treatment. the most severe patients are in the intensive care unit of the city hospital. among them andrey's wife. three of them, who, on top of everything else, were transferred to the regional hospital yesterday, also had their torsos burned by flames. some patients who required surgical treatment were transported to melitopol, the site of the shelling was examined today by explosives experts, some of the ammunition did not work and could
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detonate at any moment. such a fragment was found here at the site of the shelling, a metal fragment, destructive elements that were scattered here around the area, the type of this ammunition is still... to be determined in the near future investigators will begin work at the scene of the shooting. experts also discovered a fragment of ammunition, which had not previously been found at shelling sites either in the zaporozhye region or in the neighboring donetsk people's republic. presumably, this is the tail part of the rocket, an engine element, the markings of the woodwart company have been preserved. according to open sources, the company is based in the us state of colorado, and just produces engines; judging by the found debris, the ammunition is relatively new. manufactured on october 12, 2020, not it is possible that the attack on takmak was a combined one, eyewitnesses heard explosions of cluster warheads, at least two shells hit this five-story building, you can see a hole here between the second third floor, here on the first floor, well, this is just a piece of ammunition, like
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of course, it remains to be established, but it is already known for sure that this shell was of a nato type, two people are listed as missing, meanwhile, at the site of the barbaric shelling... a special commission has already begun to work, primarily for residents of destroyed apartments , financial assistance will be provided, all victims will be provided with temporary housing, and assistance will be provided with the registration of lost documents. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, vladimir belyaev, sergey nashchukin, first channel takmak, zaporozhye region. as it has just become known, the death toll in takmak has risen to eleven. the body of another woman was recovered from the rubble. this is not the only terrorist attack by the kiev regime in 24 hours. victims of shelling in gorlovka in the dpr, among the wounded child, cluster shells were also used against civilians. further, the progress of the special operation, the success of our troops in the avdeysk direction, the village of pervomaiskoe came under the complete control of the russian armed forces, this will allow targeted attacks on
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enemy positions at a greater distance, in the area of ​​​​the neighboring village of vodyanoye, which has been a week since ours, nine ukrainians laid down their arms paratroopers from the twenty-fifth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, they describe the level of planning. their actions in training command personnel are low, the mood in the units against the background huge losses, panicky, they don’t see their commanders on the front line, tasks are set remotely via radio communication, they send us like well, like waste material, and they themselves are somewhere on the side, when we were taken prisoner, ours, according to ours, started shelling us , it turns out that this means we are already at a losing stage, that we... it means they no longer need us, yes, i was taken prisoner, thanks to this, that i remained alive, that i was not shot, the drought is worse, yes, than in russian captivity. now about the work of our army special forces, they real front-line all-rounders: launch and destroy drones, fire to
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kill, predict enemy maneuvers and put them at a disadvantage. the akhmat division is made up of fighters of brilliant training and military skill, as well as great courage. and our correspondent, gusein huseynov, was convinced of this. ammunition for air drop is ready, in addition to ordinary grenades, fighters often use such homemade ones; in terms of the force of destruction , the bird is even more powerful and heads for the enemy dugout, an enemy stronghold for deployment more than thirty people with clearly defined firing positions. the reconnaissance drone operator watches this support man for several days, recording the main routes, approaches and firing points.
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this is serebryansky forestry, the vicinity of the city of krimennaya, lugansk republic, the position of the special forces akhmat. the commander of the direction with the call sign shram tells how the ukrainian artillery is unsuccessfully trying to smoke out. forest, his unit, an active member of the bar association, came here as volunteers. the enemy, like a hunted animal, is already pressed against wall, no longer knows what measures to take, but they are all even, because in any case, victory will be ours. the gunner of the mortar crew shows his position; the day before , the enemy tried to destroy it for several hours with the help of artillery and drones. this is exactly the same position where several of them arrived yesterday. drones, look, there’s a mine here, and right here, literally a few meters away
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, spare parts, or rather, what’s left of those same fpv drones, blade motors, here’s one, two, three, here’s another one quadcopter element. the fighters counted seven arrivals of kamikaze drones; neither personnel nor the mortar were injured, only the dugout was damaged. the main striking force is now with us, the enemy. this is artillery and, of course, drones, the military says, reconnaissance copters hover over the forest almost all the time. it’s been about 10 minutes, we’ve been hiding under a tree like this, moving from side to side, depending on which side we can hear the drone of the quadcopter. the square from where this special forces mine akhmat operates under special enemy control. calculation hits so effectively it's practically...
