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tv   Zdorove  1TV  April 14, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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ordered otherwise. in the 21st century, the word fascism has regained its power. fascism opened up such vastness of inhuman pragmatism to the world that it forever made it a grave insult. therefore, you can only fight fascism. premiere. ordinary fascism 2, tomorrow on the first. in addition to attacks with conventional artillery shells, donetsk, as well as other front-line cities, are regularly bombarded with explosive cluster ammunition supplied by the western coalition. cluster mines and petal mines, there are a lot of messages about this, then there is. now even a new mine, i really
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don’t know what it’s called correctly, it’s a decoy, they put money in, tie it to the mine, that is, a person sees, picks it up and the mine goes off, the person accordingly suffers a traumatic amputation of a hand or arm, that these are prohibited methods of war, crimes against humanity, or in other words, ordinary fascism. but it is a mistake to think that war crimes remain unpunished; all soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces, especially artillerymen, who are captured by our army are checked for involvement in shelling of residential areas, because every hit is documented by members of the investigative committee. what are the last names
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: sovchuk andrey romanovich, what are you accused of? using a quadcopter , he corrected the fire of the selective multiple launch rocket system for hailing residential buildings in the village of nikolaevka, as a result of which these residential buildings were destroyed. do you admit your guilt? i admit my guilt and repent to the judge. here they are, seemingly ordinary people. as soon as they change the military uniform of the armed forces of ukraine to a prison uniform, but what makes them commit inhumane acts? february 2023, petrovsky district of donetsk, a fire broke out in a residential building. firefighters and an ambulance arrived at the scene, and then the ukrainian armed forces committed another war crime. the hymers missile was deliberately targeted at the rescue doctors. this drone footage is not ashamed and does not hide. they distributed it
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to their public pages. four ambulance doctors died on the spot. 10 emergencies ministry employees were injured. the investigative committee of russia is also suffering losses. shortly before the tragedy at the textile market on january 12 in gorlovka ukrainian drone kamika attacked an ambulance carrying power workers wounded by cluster munitions. the captain of justice, investigator of the investigative committee, viktor zavodskikh, went to the scene of the incident. and when they arrived in an official car, a kamikaze flew into the windshield of the car, which is why it turns out that victor and the police officer were killed. you communicated closely with victor, that is, with comrades, friends, he worked in gorlovka, i work in donetsk, but at first, when we arrived here in may month of 2023.
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let’s say, it didn’t scare us or, on the contrary, it made us, let’s say, even more bitter towards our common enemy, most likely it made us more fierce, yes, but it doesn’t scare us and shouldn’t scare us, that’s because we all know, why we came here, these are the tasks we must complete here, anna is a senior lieutenant of justice, sergei is a lieutenant from samara. i studied law,
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then decided to go work in investigative agencies. we are now, firstly, in a territory where not everyone, so to speak, in february this year the russian flag was raised over avdeevka. our heroic wars have moved the front away from the capital of donbass and the residents of the city can now breathe a little more freely, but the enemy still threatens the civilian population and carries out criminal attacks. a group of criminologists
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is working in the kievsky district of donetsk; until recently they were beating here from avdeevka from a distance of 15 km, then from nevelskoye. but now these cities are ours again, and simple long-range artillery is finally not enough here, but the enemy is using western weapons against a peaceful city rockets. in the daytime , ukrainian armed forces launched a rocket attack on the kiev district of donetsk, presumably using a kharm aircraft missile, as evidenced by fragments found at the site of the attack. criminal investigators are collecting evidence. objects that are important to us for assignment , having discovered traces of a crime, having found there subsequent forensic examinations for the conclusion
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of criminals, we are decreasing, here you see, part of the window opening has flown off, uh-huh, a metal-plastic window, here it’s folding damage, that is, it was all pierced by fragments , yes. by the direction we see that he came in from the outside, went inside, and accordingly he is somewhere in the room, we need to find him in order to schedule a launch examination on him in order to determine what kind of ammunition was used. working at an accident scene is dangerous and there is always a risk of a second strike. recently , unmanned aerial vehicles have very often begun to be used to carry out inspections after shelling in areas where it is dangerous be here. therefore, we drive up, raise the drone, take photo and video recording from above, then after a while, when we receive information from the armed forces, from police officers or from other law enforcement agencies about security, we also leave and do a second inspection. sometimes you have to make
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several such trips a day, although now criminologists say: thanks to our military , things have become calmer. editorial board of the chairman of the investigative committee was published, a white book on the crime of the ukrainian regime, in which all crimes of the ukrainian regime since 2014 have been recorded. this book very well and succinctly describes all the actions of the armed forces of ukraine, which led to the consequences that we now see. but, unfortunately, even after the publication of this book in the twenty-second year, events repeat themselves, and we can say that now we have so much material that we can, unfortunately, continue to publish. the same books that endlessly talk about the heinous crimes that are committed by armed groups in territory of the donetsk republic. there is some logical explanation that the ukrainian army is fighting, let’s say, not with the russian army, but with its former fellow citizens of yesterday.
