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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 15, 2024 7:55pm-8:56pm MSK

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everyone survives as best they can, you know, and after that they also say to me: why are you calling them idiots? who is he? ok, not a moron, heir tutti’s doll, by the way, we’re watching heir tutti’s doll on channel one. amazing metamorphoses, however, comrades, are happening to polish politicians. for example, vladislav kasinek kamysh, first received training as a doctor, then went into agriculture and even headed the peasant party. further, butz, already the minister of national defense, the chief planner of all poland, an expert on all issues, usually just a swindler who is ready to comment on everything for the sake of attention. anything, just
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to stay in the light of the theatrical footlights, but we, of course, are not asserting anything, it’s better to put everything in order and figure it out together, only the facts in the transfer of the doll of the heir to tuta: the long-awaited hour of glory of all the shameful secrets of kasinik kamysh, the polish minister defense, right now, maria butina is with you, let’s start. military humanitarian assistance to ukraine is necessary to increase the security of poland; it is an investment in ours. safety. the ministry of defense of poland is one of the largest donors to the armed forces of ukraine. it trained 40 thousand ukrainian soldiers, sent all kinds of weapons, but does not intend to send officially active units, although kasinek kamysz sent a couple of thousand polish soldiers to the conflict zone, supposedly for the duration of vacation. for some reason, he himself did not make a visit to kiev, but he signed up for the creation of a mission in ukraine and the formation of united polish-german armed forces. the maritime triangle is
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an important initiative, polish-german friendship, joint military training, as well as the presence of troops on the eastern flank , are the best confirmation of article 5 of the nato charter. that is, the poles are repeating the mistakes of the past, uniting again for joint nazi campaigns. vladislav kasinya kamysh himself was born in krakow in 1981 and also experienced the soviet past. polish arsenals, despite twenty-five years of membership in nato, largely consist of... equipment dating back to the warsaw pact, most of it went to ukraine, now the minister is stockpiling at the expense of taxpayers and protesting farmers, plans in the coming decades to make the army the second strongest after the united states in nato, and the most militarized in europe. the country already spends 4% of its gdp on defense, more than the alliance's commitment than any other country in the bloc. in terms of technical modernization until 2035, something new.
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record funding of $115 billion is planned for weapons for military personnel. no government in the history of poland could provide such an amount, it will only be increase. the usa and south korea are the main suppliers of an armada of almost a thousand tanks, hundreds of artillery pieces, and dozens of fighters. at the same time, the military department intends to bypass german-french manufacturers in the country in order to ensure autonomy and compete with them through contracts with seoul and washington. no longer wants to simply play the role of a subcontractor, a technology supplier to the buyer. we can use our experience to conquer european markets. this is one of the steps on warsaw’s path to the status of a geopolitical power in europe. exactly the polish elites are striving for such a balance of power. therefore, the country intends to nominate its candidates for high positions in the eu, nato and the un. in this light, the appointment of kosinik kamysh to the post of minister of national defense in 203 is seen as the hand of washington.
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confirming the absolute controllability of the new appointee, his path as an official far from military affairs by training is a doctor since 2015, a member of the sejm, later the minister of labor and social policy, chairman of the polish people's party, did not get elected to the european parliament in 2014, made an unsuccessful attempt to run for the post of president of the republic in the nineteenth, and apparently, now through him the united states is presenting its aggressive policy on the eastern flank of nato. not only. american troops are in poland. the polish army is located in latvia and romania. we are patrolling the baltic states. we deployed new units, built ammunition and equipment warehouses. the more equipment we place on polish territory, the better. what is poland preparing for? it is clear from the military maneuvers command. the ministry of defense of the republic will redeploy troops from the western part of the country to the east, closer to the border with ukraine and the kaliningrad region. special strengthening and increased strategic attention to kasinik-kamysh. by the suwalki corridor
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, the bresst gate, a military operational group on the belarusian-polish border consisting of 30,000 military personnel was equipped with combat helicopters, f-16 fighters and leopard tanks. the minister will allocate more than $200 million for additional purchases and completion. poland is probably planning to start operation against belarus to drag nato into the conflict, because they understand ukraine is losing. the polish leadership has never hidden its desire to return the lost lands in western ukraine. now is quite an opportune moment. the mission to prepare the polish army for such a development of events was entrusted to the kosinika kamysh.