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mines were flying, when they began to dig in, we were let down by our spotters and got right into the trenches. the good-natured gunner came to the northern military district immediately after serving in the army, before that he studied at college to become an auto mechanic, and could have served in the repair battalion, but he refused, that is, they offered me to drive there. i didn’t want to go to someone, i wanted to come here to the boys in the trenches. at some point, the sound of the drone's propellers is heard directly above us, the commander notices the drone. i'm now guys watching a bird in air and try to shoot her down with machine gun shots. it’s not possible to destroy the copter, the target is too small for a regular machine gun, they just scared it away. now that the sky is clear, the mortar can continue working, fire! and, despite attempts to plan
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to destroy the positions of our attack aircraft and artillery, most often the ukrainian militants themselves find themselves under heavy fire. gusein guseinov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and tatyana bakulina. channel one lugansk people's republic. more about our defenders: the crew of a self-propelled gun under the command of guard private arthur. gorelovo destroyed artillery and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. when the enemy returned fire, the fighters quickly changed their position and continued to carry out the combat mission. guard major sergei girko repaired the communications hardware that was damaged by the shelling. as soon as control of the units was restored, our artillery inflicted fire damage on the enemy. this year's floods in russia have already affected 186 settlements in 39 regions. the tas agency reported this today.
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the first floor has gone under water, the second is already on approach. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is approaching 12 m, 2 and a half more than critical. almost 3,000 houses were sunk, and this number continues to grow. today, satellite images of orenburg from space appeared in the media, which are called before and after the flood. the dubki residential complex is the southern outskirts of orenburg. the old familiar bed of the urals. people began to evacuate from here the day before; many, while they still have the opportunity, are returning to pick up their things. now the main thing is to remain calm, not to lose your mind, not to panic, like many they start to panic, but calm down. a group of the ministry of emergency situations from different regions of russia is now working in orenburg. rescuers from kirov say that they often have to extinguish forest
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fires rather than rescue people from the water, but they have already noticed one feature: sometimes it takes more time to... rescue, they don’t leave until the last minute, they are afraid for their own in order to persuade people evacuate, their property is sitting, and there the man sent his wife home, he stayed, there are a lot of volunteers on the boats, these volunteers are from tatarstan, our people are here, leave the poor, that’s the general problem, the people are adequate, kind, teaching, somewhere with humor, thank you, thank you, the work in the neighboring streets is hard. equipment is erecting temporary dams to stop the flow of water, police officers are on duty in the disaster zone along with rescuers, they patrol flooded streets to prevent looting, monitor the situation from the air, and even at night a drone with a thermal imager helps, wild animals are also saved from the elements animals, emergencies ministry employees advise to be careful when meeting,
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for example, with such forest inhabitants, a wild boar on the streets of orenburg, a wild boar. in the east of the region in orsk, which was the first to bear the brunt of the flood, people are gradually returning to their homes. more than 2 thousand buildings have already been connected to the power grid, gas has been supplied to 3,500 houses, commissions have begun walking around the courtyards assessing the damage, and those who could not save their documents are having them restored in an expedited manner. during the flood, i lost my passport, i contacted the migration service, on the same day, on the day of submitting the application, i received passport. in clinics and temporary centers . alexander kurenkov, he visited the temporary accommodation center and talked with the locals . the day before, the head of the ministry of emergency situations visited the city again , and the residents should say thank you to everyone for saving us in general, the ministry of emergency situations too, thank you.
