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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 16, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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help, please, help, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, everything is fine, what happened, he, he me, well, shall we write a statement? what do you think, he robbed and beat me, threatened to kill me, and if i had not escaped, he might have killed me. okay, sit down, i'll be right there. well
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, you give me a taxi driver, even on the way home you manage to find adventures on your own, you know this girl, of course, she is especially famous in our area, over the past six months she has already been caught twice during raids on prostitutes, this is not the first time attacks over the last month, all according to the same pattern, a guy drives up in a taxi, a girl sits down next to him, he robs her and throws her out, but there’s just something about...
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“come on, let’s go, well, let’s keep quiet, i refuse the dacha testimony, yunus, do you even understand what you are facing for attempting to kill a policeman, besides what you and mishanya did, i refuse to testify, who was in the car with you, i refuse to testify, i think that in a gang you held the position of a shooter, if..." so, and this is so, you will get a life sentence, but if you cooperate with the investigation, there may be options, i refuse to testify, well, to hell with you, write a refusal in writing. what to write? i am such and such, such and such,
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last name, patronymic name, refuse, give evidence. in all the recordings from cctv cameras, you are wearing a mask, but distinguishing you from others is easy. i'm sorry, what? and you ’re holding the valyn with your left hand, just like you’re holding a pen now. i refuse to testify. also ask for a lawyer. come on, go do your business, i have to go. lyoshka, hello, how are you? yesterday again arrived late at night. “don’t think so, i
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just woke up at night to drink some water, looked out the window, your car was gone, but i also looked at my watch and gasped, because it was already two o’clock, i even thought if something had happened to lyoshka, what?” i’m stuck at work, aunt tanya, am i stuck at work or in my personal life? oh, lyoshka, lovelace, you turned up with us, i see, and a girl from work is staying with you for the night, and olechka is coming to spend the night, what tanya, let’s not interfere in my personal life, it’s me, i’m interfering, but i just woke up at night , let's go get some water, i i realized, maybe you’d better move in with me, otherwise maybe you’ll miss something interesting, thank you, i thanked you for all my help, i opened my eyes, it’s not for nothing that people say, don’t do good, you won’t get evil, now look for someone else who will be your everything feed him, give him pills to walk him at night, while you hang around
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with god knows who. you pulled my tongue, what should i do with you now, eat with me, okay.
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vyacheslav mikhailovich, what son, what? no, nothing has changed. didn't i notice how
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i passed out? would you like to have breakfast? i sat all the time the night before intensive care, they’re not allowed inside, so you catch everyone. doctor or nurse, and what do they say? the condition is serious, but stable, i mean, it’s good that it’s stable, why? now she just has to get better, they say that when she regains consciousness, something will become clear, yeah. let's hope, yes, let's hope, but according to yunusov, that we managed to find out something? vladimir yanusov was born in surgut. maybe you can tell me,
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there’s something i didn’t get right with my tongue. vladimir yanusov, a native of surgut, okrug, served under peter after. the army stayed to live here in surgut, no relatives, mother died several years ago, no criminal record, only run-in with the law two years ago, was a suspect in a rape case, but the victim withdrew the statement, and yunusov was released, so far, as you can see, nothing densely, yunusov himself refuses to talk, it’s clear that if you need any help, you can count on me. we agreed, listen, alexey, i have a personal question, i have a personal question,
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i’ll go and get some compote. you can't. seriously, between us already there’s nothing, i’ll run on tuesday, this clown has already got me, yesterday, for example, he scared a pensioner half to death in the literal sense of the word in the park, jumping out at her,
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unexpectedly, right from the bushes. a woman was hospitalized with a heart attack, if any of you haven’t read about this in the newspapers or on the internet, then know that all the media is doing is trending about this damn clown, they also went over us, saying that all the police from st. petersburg are not in able to catch one clown. of course, we have nothing else to do. here therefore, dyatlov needs to catch this damn clown so that he does not distract us from more important matters. in short, if while on duty in the park, this idiot appears on your route, then blame yourself, everything is clear, tach major, and you are still 8:12, no longer, but is it true that you were almost killed? true, the bulletproof vest saved me, okay, everyone
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is free, come to me, well, that ’s all, that’s all, i didn’t go with you in vain.
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since we have so many statements, we cannot help but take action, and for this we will start by setting up ambushes in the mushroom places in our area and just a colleague, your taxi, an ideal cover for us, in short , turbines, today and until this freak is caught, in the evenings you come to the disposal of the criminal investigation department, here is his sketch, but it really looks like you. thank you for helping out, no question, happily, we made it up
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to you, now, now we’ll go, wait, we’ll make a call, sit, sit, hello, hello, i’m not distracting, no, not at all, what’s up, zhenya, he’s been hysterical for a long time, no, i told him that nothing happened. calmed down, yeah, i should have say what happened, stop it, okay, the loaf says hi to you, yes, him too, and what are you at home? no, at work, but just with him, why? yes, i had a fight today, there’s no one to leave him with, so we’re riding together, understandable. uliyam, i love you,
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bye. vyacheslav mikhailovich, yura, something like that? you think she likes tulips, well, probably, here the results came at a glance, sergey matveevich leskov, a native of the city of taganrog
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, rostov region, was convicted twice, yes, both times for car theft, a bunch of fines surfaced for serious speeding, for racing around the city, in general, everything related to cars, a pro means, now we have a driver. yur, contact toganrog, i have an acquaintance there, major, ulyanov, dmitry borisovich, yeah, let him send all the materials he has. on leskov there is, yura, wait, or maybe peonies, keep in mind, her cars are always different, from the last one to the nines, but all the taxis, i understand,
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accepted, the taxi pulled up, i see, false alarm, another one pulled up, i see, hello , let's go for a ride, let's try it. the taxi driver needs to check, accepted, so what, you got up, they stopped, so what?
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there is a conversation going on in the car, the girl gets out of the car, so why are you so fast, yurik, as usual, wanted to give him a free ride, his repertoire began, a complex alarm, apparently a regular customer, it’s clear, so, wait, just now a signal was received, they tried to withdraw money from the card of the girl who was robbed yesterday, the card was for the stars, let’s go there at a trot, and i’ll stay here, accepted. no, baton, we're not home, police, i'm sorry, routine check, special
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police, have you seen a young man here, a little? no, i haven’t seen anything like it, thanks, all the best, goodbye, k26, k26, police, police, i have my id. sorry, they sent a robber taxi driver, twin brother, because of you i missed him, well, sorry, it’s very similar, drive away the car, k26 that’s it, well, at least the region, well
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, like i said, i didn’t look at it, it’s dark, far away, why are you a taxi driver, buy yourself glasses, or what? you know, i’ll buy it so that i can start to be at least somehow different from this idiot, okay, now i’ll run yellow k5 through the database, but i think with such water data there will be a lot of them, there will be news, we’ll let you know, we’ve agreed. and now with a special report from our correspondent ekaterina mukhamendrik. a man in a clown mask continues to scare city residents yesterday. was seen on the playground in azerki, and today he was spotted in alexander park. the identity of this mysterious and sinister clown has not yet been established, but the police are making every effort.
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hello, good morning. turbin, don't wake him. he didn't sleep all night again. how's inna? it’s normal, the doctor tells her better, by all indicators, the crisis has passed and her condition is stabilizing. great. what about investigation? any news? yes, today information arrived that inusov served in the same unit as markin. that is, in the same part where markin was accused of stealing weapon ammunition? how do you know that? well, i went to a psychic, but this psychic doesn’t work for us? no, he uses coffee grounds to tell fortunes on cards. apparently, yunusov helped markin in
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the operation to steal weapons, but when markin was taken, he did not hand him over, yanusov came out of this story clean, then markin pulled enusova into mishani’s brigade, what are you like with us smart for a taxi driver. good afternoon, would you like to order something, let's go to mars, just a second, quiet, quiet, calm, calm, what are you doing, come on, sit down, it's him, you showed me his sketch yesterday, the one who attacks girls , be quiet, please, this is our
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employee, under cover, he is here in ambush, and now you are spoiling all the raspberries for us, well , excuse me, well, it really looks like everything will disappear, whoever is responsible, yes, is increasingly being caught deliberately. holy shit, who the hell should i be, what should i
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do now, i don’t know, she’s coming to him she didn’t leave so that he could hang around prostitutes now, the creature, but do you know how many years her parents praised him, how good he is, how wonderful he is? “so i say, well, let’s try, and you wait, i won’t be long, so what do you want me to do, go and spend some time with my wife.”
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listen, boy, don't you dare talk to me like that, you puppy. any news? yes,
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the driver of the liskovo gang received information from taganrog, so he has nothing to do with st. petersburg , no registration, no registration, nothing, but there is one clue, his relative lives here brother, dmitry. what about our sibling? nothing illegal, really? just like a blank sheet of paper, we still take it into development. outdoor surveillance, wiretapping, everything is as it should be, leskov is now on the run, why does n’t he turn to his brother for help? come on, uh-huh, all the best, but wait, i’ll leave you half, everything
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is quiet. 8:12 you’re not far from alexander park now, are you? 8:12 in the area, a call just came in that our favorite clown has just been seen there, a teenager called, so it is quite possible that the call false, but you need to check, you're lucky. who 's going to spit on me now, stand there, you goat, yes i see, i see, stop, you bastard, don't get angry, matron, we're not in a hurry, where did he go?
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i was just here, let's check there, buddy, you're working, working, better not twitch, he really doesn't like clowns. and why were you doing this crap? for what? i wanted to become famous. sorry, what? but on enet i saw a dude from england running around the city like a clown, and then he was caught and he became famous. well, you will become
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famous, only in our department. can you hear me, just a second, i 'll call the doctor.
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post number two, here a suspicious guy drove up, immediately drove off, gray audi 922, check at the exit, listen, taxi driver, the guys told me that you detained a clown today, is it true or something, well, yes, what are you saying, congratulations, then in detail tell me, okay, i'll have a beer, the main word.
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so, that's it, colleague, lights out, let's wind up, i mean, a message just arrived, ours have finally figured out the appropriate k5, thanks to the part of the number that you memorized, taxi tied to a dachshund. park, our guys have already left, and the suspect is also there, no, but as soon as he appears, we’ll take him warm, in general, i’m there, so thank you, be there, exactly, exactly, exactly, or did you like watching the girls, i didn’t against, watch further, for now. hello girls, who's free? well, i'm free, come on in. kharitonov, the suspect here.
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bretonov, reception, post 2, answer. damn, they changed the channel or what? forgive me for taking you there, of course i shouldn’t have done that. because i knew they would be there, i knew
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police, got out of the car, slowly, hands so that i could see. hands, i said, facing the car, are you okay,
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thank you, tell me, it doesn’t look like me at all, i don’t understand what i was thinking about, we actually had an after-shower, so it’s my fault, mine! it’s all their fault, not you, vyacheslav mikhailovich, something vyacheslav mikhailovich, mikhailovich, tell me again
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, lieutenant colonel, we’re not at work, okay, thanks for the flowers. glory, come on, listen, well, you’re in a real blow today, all you have to do on the way home is to detain a couple of terrorists and you can sleep peacefully, i’ll sleep anyway calm down, now that the orientation on him is removed, at least people will stop rushing at me. listen, taxi driver, i have a request for you, well, go ahead, i just need to wait here for the brigade, and it would be nice for the girl to take off the second point of the beating that you are hanging around here, give me a lift, no problem, thank you,
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happy, sit down. look, in the second point you will remove the beating and take a certificate, and tomorrow you will take it to khritonov’s department, yeah, i understand, okay. let's say, or it happened, we went
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there a couple of times yulka, yulka - who is this? i need her too she’ll talk, but she’s disappeared somewhere, the phone is turned off, i’ll see if i’ll tell her to hook up with you, uh-huh, thanks, did you come to the shelter yourself or did someone pick you up? no, we first met with them at the club, and then in the evening, usually we went to continue the banquet, so to speak, yeah, the club is the one after which you work? yes, yes, pink girls, hello, and rubinshter, will you take me for tea, leave, guys, i have an order, let's go there.
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what will you drink? cranberry juice. what about periods? leader of the gang that killed yours
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police turn around.
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good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with channel one, daria shulik and nikita pimenov are with you. on the calendar april 16, tuesday, wake up quickly, we have serious and extensive plans for this morning. so, we will celebrate the day of the voice, and at the same time we will find out how the voice works and what the timbre depends on. and on the eve of the may holidays, let’s remember everything about travel insurance. well, for those who are going. buy a car on credit, we will find out what is more profitable to take out a car loan or consumer? let's admire the flowers that are waiting, can't wait to decorate our cities, and of course, we'll take a look at the international exhibition of the russian forum. at vdnkh and we’ll definitely cook something delicious, well, right now, all together, together for a warm-up, fitness trainer andronik mikaelyan is already waiting for us. good morning,
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my record is 25 sit-ups with a barbell weighing 50 kg. everything works under this load. of course, the exercise is not suitable for beginners, but there are many other ways to strengthen the muscles of the body, we squat with our palms, touch the floor, now we step forward and backward with our hands, do not bend our knees, do not bend our lower back, in this position the back should remain straight. version for experienced athletes: replace steps with jumps, move both arms in one movement.
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this exercise will help strengthen your arm and abdominal muscles. this is necessary not only for men, but also for women. we remind you that on the calendar it is april 16th, you have already sung something in the morning, well, at least played a couple of notes, because today is world voice day, yes, there is such a date. friends, you know in general how our voice works, why we we sing, but some people like me don’t sing, how is it that sounds are formed and what is timbre? well, here’s another question: what voices? we like why, our correspondent dived into the topic. do you even know how the voice works? now we will show it using a laryngoscope. we exhale air through the larynx, in particular through the white vocal folds. they look like folds, air passes through the gap between them, the folds
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vibrate and a sound is born when they are closer to each other, the note is higher. another interesting question: what does timbre depend on? the longer and the thicker the folds, the lower the voice, the male larynx is larger in size, yes, due to this , the glottis is also larger in size, due to this this low sound is formed, but if you inhale helium, even a man will speak like a cartoon character, one two, that’s it vocal folds vibrate more often, helium is much lighter than air, vocal folds move faster, timbre depends not only on the folds surrounding our speech - these are vibrations especially for the first time, it’s a matter of physics, for air, we also hear ourselves through
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my own tissue bones, this is a different sound, inside i feel lower than my voice, i feel different inside. the voice becomes more dense, i wish you to spend this day energetically and excellently, i wish you to feel like that very person from the very morning. by the way, the voices of nastya and kiril require almost no processing. i wish you to spend this day energetically and well, i wish you to feel like that same person from the very morning. they have a fairly low timbre, it’s natural.
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people say they feel like they are being followed. and this is already psychological. let's leave only the highest sounds in kiril's recording. and now only the lowest ones, i want to carry out, everything below sounds soft, at the top it is with peaks, these are cutting sounds, the low sound calms, the high one, on the contrary, disturbs, and you should not envy someone with a velvety soft voice, he is much quieter than voice in the upper range. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, channel one. our cheerful good morning continues, a couple has come to find out. what got into the network of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky? meet the new heroes of the internet. and immediately new heroes of the internet. a cat named della three duck.