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when asked, he has not even begun to answer, he lowers his eyes down and rolls his eyes, this suggests that he is trying to hide something from us, that is, he knows something, but to speak he can’t do this, so he’s trying to get out of it, now, according to his psychotype, kosenyak kamysh is a professional demagogue, and nothing
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more than, you know, this is what you tell him, that’s what he will tell you, nothing more, and as was very accurately said at the beginning, he, you know, wants to gain fame from... locality and significance, he is imbued with this significance, trying to show how good i am, if we look at photographs, pay attention, if he is standing with someone, he is not standing with them, then shake hands with him, his background, he takes pictures, you know, he’s all full of energy, he doesn’t look at his interlocutor, he looks at the camera, this is him, beautiful, unimaginable, wonderful, this is his style, but it’s surprising that maybe he wants to be like that, but he’s had a hard time, let ’s say. ..
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guests who respect those who invited them. let's see some footage.
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you know, the relations between ukrainians and poles, they are ancient, it can’t get any worse, only solely for the sake of politics, they went towards ukraine, solely, and it didn’t work out, solely to spite russia, but such deep-seated contradictions between peoples, the poles historically, ukrainians, like belarusians, are considered second-class citizens. and even volyn has nothing to do with it, the volyn massacre is from the beginning, it comes from the middle ages, anti-ukrainian sentiment in poland is much stronger than any russophobia. russophobia in poland is a cardboard tiger,
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it doesn’t exist at the level of interpersonal relationships, it’s a set of propaganda cliches, but they hate ukrainians with fierce sincerity. and what is happening in the country now, that all the borders are blocked by the poles, the authorities are trying to do something, just imagine the pressure comes from... america, that you have to do something there, unblock the borders and everything else, nothing works, but why is that? well, first of all, this is class enmity, the poles were the ruling class in western russia and in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, naturally, they looked at the belarusians, who were mainly peasants, at the ukrainians, well, like slaves, those who should plow for free ponov, and accordingly admire the high polish culture, but hate.
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army in the world, maybe, except for the usa, they
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here they are happy to say that it was our government that found such opportunities, no, it didn’t, it’s two generations into debt, poland has 325 billion in debt, that’s more than 50% of gdp, but as for the residents who spend so much on weapons not a single one is doing now from ukraine are in poland, since last year everyone, even so, all ukrainian embassies around the world have received the task, especially in ... more, to identify places of large-scale placement of ukrainian refugees, especially of military age, to work with employers in order to force them to go back to ukraine, now we see that the poles are playing their own game, they have never been friends with ukraine, they are building an alliance from germany, but at the same time they say 1.3 billion, please pay us reparations, even trillions, much more, yes, now they will extract everything they can from ukraine.
