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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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full of hope for human roads. hello, the evening news is on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics: the attack lasted about 5 hours, a wave of iranian attacks on israel, the last one was hit with missiles and drones. the first floors
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of houses, cars, everything is under water, orenburg, kurgan, a week under the sign of floods. this is the first step, the ascent to the second floor begins. and helping people is an absolute priority. rescuers, volunteers, local residents are fighting the elements all over the world. some people refuse to eat because he says he wants to sleep right away, people take two or three days. do not sleep. all the latest information from the disaster zone. the vaunted western technology became a pile of metal. the american paladin installation, the german iriste air defense system, and french aerial bombs are our legitimate targets. home from the ministry of defense report for the day. and an exclusive from the front line. we have already been waiting there for 5 days when they finally come out. the work of snipers is in detail. they don’t know what they’re doing:
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nuclear terrorism in kiev in action, shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant throughout week, where is magathe looking? the best gift for cosmonautics day for the entire industry. the launch vehicle engine is starting. the angara heavy-class launch vehicle launched for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. what opportunities are now open? having struck the bottom of russophobia, the head of the estonian ministry of internal affairs proposed recognizing the moscow patriarchate as a terrorist organization. how far the baltics have come in open hatred of our country. that night the situation in the middle east deteriorated sharply. iran attacked israel with drones for several hours and ballistic missiles. in total, several hundred aerial objects were reportedly launched. the target was large cities. tel aviv, baersheva, ashkilon, eilad,
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and also the dutch heights. tehran called these retaliatory strikes in response to recent air attacks on the iranian consulate in damascus. the jewish state reported that one of the most massive attacks was repelled by the iron dome system, and the allies also helped. and some of the shells, for example, shot down jordanian air defense systems. arab country, which from a long time ago enemy, overnight turned into an ally. and yet she was wounded. american reports of the sounds of explosions in the sky on the ground, fleeing to iran directly attacked israel. tehran, as people panicked, the holy land was under attack for the first time by the media, launched up to 200 missiles. in addition,
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according to cnn, in four waves, iran carried out the largest drone raid in history, about 500 aircraft. along with iran, the strikes were carried out by paramilitary groups controlled by it from iraq and syria. kamegadze drones were launched by the yemeni houthis, and the lebanese hezbollah fired rockets at israel's northern settlements throughout the night. the idf's retaliatory strikes against the jewish state defense army turned lebanon-israel.
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the american television channel nbc claims that among iran's goals. not only israel’s military infrastructure, but also government buildings, including the knesset, the israeli parliament, and even, as the british telegraph already reports, the residence of prime minister netanyahu. in addition to israeli aviation, american aircraft from air bases in iraq and syria, as well as british ones, were scrambled to intercept military bases in cyprus. in repelling the attack , the jewish state was supported by france and jordan. the main task is to destroy the maximum number of missiles and drones. repel attacks from all sides, under attack are the dutch heights with military bases near the syrian border and the negev desert, where in the city of dimona is the nuclear research center
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of the heart of the israeli nuclear industry, tel aviv, bersheva and ashkilon, ell, on the border with egypt, are also under fire, as well as israeli settlements around jerusalem. the city of three religions itself was attacked, explosions sounded over the temple mount, and then the wreckage of the drones was found both in western jewish and eastern jerusalem, populated by arabs. israel has officially acknowledged that missiles hit targets on the territory of a military base in the negev desert. we are probably talking about the ramon air center, where f-16 fighters are based. however. damage according to tsahal is minimal. prime minister netanyahu held a meeting of the military cabinet, after which the syrian media reported information about an attack on damascus airport. in his address to the nation, netanyahu made it clear that everyone involved in the attack on israel became legitimate targets of the idf. our
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defense means have been deployed, we are ready for any scenario, both defensive and offensive. we adhere to a simple principle: whoever harms us, we will punish in return. urgently interrupted the day off and held a meeting with the heads of the pentagon of the state department and the cia in the situation room of the white house. the united states, following the european union, condemned the attacks on israel. biden called netanyahu, after which a short statement appeared on the white house website. american army transferred planes and yasmintsy, equipped with a pro system, to the region. thanks to this, as well as the exceptional skill of our military personnel. we were able to help israel destroy almost all of the incoming drones and missiles. i just spoke with prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm to him the fundamental support of the united states on israeli security issues. but according to cnn, biden made it clear to netanyahu that the united states will not participate in the offensive campaign against iran; nbc reports that the white house is asking