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special thanks, but i hope that they will not abandon us, they will not abandon us, i want to remind you that the task set by the president is federal, you are not alone, the whole country is behind you, and this country is now working to come help it is predicted that in the near future the water level will begin to decrease in orenburg. sergei panomariov, yulia khodorova, yuri shatokhin, sergei suvorov and yuri yarchenko, channel one. the storm raged today in kabardino-balkaria, showers and thunderstorms. hail and squally winds as a result of a powerful cyclone. nalchiki, some streets have become more like rivers. several private houses were flooded in the lowlands. the ministry of emergency situations, road utilities are working in emergency mode, water and gas are supplied to residential areas without interruption. victims no, a storm warning has been announced for tomorrow, there is a high probability of new precipitation with strong winds. iranian special forces seized
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cargo containers that were traveling from the united arab emirates to india under the flag of portugal. everything happened in the strait of armus, troops landed on board from a helicopter and forced the crew to proceed to the territorial waters of iran. it is known that the ship belongs to an israeli company. the team consists of 25 people, most of them, according to some sources, indian citizens. israel called for new sanctions against the islamic republic. the hijacking of the ship occurred against the backdrop of tehran's warning to respond to the recent israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. israel, in turn, threatens to attack iranian nuclear energy facilities. aggravation of the situation in the middle east. the foreign ministers of russia and iran discussed the phone today. moscow condemns the israeli attack on the representative office of the islamic republic in syria. any attacks on diplomatic facilities are unacceptable. talk took place at the initiative of tehran. in an emergency in sydney, australia, a man with a knife attacked people in a shopping center. six people were killed and several more were injured. the only one who
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dared to confront the attacker before the police arrived was one of the store visitors who spoke russian. he grabbed it. this is how he was able to prevent the killer from getting onto the floor where the children were, the police arrived, and in the end the criminal was shot. an extremely alarming day in antalya, turkey, the day before the funicular there broke down, one of the supports collapsed, the flying element hit the cabin, the impact caused its floor to fall off, people fell from a height, one person died, the remaining 200 passengers remained in the cabins, which were frozen. over a mountain gorge. the rescue operation lasted more than 22 hours, people were also taken away by helicopters. 2.0 rescuers, live broadcast, and by evening the last person was pulled out. according to our genkols. there are no russians among the victims. chronicle of events in the material of dmitry malshev. this is footage of the evacuation of the last passenger who broke down
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funicular he spent almost a day locked at a high altitude in a cramped cabin, which was constantly tossed from side to side by gusts of strong wind. the victim is taken to the hospital; journalists are not allowed to see him. however, it is not difficult to imagine what his story would have been like, because even those who were filmed almost immediately still cannot be appeased.
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the structure rusted, according to others, it simply did not have enough fastening bolts, it came off and hit this cabin, eight people were riding in it at once, it couldn’t stand half a hit, people fell on the stones. after when the funicular stopped at a height, there were 24 cabins with passengers; due to the terrain, 90 people could only be removed by helicopters; at first they tried to use them to deliver rescuers to the cabins, but due to the strong wind it was considered mortally dangerous. then climbers climbed onto the supports. those who could put on safety equipment were removed with cables, the rest had to be secured with special equipment. the reaction of many rescued tourists was very emotional, this woman spent 21 hours trapped on the phonic railway, the first thing she did when she got down was
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she kissed the ground only then lay down on the stretcher. dmitry malyshev, sergey vaskoboynikov, channel one. an important date in our history: 80 years ago, soviet troops liberated simferopol from the nazi invaders. one of the first tanks to rush into the city was the t-34 tank with tail number 201. later it was installed in victory square. today they laid flowers there. the occupation of simferopol lasted 865 days. during this time, the nazis killed and tortured thousands of people in camps. resistance groups operated in the city. during the war they blew up 11 fascist trains and attacked german military targets more than sixty times. the partisans also thwarted the nazis’ plans to blow up the city along with the red army units that entered it.