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there is no logical explanation here; in fact , our opponents are on the other side of the line of combat contact. and the same slavs as we are, however, for many years this feigned influence of the west has corrupted their minds, pitted their heads against us, now our former compatriots consider us our worst enemies, both the fact that peaceful areas are being shelled and the fact that they are dying peaceful people, these are another confirmation that the people who give these criminal orders have forgotten their roots, they have forgotten their history, they have forgotten that people like their mothers, children, and sons live here. the fact that there are peaceful people around them, war criminals remember in the dock. one of the latest court sentences included the chief of artillery of the marine infantry brigade, lieutenant colonel roman shostok, and the commander of the self-propelled howitzer division, lieutenant colonel alexander plotnikov. this is footage
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from an investigative experiment. police, further fired from here on national points. “satan talakovka, in these settlements there were civilians who did not take part, you don’t realize, we realize, they are talking to one.” as a result of the shelling , innocent people, including children, were killed. the sentence for such a crime is up to 30 years in prison. half a life in prison is a huge term, but for those who lost loved ones due to the fault of ukrainian war criminals, such a punishment seems too merciful. it turns out that investigators committees carry out.
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once a month he brings them food, some clothes, in general, they help as much as they can. for a time, refugees are placed in temporary accommodation centers until the issue of their new housing is resolved. well, we try to come to not only them at any free time, but we also have families whom we constantly help, bring food, and is this some kind of honest initiative or is it due to your job, do we help? no, it's absolutely. personal initiative, it, of course, comes by itself, i think that any caring person,
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because we constantly go to the sites of shelling in donetsk and other new territories and see how people experience all this, how they live, the employees of the investigative committee give those in need humanitarian aid, which they themselves receive, they tell them what they need more food a lot, they bring it to everyone, in temporary centers... a ukrainian shell hit, the children’s father died immediately, svetlana nikolaevna lost her leg,
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eight-year-old tanya, despite her wounds, saved her younger brother, dug him out from under rubble, thank you, we had good guys there, military men, well, they often came to us, they also brought goodies to the children, the guys cried, somehow they pulled us out, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t exist, to be honest. thanks to them, we were brought here in the first place, there were doctors, that is, our military brought us here, yes, of course, the russians, the rocket, so i am grateful to them, then he was also wounded, he is now in samara, i also promised to dance at his wedding, but i i say, it won’t work out, if nothing else, let’s dance, mom tries not to lose heart, for the sake of children, they were also seriously injured, they all require medical rehabilitation, including psychological. kolya is also a hero, what will you be when you grow up, kolya? military, definitely military? yes, what are you going to do?
