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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 16, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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or what was supposed to happen with the polish foreign ministry according to this story, on tuesday morning i went to moscow through belarus, on the fourth, i returned, and in moscow i was surprised to learn that the minister of foreign affairs of poland for some reason commented on my absence, although we are as usual and as it should be, the polish foreign ministry was informed that the ambassador would be absent for such and such a period, the embassy would be headed by the charge d'affaires, my deputy andrei. ordesh, so, again, out of nowhere, it says here that you previously ignored the ministry's call for explanations, were you called to the polish foreign ministry for an explanation, a well-known story, remembering everything that happened before, in the case of the ukrainian missile, on new year’s eve, i was also absent in warsaw then, my deputy was called to the foreign ministry and also made claims about about the supposedly russian one.
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which the previous government of poland faced in relations with ukraine, they remain under the new authorities. thank you very much, all the best to you. thank you bye. please tell me, such manipulations are exclusively polish stories or in general this is a kind of information message from the west and how long ago this began in relation to russia, who else if not you to ask about this, because you are more familiar with fakes than anyone else. thank you for the good question,
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because this all started a thousand years ago, well , this is my idea, because the first thing that happened was the conflict between the catholic church, that is, the pope and orthodoxy, but we won’t go deeper into schism now, let’s let's talk about today, i think all this began in the first years of the 21st century. as to the development and escalation of this information war against russia, and any facts, any facts at all, were manipulated.
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next time, i will remind our viewers, if any news is in doubt, send it to our editorial office, there are definitely reasons for pride too, all the best to you, channel one presents,
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once a year, the whole world. celebrates a holiday, a day when you have to come to work in pajamas in order to take a break from the work dress code. we're having a pajama party, that's it. about sleep and dream solving, only for you in the program it’s great to live. well, let's start with stupid questions about sleep, i'm wearing slippers, slippers, not high-heeled shoes, this happiness is unimaginable.
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professors, so we will answer any questions with feeling, sensibly, with emphasis, we are waiting for the first guest, there is such statistics that out of 70 years of life we ​​spend 22 years in sleep, but sharks don’t sleep at all, because they don’t have, air bubble, but if she falls asleep, she will drown, do we even need sleep or not, that’s my question, can we live like sharks? by the way, this is true, sharks don’t sleep, because sharks and dolphins need to come up from time to time to
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breathe air, that’s really herman6, we spend 22 years out of 70 on sleep, why do we need sleep, why do we... we spend 22 years of our life in sleep, in order to live up to 120 years, sleep is necessary for a person. first, let's start with a very important fact that our brain is cleared of toxic substances, mainly at night, because the lymphatic system of the brain releases them, let's show, look, we have a whole layout, the brain is washed at night. sense of the word, cleansing ourselves of everything, so we must lie down, the outflow pathways along the veins must not be compressed, and we must wake up with a fresh head, so when we say, don’t wash my brain, no, at night we need to wash our brain,
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thank god, he washes himself, it is the body that washes, and not someone else from the outside, this is very important, what else is sleep for, we consolidate all the information for that... day that has passed, at night it is put into files, and then we we can use it, that's not all, basically, our genetic material is also corrected mainly at night, so sleep is necessary for us to live in full health to 120 years, our immunity is formed. the brain analyzes what happened during the day, it is washed, cleansed, the immune system is restored, genetic damage
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is corrected, this is what we do at night, so we are 22 years old, it’s good that we are not 50 years old, our brain manages everything, we are waiting for the next one. be laughing! sex before bed improves sleep quality, especially sex with orgasm, improves
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sleep quality by 68%, with orgasm, without orgasm in total only by 59, well, it’s still a lot, it’s just that the organ gets a very small increase, everything in this regard is exactly, absolutely, but nevertheless, i think this has something to do with it. this is due to the fact that during sex there is a huge release of hormones, in particular oxytocin, prolactin in women, which leads to a decrease in stress levels, a decrease in cortisol production, relaxation of melatonin levels, i think, you know, why there is a lot of oxytocin, because it is skin contact to skin, skin to skin, as you know, you undress with your wife, i hope that you meet you. finally, for intimacy to take place, we have a graphic of how melatonin is produced in the brain, but the essence
