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tv   Obiknovennii fashizm-2  1TV  April 16, 2024 12:00am-1:11am MSK

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and saudi arabia, and uh, as for us, we must understand that saudi arabia and arab friends are countries that at the same time want to maintain relations with the west. iran is a country that, in this case with the west, has long since broken all pots. and in this regard, it is ready to go much further in cooperation with russia than many arab countries. right. unfortunately, i have to agree with... the former french minister of foreign affairs talerand that politics is an unsentimental matter, and it is necessary - it is necessary have the right to emotions, but you also need to remember where the national interests are, i agree, in general, with everything said at this table, i’ll add just one thought, russia now has growing relations with iran, not only military ones.
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any era is characterized by words, words - signs of time that symbolize. moment.
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if we take the past from which modern europe grew. then the 16th century can be described by the word revival, the seventeenth by the word revolution, the eighteenth by enlightenment, the nineteenth by nationalism, which is up to the 20th century. then it can be characterized
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in words, communism, liberalism and, of course, fascism, that’s what’s interesting, communism with liberalism. like revival, revolution, enlightenment or nationalism, concepts that have existed for a very long time, fascism appeared in the world for the first time in the 20th century, and it is only 100 years old, and as often happens, with abstract concepts, first the word is born, and then everything they begin to argue about... what does it
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really mean? and the dispute will go on for a long time? i thought about the topic of liberalism even more carefully. plato thought about the ideal state, then already in the first millennium bc, learned men were talking with all their might about how to properly organize life so that everyone would be, if dissatisfied, then at least satisfied, right up to this time, the question remains open, now we will have to deal with fascism. any discussion about social order revolves around the theme of justice. in the religious space, ideas about divine justice, invisible to the eye, but real for a believer, dominate, but in
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secular state formations there turned out to be only two justices: the one that gives everyone just enough time. as communism proposed and the one that gives everyone what they deserve, which the liberal system promises. over the course of thousands of years, all these thoughts were honed, in a modern meaning, the concepts of liberalism and communism found their way into dictionaries back in the 19th century, history supposedly does not have such a concept as fascism, suddenly it took its own... arose, to clearly define what fascism is , still no one can, the word is
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used everywhere, but there is no clear description of the phenomenon. there are a lot definitions, each of which has the right to exist. but they all resemble the parable of the blind elephant, in which blind people touch the elephant on different parts of its body. they describe it as either flexible, like a snake, or motionless, like a column, or hard like a bone, everything, depending on what they got their hands on,
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a trunk, a leg, or a tusk, over the course of decades, the scientific confusion of the topic of fascism was packed into dictionaries, from there it flowed into textbooks, with the help of which residents of different countries were explained in different ways what it was, it didn’t even help that fascism was observed firsthand by millions of people before and during the second world war, so the only thing you can start from in trying to understand the essence of what happened is the word itself: fascism: fascism appeared in italy at the beginning of the 20th century, where this infection came from spread throughout europe, affecting greece, yugoslavia, romania, bulgaria, england, france, portugal, norway, and even
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such godforsaken territories as latvia, with estonia. and the topic would not be worth considering if fascism, after its defeat in the second world war ii would have remained an artifact of the 20th century, no one except specialists would have remembered it, but life decreed otherwise. in the 20th century , the word fascism regained its power and became a popular insult across the political spectrum. despite the fact that none of those who like to shout fascist at their opponents know either the history of the concept or its meaning. not only in dictionaries, but in everyday life this word is interpreted in different ways, so a twenty-year-old frenchman will say
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that a fascist is a right- wing nationalist politician, and a twenty-year-old russian may remember gas cameras. both are likely to remember hitler. nobody will remember italy. many words change their meaning over time, and in ancient greece they called a villager who was not interested in politics an idiot. centuries later it was a medical diagnosis, but now an idiot. they call someone who did not foresee the consequences of their actions, but in essence this word conveys only the negative attitude of the speaker towards the listener. nobody remembers what kritin meant. christian, a person pleasing to god. a century later
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, cretinism became a medical term, denoting a disease caused by a lack of iodine in the body, and now kritin, a banal everyday insult. as a rule, in dictionaries of fascism. subordinating all spheres of life to an ideal collective future, this future is not planned as equally happy for everyone, unlike what is promised by liberalism and communism. the wonderful future of the fascists is wonderful precisely
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for the fascists themselves, at the expense of others whom the fascists will not take. in general, dictionaries agree that hitler’s germany, francois spain, mussolini’s italy and militaristic japan. instead of tirelessly expressing themselves,
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but there is a nuance here: fastas, as a rule, come to power through democratic means, and in the most advanced democracies, since they originate within them. fascism is a purely european phenomenon, which is extremely unpleasant for the west, which is why researchers of the old world invariably include japan in the list of fascist states in order to somehow expand the geography. in a word, dictionaries do not help to understand what fascism is, the more interesting it is to remember where it came from and under what circumstances both the phenomenon itself and its word arose... and it is even more interesting to remember the history of fascist symbolism, because
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nothing in the world of meaning comes from nowhere and goes nowhere. fasces is the word for fascism, this... there is a legend according to which the first roman king romulus, the founder of the eternal city, established a symbol of his power in the form of fasces, a bundle of thirty rods, each of which symbolized one of the wild tribes subordinate to him, an ax stuck into the bundle - symbol of state power and...
