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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 15, 2024 12:55am-1:46am MSK

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drugs that act specifically on the influenza virus, that is, if it turns out that under the guise of influenza there is a huge number of respiratory viruses that cause very similar symptoms, then why diagnose it at all, well, the person will rest, there is nothing to treat specific diseases, right, no, you you know, in fact, the flu can be distinguished from other respiratory diseases; an experienced doctor will do this, because there are differences. in the temperature there it is much higher because it starts from where it flows either there is a runny nose or a cough, that is , for example, with an adenovirus infection, sometimes this cough remains for another month and then a person cannot get rid of it, and if it is the flu then there are special ones, there are some medicines that treat the flu and not something else something else, yes there is , yes we have several drugs that treat.
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noroviruses, yes, for example, there are rotaviruses, which cause yes, especially in children , very serious diseases, that is, rotavirus can be classified as a seasonal disease, just the season for him is in the summer, because we all have more vegetables, although in fact a rotavirus infection, it’s still difficult to do as such a classic example of seasonality, because they actually get sick in the winter, it’s just always more in the summer, because the conditions again. yes , they are created for all these viruses, that is , we forget that we must use only proven, good water, yes, many people complain, when you go to some country, it is imperative that there is ice water there, yes , you seem to take water from a bottle there, yes, it’s from this very thing, and the ice you get is not clear what it’s made of, and there are a lot of cases when a person becomes infected with an intestinal infection, precisely... from untested
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this very water from which this ice is made there, or the same products , people travel on trains, stop at stations, they sell some, yes, some pies, some other things, yes, it’s always very tasty, yes, but it’s not always tested, and since in the summer and viruses and bacteria they are much more they multiply faster, and the amount of this pathogen that a person consumes much more, yes, than in winter, and it’s already enough. for the infection to develop very quickly and cause severe ones, that is , seasonality, that is, the flu is in a sense an exception, it turns out that seasonality is not because bacteria or viruses come to us or leave us, but simply our behavior changes with the seasons and the temperature changes, which means, for example, the rate of spread of infection or the survival rate of the virus, all this is such a physical and chemical process, in general, well, a population social process, we ourselves control seasonality, but... then yes, it passed, yes, people
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got sick, and in the end, who was vaccinated, who got sick, and the number of people immune to this variant is already quite significant, another thing is that, unfortunately, immunity is only to this option, which was, yes, only partial to others, yes, that’s one thing, and secondly, well, it’s short-lived, unfortunately, and why short-lived, because it would seem that immunity, immunological memory, you say that..
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when someone has measles, he receives this immunity for the rest of his life because he has these cells. formed, they sit when needed, they will produce those antibodies that are necessary, and antibodies, too, are also preserved. and live vaccines are the same way, they form immunity, as a rule, for a fairly long period, but here, unfortunately, the influenza virus does not form such a stable humoral immunity, yes, that is, the production of antibodies, that’s it , what is needed now, but the fact is that antibodies, if we still had all the antibodies, we would have a brick bloodline, yes, they will eventually naturally their level drops. here is cellular immunity, it is formed, just as it seems with covid, it also exists, but it is short-term, that is, it seems to work for several years, and then not, with rotaviruses, adenoviruses - it’s a similar story, every summer we will have an intestinal
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infection, and then there are many of them, there are many adenoviruses, there are many rotaviruses, yes, that is, if a person gets sick with one, he can then get sick with another, that is, there are a huge number of them, we know. like 300 - this is some kind of new one is this the one that we forgot about, she returned, as is happening now, all over the world, or is it some kind of man-made thing that someone there will prepare for us in their laboratory,
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from here, in my opinion, it follows that you need to be prepared, yes, yes, of course, you need to study viruses, learn to live with them and generally treat nature with care, because we climb. viruses about the world health organization,
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with you is the popular science podcast schrödinger's cat, and i am its host grigory tarasevich, editor-in-chief of the magazine of the same name shroedinger `s cat. hello, today we will talk about a rather difficult, at least for me, emotional topic about bullying and especially about children’s bullying that happens in schools, our guests today are singer victoria daineka, psychologist, chief expert of the no bullying program, maria afonina. hello, hello, hello, let's get started right away. from the personal, from the emotional, i hope we can handle it, let each of us tell our story of school bullying, that’s who is ready first, victoria, you’re brave, let’s try, ok, let's try, my history of school bullying began with my first
