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tv   Neputevie zametki s Dmitriem Krilovim  1TV  April 14, 2024 9:40am-10:01am MSK

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and say, fellow spirits, now this is your problem, i’m sharing it with you, try to do this, come to your boss and voice the instructions from the dc, but word for word, success is guaranteed, i’m sure, almost, yes, at the moment of transferring the problem it is important concentrate, it would be nice to sprinkle some milk at the same time, but you can also use wine, some spirits say, you are not fools... another way to ask the spirits for help is to tie a colored ribbon on a special sorchin post, of which there are many in khakassia, this is a sacred horse pole , place it in places where they want to invite spirits to a ceremony, so that the spirit wants to come here and tie his sacred horse to the post, the post must be beautiful in order to draw the spirit’s attention to their requests, people knit these ribbons, they are called: chalama. valley of the kings.
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58 burials were found in this valley. yes, not simple ones, but, as they would now say, elite ones. nagartse, let me remind you, is a culture of the eighth, second century bc. i don’t know about you, i can’t even wrap my head around such ancient dates. so they kept their leaders here. during their lifetime they were all nomads and only after death, the richest and most respected.
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it wasn’t, scientists also determined that the old man was 75 years old, that is, like me now, and this is a very respectable age, for that time two young women and two young men were buried with him, just think, all with broken skulls, yes, in at that time it was an honor to leave with your ruler, but now, thank god, this matter is somehow simpler, by the way, the stone fence around the mound, the height of which was originally the height of an eight-story building, consists... of seventy stones, the weight of the largest - 60 tn, this is either a century bc, let me remind you how ancient people could transport such blocks, but it’s not clear, i would like to return to kakasia with you again, well , at least the footage allows this, but we’ll take a short break, because i can’t wait to introduce you to other lands, also very worthy, worthy of your attention. these are not travel notes with dmitry
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krylov. andron konchalovsky had an epic series. if you haven't seen it, be sure to watch it, it's a good movie. and we also have our own multi-part siberian series. but siberia is wow, film it, don’t re-shoot it. today we are going to the father of siberian cities, tobolsk. cultural routes in tobolsk start from its main square, well, it’s clear that it’s like the capital square and is called krasnaya. stolichnaya, why does the fastidious viewer grumble. yes, that’s why mikhail saulovich is that at the beginning of the 16th century, it was through tobolsk that the main trade routes from european russia to china and central asia were laid. all educated foreigners of that time clearly knew that russia now has three capitals: moscow is the old one, st. petersburg - new and tobolsk - sibi.
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however, red square, the snow-white beauty, the stone tobolsk kremlin, standing on a high hill, are visible even when approaching the city. the sophia-uspensky cathedral of the mid-16th century, the seventy-five-meter bell tower, the orentery building, that is, the state chambers of the tobolsk kremlin, as well as the prison castle. all this creates an ensemble of incredible beauty. the city was founded in 1587, was initially known as the starting point of exile to hard labor, but over more than four centuries of its existence, in this year tobolsk will turn 437 years old, it has managed to become one of the largest cities in western siberia, and for a long time was its largest political and economic center. our great emperor peter ii was very interested in the development of siberia , therefore he ordered that tobolsk be made into a capital with a representative appearance. by his order , the executive chamber and the guest courtyard were built, and 324. a year ago they laid the foundation
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for the first stone kremlin in siberia, the design of which began its construction, cartographer, historian and architect with such a simple appearance, semyon ulyanovich remen. trained in masonry at the moscow armory. not everything conceived by the tobolsk dreamer, architect remizov, was realized. the construction of the tobolsk kremlin was delayed, it took more than 100 years to build, but in the end , an almost four-hundred-meter ladder of premsky import appeared, symbolizing the ceremonial entrance not only to the kremlin, but to mother siberia itself. yes, not every retired soul will reach the middle of the ascent. who promised you an easy life when visiting tobolsk? we arrived in tobolsk on a very important day for all believers. during the religious procession, the sofia cathedral carried one of the most revered siberian icons, the sign of the allaks mother of god. according to the recollections of pensioners, in 1665, in these places
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there were incessant rains for several months, a flood began, the entire harvest was supposed to perish, and people were faced with famine. and then the residents of toboysk began to pray before. this icon so that it would help them, and a miracle happened, the rains stopped, and people were saved, and you say, this is how the tradition of an annual religious procession appeared in the mid-16th century and was preserved until the arrival of the native soviet government, and there were more than 70 years of militant atheism, and only in our enlightened 21st century it, this tradition was resumed, and we you're happy about it. on such days, on the bell tower of the st. sophia cathedral they ring the largest bell, the largest of the tobolsk bells, although it occupies an honorable twenty-third place in the world. we climbed, well, one might say climbed the bell tower to meet his majesty closer. meet the weight - 25 tons. the tongue
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weighs 770 kg and is controlled using a special pedal. the bell was cast in voronezh. its predecessor was much smaller, only sixteen tons. in company with him there are five bells. not to mention, two tons, well, they look like very little kids, right, but how beautiful they sound, looking at them, i remembered the story about the uglich bell, which in 1591 announced the death of tsarevich dmitry, for which, by order of boris gudunov, he was thrown from the bell tower, flogged, and later, with his tongue torn out and his ear severed, he was sent into exile with us, here, in tobolsk, well, yes, he, of course, weighed much less, only 319 kg. well, comrades, where is uglisch and where is tobolsk? it boggles the mind how much time the journey took, but the royal order was not subject to appeal, no one dared to violate it.
