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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 16, 2024 4:20am-4:58am MSK

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creation of a modern fleet. last year , our shipbuilders laid down container ships and bulk carriers, 2.08, a type that can operate in the caspian sea, since, well, the caspian sea, it is quite shallow, and at the same time they can transport both liquid and bulk cargo, oil cargo. and it is very important that the ship modernization program be continued. work is currently underway to equip the container terminal. in the port of alya within the framework of the work and activities of the special economic port zone. one more part large-scale project - construction and repair of roads and numerous bridges. to increase their capacity, work is currently underway on the eastern bypass of astrakhan and construction of the northern bypass is planned. particular attention to the quality of the road surface. one of the most painful problems of the regional center is being solved step by step. relocation from dilapidated housing. but the construction of new apartment buildings is hampered by the deterioration of public utilities. networks,
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they are being repaired, but this cannot be done without federal assistance. i earnestly ask you, vladimir vladimirovich, to instruct the government of the russian federation to work on the issue of creating a special targeted investment program with the allocation of funds from the federal budget, which will be aimed at modernizing the fixed assets of the housing and communal services complex of the region. the depreciation of networks is 92%, of course, this is very high, it can be a limiting factor. in any case, your letter, here it is in front of me, i read it. met and, uh, already issued an order to the government, or rather even to deputy prime minister khusnulinavich, who is leading this topic. the support of agricultural producers takes production to a new level, in the new complex for cows, fans and soft beds to rest after lunch, milked by robots on a special carousel. the operator monitors the process via a computer. the volume of milk that was received here 20 years ago per year is now produced in 6 days. this is the case when every invested ruble pays off many times over. not only from the federal
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budget, we receive from the regional budget, for equipment, we also receive colossal funds, we receive 50% of direct costs for the construction of irrigation, this is also colossal support, colossal help. the president and governor of the volgograd region spoke about projects that should bring money to the budget, quality products and jobs with stable income via video conference. you have a lot of investment projects, i just see. they are so different from different industries, this, of course, creates confidence in the development of the region’s economy in the medium term, even in the longer term perspective, because these are jobs and economic development in the broadest sense of the word, increasing various competencies and so on, well, i looked, after all , the share of emergency housing remains quite high, here we are in full...
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according to bocherova to improve the birth rate situation, additional support measures are now being developed for future parents. another topic of conversation with the president was assistance to svo participants and members of their families, including with employment. attention, how to hold the machine correctly, why is a hunting rifle any different than the equipment on base is different from what it should be in combat? the senior instructor of the flight sports club, young hawk, with the call sign aquarius, does not teach from textbooks and instructions. the most important thing is
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to create interest, so that there is understanding, so that there is a desire to further assimilate something. next to the club where aquarius now works, they promise that construction of a rehabilitation and recovery center for combatants will begin soon, similar, but to help those who have suffered shell shock, they plan to create it in the astrakhan region, igor babushkin told the president about this. proposed at the federal level to provide wounded combatants with cars or social taxis. already this fall, during the voting in the gubernatorial elections, residents of the regions will evaluate what has been done. andrei bochirov and igor babushkin asked the president to support their decision to run for a new term. our task is truly large-scale and ambitious. what lies ahead is very difficult and tense. job. naturally. it is necessary to mobilize
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the power of funds to fulfill the tasks facing us, i ask you to support my decision to nominate the governor of the volgorod region in 2024. yes, andrey ivanovich. the work is really big, a lot has been done, but you have everything on hand, as they say, and i certainly wish you good luck. dear vladimir vladimirovich, 5 years ago you instructed me to lead the astrakhan region, residents voted for me in the elections, we managed to resolve some of the issues, the rest are in the works today, we see the tasks, we see ways of solution, so i ask you, vladimir vladimirovich, to support my nomination for a new term, i really hope that... everything works out for you, well, everything probably never works out, but the main tasks are being solved and are being solved quite satisfactorily, i wish you success, but of course you need to reach out to people during the preliminary election
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campaign before voting on the relevant candidates, you need to get their assessments of their instructions, their opinion on what needs to be done for the development of astrakhan , the astrakhan region in the near future. i i wish you success. elena pich, oleg statun, anna zayakina, marina eliseeva, kirill loginov, ekaterina koryaka, channel one. moscow and minsk are strengthening integration, despite increasing sanctions pressure. mikhail mishustin stated this during negotiations with his belarusian colleague roman golovchenko. trade turnover set another record; the volume of transportation more than doubled. there are also plans to open new joint ventures. production, especially in high-tech areas. anna kurbatova for more details. good afternoon friends. second chapter meeting in a year governments of russia and belarus. the last time mikhail mishustin and roman golovchenko met at the end of january in st. petersburg, at a meeting of the supreme