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performances at our school, in our pop studio, here i basically learned what the modern word hate is, in our school there were these: in the corridors there were large benches with wooden coverings, where it was possible to compile a dictionary of swear words regarding the last name of vika daineka, there simply all the benches were written off in my honor, one day i went to the toilet, there were no partitions in our toilet, there was just a large tiled wall where there was written in lipstick, my first and last name, the whole wall was covered with some terrible things, words, and... all this, not to mention the desks and so on, and if it was like that it would be such a written form of hatred towards me, then there were also personal speeches by some girls from our school, they threatened to kill me, they threatened a lot
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of things, well, in general they told me a lot of terrible things, challenged me to some conversations, arrows, i don’t know what to call it correctly, i remember what i felt. fear, i was incredibly scared, i remember how i i cried on my mother’s lap, saying that i won’t go to this school, they will kill me there, in general it was creepy, i don’t remember my mother’s reaction. moment, but i remember that quite quickly i moved to another school, a lyceum school, where there was a very small, intimate atmosphere, by the way, after the incident in the toilet, where everything was written down, and i told the teachers, i said, what is this all about, how scary it was for me, because i was terribly scared, and i also don’t remember how it all ended in the end, but i remember that i myself came to meet these people, and i remember these conversations, how my knees were shaking there, how i tried, i don’t know, somehow, uh, to make these people, out of haters, not like
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my friends, well somehow to calm them down a little, but thank god, it never came to a fight, i was never physically offended, although i, of course, experienced colossal fear, and most importantly, stress, just having moved to another school, where the atmosphere was completely different , very, very few students had more control over everything that was happening, only there i could... calmly going to school, happily waking up and running there, to that school, which was actually located under the windows of my house, and not somewhere on the outskirts of the city, i honestly remember some kind of small nightmare, which, thank god, ended . thank you very much for your frankness, maria, do you have a story of bullying, yours, i have different stories, because i have played different roles, this phenomenon, well, usually in bullying there are not only victims, there are instigators, those who
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start the bullying, there are, well, the so-called sweat-leaders, those who join there are witnesses to this bullying, that is, these are people who, perhaps, they themselves do not write some unpleasant inscriptions and do not call, but nevertheless they, with their tacit approval or the fact that they do not interfere, they make a very big contribution to all this, this is my first experience when i encountered something like this... i was just in the role of a witness, suddenly in our class at some point i came, they started bullying a girl, and well, she was there they called her names, somehow teased her by her last name, no one wanted to sit with her when she i went into the class, everyone there was running in different directions and somehow laughing, then in the end, apparently someone hit her, because i remember that she started bleeding from her nose, that’s a very interesting experience, for example, here mine, when i was in the fifth grade, that is , it seemed to me, of course, i felt very sorry for this girl and... well, i was in shock, it was not clear what to do with it, but at the same time there was an inner feeling that it was so it must
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be, but it means she’s doing something wrong, since she’s being bullied like that and even they broke her nose, and this is what very often it is the witnesses who feel at the moment of bullying, that something seems to be wrong, but since i’m doing all this, it means it’s possible and it means it’s necessary, and that means it’s her own fault, so then i the next well, probably the story of an encounter with bullying was when i... was, one might say, in the retinue of the instigator, at some point we changed our russian language teachers and gave us a young guy who had just recently, apparently graduated university, for some reason we decided that we needed to bring back the old teacher, and someone couldn’t think of anything better than to start poisoning this young teacher, and well, it was also a very unpleasant situation, that is, we laughed at him, refused to answer , and there was some kind of giggling. some offensive things, but i think that it was very, of course, hard for him all this, it’s a pity that at
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that moment there wasn’t some adult, that is, the same school director, maybe if came and once said: “listen, well, what you are doing definitely won’t help bring back your previous teacher, but you cause enormous trauma and general harm to this young teacher, who, well, in principle , did nothing to you, well, nothing like that happens, why should you treat him like that, i think. that this could somehow have an effect on stopping this whole process, and this is not interference, it is actually, well , generally terrible, and i always thought that i had never been in the role of an aggressor, but then i remembered that i also organized bullying someone close enough to me, and i remember that i involved a fairly large number of our mutual friends so that we would run away, not be friends there, throw some notes, well, at that moment i wanted , well...
