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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 16, 2024 2:00am-2:46am MSK

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among my friends, i know, who just walk around with these push-button phones, let’s do this, i’m now in this block with fraud, confrontation, i will fix for our audience three main rules from academician of the russian academy of sciences, gorigi nashotvich tasunyan. so, first, do not enter into any negotiations at all, as soon as they seem suspicious to you , do not rely on yourself, on your knowledge, experience, simply. stop, and
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stop communicating, because one way or another, you are giving a reason to get hooked, to become again victim of some sociological schemes, some other manipulation, just stop talking. thank you, leave your information and i will call you back. rule number two: if it seems like a quick, some kind of immediate benefit to you, this is especially true for our young audience, when they offer you 5-10 thousand for opening a card and handing it over. nothing more, remember that in addition to the fact that you become participants in a scheme to deceive people, because the card will not be used just like that, no one gives money just like that, you you automatically become an accomplice in much more serious crimes, even criminally punishable, even with heavy sentences for example, if some transactions were carried out with this card in favor of prohibited organizations, you become simple.
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commands from the scammers and you realized that you did something wrong, succumbed to the tricks, you performed some immediately call the bank, you should have, like ambulance services, like gas services, police and ambulance, you must have digital coordinates. that is, phones your banks, whose cards you have open, and you must immediately call these numbers, tell the situation to the real security service and real bank employees, and then, together with them , take the necessary actions that they advise you. by the way, i wanted to say that this system of involving students, well , students, young people, even the professional term “droppers” has appeared.
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i heard your opinion that the 16% rate is not only bad, but also good, why is this fine? no, i usually focus more on the fact that this is unacceptable, double-digit interest rates, not only on deposits, on loans, especially the refinancing rate - this is generally a terrible thing, this is a necessary measure, we know that the consolidated forecast of entrepreneurs is 5 %, 5% measure, this is possible.
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no, this is not higher than the official inflation rate of 7-8%, no, no, 14%, after all, the past, you know, the fact is that there is still consumer inflation.
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well, let's talk a few words on this topic, because it was very relevant in the summer, especially right now, there was such a thing as young people talking about the hype around the topic of the digital ruble, despite the fact that the central bank says that it is only testing the platform, a number of banks have announced that they are taking part in this certification, 30 banks in this year they will be involved in this experiment, but the digital ruble is still not from this series, these banks do not need a digital ruble, why if.
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the traffic is transparent, you can track children there using a locator, this all gives certain pleasant opportunities and provides us with comfort, but at the same time you understand that it’s good when you can
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watch your child’s traffic, but on the other hand, when they watch you as a child and know all your traffic, it’s also not the same now, here we are touched by you. yes, yes, therefore, but the digital ruble has another meaning, who should be afraid more than the digital ruble, if at all, users, that every step is being watched, or banks, that in general the banking institution will die out, as you said, that means neither neither one nor the other has any basis yet serious basis, because through the digital ruble, firstly, the digital ruble is the third form of currency, which.
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you can, if you keep your money in a digital ruble, then all your payments in a digital ruble will be made through the central bank, costs, about costs, i’ll tell you now, this is also a double-edged spider, because today it is declared that there will be no payments for settlements, but this is today, if the central bank monopolizes all this, where is the guarantee that tomorrow it will not say that’s it, well, the association of russian banks is monitoring. and well what do you know, is watching, our surveillance is not enough of this, so here it certainly brings new questions, new risks, new problems, but the positive thing is that, in principle, the same budget payments,
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if they go through the digital ruble, of course it’s better , because the anti -corruption factor can be strengthened so that it can be seen where.
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not just a participant, one of, well, let’s say, the most experienced specialists in banking and banking law, is at the head of the association of russian banks, but also an academician of the russian academy of sciences such a sound, logical position at the head of the organization, which monitors the very balance so that there are no distortions in either direction, well, further development in any case should keep pace with... progress, but do not forget not only the possibilities , but also the risks that lie behind
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it and keep your ears open, and your brains sane and sober in memory. thank you very much, gorigi nashototovich, for coming, for telling us in detail, this podcast is easy money, and today we spoke together with the president of the association of russian banks garigin tusunyan about what new and old types of fraud are present on the market, how... banks are fighting it and how we can resist scammers and ordinary citizens. hello, this is a podcast of witnesses from einstein and its leading film historians, natalia ryabshchikova and stanislav didinsky. our podcast is about who and how created the classic, beloved ones. little-known, forgotten soviet films, and today we will talk about the sixtieth anniversary
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of probably one of the most beloved soviet films, the film “i walk through moscow.” and today our guest is the actor who played one of the main roles in this film, evgeniy steblov. hello, hello, hello, evgeniyvich, we will try to tell you what we know, ask you about what we don’t know, for example, we know that... the story that was later told in i’m walking around moscow began in head of gennady shpalikov, long before that, and was told in the initial application, which was called buddies, about two guys, schoolchildren, who meet in the morning queue for beer, but to find this stall with beer, one of them had to play detective, because he started from...