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well done! svetlana’s eldest son is 18, he has already signed a contract with the ministry of defense and went to the front to avenge his family. mom hasn’t seen her other son for 2 years. in february twenty-two, he went to visit his relatives in kiev ; it is now impossible to establish contact with him. for the products to you. thank you very much, we thank you very much we are grateful that you provided for us for a long time, we will, we have many here who need these products, we will share with others, many thanks to alexander, his leadership, who helped, the rest of the guys, volunteers, everyone who was there, who helped , they came here and helped us, thank you very much, say thank you very much, who helped you, thank you, what would you like? toys, toys are needed, yeah, but some people need
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toys and some people need a house? a new house or apartment is all this family dreams of, trying to leave their tragedy in the past, nothing for myself, so that it’s a souvenir, come on, come on, thank you, thank you, the war crimes of the ukrainian army do not go unpunished, they are persecuted at the front by the murderer... our soldiers, who are captured, appear before the russian court, about what punishment they bear killers in military uniform, initiating hostilities using prohibited methods, we will tell you in our next article. next episode, you watched the hourly program, see you in a week. i start this morning in the operating room of the
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petrov institute of oncology in st. petersburg. lung cancer, a terrible diagnosis, life expectancy approximately. six months and it seemed that there was no hope , but it was here, at the petrov institute of oncology, that a unique technology was created: a person’s lungs are disconnected from the body and perfused, that is, they are saturated with gigantic doses of a chemotherapy drug; if such doses of the drug entered the entire human body, the person would died, but here doctors only know how to work on the affected lungs. and metastases, we go to the operating room, where an amazing doctor works, a cockroach surgeon, corresponding member of the academy of sciences, professor, doctor levchenko. on the operating table is a man with rectal cancer, with
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metastases to the lung, this is the fourth and final stage of cancer, a tumor in the colon. 15 metastases were removed from the lungs, each is wrapped in a separate napkin, each will be sent
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for histology, what is the maximum number of metastases you removed? this girl has already experienced so much that she has become stronger than adults. did you manage to get scared or not? i had time, i had time to get scared, yes, i was 13 years old, and i will never forget how, as a mother, i she said this, so she came into the room, and let me cry, she began to explain everything to me,
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tell me, well, everything at once, i will never forget this. so we are all confident of victory, right, right, i say, because you were treated perfectly, you don’t even limp, you were given a lung perfusion, that is, they guaranteed that nothing would happen there, so we don’t cry or sob, it’s so difficult can withstand even adults, but sonya is a persistent tin soldier, it was here at the petrov institute that she underwent lung perfusion, so the first stage.
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there is real happiness, we need to save the bullet for the driving waves.
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100, that is, there is no place alive, these are the people they save, wait until the end of the program, there is always hope, and i, as always, when starting
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a health program, i want to tell you only one thing: the best doctors in russia and the world work here in the television clinic of the program health. learning to read tests, what are triglycerides in the blood? in my opinion, this is the presence of fats, right. and what examinations to undergo if they are not normal. mouth shut. what do you need to do to strengthen your oral immunity. brushing your teeth, plus - there are different things that doctors prescribe, uh, for rinsing the mouth, medications. hypertension. what time should you take blood pressure pills to get the maximum effect? what does the world and european champion and olympic silver medalist advise ? i’ll go by intuition, yes, the tablet is valid for 8-10 hours a day, 24 hours now, i’m a fan of taking tablets at night,
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your phone will help you figure this out. so, our first topic is written: three glycerides. does anyone know what triglycerides are? that's when you read the cholesterol test. it says cholesterol, ldl, hdl and it definitely says triglycerides, what are they , tell me, in my opinion, this is the presence of fats, that’s right, this is an ovation, this is an ovation, triglycerides are fat, that’s what fat is, i ’ll show you now , this is on top, this is glycerin, you see this, these three chains are dangling. these are fatty acids, so when we eat, we are told fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6, it doesn’t matter, fatty acids acids, here they are, they hang on to
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glycerin, this is a fat molecule, it floats in our blood, now we will show you the norms of triglycerides on our screen, so, the norms of triglycerides, there should be no more of them, that is, this is very -very. little, but it happens in different ways, but since you are such a progressive person that you know what triglycerides are, the next question for you is, this requires only logic, medicine in general is all logic, the whole body lives according to the laws of nature, and we are the laws of nature we can’t break it, it’s not given to us, so we always the cause has the effect, so, triglycerides are fats, when are fats... in the blood, that is , triglycerides increase, well, when eating fatty foods, that’s probably correct, the first thing when eating fatty foods, or in other words, with
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obesity, is this we will now depict the obesity itself for you, here is a girl lying down, she has a waist, please show us the waist of our girl, here she eats the wrong way... we are developing a picture called i don’t know where to make a waist for my natalia. so, obesity and in general the consumption of excess fat in food causes triglycerides in the blood to increase. this is bad for the body, so the body tries to put the triglyceride somewhere and decompose it. remove where we are talking with a person whose logic is developed, where the body puts these fats from the blood, well, probably yes, for the work of the muscles,
