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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 15, 2024 3:15am-4:11am MSK

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that's why these songs and about the song the path that i performed in the final voice for children, it was a joint choice with my mentor, pilagea at that time, and since the song is very deep, it is quite significant for me, because i was immediately imbued with it, the text , the melody, the energy of this song everything came together, everything responded now, i remembered that moment of the finale, i will never... i will forget these emotions, they are the brightest, probably for lis, tell me what it was like for you, what a feeling, but emotionally, it was, well, just fiery, i guess when here in the voice of the children in that younger age, they, they are no longer children, uh, it was even simpler in some ways, yes, well, to some extent yes, simpler, because you slightly misunderstand some points.
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it was my decision right from start to finish, that well, i want to try this again, in the first one my parents said, let’s go, no, no, no, it’s always been, well, we always discuss all the moments that are completely connected there, i also consulted the children with their parents and they helped me. they always help, but they are no longer children, they kind of asked me like this, well, do you want, do you want to experience this again , this, this, yes, this, i don’t even know how you need it, how to call it in one word, a spectrum of what- then the emotions and feelings are very different, both joyful and sad, but we will continue the profession, i hope, the profession, of course,
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i found, many are familiar with my work, with the way i sing, and i had to prove again whether i deserve to stand on this stage or not, and it was stressful, the bar is raised very much with every success, this is important, your moment of fear, tell me, i had several of them, in the children’s voice, this is probably the finale, but because i sang my mother’s song, it was called a prayer, sung by lyudmila gurchenko, and i was 13 years old when they gave me this song , well, for several days i just cried, because i didn’t know how i could convey this, how i could do it, but i love very soviet cinema, to some extent it helped me, because i i somehow let every film pass through me. and i take from every hero
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something for myself, before performing the prayer, i still collected this image, collected all these feelings, sensations in myself, and it seems to me that it turned out a little different, i had a different look, but it still happened, the second moment, yes , i agree with ragda, these are blind auditions, but not children anymore, we were all stressed there, everyone was stressed, yes. because it’s not clear, we went through the whole same procedure, that is, casting, blind auditions, then everything is the same as it was in the projects before, and how to turn to us, no turn around, i still don’t want to somehow lose face, so i remember this moment when we had this waiting room, our fourth season, and i dug up somewhere this bubble tape, a large skein, about this back then no one thought, i’m just like this roll. so
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i go out and just to everyone who participated with me, i gave out these things, it’s anti-stress, in the end the editor comes in, invites someone and starts laughing, because we’re all sitting there and clicking this thing, it was very funny, that's what... and of course it all started from the family and with my grandmother i loved to sing cossack songs in two voices, he and i sang there, we started it, and somehow from this i think that it took off for me , yes, a small piece of what this is, this is how it is , let’s go here, my favorite i always sang it with
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my grandmother, the kingdom of heaven, so she sang the second voice and i was the first in the garden in the valley, i... i tore roses, tore them and threw them under the gates, tore them and took them under those gates, that’s how in music, our whole whole country, yes, heart now the whole song, the whole piece, was just compressed. very great, it’s very difficult to put together alladzepelin, a real cossack song, and but good taste, i never tire of repeating this, this is a reflection of the traditions of our native culture. in the finale of our podcast today, i, as
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the host, will now be pleased to offer you to perform a song, which we wish for everyone who participates will also participate in the project voice 7.000
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polish hour and a half past 7.0 above the ground, goal turbine snatches of sleep, outside the window, the night landscape lies like white clouds, the moon flies above it, a secret movement, in the sky without end. i see the reflection of your face, you are far from me, locked away for another day, but even time can’t stop me, flying over the ocean, and
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dispersing the fog of the dangerous skies with your wings, rather hug you, dear friends, this is the podcast melody of my life, we hosted it today together with radion gazmanov, but i am happy to leave you alone with elizaveta and ragda, with our girls, beauties, who will perform a song for you. listen to music, watch the voice project on channel one.
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where your footprints have not been traced in the sand, where white bird in a bag, where is the bird. white in melancholy, spinning in foamy circles, and you, i, only there, where the sound ripples, ugp the desired pier, and where your eyes are guarded, and where your eyes are strishi, glancing over not, intently.