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estimated 12 million music lovers , more and more are joining them. an unusual passenger was spotted at one of the sydney railway stations; it turned out to be this horse, well, not in a coat, but in a blanket, which ran away from its owner. he even tried to board the arriving train, but the driver, alas, did not open the door for him, and you can see because he began to enter the belt from the wrong side, that’s why. well, as they say, for dessert, they never cease to amaze. world wide web chocolate architect amari dishon. this time he made this life-size koala. the work lasted
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4 days on her creation, and maria spent almost 20 kg of chocolate, and the video immediately became an internet hit. we remind you that april 16 is on the calendar, the may long weekend is ahead, we are looking forward to it and, of course, the holiday season is a very important issue in the morning. do i need to buy special medical insurance during my vacation or will a regular compulsory medical insurance policy be enough? well, if it is planned, for example, a trip abroad, there are a lot of nuances, now let’s try to figure them out. for trips to visa-seeking countries, insurance is required, otherwise you won’t be able to get a visa. if you wish to travel visa-free, however, you cannot buy one insurance for all cases; there are several programs: basic with mandatory medical travel expenses, extended sports. let's start with a sports policy, needed for dangerous and extreme sports, alpine skiing, snowboarding or diving, for example, this is a guarantee that tourists will receive
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all the necessary help in case of injury. we're just closing the part when he is on a trip, treatment, payment for treatment, we return him to his homeland, we pay for transportation. injury due to an accident is not included in sports insurance; a separate one is needed, but with it it is possible to receive compensation after recovery, the person has been rehabilitated. collected documents, submitted them to us and received another monetary payment, in a certain amount, which is related specifically to the nature of his injury and the complexity thereof. insurance abroad is needed and during a relaxing holiday, regardless of the program, the tourist will receive outpatient and inpatient treatment, assistance with allergies. but if chronic diseases worsen, most insurance companies partially cover such expenses. there are companies, those who have these restrictions, not all of them, but those who do, they simply... limit the amount to 5% of the insured amount, but even if the treatment is more expensive, it will still be carried out. medical assistance is
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always provided to the extent necessary. then the question arises: who pays, or is it fully included in the insurance policy, and the insurer, or is it partially fits, and relatives pay extra. another medical expense is assistance with sunburn. previously, this was included only in extended insurance, now even in basic insurance. sunny ojo. this is the same as wwi, no matter how, we don’t see any problems here. as for trips around russia, people are still reluctant to take out insurance; they think a compulsory medical insurance policy is enough. yes, according to it , the tourist will receive medical care, but compulsory medical insurance alone will not be enough in certain cases. the country is large, long distances, at least everything related to transportation, return, early, visits to the victim, compulsory medical insurance should not cover this. and lastly, insurance is possible. buy not only before the trip, but also during the holiday, however, there is a minus, not all programs are available. anastasia kremeshina, mikhail karasev, channel one. zoya borisovna
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personifies the century. all her life she did what she loved. she creates centers of culture around herself. i'm not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years, they will definitely write this out of spite.
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the only 40 for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiere, today on the first, hello everyone, my name is carolina, my father is an optimist , so he thinks that i’m half white, kvn, major league, new season, on saturday on the first, what do you have in your hands, this is my autobiography, autobiography, read it out loud... read it out loud to yourself, but you’re freaking out, once again good morning to everyone, cat owners, we send a special greeting to you, nowhere, please, away from the tv, don’t leave now, together with the russian champion in grooming, lyudmila romina, we will master comprehensive care for your beloved cat, one might say, a full range of salon procedures, we will wash, clean, cut
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and style, i would like that. the cat is a very clean animal; it takes care of its fur for a long time, but the cat cannot carry out some of the hygiene procedures itself. let's start with cleaning your ears. i soak a cotton pad with ear cleaning lotion. the product is sold at pet stores. i clean the auricle, remove dirt and earwax, and move the disc from bottom to top. if vadka. i got dirty, i take a new one. attention, you can’t go inside your ear; you risk damaging your eardrum. i wipe the sink with a fresh, dry cotton pad. now i will remove the tear tracks. this time i soak a cotton pad with eye care placion. if you don't have it, use micellar water. i wipe away the stains. i move the disk from the inner corner
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of the eye down to the fur. it’s not getting dark, carry out the procedure regularly, the next step is cutting the claws, i press the finger so that the claw appears from the phalanx, i cut the tip 2 mm above the line where the capillaries begin, i trim all the claws in the same way, carry out hygiene procedures regularly, your cat will remain clean, healthy and well-groomed. while mom is at the lecture, this is what we can call our next report. just imagine: a young mother, a student, a child, for example, two or three years old, and needs to go to university, so who to leave him with? in fact , there is a solution, a kindergarten or a children's room, in many universities, they are already working. two-year-old svyatoslav goes with his mother to the university, he is happy in advance, while his mother is in consultation, he will be able to
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play for an hour in the brand new children's room. this playground... was opened for the children of students of employees of the perm national research university, they allocated a room, prepared tutors, well , we draw, paint, play with different trains, there are toys, tutors - the same students, look after on a voluntary basis, the parent sends them an application in advance and brings the child to the specified time. university students, as a rule, when they go to school, they have already decided where they will leave their children. and there are in case of any emergency, if, for example, there is a quarantine in the kindergarten, of course, students use this room with us. you can leave your child for 3 hours, which is enough to attend a lecture or pass an exam. this is a very good, cool opportunity, you can be with your child without moving too far from him, and at the same time you can build your career and get an education. this year
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they plan to open such rooms in twenty universities across the country.
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under various creative activities there is a theater group, work equipment. you can get to the garden at on general grounds. anyone can submit an application to the polytechnic if there are free places. i didn’t complain, except maybe a little fatigue, which doesn’t happen to anyone, i chalked it all up to the rhythm, lack of sleep, well, everything turned out as it turned out, the malaise turned into a diagnosis,
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it was discovered by chance during a medical examination, they discovered cholesterol plaques, well, now i have to get treatment and do my own thing body, and we were lucky in time, the detection of cardiovascular diseases is in the lead in our country. unfortunately, this is a group of diseases among the causes of mortality, so of course, the sooner we identify it, the more correctly we prescribe treatment, and if you haven’t been to the clinic for a long time, let us remind you that from 18 to 39 years old , medical examination every 3 years, from 40 years old, every year, working people are entitled to a paid time off, you don’t have the flu, no, it’s an exacerbation, there are no infectious diseases, yes, the first stage is screening, it includes basic measurements. height, weight, pressure, including eye pressure, fluorography, cg, plus blood tests, so advice, come to the drag, on the first stage can be completed in a day, well, i haven’t completed it yet, i don’t know, probably within an hour, probably, well, an hour, probably no
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more, from the age of 40 a mammogram is required and a number of specialists, a gynecologist, a urologist, in addition, tests for oncological pathology, here the process can be extended if, as part of the medical examination, the patient needs to undergo an examination according to his... there is a deviation, stage two, they will be sent to specialized specialists for further examination to clarify the diagnosis, it is important, all this is free, from documents, passport, policy. registration for a medical examination can be made in several ways: through infomat, by telephone, through a call center and by contacting the reception desk. you can also do it online; this option is available in some regions. another important thing is that medical supervision is voluntary; they cannot force you. remind me, yes. we have an sms alert for the population, we call
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patients, we especially focus on those patients who have not visited our medical institutions over the past 2 years. in 2023, 90 million people took care of themselves, and this is almost every second resident of the country. rita larkina, nikita kulakov, yulia bykova, channel one. and now we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. see you in just a few minutes, stay tuned. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. rszz crews and a hail of kostram paratroopers destroyed the enemy. command post and equipment in the donetsk direction of the special operation. an enemy concentration was discovered in one of the hangars in the industrial zone of the village of chasov yar. our artillery moved into the indicated area and struck accurate strike.
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the crews of the stealers of the separate marine brigade of the pacific fleet of the vostok group of forces worked no less effectively. in the ugledard sector, they covered fortified positions with 122mm rockets, piercing even the most durable cover. precise guidance. the rszzo hurricane team of the north force group is also active, seconds count, the task is to hit batteries, communication centers, concentrations of manpower, and armored vehicles of the enemy. the fighters cope with all this very well. infantry, equipment, fortifications of the enemy area, reliable equipment, there have never been any problems with it, it’s quite passable, fast, maneuverable, the calculation
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works great, i’ve been using it for quite a long time, everything is done quickly, commands are carried out clearly and in a timely manner, the guys have the same common goal as everyone else, faster, faster victory, more about those who show courage? i'll take you to the front line corporal tatyana makarenko was transporting important documents, but her car came under enemy fire, the driver was wounded, while tatyana provided first aid to him, the attack was repeated, then the corporal took out colleague in safety. place by radio called the evacuation group. guard major of the medical service vladimir alekseev organized and equipped places for temporary shelter for the wounded on the battlefield, provided assistance and helped evacuate injured military personnel and civilians. now, in addition to the flood situation in kurgan , the level of the tobol river is rapidly rising, gaining 5 cm per hour. the critical mark of 7 m has long been passed. water rushed into floodplain neighborhoods. there is no electricity there anymore. evacuated, rescuers
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take residents out on boats. worsen the situation may be bad; rain is forecast in the region. in total , more than 300 residential buildings and almost 600 household plots were sunk in the region, 13,000 people fled their homes. the work of emergency services is controlled by the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, who arrived in the region from the orenburg region, the situation there is returning to normal, restoration work is in full swing. more than 130.00 liters of drinking water were brought to the residents by military personnel of the yasninsky missile division. strategic troops, ice drift in the tomsk region, the level of water in the op river, authorities say that in the worst-case scenario , 10 settlements will fall into the flood zone. direct strikes by the armed forces of ukraine on the largest nuclear power plant in europe, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, remain without reaction from the west; they are cynically trying to place all the blame on russia. our permanent representative vasily nebenzya stated this to the un. even magatte's report is an expert.
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the russian military guarding the station repels up to 100 drones a week, one of them exploded on the roof of the reactor, another dropped an explosive device near the fence of the fuel warehouse, all power units are now in a cold shutdown, but the danger remains, this is recognized in magath. russia fulfills all its obligations in full. our country will continue to protect the zas from ukrainian attacks and provocations. we intend to continue to take measures to strengthen the nuclear and nuclear security of the zas in accordance with our national legislation and obligations arising from the relevant international legal instruments to which russia is a party. we also encourage all sensible members of the international community. do everything possible to
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save the world from a nuclear incident. one of the most important steps of this kind will be direct and open condemnation of ukraine’s actions, which have brought us all to the brink of disaster more than once. there are up to five magate experts permanently stationed at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. just today they have another rotation - the eighteenth in a row. employees of rusatom and magat work together in extreme conditions, ensuring the safety of europe's largest nuclear power plant, despite the fact that station. is subject to constant attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. rosatom states that the presence of international experts is an important positive factor, and constructive relations have developed. in the united states, a military plant in pennsylvania, in the city of scranton, caught fire; it produces 155 mm caliber shells and other ammunition, it is reported that it is for ukraine. it was updated to increase the output of shells fivefold. there are only seven such enterprises in the united states. local
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residents watched with alarm everything that was happening and shared the filming on social networks. fire, it is clear that a column of thick black smoke appeared above the building, it is reported that there were no casualties, the fire has now been extinguished. that's all for now, now the word to my colleagues, good morning. good morning, dear friends, thank you for... april 16 is tuesday on the calendar, an important historical date. on this day, in 1934, exactly 90 years ago, the honorary title of hero of the soviet union was established. this title was awarded to 12.77 people, and the first were the pilots who took part in the operation to rescue the chelyuskinites in the arctic. map legendary rescue. operations by soviet
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pilots in the arctic. february 1934 steamship chelyuskin sinks in the chukchi sea. 104 expedition members remain on the ice. that is, this is where shmita’s camp was. yes, shmita’s camp seems to be very close on the map, from the town of vankarem, where olipedevsky was based, but it took him 29 sorties to find the cheroskinians. on march 5 , the first 12 people, women and children, were evacuated. april 13 , 24.
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daughter of colonel pyotr rossadkin, in 1942 he was an aviation pilot of the northern fleet, in forty-fourth already a squadron commander with 190 combat missions. the family carefully preserves all the hero’s awards and stories about the battles and amazing rescue when he was shot down over the barintsev sea. he swam for over 5 hours, in cold water, in winter. hero of the soviet union vitaly dmitrievich bubenin, completely wounded and shell-shocked, led the battle. in march 1969 , during the soviet-chinese conflict on damansky island, then he was the head of the border guard, he entered from the rear, here he defeated the enemy, was shot down, but managed reach out to ours. over the entire history of the title
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, more than 12,700 people were awarded it, 107 of them twice, but you can only receive the star of the hero of russia once, the more valuable it is, assures damir yasupov, the commanders. the crew of the aircraft was awarded after a successful emergency landing. in august 2019 , a flock of seagulls crashed into the plane during takeoff and the left engine failed. when they realized that the plane had already stopped climbing, and then basically went into a descent, then of course there was no talk of returning. they landed the plane in a corn field. all 233 people on board the liners survived and even evacuated themselves. the country called this event a miracle, and the flight attendant’s phrase: “let’s go to the right in the sun along the rows of kukuru.” became winged, we still communicate, correspond, celebrate august 15 as our second birthday, this year the large airplane family will celebrate its first anniversary. natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, andrey ivanov, stanislav khizhnyakov, tatyana yus, channel one. the flood in russia
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continues, it has already been called the largest in the last 100 years, and today in our visiting doctor of technical sciences, chief researcher at the institute of water problems of the russian academy of sciences, mikhail bolgov. good morning, mikhail vasilyevich, good morning, mikhail vasilyevich, yes, the first question, as far as we know, the water from orsk is already starting to gradually leave, how long do you think it will take for it to all go away, well, this is due to the fact that how orsk was flooded, orsk was flooded by destroying a dam, the damage was very enormous, and accordingly the water that got there will either come out of the existing holes, or in other ways, and this process. will , of course, take at least a week, and what cannot be eliminated immediately will apparently be pumped out from under basements, from flooded structures, again into the ural river, by means of the ministry of emergency situations, after which the water will slowly be flow down and
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further to the ural river in the caspian sea. mikhail vasilyevich, as we heard, the peak of the flood in orenburg has already passed, how long will it take? will water be released from flooded areas, how much will it take? v in orenburg, unlike orsk, no destruction of protective structures occurred; those territories that were in the zone of this catastrophic, or we sometimes call it extreme, flood were flooded. well, if the same decline continues, then within a few days the water will leave the flooded areas, but there will be a large flow of water, nevertheless, slowly. will rush downstream, cross into kazakh territory and will further flood the kazakh part of the lower reaches of the ural river. yeah, let's move on then in the regions of the kurgan region, what is now happening on the tabol river, a very dangerous situation is developing on the tabol river,
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water levels are rising in the mound itself in other areas located there for a kilometer. 100-150 before the urals, the water level also does not decrease, does not decrease at very high levels, as a result we are seeing huge flooding, the floodplains of the tabola river, along the entire section to kurgan, this is very dangerous, since this water will stand for a long time, it may rise further, and most likely this will be the case, since at the entrance we we have water, we have a very large influx, including from kazakhstan, and this process will develop and threaten us with dangerous consequences in kurgan itself, especially since there is also a waterworks there, which can also contribute its share to the flooding of this city. so the situation is not expected to ease in the coming days in kurgan,
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for at least another 2-3 days, according to roshydromet forecasts, the water level there will rise, but how did it happen that the tobol river was so strong this year, as far as we know, it is not particularly rich in water, yes, oddly enough, the river basin of the tobol river, or rather the southern part, which is located near the border of kazakhstan on kazakh territory, is one of the shallowest parts of the basin, there is management there. mikhail vasilievich, according to forecasts, when should we expect the peak of the flood in the tyumen region? well, everything is ahead there, so i
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’ll speak out so carefully, the fact is that all these rivers have a characteristic spring flood, the further north you go, the more snow, the less abruptly it all melts, so there will be such a smooth more or less flood, but the threat of development according to a strong scenario of course remains, because this year the depth of freezing is also deep. and we expect that there will also be serious problems with flooding of the area. if we talk about expectations, about forecasts, then on what other rivers should we expect a rise in water levels, besides the tabol. a large flood is expected on the tami, kishim, and other tributaries in the altai territory; most likely there will be another wave of flood, due to the melting of snow in the mountains, but here in the central one.