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israeli colleagues to coordinate responses steps to prevent a full-scale regional war. what iran took against israel tonight can be called such a precautionary step. very carefully so that the whole situation does not cross a certain red line, which means another big war in the middle east. american officials worry that israel might quickly do something in response to an iranian attack without thinking about the possible consequences. us president joe biden has privately expressed concern that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to drag the united states even deeper into the expanding conflict. the israelis don't always make the best strategic decisions. decision, a senior biden administration official said. israel requested an emergency meeting of the un security council. it is expected to take place this evening, but both sides have already reported successes. iran said every second missile reached its target; israel said 99%
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of drones and missiles launched by tehran were destroyed. experts believe that the blow iran was rather symbolic. the attack was largely symbolic, despite... its large-scale nature and did not pursue the goal of causing great damage to israel, that is, iran thereby wants to show that it responded to the murder of its officers in damascus, this could be the end of the matter if israel will also stop there. iran's permanent representative to the un announced the end of the attack unless opponents escalate further. the incident can be considered over, however, if the israeli regime commits another mistake, iran's response will be much more serious, this is a conflict between iran and the criminal israeli regime, the united states should stay away from this conflict, this is again a demonstration of iranian influence. iran
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thereby demonstrates that this is the banner of the anti-israeli struggle, and not only the anti-israeli struggle, but also the anti-american one, given that the americans, in general, openly support israel. israel is now actively pushing the americans at a time when it is extremely unprofitable for them in the election campaign, yes, in in general, just in time for a new israeli clash. the media are reporting quote: an inevitable, decisive and powerful response from their country. it is possible that we are talking about the bombing of iranian nuclear facilities. right now there is relative calm in the region and the main question is for how long? georgy lisoshvili, nina khureva, evgenia stefanchuk, boris kamenov, channel one. meanwhile , our embassy in tehran is finding out the details of the presence of a russian on board a commercial ship, which was captured by iranian special forces in the strait of armus the day before. all you need consular assistance is now being provided. in total there were 25 people on board. the ship
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was flying the flag of portugal, but belonged to the israeli side. at some point , troops landed on board from a helicopter and forced the crew to follow the territorial zones of iran. information has emerged about the cost of the cargo the container ship was transporting. it is valued at $1.5 billion. towards the flood situation. big water is about to overtake the mound. the flow of the tobol river is rapidly increasing, the level is above 5.5 m, and this is not the limit, the peak is predicted at the beginning of the week, one of the wooden bridges was demolished by a stormy stream, rescuers quickly reacted and pulled out the structure to avoid a jam, or a pile of debris and branches was washed into a waterworks, this could also provoke an even greater rise in water. emergency services are clearing the rubble, evacuation continues from the danger zone, and the flood may affect more than sixty people in the area. meanwhile
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, encouraging news is coming from orenburg today for the first time in a week: the water level in the ural river has begun to decline, so far we are talking about a few centimeters, but the trend is definitely is being viewed. the situation in the city is still difficult, the current is so strong that iron fences are bent, and boats are simply carried away, not to mention private houses or high-rise buildings. our correspondent svetlana kostina has been working in the disaster zone all week, here is her report: she went right at night, i was on duty there, when she went, she went, like that, abruptly and halfway up, well, a meter, 50 meters, probably like that, we didn’t expect it, but everyone there, everyone was flooded like that, the basement was filled in about 40 minutes, everyone was pressing the wires all the way down for a week our group has been working in orenburg, entire neighborhoods were flooded literally before our eyes. april 9,
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novokuznechny village, afternoon, you see, the water is rising, but there are still dry areas. we returned to the same place a day later. today is the tenth of april, and you see what is happening here, waist-deep water has completely flooded the entire neighborhood. another 4 days have passed and this street in the village is completely unrecognizable. the depth is already about 3 m and there is a strong current. flooded houses have been evacuated. more than 13 thousand people, there were only a few left, rescuers were delivering food to them, this family measured the water level while it was possible, they made marks on the terrace at 7 cm/h, it was going, now it’s 20 per day, that is, just less, on boats it’s getting worse every day it’s more difficult to maneuver on the streets, here there is a stream, here the boat is carried away, you have to level it, you can run into a fence, hit a sharp corner, or break through the boat at a corner. look like a rapid on a mountain river. the streams are so strong that they sweep away everything in their path, even bending iron
