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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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next, come on, zhen, there is, class, class, well, let's move on, hello, there is a news release on the first channel, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. iran has completed its operation against israel, but is ready for further action, tehran’s statement after the first direct attack on the jewish state, escalation of the middle east conflict, chronicle of last night. "from ukraine to the swim.
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american journalists counted the number of men who tried to escape the conscription across the tisa river. not everyone succeeded. there are drowned people, but the fear of falling into the hands of military commissars stronger. detect and destroy. on the professional holiday of the air defense forces, a report on russia's heavenly brush, from shells to s-400. the middle east is frozen in tension after iran's massive attack on israel. the jewish state is preparing for a possible new attack, and tehran is preparing for a response from the tsahal.
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the sounds of explosions in the sky on the ground, people running in panic, the holy land under attack for the first time, iran directly attacked israel. tehran, according to american media reports, launched up to 200 missiles, including ballistic ones. except in addition, according to cnn, in four waves iran carried out the largest drone raid in history, about 500 aircraft. along with iran, attacks were carried out
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by paramilitary groups from iraq and syria under its control. kamikaze drones were launched by yemen's houthis, and lebanese hezbollah fired rockets at israel's northern settlements all night. idf retaliatory strikes against the jewish state defense force have turned the lebanese-israeli border into a war zone. all this as stated by iran's supreme leader khamenei, consequences of the destruction of the consulate of the islamic republic in damascus. the evil regime, made up of hatred of mistakes, added another to its miscalculations by attacking the iranian consulate in syria. this evil regime has taken a reckless step for which it must and will be punished. this statement was met with poking fun in tehran; local television broadcast the reading of the koran, as it was during the days of the iran-iraq war.
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the american tv channel nbc claims that iran’s goals are not only military. israel's infrastructure, but also government buildings, including the knesset, the israeli parliament, and even, as the british telegraph already reports, the residence of prime minister netanyahu. in addition to israeli aircraft, american aircraft from air bases in iraq and syria, as well as british aircraft from military bases in cyprus, were scrambled to intercept. in repelling the attack, the jewish state was supported by france and jordan. the main task is to destroy the maximum number of drone missiles on the approaches to israel, but the iranians took hundreds of targets partially paralyzed the work of the pro-iron dome system, which was forced to repel attacks from all sides. under attack are the dutch heights with military bases near the syrian border and the negev desert, where in the city of dimona the nuclear research center is the heart of israel's nuclear industry. tel aviv, bersheva and ashkilon elad, on the border with egypt, as well as from...
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jerusalem, are also under fire. israel officially recognized that the eastern arab-populated area had missiles hitting targets on the territory of a military base in the negev desert. probably speech about the ramon air center, where f-16 fighters are based. however, the damage according to tsahal is minimal. prime minister netanyahu held a meeting of the military cabinet, after which information about the attack on the airport was reported in the syrian media. damascus, in his address to the nation, netanyahu made it clear that everyone involved in the attack on israel had become legitimate targets of the idf. our defense means have been deployed, we are ready for any scenario, both defensive and offensive. we adhere to a simple principle: whoever harms us, we will
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we will punish in return. joe biden on saturday urgently interrupted his day off and held a meeting with the heads of the pentagon, state department and cia in the situation room of the white house. the usa, following the european union. strikes against israel were judged. biden called netanyahu, after which a short statement appeared on the white house website. the american army deployed aircraft and destroyers equipped with a pro system to the region. thanks to this, as well as the exceptional skill of our troops, we were able to help israel destroy almost all of the flying drones and rockets. i just spoke with prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm to him the fundamental support of the united states on israeli security issues. biden made it clear to netanyahu that the united states would not participate in the offensive campaign against iran. nbc reports that the white house is asking israeli counterparts to coordinate responses to prevent a full-scale regional war. israel has requested an emergency meeting of the
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un security council. it is expected to take place this evening, but both sides have already reported successes. iran stated that every second missile reached its target, israel claims 99% of drones. the missiles launched by tehran were destroyed. iran's permanent representative to the un announced the end of the attack unless opponents escalate further. the incident can be considered settled, however, if the israeli regime makes another mistake, iran's response will be much more serious. this is a conflict between iran and the criminal israeli regime. the us should stay away from this conflict. aeroflot rescheduled several flights to egypt and emirates. a plane flying from moscow to tehran. inevitable, decisive and powerful response from their country, it is possible that we are talking about the bombing of iran’s nuclear facilities, right now there is relative calm in the region and the main question is, for how long? georgia