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oh, i'm not there. where are your hair, don’t cloud the white day, where are the pines from amber tears, where are the pines from amber tears, wipe away the thoughtful ones, olya, i’m only there where you sometimes look at the door with hope. and like a child with a child, and like a child with a child, you sculpt a
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snowy papa, i am not there, where in the steam, in the night, a sore throat boomed, where the vault understands the sky, where i understand the sky here. that without you astirotel, i am only where i am not, around you, invisible, you know, not a day without you, you know, not a day without you, i can’t live, you see,
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hello everyone, this is the podcast with schrödinger’s cat and me its leading scientific journalist grigory tarasevich, our guest today is alexander karpov, doctor of physics, mathematician. such a strict division into physics at school is a little strange for those who are accustomed to chemistry. look, this is our anniversary year, 190 years of mendeleev, 145 years of einstein, each of these two wonderful scientists, a symbol of an entire science, like einstein.
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einstein, there is an element named after mendeleev, much after his death, what makes them special? is that they do not exist in nature, and einstein’s element was obtained as a result of thermonuclear explosions as a side reaction. in general, why does the periodic table get to somewhere and then stop? well, first of all, we probably need to say what it means in nature, yes, because nature, we usually say when, that uranus, element number 92, is the most heavy in nature, we mean, first of all, the earth, perhaps the solar system. well, everything that comes to us on earth comes from somewhere from outer space, in this sense , uranium is indeed considered to be
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the heaviest element that is found in such gigantic macroscopic quantities, and heavier elements, some of them are found on earth, but many in the universe, where these elements are synthesized, continuously, yes, in principle they can be there, the same einstein and fermat, of course they are in... or those that live without decaying long enough to survive on the earth, let me remind you that the earth in general, the solar system is about 4.5 billion years old, and those elements that live billions of years longer, they exist on earth, that’s just uranium - this this last element, uranium 238, its half-life
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is also coincidentally 4.5 billion years, that is, on earth we have... another half of the original amount of uranium, well, as i understand it, getting it in nature is no longer a trivial task, i just in case, let me remind you where they come from elements, initially after the big bang we had hydrogen and a little helium, there wasn’t much else, well, one in three, yes, but for something even heavier, even a little heavier than hydrogen and helium to appear, we need , so that the stars light up, and then the stars can create new elements up to a certain limit, in my opinion up to iron, if i’m not mistaken. well, there are two types of reactions that , in principle, people use to obtain artificial elements, artificial isotopes, but in order to obtain a new element, you need to change the nucleus, that is, we can change the number of protons, we can do this, in fact, nature does it in two ways: either by merging the nuclei of lighter elements, they, like two droplets of liquid , approach each other, merge,
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the nucleus of a heavier element is obtained, and then an atom is formed, that is, how - the structure, there is a nucleus and electrons, this is the number one way, this is exactly the way nature produces elements, as you correctly said, up to iron, nickel, something like this, but heavier than iron, nature cannot do this, because for that so that the stars burn, reactions fusion must proceed with the release of energy, so they go to iron this way and that way, the heavier iron is, on the contrary, they begin to go with the absorption of energy, so the star cannot go further... it simply goes out, and the only way that remains is with the help of neutrons, this is a type of decay, beta minus decay, this is when an extra neutron appears in the nucleus, so to speak, and it is beneficial for it to become a proton, then it can do this due to this weak interaction, due to beta minus decay, it can do this, more electrina flies out
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both electrons and antineutrinos, but they leave the nucleus; in fact, what was a neutron in the nucleus has become a proton. there was iron there, iron with number 26, an extra neutron decayed, which got into the nucleus, became element number 27, another neutron hit it, it decays, the element with number 28 is nickel, and so on, along this ladder we can move up up up, these two processes are responsible for the fact that we have the periodic table from iron to uranium, well, to put it more simply, everything from consists of? our world, which we eat, touch, put on our feet and something else, was created either in the depths of stars, well, our carbon , which makes up our body, like oxygen, these are some stars that burned during thermonuclear reactions these atoms generated, what was heavier, for this more
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serious events like supernova explosions were needed, if i’m not mistaken, well, that too. and it did not even occur from a supernova explosion, but from an even more monstrous event of the collision of neutron stars. it's hard to imagine, here i have here is a ring, it contains gold atoms, nuclei in them, which appeared due to the fact that somewhere in space huge bodies collided and compressed other nuclei with frantic energy, so a little fantastic. produce
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everything correctly, but in this way a person can create artificial elements from uranium to fermium. einstein and fermius, that is, from the ninety -second, starting from the ninety-third and ending with the hundredth, these eight elements can be produced in the same way, by irradiating with neutrons, from the hundredth, that is, starting from the 101st element, from mendeleviya, the only way that a person can use is fusion reactions, synthesis reactions, that is, in the way in which nature, on the contrary, produces the lightest elements, a person can still produce elements in this only way... your laboratory is one of the leaders in the world in the number of new elements created in the periodic table. and if you now open the modern version
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of the periodic table, you will see names such as, for example, who is our 104th element, reservefordium. rutherfordium, 105 - dubny, because the institute where alexander works is located in the city of dubna, named it after this city.