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fences. police officers moved into the boat. this crew is from the criminal investigation department. the task for these days is to patrol the streets and search for looters. if you see suspicious people or someone carrying lanterns at night, or something else suspicious. strangers? if you don't know someone from the street, or someone you don't know, call the police immediately. a drone with a thermal imager is flying over the area; several criminals have already been caught. people leave windows open for micro-ventilation or something else, or people leave gates open so that the doors don’t break and they sneak in this way, people who have lost their conscience, they seem to they have no conscience, even in such difficult times they steal from people, the ural river is located 5 km from this village, but the water level rose to a historical maximum in the entire history of meteorological observations, the residents of this village... tried to somehow escape, tried to build dams, we constantly hit them with a motor, but the elements turned out to be stronger. in
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some houses, the water is up to the ceiling for those who are lucky enough to be knee-deep. here we are now going to drown a little, this is the first step, the ascent to the second floor begins, that is, this is the transition, you see, just yesterday it was completely open, that is , it wasn’t even enough to reach it, today you can already see, it’s creeping up to the second floor, it’s creeping up a lot, that is, the water didn’t stop, it. it’s constantly going, going, going, going, going, but now, i must admit, it started to rise a little slower, the water got close to the multi-storey buildings, it’s no longer possible to enter this housing complex by car, it’s too deep... the residents began to be evacuated , there’s simply no electricity, no water, basically no heating, nothing like that, basically there’s nothing to do there nothing, so we evacuated, traffic in the city was blocked in several areas, the river flooded the road, you will see what a stormy stream, we are moving very, very slowly , accompanied by a traffic police car, no other
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cars except the roads have turned into rivers, the embankment in the city center can only be guessed by the ones sticking out... europe and asia almost went under water. authorities reported that the peak of the flood had passed, the level of the ural river began to slowly but decrease. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, anatoly mineev, channel one, orenburg. we will return to the topic of floods later. our issue and tell you what kind of help they provide to people. in the meantime, zaporozhye region, the number of deaths in takmak after a massive shelling of the ukrainian armed forces has increased to 16. the list of victims includes: 12 victims remain in serious condition in hospitals. kiev militants struck the city on friday evening, targeting elderly neighborhoods with multiple launch rocket systems. the shells hit several apartment buildings, one private one. rescuers have been clearing out the rubble for the second day. residents whose apartments were damaged or destroyed were transported to temporary centers placement. now about the work of our military in
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the special operation zone in the belgorod direction of the group. with the support of aviation and artillery, they hit enemy personnel in populated areas of the kharkov and sumy regions, destroying up to 60 militants, enemy equipment, including the american paladin installation and the nota electronic warfare station. in the avdeevsky sector, russian fighters repelled seven counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces and improved the tactical situation. in addition, the german launcher of the irist anti-aircraft missile system, part of ukrainian air defense system. our air defense systems. operate smoothly, shot down three french hammer guided bombs, as well as american shells. today is the day of the air defense forces in our country. from the first days of the northern military district, the s-400 triumph complexes have been reliable protection of the russian sky. this equipment is always ready at any time of the day or night. an enemy aircraft, as well as
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the vaunted western hammers and stormshadows, can destroy them. and our anti-aircraft missile and gun complex. can fire 400 rounds of ammunition at a target in a minute, with editorial report by gusein huseynov. this is footage of the combat work of the air defense forces. the fired rocket hits the sky with great speed and hits the intended target. from the ground, destruction looks like a small white flash. the air defense troops have a lot of work to do, because they are the ones guarding the skies in the area of ​​the special military operation in donbass. the division is constantly at work, the equipment is constantly in readiness number one, the crews are ready to repel any air strike, this is an air defense unit of the first army operating as part of a united groupings of troops are armed here with the s-400 triumph anti-aircraft missile system, a system capable of destroying in the air enemy aircraft, guided aerial bombs and missiles of multiple launch rocket systems,
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including such as hymers and stormshadow. the anti-aircraft missile division consists of. from several launch vehicles with missiles of various types and a multifunctional radar station, in other words, the brains of the entire complex. the destruction range is from 150 to 250 km, it all depends on the nature of the targets and the missile fired at it. we can according to ballistics determine the launch site of an enemy missile and , if necessary, have the opportunity to hit the launch point. detect any target in the sky within a radius of 500 km, all data and coordinates flow into the complex’s radar, which the soldiers nicknamed the black pearl. this is what a radar station looks like from the inside, this is the so-called decision-making center, when a target appears on screens that we cannot show, it is here that they decide when and with what missile to shoot it down. the s-400 complex covers the sky in the area
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the svo has destroyed hundreds of missiles since the first day. and the anti-aircraft missile cannon complex pantsir uses its firepower; it is armed with 12 guided missiles and a rapid-fire cannon capable of firing 4.00 rounds of ammunition at a target in a minute. the complex is mobile and independent, the radar station and weapons are assembled together, the damage radius of the shell is from 200 to 20,000 m. in principle, everything that is included in this range is a range. with a 99% probability it will be destroyed up to 100 m/s, starting there from a small drone, whose speed there can vary from there 15 m/second i don’t know there to... 30 i’m ending with a political commiseration, like all units of the russian army, today on their professional holiday, military personnel and air defense forces are on combat
