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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 15, 2024 2:30am-3:16am MSK

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and by the way, thanks to this program we skated, it was a very good skate at the world championships in calgary, for me, for us it was very important, because in calgaria in 1988 katya gordeeva, senkov and this, well, somehow won was. but it was a feeling that we had to skate really well there, and it was very important for us, and we skated both programs very well after the olympics, and even our rivals, who really didn’t compete, were sitting, they were rooting for their chinese, watching figure skating , world championship, they said: guys, you are the best today, it was for me, for us it was such a reward, they directly shook our
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hand, they said: today you are the best, and the judges gave us a bronze medal, for which we thank them, but they decided on some nuances like this, but this is not so important anymore, important, important, because for me it was the first world championship, for me an adult, 2006, and tatmya and namarin did not come, did not go after winning the olympics, and so i arrived there as number three with a spare tire and saw how unfair life in figure skating can be on...
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yes, it was a good season for her, she came out in her first year.
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listen and well done, i got involved, but how do you even train your own child, damn you know, no, it’s hard, because you want to regret it when you don’t need to regret it, you want to leave training early sometimes when you don’t need to, i don’t know, with this is probably difficult because parents can still let go of the situation a little, never put pressure on them, for example, because you feel a little sorry for yourself, you complement each other, good bad cop or not, who you have a good one, who is more strict, why the hell does she think that i came again in a bad mood, you scream again, i say, well, i came and see that that’s it, the work has stopped, i think we need to make some changes to press her contribution so that something moves somewhere, although she then says: mom, well done, because we are really giving something back. no, i also
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try enough with her, well, i don’t have conflicts, probably, but sometimes i can even shout, because when a person is just 14 years old, it’s rare for her to turn on such girly, uh, just don’t say that i’m all mother, no, by the way, i don’t have any harmfulness, not at all, it’s most likely there, you have such a good stubbornness, stubbornness, yes, it seems to me that now it’s a little bit i learned to separate. that we are not mom and dad on the ice, but sometimes he snorts, there ’s something the skate can do, well, he goes, he does it, and i think, yes, snort, snort, do the main thing, right away, no, sometimes now sometimes she doesn’t stop, yes, she is that you will run into something there, that she urgently needs to jump something, today, i say, teach triple axel, that's enough, it's not working out very well today, that's enough, let's stop, she growled, said something to herself, went, made 10 more attempts there, well, two of them for...
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you can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty , there’s probably a little bit of patience, yes, but it’s already gotten better, now there’s such competition, a huge number of quadruple jumps already at the junior level, maybe that’s why seeing all this still makes her work, and also the closeness of it, that the parents of the toparniks will find a partner at any moment, i’m for it, but masha says she’ll go in dancing, i say, what kind of dancing, what are you, although... very danceable in pair skating , the question is how much polina tikhonova will grow, because after all, our dad is tall, our mother is short, so on what, on what side is she will stop and how tall she will be, we will build on this, while she doesn’t want to join the pairs or dance, she says, i
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’ll still jump, she watched how the redheads trained, swear, that’s good, she didn’t see us training, although she sometimes sees us at home, so she says, no, something i’m not very much in a pair, no, well, now i’m already a little interested, it seems to me, she’s a little interested, she’s looking, because she often skates on partner ice, we’ll see, yes, the only thing i still want to say about polina is that she has, i even envy this, she, uh, she really loves to perform, and this is not such, uh, yes, a frequently encountered quality, yes.