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lord, what kind of times were these, huh? no, you and i are lucky. the name of otaman ermak is closely connected with tobolsk; he is called the conqueror of siberia. this is an iconic figure in the history of our fatherland, so a quick history lesson. in ancient times, fishing hunters lived on these lands, then they were pushed out by the arriving cumans, and after a while the mongols. in general, all three nations mixed at the beginning of the 14th century , the tyumyan khanate arose, which became part of the golden horde. at the beginning of the 15th century , the siberian khanate was formed on these lands, which concluded a diplomatic alliance of support with moscow and ivan the terrible. there was a tribute of a thousand sable skins a year, but either the sables ceased to be enough at one time, or greed took over, but after a while this agreement was terminated, in at that time, the khanate was ruled by khan kuchun, who came from bukhara and was very greedy; he realized that it was more profitable to send soft siberian gold to
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bukhara than to moscow. moreover, he raided the ural towns, which greatly annoyed the stroganov merchants as a salt industrialist. actually, it was at their request that he came to these places in 1582. with his small army, he smashed the kuchuma army to smithereens, almost 10 times the size of his own, went off into the steppes and huddled for 3 years, but at the same time hatched a plan for the place, carried it out, so in 1585, also on sunday and around the same time, well, about a quarter to 10, he lured ermak into a trap, saying i ’ll tell you such a bad story, well, ermak relaxed, that’s how you are now, and this bam killed kuchyum well, how did you kill him, maybe it would have worked out well? of course, but the ataman was let down by his legendary chain mail, which had saved him more than once; this time this armor protection played a deplorable role, dragging him to the bottom of the river. the body was caught, then for a whole month the local khans came to quietly look at the defeated chieftain worshiping his valor and strength. the monument
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to the conqueror of siberia yarmak was erected by decree of nicholas i. the marble block was brought from near yekaterinburg, and then around it the garden of yarmak was laid out, bearing this name. according to brody potobolsk, we came across touching figurines of angels, a contemplating angel, an architectural angel, an angel -musical, 10 tobolsk figures.
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churches need to be built so that they cover tobolsk like the palm of an angel. well, what, well, they did that. krestovozdvizhenskaya, pyatnitskaya, rozhdestvenskaya, blagoveshchenskaya, epiphany. and the churches of zechariah, elizabeth and michael the archangel. it is amazing that at the beginning of the 20th century, in a city where just over 20,000 residents lived, there were 27 temples, and that about the birth of kissed people, predicted by an angel, he kept his promise given to cyprian; over the course of several centuries, many were born in the relatively small tobolsk people famous all over the world, including dmitry mendeleev, who spent his childhood in tobolsk, and the author of the music for the famous romance nightingale, composer. and peredvizhniki artist vasily perov. the author of the world famous fairy tale the little humpbacked horse,
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translated into 27 languages, pyotr ershov, was born in the tobolsk province. we looked into the ershov park to admire the incredible immortal characters of his fairy tale. of the names of the 20th century, of course, we should mention the favorite of all girls and women of the ussr, actor alexander abdullov, actress elena korikova. by the way, i had tests for a love scene with her in the same picture. come on, screen tests. but she became famous in a cute picture a peasant young lady, but i didn’t try anything there, and people of mothball age will remember the beauty, people’s artist of the ussr, lydia smirnova. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald, it is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately for us men. just chop, this is not the time to be timid. evgeniy: snow makes the filling unsurpassed, it’s juicy. dumpling is a small universe. below me
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how many meters are you talking down? 193. they say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time. they're lying! can! the life of our own! premiere! today on the first! let me go, no matter what! the daughter lets go of the stars from the sky, as if blown away by the wind, the feelings will remain somewhere, i will rise to the sky to him, i will fall into the brob, omevorei, komevorey, and the sea is mi, little ones, let’s go, for not their flank, old ones, and the spitting image. where do you believe that i can say that word,
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sadness is carried away from the pale, anxiety goes away from the soul, it’s cool you’re on tv, star, zveta, come on, people are already a star factory. the best today on the first, oh, i grew up on ural dumplings, and i on homemade ones, hello, hello, and you, when the team swims in the pool, you don’t go blind, kvn, major league, new season, on saturday, on the first, sergey , it will be uncomfortable for me to live at your expense, well, if you want, you can go to work yourself. hello to those who have joined,