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and this is, well, wrong and this is not necessary, and just i already became a victim of bullying at the very last moment, probably when i was maybe 14 years old, i had everything at school. it was great, but i went to the camp and ended up in a camp with guys who were also quite different from me, that is, i was from a good moscow school and ended up in a camp where there were a lot of guys, well, not very many of them, probably from some prosperous families, and of course there i became a victim of bullying literally in the first days, i remember that i called my parents,
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saying that it’s bad here, take me away from here, and my parents told me that everything was fine. you’ll figure it out, you just have to get used to it, it’s clear that they didn’t know that this bullying was happening there, but this experience, when you try to ask for help, and they tell you everything is fine, figure it out, it’s certainly very it’s hard, it’s not even a very long-term persecution that lasted for 3 weeks, of course, well, i think it left its mark on my future history, that is, i was afraid to communicate for some time. with people, it seemed to me that something was wrong with me, and that everyone was somehow looking at me wrong, well, this is one of those manifestations of social anxiety, then of course it all went away, but nevertheless, even this short-term persecution, it is very dangerous, well, after maria’s words, i myself wondered if i had once been an aggressor or a silent witness, i’m going over it in my memory, probably something like that
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happened, maybe even now it’s happening somewhere, and i advise everyone who listens to us
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to talk about what’s happening to adults, because when you’re a child , well, you yourself cannot somehow properly resolve this situation, now having my own child, i kind of see her situation, where she can also be poisoned in a children’s camp, something else, i immediately immediately intervene in the situation , because i don’t want this to somehow affect my child later, because she is a little more sensitive than me, if i am quite a fighter... and can somehow stand up for myself, then, for example, my child cannot, she will cry, refuse to attend some classes every day, if only i don’t have to deal with this, of course, i immediately intervene, because i believe that no one can stand up for children, except, well, their parents. maria, what advice would you give yourself? at that moment when i was a victim
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of bullying, in the camp, yes, i was probably just like victoria, i would advise myself more persistently pay attention. adults about what is happening, this is wrong, i think that , from the height of my experience , i would advise myself to tell specific situations directly, this is what happened there , this is what happened, this was this, this happened every day, for example, when i called my parents, it’s probably, well, it’s clear that for various reasons they might not help me somehow, but i think that i would also advise myself to look at other children, because exactly the whole... camp - this was not the detachment i was in, and you could try to find support somewhere on the side, and this is also important, yes, because a child, for example, if he is in school, he is bullied there, then it is very important for him to see that school is not the whole world, and that there is, for example, some section or the same camp or something else where he is not bullied and
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where there will be people who are on his side, who will be for him, in order to avoid any negative consequences of injuries. i probably should answer the question too, and to be honest, i don’t really have an answer, well i implemented one method that you mentioned, that is, in addition to the seventh grade school, thanks to my mother, i had a geological school, where everything was completely different, i was at a school at moscow state university, where there was no bullying, where rather the opposite, i was almost a star, well, not a star, but a respected person, definitely not of the lowest rank, and i don’t fully understand about the parents. i didn’t tell my parents, it seems to me that for girls and boys this is basically different, that is, if girls can come to mom and dad, please, then if you are a boy, then perhaps you should, on the contrary, be so strong, like i... i complain to my parents, well, after all, let’s say, a girl, so she told her parents, what should her parents do to help in this situation? the most important
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thing to do is to calm down first, because if a child comes to you and says that he is being bullied, then of course there are a lot of emotions, that’s important, well, how to help yourself calm down, different ways help everyone, that is, you can call a friend go for a walk, listen to some meditation. be able to sing there smart or less capable, this still does not give anyone the right to bully you, it is very important to convey this position to the child, because bullying very quickly begins to have a destructive effect on his