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lisashvili, nina khureva, evgenia stefanchuk, boris kamenov, channel one. now so magic, the death toll after the massive shelling of the ukrainian armed forces has increased to 16. there are four children on the list of victims, 12 victims remain in serious condition in the hospital. kyiv militants struck the city on friday evening, targeting residential areas with multiple launch rocket systems. the shells hit several apartment buildings, one private rescuer and the day before spent the entire day sorting out the rubble; the search operation continues. residents whose apartments were damaged or destroyed were transported to temporary accommodation centers. more and more ukrainians. are ready to risk their lives in an attempt to escape from the country, the american new york times writes about this. referring to the romanian authorities, the newspaper reports that since the beginning of the conflict the river on the border of two more than 6.00 men of military age tried to cross the states, some were found dead. meanwhile, in kiev they are preparing
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to send to the front those who were previously recognized as having limited fitness; this category has now been abolished; next month, military registration and enlistment offices will begin sending out summonses to undergo a second commission. now to the flood situation. kurgan region on the tabol river the flow has increased. the water flows towards the regional center. the level is already almost 5 m and continues to rise. currently , more than 300 houses in almost five hundred areas are flooded in the region. evacuation is underway. the situation is still extremely difficult in orenburg. andrey golderev for more details. different levels of danger. take the documents and medicine. in the last 24 hours alone, another thousand households have been flooded in orenburg. the level of the ural river has risen.
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he stands a little at a distance, but you can’t remain indifferent when this happens. in the kurgan region they continue to prepare. before the arrival of the flood, this is still the picture in the south of the region: big water came to this village a few days ago, flooded the outskirts of the village point. this is what mineeva street looks like here now, the water, if you look, is a little higher than the knee, but this water is still said to have gone a little today, it is clear that the fences are flooded, the water is creeping up to the house, but has not yet entered the house itself. now from here the water is already moving towards kurgan, drowning roads and demolishing low-level bridges. residents are taken out to
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temporary accommodation centers in advance, people take with them all the most valuable things, including pets. here are the four sea walls of my girls. that's how we are the whole family has almost moved. at this point , almost 70 children have organized a children's room for the children and come up with various activities. here we have created, for example, a games room where classes are held.
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this is footage of the combat work of the air defense forces, a missile fired with great speed washes away the sky and hits the intended target, the destruction of the earth looks like a small white flash. the air defense troops have a lot of work to do, because they are the ones guarding the skies in the area of ​​the special military operation in donbass. the division is constantly in work, equipment is constantly in readiness number one, calculations are ready to reflect any.
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nicknamed the black pearl, this is what the radar station looks like from the inside, this is the so-called decision-making center, when
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a target appears on the screens that we cannot show, it is here that they decide when and with what missile to shoot it down. the s-400 complexes have been covering the sky in the northern military district zone since the first day, during which time they have destroyed hundreds of missiles. and the armor’s powerful missile cannon complex will use its firepower. for his arsenal. 12 guided missiles and a rapid-fire cannon capable of firing 4.00 rounds of ammunition at a target in a minute. the complex is mobile and independent, the radar station and weapons are assembled together, the damage radius of the shell is from 200 to 20,000 m. in principle, everything that is included in this range, range, with a 99% probability will be destroyed. starting there from a small drone. whose speed there can vary from 15 m/s there i don’t know up to
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30 ending with the ballistic tsar, like all units of the russian army, today on their professional holiday military personnel the air defense forces are on combat duty and, as always, cover the sky above us. gusein huseynov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and larisa nikitina, channel one lugansk people's republic. and to continue the topic right now on the first channel. a documentary about an anti-aircraft complex that has no analogues in the world, a real revolution in the russian defense industry, a panzer, a heavenly shield, let's watch it together. in the sixth match of the semi-finals of the gagarin cup, the motorist, who had no room for error, took on the metal hockey players. the first minutes of the game passed with the advantage of the hosts, who increased the pressure in the opponent's zone. as a result, nikita tryamkin managed to bring the driver forward. in the opening period, this was the only goal left, here is the second period.


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