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april tuesday flood in russia continues, this is the strongest flood in the last 100 years, in orsk the water is receding, the peak of the flood in orenburg has also passed, but in general in the orenburg region, as well as in the kurgan and tyumen regions, the situation remains difficult. thousands of people were evacuated. those who had to leave their homes now really need help and support, and this help comes because we have many kind and
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caring people. the peak of the flood in the orenburg region has been passed, 16,500 people have been evacuated, more than 23,000 household plots and more than 15 thousand residential plots have been flooded houses. the locals are not discouraged. and it really wasn’t joy, it was. it’s just, well, we did what we could, so we decided to face the misfortune with such a positive, and there is no time to be discouraged, volunteers have been on duty in flooded areas for the second week, the most difficult thing is to save animals, there was a problem with three dogs that climbed under the trailer, to get them out, lure her out, scare her with something, well , it didn’t work, since i’m small in build, i had to climb, they pulled one out by the legs, well, like in a fairy tale about... strength, i grabbed her by her legs, then the guys grabbed me by her legs, so we grabbed her raised the dogs were rescued, the orenburg kennels
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are overcrowded, daria and victor are helping one of them, they ordered metal structures, based on metal, profiles, rods, there is chipboard, they provided us with all these sizes, they provided all the characteristics, we quickly formed an order, we expect that in the near future a gazelle will arrive, we will be able to load it all, and preferably today we will start cooking, because the dogs that are arriving need some kind of temporary home, university and college students are helping to build enclosures, daniil will set up the electrical system, while there is an opportunity to help others, we must help others, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a weekend or a weekday, this beauty salon in orenburg has been repurposed into a collection center for help, every day a car with things for the victims leaves here, denis from the chelyabinsk region is going to the orenburg region for the second time, he donated the thirteenth salary to help, supported by friends and acquaintances. they gave me baby food, i took one boat, by the way,
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it came in very handy, i took water, clothes, animal food, food too, i bought crackers ... i bought a lot of personal hygiene products asked, aid collections were opened in churches, the church of the blessed matrona of moscow in orenburg purchased beds, pillows, blankets, and fan heaters. it is unknown how long the flood will recede, help will be needed even after, besides, now the water is rising in the kurgan and tomsk regions, and we remind you again, do not wait for the elements to knock on your home, evacuate, take only essential things with you, first aid kit and documents. elizabeth. let us remind you that in total there are 39 regions of the country in the flood risk zone, so we all should not relax, dears. tv viewers, please pay close attention to emergency messages, do not ignore them and take them seriously. if the need for evacuation is announced, evacuate immediately and
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listen to what doctor denis lobkov has to say. it happens that in an emergency situation it is necessary. evacuate urgently. in this case, i recommend preparing a first aid kit. we need an airtight plastic container. first of all, we put in it the medicine that we take constantly. we also take antipyretic drugs in case of high fever. decontamination tablets are a must. they will help out if drinking water runs out. you also need activated carbon and enterosorbents. they will help. in case of food poisoning. we will also need antiseptics, these are the means used to treat wounds. iodine, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine will do. of course, we take a sterile bandage, as well as an elastic one. do you know how to use it? let's imagine that you hurt your knee, you need to fix the joint,
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tighten it with an elastic bandage, wrap it evenly, avoiding folds of creases, they... can rub the skin, the degree of compression should be more pronounced under the knee, decrease slightly above it, we overlap the turns of the bow on top of each other by at least a third, make sure that two fingers of the hand pass between the leg with the bandage, like that, excellent fixation, let's we’ll remove the bandage, put the first aid kit in a waterproof bag, and also put in a large piece of polyethylene. it can come in handy in case of bad weather, we also put drinking water, canned food and bread here, this essential kit can come in handy in any emergency situation, i realized that the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, our tandem is
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such a small but strong family. let's formulate a request with you, we have a good room, or maybe even better, we came up with a shelving unit here, dad and son leave the room alone, together, a pop complex, even just hanging, very good for the back, everything for a cozy place is collected in this corner evenings, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, and we got to our home, about comfort. premiere on saturday on the first. and i’m walking, walking around moscow. still at the metrouniversitet station passengers point to the same escalator, someone even starts humming the song by nikita mikhalkov’s character from the film i’m walking around moscow. i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy daneli was
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a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home and said it. in his family, after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere in saturday on the first. hello everyone, my name is caroline, my father is an optimist, so he
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thinks that i am half white. kvn, the major league, is on saturday at the first, and what do you have in your hands? this is my autobiography, autobiography, read it out loud, read it out loud to yourself? are you going crazy, or what? as you know, simple solutions are the best solutions, the experts in our section are sure of this. and they are, of course, exactly right. i boiled the potatoes for hearty breakfast rolls. i pour out most of the broth and leave a little in the pan. i mash the tubers into puree. bye let the potatoes cool and fry them. chop the onion until transparent, add chopped champignons, simmer under the lid until the liquid evaporates. i mix the cooled mushrooms with
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mashed potatoes, salt, pepper, season with chopped herbs, add a clove of garlic, and mix. the result is a filling for the roll; i spread the mixture on a sheet of thin pita bread and spread it in an even layer. i roll the workpiece into a roll, cut it into rolls 3 cm thick, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown on one side. on the other hand, it looks delicious, i already want to try it, have a nice breakfast. and our morning broadcast will continue with sports news. so, the latest news of the russian premier football league and, of course, forecasts, all from the sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. the twenty-fourth round of the
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russian football championship identified a clear favorite in the fight for the title. it is symbolic that this happened as a result of a head-to-head duel between the two main contenders for first place: krasnodar and zenit. the st. petersburgers prevailed away 2:1, rpl's top scorer, colombian mateo casiera, scored his sixteenth goal of the season. the blue-white-blues extended their unbeaten streak. in third place, despite the away defeat from the urals, dynamo is holding on; until the fifth minute of injury, the score was equal 1:1, success for the urals was ensured by alexey kashtanov. cska and lokomotiv are one point behind dynamo. the capital's derby in cherkizovo with their participation ended peacefully, while by the eighty- second minute the army team was losing 1:3, but were able to level the score. railway midfielder maxim glushenkov scored an assist hattrick. the state champion of the season with nine assists, which is two more than dynamo's konstantin tyukavin. the soviet wings rose to sixth place after defeating rubin 2:0 in the volga derby.
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samara scored the second goal in the end, when visiting goalkeeper yuri dupin tried to save the situation during a corner kick, but the hosts organized a quick counterattack and vladimir kubulov hit the empty goal. krylya is the second most productive team of the season; they have 41 goals; zenit has 43. they dropped to seventh place. spartak, defeated in sochi, locals. the fans were pleased with the moroccan recruit yahya atiya alla. the spanish mentor of the outsider robert morena won his debut victory in the rpl, and his compatriot and vyazovi gelier mabascal lost his job. bosnian specialist vladimir sliskovich has been appointed interim head coach of spartak. rostov remains the best team in the spring part of the championship, scoring 13 points in five matches. in the don torch derby, which took place in voronezh, everything was decided by an accurate shot from the brazilian forward ronaldo. nizhny novgorod lost. in the away match against akhmat, baltika not only
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won the biggest victory in the russian championship 7:1, but also inflicted the biggest defeat on the grozden team in the rpl. brazilian alex fernandez scored the second cat-trick of the season. the first one was also issued in the capital of chechnya back in july by cska forward fedor chalov. the multi-episode series continues on channel one. undercover taxi detective lieutenant turbin and his faithful partner dog baton are always in the center of events; their lives are, let’s say, eventful. my mukhtar, ready go undercover again? an inseparable couple, lieutenant alexey turbin and his dog named baton, together at home at work, lunch is also one for two, now we will tell you how this scene was filmed, i ’ll leave you half, in fact, you can’t give it to dogs.
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turbin asks his ex-wife olga to take care of his dog. alexey is still in love with her. didn't your wife throw a tantrum again? yes, he's still at work. isn't it a bit late? well, he says he’s in a mess there. yeah, olga has a fiancé, evgeny, everything seemed to be fine with the couple, but recently alexey saw his wife with another girl, and now he doesn’t know what to do, tell the truth to his ex-wife or remain silent, this is such love, a childhood that didn’t work out and but he, well, it seems to me that every person has such love, it seems to me that this is about this, about this one and only kind of love in childhood, but in
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us in our series he certainly tries it. to regain himself, although he has other interests, as it were, other interests, turbin is also carried away by a colleague from the criminal investigation department, captain myakisheva. a spark arose between them; it immediately began to attract them to each other. this attraction is not to the liking of inna's boss vasetsky. sit down, thank you, please, hello, taxi driver, you are back in your repertoire, not a day without adventures.
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it’s difficult for other people to play here, because no matter how they did it, dima dodged so powerfully that none of their blows landed on target. undercover taxi, new episode tonight. marya bronzova, victoria bolenskaya, andrey tsarev, channel one. this is the news on the first in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning of the flood situation the most difficult thing is now in kurgan, the level of the tobol river is growing rapidly, gaining 5 cm/hour, the critical mark of 7 m has long been passed, water has poured into the floodplain microdistricts, there is no longer electricity there, people are evacuating, rescuers are taking residents out on boats, it is not the weather in the region that can worsen the situation rains, in total more than 300 residential buildings and almost 600 household
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plots were flooded in the region, the work of emergency services is controlled by the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, he arrived in the region from the orenburg region, the situation there is normalizing, they are in full swing restoration work, more than 3,500 houses were freed from water in orsk, ice drift in the tomsk region, the water level in the op river is rising. authorities say that in the worst-case scenario, 10 settlements will fall into the flood zone. now to the topic of the special operation, calculations of the rszzo grad. kostroma paratroopers destroyed the enemy command post and equipment in the donetsk direction, the enemy concentration was discovered in one of the hangars of the industrial zone of the settlement of chas fyar, our artillerymen advanced to the indicated area and struck accurate strike. the crew of the grads of the separate marine brigade of the pacific fleet of the vostok group of forces worked no less effectively. in the ugledar area they covered fortified positions in the ukrainian armed forces. 122mm rockets can penetrate even the
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toughest cover. exactly. guidance is provided by drone operators, so in the avdeevsky direction aerial reconnaissance aircraft quickly transmit to the command post the coordinates of identified targets, enemy losses of up to thirty militants, two cars, as well as a radio station struggle. the west actually encourages ukraine to shell the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, despite the threat to the security of all of europe, our permanent representative vasily nebelzya stated this at a meeting of the un security council. even in the report of magatechi, an expert. located at the station, the source of the attacks is kept silent, while in recent months these attacks have become increasingly intense, the russian military that guards the station repels the arrival of up to 100 drones a week, one of them exploded on the roof of the reactor, another dropped an explosive device at the fence of a fuel warehouse, all power units are now in a cold shutdown, but the danger remains, this is recognized in magata, it has reached the point that western countries are ready to indirectly admit that the station is being shelled only
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because it is under... without noticing it, they spoke out today in the form of an ultimatum: hand over control of zas, then they will stop shelling it. thus, they not only betrayed the zelensky regime , but also actually admitted to complicity in these irresponsible attacks. at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant
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there are always up to five magatte experts, just today they have another rotation, the eighteenth in a row, employees of rosatom and magatte work together in extreme conditions, ensure the safety of the largest nuclear power plant in europe, despite the fact that the station is subject to constant attacks by the armed forces of ukraine . in rosatom. states that the presence of international experts is an important positive factor and constructive relations have developed. the uk may never be able to seize russian money, the publication writes. politics, and the government is gradually beginning to realize this. we are talking about illegally frozen, essentially stolen, assets of our country abroad. over the past 2 years in london there have been many loud statements and proposals on how to put them into circulation, but in practice the opposition proposed only one such bill, which was immediately rejected. the conservative government and the uk and the european union fear the consequences, the flight of private investors and even the refusal of other states to keep their money in europe. reality in politics rarely matches the rhetoric, the reality
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is that the uk may never confiscate russian money. the politician's publication spoke with numerous lawyers and political experts on sanctions, they all say that regardless of political leanings, there is not and never will be any. ivan popanin, named after the famous soviet polar explorer, is a patrol ship, a tugboat, and an icebreaker, at the same time, it will work in the vastness of the arctic, its reinforced hull will easily pass one and a half meters thick ice, but first of all, this ship
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is a combat ship, it can strike at any targets on the ground, in the water in the air, there are artillery installations, a hangar for the k-27 helicopter, and if necessary, the caliber missile system will be placed on the deck. and that ’s all for now, good morning, dear friends, thank you for joining us, let’s wake up soon, a new day has already begun, daryak and nikita pimenov are with you. on the calendar , april 16, tuesday in moscow at vdnkh , the international exhibition forum russia continues its work. if you haven't been there yet, be sure to come, come, stock up on new bright impressions, and all this is completely free, but if you have already been there, of course, come again and again, many people visit the exhibition for the second time. the third time, because something interesting and exciting happens here every day. everything is being updated, at the russia exhibition, it seems that i was already in the seventy-fifth pavilion, the stand of the same kirov region, but i had not milked the cow yet.
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it turns out? it turns out, it turns out. are cows still milked by hand in kirov? actually no longer. we have a whole an agricultural holding where special robots work. this is both anti-stress and a short excursion into the history of agriculture... she has a special breed, bred in the kirov region, she has a scaly udder shape, thanks to this udder shape we get more milk. next week a dinosaur will be waiting for all guests, gosh’s hint is next to eleanor, it’s also his turn to take a selfie. our gosha is very friendly, you can pet him, he is soft, in kirov itself we have a park where the figures reach 6 m in height. also at the exhibition. started master classes on planting, now watermelons and melons. our seeds are of premium varieties, everyone will leave with a planted watermelon, which in a month they will be able to plant in open ground in august and try the watermelon that they themselves
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grew. plus they promise other gifts, which are still intriguing, so that they definitely arrive, especially before the summer holiday season. and almost all regions are preparing new master classes, just like that at the saratov region’s stand. will they introduce children to yuri gagarin? it turns out to knit, right? maybe yes. first do you knit? yes. the excursion programs will also be updated; it’s worth taking a look at even the most remote pavilions. this is the energy of life. an apartment in which everything is made from petroleum products. synthetic fibers are added to cotton, which allow modern clothing not to wrinkle. we will be able to see a sofa that is made from wear-resistant materials that are also... is a petroleum refining product. if the furniture and clothes are not so surprising, then the fruit on the table is shocking. ethylene is used to speed up fruit ripening. natural product. we walk, relax , learn a lot of new things, including scanning
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qr codes at the exhibition, sometimes the results make you smile. anna obrosmova, dmitry roshkov, channel one. in order to live and enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who connects hearts. i work on a crane in the ferrous metallurgy, i go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer and you will not regret. one day i became an artist. well, for example, we can voice it in such a beautiful voice. some grandfather, he wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain
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, at the end of the tenth grade he decided to become a doctor, like his mother, you can move towards your goal in small steps, nothing is impossible, bend over, it didn’t help, we will save, come on, here you go this is how children learn to do the heimlich maneuver, this is the first one.