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historical project the battle of moscow, birds, but not like in a hitchcock thriller, alina erina’s troubled economy, in her rehabilitation center , birds that were injured in the wild are improving their health. if possible, pets are prepared to return to their usual conditions, but some remain salty forever; like a real doctor, she can leave birds even in the most severe cases, our correspondent, elena pich, met in this nursery. with an arlitsa, whose intelligence is like that of the smartest shepherd, it’s interesting to see, no, no, no, no, no, wrong way, wrong way, a young swan
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named baby absolutely does not want to swim away from his savior, he is one of the three birds that were released at the volgograd center for the rehabilitation of wild animals this winter, and now they can be released, but after a month of treatment, the expanses of the steppe and the surface of the water from the arpin lakes frighten the swan, it is touching hugs alina erina with her long neck, next to, well, the so-called mother, yes, who will watch, protect, but they need this, in december last year the baby was saved by the zolotaryov family, as soon as the shipten grew up, he was unable to muster the strength to fly away with his relatives to warmer lands , he just landed at our place of work so that the dogs wouldn’t tear him apart, i took him at first, the swan needed medical attention, so volunteer anya smalinova took him to a rehabilitation center to make sure that the bird was not injured by the hunter. at there are no fractures, the baby was given an x-ray at the veterinary clinic, but they don’t treat such patients there, wild birds are exotic, in our country you can count the number of specialists who know how to help them on
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one hand, the date of pain. could save her life, this eagle in the astrakhan region was hit by an electric locomotive, the injuries were severe, but alina erina is optimistic, she says that not only they were nursed, however, like those eagles that already live in the center, this one is unlikely to return to the wild. this is exactly what they look like red-listed eagles, white-tailed eagles, literally reach out your hand, it seems, but of course i won’t do that, they are huge. beaks are very sharp claws, but unfortunately, all these birds, they suffered at the hands of humans, someone was hit by a car, someone suffered from an electric shock, landing unsuccessfully on a power line, someone had to remove hunting shot, this orlando together with the wing, a person crowds out wild animals where they have lived for centuries, kills for fun, and sometimes tries to turn them into his toy, like this huge and smart one stepanida, styopa, you won’t rush, yes,
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you need to be fed. mine, a beauty with a two-meter wingspan and the intelligence of a shepherd, was once stolen from the eagle’s nest as a chick and presented as a gift. the troublesome present quickly got boring, the bird was put out the door, but it doesn’t know how to live in the wild, so it flew to a neighboring village. and i can imagine the reaction, when such a bird flies to your site, spreading its wings like that and demanding food, not every person will be happy here, and such a visitor was told that they would simply shoot it. stepanida lucky, she was caught by a local resident. and transferred here injured birds from all over the volgograd region and from neighboring regions , they are accepted here at any time of the day or night, although few people realize that the rehabilitation center fits into alina erina’s private farmstead, and some of its patients live literally among the beds. doesn’t it bother you that people have chickens in your yard, and you have seagulls and seagulls, well, we also have chickens, by the way, so they dilute the look of the seagulls a little, let’s just say the overall look,
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deer friends, volunteers help and of course. danya’s son not only takes care of the birds, but he undertook to cure an exotic lizard; when he was brought in, he had terrible rickets, this is when the bones are soft and soft and they can take any shape and even break very easily, that is, someone brought him to the previous owner was in such a state, yes, but we left it, in the center there remain only those who will never be able to live in the wild again, there are steppe eagles, owls, the crow kasel learned to speak over the years of living here, and fili on... recently laid eggs, erina dreams that someday she will be able to build spacious enclosures for all of them, where rare species of birds can breed and train their offspring, and the grown chicks can be released into the wild. who's first, fellow ipsies? yes, that's all, this is their normal size, they won't grow any more. every year alina erina returns dozens of rescued birds to nature. by the way, the baby and two other swans eventually moved to a large steppe lake and have already