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like the situation with mendeleev, x-ray, curie and many, many others, as i understand it, yuri tsalakovich is quite alive and well, yes, what happens next, here is a particle flying, a particle of what, what do you use as a dart, which sends, if we speak about the heaviest elements, say flerovis or aganison 114, 118, then for the synthesis of this last five, six elements it was used as bombarding the particles used were calcium, its very rare isotope, calcium 48, and the targets, uh, are isotopes of transuranium, that is, artificial
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elements, because calcium is element number 20, in order for us to get element 114, we are missing 94 protons, that is, we need to make a target from element number 94, this is plutonium, that is, we take plutonium with number 94, yes, we will make a target from it. in the form of foil, and thin foil, we irradiate it with a beam - calcium 48 s, as i said, with a very small probability, and we let's hit the nucleus with a nucleus, also with a small probability these two nuclei will merge, you will get the nucleus of a new element, which must cool down, because it is in a hot state, and then, after flying out of the target, it will fly through the separator that we see on the screen and it's a red thing, yes it's a red thing. that is, right in front of it is the box where the target is located, and the beam flies out from behind the wall, hits the target, which
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is located in the plastic box in front of the first red element, and then they go elements of the separator, and which allow, uh , all background events or debris, so to speak, to be separated from to the detector to deliver only what we are looking for, atoms of superheavy elements, and this is how element 118 was obtained, which received imenisyan, this is how it was obtained yes element 118, well then we had to take a target from california, that is , in order to make 118, then in order to supplement the twentieth calcium we had to take california, element number 98, and having merged, they gave element number 118, which today is the most heavy from known closes the seventh period of the periodic table, well, it’s clear that... lord, he took a piece of an element, threw it at another, happiness and glory came, but it is clear that this is a complex process, and it is also complex because
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the heavier the element, the in theory, it lives less, here is element 118, how long it lives in nature, the isotope that we know, it lives a little less than a millisecond, that is, a millisecond is one thousandth of a second, here is a well-known flood. but i understand correctly that there is a hypothesis of the existence of islands of stability, the so-called which assumes that you can get there far into the region of super-super-heavy elements, and there may be something more stable that decays there not in millionths of a second, but manages to live for a while, you know, the picture seems very romantic. a map of nuclei, yes,
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only an artistic interpretation of it, in general in science such pictures are used in the sense that the nucleus consists of neutrons and protons, yes, such maps of nuclei or maps of isotopes are depicted, where the number of neutrons is plotted horizontally, vertically the number of protons, so in the lower left corner we will have the lightest nuclei, uh, proton, for example, and there is an isotope of helium and so on, in the upper right corner we will have the heaviest nuclei. and then the stability of the nuclei, it resembles some kind of marine theme, because there is something similar to a continent that ends with the eighty-second element lead and bismuth, which are the heaviest stable elements, that is, elements that have a stable isotope, there is a certain the peninsula where the tore and uranus are located are like this, this is how uranium is depicted as such a beacon, the last element. in the natural
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periodic table and further we see how the stability of elements decreases, decreases, falls and we actually reach the end of the world of nuclei, the end of the world, and that very thing, and indeed it was predicted, in the sixties it was predicted that if we let's go to very heavy elements in the region of element 114, which is already known today, albeit with a gigantic number of neutrons 184, here if we can. synthesize such a nucleus, then it will really live for a long time, how long, there are different predictions, from thousands of years to millions and billions of years, this area was called the island of stability of superheavy elements, in fact, starting from this prediction, the year sixty-six, the actual history begins with the search for the island of stability with the search for superheavy elements, have they found this island or
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discovered it, can we shout? you can scream the earth, you can scream the earth, because these are the experiments that were done in dubna in the beginning of the millennium, they just prove that the island of stability exists, we did not get to its center, we have not yet been able to see these very stable isotopes, we have not been able to synthesize them, but we really got to the shore of the island of stability, we see , that as we take baby steps.
