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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  April 14, 2024 9:20am-9:41am MSK

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it is impossible to administer such a dose to a person, he will die, but it is possible to wash out the lungs with a super-high dose of medicine, the cancer cells die, the body does not suffer, because the lungs are disconnected from the bloodstream, and then we will carry out the washout and everything will generally sleep peacefully and there will be no toxic activity. let me remind you that lung cancer and metastases are diseases with a poor prognosis. perfusion of the lungs with high doses of chemotherapy is the name of this method. if this is not done, then after surgery metastases will reappear in 70% of patients. a after perfusion, patients will live because perfusion kills all cancer cells. and this is the most important thing. please tell me how many patients have been treated this way? we have more than
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250 patients and they have performed more than 350 perfusions, this is only adults, more than 50 children. 350 adults and 50 children, score 400 in favor of life. the goal of perfusion is to kill all cancer cells that are invisible to the surgeon’s eye, and doctors succeed. the operation lasted 2 hours, everything was done correctly. thanks to all. everything worked out for us, i think that the patient we helped as much as possible today, thank you, well , our sonechka continues treatment, she had a lung perfusion several months ago, look over there at the people of russia, who do you want to be, well, i haven’t even decided yet, actually, but i’m thinking of going to college commerce management. well, what kind
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of commerce, why don’t you want to be a doctor, sonya, this is such a big responsibility, to be a doctor, you need so much, you need so much effort to become a doctor, i don’t, we have your doctors, your surgeon, you are a therapist, oncologist , what can you say about our sofia, here about this, then i will hold you so that the whole country can see you, sofia, she is a great fellow, such a real, let’s say, fighter, she has already been through. there’s a lot here and there’s the stage of the primary surgery on the primary tumor and three thoracotomies and perfusion, so the most important thing is that she’s determined, she doesn’t lose heart and don’t even think about falling, she’s ready to be treated, she’s helping in every possible way, so she’s just a wonderful patient, and also beautiful girl, thank you, but you really are a beautiful girl, and so you have this short haircut. it’s just going very well, yes, really,
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thank you, just one thing, just one thing, for everyone to live, for everyone to be healthy, to overcome everything, i understand, yes, he wants to go to some college again, commerce of management, here is commerce, management, let him be a businessman, a manager, who she really wants it, she agrees, let her marry a good man, let her have children later, let her live. the sun is flowing, we have no doubt about that, understand? uh-huh, oh, my god, health to everyone, friends, because this is the truth, the most important thing, it would seem that you know everything, you already realize everything, but here you are always somehow you leave the nuances for yourself, thank you very much, this is really very important, not only for us, those who constantly go to the crustaceans. but
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also for those people who watch on television and really write down everything you need to know, she... amazing, bright and mega professional, watch the health program on channel one, tu-tu-tu! these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov, here in this shaitan-machine i have an essay prepared for display, a continuation of our acquaintance with khakassia, i hear khakassia in this name, but no,
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one can feel the spaciousness, infinity and power of the nature of siberia, but southern, but siberia. where the abakan river flows into the mighty and stormy yenisei, the rivers spill into the sea, forming the krasnoyarsk reservoir. and yenisei, the most intelligible way, is to speak in numbers. well, because it is the numbers that create the image of this mighty river. its length is almost 3,500 km, that is, the yenisei occupies an honorable fifth place in the world. only the amazon, nile, yangza and mississippi surpassed it. it flows. zones of siberia, so in its upper reaches you can see camels, in the lower reaches polar bears. the name of the abakan river, which gave
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its name to the capital, from khakassian abahan, is translated as bear’s blood, since in pre-television times a huge one lived in these places. a terrible bear, scott stole, scared people, well, in general, swaggered until a hero named olyp was born. so he fought the bear, and, of course, defeated the clubfooted villain. the wounded animal, bleeding, went to the sayan mountains, there was so much bear blood that all the rivers and streams turned red, and people, seeing this red water, they said with respect: oh, this is abykhan, that is, bear’s blood. that's how the name stuck. of course, i feel sorry for the animal, but the khakass themselves believe that since they drink this water, then each of them contains a drop of the blood of that same bear. well, the khakassians know better.
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sayano-shushinskaya and hydroelectric station. once again the numbers speak for themselves. the power of this mobile is enough to turn on at the same time. kettles, that is , up to 360 cubic meters of water passes through each turbine of the power plant per second, this is the volume of five railway tanks. the platinum itself contains about a million cubic meters of concrete, to understand the scale of the labor and expenses involved, this volume was enough to build a five-lane highway from kaliningrad to vladivostok, but they decided to build the platinum in 1967.
