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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 14, 2024 6:00am-6:11am MSK

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not only swindlers, yes, but also for law enforcement, yes, that means it is necessary to build a system in which it would be possible to accumulate all this, structure, systematize and quickly identify from there the channels and sources where the main flow of these requests from scammers comes from. hello, the news is on air in the studio sergei tugushe, at the beginning of the episode, briefly about the main thing. iran attacked israel at night with kamikaze missiles and drones, this was a reaction to the attack on the iranian consulate in the diplomatic quarter of damascus 2 weeks ago. israel intends to answer. equipment is on fire at the forefront.
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russian units destroyed several militant targets in the special operation zone. they run away and swim away. ukrainians of military age do everything to avoid going to the front. western media, in connection with russia's dominance on the battlefield, records significant changes in sentiment in ukraine. the water continues to move, the current intensifies. in kurgan , a peak flood is predicted in the next two days. in orski. where people return to their homes will reopen from monday schools. a sharp aggravation of the situation in the middle east this night massive attacks were inflicted on israel, mainly from iran, which had previously warned of a response to the attack by the israeli army on the consulate general of the islamic republic in damascus on april 1. in connection with the escalation, an emergency meeting of the un security council will be held today. the situation in the conflict zone changes every minute. the latest messages were collected by georgy. lisashvili. the sounds of explosions in
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the sky on the ground, people running in panic, the holy land under attack. for the first time iran directly attacked israel. tehran, according to american media reports, launched up to 200 missiles, including ballistic ones. in addition, according to cnn, iran carried out the largest drone raid in history in four waves. along with iran, attacks were carried out by paramilitary groups from iraq and syria under its control. kamikaze drones were launched by yemen's houthis, and lebanese hezbollah fired rockets at israel's northern settlements all night. retaliatory strikes from the idf, the jewish state defense army have turned the lebanese-israeli border into a zone military operations. all this, as the supreme leader of iran, khaminei, said, is the consequences of destruction. consulate of the islamic republic
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in damascus. the malicious regime, made up of hatred of mistakes, added another to its miscalculations by attacking the iranian consulate in syria. this evil regime has taken a reckless step for which it must and will be punished. this statement was met with poking fun in tehran; local television broadcast the reading of the koran, as it was during the days of the iran-iraq war. however, israeli channels broadcast these footage from iran with a completely different mood. it's a traffic jam, there's a line for gas. people are stocking up on prog because the scale of the escalation is impressive. the american television channel nbc claims that iran’s targets include not only israel’s military infrastructure, but also government buildings, including the knesset, the israeli parliament, and even, as the british telegraph already reports, the residence of prime minister netanyahu . in addition to israeli
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aircraft, american aircraft were scrambled to intercept air bases in iraq and syria, as well as british military bases in cyprus. in repelling the attack , the jewish state was supported by france and jordan. the main task is to destroy the maximum number of missiles and drones on the approaches to israel. at least several uavs were shot down by the americans, but the iranians prevailed in numbers. hundreds of targets partially paralyzed the work of the iron dome system, which was... to repel attacks from all sides. under attack are the dutch heights with military bases near the syrian border and the negev desert, where in the city of dimona there is a nuclear research center at the heart of israel's nuclear industry. tel aviv, bersheva and ashkilon elad, on the border with egypt, as well as israeli settlements around jerusalem are also under fire. the city of three religions itself is under attack. explosions sounded over the temple mount, and afterward the wreckage of the drones was found in western jews. and eastern
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jerusalem populated by arabs. israel has officially acknowledged that missiles hit targets on the territory of a military base in the negev desert. we are probably talking about the ramon air center, where f-16 fighters are based. however, damage according to tsahal is minimal. prime minister netanyahu held a meeting of the military cabinet, after which the syrian media reported information about an attack on damascus airport. in his address to the nation, netanyahu made it clear that everyone involved in the attack on israel had become legitimate targets of the idf. our defenses have been deployed, we are ready for any scenario, like... joe biden on saturday urgently interrupted his day off and held a meeting with the heads of the pentagon, state department and cia in the white house situation room. american tv channels first announced the president's address to the nation, and then
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denied their own messages. the united states, following the european union, condemned the attacks on israel. according to some reports, the biden administration is asking israeli colleagues to coordinate reciprocal steps in order to prevent... a full-scale regional war, however, the only statement on the topic was made by the american leader on his page on the social network x, former twitter. i just met with my national security team to get the latest on iran's attack on israel. our desire to secure israel is unshakable from threats from iran and its satellites. israel requested an emergency meeting of the un security council. it is expected to take place this evening, but both have already arrived. the parties reported on their successes. iran said every second missile reached its target. israel claims that 99% of drones and missiles launched by tehran were destroyed. iranian permanent representative prion announced the end of the attack unless opponents escalate further.
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the incident can be considered settled, however, if the israeli regime makes another mistake, iran's response will be much more serious. this is a conflict between iran and the criminal israeli regime. the us should stay away from this conflict. the skies over the middle east are closed to civil aircraft. the federal air transport agency has banned russian companies from flying over jordan, iraq and israel. aeroflot has rescheduled a number of flights to egypt and the emirates. the flight from moscow to tehrad had to land in makhachkala. the israeli media are reporting, quote: an inevitable, decisive and powerful response from their country. georgi lisashvili, nina khoreva, boris kamenov, channel one. to the svo news, russian multiple launch rocket systems. attacked a concentration of militants in the southern donetsk direction. among the destroyed enemy equipment was the american m-77 howitzer. the work of the artillerymen was coordinated by crews of unmanned aerial vehicles, they adjusted the aiming and recorded hits. and crews
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of the tor air defense system protect the sky above the positions of russian troops from ukrainian drones. the complex is capable of intercepting airborne objects from small copters and winged missiles of aircraft. among the recent targets american- made missiles. they run away and sail abroad, just to avoid ending up on the front line. this is how the new york times describes the situation in western ukraine. she draws attention to the fact that thousands of ukrainians fit for service are trying to leave the country, using forest paths and swimming across rivers, even at great risk to their lives. and all because, the publication points out, the initiative on the battlefield has passed to russia and the ukrainians, seeing the situation not in kiev’s favor, are even more eager to avoid mobilization.
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local media quoted the official as saying. changes to order 402 are currently being coordinated; from mid-may, re-examination will begin to confirm the fitness for service of those people who have been recognized as of limited fitness. kurgan is preparing for the arrival of big water, as local authorities report, the flow in the tabul river is sharply increasing, this means that a flood wave is approaching the regional center, in order to increase soil absorption , the floodplain is being drilled, dams are being built from bags of sand, at the same time. residents of the districts, those who may find themselves in a flood zone are urged to evacuate immediately. peak flooding is expected today or tomorrow. and in the orenburg region, the peak has already been cleared of water within 24 hours; almost one and a half thousand residential buildings and over 1,200 household plots have been vacated there. borski, the most affected by the flood, the water level in the ural river has dropped
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below the dangerous level of 7 m. where possible, people are returning to their homes, restoration work is being carried out, and face-to-face classes are resuming on monday instead. schools that are not flooded or are not used as temporary accommodation points. that's all for now, see you later. now , quite serious systems have appeared in leading banks that prevent transfers to cards that have been corrupted, phones that have been compromised, etc., the bank preventively blocks transactions, this is also due to the regulator, he introduced such a three-level system, green ,


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