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self-esteem. the next thing that is important is to tell the child that i am with you, and i will do everything that depends on me to ensure that you are safe at school, these words, they help the child feel much more confident, yes, and then you can go further school, try to do something there, or also, for example, change school, if at school, in the one where the child is studying, it becomes, well , it’s just completely unsafe when they put out cigarettes in one’s hand or when the dials are hammered, well , that is, apparently the situation there has really already gone too far, but if it hasn’t gone yet, then what to do, what to do , a parent came to school, says my child is being bullied, what else should he say, yes, he should say that my child is being bullied, of course, if we are considering some kind of ideal story, it would be good if the teacher agreed with this, then's important to get started with the whole class, because if we only talk to the aggressors, stop doing this, if we only talk to the child victim, behave differently, if we put
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the aggressors and the victim together, try to come to an agreement, that’s all, well, that’s it doesn’t work, that’s the teacher’s concern, but what should a parent do, so he came to school, signaled everything, but he came to school and signaled, said what was happening, well, i don’t know there, this happened on such and such a date, happened here. this happened here, this is every time my child suffers, alone and the same children are participating in this, this is bullying, so please, please take action and agree with the teacher when these measures will be taken and what exactly, for example, find out in a week what has changed, what is being done, if nothing is being done, then you can go to the school director with a written statement, in which it is also important to list all the specific facts, that is , describe it all, ask the director so that she can already take protective measures. child, if nothing works out at this level, no one with doesn’t work in class, no one stops the bullying, then well then change school, because the child’s continued stay there,
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it’s not very safe, move away, don’t bother, she ’s alive, you’re serious with her, i want someone who’s beautiful, i don’t i want to confront olya about this directly, because she will think that i want to quarrel with her, my wife. alexey, first of all, thank you for coming to me with this information and not to olga. olya, i, i love you. lovilas you ended up with us. i see that a girl from work is staying overnight with you, and olechka is coming to spend the night. i’m chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, i need help, everyone around me. how did you know that the bank would be raided? a thorough investigation will be carried out regarding the turbine. if you find something related to the turbine, i think so. is this a sentence? you think he’s a rat, i ’m from the police, i know, i didn’t recognize it, undercover taxi, premiere, tomorrow after the program
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time, you’re watching the podcast schrödinger’s cat, i’m its host, editor-in-chief of the popular science magazine schrödinger’s cat, we’re discussing today topic of bullying, i will even emphasize the word bullying so as not to use it more neutrally. downplays the importance of this terrible, unfortunately, widespread problem, and we discuss bullying with our guests, psychologist maria afonina and singer victoria daneko. victoria, you said that if you were giving advice based on your experience, you would advise turning to parents more, but what did you expect from them? i was waiting for protection, whatever i needed. so that, for example, i’m not the only one standing in front of this girl who actively bullied me at school, i’m not the only one, i don’t know, together with my mother, because i
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just wanted to feel that my mother... was standing right behind me, that she herself was ready there, i don’t know, to call that person over and tell me what was going on, but one day, by the way, my mother, i was very grateful to her, because it is very interesting that a teacher once dealt with my bullying, she really loved to discuss me in front of all the classes of our lyceum, she told me that i only had one accordion in my head, when i had to finish school, she said, i'm like you... i’ll give you a d, you’ll go with a certificate, although i was a good student, i didn’t have any there, i had the majority of a’s, a small number of b’s, then my mother came to school, and sorted it out with the teacher, sort of sorted everything out point, and i was very pleased with it, it somehow gave me some kind of confidence that i am not alone, that i have parents who will stand up for me, that they are nearby and that i can always rely on them , because