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there will be no polish troops in ukraine, we will help, we will support, we will provide further donations of weapons, this is really a lot, as much as we can. i shed a tear right here, just recently information appeared about the sudden death of a polish general, well, just like that, he walked and walked, stumbled, and not even a cast, but a sea of ​​moments. it is with deep regret that we inform you that brigadier general adam marczak, chief of staff. eu operational command althea in monza died on tuesday 26 march
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2024. the unexpected death of mr. general occurred due to natural causes while he was not in service. where was he then at that moment? in one of headquarters in ukraine, against which we are launching high-precision strikes, and there will be many more such headquarters and such strikes, we are finding out. you also know what i want to add, because the polish contingent in ukraine is the most. numerous, these are not armed forces, but under the cover of mercenarism, under the cover of the numbers of brigades of ukraine, where the commanders may be different, but the poles, who have a fairly long, and such a catholic tradition of theirs there, conventionally military cemeteries, they call cementation, they are now for the first time three military cemeteries were laid out american model, like arlington, when the same gravestones, meter for meter of a soldier, and so the poles have already founded the third such cemetery, this suggests that the level of losses that is now happening there is very large, they are one of
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those who some units are starting to cut back on these mercenaries, because in poland not many people are ready to go to serve or go abroad, although the poles have announced that they are doubling their armed forces to 300,000, don’t you think in this context that this one means comrade who is not comrade minister of defense, he’s a bit of a jerk, that is , look, he’s making comments,
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very soft, in general, strictly speaking, nothing at all, he’s from krakow, uh, by the way, from a fairly well-known family, his father was also once a minister, and he actively, he actively participated in some youth actions, but unexpectedly he became the leader of the peasant party, but you correctly said that what relation does he have to the christian party, to farmers, if he is , excuse me, a doctor by education. yes, this is completely obvious, but when is the last the ruling coalition was being formed in poland, it was last fall, they came to power, defeated the party of jaroslaw kaczynski, divided the portfolios, and tusk determined which portfolio would go to whom, and tusk decided that kasinya kamysh would become the minister of defense, everyone wondered why, i know, don’t answer yet, i
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know the answer because his second wife has already answered, because it’s... somehow to draw attention to him, in fact i want to say that his type is very similar to the early zelensky, when that one is not so much was addicted to kilograms of illegal drugs, look how similar the eyebrow ridges are, the forehead, look how similar, these eyes are like those good-looking bermans, such outwardly drooping corners, it would seem like such a sweet creature, but no, no, not at all
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the cutest, there it is the moment where he speaks in front of the orange microphone, there his eyes are just clouded, so our doctor... not quite so ideal , not far from a tiger, i would like to say, in general he has a really interesting biography of his relatives, you know, so i looked, he had a tribute relative stefania lonskai, she was a prisoner of auschwitz, the grandfather of the minister of defense of poland during the second world war served, just imagine, in the thirteenth vilnius, uhland regiment, and fought in the partisans , imagine what his grandfather would tell him now, seeing all this... listen, len, we’ve seen the opposite stories, when a whole dynasty goes on, and you find nazis everywhere, then it’s logical, but here it’s somehow illogical, i would also like to know that to say, here he comes, you can even see from his pose that he is adjusting, he is ready to bend, so you say why they put him there, but because he always very often, or rather, has this pose, you know,
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of a lackey bent in greeting , so this is the nato lackey in front of us, while he is needed for... we often say the american trace, in his biography you can find the american trace, oh yes, yes, when he has a point of growth, this is very important, 2017 begins to say that poland should become very a powerful outpost of the united states of america. he says that poland must do everything to contain russia and , most importantly, actually control belarus. who is trump's envoy? michael pompeo? and look, at that time, 2019, who is our today's
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hero? yes, today he is the minister of defense, but then he was just some young politician. who could hardly be of interest to michael pompeo, and why does michael pompeo call him, why does he talk to him, what is the most important thing? says michael pompeo then, and speaking about what his goal is in poland, he will say, we must do everything to ensure that we raise a new generation of new managers who would completely belong to us, and most importantly, we do not need managers, professionals in their areas, we need exclusively... patriots devoted to us, who could simply competently open their wallets and count out exactly as much as we need. michael pompeo has always been a cynical politician, and his cynicism shows that this...