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on the screen there appears that film that we all know by heart today, but how it was created, probably, this is still not a question for us, yes to you, yes, as far as i... i know that gen was still a student, according to his script, khutsiev was filming the ilch outpost, or we are 20 years old, so one day he went to drink beer, so you say correctly, beer drink there, in egypt it is located next to vdnkh, on the territory of vdnkh, there was some kind of beer
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establishment, and there he saw this one the scene that later... how the sketch entered the picture, when it began to rain, the weather was sunny and a young man, uh, was walking in front - a girl, he was riding behind her on a bicycle and was carrying an umbrella over her, this is what i know, that he wrote down this scene , this is where this began, this is the root of this mood, which led him to the scenario, i’m walking around moscow. and by the way, maybe we can watch just this fragment now, because you appear here... in the fragment too, well, let’s clear it up, friend, no, there’s his bride, and where’s the groom, no i know, sasha, sasha,
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he bought a suit, and his hairstyle suits him like that, a typical criminal.
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there was such a thing now, it’s called a casting director on averbakh, so she showed us to georgy nikolaevich and he ordered that vitya meant to do a photo test for him, but he said don’t need me, well , as llekaronna overbach told us, she stuttered very much, and we on her in the picture
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the name was nikita lika zaika, so she then said that well, you you you. you looked so, so pitifully that i decided to do a photo test for you too, so they did this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a star ticket, it’s really wonderful, this photo, in the suit of the groom, then georgy nikolaevich said where he is, let’s give him here, and they began to take me, which means i had two photos, two screen tests , and the artist... who was planned for this role, he had already been approved, and then he had to be refused, and she medically said that i’m a woman, i can’t call you, georgiy nikolaevich, georgiy nikolaevich called him, and he says, so sent us to hell he says, and he never hesitated, maybe
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we cured him, this is how georgy nikolaevich’s chapter ends, this is exactly the topic of this situation. can we now reveal this secret, who was this actor? but i don’t know, because for me it’s a secret, but i asked georgi nikolaevich, he told me: “why do you need to know this, maybe he still has you, it means he has a negative attitude towards you, that you crossed his path ? in the documents there are also no assumptions about this at all, it turns out yes, it turns out you have already been auditioned for the role of the groom. right away, they tried me for this role, but you say that the students really wanted to act, but we were reading the documents. we often see that it’s not very easy to always let them go, that you need to write to the film crew, they just banned them altogether, of course, but you knew that they would ban you anyway. well , it wasn’t like they would ban it, how they could ban it, just at the mkhat studios school, they just expelled them right away, at the shchukin school they didn’t
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expel them right away, but in general it was somehow not encouraged at all, well, mikhalkov was banned, as far as i remember , yes, yes no, they didn’t forbid him anything, it’s just that boris evgenievich, zakhava, the people’s artist, who played kutuzov in war and peace, i ’m explaining this to the audience, he’s just doing it to him. he said, go ahead, either study or act, well, in general, somehow choose one of the two, well , then nikita went to the facility at the directing department, and an outstanding film director was born, whom we have the honor of knowing, we are with him, to be honest , we don’t see each other so often, but we, of course, are people of the same destiny, and we are so connected by destinies, precisely because in the nineties i went to... to perform in rybensk, well, as is usually the case with this creative evening, i performed there for 3 hours in the city theater, which means i answered
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questions, and then they showed me the city , everything there, in particular they me, there is a very good local history museum, they took me to the local history museum and showed me photographs there, in particular i remembered photographs of the visit... of the grand duke to the city of rybensk, here the grand duke is standing, and two people in uniforms, which means sergei vladimovich mikhalkov, who was the leader of the nobility in rybensk, and pavel pavlovich steblov, who headed the city duma, he was the director of two gymnasiums, this is your relative, well, yes, my great-grandfather, well, that means they also knew each other, you really have something like this, almost like... cosmic friendship with nikita kholkov, but on the screen that’s why it looks so natural, so lively, this is such a youthful friendship, it’s all very realistic, some kind of image of moscow, which
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now seems completely real to us, but again we know from memories, yes, that it’s like if filming even needed to wash the house, in order to create such an image of bright moscow, clean moscow, i don’t know, it’s unlikely that the city that we see on the screen from... it wasn’t created there, and this model of the pavilion. full-scale, yes, but from standard blocks, that is, actually in the factory that makes these cafes, they bought blocks for the motsfilm, made a cafe, filmed the scene, left, then, since they were filming very
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quickly, the workers could not free themselves and disassemble this when we arrived and began to dismantle the decorations, the residents of the neighboring houses began to say: why are you look, we just had a cafe built, we want this cafe for catering in our area, i can’t answer this question exactly, but... there was a cafe and it didn’t seem to me that it had just been built, when the film came out, i was walking around in moscow, they write that many people
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compared it with the film by marlen khutsyev, ilyach outpost, or i am 20 years old, they very often say that this film, ilyach outpost became in many ways an event for that generation of your generation, which you all discussed, said , how revolutionary this is in terms of the shooting method.