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then that situation... was able to resolve precisely my mother, and for me it was not so much the grade in my certificate that was important, but rather her support, and i also want to be the kind of mother who will also stand up for the child, and i actually behaved absolutely the same way, probably in some way. then situations when, as it were, when you see the tears of a child and unfair relationships, then you don’t say that like ah, everything will get better tomorrow, you say, okay, i’ll solve this directly, and this, by the way, is solved, in fact, when you contact , you say there is a problem, then one way or another today, probably, this is more widely heard and more like, if maybe, in my time, when i was studying, it somehow didn’t pay much attention to it and these are the consequences for a person, but now teachers really say: okay, we let's figure out the situation, then the problem, it seems to me, will solve itself, yes, yes, this is actually the case, there is simply another problem here, which
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, unfortunately...
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and of course, these are the stories when bullying turns into physical fitness, yes, when the bulls are stewed or pecked there or there spoil things, this is already when bullying has existed for some time, it usually begins with a verbal form, when they call you names, well, some offensive nicknames are invented, or social forms, when they are ignored, excluded from the group, not taken into projects, there they are kicking you out of school chats now and so on, it’s important to react at this stage, when they haven’t
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hit you yet. school locker rooms and don’t stew a bull in the hand, well, sometimes it happens spontaneously, victoria, as i understand it, you didn’t have such problems before you performed, no, although no, in fact, i just remembered a situation when twice in my class there was a situation when all the girls in the class boycotted me and stopped talking to me, because you see, they thought that one of the boys liked me, so this is the moment... when in fact teachers, well, all adults in general, should have said that this is a problem , and we begin to work with it, what should a teacher do, specifically, he assembles a class and tunes in to a certain number of regular such class-wide meetings meetings, yes the first meeting is devoted to what the teacher says: in our class there are quite big problems with communication, you can, for example, say that a boycott has occurred in our class, you can say that
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a boycott is starting in our class. where the situation of bullying is shown, it is better that this video is not very long, about five minutes, so that no one gets tired, and it is important that all these positions are presented, then we watched the video, we begin to update it with all students, it is very important, that we must work with the whole class, because we it is important that there are witnesses, those children who simply join in, we ask everyone, what feelings did this character evoke, what feelings did this character evoke, have you ever encountered this in your life? that’s why it seems to you that children, for example, somehow don’t support the boy, and we also share our stories, that is, if i were a teacher, i would say that i , too, faced bullying when i was studying at school, i felt like this, children usually respond very much to this when they
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they look and see that the adult is also talking, they share a huge number of different stories about bullying, about some problems in the family, in some circles, in camps and so on, then someone starts talking about ... we help them make a moral choice, it is very simple, but we suggest that they give themselves one, two or three points, depending on who is making what contribution to this boycott that exists in the class, those schoolchildren give themselves one point who never participates in a boycott at all, two points for those
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who do this, well, some more often, some less often, but would like to stop it, three points for those who say that i will always participate in the boycott, and you will not convince me at all, practice shows: say that there is a boycott and you want to change everything, so let’s think about what can be changed, and this usually takes one lesson, yes, the next lesson - we agree on, well, sort of rules, about how everyone would feel comfortable
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communicating in class, for example, there, i don’t know, we don’t insult each other, these rules too the schoolchildren themselves formulate so that this is not imposed on adults and further, for a certain number of weeks we monitor, well , that is, all the schoolchildren together, to ensure that... these rules are followed, that is, we usually either hang up a mailbox, they go there we put notes, or we put some two containers into which you can throw tokens of different colors depending on whether the rules are followed or not, then we look, discuss, often already at this stage there are fewer episodes of some kind of boycott, then our next lesson is about well kind of respectful communication, that is, about boundaries, about friendship, about friendly companies, how to respectfully defend boundaries, and so on, and...