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day of the sun, bright, artistic, full of inspiration, an excellent inventor, the best friend of creative individuals, the main thing is to direct it talents in a creative direction, otherwise he likes to dream, to have his head in the clouds, but he is good-natured and sociable, and at the same time very charming, if you need to convince someone of something, win over to your side, captivate with your ideas, or simply present yourself in favorable light, contact him, he will help. of course, he also has disadvantages: he is ambitious, self-confident, and does not mind showing off. and henchman, on such days we become somewhat fixated on our person, our self is inflated to universal proportions, shit, be careful with this, okay, otherwise it’s over they will laugh at you, and you are also very assertive today, don’t overdo it either, otherwise it’s a great day, one of those that they say, lost it, lost a month, and the evening clearly wants to invite you to some kind of entertainment event. taurus will be able to improve something in their personal life, correct some mistakes, improve the climate in the family with someone. reconciled, single taurus will have a chance
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to meet their soul mate, but it’s better to wait a day with major purchases. not a bad day for the twins, things will go well for those who works with information, learns something or teaches someone, this day is very good for business contacts and public speaking, pay more attention while driving. for cancers, the day may start a little nervously, something urgent may interfere with plans, expenses may not be ruled out, you may have to deal with not very pleasant people, but that’s okay, by lunchtime everything will be fine, whatever evening. it will definitely please you, just don’t get carried away with alcohol. the lions are having one of those days when everything goes as it should, and even a little bit of luck. lionesses will want to show off a little, but why not? today you are out of competition and be careful with fire and hot objects. where this day will help you come up with something, solve some complex problem, and even invent something. after lunch, there may be a small profit or a gift, and today something lost may be found. for libra, the stars remind you of two old pieces of wisdom. even almost banalities, not all that glitters is gold,
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there is free cheese, well, you know where, but it’s a very good day, including for career growth. scorpios are very charming today, ladies are charming, men filled with an ethos of calm reliability. in general, scorpios will be able to make an impression, and the opposite sex is not indifferent to them. sagittarius has an even, comfortable tuesday, when everything goes as usual. of course, things won’t get done on their own, but if you give them a little push, they’ll go like clockwork, and... the evening, it seems, is planning to give you some kind of surprise. creditors may remind capricorns of themselves, however, this will not ruin you, and debts must be repaid. after lunch, there may be a meeting for which you should not be late, remember, today is not the day to there will be no effect on snorers, it will only scare away good but sensitive people. a very creative day for aquarius: the stars say to artists, musicians, designers, and in general everyone who creates something new: “go for it, just count the money carefully.” guests may arrive in the evening. pisces is having a fairly pleasant day, just a little
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impulsive. or rather, these are the fish today . if the ladies are forgiven for this, then the men risk getting into an awkward position. all in all. the stars warned you, and have not yet be surprised if someone confesses their love to you, good luck to you! the carpet was old, but it became like new, or almost like new. in advertising of all sorts of cleaning products, this is exactly what happens. well, you and i know that this is an advertisement, i don’t want to say anything bad, i’m just hinting, let’s better understand right now what types of carpet cleaners there are, which product is suitable for which carpet and how they actually fight these stains ? basically everything you need to know about carpet cleaning. there are stains on the carpet right now we will clean dirt, juice and coffee, but what they offer in stores is foam, gel spray, first to the dry cleaner, for advice, here the products are chosen according to the composition of the carpet, the most delicate ones are silk, this is viscose, this is wool, we
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usually send these to cleaning in solvents, without water, if you wet the natural one, it will most likely. alkaline surfactants less than 5%. it is difficult to harm the carpet using such means, and the upholstery can be cleaned. but puffs are different. the combination of anionic and nonionic is more gentle. she found herself in our foam and shampoo, in the spray there are only anionic ones. in fact, this is the most effective type; it usually has a more severe
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aggressive effect on various surfaces, including skin, hands and body. and besides this, there are also phosphates in the composition, which... plus here we will also say with acceleration, yes, we are , as it were, in the thickness of the fabric, and if you have a fleecy carpet with a high pile, then applying with a spray we can reach the deep layers of the pile, yes start removing, let ’s say, dirt throughout the entire thickness of the carpet, but how? our samples showed themselves to be effective; the foam did not cope very well and there were large stains left
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; traces of all types of pollution were effectively applied where the surface required gentle cleaning; it did a better job. its composition was enhanced by oxygen bleach. in this case, we applied it from an aqueous solution, and it is quite wet, and in principle it will probably take a long time to dry. well, the spray won due to its targeted effect and more aggressive composition. ksenia loginova, sergey falendysh, channel one. perhaps everyone a resident of a metropolis is familiar with this nagging feeling when you want to literally give up everything, run into the forest, breathe fresh air and look at the flowers, lie on the green grass. and of course, as we know, there are never too many flowers, right now we are going to where there is just a sea of ​​them, they are all waiting, can’t wait to decorate our cities. salvia petunias, cerarias will soon be planted, marigolds, agyratum zinnias, the biska nursery is preparing for the summer season, all these flowers will decorate the city. for urban
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gardening, we grow larger quantities, of course, bush petunia, also ampelous petunia for vertical gardening, for flowerpots, hanging flowerpots, water them by hand, an individual approach. each plant consumes moisture differently, we grow more than 300,000 roots, these were sown back in january, at the beginning of may they will be the first to go outside, from the st. petersburg greenhouse the little eyes are watching the weather, except that they are not blinking, they are in full bloom and are waiting to be planted in the city, next to them there is a stampede in full readiness, a total of 600,000 flowers. flowers require special care. accordingly, in addition to watering, they require feeding with nutrient solutions, in addition to fertilizing, they require pinching, pinching off the same peduncles, at an early time, while they are still growing, and accordingly require the same loosening. here, almost the entire process is automated, sowing, even picking is 60% done by a robot, watering and fertilizing too.
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there may be clean water for irrigation, or a nutrient solution with fertilizing may be supplied. it depends on what stage the agronomist is currently starting. here you can reconfigure these injectors. there may be spraying from above, or watering from below. it’s still impossible without a person. for example, now they manually deepen the roots so that the root system develops correctly. in dagestan they were the first to catch on. marigolds, active work now with petunias, we come in every morning, check the condition, it needs watering, or such a small grass is sprouting, the girls are given the command. as a rule, ladies take care of flowers; women's hands transplant seedlings with special tenderness so as not to damage the young plants. 20 grow here different types of flowers, colius, snapdragons, geraniums, begonias, soon the whole of makhachkala will be dressed in bright colors, 700,000 flowers are ready. flower planting has already begun in the krasnodar territory. at the moment we are planting the colius so that they touch each other, not
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close, because they will still grow. here we deepen the roots into the soil, the neck, so that they do not fall asleep with soil. by may 1, 46 thousand flowers will be planted, but for now they continue to be looked after. we fertilize twice a month, we remove the gum, it helps to grow, the roots grow. take care they will take care of the flowers even after planting, trim them, feed them, everything so that they will delight the townspeople until the very frost. we remind you that on the calendar it is april 16th, you have already sung something in the morning, well, at least played a couple of notes, because today is world voice day, yes, there is such a date. friends, you know in general how our voice works, why we sing, but some like me don’t sing, how it turns out that sounds are formed and what timbre is, well, here’s another question, what kind of voices?
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in size, due to this , the glottis is also larger due to this such a low sound, but if you inhale helium, even a man will speak like a cartoon character, one two, that’s it, the vocal folds vibrate more often, helium, it is much lighter than air, the vocal folds move faster, the timbre depends not only on the folds, the whole pharynx .
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becomes more dense, i wish you to spend this day energetically and perfectly, i wish you to feel like that very person from the very morning.
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by the way, the voices of nastya and kirill require almost no processing. i wish you to spend this day energetically and well, i wish you from the very morning feel like that person. they have a fairly low timbre, it’s natural. people say they feel like they are being wrapped in a blanket. and this is already psychological. let's leave only the highest sounds in kirill's recording. and now only the lowest ones, i want to carry out, everything below sounds soft, at the top it is with peaks, these are cutting sounds, a low sound is calming, a high sound, on the contrary , disturbs, and you should not envy someone with a velvety soft voice, it is much quieter than the voice in the upper range. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, channel one. our cheerful, good morning continues, it’s time to find out. what got into the network of our main ruler, the world wide web, yegor uspensky, meet new heroes of the internet,
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immediately new heroes of the internet, a cat named della, three ducklings that she adopted. raising waterfowl, as you can see, is not so easy, but della can do it. by the way, millions of internet users watch the life of this unusual family every day, well, you can understand them, look at them, it’s not just cuteness. i agree, i just wonder how they take a bath together will there be? our next hero, a singing dog named walter, according to the owners, the pet’s singing talent awakens when the whole family rides bicycles along the streets of their hometown, voltar’s vocal abilities are already narrowed. an unusual passenger was spotted at one of the sydney railway stations, it turned out to be this horse, well, not in a coat, but in a blanket, which ran away from its owner, he even tried to board the arriving train, but the driver, alas, did not open the door for him, and you see because he's on the wrong side
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get on the train, so, well, as they say, for dessert they never cease to amaze. peaceful web, chocolate architect amari dishon. this time he made this life-size koala. the work lasted four days on her creation, and maria spent almost 20 kg of chocolate, but the video immediately became an internet hit. once again, good morning to all cat owners. we send special greetings to you, please go nowhere, away from the tv, don’t leave now, together with. with the russian grooming champion, lyudmila romina, we will master comprehensive grooming beloved cat. one might say, a full range of salon procedures. we will wash, clean, cut and style. i would like that. the cat is a very clean animal; it takes care of its fur for a long time, but the cat
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cannot carry out some of the hygiene procedures itself. let's start with cleaning the ears. the cotton pad is soaked. lotion for cleaning ears. the product is sold at pet stores. i clean the auricle, remove dirt and earwax, and move the disc from bottom to top. if the cotton wool gets dirty, i take a new one. attention, you cannot climb inside the ear, as you risk damaging the eardrum. i wipe the sink with a fresh, dry cotton pad. now i will remove the tear tracks. this time. i soak a cotton pad with eye care lotion, if you don’t have it, use micellar water, wipe away the stains, move the pad from the inner corner of the eye down so that the fur does not darken, carry out the procedure regularly, next in line is trimming the claws, pressing the finger so that it appears from the phalanx claw,
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i cut off the point 2 mm above the line where it begins. i trim all the claws in the same way. carry out hygiene procedures regularly. your cat will remain clean, healthy and well-groomed. we remind you that on the calendar on april 16, the moscow sovremennik theater opened its own museum. it opened yesterday on the theater's birthday. our correspondent, maryana zhukova, visited the museum. 68 years ago there was a revolution at the moscow theater. oleg efremov, galina volchik, igor kvasha, valentin gavt, evgeny evstegneev, the first contemporary artists. what was the innovation? it was a modern conversation, the disappearance, so to speak, of this fourth wall, and this is the transfer of energy to each other. i don't know if they thought about it at the time or not, but this is how it happened, this is how it was created, and this is
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in the mid-fifties. there was a thaw in the country, but the state management system remained one hundred percent, so it was impossible to create a theater from below, it was a utopia, neither its own building, nor even the status of a theater, but on april 15, fifty- six, the first performance was ready, forever alive, playing from midnight, the audience dispersed only in the morning, now the intelligentsia and progressive youth are standing in lines for tickets in the halls.
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something interesting, and most importantly for young people young. 47 years old, she literally lives in her contemporaries, her productions are still on posters. today we are playing the play three comrades, this is galima borison volchik play, three sisters, pygmaleon, we are playing two on a swing. ivan stibunov has been serving in the theater for 18 years, and found igor kvasha, a legend, a star and a professional until the last minute. well, everyone was ready to applaud and greeted with such love, but no, this man tuned in every day, every day he had a zone of his silence, when it was necessary to understand, now there is no need to approach. friends and artists the theater managed to save photographs from... from the first rehearsals, photo sessions of the artistic council, the first copies of plays, posters and programs, all of this was digitized and transferred to the contemporary museum. the idea of ​​doing this in metal, the idea of ​​combining two colors, black and white, it corresponds to
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the ideology of the theater, which runs forward, sometimes suffocates, then it needs to stop, exhale, maybe make a mistake, but again it runs forward, a contemporary, it must always correspond to it , it’s been like this for three generations, maryana, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning of the flood situation in kurgan , the river level is rapidly rising, the tabol is gaining 5 cm/h, the critical mark has long been passed, the latest data is almost seven. water has poured into floodplain neighborhoods, there is no longer electricity there, people are being evacuated, rescuers are taking residents out on boats, bad weather in the region can worsen the situation and rain is forecast. in total
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, more than 300 residential buildings and almost 600 household plots were sunk in the region, 13,000 people fled their homes. the work of emergency services is controlled by the minister ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region from the orenburg region. the situation there is returning to normal, restoration work is in full swing. more than 130,000 liters of five. an army aviation crew on a mi-35 helicopter carried out an unguided missile attack on enemy strongholds and manpower in the kopinsky direction in the holding area. they approached the target at a minimum altitude, skirting the terrain, having completed the task, they returned safely to base, on the ground the assault detachments of the first army corps of the southern group of forces captured the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in navdeevsk
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direction. after artillery preparation , they secretly approached from several directions and quickly attacked the enemy. he had practically no chance. crews of the rszzo grad of the kostroma paratroopers destroyed the enemy command post and equipment in the donetsk direction. there was a concentration of militants. discovered in one of the hangars of the industrial zone of the village of chasov. our artillerymen advanced to the indicated area and carried out precise strikes. the crews of the burglars, a separate brigade of the naval infantry of the pacific fleet, group of forces east. in the ugledar area they covered the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. precise guidance is provided by drone operators; the same method is used by the rszzo uragan team of the north group of forces.
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europe's zaporozhye nuclear power plant remains without a reaction from the west, cynically trying to place all the blame on russia, our permanent representative vasily nibenze told the un council about this. even in the report of magatha, whose experts are at the station , the source is kept silent. while in recent months these attacks have become more and more intense. the russian military guarding the station repels up to 100 drones a week. one of them exploded on the roof of the reactor, the other dropped an explosive device near the fence of the fuel warehouse. all power units are now in a cold shutdown, but the danger remains, this is recognized by the magat. russia fulfills all its obligations in full. our country will continue to provide protection for zaporozhye from
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ukrainian attacks and provocations. we intend to continue to take measures to strengthen nuclear safety and nuclear security zas, in accordance with our national legislation and obligations arising from relevant international legal instruments. of which russia is a participant. we call on the mogat secretariat, as well as all sensible members of the international community, to also do everything possible to save the world from a nuclear incident. one of the most important steps of this kind will be direct and open condemnation of ukraine’s actions, which have brought us all to the brink of catastrophe more than once. at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant constantly there are up to five magata experts, just today with them. the next rotation, the eighteenth in a row, employees of rosatom and magat work together in extreme conditions, ensuring the safety of europe's largest nuclear power plant, despite the fact that the station is subject to constant attacks by the armed forces of ukraine. rosatom states that presence.
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"we're in this together, and i can't tell you how much we appreciate the open support of czechoslovaks." of the czech republic in protecting the people of ukraine. and one more news from the usa, a military plant in pennsylvania caught fire, scranton, produces 155 mm caliber shells and other ammunition. national defense magazine reports that it has been updated for ukraine to increase the production of shells by five times. there are only seven enterprises in
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the united states. local residents watched with alarm everything that was happening and shared footage of the fire on social networks. it can be seen that a column of thick black smoke appeared above the building. it is reported that there were no casualties and the fire has now been extinguished. that's all, now the word to my colleagues, good morning. bye, mom is at the lecture, that's what you can call it our next report. just imagine, a young mother, a student, a child, for example, 2 or 3 years old, and you need it. university, who should i leave him with? in fact, there is a solution, a kindergarten or a children's room, they are already working in many universities. two-year-old svyatoslav goes with his mother to the university, he is pleased in advance; while his mother is at a consultation, he will be able to play for an hour in the brand new children's room. this playroom was opened for children, students , employees of the perm national research university, allocated premises, trained tutors. well, we draw and paint. they look after them on
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a voluntary basis, the parent sends them an application in advance, and brings the child to the specified time. university students, as a rule, when they go to classes, they have already decided the issue of where they will leave their children, and there are some emergency cases, if, for example, there is quarantine in the kindergarten, of course, students use this room with us. you can leave the child for 3 hours completely. enough to attend a lecture, pass an exam. this is very good, cool opportunity, you can be with your child without moving too far from him, and at the same time you can build your career and get an education. this year they plan to open such rooms in twenty universities in the country, thirty-six already have them, one of them is the north caucasus federal university, a local room for the temporary stay of children over 10 years old. look how many guys, the room is so popular that... the
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university is seriously thinking about opening a kindergarten with a scientific focus, this will be such an ambitious pilot project, we let’s ask our leading scientists in a simple language that is understandable for this age to talk about all the wonders of nature, about all the wonders of science, the project is in development, and parents are already excited, when the university has a kindergarten, it’s very convenient, a kindergarten has been opened at the tomsk polytechnic university in sixty-two, many of our employees went to kindergarten,
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applications are accepted if there are free places. vladimir saromotin, elena savina, channel one. now let's talk about delicious bon appetit. by the way, it's warm salad with accordion potatoes, maybe you know what it is? if you, like us, don’t know what an accordion potato is, then maria surova will teach you how to cook it now, and perhaps play it. i'm checking out a life hack on how to make potatoes, an accordion and serve a delicious warm salad for breakfast. i cut the potatoes into these 2 cm thick plates. they will be crispy on top and soft on the inside. it's best not to cut the potatoes too thin. and ordinary sushi chopsticks will help me with this. i put it on both sides of the potato plate and cut it diagonally like this. do you see? the chopsticks slow down the knife, making cuts on only one side. now i turn the potatoes over too. i cut it,
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it turns out like this accordion, i cut the second one a little differently, on one side diagonally, on the other vertically, oh, these are potatoes. stretches more, and now i’ll try to make narrow cuts on one, thicker ones on the other. yes, this stretches best. all that remains is to fry this thickness. i heat up some vegetable oil. i think there is no need to deep fry, otherwise the potatoes will definitely remain raw inside. i would like the accordion shape to be seen better. try stretching it with forks, maybe the shape will fix? no, potatoes. too hard, stretch, when it becomes a little softer, add salt and pepper, turn again with salt and pepper, fry over medium heat so that the potatoes do not burn, have time to bake, gently stretch, as soon as it becomes soft,
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place on a paper towel and move on to the rest of the ingredients, i chop the red onion and cucumbers, add vegetables and prepare the dressing, olive... oil, garlic clove, basil leaves and salt, mix with a blender i season, add a few more lettuce leaves, mix well, lay out the salad, fried potatoes and olives on top, the warm salad with accordion potatoes is ready, of course i had to tinker with them, but it was worth it, and now is the time to talk about health, if you remember, there is one a thing like a medical examination, this is when you check your health for free under your health insurance policy. this won’t hurt, even if you feel great, because, as they say, prevention is better than cure, right? just imagine last year 90 million people have already undergone medical examination.