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settled. stop for a moment, you are beautifully woven from hundreds of such moments carpet of time and is presented on the sites of the multimedia art museum, which opened its doors after a large-scale reconstruction. here you can study history from photographs and the world's most famous masters presented their works here. there are no stereotypes here, only experiments and pure things. beauty, which is presented to the audience by the owner of this house, the director of the museum, olga sviblova, it is a pleasure to listen to her, a person passionate about his work, that’s why the result is this, alexey zotov will confirm: humpty dumpty was sitting on the wall, humpty dumpty fell in his sleep, any of us will remember after seeing this picture. the production for a glamor magazine has been living on its own for a long time, and now across the hall she is also exchanging glances with another alice, russian supermodel
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natalia voda. aliens, geishas from other galaxies and an incomprehensible time, peter lindbergh, sarah, annie leibovitz, albert watson and helmut newton, all these outstanding masters of photography exhibited their works in these halls, came themselves, but for everyone it was a benefit performance, now for all of them arranged a general fashion show, well, this is a classic, this is a miracle, this is the seventy-second year, look at this
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composition, this color, it is so modern, strong, endless, this is the seventies, fortunately, photographs allow us to look even further...
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these are drawings from 2001 to 2009, but there are no paintings, no, because during this time eric never found the only image that he sees, with a portrait of the photographer and passionate collector yuri rybchinsky, the hall of his memory begins, from the late eighties he bought and traded their photographs from friends made into a table with no chance of publication, because often it was not just not ceremonial, but unsightly...
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then the most interesting thing happens. the creator of a panoramic fresco, visible only in ultraviolet rays, decided to show us what happens to the psyche if we are suddenly left alone with ourselves, and who we become when we find ourselves again in a roaring sea of ​​people, about how sports photography has changed over the last 100 years , there is a whole floor here, from the komsomol physical education greetings and parades on red square to the physical sensation.
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will be able to take his own personal photo masterpiece. alexey zotov, mikhail kunitsin, ilya marin, alexander isaev, maxim kulifeev, channel one. hello, i’m dmitry bak, we’re having another episode of a literary podcast: let them not talk, let them read. today we have an absolutely unique guest, you all know him well, at the same time, i’m sure you don’t know him
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completely, he is a young, passionate, strong, active, risky person, he is a man who knows russian poetry of all times, he is a famous poet , scientist. this is the professor, this is winner of many awards, this is a television journalist, this is igor leonidovich volgin. hello, igor. hello, dima. we'll be like you, like us. in life, i’m very glad to see you, and since i promised our interlocutors that they would recognize volgin and not recognize him, let’s start right from the point where they, perhaps, do not know you completely, i ’ll read some line now , well, for example, bela akhmadulina, and igor will try to continue, it’s me, my outfit is purple, i’m an arrogantly young fat woman, but to a dying smile. igor volgin, participant,
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a witness of all those phenomena, events that we are accustomed to calling the khrushchev thaw, or simply the thaw, this is the period that is, as is commonly believed, between the fifty-sixth year, the twentieth party congress and the sixty-eighth or seventieth year, this is the era of debuts, the era of beginnings, well, yes, this is the era of the sixties, of course, although my generation called us: under the forest, we, because the generation of the sixties was born in the thirty-second, thirty-third year, yes, we were 10 years younger, of course, here , but this a wonderful era, this is not only literary debuts, this is a historical debut, a change in attitude, if this era had not existed, there would have been no literary debuts, there would not have been, there would have been a yavtushenko, but another yavtushenko, of course, there would have been perhaps voznesensky, although i i doubt it, but it would be a different galaxy of poets, i, for example, remember the first meeting with yavtushenko, he was having a big evening...