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still, let’s return to our adult world, what do we take away from this bullying, how much is it postponed in the future on the psyche, this is reflected in the future on the psyche, for example, those people who were victims of bullying in childhood, in adulthood they are statistically much more likely to face problems of social anxiety, problems of depression, they are much more likely to have suicidal thoughts completed suicide attempts, it is more difficult for them to build friendships, start families, including many of them have a lower level of education, because, well, because of all these personal problems... they always manage to graduate from some educational institution, but as for aggressors, those people who seem to constantly fall into the role of an aggressor, yes, they are statistically more likely
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to become people with deviant behavior, statistically more likely to use psychoactive substances and participate in crimes, this is not means that all the victims will definitely be made by fellows, but this does not mean that all... if you are ready to admit, the experience of bullying took its toll, and you know, it is very difficult, as an adult, to determine what exactly, what was the impact, because over the course of life , a sufficient number of various injuries occur, including injuries from bullying, but i must say that it probably wasn’t until 2014, that’s the year it came into my life. therapy, it was quite difficult for me in principle, firstly,
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i have a public profession, but it so happened, that being in society makes me uncomfortable, well, really, it’s downright uncomfortable, it’s convenient for me to be on stage, because here from the sides, no one looks at me, no one judges me, these people came to look at me one way or another, i came and i left, i there is no contact with them, but as soon as i was in the space, my work involves a lot of social events and filming. something like an interview, when you need to communicate with people, this was difficult for me for a very long time, until now my favorite entertainment in my free time is stay at home, don’t go out anywhere and don’t communicate with anyone. i don’t know how much, how much this adds up, i don’t know, the consequences of bullying or something else, but i honestly try to avoid society one way or another when i can. i even had situations when i came, for example, to a social event, alone. i’m ready, i’m made up, i look beautiful, i like myself, that is, i’m
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already kind of a little bit confident, but i ’m sitting in the car and practically crying because i can’t get out of it, i can’t, i don’t i can force myself to go into the company of people now, and i don’t know whether i will meet someone i know or whether there will be a stranger there, but i will feel uncomfortable, i don’t know if this is connected with the consequences of what happened there in my childhood, this aggression, this hatred, this rejection. but the fact that i’m not very comfortable in society, yes. you are watching the podcast schrödinger's cat, i am its host, the chief editor of the popular science magazine schrödinger's cat, and we are discussing bullying with our guests, psychologist maria afonina and singer victoria deneko. all issues watch the podcast kude schöldinger on the website of the first channel maria, how common is bullying already in
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adulthood, at work, for example, in adulthood it is also common, and i, for example, know these figures that somewhere around 80% of people who have encountered bullying already in adulthood at workplace, they said that this was one of the most traumatic experiences in their lives, and this was compared, among other things, with such serious shocks as, for example, the illness or death of someone close to them, so... bullying long-term in the workplace, she was put on a par with such, well, quite severe life shocks, but what should an adult do, complain, it’s very difficult, because bullying in her workplace, if bullying has begun to be actively studied in school groups somewhere from the eighties of the 20th century, bullying in adult groups began to be studied much later, but probably somewhere from the nineties, in principle, not so much. a lot has been done, so, in general, it’s all the same
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the principle is the same, that is, it is important that a person in the organization where he works has a place where he can come to say what is happening, well, something not very normal, and that there is some kind of service that i could provide support to a person in this situation, but in practice, of course, this is not very much right now. victoria, surely now that you are a famous figure, you get it? hundreds, it could be thousands of messages, how bad, how terrible you are, how do you like this? now it’s easier for me to perceive it, but still it all depends from the context, sometimes it happens, they can write like this, that you are still, well, how upset you will worry, when i was very young, only everything happened to me, the star factory and the first forums, i read and think, what did i do to them? for what, why,