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state, this is what he did there, right after advertising, stay with us, inna, move away, don’t interfere, she’s alive, how are you and her, seriously, i want someone prettier, i don’t want to confront olya about this directly, because she ’ll think that i want to quarrel with her, zhenya, alexey, first of all, thank you for coming to me with this information and not to olga. olya, i, i love you. lavila and you ended up with us. i see that a girl from work is staying with you for the night, and olechka
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is stopping by for the night. i’m chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, i need help from everyone nearby. how did you know that the raid would be on bank? a thorough investigation will be carried out regarding the turbine. if you find something related to the turbine, consider it a negotiation. you think? he's a rat, i'm from the police, i know, i didn't recognize him, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, bourbon сtirsman, a product of the stellar group, whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group, сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. cognac monte shococa, product of stellor group, rum, castro, product of stellor group. fascism appeared in italy at
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the beginning of the 20th century, from where this infection spread all over europe? fascists, as a rule, come to power through democratic means, moreover. the most advanced democracies can't get enough of them, since they are born within them. and it would not be worth considering if fascism, after its defeat in world war ii , would have remained an artifact of the 20th century, but life decreed otherwise. in the twentieth century, the word fascism regained its power. fascism. opened the world to such vast expanses of inhuman pragmatism that it forever made it a grave insult, therefore one can only fight fascism.
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premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. the whole world celebrates once a year. a holiday, a day when you have to come to work in pajamas in order to take a break from the work dress code. we're having a pajama party, it's all about sleeping and solving dreams. living in the program is great only for you. tomorrow on the first. voice. live. on friday, on the first. hello everyone, my name is caroline, my father is an optimist, so he thinks that i am half white. kvn, major league, new season, on
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saturday, on the first. what do you have in your hands? this my autobiography. autobiography, read it out loud. read aloud to yourself? are you freaking out, what? “i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land , you are russian speech, the great russian word, very, very, i love you russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent, the best in the world,
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only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all our citizens dear homeland unity, peaceful sky of unity, marya butina is with you again, this is the heir doll, we continue to unravel the tangle of polish politics, our attention today is on the minister of defense of poland, who appointed him and... why, we continue to find out. so, indeed, he is undergoing an internship, and not just somewhere, in atlanta, and he is going there, supposedly on medical topics. at the emery medical center, in atlanta, in the state of georgia, well, again, yes, we have no information about what he did there. but now after the fact, yes, against the backdrop of two years conflict in ukraine, certain suspicions may arise, because you and i know very well, all this has already been documented.
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for example, in the system of biological laboratories that the americans have in ukraine, i fully admit that he could also have something to do with this. yes, he tried to somehow establish contacts with the americans, he even talked with mike pompeo about something, god forgive me, where is this mike pompeo of course, well, in ukraine, in kyivstar. and the fact that he speaks so actively on the ukrainian agenda, on in my opinion, this is an attempt, to some extent , by the current coalition and tusk to channel all the protest sentiments, yes, because we hear, yes, criticism of him. refugees, and his calls, in particular, to remove even the representative of poland in the european commission on the agricultural issue, vayciechowski, who was appointed by kaczynski, because he does not seem to satisfy the interests of polish farmers, and against the backdrop of how the current polish opposition - this is right, justice and the confederation party are trying to shake up the situation in the country, they support and intensify all these pro-palestinian protests, so our
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character comes out and says that well... we are against russia, but ukraine is not particularly our friends either, we will buy american weapons there, but we are against the supply of ukrainian agricultural products to poland, well and so on , that is, ours, yours, so that just like that and somehow blow away this very protest a little, but on the other hand, things in the polish economy are very bad, there is colossal inflation, farmers are going bankrupt en masse, that’s why all these protests continue, i’m i agree in principle with the thesis that they can take him out of the game at one moment, make him an extreme figure, and politicians there for a year, well , take away a small amount of time, it’s interesting here, all the europeans spent in the usa, and this, as a rule, is an outlier item from the biography, you begin to analyze further and you see, it is quite possible that this is what, recruitment, the question you asked was how he did his internship, in what discipline, i will answer you, the discipline is very simple, it is genetic engineering, according to