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duty and, as always, cover the sky above us . gusein huseynov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and larisa nikitina, channel one lugansk people's republic. our military has superiority on the battlefield, and it's not just about modern technology, real military brotherhood, that's what. really valuable, one for all, all for one, so in the sniper group of the eighty-third guards airborne assault brigade of the airborne forces. among the trophies and kamikaze drones, the deadly baba yaga agrocopters, performing combat missions, these guys never forget for whom they are fighting, for the sake of civilians who are tired of kiev terror. so one family, which miraculously did not die during the shelling, was taken under guardianship. more details about everything in alexey’s exclusive report. repaired yellow-red spots, this is what enemies look like through a thermal imaging sight. having learned the enemy’s route on the front line near artyomovsk, the sniper group of the 83rd airborne brigade is waiting for the right moment to
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open fire from an ambush. we have already been waiting there for 5 days when they finally come out. they act as a group, the commander shoots, fighters with the call signs severe frost and tiger provide cover. dad was in lyozhka, we were in secrets. the enemy group that moved in our direction, well, quickly. today we were not expected to meet enemy shooters there either the so-called leshka, only his head is barely visible through the scope, but one shot is enough for the commander of our group to win the next sniper duel, a total of seven militants were destroyed, four more, paralyzed by fear, surrendered, now the special services are working with them, details cannot be disclosed yet, but according to the first data, these are foreign mercenaries, that is, they are ready to kill anyone for the sake of this coin, and it is natural that they are afraid when fair retribution comes to them. when we approached, they immediately started screaming, well again i can’t quote the language that they are surrendering, we are talking in the basement, suddenly
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active shooting starts upstairs, we are not in a peaceful city, now, we are in a place where there is a lbs nearby, paratroopers are repelling an air attack, the enemy has sent strike drones into battle, pividon, somewhere very close here, the guys are trying to shoot him down, the neighbors are helping, there, there, there, there, there, a whole flock is rushing towards our and neighboring positions, that’s how it happens, the guys say , birds, which the ukrainian armed forces have a lot of, are never launched individually, next a copter arrives with a drop, a fragmentation grenade, drop, quietly, fortunately, no one was hurt, dropping the ammunition, the enemy tried to take the drone away, but the bird was shot down, it fell into a minefield, how many have we shot down now, the two of us personally, well, there’s more guys, by the ear... this, as the guys say, is a trifle, they have already stopped counting, but
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sometimes unique specimens come across, such as the american puma drone, for which the paratroopers had to fight with an entire platoon of militants. for this operation, the group commander was presented with a high state award. from there are several new trophies: kamikazes, also known as fpv drones, and four so-called baba yagas. these agrocopters are capable. up to 20 km, bypassing radio interference, good babayaga, dead babayaga, the enemy is increasingly using large agricultural drones, by the way, one of them is a means of delivering small fpvs, so they fly further and cover a large territory, like any evil spirit, their dirty deeds baba yaga acts at night; during the day , such a large target is too noticeable, but the guys spot it even in complete darkness. exactly, here, here i am shining a candle on her. civilians not only from ukrainian
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drones, this woman, we do not show her face, fled from chashoy yar, as best she could, on crossroads with two little sons, the same age yegor and timur, in a zone already controlled by our troops, they came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces, we they lay down, covered the children with themselves, but still a little hit the eldest. a fragment there, how does the elder feel now? well, it’s much better, of course he won’t recover yet, he’s afraid of everything, but i think the rehabilitation will be successful. our a sniper team working in the area pulled the family out from under fire. thank you very much for ours, that we are alive, healthy, we are our brother, please say hello, and so that he gets well soon, we will definitely go to him too, check on him, we are here, we will not leave here and we will protect. the children's memories will be slightly distracted by new toys, for which the guards made a special trip to the neighboring rear city. timur, who fortunately escaped with only scratches and bruises, promises to share
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gifts with his brother. the paratroopers took the family under. new acts of nuclear terrorism from the ukrainian armed forces. all week, ukrainian militants have been attacking energod with drones and the largest nuclear power plant in europe located there, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. they also hit the roof of one of the blocks, as well as the only full-scale one in the world. it all started on the morning of april 10, from the very morning these drones began to fly over us, well