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state council of the union state. well, now it’s moscow. on the agenda are trade and economic cooperation and the implementation of major projects in a variety of areas. well, this meeting took place almost immediately after the meeting of the presidents of the two countries, at the end of last week, putin and aleksandrevich lukashenko held detailed negotiations in moscow, important agreements were reached on the further development of russian-belarusian cooperation, on deepening integration in the union state. we have been given instructions appropriate to solve them already at the government level. the agenda of our cooperation is as busy as ever. and multifaceted, one can judge the scale of joint initiatives at least by the impressive thickness of folders on the negotiating table, both among the prime ministers themselves and members of the delegation, here is just one of the projects - russia and belarus will build a new twin-engine light multi-purpose aircraft, asvey, which can carry up to 19 passengers and operate flights
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even in difficult weather conditions, a corresponding agreement was signed today. it’s a large territory; of course, we need the most modern aircraft of different classes and types. russia and belarus are actually investing in this project on a parity basis and, accordingly, will also be joint owners of the product that will be created during the implementation of this important project. this is the flight of the first belarusian woman cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya to the iss launch from the cosmodrome oriental. belarusian builders took part in the construction of the facilities at this launch site, these achievements symbolize such, i would say , an unprecedented level of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of high technologies,
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science, and also about high technologies; at the end of last year, the second unit of the belarusian nuclear power plant was put into operation , which was built by russian specialists, the largest energy project of the union.
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but last year, in particular, transit traffic more than doubled compared to the twenty-second year to 20 million tons. well, today a decision was made that we were heading towards without much effort.
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enlightener, creator, creator. dmitry kochitkov will confirm. the figurine, the author of which was sculptor georgy frangulyan, was called a television dinosaur. this is a symbol that conveys the image of the television legend, anatoly.
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nominally, on the square where the big one is located, there is immediately a theater that pretended to be a small one, and there was a theater created by natalya sats, which was called the central children's theater, since ninety- two it has been called ramt, this is bolshoi theater, created by alexey vladimerovich barodin, i am happy and it is an incredible honor to receive the award.
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another laureate in the nomination for personal contribution , composer alexandra pakhmutova , was not able to come to the ceremony, but a song written to her music was played in the hall: you are mine... it is no coincidence that the award was awarded in mid- april, the day before was the birthday of anatoly lysenko, metro of domestic television , creator of the legendary look, author of more than 50 documentaries and the first general director of vgtrk. lysenko discovered many tv stars, raised a galaxy.
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it’s an honor to receive this prize, to receive such wonderful people in such a row, in general you don’t even have to give a prize, just so to speak, to be in such a row and that’s enough, in the nomination for philanthropy there is only one winner, businessman mikhail kusnirovich, he was not able to receive the statue personally , it is planned that the enlightener, creator and creator prize will be awarded annually for talent, innovation, loyalty to the profession, determination, to everyone.
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nervous, after saturday's attack on a local shopping center, a knife-wielding gunman killed six human. an hour ago, the israeli general staff announced that they were searching for a response to the iranian strike, during which on sunday night
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at least nine ballistic missiles overcame israeli air defense and reached their target. the consequences were discussed by the un security council, where the crisis was turned in a way favorable to the west . giorgi alisashvili will confirm. israel's starting position before the start. emergency meeting of the security council included a call for immediate new sanctions against tehran for attacks on the jewish state, while its own attack on the iranian consulate in damascus and israeli politicians and diplomats were not mentioned. strangely, the un secretary general who spoke at the meeting did not say anything about this. the
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un charter prohibits use against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state. after the attack on his consulate, he stated that he was ready to refuse a military response if the security council condemned the aggression of the jewish state. russia proposed a draft statement, standard in such cases, criticizing the attack on the diplomatic mission. consolidated the council's position would obviously have stopped further escalation, but what did we hear then? delegations that not everything is so obvious to them, and that they still need to weigh whether such a signal from the council will help stabilize the situation in the region? the united states of great britain and france then essentially refused to confirm that the basic principles of international law on the inviolability
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of diplomatic and consular facilities, as enshrined in the relevant vienna convention. the united kingdom unequivocally condemns iran's reckless attack on israel, which threatened the lives of thousands of civilians, threatened, but there were no casualties, despite the fact that... not to mention the fact that the attack on the consulate from the point of view of international law is an act of war, today such a parade of hypocrisy is unfolding in the ssc and double standards, which are somehow even
