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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  April 14, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

7:40 am
and that i’m little, i’ll stand on a bench , i’ll reach the ceiling, there’s a glass on the table, there’s a cockroach in the glass, if you want to meet me, buy me a sarapan, a yaytak, a case, a bunny, and why splash such boys, yay so yay schak yay squirrel, why are you splashing around with such a girl?
7:41 am
so we came to you, oh, it’s very nice, vladimir region, how are you here in general, new fighters are growing, growing, but what about your grandson sitting there, he looks like his grandson, i don’t know if you are, hello, i aunt nastya, who are you, and i’m vlad, vlad, yeah, what did you want to choke on, that’s it guy, you love milk and drink it, here i am, i also love milk, alexander, so white, in general, like you have in aleksandrov, that stern ivan the terrible, it’s not for nothing that he settled there at one time. the vladimir region
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is of course famous, famous for history, it’s true, but you know your places at least a little, or so only, but you won’t tell anyone, yes, yes, here one program is not enough to show and tell everything, but we will try, yes, even just a little, but i always remember zakhar, how gennady dmitrievich addressed alexander. mikhailovich, he said, and without a sled, the talker in the village will be deaf, without an accordion, naturally, the old man said to the old woman, don’t talk and talk, here’s another thing, gennady dmitrievich, i mean zavolokin, you knew him, you knew him , yes, we met, so this is the russian harmonica ensemble, how old is this group, 26 years old already, so what generation needs to be developed, what generation, probably the sixth?
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the russian harmonica ensemble plays on the historical ground in the city of vladimir, russian tunes against.
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welcome to the city where even the stones under your feet can be precious, hello ekaterinburg, emerald, it is beautiful in itself.
7:45 am
this is a small universe, how many meters are there under me, you say, right? 193, they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they are lying, you can, the lives of your own, the premiere, today on the first, let me go, like the night, lets go of the stars from the sky.
7:46 am
and you believe that i can say that word, the rush is carried away, the anxiety goes away from the soul, because you got on tv, you star, you are a star, let people see, the star factory is the best, today is on the first day.
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we are in the crystal city, the crystal city has been making such beauty in... centuries, look at zakhar’s flowers, look, and at mine, look at the bells, listen, lenochka, you have glasses, come on, what if the musicians play on our flowerpots, what happens is the kingdom of crystal, the kingdom of glass. not some kind of looking glass, think about it, it is a sarce of the beauty of a fairy tale,
7:48 am
on the mountain there is a birch tree, on the mountain mountain there is a birch tree, a river flowed, oh yes, a river flowed, oh yes the river. the river was flowing , the river was flowing, the water was cold, oh yes , the water was cold, oh yes, you can’t, you can’t, brothers, you can’t, you can’t take water , you can’t take it, you can’t scoop it up from an old cossack, you can’t scoop it up from an old cossack, from an old man
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on the mountain-mountain birch, on the mountain-mountain birch, the river flowed, oh yes, the river flowed , oh,
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kalinochka’s berry is pecking, oh, he’s small, oh,
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he’s small, he’s snacking on a little one, he ’s snacking on a raspberry, eh-oh, they flew to the nightingale, oh, they flew to the nightingale, they flew to the nightingale, weaved, they flew to the nightingale, weaved, planted the nightingale, planted the nightingale, planted the nightingale, in a cage, they put a nightingale, in a cage, they forced the nightingale, oh, they forced the nightingale, they forced the nightingale.
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7:53 am
favorite song at the request of the audience, my life, author, alexey medvedev, himself , oh, hurray, applause, rocking, swinging, it happens. everything, and sometimes i don’t want to live, sometimes i don’t want to, my soul is dark, but my life is burning, baking, you’re rolling, and why are you rolling? stream and wheel, but my life flows,
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flows, bake desa, flows, flows like a stream and burns, does not melt in the dream, but my life flows, flows, father, and even
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hiccups, hiccups, oh no... what can’t we get here, there’s coffee and a roll, there’s a roll of tea with tea, my sweetie, languid, spread out. you, and you are sour , oh, we will never forget, vladimir, oh, what nice people here, my sweetie, fragrant, i saw through you, and thyme,
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ah, goodbye, say goodbye, oh thank you all, let's say for your efforts, my candy with marmalade, i figured you out, and you are sweet, my candy, with marmalade, i figured you out, and you are sweet.
7:57 am
hello, the military information program chasovoy and i is on air on channel one its presenter is alexey rafaenko. watch this episode. war crimes of the ukrainian army, why is the ukrainian armed forces striking residential areas? what is he accusing you of? with the help of a quadcopter, i adjusted the fire, the crowd fire system hailed residential buildings. employees of the russian investigative committee are collecting evidence for a future international court. ukrainian armed forces launched a rocket attack on the kiev
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region and the city of donetsk, presumably using a kharm aircraft missile. not only official, but also civic duty. how are investigators helping those who suffered at the hands of the ukrainian military? everyone who was there, who helped, came here, helped us, thank you very much. we continue to monitor the special operation, right now the news is from the past week. at the beginning of the release we would like to pay tribute to our memory and respect.