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a representative of a nation inferior from the point of view of the ancient roman, for example, an italian, a celt or a gallus, even roman citizenship did not save the people from persecution by a sect. the sectarians believed that through sexual influence they corrected a person and thus combined business with pleasure.
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the sect had many supporters, once a roman youth.
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punished. subsequently, what the fascist rapists did was called by historians bacchanalia. as christianity spread, the fasces were forgotten, since the judgment of god replaced the court secular. they were remembered again only during the renaissance, when the position of christianity was shaken. this happened during
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the tenure of pope alexander at the head of the catholic church. sixth borje. this cheerful clergyman turned the papal palace into a sex club, because he was distinguished by his irrepressible voluptuousness. historians count up to 47 perversions that were practiced by the father of the church. his entertainment ended with the indignant christians killing borjei with fasces and breaking his head. fascia experienced a new birth already during the period of the great french revolution of the 16th century, since revolutionary france, like the fascist movements of the 20th century , was oriented towards republican rome, the fasces took pride of place in the symbolism of the new regime. later, napoleon benopard
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solemnly placed the fasces on the coat of arms of his country, thereby finally securing this one. an interesting symbol in the world establishment, since subsequently napoleon was copied by everyone. thanks to napoleon, the favorite sign of the roman emperor caligula can still be found in the emblems of many states of the world. fastas are a symbol of the us supreme court and the us congress. it is on the fasces on the congress building, on top of the capitol, that the statue of liberty stands. and what ’s surprising is that, despite the fact that fascism is something very bad in the mass consciousness of the population all over the world, the main symbol of fascism was not included in the list of prohibited symbols; in everyday life it is in no way associated with fascism, unlike a swastika or two lightning bolts. this happened
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because the word fascism over time was filled with new... content, and italy with its rome lost the palm to germany, with its pagan mythology, which has nothing to do with the roman empire. why and how did fasces form the basis of fascism? a separate fascinating story that is connected not only with the world of ideas, but with the world of people. in 1883, benito mussolini was born in northern italy, a boy who, since childhood, wanted to be a winner, he was the one. hitler is not at all the father of fascism. musalini successfully ruled the country for two decades as
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chairman of the council of ministers of italy under monarchy. and in the last 2 years of his life as the leader of the italian republic. benito mussolini, in everyday life he was affectionately called duce, which means leader of the nation, but leadership and victory are fickle things, because life is long, and today you won. and tomorrow he lost, a real victory can only be counted if the leader managed to die a winner, the story of mussolini is a living illustration of this.
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card be born on time. the boy was named benitto in honor of the very popular mexican president, benito juarrez. but when the father chose a name for his son, he did not take into account that benito juarrez, at the end of his life, completely lost his political capital - people's love, and as one outstanding thinker of our time likes to repeat, a name is destiny. the son of a teacher's blacksmith grew up in a loving, large, but very modest family. the father...