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so that the muscles. and not with fat, the muscles work by eating glucose, let's have a second try, don't let us down, don't listen to the hints, the kidneys are unlikely, maybe the liver takes this fat, the fat begins to be deposited everywhere, the fat is deposited in the liver, it is deposited in in the kidneys, fat is deposited in the vessels, then plaques are formed, in a word, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere fat, unfortunately, can move into the pancreas and disrupt its functioning, we have figures for increased triglycerides, when our risk of acute pancreatitis increases sharply , remember, everyone knows the situation that in the new year we overeat fatty foods, there is a risk of acute pancreatitis, this
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is the fact that we... into two molecules of fat, of course, so not only fat, but carbohydrates, when we eat and do not produce them physically, unfortunately this will also lead to an increase in fat, to
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the deposition of fat in the end. to fatty liver disease, to fatty heart disease, and so on and so on and so on. accordingly, the question is: what to do if triglycerides are elevated, how to lower them, today you are taking the rap for the people of russia, leading a less healthy lifestyle on a diet, well, a healthy lifestyle is an abstraction, no one knows what to move, go for walks the diet is still to avoid fat. reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fatty foods, secondly, and do not combine them if possible too together, of course, this is the first, second, if you are unable to reduce triglycerides with the help of the right lifestyle, we have medications that are prescribed for elevated
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triglycerides, this is a whole group. it will drag them into the vessels, plaques will develop there, and so on and so forth, so these are absolutely related things, in general, everything in the body is invented ingeniously, so high triglycerides indicate that there is obesity, think about how to live, what to do, but...
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keep your mouth shut, what you need to do to strengthen your oral immunity, clean teeth, plus, there are different ones, what doctors prescribe, medications for mouth rinsing, hypertension, at what hours to take blood pressure pills to get the maximum effect. what does the world and european champion and olympic silver medalist advise ? i will go by intuition, yes, the tablet is valid for 8-10 days, now, i am a fan of taking tablets at night, your phone will help you figure this out. i am glad to welcome you to the ancient ugra land, these animals
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are... it was very cool, so, have you decided what you will cook? yes, i’ll cook muksun, i’ll also cook local fish, why would you need caviar and ice, i’ll spread it on bread tomorrow, you’ll have such smarebrod, yes, premiere, cooks on wheels, today’s first, gin сnop, product of stellar group, yak monte shococa, product of stellar group, rum, castro, product of stellar group, vodka veda, product of stellar group, we are again together with those who love
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good music with all their souls, lilac fog, volodya, you got me so hooked that i swam. after the evening news, enough already, this is all hip-hop, that's all things to do, three chords, new season, look
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, there is something in this, maybe, really bend over, it didn’t help, we’ll save, come on, this is how children learn to do the move. heimlich, this is first aid for those who choked, you see, the balls flew, it turned out, about how to save an adult child, even children can do this, about many other important and interesting things, we will tell you in the program live healthy, tomorrow at first, good morning, good! this is my strict, beloved irina sludskaya, beauty, smart girl, pioneer, komsomol members, who else, a mother of many children, a mother of many children, here she is, who is i , by the way, i was a pioneer, a komsomol member, no, but
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i was also a komsomol member, because i am older than you, irochka, irina slutskaya, friends, we have visiting, well, tell me how the world champion, european champion lives, tfu-tfu-tfu-tfu, little by little, lina vasilyevna, little by little, tell me how old the children are, son. 16, so, your daughter is 13, and another daughter is four, four years old, let’s take your sugar, measure your cholesterol , do your children play sports? son he goes in for sports for himself, well, physical education, let’s say, yeah, because he’s preparing for admission now, he’s all gone into education, where will he go, alena vasilyevna, it’s so hard to say, she wants to go to... the institute of civil aviation, but how- then his profession is engineering, he just wants to be a pilot, well that’s good, he just wants to become a pilot, tell us about your daughter, about your next middle daughter, in figure skating,
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seriously? yes, she likes it very much, she is now interested in looking for a partner, well , the little one, and the little one also started skating, but she got sick very quickly, now we have such a short break, but she... well , that’s good too, and i wish i could be like my mother, because sport is work, it’s work and nothing more, and if they play sports, that means you teach them the main thing in life, you want to work, that’s why great athletes, they don’t get lost in life, what interests you now, you specifically or in general terms, last year i started staging children’s fairy tales. good fairy tales, we spent the whole winter season with a fairy tale for 12 months, now i’m starting to think about the next fairy tale, so in soon i’ll come to some decision , i’ll start this long, labor-intensive, but
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incredibly interesting creative process, well, i wish you good luck, i always come here during the commercial break, so i’m waiting for you after all the analyzes to come to us with a report, i got it, i’m running, thank you, health is with you again, dear friends, the shield and sword of our body, our immunity. step by step we take it apart. in how it works, a wonderful immunologist, professor and doctor of medical sciences, andrey petrovich prodeus, andrey petrovich, i’m waiting for you today, helps us with this we will talk about immunity, oral cavity, and the first thing i want to show is the famous pharyngeal ring, here is our mouth, into which we...