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she came out, that you were driving, she wasn’t very bright, she was driving, now i’m leaving, yes, now, now i’m going out, how i’m going to do everything, she came out through there, well, two steps and plopped down, since it doesn’t work out that way right away, like this dad on the handle, i gave her a ride, she liked it, she was like, well, that’s it, she had no more desire to go on the ice, we were like, well, in general, glory, in in general, we are like, well , everything is good and that’s it, well, grandmothers are always, well, let’s give her away, let’s, well, in general , we are 5 years old after all, it’s too late, yes, they took her to the group, she started studying, oh , i remember this directly, about, probably, a month for sure, maybe even a couple, this is your child, your little daughter, looking at you before training, it’s right in her eyes that’s why you’re doing this to me, you know, no, yes, i
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really remember how i didn’t like her, for example, she, so the main thing was to stick her in the gym so that she would be there stayed, and that means i went there for... skated in big-time sports, you had a wonderful career, then life began in the ice age and in ilya verbukh’s ice shows and performances, now there is less and less of what you are doing globally in your life, i won’t say anymore that lyosha is still an actor, he’s it was a hobby, so yes.
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and some say, but you don’t yet feel that you can join this, start doing it, because coaching is a completely different story, and we told the coach this in general, well, don’t wait, i didn’t come to ours either, i completely agree myself business with maria, because i didn’t come to this, it just happened to me, coaching, yes, teaching athletes, and teaching figure skaters something on the ice. to figure skating, it’s still a process you learn every day yourself and learn to find technical moments, learn finding words, psychological moments, but this is all such an endless process, very
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interesting, very difficult, sometimes complex and monstrous, yes, but it’s really very interesting, i’m... i’m now working with the guys, those with vova, zhenya managed to work with you a little during the olympic season, now sasha baykova. they hear kozlovsky, they try to learn, and i mean athletes, not specific ones, in general, everyone, but they do it in a way that is convenient for them, yes, that’s the task, the task is to make them try it’s incredibly difficult to do what you tell them, when the coach wants you all the time, well, patience, patience, i think i’ll come, but i definitely have enough patience. but no, i had to learn patience, too, because well, it’s incredible work, sometimes
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looking at the disgrace that your students create, then, when it all comes together and works out, you have to have incredible patience and the ability to wait, the ability to wait, sometimes don’t rush, sometimes, on the contrary , spur it on, in general, this is great art coaching, this is a free program podcast, our guests are european and world champions, and alexey tikhonov, you were at the top in that generation when coaching tandems were fashionable and very productive, for example, we are talking about the moskvyans, the velikovs , yes, specifically in pair skating, we never thought of trying, maybe training pairs together, yes, we always think about it, yes, it’s just that alexey works, and while i’m training children, yes. i'm waiting for alexey to invite me, maybe i can help
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him, i'm inviting you, maria, just like that i invite you with great pleasure, and - because masha’s advice on all the nuances of pair skating is very important to me and very clear comments, she and i were sometimes very risky. no, right away, to redo everything at once , to do it in a way that will be good for the athlete
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and watchable for the judges and spectators, but it seems to me that it’s still hard for us to explain to the girls some things that we ourselves haven’t felt, that you want to replace yourself with a new one, but no , i just took it off the tongue and from my partner’s point of view, exactly yes, the partner’s view in the learning process, this is very important, i... often consult with masha there on todos, on emissions, on supports and other elements that are important, and this helps a lot, and of course, it seems to me that, well here you and i work, if our partners and wives came, they would, they would give you a hard time, yes, yes, yes, but you and i would be fired, you and i would be fired, and they would stay to work. and yes, but - still in the coaching profession, tell me, do you
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get very worried when polina skates, no, well, it’s incredible, of course, well, because it’s also our own, i brought out other children and brought out my own, and when they say that, for example, you bring out the same thing, they say that it’s someone else’s, that it’s yours, no, it’s no, no, it’s not at all, you still feel the difference, yes, you worry about the children, but when yours goes out for a ride, then... you lived your life, you’re just flying on the wings
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of such joy, happiness, satisfaction from the work done, i wanted to say, i'm satisfied with what happened, it worked out, and it's great, you're incredible quickly joined the team, just started coaching at the olympic games , worried about... the couple you work with, that is, it’s incredible, he was lucky, you just understand, the one who is lucky will be lucky, but this experience, it is impossible, how can i say, to underestimate it , that is, it is real. cool, now sasha and dima, yes, that is, they are also a strong pair, leaders in pair skating in russia, what do you think you and i need to do so that, for example, next year the confrontation with mishna golyamov will be more tangible, may be victorious
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it seems to you that it needs to be told right here and there, why not, okay, tell me. they skated their free program at the spartakiad and the all-russian spartakiad, the final of the russian cup, which is also this tournament, and right here they were, they started skating, what we talked about throughout the whole season, the entire coaching staff.