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, it’s buzzing, it’s just buzzing now. this sound cannot be confused with anything, it just buzzes and is visible. this is a drone strike by the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of the water intake at the teplovodokal city of energodar. to fortunately, no one was hurt. basically, it was announced that a second wave of drones was coming. therefore, we were immediately warned to take shelter. this is the main object of life, and it is clear that if it is violated, it is a very serious factor. in fact, we understand that acts of terrorism here cannot be assessed differently. terrorism, and nuclear terrorism at that, when the ukrainian armed forces strikes at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this has been happening for a week now. the director of the nuclear power plant says: concerns have already been expressed to the head of magatta. drone activity has been recorded for a very long time. in fact, this is mr. grosi's last visit to the site, he was presented with information about what
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was in order. 120 enemy drones per week in the area where the station is located are recorded, it’s just that at that time there was no direct impact of these drones on the site itself. late last week , three people were injured when a car delivering food to a canteen was hit. earlier this week , a training center was attacked, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator. visited zaporozhye nuclear power plant. security, one of the drones struck between the nuclear power plants, stated that a direct threat was created to the fourth and fifth power units, and the sixth was also attacked. two drones flew towards the sixth power unit, one hit directly into the dome, another was suppressed by the rap system, fell nearby just a few meters, here is the funnel it detonated, this is the part that remained from
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it, but fragments. you can see the spread, for example, i pierced a metal sheet, protecting the sixth the power unit survived, we inspected the damage, fortunately there was no damage, it was a fairly reliable design, rafael grossi, of course, was immediately informed, commenting on the attacks of ukrainian drones, he called the events ominous, but once again avoided answering who was attacking the nuclear facility ?
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we believe that russia is playing a very dangerous game by seizing europe's largest ukrainian nuclear power plant by military means, and we continue to call on russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the western territory and return full control of the plant to competent authorities. ukrainian authorities. responded to this statement. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against the russian federation. encouraging zelensky’s criminal regime is akin to walking on the edge of a knife. irresponsible kiev attacks threaten a radiation disaster. such actions undermine global security. it is extremely important to prevent zelensky from allowing a radiation disaster to occur in his onslaught. i don’t think that in reality kiev alone , without the support of coordination with the west, decided
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would. russia claims, kyiv denies attack. zaporozhye nuclear power plant reported an attack by a ukrainian drone on a training center. russia and ukraine are exchanging blame for the drone strike on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. russia and ukraine once again accuse each other of the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the british bbc went even further about the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in the context of russian attacks on the ukrainian energy sector, and
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a ukrainian representative comments. attacks on nuclear facilities are of great concern. how great is the risk that this will actually lead to serious consequences? well, it's extremely risky, but the risk didn't just start yesterday with drone attacks, it's been around for over 2 years. a serious release into a storage facility or reactor building could lead to contamination of the dnieper river and, consequently, the black and even the mediterranean seas. radiation has no boundaries, so of course we would like to avoid this. radiation has no boundaries, from those who hit a nuclear power plant, of course, it sounds quite like nuclear blackmail, with this is kyiv.
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as well as romania, moldova, bulgaria, hungary, poland, slovakia, germany, scandinavian and baltic countries. another notification at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the conditions in which nuclear workers continue to work, and no matter how scary it may sound, have become accustomed. lately, we can already say that we have become accustomed to such situations, that is , people know all the instructions, they know clearly what to do, when they heard a notification about danger, everyone goes into hiding, they are not in the open. platforms as soon as they announce that the threat has been lifted, then they go out into the street and continue with their business. for a year and a half, as they say, ukraine held out and did not strike the nuclear power plant. in the fall of '22, dangerous artillery attacks were practiced, and now attacks
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with fpv drones have been massive. the vast majority are shot down by air defense systems. soviet-built power units were designed with a safety margin, for example, in case of a plane crash, but were not designed for constant bombing. in addition, in addition to... power units at the station there is a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel, mobile diesel generators and much more that ensure operational safety; the defeat of any of these objects can provoke a nuclear accident. tomorrow the un security council is to discuss the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kochurin, nikita sebastyanov, irina bliznyuk, sergey chuvello, first channel of the zaprozhian region. the capital of niger was today engulfed in mass protests.
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today in moscow , the ashes of alexander shirvint were buried at the novodevichy cemetery. the ceremony took place among the closest ones. this is what the family of the national artist decided: wife natalya belousova, son mikhail shirvint. the artistic friend of the satire theater, sergei gazarov, actors maxim overin, andrei ilyin, and tv presenter yuri nikolaev came to say goodbye to the master. the grave of alexander shirvent is located on the central alley of the cemetery. vasily lunovoy, inna churikova, and vladimir minshov are buried next to him.