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only god knows the
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dirtiest formal place in the body, this is important, not a butt , as you thought, it is the mouth, it is there that the largest amount of all sorts of nasty things are there, because we breathe, we put them there, and children learn the world in this way, because they put everything in their mouths, absolutely right, adults are not much different from children, if you do you think it's clean there, no, it is causative agents of almost all infections, but there is such protection that we are not afraid of anything, i want to start with the cells that just circulate in the oral cavity, eating everything that we have pushed into there, these are macrophages, these are granulocytes, these are leukocytes, white blood cells , and moreover, their activity is determined by how toothy and active they are, just look, here’s a bacterium. you have to eat it,
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well, look, we love to show everything on models, we love it, but in general we have a live recording of what happens in the oral cavity, done under a microscope, we can say that this is exactly what is happening now in the mouth of each of you, regardless of your control. so, let's see, our cells, here, this cell, here it is, is the very cell that fights for us. you see, it’s some kind of, well, not a stick, it’s some kind of speck of dust, a speck, now this is a microbe that got into the post-mortem, this macrofak is chasing it, so it caught it, ate it and digested it, and neutralized it , yes, you can imagine, this happens every second in our body, now a question for experts, i mean for the audience, how to strengthen the immunity of the oral cavity, for example, i strengthen the immune system, i always eat fruit,
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lemon, orange, i make drinks, herbal teas, i also rinse my mouth with herbs, well especially chamomile, it without, well , it seems to me, disinfects, in general, you are for chamomile, in short, well, in principle, in this regard, from folk methods, yes, but from scientific ones, and from scientific ones, of course, brushing your teeth, plus there is this. .. different are the drugs that doctors prescribe for mouth rinsing, but their it seems to me that there are a lot, and such a drug will be suitable for any person, in general, by the way, the story is detailed and interesting, in general it is not devoid of absolutely meaning, as for brushing your teeth, we are looking after your hands and feet, andrei petrovich, my word to you, chamomile will help, well it will help in principle, it will help, but not much. oral hygiene will greatly help,
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and not just a hygiene brush, but the right clean mechanism, so that it takes 2-3 minutes, but the best device for this is still an irrigator, because where microorganisms live, they live in the sinuses, in interdental spaces, it is there that it is very difficult to clean out germs from there, i just want to pause now, because i will turn on the irrigator, it will crackle, look, i turned it on. look, oh, i showed you the great power of the irrigator, okay, i’ll spray it on the floor and give everyone a little splash so that it becomes clear. it is believed that the power of the irrigator is such in rinsing the oral cavity that the degree of cleaning is 99 and 99%. let's see how the irrigator works. so,
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a stream of water cleans all the interdental spaces, unfortunately, even with a brush do. reducing the number of microbes is the very thing . this is what helps the immune system, because the main thing is what will help the immune system. and this is also an unusual brush, it is an ultrasonic toothbrush. i bring it up so that you can hear that it is buzzing, because vibrations are at an ultrasonic frequency, the peculiarity of an ultrasonic brush is that when you brush your teeth with it, due to the vibrations, all the plates, plaques, they fall off themselves, and the microbes in the oral cavity can live in entire
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colonies, they form such a biofilm, therefore, it is very difficult to simply pick them out or clean them, these are the methods that are needed, let’s take a look. how a toothbrush works, once again, even if you don’t move the toothbrush over your teeth, the toothbrush will still exfoliate, remove all plaque on your teeth with ultrasound, so an ultrasonic or sonic toothbrush, as they are called, is also a device today oral hygiene protection of oral immunity, a device of the 21st century, but... that's not all, antibodies also live in the oral cavity, which, of course, are secretory class a antibodies are something that the body has learned not only to store in the blood, but has specially made antibodies that can be located on the mucous membrane, on the surface, and
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are waiting there in the wings, if suddenly an enemy comes, they will join and catch our enemies, antibodies - these are proteins. is this good for the antibodies that live there? no, this is not bad, because they know how to attach to the mucus, they have a special section that attaches them to the mucous membrane, it is generally quite difficult to remove them, they are constantly renewed when healthy immune system, so rinsing and
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hygiene are great, moreover, there is a simple way that any of us can do at home to increase their concentration in the mouth. elina vasilna. raskazhina vasilievna, half an hour of singing increases the secretory ega is shown, well, today we are all drinking, the reeds were making noise, the trees were bending, this, by the way , is also very interesting, just singing is true, immunoglobulins of the mucous membranes, immunoglobulins and, remember, during covid we determined mg, this is what , they live mucous, they really rise just for penalties, because...