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ended up in the bottom due to the low material level of his parents. under the influence of benito, he hated the system in which the convicts turned him into an atheist and a rebel, it happened that he rushed at his classmates with a knife, it was with the salesians in the first time i ended up in a punishment cell, that is. was isolated from society, in prison, as
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a result, the catholics kicked him out and finished his studies, the future fascist, went to a secular educational institution, but there were disciplinary problems there, but everything was fine with his academic performance, at the end of school. he was the best student in the class, at the age of 17 he received the status of a teacher, he immediately found a place for himself, but did not stay at work, either because he cohabited with a married woman, his husband, who at that time was serving in the army, or because -for his defiant and aggressive behavior, card run to switzerland, as a result, at the age of 19... benitto left for switzerland, fleeing conscription, like any brainless youth, musalini did not see the point in studying military affairs, due to the fact that he did not
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see the point in whatever you war in general. in a word, the first fascist in history had a stupid youth, but switzerland as a whole did him good, although it all started with a swiss prison. where he ended up for vagrancy. in those years, this small european country was a nesting place for prominent communists and socialists. most of them were in lasagne, where musalini eventually ended up. at first, the poor guy was hanging around without money, but then he started writing for the local socialist newspaper, which somehow kept him afloat. map. find love. it was in switzerland that a very important acquaintance in his life took place. he met
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with. it was a young man whom i had never seen before, his excited state and sloppy clothes caught my eye. there have always been audiences dominated by emigrants. i've never seen a person who looked so pitiful, despite the massive jaw, the bitter worry in his black eyes, he gave the impression of an exceptionally timid man, his hands nervously clutching a large black hat, and he
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seemed... more concerned with his own inner anxiety than with the one what i said. angelika balabanova was born in the russian empire, received an excellent education in europe, where she preached her leftist views. she immediately liked musalini, and over the next 10 years she taught him wisdom. angelica was older benito is 6 years old, but smarter by a lifetime. it was this woman who taught benit german, forced him to master political economy, thanks to her he became acquainted with the works of schopenhauer, nietzsche and other fashionable philosophers of those years, such as
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ducha. subsequently he quoted abundantly, giving the impression of being smart. benito appreciated this and more than once mentioned that without angelica his career would never have developed so successfully. i repeat, i owe much more to angelica than she realizes. she was politically wise, she was true to her ideas, for their sake she left a comfortable life with her family. her generosity knew no bounds. she was generous in friendship and love, and if life had not brought us together then in switzerland, i probably would have remained a minor party functionary. apparently musalini was right, so balabanova later could not forgive herself for creating a monster, but be that as it may, the meeting had consequences.
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map to start! after two years spent in switzerland among bright, educated people, benito returned to his homeland a different person immediately went to serve in the army. the future fascist turned out to be an exemplary soldier; after serving, he continued his studies and enthusiastically wrote articles along the way. "with his thick baritone and unusual comic facial expressions, mussolini greatly amused the audience, that is, in a certain sense, the future duci was a clown, as it became
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clear 100 years later, looking at all the horrifying tragedy of the consequences, fascism and the concept are inseparable. map go to the newspaper. to at the beginning of the first world war, benito became a convinced socialist, an experienced publicist and a successful media manager for 2 years he headed the socialist party's mouthpiece, the avanti newspaper, as editor-in-chief. since 1912, musalini was also the journalistic star of this publication, but after he published an article in 1914 calling for italy to enter the war, he was expelled not only from the newspaper, but also from the party, which musalini categorically did not accept and continued to consider himself a socialist . for
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the most part, italian socialists and communists were opposed to the war, which was the cause of the conflict, but there were also radical left forces that... musalini, who was fired, founded his own so that this contingent could have its own mouthpiece, the daily newspaper people of italy, where he continued to position himself as a socialist, and the publication as a socialist. under the name it was written: socialist. workers, and next to it stood an epigraph from napoleon bonaparte, whom benito revered almost like jean valjean. revolution is an idea that has acquired
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bayonets. card: get 100,000 liras and don't return to the start. benit took money from france to support the media business and great britain. because he actively lobbied for italy to enter the war on the side of the entente. they even said about him that he sold out to the french, which is not true, since he took the initial funding from the italian right-wingers, and only then switched to the french belgian socialists. musalini's final break with the italian socialists. occurred in 1918, when, after a series of military failures, they called on italy for peace on any terms, as the bolsheviks did in russia. card: get a million liras. in token of
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protest, musalini removed socialist symbols from the front page of his newspaper. under the title a new line appeared, “newspaper of combatants and entrepreneurs,” but iduche began to openly take money from large industrialists and continued to accept it from the ubiquitous british intelligence, which since 1917 had paid for laudatory articles about the entente. benito's financial situation began to improve, he shaved his mustache, began to wash more often... updated his wardrobe, and at the same time moved to a prestigious area of ​​​​milan. his newspaper existed until 1943; all these decades it was an influential mouthpiece of italian fascism, and