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you are watching the evening news and this is what will happen next in our program: the best gift for cosmonautics day for... what are the possibilities are they open now? having struck the bottom of russophobia, the head of the estonian ministry of internal affairs proposed to recognize the moscow patriarchate as a terrorist organization. how far have the baltic states come in open hatred of our country? we'll be back in a few minutes after commercial. don't switch. chanson. this is not just for you . i need to study, shalom, my friend, shalom,
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let him go on different roads, it was so festive and i wanted to go out dancing, but i couldn’t, i was tied to this. well, i would also like to say, even in such company potential would open up for anyone, mom, mom, mom.
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first of all, thank you for coming to me with this information and not to olga. olya, i, i love you. we had some fins. i see that a girl from work is staying with you for the night, and olechka is stopping by for the night. i’m chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, i need help, everyone around me. how did you know that the bank would be raided? a thorough investigation will be carried out regarding turbin. if you find something related to the turbine, consider it a negotiation. you think, he’s a rat, i’m from the police, i know, i didn’t recognize him,
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undercover taxi, premiere, tomorrow, after the program time, fascism appeared in italy at the beginning of the 20th century, from where this infection spread throughout europe, fascists, as a rule, come to democratic authorities. fascism opened up such vast expanses
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of inhuman pragmatism to the world that it forever made it a grave insult, so one can only fight fascism. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. tomorrow, on the first day. hello everyone, my name is caroline, my father is an optimist so he thinks that i am half white. kvn, major league, new season, on saturday on the first. what do you have in your hands? this is my autobiography. autobiography, read it out loud. read aloud to yourself? are you going crazy, or what? this is the evening news and we continue
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and return to the topic of floods. the main thing now is to help the affected people. rescuers, military, volunteers. all forces are being thrown into the fight against the elements. residents are evacuated and animals are rescued from water captivity. food and things are brought to hard-to-reach areas. valentina solovyova will continue. attention, evacuation is in progress. get over here, get over here. thousands of people rescued from the roofs of houses, from canopies, porches, women, children, pensioners, each of them says: you could not imagine that the flood would be so strong, yesterday the police came at night, i looked out the window, but there was no water, i we won’t be flooded, it was so dry , they came twice, knocked, but we were fools, we didn’t go, we didn’t believe that where we would go at night, i didn’t think, didn’t wonder, i woke up
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faster and faster, faster faster, while i was getting ready, she was right in came home i tried to go out to open this gate, and already... in the ural river basin, then it all moved to the main channel of the ural river. on april 5, the first protective dam on the ural river in orski failed, the next day a powerful stream demolished the second, the city went under water and then the flood crest quickly reached orenburg. the scale of the spill is clearly visible in satellite images. red marks are every flooded house. here is orsk, here is
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orenburg, before the big water and after. as soon as the scale of potential flooding became clear, vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations quit. we have connections with kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, the topic is clear, floods, fighting them and providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation. we communicate almost every day, but nevertheless the situation changes. in the orenburg region, a group of the ministry of emergency situations from different russian regions, a detachment from the spas center with experience in working on the largest floods in the irkutsk, tyumen regions and yakutia. from the point of view of the forces and means that are used by the russian ministry of emergency situations, the group is large with a certain shift from the point of view of orsk
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then continuing our movement to the settlement of ilek, we transfer both equipment and people, everything that concerns. quietly, hold on, hold on, dog, come to me, to me, to me, rescuers work for several days without sleep, sit until the last minute, don’t leave, are afraid for their property, there’s a man there, he sent his wife home, he stayed, they brought him, they packed everything, everything is sterile, and
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these people travel 100 km every day, bring food to the rescuers, some refuse to eat, because they say they want to sleep right away, for 2-3 days people. do not sleep, they are working, this is the ministry of emergency situations, we are trying to feed them, people are in grief, people are in trouble, so we help, but you, no, i am a physical education teacher at school, evacuate people, save animals, a huge number of volunteers help the ministry of emergency situations staff. the popular front and the youth wing of united russia are delivering drinking water, medicine, clothes and humanitarian aid to the victims. students and doctors in kayaks examine flooded areas.