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at what hours should you take blood pressure pills to get the maximum effect, what would the world and european champion and olympic silver medalist advise? i’ll go by intuition, but the pill lasts for 8-10 days now, i’m a fan of taking pills at night, your phone will help you figure this out. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald, it is a beautiful stone in itself, and... i think that all women probably they love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, just chop, this is not the time to slave, evgeny, the snow makes the filling unsurpassed,
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juicy, the dumpling is a small universe, how many meters are below me, are you talking down? 193, they say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time, they may be lying about the lives of their own, premiere today. on the first, let me go like the night, releases the stars from the sky, the tribute of feelings blown by the wind will remain somewhere, i will rise from the sky to him, i will fall into the wire after him, kome vorey, korey, and the sea is mi!
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where do you believe that i can say that word, the rush is carried away from the fire, the anxiety goes away from the soul, it’s cool you’re on tv, e. you are a star, you are a star, come on people, star factory, it’s better, today on the first day, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us
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ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, look after the program for the time. health is with you again, dear friends, we we continue our most important conversation, this is a conversation about blood pressure, today the responsibility for your blood pressure lies with you, our project is called my pressure, my responsibility, why is it on you, first of all, because only you need your life and you must take care of it and store it, and... if you don’t take care of it and store it, if you don’t control your blood pressure, you will have a stroke. many people say: ok, i’ll die in a second, then
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i don’t care, no. a stroke is not instant death, it is life. 10 and 20 years in semi-paralyzed state. we always show these poignant images of people who have suffered a stroke, when the person himself cannot get dressed because he is paralyzed. arm and leg, the person himself walks poorly, these are all the most dramatic shots, i don’t want this to happen to you, so i want you to learn to control your blood pressure and maintain it normal, today, with great happiness, we live in an era when there are free applications for smartphones, and one of these applications is called my pressure, we are two wonderful guests, please come out and sit down.