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some kind of influence, well, firstly, vadim ivanovich yusov, the cameraman, if we talk about visual influence, this is such a block and such a multi-faceted block, i would say, and i would not immediately compare it with pelikhina, with all due respect to her, but unites this is that this is shpalikov’s script, otherwise, accordingly, there is shpalikov’s intonation in the grain, yeah. but this intonation, it is still turned into film classics with the soul and with the knowledge of georgy nikolaevich daneli, the director who saw it, transposed it, the same andrei petrov, the composer, in general you know, georgy nikolaevich once, not long before he passed away, he gave me a book, he wrote wonderfully, he
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published several books, so... i remember some interview with him, he said that he wrote all his films i could have filmed it one more time, except i’m walking around moscow, and i understand why, because i ’m walking around moscow, it was the mood, it seemed like nothing, but just like that, and most importantly, i remember, nikolaevich, what you can’t ask , it was that i was a sophomore then, i switched to the second year, i had experience before that, i starred in an episode in the film...
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in the document in the script, they give it to the director and go on to a new project, so how did he influence the film itself? well, he didn’t influence in any way, so consciously, but the fact is that he was married to my classmate innye igulayu, then they separated, the kingdom of heaven has no genes
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. not a single one is alive anymore, so there was some kind of connection, she was very close friends with valeya, malyavina, also my classmate, you see, this is one circle of people, one time, that’s what you can analyze and correctly, if this is what you're talking about, this time, time, certain intonations, i mean intonations, not in the literal sense, not musical intonations, but such...
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daneli that shpalikov was supposed to hand in the text, but disappeared, and the shooting came when the footage was being filmed on mayakovsky square, pick-up so, yes, romantic, the night ones are already evening, no, no, not getting up, no, of course, i’m more inclined, i know, that’s what georgy nikolaevich said, and it’s true, and these weren’t night ones, they were filmed during the day, and it was a planned shoot. therefore, they put him in a restaurant in minsk, ordered him lunch, and danelif
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at that time we were on the roof of this house, filming some non-fiction footage from there, how the cars were going there, and this, the fact is that... that shpalikov was such a person of mood , so maybe he wasn’t very obligatory in some ways, so they told him that nikolayevich told him that until you write, you will sit here, well, so he wrote the first line there, went out , shouted up there, and they said: okay, continue, well, and so they shouted at each other , so he wrote this poetry. shpalikov had others, but they did not fit this size musical, there were poems, i walk around moscow, as they walk on a plank, what is a square from right to left, too, a square, pushkin once lived here, pushkin was friends with svyazimsky, grieved, lay
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in bed, said that he had a cold, and so on, but they didn’t fit this size, so i had to make it up, well, you see ? how all this supposedly consists of accidents, but in fact it is god’s providence, i believe, just if we talk about god’s providence of chance, the film has a unique scene with vladimir basov, that is, it was filmed everything was fast, everything was filmed very clearly, but at some moments, again the editors said, you don’t have enough positive older generation, you need to come up with something, you need to introduce this older generation altogether, in the script the hero of the elbow should have gone to the writer, he came to moscow. we have this scene, let's see it, and you heard, if you can not write, don't write, i don't have to write it, what didn't you like, you like girls, and literature is an art, what is the story about,
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well , in general about good people, little, writer must penetrate deeply into life, what is your profession, is he an installer, an installer, someone?
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this character is a tenter, he expresses all these complaints that the editors expressed, in a somewhat parodic way, only, well, i remember that basov was filming his picture at that time, he didn’t even shoot it anymore, but voiced it, in the studio, this is in the old tone studio on a mass film, georgy nikolayevich invited him to star in this fragment, in this episode, this is where his acting began...