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sailed on a boat, he opened the gate, but the gate was narrower than the boat, he didn’t let the boat pass, i don’t know how he managed to open the gate, we have the gates are large, they open onto the street, he is risking himself, a boy, also a father of three children, he has three children, so he went to save neighbors, military engineers of the yasnaya missile formation went to hard-to-reach areas on floating conveyors, they bring fuel for generators , clean dry things, water is being delivered, as reported... to the president, the governor of the orenburg region ipit, the situation is assessed as stable, additional vaccines against hepatitis a have been delivered from the reserve of the ministry of health, a single window is operating, where people can quickly recover documents. and receive financial assistance. the amount of payments for one-time financial assistance has been doubled. applications from citizens are applied through a single portal
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of public services and the mfc. work to assist citizens in obtaining financial assistance for those affected by the flood is organized in each municipality. a decision was made to assign payments to 1,403 people, and in fact , 3,245 people have already received money. they are preparing for the arrival of big water in the tyumen region in the zone possible flooding could affect more than fifty settlements, said governor alexander moor. authorities are preparing for the worst-case scenario with a dump breach. according to forecasts, the most tense situation with access to the floodplain will be around the 20th of april, the peak - 23-25. there is time, but we are sitting, not sitting, not waiting, but the task you have set is to preventively minimize the risks for...
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kazakhstan has not had such severe floods for 80 years. vladimir putin and kasym jamar takaev discussed the situation in the first few days border regions by phone. in total , about 100 thousand people were forced to leave their homes in the republic. as for our country, in the orenburg region alone, the amount of damage could exceed 40 billion rubles. when with your own hands. you do everything, and the tears flow by themselves, although they say that men don’t cry, it’s very insulting,
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when you saw it, you cried a little, yes, it happened when i didn’t rent, she and i built this house completely from scratch, roughly speaking , from the first days of the disaster, on behalf of the president , the minister has been working in the affected regions construction and housing and communal services irek faizulin, together with specialists from the ministry of construction, assesses the scale of the upcoming restoration work, the task ahead. before us, too, and we will discuss it, vladimir vladimirovich, this is with the ministry of education and science and fas, which means slowing down the rise in prices, after all, a large amount of resources will be needed, this is wallpaper, cement there and so on, which means gas, electric meters, which means that this was not imitated, so we will also work on this work together with our colleagues, well, in principle, the report is finished, thank you, okay, look, somewhere the water hasn’t arrived yet, somewhere it hasn’t left yet.
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excellent, the ministry of health is working, local doctors, colleagues in the regions are also working, everything is set up, in general, i hope that such coordinated work will continue, and we will minimize all the risks and consequences, please report regularly, it has already been announced in the orenburg region they will begin build a more powerful dam, as for supporting people for completely lost housing, people will receive compensation. at the rate of 68,700 rubles per square meter, such payments are also provided for those those who have a house not yet listed in the russian register, and
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people who have apartments on credit will be helped to apply for a mortgage holiday. now the main thing is to remain calm, not to lose your mind, not to panic, as many people start to panic, but calm down. and many are really not discouraged, these shots have spread around the internet, even if they are knee-deep in water, but this is not a hindrance to the life-affirming melody. solava, sergey panomariov, ekaterina koryaka, pavel evdokimenko, channel one. the main space event of the week, the first launch of a heavy angara launch vehicle from the cosmodrome oriental. previously, such starts took place only from the plesetsk site in the arkhangelsk region. it is symbolic that everything happened on the eve of the next anniversary of yuri gagarin’s flight. and 63 years later , our specialists...
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a new page in our space history, for the first time, a heavy-class angara rocket launched again from the vostochny cosmodrome, the cosmonauts admired it, it flies beautifully, it’s beautiful, i saw the launch, i’ve already seen as many videos as they’ve been filmed, posted on youtube, well, on other internet channels, people admire the most rocket, itself... it stands beautifully, it’s just great, it’s great that we have such projects in our country and it’s great, we’ve been waiting for this launch for so long, but this is because such spacecraft are launched that you can come and see with your children and show them the power of our country. 30 seconds, the stabilization of the launch vehicle
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is stable, emotions in real time, the angara was launched in the end, here we are now , and the third launch took off, today everything that happens in this industry, it still cannot help but touch, and this launch is especially , v the start of the first and second days had to be postponed, but now it was clear. errors in the software, and to successfully eliminate them, it was not even necessary to remove the launch vehicle from the launch pad. the launch complex is new, and first of all there was a test of the new launch complex. this launch complex is very highly automated. there are a very large number of sensors both on the launch vehicle and at the launch complex itself. the computer system detected not only
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problems, but some deviations from the specified parameters. worked well, after 3 minutes the first stage separated, then the second, and then the arion upper stage entered, which, by the way, was also tested in action for the first time, it successfully launched the payload. thank you everyone for your work, i sincerely thanked the entire combat crew today, it was only thanks to their efforts that they did not fail. they worked thoughtfully to correct all situations, and in the end, success awaited everyone today. we still have a lot of work to do with this rocket to ensure its reliability, and in the twenty-eighth year it will be necessary to launch a manned spacecraft. now angara is again, first of all, replacing our
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space truck proton, which can only be launched from baikanur. now we are able to carry out all types of launches from our territory, despite the fact that space is common, sovereignty in the space industry is a decisive factor, for example, in the european union there is a real crisis in rocket science, they have lost almost all of their launch vehicles, the possibility of launching european missions is now entirely dependent on the location of the united states. now we need our own point from which we will launch, russia is the largest country, it is a great space power, but of course we must have our own without asking anyone.