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a little bit of some kind of lace and constantly add in skating, because power, incredible pressure, strength, it’s all there, they, of course, they are fearless, uh, people’s endurance is just off the charts, it’s great, but here, here’s a little bit of general communication between this couple, which... they are strong, but at the same time i want to add a little chemistry, yes i’m right, the right word, the chemistry of this communication, which is perceived not only with the eyes, but is also perceived by the soul and with the heart, i mean the viewer, i mean the judges, i mean the coaching group, we probably
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need to work in this direction, because they are great, yes, we don’t force them, sasha went and made special panties , and we 're like, where are you going, she says, quadruple choice to do, to train, i’m happy, i don’t talk about it, but i’m very happy that i myself, myself, that it’s not the coach who says, yes, that you yourself, it’s very important, by the way, to hear feedback from the students, if you kind of want , but sometimes you don’t give the task, she comes up and says there, and i’ll go, i’ll go and try to do it. quadruple throw, well, yes, it seems to me that it is much easier for a coach to stop than to force him to do something, going back to the spartakiad, where the guys skated well, there was an unfortunate mistake at the end, which did not allow there, does not allow us praise them so directly, but it seems to me that another barrier has been broken, because just like in pair skating, when two partners or in ice dancing stand together, some period
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of grinding in occurs, for some it’s quick, for others - then he... broke down precisely in the second half of the season, that is, we began to hear each other more and understand, so i think that maybe next year let everything be fine, let everything be fine, so that we don’t kick out the sportsmen, let's sink petrova, no, so that you don't lose her that you really, as you say, you hear each other, because if the athletes move away and don’t hear the coach, or, on the contrary
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, the coach moves away a little, there must be this tandem that does not violate any boundary line, so hold it. everything will work out, wow, well done, i admire, i don’t care, i look and marvel at this beauty of sports, the beauty of figure skating, and i’m so glad that i’m involved in this, i’m so glad that young girls and boys are so beautiful, thanks sports, well in particular figure skating skating, adults too, because... it fascinates me, i’m just glad i take my hat off to all these people who work so hard, this beauty. have the opportunity to show, present, yes, and, i can’t help but note, a large, very professional team, which gives us the opportunity
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to see this to millions of television viewers throughout our country, and i’m sure that all over the world this is all being reviewed, because well, channel one well done, because they show figure skating, these show figure skating, these people, these are masters and professionals, but unfortunately guests come to our podcast, we also have to say goodbye, time is not rubber, thank you very much for coming, come again, see you at the skating rink, thank you, thank you, maxim, see you later, it was a podcast free program, watch all episodes on the website
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an eternal circle, different things are drawn to each other, but for some reason we are moving in different directions, you are in orbit, i am under water, we dream about different things with you, a fragile snowflake, a space station, you are outside of my gravity, i was looking for you. earth, i was looking for you in space, i was tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but you flew away and never returned, i couldn’t catch up with you
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, couldn’t reach you, couldn’t reach you, couldn’t get through to you and didn’t get baptized, and you wandered into my gravity. the sun shines equally for everyone, we received a lucky ticket, but for some reason it comes back to create it, a lot of patience was put into the dark with the forehead not to be destroyed, brick walls, i minilay, you are elena the beautiful, and you are beyond the limits of my gravity. looked for you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i’m tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but time does not heal, time cripples,
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they know when i am, with whom you are seen, the yellow press and the populace, and you are beyond my gravity , dear friends, radion gazmanov opened today the podcast melodies of my life, i am its host, and today my guests are those guys and those girls who are associated with the voice program, and today we have anastasia speredonova, hello, finalist of the first season of the main one, sergey volchkov, winner of the second season, radion gazmanov presents the fourth season, and i was a mentor in the eighth and ninth, which also unites us all and makes us closer around the project, whose name is... voice, by the way, here’s a question for all of us, what song brought you to this profession, because for me this melody was the beatles ensemble, or rather paul mcard, it was he
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who wrote it, this song can't buy my love, love cannot be bought, i heard it, and as it sounded, it immediately sang, i got such a shiver , you know, it runs right through your body, this is the song that gave you goosebumps for the first time, well, let's start with redion, probably something from sting, here's the album nothing like the sun, english man new york, by the way, the first sting song i heard was not englishman, but this will be together tonight, yeah great , which he later sang with annilennex, if i'm not mistaken, yes nastya, what melody do you have, the very first song is marai and kerry can leave, i was about five years old, i presented it for the first time in front of a mirror, of course with a comb and a hairdryer that i'm standing on stage. nastya, when are you blind auditions for made them turn around, what was that? it was simply the best. this, well, of course, this is a song that changed my life, well...