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no one will take it, because nuclear physics is a science based on models, on our model ideas about the nucleus. the quality of the forecasts of these models depends very much on how far we have moved from known region, from the region of nuclei that we know them experimentally. hoping that these nuclei can live long enough is, well, difficult, because well, what is generally considered to determine the end of the periodic table? it is believed that the periodic table will end , in principle, where the stability of the nucleus becomes negligible, and the nucleus will not live long enough for an atom to form, well , that’s a fraction of a nanosecond, that’s where fractions of a nanosecond are needed for the nucleus to acquire electrons, that’s when we we reach such times, then, well, in fact, it will not be an atom, therefore no longer a chemical element, but the stability of the nucleus...
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its stability with respect to fission, the nucleus is charged, protons, like charged particles of the same name, they... strive to destroy the nucleus, there are nuclear forces that , on the contrary, strive to keep it in a compact form, the confrontation of these two forces determines the stability of very heavy nuclei, and the heavier the nucleus, the more these repulsive forces, coulomb forces, they become stronger, more powerful and more powerful and that’s it they are trying to destroy the nucleus faster and faster, and it is precisely this process of nuclear fission that is believed to limit the world of emirates’ nuclei. it is predicted that somewhere not very far beyond the 120th element, we will just reach values ​​of lifetimes that will not allow us to experimentally register these chemical elements,
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that is, they will live so short that the nuclei that we simply do not we will be able to detect, there are other predictions that these will not be ordinary dense nuclei, they may turn out to be nuclear ones bubbles, this is such a structure like... we have not a dense one, like a drop of liquid, but a bubble where the protons are closer to the surface, this will prolong the stability of the nucleus, and nuclei in this form can exist much heavier, this is also a prediction there is, but this is still in the area of ​​predictions, well , returning to einstein mendeleev, how many years have already passed, how many steps forward physics has taken, but it’s understandable. how is the kernel structured? an infinite amount is known about the nucleus, but unfortunately, we do not know the exact shape of nuclear forces, that is, those forces that hold nucleons, protons and neutrons, that make up
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the nucleus, hold, hold together, we know everything about the second force, coulomb, yes, but about nuclear forces we don’t know their exact mathematical form, we have only nuclear models, that is, a... in any case, this is some kind of our idea of ​​​​the object that we are studying, it can be better, it can be worse, these models can be very complex and very close to reality, but still these remain models, any model has limitations from a nuclear point of view theory, this is the building block that is missing for nuclear science to become a truly science, one might say accurate, accurate in the sense that we have it accurately written down. comparisons, if we can solve them, we will get an absolutely correct solution with you, and if we perform the experiment, we will simply confirm it. nuclear physics , unfortunately, is not such a science , that is, we have learned to explain and predict
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many things, but our capabilities are still limited by the knowledge that we have about the nature of nuclear forces. well anyway if without an equation formula, at the level of metaphors , the core is, i don’t know, a snowball. a brick wall, a drop, some kind of lattice, what is it? well , there is such a model of a liquid drop, and from the point of view of which the core is a drop of very dense matter, a drop of such a nuclear liquid, with rather sharply defined edges, in order to understand what density this formation is, then approximately if we had a hundred-liter a barrel of nuclear matter, this nuclear liquid - then this barrel, the mass of this barrel would be the same as the mass of water in lake baikal, in general, our substance, oddly enough, sounds, it seems to us that we are very dense, or there is dense stone, dense iron, generally speaking, we ourselves consist of emptiness, because these small
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nucleoli are very dense formations , but they are small, if you compare the size of an atom and the size of a nucleus, then it is one in 1000, that is, if our nucleus had a size of 1 cm, then the atom would be 10,000 cm in size, yes, that’s 100 m, that’s the size ratio , and electrons are practically material points particles, which are 2000 times smaller in mass than neutrons and protons, that is, they are so light, it turns out in this sense that the entire mass of the nucleus is all the density... exactly in a small nucleus, everything else is emptiness, above what is the nuclear reaction laboratory doing now? when will you give new elements to the people? i hope that soon, i hope that soon, you talked about the factory