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musalini constantly published his articles there. in addition to the duce, prominent politicians, philosophers and representatives of bohemia, including the famous margarita sarfatti, wrote for the newspaper. another beloved musalini, who was a star in intellectual circles in those years, she, like balabanova, was older and smarter than benitto, but turned out to be an inspired fascist. in a word, mussolini was raised by two smart women who did not calculate the consequences of their actions. "find friends" card. in addition to the appearance of his own newspaper in 1914 there was... another significant event for benit. left without the political support of the socialist party, he created his own political organization, the union of revolutionary action,
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where the word “fashoo”, meaning union, was first used. these people began to be called fascists in everyday life. the fasts were quickly collected. supporters, but with the outbreak of the war the union was dissolved, all its members went to fight, and the duce also went to the front. after the war, the members of the union met again, this time to establish the italian union of struggle, with the same the word “fasho”, meaning “fascia” instead of the word “union”, because musalini said and did. it is clear that initially his fascism did not have any ideology, but was a deeply pragmatic movement. we, the faschi, can afford to be aristocrats, democrats , conservatives and progressives,
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reactionaries and revolutionaries, legalists and illegalists, depending on the circumstances, place and context in which we are forced to live and act, more precisely. moreover , the author of the term himself stated this. the age of authority, the tendency to the right, the age of
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fascism has entered. and if the 19th century was the century of individualism, because liberalism entails individualism, now we argue that the age of the collective, the century of the state has come. mussolini took off like a rocket whose stages are falling off. first socialism fell off, then democracy, and then he tried to throw off liberalism, although at the beginning. "i am a liberal, and we must destroy the collectivist state that we received after the war. they are trying to present us as a party that cannot be combined with liberal democracy, but we believe that fascists should run on the lists of liberal parties in all elections.
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tradition of fascism. to go to the elections with one musalini laid down another very important theses, and to implement completely different ones in practice. and all this without the slightest twinge of conscience. fascists are not ashamed at all. after the war, troubled
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times came in italy. the october revolution had its effect, giving rise to a strong red wave in europe. while in russia the young soviet state , having destroyed the empire, stood on its feet and built ambitious plans to raise a new man of the planet in italy. workers and peasants seized the owners' property and destroyed everything. around because they didn’t see any prospects for themselves. there were many disappointed, among representatives of the middle class, among the intelligentsia. they all began to gather around the fascists, who, unlike the communists and liberals, with their global plans, had very specific plans to make italy great again. card: find more friends. the union of struggle was soon
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transformed into a national fascist a party that was initially anti-capitalist and anti-clerical, advocated for women’s suffrage, free healthcare, insurance payments for workers, and so on, that is, it copied the discourse of the left. the fascists had their own police, the so-called black shirts, and large capital hired their combat units to disperse strikes, which the organs of maintaining public order could not cope with. unlike ordinary police officers, the fascists were happy to use force against fellow citizens; they liked to control population, they wanted to be in power, therefore... they carried out the work of pacifying the raging poor with
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pleasure, but it was difficult for the new party to get into parliament, it was a newcomer to the political field, so mussolini needed allies, uniting with whom he could penetrate establishment. at first he tried to... create a bloc of republicans, ultra-leftists, fascists and futurists, but could not, so for his first elections in 1919 . the fascist party went it alone and lost with disastrous results. map: return to start. it is worth noting here that musalini respected democratic
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procedures. he had been running for parliament since 1913, when he ran for office. his candidacy from the socialist party, he then also lost in his district, but with a small margin, but after the defeat of the fascist party in the elections of 1919, he was crushed and almost gave up everything, because the socialists beat his party with a crushing score. a year later, the situation began to improve, the fascists again began to recruit supporters, whose ranks had noticeably thinned after a deafening failure in the elections, but now people with right-wing views who hated bolshevism joined the party; with such a contingent it was already possible to enter into an alliance
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with anti-left forces, creating an anti-socialist bloc. map find friends again, this is how a bloc appeared that united liberals, supporters of prime minister jalitti, fascists, benito mussolini, nationalists, enrico coradini. in 1921 , the fascists entered parliament with benitou at the head of the list. then everything went like clockwork, in the fall of 1922, making sure that he was already supported by a significant part of the population, the duce and his militants went on a campaign against rome and actually forced the
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italian government to appoint him chairman of the council of ministers, and the king to approve his candidacy. so duchi became the sovereign master of the country for two long decades. musalina is still revered and loved by many in italy, and his name is tattooed next to other symbols of fascism. for example, next to the symbol is adam's head. adam's head. the nazis borrowed it from pirates, perhaps from the luckiest of them, the british henry avery. this man came from a very good family, received an excellent education , and before he went into all sorts of troubles,