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join us too. anna kazakova did not complain about her health, except maybe a little fatigue, which happens to everyone. i chalked it all up to the rhythm. getting enough sleep, but everything turned out as it turned out. the illness turned into a diagnosis, discovered by chance during a medical examination. we discovered cholesterol plaques, and now we have to take care of our body. and you were lucky in time? we are leading in the detection of cardiovascular diseases. unfortunately, this group of diseases is among the causes of mortality. therefore, of course, the sooner we identify it. the more correctly we prescribe treatment, and if you haven’t been to the clinic for a long time, let us remind you that from 18 to 39 years of age medical examination is done once 3 years, from 40 years of age every year, workers are entitled to paid time off, you don’t get the flu, there is an exacerbation, there are no infectious diseases, and on the first
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the screening stage includes basic measurements: height, weight, pressure, including eye pressure, fluorography, kg, plus blood tests, so the advice is to come to the drag, at the first stage you can... fit it in a day, well, for now i haven’t completed it yet, well, i don’t know, probably within an hour, well, probably no more than an hour, from the age of 40 you must have a mammogram and a number of specialists, a gynecologist, a urologist, in addition, tests for oncological pathology, here the process can take a long time. if, as part of a medical examination, a patient needs to undergo an examination according to his age, for example, a mammogram or fgds, we enroll patients in a queue, reducing the number of patients as they progress through the queue.
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they can’t remind you, yes, we have an sms alert for the population, we call patients, we especially focus on those patients who have not visited our medical institutions in the last 2 years. in 2023, 90 million people took care of themselves, and this is almost every second resident of the country. rita larkina, nikita kulakov, yulia bykova, channel one. voice live. on friday on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group.
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stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. sheaf product lar group, monte shococa cognac, product of the stellar group, a wonderful yarolash is being filmed, i hope that it will be... of course, boris yuryevich had some kind of streak, he could choose a lot of now famous people from the crowd, he thanked geralash, he was like that, just a kinop, he was, for me, it’s not me, it’s her, i don’t have an acting education, yarovazh became the first step in cinema, i tell you, well, who i am, i passed, by the way, without auditioning, he just told me: “sanya, your emotions are needed here, that’s all, ah.” "don't be afraid, we ate on purpose so as not to bite or eat small children, tremendous pleasure and
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happiness to do what you madly love, what the audience loves, probably there is nothing better and there is nothing better, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of boris grachevsky, on saturday at the first. lately, we have increasingly heard the phrase global majority, who is part of it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who controls these states, we met in the palace of the president of syria, a man who challenged the collective west. ours war, this a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, answering everything with yes boss. and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. you
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use social networks, it is interesting for you. before i became president, i headed a government organization for development of the internet, while devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people. online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority. these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company. new project of the first. global majority of bashar al-assad on sunday on the first. good morning, dear friends, thank you for celebrating a new day with us, together with channel one, with you daria shulik and nikita timinov. on the calendar, april 16 is tuesday, an important historical date. on this day, in 1934, exactly 90 years ago, the honorary title of hero of the soviet union was established. there were this title. 12.77 people were awarded, and the first were the pilots who took part in the operation
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to rescue the jawlin residents in the arctic. map of the legendary rescue operation by soviet pilots in the arctic, february 1934, the steamer chelyuskin sinks in the chukchi sea, 104 expedition members remain on the ice, so this is where shmit’s camp was? yes, the shmita camp, according to the map, is very close to the town of vankarem, where he was based. but he needed 29 missions to find the cheroskinians. on march 5 , the first 12 people, women and children, were evacuated. april 13, twenty-fourth flight, last rescued. the seven pilots needed to be awarded in some special way, so it was decided to establish the highest degree of distinction for the title of hero of the soviet union. the resolution was published in the newspaper pravda on april 16, exactly 90 years ago. back in 1939, they also established a medal, a hero’s star made of 950 pure gold,
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which could be awarded several times, most of all hero titles were awarded during the great patriotic war. my dad was a fighter pilot, he received this award in 1944 on may 31 for shooting down 16 enemy planes. irina petrovna, daughter of colonel pyotr rossadkin, in 1942 he was an aviation pilot in the northern fleet, in 1944. already a squadron commander with 190 combat missions. the family carefully preserves all the hero’s awards and stories about the battles and amazing rescue when he was shot down over the barintsev sea. he swam for more than 5 hours, in cold water, in winter. hero of the soviet union, vitaly dmitrievich bubenin, completely wounded and shell-shocked, led the battle. in march 1969 during the soviet-chinese conflict on damansky island. then he was the head of the border outpost, he came in from the rear, here
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he defeated the enemy, was shot down, but managed to get out, but our little one. over the entire history of the title, more than 12,700 people have been awarded it, 107 of them twice, but you can only receive the hero of russia star once. it is all the more valuable - damir yasupov assures that the commander of the aircraft crew was awarded after a successful emergency landing. in august 2019 on takeoff, a flock of seagulls crashed into the plane, and the left engine failed. when they realized that the plane had already stopped climbing, and then basically went into a descent, then of course, there was no talk of returning. we landed the plane on a cornfield. field, all 233 people on board the liner remained alive and even evacuated themselves, the country called this event a miracle, and the flight attendant’s phrase “we go to the right into the sun along the rows of corn” became a catchphrase. we still communicate, correspond, celebrate this august 15th as our second birthday. this year the large airplane family will celebrate its first anniversary. natalya
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kovaleva, denis panomariov, andrey ivanov, stanislav khizhnyakov, tatyana yus, channel one. let us remind you that on the calendar april 16, tuesday. the flood in russia continues. this is the worst flood in the last 100 years. vorovsky, the water is subsiding, the peak of the flood in orenburg has also passed, but in general in the orenburg region, as well as in the kurgan and tyumen regions, the situation remains difficult. thousands of people have been evacuated, those who had to leave their homes are now very we need help and support, and this help comes because we have many kind and caring people. the region has been covered, 16,500 people have been evacuated, more than 23,000 household plots have been flooded, more than 15 thousand residential buildings, the locals are not discouraged, and it really wasn’t joy, it was just, well , we did what we could, so we decided
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to meet the misfortune with such a positive attitude, yes and there is no time to be discouraged, volunteer... this is the second week they have been on duty in flooded areas, the most difficult thing is to save animals, there was a problem with three dogs that climbed under the trailer, to get them, to lure them out, to scare them with something, well , it didn’t work, since i’m a small set, i had to climb, they pulled one out by the legs, well, like in the fairy tale about a turnip, i grabbed it by the legs, then the guys grabbed me by the legs, so we grabbed her raised, the dogs were saved, the orenburg kennels are overcrowded, daria and victor are helping one of them, they ordered a metal structure. based on metal, profile, rods, chipboard there, we were provided with all these dimensions, all the characteristics were provided, we quickly placed an order, we expect that it will arrive in the near future gazelle, we will be able to load all this, and preferably today we will start cooking, because the dogs that are arriving need some kind of temporary home, university and college students are helping to build enclosures, daniil
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will set up the electrics while there is an opportunity to help others, we need to help others, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a weekend... or a weekday, this beauty salon in orenburg has been repurposed as a collection center for help, every day a car with things for the victims leaves here, denis from the chelyabinsk region is going to the orenburg region for the second time, himself i donated my thirteenth salary to help, friends and acquaintances supported me, they gave me baby food, i took one boat, which by the way was very useful, i took water, clothes, animal feed, food. i also bought buckwheat, there was a lot of demand for personal hygiene products, aid collections were opened in churches, the church of the blessed matrona of moscow in orenburg bought beds, pillows, blankets, and fan heaters. it is unknown how long the flood will recede, help will be needed even after, besides, now the water is rising in the kurgan and tomsk regions, and we are again we remind you that you don’t have to wait for the elements
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to knock on your home, evacuate, take only essential things with you, a first aid kit and documents. situation, you have to urgently evacuate, in this case i recommend preparing a first aid kit. we need a sealed plastic container, first of all, we put the medicine that we take regularly into it. we also take antipyretic drugs in case of high fever. be sure to take decontamination tablets, but they won’t help you if
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you run out of drinking water. still need activated coal and entra. they will help in case of food poisoning. we will also need antiseptics, these are the means used to treat wounds. iodine, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine will do. of course, we take a sterile bandage, as well as an elastic one. do you know how to use it? let's imagine that you hurt your knee, you need to fix the joint. we tighten it with an elastic bow, wrap it evenly, without allowing it. kozolomov, they can rub the skin, the degree of compression should be more pronounced under the knee, decrease slightly above it, we place the turns of the bow on each other a friend at least. we put the first aid kit
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in a waterproof bag, we also put a large piece of polyethylene, it can be useful in case of bad weather, we also put drinking water, canned food and bread here, this is the first set. necessity can be useful in any emergency situation, understood? as you know, simple solutions are the best solutions, the experts in our section are sure of this. they are, of course, exactly right. i opened the potatoes for hearty breakfast rolls and poured in most of the broth. i mash the tubers into puree while the potatoes cools down, fry the chopped onion until transparent, add chopped
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champignons, simmer under the lid until the liquid evaporates. i mix the cooled mushrooms with mashed potatoes, salt, pepper, season with chopped herbs, add a clove of garlic, and mix. the result is a filling for the roll, i spread the mixture on a sheet of thin pita bread, spread it in an even layer, roll the workpiece into a roll, cut it into rolls 3 cm thick, fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown, on one side on the other, it looks appetizing, it’s already wanted. .. try it, enjoy your breakfast. and our morning broadcast will continue with sports news. so, the latest news from the russian premier
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football league and, of course, forecasts, all from the sports journalist of the first channel, dmitry terikhov. the twenty-fourth round of the russian football championship identified a clear favorite in the fight for the title. it is symbolic that this happened as a result of a head-to-head duel between the two main contenders for first place: krasnodar and zenit. petersburgers. away the top away 2:1. rpl's top scorer, colombian mateo casiera scored his sixteenth goal of the season. the blue-white-blues extended their unbeaten streak with the clubs to 12 matches and were four points ahead of them in the standings. dynamo is in third place, despite the away defeat to ural. until the fifth minute of stoppage time the score was equal 1:1. the success of the urals was ensured by alexey kashtanov. cska and lokomotiv are one point behind dynamo. the capital's derby in cherkizovo with their participation ended peacefully, and by the eighty- second. by the minute the army team was losing 1:3, but were able to equalize the score. midfielder railway workers maxim glushenkov scored an assistant headtrick. now he is the best passer of the season with nine
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assists, which is two more than dynamo's konstantin tyukavin. the soviet wings rose to sixth place after defeating rubin 2:0 in the volga derby. samara scored the second goal in the end, when visiting goalkeeper yuri dupin tried to save the situation during a corner kick, but the hosts organized a quick counterattack and vladimir kubulov hit the empty goal. wing. spanish mentor of outsider robert moreno won victory in the rpl, and his compatriot and vyazov gelier mabascal lost his job, bosnian specialist vladimir sliskovich was appointed interim head coach of spartak. the best team in the spring part of the championship remains rostov, which scored in five matches. points, in the don torch derby, which took place in voronezh, everything was decided by an accurate shot from the brazilian forward ronaldo. nizhny novgorod lost in the third round in a series of unsuccessful trips to orenburg 1:3.