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antihypertensive drug, you see, but today, fortunately, thank god, i’m in the green zone, but i’m following this seriously, and the beauty of the zone, although i’m on two tablets , i’m on the app is that it tells me what and how to do, for example, look, i take two drugs, and the application prescribed two drugs for me, so it is, because my blood pressure was higher than 150 and 90, and now i have achieved it. norms, but what is our normal blood pressure? below 120 by 80, below, that’s how smart she is, lower than 120.80, from 120 to
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100. this is already hypertension, we ’ll talk about different things today, measuring blood pressure, but the most important thing is that a wonderful beautiful young woman, a famous athlete, irina, came to visit us today slutskaya. seven-time european champion in figure skating, two-time world champion, olympic silver medalist. games in 2002, bronze medalist of the 2006 olympics, irina sludskaya, the first figure skater in the world to do a triple lutz. irina was born into a family teacher and engineer. i started going to the sports section very early. at the age of four, her mother brought her there; at 14, sludskaya
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entered the country’s youth team. this is how the journey to the big one began. sport. now you see another complex element in the replenishment of irina slutskaya. cascade 332 manages to complete one. irina slutskaya became the first figure skater who was able to do this flawlessly. having completed her career in big-time sports, ira came to television. she hosted sports news on channel one, and then began working on the legendary glacier show. good evening, our dear tv viewers, we welcome you, dear friends, irina has three children, her husband has a country house, but her happy life has not turned her into a housewife, ira is still a bright public person, she organizes her own ice shows, teaches and simply helps people . a komsomol member, but she
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’s already from a different generation, she says, i was a pioneer, i wasn’t a komsomol member, that ’s how life changed, look, since you, a mother of many children, and the well-being of your family depends on your health, remind ira again three children, i’m involving you in this process, here are our two women, they are measuring blood pressure, in the morning she was in the green zone, she doesn’t believe in the numbers, now she’s re-measuring, because now she was not in the green zone, here in general, joy is dubious, 171.87, are you taking pills or not, no, oh, how are you still living, i have a question, but i don’t know, people think that there will be goodness, but they all feel fine, then boom stroke, that’s all, that’s
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the question, well, what was it, it was 150, also like 90 with what? she says: i don’t believe it, it’s not maybe 149 already, 149 and 90, enter, girls, enter, no one believes, they are trying on, today we are asking a simple question, when to start taking blood pressure pills, what is your blood pressure today, 110 over 70, ideal, look, the norm is lower than 120.80, let's applaud, athlete, so what? tell me, do you know when the pressure rises during the day, that’s when the pressure peaks, it’s normal for all of us, for some reason it seems to me that this is some daytime and evening time, get up here, we’ll see now on the screen, we have two peaks of pressure rise, remember the number six, the first morning at around 6 am, cortisol, a stress hormone, is released, it will increase our
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pressure, and we perked up, got up and went. the second peak in the evening is also around 6 o’clock, the second peak, our blood pressure is also rising, these two peaks need to be covered with medications, now we have two women, one doesn’t drink at all, she doesn’t believe that her blood pressure is high, they are all 10 times now they will try on, by the way, it will be wrong to show, no, this it’s possible, it’s possible, that means, look, well , we’ve already captured this woman, you’re taking pills, right? now i’ll tell you what to do , so, so, first, there are two peaks of pressure rise, explain to me how to understand when, not in general among the people, but in your personal pressure rises, do you know, have you measured at least once in this way, i have another problem, it’s falling down, it’s not falling, it’s an illusion, i always sleep, i
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always sleep, i have 108. we put a tonometer on her, which monitors daily pressure, yeah, she we have under the baby's hood, that means this is a tape recorder, look, here is a tape recorder that records her blood pressure throughout the day, it's not buzzing yet, no, because we recorded the time for her every 15 minutes, during the day, at night, every 30 minutes or every hour , because at night a person needs to sleep, here... all the time, now at what time of day should you take pills , inflates, pressure is measured, the person is under control, what’s funny, god, her risk of stroke is terrible,
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sit down, so she pressure is measured directly this cuff actually inflates from the pressure, which is what the world and european champion and olympic silver medalist would advise, i ’ll go by intuition, but the pill works.
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the study is called daily blood pressure monitoring, it may turn out that your blood pressure rises individually at other times, then you will be rescheduled to take the medication so that the maximum dose of the medication is when you get up, but in general you need to take blood pressure pills in the evenings, now i’ll tell you here very important thing, we have a rule 2010, you are a person with mathematical mind, otherwise you wouldn’t, you would n’t become an athlete. so big, the gap is probably yes, yes, yes, it’s called the 2010 rule, here there are 149 and 90, well, we’ll count 150 and 90 if the upper pressure is higher than 130 by 20, or if the lower pressure is higher