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racial theories, is it possible somehow . .. he is there studying belarusian phenomenon, it turns out that belarusians are directly different from all slavic types. you think
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what he’s doing there and comes back from there in different uniforms, completely converted, and michael pompeo, of course, gave him a report, understanding how he was recruited. roman, i would like to share with you another interesting video. so, is it worth admitting ukraine to nato? today we are already drawn into this war. this means that ukraine needs to be accepted, there is no need to accept, and maybe it is worth accepting, but only on the condition that, in principle, there is such a condition. exactly, there is such a condition. before a new stage can begin, this stage must be completed, as if the cut-off point and acceptance of responsibility cannot be a state in a state of war, because in this case it will not be possible to expand the presence at the expense of such a state due to the disagreement of other countries, so that if ukraine is accepted into nato, then only after the end of the conflict, then it will be possible to take responsibility. yes, i can safely
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conclude that he is lying to us. and lies in general everyone, well, there is something that everyone understands, conventionally, it’s not a gesture, rolling his eyes, when he rolls his eyes from right to left, that’s what you noticed, a novel, it’s called tos. when a person is asked a question, and he needs time to think, it can be expressed in different variations, or he begins to wander, as you noticed, with his eyes in search of support, the first option, the second option, he has a lot of words of parasites surprisingly , well, in order to finish that conversation, we first need to go through this stage, but in order to go through that stage, that is, it obviously he’s trying to find time for himself with this mess, how can he answer...
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you are my tiger cub, his wife, by the way, she is also a doctor by training, she is a dentist, this is his second wife, she performed for a very long time, just at this party conference, where he was nominated by candidates. into the president, and you can’t even imagine how many different memes appeared immediately on the same day, he’s not a tiger, he’s a tiger cub, he’s a tiger cub, tigryus, tigrysyk, you know, it was so funny, different pictures, memes, funny
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laughs, and they still remember this to this day, he they found absolutely no one else for the minister of defense, but you understand that, among other things, this is a decision, a personal decision of tusk. donald tusk, because when they divided the portfolios, tusk decided that suddenly in the event of something, some, i don’t know, ukrainian problems, failures, setbacks or something in poland, then everything could be blamed on someone, on the minister of defense , because who is he, he is not a professional, he is completely, he is an absolutely controlled person, and the control center is known where in warsaw, this is the united states embassy, ​​in warsaw, who is our is the american ambassador in warsaw, son? brzyzinski's son, absolutely right, as a matter of fact, washington works completely normally in warsaw, the american embassy is located directly opposite the polish parliament, the polish sejm, across the road, you know, from the us embassy,
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​​walking straight through the park is literally 400 meters, you know, you get right there in poland, that is, you don’t even need to order a car, you just walked through, got a consultation, received valuable instructions, went back to work, listen, i decided that we need to find a good gentleman, that is, in the form of americans or british, for this they want to get a contract and a label, so to speak, to manage these lands, and the eastern outskirts, a fairly well-known story in poland in the year 22, quite
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recently, when the special operation in ukraine had already begun, the poles put forward the idea that it was necessary to create a polish-ukrainian union, a polish-ukrainian union, a ukrapole. and a variety of names, in fact, they say that it seems like this idea was born in kiev initially, because in kiev they thought that through a union poland and ukraine will be able to join nato, they will be able to join the european union, so maybe this is the case, and this idea was first voiced by kasinya kamysh in krakow, they then thought that it was necessary to create a new union of two states , similar to maybe russia and belarus, yes they said that look, the russians are with the belarusians. it will work out, it’s obvious, but it was discussed very actively, and kasenik kamysh was assigned to voice it, i’m talking about that, yes, that means, of course, this idea did not find any support in polish society, well, among
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serious politicians, because, well, obviously a serf cannot live together in the same apartment with a polish gentleman, you see, this is obvious. this means that this gentleman lost absolutely everything, the elections to the european parliament, which means a strange dissertation, he managed to lose the presidential elections, he managed to fail.