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david's team set a club record of six matches without defeat. finally, baltika, in the away match against akhmat, not only won the biggest victory in the russian championship, 7:1, but inflicted the grozdenets' biggest defeat in the rpl. brazilian alex fernandez scored his second hat-trick of the season. the first one was also issued in the capital. chechnya back in july by the birth of csk fedor chalov. and now it’s time for an information broadcast on channel one. stay with us. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. crews of the rszzo grad kostroma paratroopers destroyed the enemy command post and equipment in donetsk direction of the specialist. grad of a separate
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marine brigade of the pacific fleet, group of forces vostok. in the ugledarsky sector, they covered the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. 122-mm rockets penetrate even the most durable cover. precise guidance is provided by drone operators. so, in the avdeevsky direction , aerial reconnaissance aircraft promptly transmit the coordinates of identified targets to the command post. enemy losses included up to 30 militants, two vehicles, and an electronic warfare station. the command operates using the same method. for the hurricane of the north group of forces, seconds count, the task is to hit batteries, communication centers, and concentrations of enemy armored personnel. the fighters cope with all this very well. the west actually encourages shelling of the ukrainian zaporozhye nuclear power plant, despite the threat to the security of all of europe. our permanent representative vasily nebenzya stated this at a meeting of the un security council. even in the report of magathe, whose experts are at
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the station, the source of the attacks is silent. while in recent months these attacks are becoming more and more intense. the russian military guarding the station repels up to 100 drones a week. one of them exploded on the roof of the reactor, the other dropped an explosive device near the fence of the fuel warehouse, all power units are now in a cold shutdown, but the danger remains, magath admits this. it has gotten to the point that western countries are ready to indirectly admit that the station is being shelled only because it is under russian control. the generally balanced and relevant assessments of the general director, when they use impersonal phrases from the series, no matter who was behind the attack, and also, contrary to obvious facts, they do not indicate to all of us the well-known party that is behind the attacks on the station, especially since the magathe experts at the facility have the opportunity to see everything beautifully with your own eyes. our western colleagues, without even
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noticing it , rusatom and magat employees work together in extreme conditions, ensuring the security of europe’s largest nuclear power plant, despite the fact that the station is subject to constant attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. rosatom says that the presence of international experts is an important positive factor, and the relationship has developed constructively. the uk may never be able to withdraw russian money, the politician writes, and the government is gradually beginning to realize this. we are talking about illegally frozen,
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essentially stolen, assets. over the past 2 years , there have been many loud statements and proposals in london on how to put them into circulation, but in practice the opposition has proposed only one such a bill, which was immediately rejected by the conservative government. both the uk and the european union fear the consequences, the flight of private investors and even the refusal of other countries to keep their money in europe. in politics, reality rarely matches the rhetoric, the reality is that the uk may never... sanctions experts all say that regardless of political leanings, there is and never will be any legal basis for the seizure of frozen russian money, property or other assets. in st. petersburg , the crew of the first combat patrol icebreaker of its kind, ivan popanin, checks into their ship, which means that the shore training course is over, then tests
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at sea, which... consider checking all the mechanisms, by the way, they are only russian-made. together with the military sailors , employees of the shipbuilding plant and the admiralty shipyards, who will be accommodated in very spacious cabins, will test each device on board. ivan papanin, named after the famous a soviet polar explorer and a patrol ship, and a tug or dock at the same time, it will work in the vastness of the arctic, its reinforced hull will easily pass through one and a half meters of ice, but first of all, this ship, of course, is a combat ship. strikes can hit any targets on land, in water, in the air. there are artillery installations, a hangar for the k-27 helicopter, and if necessary, a caliber missile system will be placed on the deck. now we have a lot of work ahead of us, to study the ship from the inside, to study its technical means, the responsibility is colossal, there is a lot of work to be done, including ice trials, and this
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will be for each crew member, including me... ivan popanin will be able to guard our convoys of ships, participate in rescue operations, autonomy voyage 2.5 months, range 1000 miles, state-owned running gear still ahead. for testing only after the flag is solemnly raised above the stern and the ship goes on combat duty. that's all for now. the multi-episode astro-plot continues on channel one undercover taxi detective. the turbine lieutenant, his faithful partner dog loaf, is always in the center of events. their life, frankly speaking, is eventful. my mukhtar, i’m ready to work undercover again. in fact, dogs should not be given such food, so the loaf had to be restrained, but
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so that the audience would not notice anything. at the moment when i give it to him, the loaf already understands that that’s it, now i’m going to eat this shurma, there is a hostess sitting behind, that means, behind the back seat of the car, she hid. my wife with another girl and now he doesn’t know how everything is going well with the couple, but recently alexey saw what to do, tell the truth to his ex-wife or remain silent, this is such a childhood love that didn’t work out and but he, well,
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it seems to me that every person has such love, it seems to me that this is about this, about this one such love of childhood, but in us in our series he, of course, tries to regain it, although he has other interests, as it were, and the interests of turbines are carried away by a colleague from criminal investigation, captain myakisheva, some kind of spark arose between them, she immediately began to pull them towards each other, this attraction is not to the liking of ina vosetsky’s boss, sit down, words please, hello taxi driver, you’re back in your repertoire, not a day without adventures, like that, turbines are again the first at the crime scene. an unknown person entered the store for the purpose of robbery; he managed to escape. during the arrest we are careful, but catching this criminal, as you understand, is now a matter of honor for us. chases, fights, everyday life, lieutenant turbin. all
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dima did the fights himself. the most difficult thing, by the way, turned out to be when dima had to receive from someone, this was difficult for other people to play, because no matter how they did it, dima. he dodged so powerfully that none of their blows landed on the target. undercover taxi new episode tonight. maria bronzova, victoria balenskaya, andrey tsarev, channel one. well, right now, everyone is warming up together. fitness trainer andronik mikailyan is already waiting for us. good morning, my record is 25 sit-ups with a barbell weighing 50 kg. at the whole body works under such load. of course, the exercise is not suitable for beginners, but there are
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many other ways to strengthen the muscles of the body. we squat with our palms, touch the floor, now we step forward and backward with our hands. we do not straighten our knees. do not bend, in this position the back should remain straight. version for experienced athletes, replace steps with jumps, move both arms in one movement. this exercise will help strengthen your arm and abdominal muscles, as well as improve your wrist and elbow joints. this is necessary not only for men, but also
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for women. bend over, it didn't help, we'll save. come on, this is how children learn. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming. we are messengers of the young spring, she
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sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, the flood in russia continues, it has already been called the largest in the last 100 years, and today our guest is a doctor of technical sciences, chief scientific existing pipelines or other ways, and
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this process will, of course, take at least a week, and what cannot be eliminated immediately will apparently be pumped out by means, by the ministry of emergency situations, from under basements, from flooded structures, again into the ural river, after which the water will slowly flow down and further to the mouth the ural river is already in the caspian sea. in orenburg has already been completed, how long will it take to free the flooded areas from water, how long will it take? in orenburg, unlike orsk, no destruction of protective structures occurred; those territories that were in the zone were flooded. this catastrophic, or we sometimes call it extreme flooding, but if the same decline continues, then within a few days from the flooded areas. there is a large flow of water, nevertheless, it will slowly rush downstream
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, cross into kazakh territory and will further flood the kazakh part of the lower reaches of the ural river. yeah, let's move on, then in the regions of the kurgan region, what is happening now on the tobol river? a very dangerous situation is developing on the tabol river, water levels are rising in the mound itself in others. in areas located there , 100-150 kilometers before the urals, the water level also does not decrease, does not decrease at very high levels, as a result we are seeing huge flooding, the floodplains of the tabola river, all over the areas up to kurgan, this is very dangerous, since this water will stand for a long time, it can rise further, and most likely this will be the case, since at the entrance we have water, we have a very large influx. including from kazakhstan and this process will
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develop and threaten us with dangerous consequences of kurgan itself, especially since there is also a waterworks there, which can also contribute its share to the flooding of this city, so relief of the situation in kurgan is not expected in the coming days, for at least another 2-3 days, according to roshydromet forecasts, the water level there will grow, but how did it happen that the tobol river was so divided in this? as far as we know, it is not particularly high-water, yes, oddly enough, the river is the basin of the tabol river, or rather the southern part, which is located near the border of kazakhstan on the kazakh territory, this is one of the most water-scarce parts of the basin, its own water resources in normal years are, well, one might even say insignificant, but this year a unique situation has developed with snowfall, with soil freezing, with sudden snow melting, and we are observing an exceptionally anomalous year. nothing, so to speak, supernatural and
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unimaginable is happening, but against the backdrop of large snow reserves and sudden melting , a very large runoff has formed relative to the norm, and such phenomena are always difficult to predict and difficult to manage. michael vasilievich, according to forecasts, when should we expect the peak of the flood in the tyumen region? well, everything is ahead there, so i ’ll speak out so carefully, the fact is that all these rivers have a characteristic spring flood, the further you go north... the more snow, the less abruptly it all melts, so there will be such a smooth more -less flood, but the threat of development in a strong scenario. of course it remains, because this year the freezing depth there is large, the snow reserves are large, everything will depend on how the snowmelt goes, and we expect that there will also be serious problems with flooding of the area. if we talk about expectations, about forecasts, then on what other rivers should we expect a rise in water levels, besides the tobol? a large
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flood is expected on the tami, kishim, and other tributaries in the altai territory, most likely there will be another wave of flood. due to the melting of snow in the mountains, but here in central russia, fortunately , everything is more or less under control, and we have increased water content in the rivers, but with the help of management, the volsko-kama cascade will cope with this task, and this this year’s management will be successful for everyone, including fish in the wild in the ostarkhan region. mikhail vasilyevich, thank you very much for coming to our broadcast today, well, thank you for inviting us, we have guests. good morning, dear friends, thank you for joining us, let's wake up soon, a new day has already begun, daria shulik and
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nikita pimenov are with you. on the calendar, april 16 , tuesday in moscow at vdnkh , the international exhibition forum russia continues its work. if you haven't been there yet. necessarily come, come, stock up on new bright impressions, and all this is completely free, but if you have already been there, of course, come again and again, many visit the exhibition for the second or third time, because something interesting happens here every day and exciting, everything is updated at the russia exhibition, it seems that i was already in the seventy-fifth pavilion at the stand of the same kirov region, but i haven’t milked a cow yet, it turns out, it turns out, it turns out, is it really possible in kirov before... the port milks cows by hand, by itself this is no longer the case, we have a whole agricultural holding where special robots work, this is both anti-stress and a small excursion into the history of agriculture in our region, and we invite everyone to try feeding our eleanor. her special breed was bred in the kirov region. she has a scaly udder shape,
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thanks to this udder shape we get more milk. next week , a dinosaur will be waiting for all guests, gosh’s hint is next to eleanor, there’s also a queue for him. take a selfie, our gosha is very friendly, you can pet him, he’s soft, in kirov itself we have a park where the figures reach 6 m in height. in addition, master classes on planting, now watermelons and smoke, started at the exhibition. our seeds are of premium varieties, everyone will leave with a planted watermelon, which in a month they will be able to plant in open ground in august and try the watermelon that they themselves grew. plus they promise other gifts. what an intrigue so far, so that they definitely come, especially before the summer season, and almost all regions are preparing new master classes, so unobtrusively at the stand of the saratov region will introduce children to yuri gagarin. it turns out to knit, right? maybe yes. is this your first time knitting? yes. the
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excursion programs will also be updated; it’s worth taking a look at even the most remote pavilions. this is the energy of life, an apartment in which everything is made from petroleum products. cotton. synthetic fibers are added, which allow modern clothes not to wrinkle, we can see a sofa that is made of wear-resistant materials, which are also products of oil refining. if about furniture and clothes is not so surprising, then the fruits on the table are shocking, ethylene is used to speed up the ripening of fruits, a product made from natural gas, where there is oil, there it is, at the end the illumination of the map of electrical and thermal power engineering is obligatory, we walk, relax, learn a lot of new things, including scanning qr codes at the exhibition. there are results that make you smile. anna obrosimova, dmitry roshkov, channel one. well , right now, let's find out what this day has in store for us. horoscope time on channel one. april 16, the eighth lunar day
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meets the ninth, 28th day of the sun, bright, artistic, not devoid of inspiration, an excellent inventor, the best friend of creativity. personalities, the main thing is to channel his talents into a creative direction, otherwise he likes to dream, to have his head in the clouds, but he is good-natured and sociable, and at the same time very charming, if you need to convince someone of something, win over to your side, captivate with your ideas or just present yourself in a favorable light, contact him, he will help , of course, he also has disadvantages, he is ambitious, self-confident, not averse to showing off and being a henchman, we are somewhat we become fixated on our person, our self is inflated to universal proportions, be careful with this, okay, otherwise they will laugh at you, and you are also very assertive today, don’t overdo it either, otherwise it’s a great day, one of those people talk about, lost it, lost a month, and the evening... clearly wants to invite you to some kind of entertainment event. taurus will be able to improve something in their personal life, correct some mistakes, improve the climate in the family,
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make peace with someone, single taurus will get a chance to meet their soul mate, but with big ones it’s better to wait a day for shopping. not a bad day for the twins, things will go well for those who work with information, learn something or teach someone, this day is very good for business contacts and public speaking, pay more attention while driving. the day may begin for crayfish. i’m nervous, something urgent might interfere with your plans, expenses are possible, you might have to deal with not very pleasant people, but that’s okay, everything will be fine by lunchtime, and the evening will certainly please you, just don’t get carried away with alcohol. leo is having one of those days when everything goes as it should, and even a little lucky, the lionesses will want to show off a little, well, why not, today you are out of competition and be careful with fire and hot objects. this day will help virgos to come up with something, solve some complex problem, or even something. invent, after lunch there may be a small profit or a gift, and even today something lost may be found. for libra, the stars remind you of two
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old wisdoms, even almost banalities: not all that glitters is gold, there is free cheese, well, you know where, and so the day is very not bad, including for career growth. scorpios today are very charming, ladies are charming, men are filled with a kind of calm reliability. in general, scorpios will be able to make an impression, and the opposite regiment will not... the sagittarius have a smooth, comfortable tuesday, when everything goes as usual, things themselves, of course, will not get done, but if they are given a little push, they will go like clockwork, and the evening seems to be planning to give you some kind of surprise, capricorns may be reminded of their creditors by creditors, but this will not ruin you, but debts are necessary give, after lunch there may be a meeting for which you should not be late, remember, today is not the day when you should act on the specks, it will not do any good, you will only scare away good but sensitive people, very creative.
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the old one remained like new, or almost like new, in advertising for all sorts of cleaning products, that ’s exactly how it all happens, well, you and i know that this is advertising, i don’t want to say anything bad, i’m just hinting, let’s figure it out better right now , what types of carpet cleaners are there, which product what kind of carpet is it suitable for and how do they deal with these stains, in general, everything you need to know about cleaning carpets right now, there are stains of dirt, juice... we’ll clean coffee on the carpet, but with what? do they offer foam or gel spray in stores? first, go to the dry cleaner for advice, here the products are chosen based on the composition of the carpet. the most
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delicate ones are silk, viscose, wool, we usually send them for cleaning in a solvent environment. without water, if you wet a natural one, it will most likely become deformed and the design will spread. at home the most a gentle option - foam, also does not require additional moisture. carpets that have nothing... it will be synthetics, carpets that have no more than 30% processions in their composition, put them in a carpet washer with shampoo or gel, its composition is similar to household analogues, alkali is always present, our professional products are highly concentrated , because we know how to breed. household alkaline surfactants contain less than 5%. it is difficult to harm the carpet with such means, and the upholstery can be cleaned. wow there are different ones, the combination of anionic and nonionic is more gentle, it turned out to be in our foam and shampoo, in the spray there are only
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anionic ones, in fact this is the most effective type, usually it has a more severe aggressive effect on various surfaces, including for the skin, hands and body, and in addition to this, there are also phosphates in the composition, which enhance the effect of the main surfactant; to combat complex stains, oxygen bleaches and enzymes can also be added, the enzyme is very effective. for help cleaning such carpets, if they are stained with various organic contaminants, a drop of milk, or there may be blood there, in stain removers they are usually in higher concentrations when compared with conventional products, and more often come in the form of a spray, the spray form is quite convenient for application , you can apply it locally to the stain, plus here we will also say with acceleration, yes , we are as if in the thickness of the fabric, and if you have a fleecy carpet with a high pile, then applying with...
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there are traces left from all types of pollution, it is effective to apply where surface this one requires gentle cleaning. the gel performed better; its composition was enhanced by oxygen bleach. in this case, we applied it from an aqueous solution and it is quite wet, and in principle it will probably take a long time to dry. well, the spray won due to its targeted effect and more aggressive composition. ksenia loginova, sergey folendysh, channel one. hello everyone, my name is caroline, my father is an optimist, so he thinks that i am half white. kvn, major league, new season, on saturday, on the first. what do you have in hands? this is my autobiography. autobiography, read it out loud. read aloud to yourself? are you
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freaking out, what? appearance. such a child in my life was a complete surprise, the tandem we have is such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, or maybe it will be even better, they came up with the idea of ​​​​making a shelving here, father and son go out separately or together with the room , op complex, even just to have fun, very good for the back, everything for cozy evenings is collected in the corner, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, we are in we got home, about comfort, the premiere is on saturday on the first, our cheerful, good morning continues, it’s time to find out what got into the network of our main overlord, the world wide web, yegor uspensky, meet new heroes of the internet, new heroes of the internet,
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a cat by name. water's abilities have already been appreciated by 12 million music lovers , and more and more are joining them. an unusual passenger was spotted at one of sydney's train stations. it turned out to be this horse, well, not in a coat, but in a blanket, which ran away from his owner. he even tried to board the arriving train, but the driver, alas, did not open the door for him. and you see, because he
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started to enter the train from the wrong side, that’s why. well, as they say, for dessert. chocolate architect amari guichon never ceases to amaze the world wide web. this time he made this life-size koala. the work lasted 4 days on her creation, and maria spent almost 20 kg of chocolate, and the video immediately became an internet hit. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning about the situation with the floods in kurgan , the level of the tobol river is rapidly growing, gaining 5 cm/h, the critical mark has long been passed, the latest data is almost 7.5 m. water rushed into the floodplain microdistricts, there is no longer electricity there, people are evacuating, rescuers are taking residents to boats,
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the situation may not be worsened by the weather ; rain is forecast in the region; only sunk in the region. region from the orenburg region, the situation there is returning to normal, restoration work is in full swing, more than 130 thousand liters of drinking water were brought to residents military personnel of the yasninsky division of strategic missile forces. in the tomsk region there is ice drift and the water level in the op river is rising. the authorities say that in the worst case... 10 settlements will fall into the flood zone , quite difficult, in the tyumen region, in a number of villages on the ishim river, they are increasing the height of temporary dams, rescuers and volunteers are working. now to the topic of the special operation, the army aviation crew on a mi-35 helicopter carried out an attack with unguided missiles on enemy strongholds and a live landing in the kupinsky direction to the target walked at a minimum altitude, skirting the
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terrain. having completed the task, we returned safely to base. and on the ground, assault detachments of the first army corps of the southern group of forces captured the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevsky direction. after artillery preparation, they secretly approached and quickly attacked the enemy. he has... the same method is used by the uragan mlrs team of the north group of forces. persezo, hurricane, targets, infantry, equipment, fortifications
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of the enemy area. the equipment is reliable, there have never been any problems with it, it is quite passable, fast, maneuverable, the calculation works great, i’ve been using it for quite a long time, everything is done quickly, commands are carried out clearly and in a timely manner. the guys have the same common goal as everyone else, faster, faster victory. direct strikes by the armed forces of ukraine on the largest nuclear power plant in europe, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, remain without a reaction from the west; they are cynically trying to place all the blame on russia, our permanent representative vasily nebenzya told the un council about this. even in the report of magathe, whose experts are at the station , the source of the attacks is silent. while in recent months, these attacks have become increasingly intense. russian military who will guard. the station repels the arrivals of up to 100 drones per week, one of them exploded on the roof of the reactor, another dropped an explosive device near the fence of the fuel warehouse. all power units are now in a cold shutdown, but the danger remains,
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this is recognized in magatha. russia fulfills all its obligations in full. our country will continue to ensure the protection of the ap from ukrainian attacks and provocations. intend and continue to take measures to strengthen nuclear power. russia. we call on the magata secretariat, as well as all sensible members of the international community, to also do everything possible to save the world from a nuclear incident. one of the most important such steps will be direct and open condemnation of ukraine’s actions. which have brought us all to the brink of disaster more than once. there are up to five magathe experts constantly at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, just today they are having their next rotation, the eighteenth in a row,
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rosatom and magatte employees are working together. in extreme conditions ensure the safety of europe's largest nuclear power plant, despite the fact that the station is subject to constant attacks in the armed forces of ukraine. rosatom says that the presence of international experts is an important positive factor, and the relationship has developed constructively. during the pre-election year, american president joe biden never ceases to amaze during negotiations; he thanked czechoslovakia, which ceased to exist in 1992, for supporting ukraine. biden was then a senator, involved in international affairs, but probably i forgot all this. he has already invited voters to vote for himself, since he lives in the 20th century, here is another evidence. we are in this together and i can't tell you how much we appreciate. today, biden is planning a campaign trip to his hometown
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of scranton in pennsylvania, but the day before , a military plant there caught fire, where they produce 155 mm caliber shells and other ammunition, the american media write that for ukraine. the plant is currently being modernized to increase the production of shells fivefold. there are only seven such enterprises in the united states. it is reported that. there were no injuries, the fire was extinguished. perhaps every resident of the megapolis is familiar with this nagging feeling when you want to literally throw everything away, run into the forest, breathe fresh air, look at flowers, lie on the green grass. and of course, as we know, there are never too many flowers, right now we are going to where there is just a sea of ​​them, they are all waiting, can’t wait to decorate our cities. petunias salvia ceneraria will soon be planted with marigolds zinnia agyratum, the biska nursery is preparing for the summer season, all these flowers will decorate the city. for urban gardening
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, we grow a larger quantity, of course, of bush petunias, and also hanging petunias for vertical gardening, for flowerpots, hanging pots, we water them manually with an individual approach. each plant uses moisture differently, we grow over 3000 kormas. these ones were sown back in january, at the beginning of may they will be the first to go out into the street, from the st. petersburg greenhouse pansies are watching the weather , except that they are not blinking, they are blooming with all their might and... here they pour out into the city, next to them there is a footfall in full readiness, in total 600,000 flowers. flowers require special care; accordingly, in addition to watering, they require fertilizing with nutrient solutions; in addition to fertilizing, they require pinching, pinching off the same flower stalks at an early time, while they are still growing, and accordingly require the same loosening. here, almost the entire process is automated, sowing, even picking is 60% done by a robot, watering and fertilizing too. it might be clean here. water for irrigation
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can be supplied with a nutrient solution with fertilizing, it depends on how the agronomist is starting it at what stage, here you can you need to reconfigure these nozzles, it could be spraying from above, or it could be watering from below. it’s impossible without humans, for example, now they manually deepen the roots so that the root system develops correctly. in dagestan, marigolds were the first to bloom; we are now actively working with pitunias. every morning we come in and check the condition, whether it needs watering or whether such a small one is sprouting. the girls are given the command, the ladies usually take care of the flowers, women's hands transplant the seedlings with special tenderness so as not to damage the young plants, 20 different plants grow here types of flowers, colius, snapdragons, geraniums, begonias, soon the whole of makhachkala will be dressed in bright colors, 7000 flowers are ready. flower planting has already begun in the krasnodar territory. at the moment we are planting the colios so that they touch each other.