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inconvenient to observe, if western missions were under attack, you would not hesitate but... take retaliatory measures and prove in this room that you are right, because for you everything that concerns western representatives of western citizens, sacred and must be protected, when it comes to other states, their rights, including the right of self-defense of their citizens, this is different, as you like to say, nebendi’s words were immediately confirmed by the british foreign secretary: what about iran’s indignation over the that their part of the sovereign territory was razed to the ground? well, here i would argue and say that this is completely different when compared to what israel did in damascus. iran launched 300 weapons at israel, for the first time, 101 ballistic missile, 36 cruise and 185 drones. this is completely different. what would
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great britain do if someone razed one of our embassies to the ground? we would respond very harshly. usa. tried to fit the complex puzzle of middle eastern conflicts into a primitive plot about the confrontation between a good guy and the bad guys, simplifying everything to the extreme. the security council must urgently and unequivocally condemn iran's aggressive actions. the united states also supports israel's inherent right to self-defense in the face of this attack. israeli permanent representative demanded recognition islamic revolutionary guard corps, the military-political support of the iranian authorities , is a terrorist organization. and themselves. the islamic regime of iran today is no different from the third reich, ayatallah minii is no different from adolf hitler. the call for new sanctions against iran is being actively discussed in the european union, the problem is that, firstly, tehran has been living under hundreds of restrictive measures for a long time, and secondly, the united states
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has been moving in the opposite direction for the past year, weakening the sanctions stranglehold. biden administration extends action a decision to partially lift sanctions, allowing the iranian regime to instantly receive $10 billion from its frozen accounts in iraq. the american press wrote that at the same time iran... gave the go-ahead to supply an unlimited amount of oil to china, it is clear that it was not because of a good life that the white house resorted to the help of strategic opponents in order to maintain prices for black gold in the election year. this is probably why washington is now so diligently showing a rare love of peace. we don't want a bigger one war, we don't want further escalation, and we definitely don't want conflict with iran. but us ally israel has already called tehran’s attack a de facto declaration of war. the magazine writes that the jewish state cannot cope without western help, so washington can simply be presented with a fait accompli. iran has begun a new stage, it has stopped hiding behind regional
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allies and is now attacking itself. israel can no longer simply sit quietly and intercept everything, said nadav polok, a former israeli government analyst. systems anti-aircraft and patriotic missiles, which are used against ballistic missiles, are too expensive, and their quantity is very limited. the question is precisely the number of swarms and... it is possible, by the way, that the real purpose of the attack on the jewish state was not to cause damage, but to investigate the principles of israeli air defense, especially since, as cnn claims, a week before the attack, iran warned about her turkey. what does this look like for you? iran has contacted turkey and advised of its options. which he is considering. it is known that turkey is our ally. the turks could pick up the phone and call washington. was this done on purpose? i think yes. the iranians sent a clear signal to america through turkey.
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signals from tehran continue to arrive. our advice to all israel's allies. assess the proportionality of iran's responsible actions, and warn israel that its further malicious actions will have incalculable consequences for it. however, the american media report that... despite all the warnings, a retaliatory strike from the jewish state could be struck in the next 24 hours. georgiy alisashvili, pavel nesterov, dalya serazheddinova, channel one usa. the trial of donald trump has begun in new york. he is accused of forging documents in an attempt to hide incriminating evidence. we are talking about the affairs of the election campaign before last. according to investigators, in 1616, trump’s lawyer allegedly paid $130,000 to a porn actress to keep her silent about her affair. with the future head of state, and trump, again, allegedly returned the money to the lawyer using fake papers, registering the payment as legal costs. this is just one of the points the charges, 34 in total, carry a maximum sentence of
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136 years. trump himself claims to be the victim of a witch hunt, and political opponents are trying to prevent him from becoming president for a second time. they didn’t stand up for the price, creating a serious precedent. this is the first time in state history that a former head of state has been tried in a criminal case. would like to withdraw the document as pro-russian: our law on agents has been in force for 12 years, for example, in the states 86, and what is more significant, the georgian initiative was copied precisely from
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american norms, they themselves pointed this out the authors a year ago, when the first attempt at discussion in parliament resulted in riots, and the united states and the european union criticized georgia’s understandable and sensible desire to restore order to foreign influence in politics. history of the theater contemporary within the framework of the planet volchek project, on his birthday he opened his own museum in moscow, photographs, posters, protocols, artistic councils and discussions of performances, filming of rehearsals and premieres, everything that lives on the famous stage venue, from its creation in 1956 to the present day day, you can take some exhibits with you as a souvenir, alexander lyakin visited there, an excellent quote that i... it’s directly about our theater , let’s make a fuss so that we are not forgotten, it’s not often that you see a museum where exhibits can not only be touched, but carried with you
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take a piece of history with you along with a copy of the old poster. of the great theater, which never clung to the old, this was the case under efremov and volchek. here you go, the phrase her theater is endowed with two distinct functions, to create and to destroy, but to create is new, progressive, where the future belongs, and destroying what has become moldy, so we are about the new, about creating, so young people are the first people in our theater. young faces look at us from the photograph; they were very young when they created this theater, galina volchik, igor kvasha, oleg tabakov, evgenia.