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radically, and to this day, how many years have passed, because i was in the very first season of the show , they say that the russian etinater everyone remembers exactly this exit with this song, just to portray, yes, seryozha, yes, a difficult question, i just remember the song, one might say, that brought me to victory on the big stage, this is of course the song of muslim magamaev in the blue, but from childhood i remember the golden ray of the sun, bremen musician, while that i listened to sting too, listened. and dj music, tbi scooters, everything else, it’s probably so new-fangled, yes, yes, fire, and despite the fact that they were recording, they burned matches in front, well , that’s it, i had everything, but this was remembered in my life as a ray of golden sunshine, let's see how it was, we have footage, anastasia speridonova.
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it was impossible not to turn around, they just killed me, i sat there, i was going crazy, this is impossible , incredible energy, this is such a backlog that you can just go crazy, maybe the sea, you’re not a liqueur. give me the surf, the sea, take me, gainiyatali, poruksovam with themselves. the main goal of the voice is to reveal new names to our viewer. and here the eternal question
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of our tv viewers comes up a lot. naturally, where, where are these finalists? here they are with you, seryozha has a wonderful career, how much, i notice from the outside, he is the main promoter of the songs of alexander nikolaevna pakhmutova, the poems of uncle kolya nikolai nikolaevich are set to the poems, what is nastya singing today, tell me, i’m doing my own material, it seems to me that he’s an artist must say something from himself with his face, he always said in everyone, so to speak, seasons in which i took part, when... such an opportunity arose, now i will be happy to consolidate this material again, the most important thing is that you could not be replaced by someone else, even if this is the repertoire that was sounded before you, you must give such a version that will be from volchkov from spiridonova and from radion gazmanov, radion, in my opinion, is very much the author, you practically do everything yourself, yes, i write almost all the songs myself, yes, everything is correct, and in my voice i was wildly
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upset that ... sing your song, they told me, well, the rules are like here the repertoire is not sung, i went out on stage in some kind of wild excitement, then it was, it was something, let us remind you of this, but pay attention to the screen,
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the next seasons of the voice, is it a mentor, we’ll equalize everyone, just after the season , where sergei won, i approached him, it seems to me that he was so scared, well, i approached him and simply said words of admiration, because he is a crazy talent, charisma in general, and i admire him, we have been friends for so many years and we are friends with each other we perform at concerts, but serozh, even then i won’t ask you who it is absolutely not obligatory.