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and my school friend was sitting with me, when yavtashenko pronounced this rhyme, i pushed him painfully side, he didn't understand why, i say, here’s a new rhyme, an update to the dictionary, some examples, well, well, i’ll give an example maybe from another, let’s say it’s pankratov, his students kharabarov, the winter was so young, so cheerful and troublesome, it seemed to me like a thrush, a simulated poor man , yes, but they took the rhyme from yatushenko, we also remembered voznesensky . he had already arrived, and there was already a mosaic, i saw the first one in the richtor and
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he entrusted himself with the features of the zemstvo doctors insofar as they were honest, of course, so i remember this, here he is, he reads career, galileo's learned peer was no more stupid than galileo, he knew that the earth was trusting, but he had a family, and he, getting his wife into the carriage, having committed his betrayal, believed that he was making a career, and meanwhile he was ruining it, well, that is ... and so long live the career, when the career is like that of shakespeare, pasteur, homer and tolstoy, the lion’s pause, i promised, i promised, here’s igor volgen, but think about the carriage and career, the words are absolutely, it’s so powerful the beginning, i remember the very beginning, here i am, i was a schoolboy, fifty-nine year, evenings on mayakovsky square, when people gathered on saturdays, a crowd, everyone could read, only then was the monument erected.
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bratskaya gus, and i open a literary newspaper in irkutsk, at the station, i open the newspaper, and there, bon voyage, that’s how it was, that means, this was the manner of admonishing young poets, pavel grigorievich antokolsky gives me bon voyage, and introduced me with him urin, there was such a poet, victor urin, he walked around moscow with such a piece of clothing on his shoulder, and gathered people at his place,
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his door was covered with autographs and writers, i wrote to him “the door at vite urin ’s literary writer,” so he introduced me. there with antakolsky and antakolsky there was a meter, this word is tsvetaeva’s friend there, well, sort of, and one night he means me, so pavel a call is given at my house, and my mother says, some adult is on the phone for you, she says, mom, that means i come up and i was about 20 years old, come to me one by one, well , he says some words, well, of course it’s something you’ll remember for the rest of your life, so that means there was this selection in a literary newspaper, it’s like already... this it's already been a year, the second year i've been studying at the history department, and it's been an interesting year, this year is amazing, because look, this is my okay, okay, my debut, okay, but one day of ivan denisovich comes out in the fall in the eleventh issue in november in the new world and in the new world, my first selection is coming out in october, by the way, it’s also interesting, it
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was like october, there are two new worlds, let’s remember that these are two magazines, one conventionally progressive, the other conventionally conservative, alexander tvardovsky. in the seventh year tvordovsky published my selection in the new world and sokolov volodya the wonderful poet meets and says: you violated my.
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that i know that there are photographs of volgin with gogarin, for example, and where was he taken at a meeting, at the fourth meeting of young writers, by the way, this was done, he spoke at a meeting of young writers gagarin and igor lench volgin, it is impossible to imagine that such a thing would happen now sort of there was a meeting where such a first cosmonaut in the world would speak, well , literature is simply given a different meaning, and
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the sixty-second year especially this year was a little later, this is the spring of sixty-three, and the sixty-second year of the caribbean crisis, all this coincides. it means solzhenitsyon, in a month manege, kruchov performs in manege, trashes young artists, this is all happening during the period, this is belutin, this is a new reality, it would seem, on the one hand this is, on the other hand there is such a reaction, all this, well, in general sixtieth year, i brought books, as always, and i’ll even tell you a terrible thing, not traditional, that usually, of course, you remember that in the middle of our every episode of our podcast there is an author’s section, and the presenter there either reads a poem, comments, or shows an old book, and today i’m giving it to a guest, because i’m visiting igor volgin, who reads it himself, but more on that later, now i’ll just pick up some little books, well, here’s yevtushenko’s book , promise, for example, here’s yevtushenko’s book, tenderness, it’s very important that i have a foreign book, pitching, this is also important,
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remember that...


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