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almost all of them have never been published; you just need to come to the performance a little early in order to have time to go to the contemporary museum, which opened today on the theater’s birthday. i made this exhibition so that, in fact, it is ready to be perceived without a guide. it is happiness that the history of the theater, which is stored in its archives, will now be available not only to the theater workers, not only to those who study its history, but also... to genuine people who are important for our time, our audience, the theater that was the first to talk to the audience about their problems, and no matter what era the play is in, it is always about the present and the contemporary. my relationship with the theater began in the tenth year, when we did the upcoming, now this there is no longer a performance, but there is a performance with marina niyolova, this theater is a legend, because it, it seemed to have outlined a completely new path,
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what is soviet theater, what is it? russian theater is a theater about what worries us today, excites us, entertains us, theater is a story about love, how to find it, how to believe in it, and so that it changes your life for the better, after the performances of a contemporary, believe in love , that man was created for happiness, they always remembered that acting is the main thing, and the audience forgot that before they are played because the actors did not act, they lived their roles. let me tell you the truth, your majesty, well, speak, let me tell you directly, rudely, old man, you are a great man, sir, forgive me my unbridledness, but you, your majesty, are a giant, a saint, watching all the luminaries of this theater, i was always surprised their excitement, their excitement before leaving the stage, because
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it would seem, after all...
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today the first pleasure boats and trams came out, those who wanted to admire the northern capital from the water were not scared away cold, no rain, no lead clouds that the scandinavian cyclone brought, this night, besides, bridges will begin to be raised again, tourists’ favorite bright show until about november, our viewers can enjoy the views of st. petersburg without leaving home, right now, taxi under under cover they filmed right there, in one of the most beautiful...
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that there was no house when the sobs were cut, i’ll get you anyway, i’ll cut you, what did he say, darling, what did he say, say, say, bitch!
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alexey, we won’t answer everything because of your parents and your name.
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vyacheslav mikhailovich, you have good fingers, hit the base, i urgently need results, yes. purchase and sale agreement for vladimir eldarovich enusav, open insurance, unlimited number of drivers, does that mean he also drove by proxy? yes, the owner is in the leningrad region, another car bought by proxy,
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of course we will find the owners and even find them, but this will give absolutely nothing, and yunus is the scum who was taken or the one who left, who was taken, who drove them away , it’s like a half-box for us, so that’s it, let's get down to business, now we know for sure that one of the members lives here. there are also all sorts of guest workers, there are a lot of them, i’m the only one, can you remember them all, that you won’t recognize anyone at all, to be honest, no, you know that you go to our local store and contact zinka, she definitely knows everyone, is a pensioner a guest worker or some kind of bandit,
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he wants to eat everyone, right, i know this, he often stops by, where he lives, you know, no, where he’s from, although you know, you’re at your grandfather’s... and what else can you tell about your neighbor? what can i tell you about him? bandit, he is a bandit, why did they decide that he is a bandit? who else? his friends constantly
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came to him, parties, drinking, vodka flowing, he bought the most expensive vodka in the store, disdained the cheap one, and they also constantly brought girls here, some wonders, well, what prostitutes, of course. like these, red-haired blondes, dark-haired ones, one was generally strange, her hands were all covered in tattoos, like those of thieves, honestly, do you remember what kind of cars they came in? yes, in different ones, some in what, some in a taxi, and one came here in a black jeep, but he was here just now, i mean just now, yes , 10 minutes before you, 10, i don’t understand anything, we immediately blocked both entrances to the village, they check everyone there, they have photographs, they don’t see any black jeeps, and there’s a railway there , they wouldn’t have gotten through there, but if here... yes, there’s a squad there, but through the forest
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they could, they could, if on foot, but then they would have abandoned the jeep here, you figure, let’s still check the railway, come on. it’s them, who else would ruin their car here? but they had no other choice, they jumped 2 minutes across the field and there they were already we left the highway, that is, while we are running around here like a chicken with its heads cut off, they drove into the village, did their business, drove back, all this is under our noses, why did they take such a risk, making their way through the cordoned off? village just to get into the house.


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