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why so? now, did it stop me when it was on my way, no, was it pleasant for me, of course not, but now i try, you know, mentally, just to wish this person well, because i understand that a person who is doing well , but he will never go, he will never write some nasty stuff, well, even if, roughly speaking, i don’t like someone... i don’t like someone, i don’t have time to look for this person, page, write something, well, but at first, of course, i could cry and... be sincerely upset and of course i was very upset, but now over time i have learned to cope with it one way or another. i would like to return to where we started, to our experience. here we are sitting here, successful, successful, we are being filmed, recorded, but let’s remember
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yourself at school, in the camp, remember those who poisoned us, and imagine that there is a fourth here. the main aggressor is sitting on it, the main one who mocked us, what would you say to him? i don’t know, for some reason it seems to me that those people who are just aggressors and behave so badly at school are, as a rule, unhappy children who simply cannot cope with this misfortune that happens at home, to express it somehow differently, they are trying to behave this way in general,
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and what would you tell them? well i could to say that you were wrong, but you could simply not say anything, because this is the experience that happened, i lived through it, and i move on, in principle, it’s no longer very important what happened there, well, here you go if i now met those people who poisoned me at school, i even remember approximately their faces, names, surnames, i would probably admit that it was from this trauma, from bullying.
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i live by this and live well, i haven’t forgiven you, i probably want to end our podcast on this emotional note, it was the schlödinger’s cat podcast, and i’m its host grigory tarasevich, editor-in-chief of the magazine schlödinger's cat. i didn’t see your smile, you probably hide it from strangers, you don’t make mistakes and don’t utter unnecessary phrases
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while immersing yourself. the mind is stupider, we take off our masks in order to become even duller, just how much life was needed to feel here now, that this is not necessary, you never know, again, you’re so strange, you never know, you know, i’m tired of deception, they get confused, this it’s sad, it’s going crazy, but i’ll give you another try. you never know the hall you love so strange, i submit, maybe it’s true bigness, i’m afraid to give you another chance, my heart told me today, because it doesn’t matter what they think about us, even if it’s
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strange, i’m grateful for what i have now. everyone is looking for their own answers, but i feel that somewhere very deep inside, very deep inside, there are no secrets, whatever you want, just look, and how to do it, you never know again, you’re so strange, you never know, i'm tired of being deceived. i’m confused, it ’s cool, it’s going crazy, but i’ll give you another try, you never know how strange you like it, i submit, maybe it really is cool. i i'm afraid to give you another chance.
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i'm afraid. is it enough again? you are so strange. you love, i serve, it’s cool, i’m afraid to give
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you another chance, friends, hello, this podcast is not a format of a place where every artist can reveal himself in a completely new way, and as always in this studio my wonderful co-hosts are karina cross , vale carnival, gypsy band , and this.
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what do you think unites you, besides unearthly beauty, of course, music, in fact, this whole event of yours is cool, it can really bring you closer together people, because i’ll be honest, nyusha and i met, i saw, i can say you, or you, yes, how... so i always ask, yes, i saw nyusha at several events, but i’m a shy person, i’m afraid to come here come up, but now, now we will sing, we will get to know each other, so your event, this musical one, really brings us closer together, of course , music unites us globally, but i know that akmal today even prepared a remake of nyusha’s song, she came up trumps, yes , of course, well, because i can’t wait, i want hear me too. run away, take me, i want to go where you breathe, it’s wet winter, and
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through the rain you can’t hear me, i’ll get up, i swam from the pub, however, by the way, what? and my shadow is the same one you run away at night, we all know the words, yes, you can endure the force, you can sing and kila, you can wait, and i will continue to choose my own, the sun will raise my eyelids, and i will continue to choose my miracle , yes.


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