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oleg efremov, galina volchik, igor kvasha, valentin gavt, evgeny evstegneev, the first contemporary artists. what was the innovation? it was a modern conversation.
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the disappearance, let’s say, of this fourth wall, and this is the transfer of energy to each other, i don’t know if they thought about it at that moment or not, but it happened that way, it was created that way, and this was in the mid-fifties, a thaw happened in the country, but the state management system remained one hundred percent, so it was impossible to create a theater from below, it was a utopia, neither its own building, nor even the status of a theater, but on april 15... the fifty-sixth , the first performance is ready, forever alive, they have been playing since midnight, the audience disperses only in the morning, now the intelligentsia and progressive youth are standing in lines for tickets, in the sold-out halls, in the repertoire of the works of the young playwrights. the theater officially began to be called a contemporary only in 1958; in 1961 it already had its own building on mayakovsky square; the theater would move to chistye prudy later. turning point, seventy
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-second, chief director galina volchik, again surprises a contemporary. the word was not formatted, but i really liked it, and this form of it was always aimed at something new, something interesting, and most importantly for young people. 47 years old, she literally lives in contemporary times, her productions are still on posters. today we we are playing a play, three comrades, this is galina borisovna. performance, three sisters, pygmaleon, two of us playing on a swing. ivan stibunov has been serving in the theater for 18 years, and found igor kvasha, a legend, a star and a professional until the last minute. when he came out on stage, everyone was ready to applaud with such love, but no, this man tuned in every day, every day he had his zone of silence, when it was necessary to understand, now there is no need to approach. friends and artists of the theater managed to save photographs from the first rehearsals and photo sessions. council, first copies
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plays, posters and programs, all of this was digitized and transferred to the contemporary museum. the idea of ​​doing this in metal, the idea of ​​combining two colors, black and white, it corresponds to the ideology of the theater, which runs forward, sometimes suffocates, then it needs to stop, exhale, maybe make a mistake, but again run forward, the contemporary must always correspond to it. so, already three generations. maryana zhukova, mikhail karasev, sergey namonka, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar april 16, you already sang something in the morning, well, you played at least a couple of notes, because today is world voice day, yes. there is such a date. friends, do you know in general how our voice works, why we sing, but some like me don’t sing, how is it possible that sounds are formed and what timbre is? well, here’s another question: what voices do we like and why? our correspondent delved into the topic. do you
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even know how the voice works? now we will show it using a laryngoscope. we exhale air through the larynx, in particular through the vocal folds, those little white ones. looks like doors, passes through the gap between them the air, the folds vibrate and a sound is born when they are closer to each other, the note is higher. another interesting question: what does timbre depend on? the longer and thicker the folds, the lower the voice. the male larynx is larger in size, yes, due to this, the glottis is also larger in size, due to this , such a low sound is formed. but if you inhale helium, even a man will speak like a cartoon character, and one... two, that’s it, the vocal folds vibrate more often, helium is much lighter than air, the vocal folds move faster, the timbre depends not only on folds, the entire pharynx is a musical instrument, the reflection of this sound is actually from these walls, and the cavity of the pharynx,
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nasopharynx, nasal cavity, this individual voice temperament is created, but why do we dislike our voice so much when we hear it in a recording, especially in the first time, it's a matter of physics. and all because anton removes sounds that are too low and too high, he compressed everything, so the voice becomes denser, i wish you to spend this day energetically and perfectly, i wish you to feel like that person from the very morning
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human. by the way, nastya and kiril’s voices require almost no processing, i wish you to spend this day energetically and well, i wish you to feel like that very person from the very morning. they have a fairly low timbre, it’s natural, people say that they have the feeling that they are wrapped in a blanket, and this is already psychological, let’s leave only the highest sounds in kiril’s recording, and now only the lowest ones, i want to carry it out, everything below sounds soft , at the top with peaks, these are cutting sounds, the low sound calms, the high one is the opposite disturbing and not... to envy someone with a velvety soft voice, it is much quieter than a voice in the upper range. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, channel one. we remind you that the calendar says april 16, the may long weekend is ahead, we are looking forward to it, and of course, the holiday season is a very important question early in the morning: do you need to buy
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special medical insurance for your vacation or will a regular compulsory medical insurance policy be enough? well, if you are planning, for example, a trip abroad, there are a lot of nuances, now let’s try to figure them out. for travel to visa countries insurance is required, otherwise you won’t be able to get a visa-free visa if you wish, although you can’t buy one insurance for all cases, there are several programs, basic with mandatory medical travel expenses, extended sports. let's start with a sports policy, needed for dangerous and extreme sports, alpine skiing, snowboarding or diving, for example, this is a guarantee that tourists will receive all the necessary help in case of injury. we're just closing.
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regardless of the program, the tourist will receive outpatient and inpatient treatment, assistance for allergies, but if chronic diseases have worsened, most insurance companies partially cover such expenses. there are companies, those who have these restrictions, not all, but those who do, they simply limit the amount, 5% of the insured amount, but even if the treatment is more expensive, it will still be carried out, medical care is always provided in the amount required in which it is necessary, then... the question now arises, who pays, either this is fully included in the insurance policy, and the insurer, or it is partially covered, they pay something extra relatives, also from medical expenses , help with sunburn. previously, this was included only in extended insurance, now even in basic insurance. sunburn is
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the same as uvb, no matter how we see no problem here. as for trips around russia, people are still reluctant to take out insurance; they think a compulsory medical insurance policy is enough. yes, according to it , the tourist will receive medical care, but only the ms will not be enough in certain cases. the country is large, long distances, at least everything related to transportation, return, early visits to... the victim's compulsory medical insurance should not cover this. and lastly, insurance can be purchased not only before the trip, but also during the holiday. however, there is a minus: not all programs are available. anastasia kremeshina, mikhail karasev, channel one. and i’m walking, walking around moscow. until now, at the mitrouniversitet station, passengers point to that same escalator, someone even begins to fill in the song of the hero nikita mikhalkov from the film “i walk in moscow.” i don't like being called a comedian. that i haven’t done enough comedy, the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he
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manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba cried, i think, what is it like to live unloved, that’s how it would be to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and he got it all, love sokolova, the fact that gundareva played, we get a prize, i’m happy. that he watches, but he looks very interestingly, always speaks slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director he blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. rom kastro is a product of stellar
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group. vodka. veda. product of steller group. old barrel cognac. product of steller group. stirsman bourbon is a product of the steller group. while mom is at the lecture, this is how we can call our next report. just imagine: a young mother, a student, a child, for example, two or... 3 years old and needs to go to university, so who should i leave him with? in fact , there is a solution, a kindergarten or a children's room, they are already working in many universities. two-year-old svyatoslav goes with his mother to the university, he is pleased in advance; while his mother is at a consultation, he will be able to play for an hour in the brand new children's room. this playroom was opened for children, students , employees of the perm national research university, a room was allocated, and tutors were trained. well, we draw. we color, play with different trains, there are toys here. tutors - those
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students look after them on a voluntary basis, the parent sends them an application in advance, and brings the child to the specified time. university students, as a rule, when they go to class, they have already decided the issue of where they will leave their children, and there are some emergency cases, if, for example, there is quarantine in the kindergarten, of course, students use this room with us. leave the child. it’s possible for 3 hours, which is enough to attend a lecture and pass an exam. this is a very good, cool opportunity, you can be with your child, without moving too far from him, and at the same time you can build your career and get an education. this year they plan to open such rooms in twenty universities in the country, thirty-six already have them, one of them is the north caucasus federal university, a local room for temporary stay of children over 10 years old, look how many children there are! the room is so popular that the university is seriously thinking about opening a kindergarten with a scientific focus. this will be
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such an ambitious pilot project, we will ask our leading scientists to simply, in a language understandable for that age , tell about all the wonders of nature, about all the wonders of science. the project is in development, and parents are already excited. when a university has a kindergarten, it is very convenient. at the tomsk polytechnic university, a kindergarten was opened back in sixty-two. many of our employees. went to kindergarten, now their children are here, professor anastasia shadrina has four children, all attended this kindergarten, research assistant anna sharonova, the eldest daughter graduated from kindergarten, the two youngest are here, it’s a 5-minute walk to work, children they are busy all day, in addition to the main educational program, preschool, there are additional classes for various creative arts, there is a theater group, work equipment, you can get into the kindergarten on a general basis, anyone can submit an application to the polytechnic, if there are free places, they are accepted. vladimir saromotin, elena savina,
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channel one. once again, good morning to everyone, owners of cats and kittens, and a special greeting. we tell you, please, nowhere, away from the tv, don’t leave now, together with the russian grooming champion, lyudmila romina, we will learn comprehensive care for your beloved cat. one might say, a full range of salon procedures. we will wash, clean, cut and style. i would like that. a cat is a very clean animal; it takes a long time to care for its fur. but the cat cannot carry out some of the hygiene procedures on its own. let's start with cleaning your ears. i soak a cotton pad with ear cleaning lotion. the product is sold at the pet store. i clean the auricle, remove dirt and earwax, and move the disc from bottom to top. if the cotton wool gets dirty, i take a new one. attention, inside the ear
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you can’t climb, you risk damaging your eardrum . i wipe the sink with a fresh, dry cotton pad. now i will remove the tear tracks, this time i soak a cotton pad with eye care lotion, if you don’t have it, use micellar water, wipe away the stains, move the disc from the inner corner of the eye down so that the fur does not darken, carry out the procedure regularly, next in line is trimming the claws, i press my finger so that a claw appears from the phalanx,
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i check a life hack on how to make accordion potatoes and serve them delicious warm for breakfast salad. i cut the potatoes into these 2 cm thick plates. they will be crispy on top and soft on the inside. it's best not to cut the potatoes too thin. and ordinary sushi chopsticks will help me with this. i put it on both sides of the potato plate. like this, diagonally, you see, the chopsticks slow down the knife, the cuts are made only on one side, now i turn the potatoes over and cut them too, it looks like an accordion, i’ll cut the second one a little differently, on one side diagonally, on the other vertically, oh, this
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the potatoes are stretching more, and now i’ll try to make narrow cuts on one, thicker ones on the other, yes, this stretches best, all that remains is to fry it to such a thickness, heat up a little vegetable oil, i think there’s no need to deep fry, otherwise the potatoes will definitely remain raw inside, i want the accordion shape to be visible better, i'll try to stretch it with forks, maybe the shape will be fixed, no, the potatoes are too hard, stretch them, when they become a little softer, add salt and pepper, add salt and pepper again, fry over medium heat so that the potatoes don't burn, have time to bake, carefully i stretch it, as soon as it becomes soft, put it on a paper towel and move on to the rest of the ingredients, chop the red onion and cucumbers, add vegetables and prepare the dressing,
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olive oil, garlic clove, basil leaves and salt, mix with a blender, season, add some more lettuce leaves, i mix it well, lay out the salad, fried potatoes and olives on top, the warm salad with potatoes and accordion is ready, of course i had to tinker with it, but it was worth it, and now it’s time to talk about health, if you remember, there is such a thing as medical examination is when you check your health for free under your compulsory medical insurance policy. this won’t hurt, even if you feel great, because, as they say, prevention is better than cure, right? just imagine, last year 90 million people already underwent medical examinations, you too should join us. she didn’t complain to kazakova about her health, except maybe a little fatigue, who doesn’t? i attributed everything to the fact that the rhythm, lack of sleep, well, everything
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turned out the way it turned out. the malaise turned into a diagnosis. discovered by chance on medical examination, they discovered cholesterol plaques, well, now you have to get treatment and take care of your body, and you were lucky in time? at the first stage of screening, it includes basic measurements: height, weight, pressure, including eye pressure, fluorography, kg, plus blood tests, so advice, come to the drag, at
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the first stage you can do it in a day, well, i’m still not finished didn’t pass, well, i don’t know , probably within an hour, probably no more, from the age of 40 a mammogram is required and a number of specialists, a gynecologist, a urologist, except in addition, tests for oncological pathology, here the process can be extended if within the distance. the patient needs to undergo an examination according to his age, for example, mammography or fgds, we enroll the patient in the queue, as the queue shortens, the patient undergoes this examination, there is a deviation, the second stage will be referred to specialists for further examination to clarify the diagnosis, all this is important free of charge, from documents to passport, policy. registration for medical examination is made in several ways: through the information machine. by phone via half center and contacting the registry. you can also do it online; this option is available in some regions. another important thing is that medical examination is
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voluntary, they cannot force you to remind you, yes. we have sms notifications for the population. we call patients, we especially focus on those patients who have not visited our medical institutions over the past 2 years. in 2023, 90 million people took care of themselves, and this is almost every second resident of the country. rita larkina, nikita kulakov, yulia bykova, channel one. this is the news on the first, in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. at the beginning of the flood situation in kurgan , the level of the tabol river is rapidly growing, gaining 5 cm/hour. the critical point has long been passed. the latest data is almost 70. water has poured into the floodplain microdistricts, there is no longer electricity there, people are evacuating, rescuers are taking residents out on boats, bad weather may worsen the situation in the region
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, rain is forecast, in total almost a thousand houses and household plots are flooded in the region, 13.00 people have left their homes , the work of emergency services is controlled by the minister ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov arrived in the region from the orenburg region, the situation there is normalizing, restoration work is in full swing, more than 130.