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without you we have begun to get acquainted with the glorious city of tobolsk, the church of the archangel michael. it, like the sophia-assumption cathedral, is closely associated with the names of many famous people who visited it, got married, attended services, attended funeral services. the disgraced decembrists visited here, alexander radishchev came here to pray while he lived for six months in tobolsk on the way to nalim exile. why am i talking about this, about these people who have left us long ago and have no direct connection? yes, because i allow the preservation of particles of souls, spirit in objects and space. defining word. here i admit, well, here’s how i admit you have a different point of view. among the many temples in tobolsk, as the guides like to say, the bright dominant feature is the red-brick gothic cathedral, the roman catholic church of the holy trinity. it is also called the polish church. it arose at the very beginning of the 20th century, that is, under the last tsar. the first poles
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appeared in tobolsk with the ermak cossacks. later, polish servants arrived here. now the catholic community of tobolsk is very not... in the church, as expected, it is light, laconic, simple, all summer, organ concerts are held here every weekend, organist gaik aganisyan was born in armenia, these are the twists and turns of fate, yes, but soon their family moved to tobolsk, and his father became one of the restorers for the restoration of the church, gradually his father, gayk himself, and his brother joined this faith. recently, hayk played mendelssohn’s wedding march at his brother’s wedding ceremony, yes, in this very church. all religious denominations in tobolsk are adjacent to each other. there are also two mosques in the city. of the city's 100 residents , almost a fifth are muslims. this mosque is ancient, built at the end of the 19th century. costs it is in the tatarskaya sloboda, where the tatars have settled since time immemorial. it was built by a merchant-philanthropist
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with his own money, proceeds from the sale of a huge golden cauldron, with which someone paid him for a soft tooth. fur. in soviet times, movies were shown in the mosque and dances were held. in 1988, during perestroika, the mosque reopened to believers. i have deep respect for people who know how to do something with their hands. one day in the morning we went to the workshop of the keeper of traditions, the costar carver minsalim timergazev. the master was stern at first, but gradually, word by word, with knives on the table, he revealed to us some of the secrets of his skill. a... according to minsalim, the competition in tobolsk
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is very strong, it is difficult to choose among the population, whether today some keychain is already over 500. buy or bread and butter, but they do not give up their craft, life goes on, material for the work is bone, it is bought at meat processing plants and prepared for work in a special way, they use elk rock, in march you can find a lot of them in the taiga, mostly bone cutters work to order, but some products are also made for exhibitions. in the tobolsk house of craftsmen there are many interesting things made by tyumen bone carvers. the main theme of the products is mythology. jewelry, in the opinion of our master, works better. wine cups, musical instruments, boxes, spoons, thimbles, they teach statecraft in special colleges, although some masters come from family dynasties, here is a wife and two sons, minsalimat imergazeeva is also engaged in this craft, and another tobolsk master of golden hands, sheidulla
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khamedulin, he sews the national shoes of the siberian tatars, ichige. there have been similar tatar boots at all times. a figurative brand of the people. they were popular among residents of bashkiria, tatarstan, various asian countries, and the peoples of the north caucasus. they used ichegs for dancing, hunting, and daggering. sheidula is self-taught. i became interested in this craft a little over 10 years ago, i started with the simplest thing, with a chain stitch, and studied historical books and art albums. now his boots are objects of art. according to the master, no one else is like him except him doesn't. the most difficult thing about these works is that it makes the composition much easier to call. shoidula, a mechanical engineer by profession, all the machines and equipment for his craft, imagine, he made it with his own hands, complains that there are no students, no one to pass on his skills, although he may be a little disingenuous, this oriental beauty, sheidula’s granddaughter, copes with embroidery no worse your teacher. well, this is
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the excursion we have today. if i was bored, i’m glad if there was a desire to go myself. and see it all with my own eyes, i i’m doubly glad, which means the mission is complete, i hug you, yes, yes, you too, okay, happy, bye, yours, as carlson would say, who is homeless on a stockholm roof, is the best crimper in the world, dk. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio of maxim shrefuddinov and briefly about the main thing.


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