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some episodic roles, everyone offered bass and bulls, this is in demand, everything to them, they in general could make good money, and the bulls also appear again. and this was inna churikova and inna, no, she was drawing a horse in the park, you know, inna, i know her from the studio at stanislavsky’s studio, she was also a studio member of this studio, just like nikita, so she always stood out, no one knew her yet , she is still unknown, she always stood out , this girl, she was always talked about as very talented... she had such a reputation, one might say,
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they invited her, she was a student at shchepkinsky, in my opinion, shchepkinsky, and the school, she played this episode, yes, these scenes were already filmed in the pavilion, that is , it was assumed that the film would be shot in the summer of sixty-three, as much as possible everything was in real life, but still they climbed onto autumn, autumn is beginning, they are already moving it little by little, little by little to... no, it’s supposed to be gorky park there, but it’s already cold, because the scenes
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are in the evening and that’s why they’re moving it to the pavilion, no, so this is not a reason for film production at all, because it’s cold, this is generally just a film review or a film critic can you come up with something like this, and the actors are all freezing, yes, but look, the final scene in the subway was always not in the script either, it wasn’t, and there are different versions, in fact, how should it end, where should they be?
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you can say that after this film you woke up famous, that they began to recognize you on the streets, some kind of recognition came to the profession, no, no, firstly, when the picture, when it began to be shown in art houses, in this circle, in circle of filmmakers and cultural figures in general. of course i was already famous among the students my classmates there, but such a wide audience, it was still there, it had not yet been released, it was later released, and at the time it was released, i was already starring in the film goodbye boys, mikhala kalika was a scientist and was on a film expedition, so i didn’t notice this, then somehow, when i came to moscow, i became for...
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the ussr, so that he would let me go with a request, he greeted me very kindly, in general , he kindly let me go. but what about mikhail kalik and goodbye boys, expedition, well, besides i already had to go on academic leave, but somehow they treated me favorably. teachers, boris evgenievich himself can see that i was later reinstated in
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my course, i didn’t lose a year, but i understood that, i understood that many were jealous of me, and i tried to behave somehow delicately in relation to my comrades, yes and in general i’m such a non-boastful person by nature, i just remember that many began to behave very complimentarily towards me, and i understood that in this complimentary... there may be some kind of flattery there is a calculation something like that, that i became aware of what’s happening to me, as if it were demonstrating you. some kind of closeness, this is what i understood, and i somehow differentiated, i still tried to discern the true attitude towards myself, but this is also natural, natural, because we pulled out a lottery ticket, well, something really i was so lucky that i not only got into the cinema, into my own cinema, the film
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is now turning 60 years old, well, if you read the moment of the premiere, 1964, and a logical question. of course yes, the previous generation of viewers they know him by heart, especially this famous phrase: my favorite scene is when mikhalkov’s hero is walking down the street, they meet some group of repairmen who are hammering the asphalt and asking what are you looking for here, and they tell him, they need more than everyone else, get out of here, they’re digging this, and if they’re digging, it means it’s necessary, as if you don’t need to know this, this young, persistent generation is asking questions , asking, today, yes, when is the new one... viewers who are watching this film for the first time, why do they need this movie watch what they for the time being, when we give lectures to students at film universities, a logical question arises, why do we need to watch this old black and white movie? the students say, why should we bother, we’d better go watch it, download something from the internet, watch some... some
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series and so on, what it can give us is a film. i’m walking around moscow today, and i think that this old black and white movie will always be there at all times... so i’m walking around moscow, because it’s really a miracle, then that god brings us all together, all authors of this film, yes, of all the participants and co-authors, so to speak, and something happened by the will of georgy nikolaevich, of course, by his will, he made the final decision in each individual case, you know, a lot of people imitate it, a lot of things have appeared.
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was it enough or i don’t remember, we started singing this song first, and i did, and we learned it, i remember in the shchukin school in the audience they learned that everything is good in the world, then, when i heard how the pop artists began to sing, for me it was a knife to the heart, because it so, could you become its first performer? i didn’t strive for this at all, i ’m a theater artist, i’ve worked in cinema all my life, but mostly work in the theater, i ’ve worked in the theater all my life, that’s why we have a non-benevolent relationship with the stage, on the contrary, on the contrary, it’s kind of
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friendly- condescending, the miracle is that they were filming, they seemed to do it somehow naturally just like that, suddenly it... grows, for example, a miracle, one of the miracles is also that president nixon came on a visit to the ussr, and walked, walked honorably guard, his we met there, at the airport, and they walked to our song, there was a march in the marching version, everything is good in the world, you won’t understand what’s going on right away, it was... surprise and this is no longer just a social sound, but this is already global sound, oddly enough, this intonation of our film, completely unnecessary, as if on the one hand, from the point of view of raw reality, on the other hand, such a piercing time, i would
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say, you know, we’ve now been talking about this topic for several once again...


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