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delivered an accurate strike, and the grad crews of the separate marine brigade of the pacific fleet of the vostok group of forces worked no less effectively. in the ugledar sector, they covered the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces, 122-mm rockets penetrated even the most durable cover. precise guidance is provided by drone operators, so in the avdeevsky direction aerial reconnaissance aircraft quickly transmit to command post coordinates of identified targets: enemy losses of up to thirty militants, two vehicles, as well as an electronic warfare station. the west actually encourages shelling of the ukrainian zaporozhye nuclear power plant, despite the threat to the security of all of europe. our permanent representative vasily nebezya stated this at a meeting of the un security council, even in a report. are now in
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the fence of the fuel warehouse, all the power units of the other dropped an explosive device at the cold stop, but the danger remains, this is recognized in magatha, it has reached the point that western countries are ready to indirectly admit that...
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thus, they not only handed over the zelensky regime, but also actually admitted to complicity in these irresponsible attacks. up to five magat experts are constantly working at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, just today they have another rotation, according to the account, rosatom and magat employees work together, in extreme conditions, to ensure safety. europe's largest nuclear power plant, despite the fact that the station is subject to constant attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. rosatom says that the presence of international experts is an important positive factor and constructive relations have developed. in st. petersburg, the crew of the first combat patrol icebreaker of its kind, ivan papanin, checks into their ship, which means that the coastal training course is over, and then tests at sea, which include checking all the mechanisms. by the way, they are only made in russia.
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test together with military sailors. each device on board will be employees of the admiralty shipyards, which will be located in very spacious cabins. ivan popanin, named after the famous soviet polar explorer, is a patrol ship, tugboat and icebreaker at the same time. it will operate in the vast arctic, its reinforced hull will easily pass through one and a half meters of ice, but first of all, it is, of course, a combat ship. it can strike at any targets on land, in water and in the air. there are artillery installations and a helicopter hangar. k-27, and if necessary, the caliber missile system will be placed on the deck. now we have a lot of work ahead of us, to study the ship from the inside, to study it technical means, a colossal responsibility, a large layer of work remains to be carried out, including ice testing, and this will be new for each crew member, including me. ivan popanin will be able to guard our
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ship convoys and participate in rescue operations. and that's all for now. good morning, dear friends, thank you for celebrating a new day with us, together with channel one, daria and nikita pimenov with you. on the calendar april 16 is tuesday. date: on this day, in 1934 , exactly 90 years ago, it was established honorary title hero of the soviet union. this title was awarded to 12.77 people, and the first were the pilots who took part in the operation to rescue the cheleskinites in the arctic. map of the legendary rescue operation by soviet pilots in the arctic. february 1934. the steamship chelyuskin sinks in the chukchi sea. 104
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venin, completely wounded and shell-shocked, led the battle in march 1969 during the soviet-chinese conflict on domansky island, then he was the head of the border post. came from the rear, here he inflicted a defeat on the enemy, was shot down, but managed to reach our run. over the entire history of the title, more than 12,700 people have been awarded it, 107 of them twice, but
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you can only receive the hero of russia star once. it is all the more valuable - damir yasupov assures that the commander of the aircraft crew was awarded after a successful emergency landing. in august 2019 , a flock of seagulls crashed into the plane during takeoff and the plane malfunctioned. engine, when they realized that the plane had already stopped climbing, and then, in principle , went into descent, then of course, there was no talk of returning. they landed the plane in a corn field, all 233 people on board the liners survived and even evacuated themselves. the country called this event a miracle, and the flight attendant’s phrase “let’s go to the right in the sun along the rows of corn” became a catchphrase. we still communicate, correspond, and celebrate this august 15th as our second birthday. this year. a large airplane family will celebrate its first anniversary. natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, andrey ivanov, stanislav khyazhnikov, tatyana yus, channel one. in order to live and
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enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why are you tatyana mikhailovna decided to become? teacher, because i love children very much, i am a master of ceremonies, who is this, a person who connects hearts, i work on a crane, in ferrous metallurgy, i go to work with joy, leave work with pride, study to become a heating engineer and you won’t regret it, one day i became an artist, well, for example, we can voice some grandfather with such a beautiful voice, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade i decided... to become a doctor, like my mother, in small steps you can move towards your goal, nothing is impossible. let us remind you that on the calendar , april 16, tuesday, the flood in russia continues, this is the strongest flood in
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the last 100 years. in orsk, the water is subsiding, the peak of the flood in orenburg has also passed, but in general in the orenburg region, as well as in the kurgan and tyumen regions, the situation remains difficult, thousands of people have been evacuated, those who had to leave their homes. now we really need help and support, and this help comes because we have many kind and caring people. peak flood in in the orenburg region, 16,500 people were evacuated, more than 23,000 household plots and more than 15 thousand residential buildings were flooded. the locals are not discouraged. and it really wasn’t joy, it was just, well... we did what we could, so we decided to face the misfortune with such positivity, and there is no time to be discouraged, volunteers have been on duty in flooded areas for the second week, the most difficult thing is to save animals, was problem with three
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dogs that crawled under the trailer, getting them out, luring them out, scaring them with something, well, it didn’t work, since i’m of small build, i had to climb, they pulled one out by the legs, well, like in the fairy tale about a turnip, i grabbed it by the legs, then the guys took me by the legs, so we lifted it, we saved the dogs, the orenburg kennels were overcrowded, daria and victor helped one of them , they ordered metal structures from calculations of metal, profiles, rods, there is chipboard, we were provided with all these dimensions, all the characteristics were provided, we quickly formed an order, we expect that a gazelle will arrive in the near future, we will be able to load it all, and preferably today we will start cooking, because the dogs that arrive need some kind of temporary home,
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denis from the chelyabinsk region is going to the orenburg region for the second time, he himself donated his thirteenth salary to help, friends and acquaintances supported the children’s. they provided food, took one boat, by the way, it came in very handy, transported water, clothes, animal feed, groceries also bought buckwheat, personal hygiene products were asked for a lot, help collections were opened in churches, the church of the blessed matrona of moscow in orenburg bought beds, pillows , blankets, fan heaters. it is unknown how long the flood will recede; help will be needed even after. in addition, the water is now rising in the kurgan and tomsk regions. and we remind you again, do not wait for the elements to knock on your home, evacuate with you only essential things, a first aid kit and documents. good morning, dear friends, thank you for
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joining us, let's wake up soon, a new day has already begun, daria shulik and nikita pimenov are with you. on the calendar, april 16 - tuesday in moscow at vdnh , the international exhibition forum russia continues its work. if you haven’t been there yet, be sure to come, come, stock up on new vivid impressions, and all this is completely free. well, if you have already been there, of course, come again and again, many people visit the exhibition and... the second for the third time, because something interesting and exciting happens here every day. everything is being updated, at the russia exhibition, it seems that i was already in the seventy-fifth pavilion at the stand of the same kirov region, but i haven’t milked a cow yet. it turns out? it turns out, it turns out. are cows still milked by hand in kirov? on actually not anymore. we have an entire agricultural holding where special robots work. this is both anti-stress and a short excursion into the history of agriculture. economy of our region and we invite everyone to try milking our
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eleanor. she is a special breed, bred in the kirov region. she has a scaly udder shape. thanks to this udder shape , we get more milk. next week a dinosaur will be waiting for all guests, gosh’s hint is next to eleanor, it’s also his turn to take a selfie. gosha is very friendly, you can pet it, it's soft. and in kirov itself we have a park where the figures reach 6 m in height. besides. master classes on planting, now watermelons and melons, started at the exhibition. our seeds are of premium varieties, everyone will leave with a planted watermelon, which in a month they will be able to plant in open ground in august and try the watermelon that they themselves grew. plus they promise other gifts, which are still intriguing, so that they definitely arrive, especially before the summer holiday season. and almost all regions are preparing new master classes, here so unobtrusively stand. excursions are worth
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looking into even the most remote pavilions, this is the energy of life, an apartment in which everything is from petroleum products, synthetic fibers are added to cotton, which allow modern clothes not to wrinkle, we can see a sofa that is made from wear-resistant materials . which is also a product of petroleum refining, if about furniture clothes is not so surprising, then the fruits on the table are shocking, ethylene is used to accelerate the ripening of fruits, a product from natural gas, where oil is there and he, at the end, an illumination map of the electrical and thermal power industry is obligatory, we walk, relax, learn a lot of new things, including scanning qr codes at the exhibition, sometimes the result makes you smile? anna obrosmova, dmitry roshkov, first! well, right now, let's find out what
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this day has in store for us. horoscope time on channel one. april 16, the eighth lunar day meets the ninth. 28th day of the sun, bright, artistic, full of inspiration, an excellent inventor, the best friend of creative individuals, the main thing is to channel his talents into creativity channel, otherwise he likes to dream, to have his head in the clouds, but he is good-natured and sociable, and at the same time very charming, if you need to... convince someone of something, win over to your side, captivate with your ideas or simply present yourself in a favorable light, contact him, he will help. of course, he also has disadvantages: he is ambitious, self-confident, and not averse to showing off and being a henchman. on such days, we become somewhat fixated on our person; our ego swells to universal proportions. aries, be careful with this, okay, otherwise it’s over you they will laugh, and you are also very assertive today, don’t overdo it either. otherwise a great day, one of those people talk about, lost it. i lost a month, and the evening clearly wants to invite you to some kind of
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entertainment event. taurus will be able to improve something in their personal life, correct some mistakes, improve the climate in the family, make peace with someone, single taurus will get a chance to meet their soul mate, but it’s better to wait a day with major purchases. not a bad day for the twins, things will go well for those who work with information and learn something or teaching someone, this day is very good for business contacts and public speaking, be more careful while driving. for cancers, the day may start a little nervously, something urgent may interfere with plans, expenses may not be ruled out, and you may have to deal with not very pleasant people. well, it’s okay, everything will be fine by lunchtime, and the evening will certainly please you, just don’t get carried away with alcohol. leo is having one of those days when everything goes as it should, and even a little bit of luck. the lionesses will want to show off a little, but why not, today you are out of competition and be careful with fire and hot objects. this day will help virgos to come up with something, decide something. task and even invent something.
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after lunch, there may be a small profit or a gift, and even today something lost may be found. for libra, the stars remind you of two old pieces of wisdom, even almost banalities. not all that glitters is gold, there is free cheese, you know where, but it’s a very good day, including for career growth. scorpios today are very charming, ladies are charming, men are filled with this calm reliability. in general, scorpios they will be able to make an impression, and the person opposite the shelf is not indifferent to them. sagittarians have an even, comfortable tuesday, when everything goes as usual; of course, things won’t get done on their own, but if you give them a little push, they’ll go like clockwork. and he seems to have planned the evening. give you some kind of surprise, capricorns may be reminded by creditors, however, this will not ruin you, and debts must be repaid, after lunch, there may be a meeting for which you should not be late, remember, today is not the day when you should act on the spurs , it won't do any good, you'll only scare me away good, but sensitive people, a very creative day for aquarius, artists,
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musicians, painters, designers, and in general everyone who creates something new, the stars say: go for it, just count the money carefully, it can come in the evening. guests, pisces have a rather pleasant day, only slightly impulsive, or rather, this is how pisces are today, if the ladies are forgiven for this, then the men risk getting into an awkward position, in general, the stars have warned you, and don’t be surprised if someone confesses his love, good luck to you! flood in russia continues, it has already been called the largest in the last 100 years, and today our guest is doctor of technical sciences, chief researcher at the institute of water problems of the russian academy of sciences, mikhail bolgov.
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will water be released from flooded areas, how much will it take? in orenburg, unlike orsk, there was no destruction of protective structures; those territories that were in the zone of this catastrophic, or we sometimes call it extreme flood, were flooded, but if the same decline continues, then
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within a few days , the water will leave the flooded areas, but a large flow of water, nevertheless, will slowly... rush downstream, cross into kazakh territory and will then flood the kazakh part of the lower reaches of the ural river. yes. let's move on, then by region, kurgan region. what is happening on the tabol river now? a very dangerous situation is developing on the tabol river; water levels are rising in the mound itself and in other areas of the kilometers located there. 100-150 before the urals, the water level also does not drop, does not drop by very high levels, as a result we are seeing a huge flooding of the tabola river puima along the entire section to kurgan, this is very dangerous, since this water will stand for a long time, it can rise further, and most
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likely this will be the case, since we have water at the entrance , we have a very large influx, including from kazakhstan, and this process will... develop and threaten us with dangerous consequences in kurgan itself, especially since there is also a waterworks there, which can also contribute its share to the flooding of this city, so relief of the situation in the coming days in kurgan is not expected, for at least another 2-3 days, according to roshydromet forecasts, the water level there will rise, but how did it happen that the tobol river was so strong this year as we we know it’s not particularly high-water, but that’s how... strange, the river is the tabol river basin, or rather the southern part, which is located near the border of kazakhstan on kazakh territory, this is one of the most low-water parts of the basin, it has its own water resources in normal years, well you can even say and insignificant, but this year a unique situation has developed with snowfalls, with
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soil freezing, with sudden snow melting, and we are observing an exceptionally anomalous year, nothing, so to speak, supernatural and unimaginable is happening, but against the backdrop of large snow reserves and sharp melting, a very large runoff was formed relative to the norm, and such phenomena are always difficult to predict. manage mikhail vasilyevich, and according to forecasts, when should we expect the peak of the flood in the tyumen region? well, everything is ahead, so i’m so careful i’ll say it, the fact is that all these rivers are characterized by a spring flood, the further north you go, the more snow there is, the less abruptly it all melts, so there will be such a smooth, more or less flood, but the threat of development according to a strong scenario of course remains , because this year the depth of freezing there... is large, the snow reserves are large, everything will depend on how the snow melts, and we expect that there will also be serious problems with flooding
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of the territory. if we talk about expectations, about forecasts, then on what other rivers should we expect a rise in the water level, except for the tabol, on the tami, a large flood is expected, kishim, other tributaries, in the altai territory, there will most likely be another wave of flood, due to the melting of snow in the mountains, but here in central russia... to fortunately, more or less everything is under control, yes, we have increased water content in the rivers, but with the means of management, the volsko-kama cascade will cope with this task, and this management this year will be good for everyone, including the fish in the rivers in the avstrakhan region. mikhail vasilievich, thank you thank you very much for coming to our broadcast today, well, thank you for inviting me. our guest was a doctor of technical sciences, chief researcher at the institute of water resources. problems of wounds mikhail bolgov, and we continue.
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the multi-part astro-plot undercover taxi detective continues on channel one. lieutenant turbin and his faithful partner dog baton are always at the center of the action. their life, frankly speaking, is eventful. my mukhtar, i’m ready to work undercover again. an inseparable couple, lieutenant.
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other interests of turbines and colleagues from criminal investigation, captain myakisheva, a spark arose between them, she immediately began
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to pull them towards each other, this attraction is not to the liking of inna vasetsky’s boss, sit down, glory, please, hello taxi driver, you are again in your repertoire, not a day without adventures, like that, the turbines are the first again.
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this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. the wave is coming. tomsk, kurgan, tyumen region, rapid rise of water in rivers, where urgent evacuation has been announced. new data. u the latest features are the ukrainian strikes on
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the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the west sees the danger, but does not see the culprit. is russia against such myopia? we urge lugolovsky to recognize the obvious fact and not engage in verbal balancing act, but to point out the source of the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. take it on a pencil, the lead at the end is a fuse, a hard pencil - yes, quite so. grads in a strategically important area, the task is to knock the militants out of their shelters, the secret is... success, not only accuracy, but also speed. georgian massacre after a fight in parliament, there are brawls in the streets, passions are running high over the draft law on common law. through the ice under the st. andrew's flag, the crew is boarding a unique ship, ivan popanin, the first combat icebreaker of its kind, is ahead of trials and missions in the arctic.


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