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was considered one of the most promising senior officers in the british navy. driven by a thirst for power and violence, he abandoned his military career, became a pirate, and soon carried out an operation to capture the largest ship in the world at that time, the ganges isavai, which was carrying gifts from the great mughals to mecca. henry avery's haul was unheard of. created his own fascist state on one of the islands caribbean. pirates brought kidnapped slaves to this island, sorted them according to
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ethnicity, divided them into castes, and if the slave could not be sold, then he worked for the benefit of his island state. of death. for the first time, the skull was used as a symbolic image by the first triumphant of rome, king ang marcia in 630 bc. so adam's head turned into a symbol of victory. in the 19th century, the symbol suddenly resurfaced in the united states when a politician and businessman. william russell created a secret organization called the skull and bones, which chose adam’s head as its emblem. this secret society is the oldest non-masonic organization in america, through which many
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representatives of the elite have passed, the tradition of the skull and crossbones is especially popular among students at yale university. according to rumors, presidents george w. bush , george w. bush, more than twenty us senators, and an estimated number of congressmen, officials and cabinet members passed through the skull and bones organization . the society included all the rockefellers. during world war ii, a skull with bones became the sign of many military formations of the army of the third reich, ss tank divisions and... and a number of collaborationist divisions.
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the most famous ss unit associated with this symbol was called the death's head. he was involved in guarding concentration and
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death camps; the most famous representative of this detachment was irma gresi. this guard of auschwitz, bergen belsen and ravens brück is considered the most cruel woman of the third reich. ss men. they called her the queen of the ss, and the prisoners called her the white devil or angel of death. as a child, the girl, like many fascists, dreamed of joining bohemia and becoming an actress, but instead, at the age of 19, she joined the ss. there, her artistic abilities were fully demonstrated. greza beat women to death.
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the ss personally killed more than a thousand people. the court proved that she committed these murders solely for pleasure. grez was executed by hanging at the age of 22. today.
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leader, becoming prime minister, he we must give the duce his due, he was not incompetent, he successfully reformed the italian economy, brought order to the country and organized a completely tolerable existence for the majority of the population. that the first real fascist in history was infinitely far from what modern people associate with this term, he was
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gifted: an ambitious man, a leader with good artistic and organizational skills, a good publicist orator. he kept his nose to the wind, took risks and for the time being won, and, of course, did not imagine that the fascism he generated would take on a life of its own and destroy its creator. historical duchi's role was only... that he brought to power a group of people who believed that they were exceptional and had the exclusive right to explain to others how to live. this group managed to defeat two global projects in a single country:
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communist and liberal, which fought among themselves with... the recipe turned out to be simple, an exceptional group shared its exclusivity with part of the population, expanding the group along ethnic lines, which is easiest, since ethnic groups live compactly, they can impact live, addressing a physical crowd. a feeling of exclusivity.
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in terms of exclusivity, fascism continued the tradition of the catholic orders, they also relied on their own exclusivity, believing that only they know how to believe correctly and have the right to punish. faithful on behalf of god. the history of symbols and how they are used clearly shows that the path of these signs through
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time is bizarre. and people are unconscious and in some mysterious way step on the same rake all the time. as if they can’t pass the main exam life, which is based on reason, and not out of fear of higher powers.
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the rights of the group that refers to itself. after the first world war, it seemed that europe's future was either communist or liberal. but the bone, as usual , was carried away by a third.
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then the country itself, proclaiming its exclusive right to enslave those who can not be considered full-fledged people. appealing to roman history, musalini did not understand what he was concluding.
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poets and intellectuals, then the world would not have seen any fascism.
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dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on air and today with you as always in this podcast. ten years ago and you are with one pretty presenter in the frame, you say to her: ask me a question, please, how did i achieve what i achieved, she asks you, how did you achieve yuri abramovich? and you say: i don’t
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know, here’s my question: after 20 years, do you have an answer to this question, now? i can assume that it is a matter of fate, man, personality and destiny. it would seem that i was fond of guitar, i had my own ensemble, this is adolescence, our gods the beatles, and so for my mother, for my father i went to music school, but school was very easy for me, i did little, i was with the guitar with all my soul, well , who could have guessed that you... means, lenin, vladimir ilyevich, how? now, well, i naturally didn’t know him, as you understand, in general, when the beatles ceased to exist, it was a tragedy of a lifetime for us, so where
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to go next and what, here’s their last record, well, i tried a lot in these directions to me the elder brother advised to listen to this one, etomami. there was this kind of endrix that i didn’t like at all then, then, of course, 10 years later, i understood what his merit was, why he was so famous, it was still not my thing, but i appreciated it. in general, at my brother’s suggestion, i listened to american jazz-rock, these are such groups as chicago, blood, sweat, tears, water, wind, fire, that’s it, and i really liked their orchestra.