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union, but not like that, 2 years ago the same borders, by the way, we mentioned this guys from law and justice said that now with the beginning of the conflict with russia there is no longer any border between poland and ukraine, that’s it, we are one whole , we are opposing, that means russia, yes, now they this very border has been closed for many, many months, and tusk can’t really do anything about it, but now we seem to be hearing calls from, among others, kasinyak kamysh that let’s cancel it there - let’s look at the quote: political
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sanctions against russia must be maintained, and economic ones must be lifted, because they do not work. germans, what kind of embargo is this? this doesn't work, it's some kind of scam. he says: do you know who we are? we are a polish kennedy because i have a dad, i have an uncle, i have an aunt, and even my grandfather, that’s how he is in essence, and also, this is not a gentry, that’s for sure. laughter is laughter, but this tiger cub is waiting for an opportunity. and here malik said very precisely, in order to seize the initiative, he sees the discord, who can take it, i’ll take it, they somehow hook a person on some kind of financial hook, you catch ursula fonderline with a private jet, there the barel means it’s lit up with some kind of diamonds and diamonds, but they didn’t give him anything, you know, that is, an absolutely wonderful car from 2012. and nothing, why should she i asked what motivates him, that this is
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an absolutely amazing mentality, a medal of his nation, but a very convenient person for the americans, he is not just the minister of defense, he is now the deputy prime minister, he is in a higher rank now, what are the highest expenses the poles are currently incurring , maybe for the social sphere, or maybe they are building hospitals, no, huge billions are allocated for the purchase of american shooting ranges of south korean weapons , the main shareholders in parentheses.
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after the program time cognac old barrel productlar group bourbon сtirsman product stellar group whiskey mankatcher product
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of stellar group gin сnop product of stellar group. personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky after meeting with zoya borisovna, he dedicated a poem to her: remain bright, fleeting incessantly, i don’t reproach you for passing, thank you for coming, andrei generally had... two priorities in life: his work and my mother, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiere, tomorrow on the first, voice live, on friday on the first,
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premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. kvn. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war. for existence, that's why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are the people who say everything yes, right, left, up, down, answering everything, yes boss. one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. you use social networks, it is interesting for you. before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people. online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority. these are only fragmentary
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fragments, perhaps a fabricated company. new project of the first cog, run! they search and say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday at the first, judge, dozens of people saw me, are you still going to die? why are you lumping everything into one pile, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, will start together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna,
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to live in the next world, he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her. hello, len, not a serious conversation. are they confident themselves? that they truly love each other, what are you ready for? yes, that’s it, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, the blue reed is with you again, by the way, about the tiger, we didn’t come up with this, it’s his wife in the presidential elections, which he lost, his formidable tiger, what to be afraid of and what to expect from this person? so, what's interesting, now in view of the fact that... that's these statements are ongoing, which means that russia must be our main threat there, but first of all, yes, yes, they shot at
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migrants to show us that for them , human life is the same as shooting a dog, which has always happened, tell me, there has never been a situation where we brought migrants, someone said: “okay, let’s not kill them, we always killed, they asked not to be shot at, did they say something at that moment, or did they there was some kind of them..." with the republic of belarus to record facts yes, in the international community, look, belarusians are killing refugees,
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why was this done, why? well, firstly, you need to understand that the war crimes they commit are generally nato’s favorite tactics, we know that they shoot civilians, they consider this to be collateral losses of the poles, they have long been drawn into this , let’s say, vicious circle of this blood of civilians. but belarus is for them to make a revolution there, to draw it into their orbit, all the opposition that exists is now in poland, in the baltic states, who are working purposefully against belarus, trying to make another coup there, and we know that the first stages are always to demonize the current political regime, to show that they are unworthy of dialogue or anything, that they need to be overthrown, including raising popular uprisings for ...
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it really looks terrible, because this is an atrocity, this is a crime against humanity, which naturally should be investigated, but neither poland, nor european states, there are no sanctions or judicial the european union does not even accept applications, including from relatives, to find these people, the citizens there are mainly from the middle east, iraq, why do they blame the republic of belarus, and because after 20'.