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8:00 am
powerful fire support for advancing tankers and motorized riflemen is also provided in the kupinsky direction by the crews of heavy flamethrower systems. thermoboric shells cover enemy fortified strong points at a distance of more than 5 km from lines. contact, well, right there, right at the target, we cause significant damage to the enemy, we are corrected by drones, so... if we get hit right away, then we work out, well, how many shells do we need, for example, there are six, we work out already leaving the position, sight
8:01 am
520, level 3, turnaround, combat work does not subside at night, in these frames crews of 152-mm d-20 howubs strike enemy positions in the donetsk direction, shot using night vision devices. scouts adjust fire in real time, this helps destroy enemy fortifications with minimal ammunition consumption. the first sighting is 20-30 m, the second is already control. on the eve of the may 9 holiday, the sentinel program, together with the popular front charity foundation , is launching an all-russian collection for victory. with the proceeds. what we will definitely tell you about, follow the qr code that
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you see on your screens, let’s support our guys together. and now it’s time for a big report, in which we will talk about the employees of the investigative committee, their line of combat contact, even though it is in the rear.
8:03 am
the southwestern outskirts of the capital of donbass, the densely populated tekstilshchik microdistrict, here on january 21, 2024, ukrainian artillery shelled a food market. the attack took place on sunday morning, when the largest number of shoppers gather, 27 innocent people were killed and over thirty were injured. during the inspection of the scene of the incident, which we carried out on january 21, a sample of soil was taken from this place, which was under a tree, a control sample of soil, which we took at a distance of 7 m from the place itself, respectively. we discovered 21 metal fragments presumably from 155-caliber ammunition, this is a nato caliber,
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no one has any doubts about who fired these shells, only the ukrainian army uses western weapons on the front line, the artillerymen knew where they were hitting whom, moreover, probably carried out preliminary aerial reconnaissance. we heard from local residents who passed by here that the day before the incident, it turns out that copters were flying here, and apparently they were filming something, and also at the moment, at the time of inspection of the place incident, collecting evidence, it turns out it was clear, i personally saw how i flew over the market, just where the arrival was made, and the copter was flying, they not only carried out preliminary reconnaissance, but recorded the results of the defeat, that they purposefully hit civilians , the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine are not at all embarrassed, if you count this in the kirovsky district, then this is the most densely populated area, here, well, if you don’t lie, at least
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70 thousand people live, purely just in this area, the market is again full of people, many from they were also here on that tragic day, they lost loved ones, my wife, but i remember you, of course, yes, i remember you, how are you? but gregory doesn’t see any other way for himself; he will go to the front again and beat the enemy for his wife and neighbors who were killed by ukrainian artillerymen.
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war crimes of the ukrainian army, collect evidence, take testimony from witnesses in order to expose in the future those who gave and carried out these inhumane orders. evgenia ilyinichna, a saleswoman, was also here when there was an explosion nearby, right in the middle of the shopping rows. projectile that's when it all happened, i just went to the depths here for bread, well,
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i got three fragments, oh, they hit me, right? somewhere else , well, there was blood left, well, there was only bleeding, and eric was here, eric in the hospital, well, he was working, working, yes eric, a young guy standing in his wife, this is not natasha’s lama, i worked with her alive and my wife’s wife cut her face with irik, i talked yesterday, well how is he in what condition? he said, you can’t wait, the enemy is especially angry when our army moves forward, as if taking revenge for its powerlessness on the battlefield. in in the special military operation zone , a new version of the pantsir sn missile and gun system is undergoing combat tests. now the most important targets are quadcopters, multiple launch rocket systems, hail.
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today we are the only ones in the world. we can effectively work on this class of targets, a cloud of damaging elements appears, that is, through which it is almost impossible to fly through automation of the shell at such a level that the shell can be like a robot, it is noted on the machine, we have eight stars, seven enemy aircraft and one helicopter, need to be strong to be afraid of the strong and never touch, we have created a direction that ensures... that superiority by the day of the air defense forces, today is the first. new attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this is terrorism, this is terrorism in its purest form. terrorist attacks are perceived as an attack, and any attack unites the people. who is to blame according to kiev? the ukrainian regime is repeating itself, we heard something similar in 2020 . it's not us, it's them themselves.
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classic. fascists, as a rule, come to power democratically, and in the most feed on advanced democracies as they emerge within them. and the topic would not be worth considering if fascism, after its defeat in world war ii, would have remained an artifact of the 20th century, but life decreed
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otherwise. in the 21st century, the word fascism has regained its power. fascism opened up such vastness of inhuman pragmatism to the world that it forever made it a grave insult. therefore, you can only fight fascism. premiere, ordinary fascism. two: tomorrow on the first. in addition to attacks from conventional artillery shells, donetsk, as well as others front-line cities are regularly bombarded with ammunition with explosive cluster warheads supplied by the western coalition. cluster mines and petal mines, there are a lot of messages about this, that is.


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