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than 80 by 10 mm mulberry pillar, rule 20, 10, in this case you need to take two tablets, which one are you taking, orifam, are you taking? individual reasons, now we look here, the advantage of this application is to correct your doctor, because there are that it immediately recommends the right medications for you, based on what your blood pressure is, i’ll show you mine, i have it downloaded too, the app can advise you, or you can go to the doctor, you see i have... medications, i’m on two tablets , and today i am, to the greatest happiness on earth, in the green zone, it’s clear, yes, yes, i will definitely add, girls, sit down, thank you,
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erochka sludskaya should tell us that she is doing ice shows, now she is preparing another, second, what are you listened while i was visiting her during a commercial break, her son wants to be a pilot, he is 16, and he has two daughters, how old are the daughters? 13, 13, and younger, four, yes, four, they went to figure skating, the eldest daughter is now looking for a partner, she didn’t go to singles, she went to this pair skating, let’s first of all wish the children good luck, because you can be proud of such a mother, what do you wish for yourself today, health, because everything is possible. when there is no health, unfortunately, nothing can be done, health is generally our pillars on which we stand, and it is better to prevent than to treat later, so for for me, the best thing is prevention, these are
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constant medical examinations, be under the supervision of your doctor if you have any chronic diseases, and take care of yourself, play sports, be physically active, eat right, sleep, remove less stress in life, let the stress will. tests, a new version of the pantsir sm missile and gun system. now the most important targets are quadcopters, multiple launch rocket systems, hail. today, only we in
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the world can effectively work on this class of targets; a cloud of damaging elements, that is, through which it is almost impossible to fly through automation of a shell at such a level that the shell can be like a robot, we have eight stars marked on the car, seven enemy planes and one helicopter, you have to be very afraid and never touch, we created direction. which ensures that superiority, for the day of the air defense forces, today on the first, everything according to the same pattern, a car drives up, a girl gets into it, he stops in a quiet place, picks up money, jewelry, throws the girl out cars, well, he’s leaving, the man in the clown mask continues to scare the city residents, please help, quietly, quietly, quietly, the police, in her
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words, the criminal looks very much like you, like me, undercover taxi, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, and you are not afraid that it could be a mistake that we are with you now, zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life, she did what she loved, she creates centers of culture around herself, i am no longer...
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with you health again, dear friends. let me remind you that we started this morning at st. petersburg, at the petrov institute of onology, where an absolutely unique technology has been created: saving people with severe lung cancer, when the number of metastases in the lungs can reach 100 or more. this. an absolutely tragic situation
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does not become a tragedy if you end up at the petrov institute of oncology in beautiful st. petersburg. i start this morning in the operating room of the petrov institute of oncology in st. petersburg. lung cancer, a terrible diagnosis, life expectancy is about six months, and it seemed that there was no hope, but it was here, at the petrov institute of oncology , that a unique one was created. a person’s lungs are disconnected from the body and perfused, that is , they are saturated with gigantic doses of a chemotherapy drug; if such doses of medicine entered the entire human body, the person would die, but here doctors only know how to influence lungs affected by cancer and metastases, we go to the operating room, where an amazing doctor works, a cockroach surgeon, a member... on the operating table is a man
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who has rectal cancer with metastases in mild, this is the fourth and final stage of cancer. the tumor in the colon was removed, but medications are powerless against metastases. sergei vasilievich came to st. petersburg from karilia with his last hope. ready for the operation, so i trust in your golden hands, so thank you all very much, the operating room is quiet and calm.
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i lived so long that i became stronger than adults, did you manage to get scared or not, did you manage to get scared, yes, i was 13 years old, and i will never forget how my mother told me this, so
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she came to my room and let’s cry, she started explaining everything to me. to tell, well, everything at once, and i will never forget this, we are all confident of victory, that’s right, that’s right, i’m saying it, because you were treated perfectly, you don’t even limp, you were given a lung perfusion, that is, you were guaranteed that there nothing will happen, so we don’t cry or sob, it’s hard for even adults to withstand, but sonya is a persistent tin... soldier, it was here, at the petrov institute, that she underwent lung perfusion. so, the first stage of the operation is the removal of tumor metastases from lungs. the second is to disconnect the lungs from the general blood flow. look, now the heart pumps blood to the entire body, except for one lung
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affected by metastasis. blood from this lung is pumped through a special block. this is where a gigantic dose of anti-cancer is injected. medicines, that means that’s it, konstantinovich, we have a circuit, you can inject a chemotherapy drug, now is the most important moment, everything is ready, now a chemotherapy drug will be injected here, the strongest, heaviest, like a chemical warfare agent, but please, it will be for the good, for the good , combat the poisoning has passed, now yes, it’s still a nitrogen brit, so let’s check the time, how long is 30 minutes? exactly 30 minutes, then 10-15 minutes, why 30 minutes, because we studied the concentration in the perfusate, around the 30th minute it increases sharply, so our time is limited to minutes.


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