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spiredon's love. how high my soul flies with you, how easy it is for me to love you, breathe in you. to become as if we were born for each other, as if we had been together all our lives, i love you so much, a breath
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of stagnation, with you i’m flying to the ends of the earth, i love you so much. you are my soul, you are the odian of my love, how warm it is, under the bright sun of yours and eyes, how bright it is for me, and the whole world around for us. as if you have one soul, as if we are alone in the whole universe, i love you so much,
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zatoya’s breath, with you i’m flying to the ends of the earth, i i love you so. you are my soul, you are the ocean of my love, how long have i been looking for you, how long have i been waiting for you, i love you so much, but i lament. i’m flying to the ends of the earth with you, i love you so much, my breath is lost, with you i’m flying
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to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, now my soul, you are the ocean of my love. i love you so much, setting my breath, with you i’m flying to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, i love you, you are my soul, you are the yakira of my love, with you valery sutkin, radion gazmanov, today we are hosting together the podcast melodies of my life, which dedicated to those artists who shone their voices in the project, and with great pleasure i invite
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you to admire our charming guest, raisa dmitrenko, you generally liked taking part in all this, not too much, it’s nervous, i wouldn’t have liked it, but, to be honest , i've been collecting for a long time.
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let's take a look at the screen together with you and live these minutes again in the voice program.
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after all, what an amazing thing this is and an expressive human voice, this is fantastic, thank you very much,
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kip’s nicknames, this is supposedly his music, but i inspired by this novel, naturally, nikolay naskov, i love him very much, dear tv viewers, with great pleasure in today’s podcast of the melody of my life, which we dedicated to the project, the voice of raisa dmitrenko sings for you.
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my monotonous days flash by, all with the same will, and only the roses fall. there is a nightingale, but she is sad too, love ordered me, and under her satin skin, and under her...
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it was amazing, rais, tell me what song, you said, this will be raisa dmitrenko’s signature song, which one would you choose from total world heritage, so to speak , even in english, i dreamed of singing one piece from the repertoire of gina vaneli, wow , yes, yes, it’s called fly into this night, this. you have a jazz spark right there, because i want to tell you, in the mid
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-seventies of the last century, here are two names: benson, ivaneli, all the musicians were raving and so to speak, there was a different arrangement, funkier, jazz-funk, different, different the performer did this piece, i fell in love with it and there i had the opportunity to demonstrate in all four octaves. by the way, the bravo group was also one of my favorites, i sang your repertoire in my youth, here is the most favorite song of the bravo group, well , an orange tie, raisa dmitrenko is a person with good taste, what can i say, of course, rice, thank you for taking the time,
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please sing, you are wonderful in this activity, thank you, thank you very much, on the air. podcast melody of my life, today i, valery syutkin, am hosting it together with radion gazmanov, but experience and skill, remember, they used to say, gives way to youth, foolishness, i even said beauty, and talent, yes, today we have two charming girls as guests, they started their journey in the voice project - children, and then consolidated their success in the voice project - they are no longer children, they are... our beauties, ragda khanieva, hello, and elizaveta kochurak. hello, i was relieved by the thought that we now have a generation of performers sitting in front of us who could potentially take part in all seasons, in all different versions of the voice project. 60 plus is too early. no, not yet, now of course, yes, 60 plus, and then someone else
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may become a mentor, yes, that it happens, here is anton bilyaev, now a mentor, why not, it would be great, it would be, it seems to me that mentors worry more than their fate. in your case, let’s relive these minutes again, attention to the screen is not long, although it’s hard to walk, there’s depth above you. bright light ahead, you will suddenly hear voices, be patient a little more, darken the bangs,
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new day, love, people, i was afraid in my life, beautiful country, love, liza, ragda, that’s why these songs, about the song
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the way that i performed in the final, a voice for the children, it was a joint choice with me a mentor, a pilagea at that time, and since the song is very deep, it is quite significant for me, because i was immediately imbued with it, the text, melody, energy of this song everything came together, everything responded to me, they sparkled now, i remembered that moment of the finale, i will never forget these emotions, they were the most vivid, probably for, tell me, what did it feel like for you, and emotionally? it was just magical, i guess, when the children in that younger age started to speak, they, they are no longer children, it was even easier in some ways, but well, to some extent yes, it’s simpler, because you slightly misunderstand some points.


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