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version of the rocket, that’s exactly what angara a5 became, this is a heavy rocket that can launch large spacecraft into high-energy orbits, into geosynchronous orbit, into geosynchronous orbit. another unique feature of the angara is its modular system; the family of these launch vehicles is based on a unified rocket module. imagine imagine such a super-technological, but huge designer. the lightest version of the rocket has one such module, here it is, a payload of up to three. but now we take three unified rocket modules and we get hangar a3. the payload is already up to 14 tons. in hangar a5, accordingly, the mathematics is simple, there are already five rocket modules and a payload of up to 24 tons. and this is a promising development of hangar a5b. down here, almost everything is the same, but the third stage and upper stage run on hydrogen fuel. the power is higher and
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this means that up to 38 tons can already be sent into orbit. because it's universal. the design is easier to modernize; in addition to the hydrogen version, a modified angara a5 is already in production at the khrunichev space center, and the angara launch vehicle is being manufactured. the a5m is a modernized vehicle, in which a number of new systems have already been applied, and a vehicle with new tactical and technical characteristics, the vehicle is becoming lighter, the payload output will be larger, there will be a new control system, and i want here it should be noted that it is like in angara a5, on a new element base, it is purely of our russian production, there can be no imports, not even the slightest little things, namely... a new russian orbital station is being developed for launch by angara rockets, this applies to both delivery into orbit of all its blocks and manned flights. the most important thing is that we want it to fly for a long time, it is designed so that
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when some module becomes outdated and unnecessary, it will simply be unfastened, well, undocked, disposed of in its place a new one will come. that is, this is a permanently operating station, there are no conversations, such as, for example, about peace, that it will fly for 5 years or iss-15, there are not even such conversations, that is, this is a long-term station. in this sense, angara is a kind of embodiment of sergei korolev’s dream. back in the sixties, he thought about the project of a super-heavy rocket n1 for the construction of an orbital station and flights to the moon. this space truck was supposed to use fuel steam, kerosene, and oxygen, just like the angara. now we have to expand to orbit of the grandiose cosmic. construction and the main workhorses in this project will be launch vehicles, the first to be completely designed and built in modern russia, which means that every year more and more spectators will be able to watch such
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beautiful launches from the vostochny cosmodrome. pyotr deryagin, ekaterina belova, alexey labyshkin, anastasia berestenko, channel one. the authorities of the baltic countries, drowning in russophobia, have reached rock bottom. head of estonian. this week proposed recognizing the moscow patriarchate as a terrorist organization. there are, as our diplomats said, all the signs of mental illness. the open hostility of the elites to everything connected with our country is turning into completely ugly forms, but people cannot be broken, ivan blagoy will continue the topic. i cried near the monument when they toppled the monument to the fallen soldiers at the brotherly cemetery. well, in general, they showed me so much that i, i said: well, what if my family suffered from the second world war? and after all, someone recorded
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the tears of an elderly woman in order to later use them against her. valentina vatutina in she was born in lithuania and lived her whole life, her problems began with the extension of her lithuanian residence permit, with filling out a form. is there anyone's crimea there? she wrote: i don’t know, now vatutina is considered a threat to national security, she faces deportation, like valery ivanov, this is perhaps the most famous lithuanian dissident, he has been persecuted for his political views since the early nineties, since lithuania gained independence, in early december i went to the hospital, and they tell me, but we cannot serve you, because you have no fears, only on january 13th from the answer to a letter to the migration department, the chairman of the union of russian writers and artists ivanov found out that i... pose a threat to the security of the republic of lithuania and his residence permit was canceled, while the period for appealing the decision had already expired, ivanov was born in kaunas, he is buried in lithuania parents.


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