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they are stored in a box, but it takes real people 5 hours, imagine what secrets adventurers, like these guys speleologists, have, we are cave amateurs, so as not to play the box, even pandora, we didn’t risk going too deep, well, you never know
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, otherwise who is unlucky for you on sundays? he will tell stories, the path of the ancestors, it is also called the path of shamans, this... the path has a sacred meaning: the four-kilometer path symbolizes the entire life path of a person, it passes through the tagys rock massif. which translated means nine mouths. why mouths? yes, everything is simple: from a certain point nine grottoes are visible, exactly like open mouths. the trail begins with a small grotto. rock pitroglyphs from the okunev culture have been preserved inside. this means that this graffiti is about 3,000 years old. once upon a time people lived in this cave, but you could say it was an elite three-ruble note with a beautiful one. a view of the river with a natural hole in the ceiling, you can light a fire and
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ventilate it. the grotto is like a symbol of the mother's womb. and further, further, a life-long path. the difficult climb is the birth of a person. having passed this part of the path of life, the reward is a stunning view. and life moves on, small and long descents and ascents, like different milestones in life. the path also ends with a grotto called three-eyed, it has one entrance, three exits, and this is also symbolic, one entrance, but as if in death, it’s inevitable, that’s how things will turn out, well, the ancients apparently believed that there were at least three options, but i’m sure that the one who walked the path of his ancestors didn’t just overcome the path, he accomplished...
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with sound, i thought this same chatkhan built a long box out of wood, stretching horsehair over it. to make stands for his own , they graze huge gardens, he will rejoice at the beautiful instrument, he used bones from the hind legs of a lamb, well, in general, everything that was at hand of the shepherd was used to make the instrument. previously, shamans used chatkhan for performing rituals. sergei cherkov, who plays the instrument so masterfully, knows everything about it, and even makes them himself. the wood for the instrument takes up to 3 years to dry, and
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production takes about a month. for a long time? well, how can i say, it took at least 3 months for a master, like a stradivar, to make a good violin, and the chathanta is an equally complex and soulful instrument. and listen to how he sounds in a duet, with the same throat singing traditional for these parts. mountain range, but really similar in shape to the almost enormous ones chests. the shape is so amazing that
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scientists are still arguing about who created them, people or nature? and there is no definite answer, but the fact that this place was a cult place is known for certain. once upon a time there lived a mighty and kind hero, hokha bababai. he had been fighting evil all his life, and that’s when it accumulated. lies there to this day, making sure that people don’t try to find out the chest secretly and don’t release
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evil, but people, you know what kind of people we have, they always try to look in there, but so far, fortunately for us, reasonable ones cautious timid penguins, they have not yet discovered it, but this is a scientific version, and according to the everyday, unproven version, the character, also named khokha babai, spent his whole life, like gogol’s plyushkin, accumulating goods, over the years he began to go blind, then he turned to the gods, the ophthalmologists, and prayed to give me back my sight, but these gods are gods for nothing, they say: you have to share, my dear! so, do what pleases the gods, distribute what you honestly stole to people, then we will help. but this hoha babai 2 was greedy to the point of horror, and hid the most valuable things in a large chest, and the razzal, well so all sorts of nonsense. when the gods found out about this, they took the chest, put it on a mountain, and turned bay babai himself into korshino, and
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to this day he circles over his chest, guarding it, keeping an eye on it... lowering it, which version do you like, here’s my second one, so it’s a coincidence, great, i’m glad to welcome you to the ancient ugra land, these animals actually lived in ugra about 10-30 thousand years ago, and what is ugra? translated means water people, the most interesting and most beautiful is the ice that you you'll see below, it was very cool, so what have you decided? will you cook? yes, i will cook muksun, i will also cook local fish, but why are you painting the ice? i ’ll spread it on the bread tomorrow, you ’ll have such smorebrod, and the premiere, cooks on wheels, today comes first, the eternal choice: city or countryside? why are you going with him, you need to wash, they will spoil you on the street
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, they won’t take you out, i won’t love you like that, i won’t feed you either, a hedgehog comes to me. love sausages, i'm surprised how many hedgehogs they eat, i can’t feed them, my husband is a hedgehog, you’re a florist, you signed up for some courses, your eyes are so innocent, you can look into them and you can forgive everything, from where, let’s sing a song, let’s sing, you saw the video, watch with us, premiere, today on the first, chanson, this
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is a new season for you, watch after the evening news, we are in khakassia, sitting on legendary chests, archaeologists have convincingly
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proven that there was an ancient astronomical observatory here, and from it observations were made of the movements of the moon and the sun. but you are better than me, these are the pyramids, their here they are called both, these are the houses of spirits, there are countless of them here, for example, you have some kind of problem, it cannot be solved in any way, so there are no problems, you need to go to the spirits, and for this you go up the mountain with a stone in your hands, put it in a pile of sacred mountain and say:
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fellow spirits, now this is your problem, i share it with you. try to do this, come to your boss and voice the instructions from the recreation center, but word for word, success is guaranteed, i’m sure, almost, yes, at the moment of transferring the problem it is important to concentrate, it would be nice to sprinkle some milk at the same time, but you can also drink wine, some spirits say, you’re not fools. another way to ask the spirits for help is to tie a colored ribbon on a special post. sorchin, there are many of these in khakassia, this is a sacred horse, they place it in places where they want to invite spirits to a ritual, so that the spirit wants to come here and tie it to a post. the column of one’s sacred horse must be beautiful in order to draw the spirit’s attention to one’s requests; people knit these ribbons, called cheloma. valley.


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