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of superheavy elements, but this is a new accelerator complex that was built quite recently, the first experiments were carried out at the end of 2020, what happened done from the point of view of... technology, these are characteristics, so we said that the breakthrough with the last five elements became possible after the characteristics were improved by a hundred in the nineties. once it turned out that 20 years have passed, and after 20 years the experimental technology can be made dozens more, well, maybe up to 100 times better than 20 years ago, that is , a new accelerator has been built, more powerful, more efficient, new separators, and we are now already doing the first experiments, so far on known elements, we see that the productivity of this complex has increased well, tens of times that amount. atoms that all the laboratories of the world have accumulated throughout
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history, we can collect the same amount and even go through it in a thirty-day experiment, this really shows that we have reached some other, some new qualitative level of conducting experiments, the actual task before new accelerator complex two: the first task number one is the synthesis of new elements, which you are asking about, the second is the study of existing ones. discovered elements, their isotopes, new isotopes, if we talk about the synthesis of new elements, then what’s the big problem is that targets heavier than california cannot be made, and california with calcium, when merging with california we get element 118 , which is already known, that is, we must move away from calcium to heavier beams and this... unfortunately, leads to the fact that the probability of synthesis decreases, according to
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predictions and according to the first experimental estimates say that the reduction can be from 10 to 100 times, this really creates difficulties in conducting experiments, precisely because a new experimental complex was built, this factory of superheavy elements, that is, we technically gain a factor of about 30 in efficiency.
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remember nuclear energy, yes,
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electricity, there have probably been a lot of them lately, such discoveries of fundamental nuclear science are used in medicine, these include medical pharmaceuticals, yes, isotopes radioactive, which are used for the diagnosis and treatment of the most serious diseases, primarily oncological, which are created on reduced... accelerators that were made for fundamental research, the same nuclear reactions and knowledge about nuclear reactions that were studied in order to do fundamental science, there are specialized accelerators for the treatment of oncological diseases, some registration methods are used, for example, there was such a method for registering particles, when the particles were... in the plastic, then
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the damaged matter was chemically etched and based on the parameters, the resulting pores determined what kind of particles they were, this was the detection method, then they realized that they could take a polymer film, pierce it through with heavy ions, and process it chemically and you will get a membrane, a membrane with hole sizes, with pore sizes. which cannot be made in any other way, with clearly calibrated pores, these membranes, they are called track membranes, they are simply found now boom in the development of various... products, primarily medical and industrial, all kinds of filters, all kinds, there are even some artificial skins they are trying to make based on a track membrane, this is what is being done, firstly, it comes from nuclear science, and is done using the technology that
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is used for fundamental science, if you look at nuclear science a little more broadly, to include particle physics in it, then... we can also remember medical tomographs, which are now installed in almost every clinic, this is also, in general, a product of science, fundamental particle physics, the world wide web ww, yes, which was invented by scientists at cern, solely as a convenient tool for displaying experimental information that scientists receive, and after that, well, this technology is...
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useful things, they come out as a kind of by-product. from what we talked about today, whether a bomb can be made or not. you know, sometimes when people comment on the discovery of new elements, i have heard several times that, well, for example, this is a step towards energy of the future or something like that. you see, it is possible to make something from the elements themselves if they are received, they are received in macro quantities. unfortunately, elements heavier than one hundredth are obtained in single atoms, with single atoms the most you can do is to study them, but it’s simply impossible to make any military or civilian product with so much with
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so much, except for this, like you too they said that these elements do not live that long, and generally speaking, at one point in time scientists see... practically one atom, well , a measurement, yes, then they got a second one, made a living, and studied them like this one by one, then two, well, sometimes maybe three, if they synthesized one atom for a long time, made a measurement, but they do not accumulate in such quantities that something can be done with it, as with a substance, and the very idea of ​​​​your institute is precisely the bringing together of peoples through science, and not some kind of...
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see the episode of the podcast kude schodinger on the website of the first channel and may he be with you the power of science. hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. iranian strikes on israel, hundreds of drone missiles in 5 hours. last
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