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and musicians without these traditions, and yet they earned some money, even as far as i understand, naturally, of course, of course, all school graduations, weddings, birthdays, what are you known for? in the city, the more offers you get like this, my mother allowed me all this, but she said, but i don’t want you to earn money with a guitar, so i had to deceive her, that is, i stayed late at a classmate’s birthday party or or the girl and i went to the cinema somewhere for the last showing, in fact i was standing there and making money with music at that time somehow it wasn’t... very
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that’s right, it wasn’t my mother, she was a wise mother, she just didn’t want it all to come together like that for me, that is, i like it, and they also pay me money and that i would generally turn in this direction so that i could easily, by the way, well, of course, in general, it turned out that an all-ukrainian competition was announced in kiev for the centenary of lenin, i began to prepare...
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the highest score, and this is fate again, well, the chairman of the jury was, if i'm not mistaken, oleg krysa, and he said, you want, so that a new joke is born in the viola world, that the violist came to defeat the staplers, in general, therefore, we were not awarded the first, nor the second, nor the sixth prize, we were given gifts, presented, everywhere it was written: the winner
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of the competition, we all had six people, we all had such gifts, and somehow this determined my further final going into classical music, a year later, i was in tenth grade, a year later i was already entering the moscow conservatory, and i must say that when i heard some in the genre in which i performed with a guitar, a performance, more some actor with nikita sergeevich mikhalkov had an amazing occasion, there was a film festival, so i was wearing a long coat, my instrument was hidden under my coat.
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nikita was making a speech, the opening of the film festival, nicholson was sitting in the front row, and nikita says, but we have a surprise, we also had a guest and alpa chin, which means i ’m leaving, and this is in russia, yes, and the whole hall roared, and nicholson is in the first row , so he’s standing up, but he doesn’t know how to play the lte like yuri bashmetov. you were not offered to act as an actor in the cinema, you were offered, once very black, the same nikita sergeyevich himself suggested, but it didn’t work out in terms of timing, i had a tour, it’s a little kreutzerovat - this is schweitzer, i passed all the auditions, but there i had a three-week tour in japan at the time of filming this film, and so it happened: in in general, i
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refused, and then i was glad that i refused, because there are a lot of texts, that’s where i still had to take part a little, this is asa-2, at seryozha’s, we were friends with him, and often saw each other quite often, suddenly he made such an offer, but i refused, because i understand that this is not mine, i refused, refused, he says, but we can have coffee, yes, of course, we... sat down in a cafe, a cup of coffee, and i say, well, look, you see my schedule, and i took it with me, this is what filming can be like , you see, more than 200 days of me. not in moscow in the year seryozha takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and says: this is the date, you are playing in the large hall of the conservatory, and we have a night shoot, there is an old riga station, there are some spare
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tracks, there is the first day of filming , right there, and then after 3 weeks, you can then, that is, he found out everything and inserted my opportunity into his schedule, and it was incredibly exciting, i for a long, long time, in general, missed these days, then, when it all passed, well, uh, i couldn’t see myself there i can, i watched this film, except for one frame when i am silent, and it’s the cameraman ’s fault, it somehow worked out well for me - for some moment there was enough, regarding the schedule, i was once driving around moscow on one busy road street.
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very good, because then, what is intuition, on stage, for example, then suddenly since it’s not at all the way you prepared for something during rehearsals, but thanks to all that preparatory base, you then have
1:10 am
the opportunity to improvise, this is my theory, you don’t have to agree with it, i also call it intuition, that’s the stage. then, when you have this piggy bank, that is, this feeds intuition, and then the courage of improvisation, and as for direct experiments, yes, well, i had such cases when the computer composer neural network, and we did such a premiere, well, yes , i then we performed several times in sochi at the festival in moscow. then light music, that’s in general, i ’ve never heard anything about it, i haven’t seen it, i didn’t know, well , there was a premiere of this work at a festival in yaroslavl, what is it, i’m not a professional, again in this, but every
1:11 am
color has.. .


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