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the chechka is talking about exactly this, this is not just, well, some random event, this is an order to exterminate women, children, people who find... he recently said in an interview with a spanish newspaper: “well, yes, we have problems there with belarus border, i don’t want to justify our border guards, but it’s still belarus’s fault.” what are they doing? polish border guards, that he does not want to justify them, now they are doing something more cunning, indeed, they beat him and throw him into our territory. especially in winter, but people simply died from the cold, from beatings, and no one, no human rights activists even have the right
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to approach the border zone to investigate what is really happening there, this is a revival of nazi practices in europe, and it must be said why they are on they went, yes, the orders were most likely given by morawiecki, duda, because they cultivate this xenophobia and racism, like these are not people, these are some black people and... and many times a leg will break, here, arms will break, many times, because i was just
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near the fence, there were three. communications and sent through the forest, so that somewhere on the border, well, preferably beyond the border of poland, already on belarusian territory, he simply died, they took him like that and left him, probably death, yes, this is an absolute nightmare, and i will remind you how correctly it was noted, that this
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was, excuse me, part of the election program of law and justice, they literally tried on these corpses of unfortunate refugees build your campaign, win the elections, show yourself to be such fighters for polish society against migrants, how hypocritical this position is, of course, because just before the elections in poland, a scheme was revealed in which representatives of law and justice simply sold visas to people from africa there from the middle east for bribes that were paid to them, that is, somehow they have nothing against migrants if the right amount of money goes into the right pockets, here well... it was necessary, unfortunately, on the corpses of these unfortunate people build their own company, but as we see, these guys didn’t succeed, although again, one administration changed to another, in general nothing has changed, but of course the split within poland is intensifying, this is very significant here, we already mentioned today all the facts about how the poles tried to still try to arrange a change of power in belarus, but what’s interesting is that now against the backdrop of the internal polish crisis,
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for example, the belsad tv channel suddenly stops working, which has been for a very long time...
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the crisis on the border, i i worked a lot there and all the journalists were there, from al-jazeera to even the unknown matthew chen stood under a polish water cannon and told what wonderful, good people the poles are, but this is a shift in consciousness, this is... a certain kind of masochism of western journalism, but nevertheless here these cases will definitely be proven, because every week, every week they throw corpses of refugees at us on the polish, lithuanian, latvian border, we just look, there is a terrible beating, people were tortured with electric shock, children were doused with these toxic chemicals, but all sorts of human rights and all these other organizations don’t care about it, i remember how we worked at the border then and arrived there.
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they didn’t release the medal, they issued the medal and distributed it to their border guards, military personnel, of course, this is done by the minister of defense, of course, this is done by the political elite, moreover, what is it that our president spoke out, why did they do this, what emil spoke about chechko, well , this is hitler’s very thing, i free you from the chimera of conscience, that is, my soldiers, my special forces, we must make sure that on the eastern front, roughly speaking, as it was then, they could calmly burn people, as in khatyn, they could shoot, they could kill, for this purpose, just like that...
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and on the way to grzantsk , russian prisoners who were walking were shot ahead of the retreating french army and, as napoleon's adjutant wrote, the poles did it: 2.0 prisoners were killed in the same way, point-blank to the head, these corpses were scattered, and napoleon's adjutant desigur wrote a book about this, as he saw it, but. .. what, but what’s most interesting is when i studied in warsaw, i bought this book, it was published in poland, they weren’t shy about it, where everything is said like this, you know, sometimes i just think, regarding the history of modern times, and
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i think we will never understand them, well, i look to these characters like this minister of defense, poland kasinya kamysh, he’s all a western politician, all... so polished and doesn’t understand the main thing, that the role is assigned to him as a jackal. maria butina, the doll of tute's heir, was with you, now is the program time.
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hello, in the program time about the most notable events of this day: the pressure of great water, tomsk and kurgan, the rapid rise of the rivers, where they are waiting for the second flood, in orski they are already putting things in order after the disaster.
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