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of the matter is that when we go to bed, if there is a lot of oxytocin, this attachment hormone, we close our eyes and we produce a lot melatonin, the sleep hormone, now it will be produced in the brain and simply envelop our entire body and we will sleep, so from the point of view of science, yes, an improvement. there is sleep, and a significant amount from 60 to 70%. and although mikhail yegorovich insisted on orgasm, even without it, this is about women, because men always have an orgasm, it works out well, of course, but i also want to say that there are different situations, a person can be sick, feel unwell, i’m talking about his wife, if you just hug her, oxytocin will be produced in the same way. melaton too, of course, no one canceled the hug,
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comrades, but we are not against sex, we are waiting for the next guest, everyone tells me that this is a stupid question, but i really want to ask it, my husband snores at night, and because of this i i’m not getting enough sleep, there’s a life hack on the internet that says you can seal your mouth with tape, tell me, will this help with snoring? oh my god, my husband’s mouth is taped off, his eyes are taped off, my husband is snoring, can i close his mouth and seal it with tape, andrei petrovich? the question is that it is possible to seal it, but this, unfortunately, will not help with snoring, in addition, it will interfere with the person’s breathing, which is why a temple appears, so the person is lying down. these are the nasal passages, this is the birth cavity, here is the passage of air that
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goes here into the lungs and if this passage is free, then there are no problems, there will be no snoring, show that when you snore, and when you snore, this passage closes, closes or top the palate, or is closed by a different uvula of the upper palate, then the air has to overcome this obstacle and in this case... this sound is heard, courage is heard. brawl in itself is a kind of emotional discomfort, but blabbering can be accompanied by cessation of breathing during sleep, but cessation of breathing during sleep in your husband can lead to acute arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, hypertensive crisis, stroke, tape your mouth, probably, it is possible, although it is inhumane, but it is better to undergo an examination in your sleep and you... are there any threats to life? basically it turns out that when you tape your mouth,
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this in itself does not affect snoring in any way, it only prevents people from sleeping, moreover, in the experimental group who had their mouths taped, they developed atopic dermatitis in the place where they taped, and also the problem is, so that he doesn’t snore, look, you can sew a t-shirt like this, sew a pocket for him here on the back, put a tennis ball for him, why? because most people snore lying on their back, when really this path to breathing is closed, blocked, but it’s better to get examined, so that the question is not stupid, but very serious, we are waiting. since everyone is asking stupid questions today, i’ll ask mine too, and during the week i work a lot and don’t have enough time to sleep, but on weekends i have time, and i sleep for 14 hours, is it possible
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to get enough sleep for the whole week over the weekend, is it possible? get enough sleep to... and what has been shown is that people who sleep more than 10 hours a day are 30% more likely to die prematurely, have a 56% higher chance of having a stroke, and
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die of cardiovascular disease. from it is 50% higher, then eating more than 10 hours of sleep is harmful, but the most interesting thing is that they checked, well, they took exactly your example, what happens to a person who gets a lot of sleep on weekends, it turned out that this affects our microbiota in such a way that it increases the number of microbes that lead to obesity and cardiovascular diseases, that is, not getting enough sleep, you need to regularly sleep 8 hours every day, that's all, and this is an illusion that i sleep a lot, so life will be better, no, life will be worse, this scientifically proven fact, well, that's it, friends, we answered stupid questions, but our program continues, and there will be a lot of interesting things about sleep, there will be
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products for good sleep, there will be problems that don't let you sleep and cause insomnia, at the end of the program we will solve dreams, so now we’ll take a short break, and then we’ll continue, don’t switch, i can’t sleep, 100 g of already peeled pistachio kernels will contain 25 mg, and for melatonin, we need from 3 to 6 mg for good sleep, we’ll tell you what to eat in the evening, so that at night it’s easy and... to fall asleep at night jogging, what is restless legs syndrome? during sleep, your legs begin to twist, tear, it feels like an electric shock, and is it possible to get rid of it, if the reason is in your head, you don’t know what kind of happiness you have with sleep, i
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want to shout this to everyone very loudly, sleep in your hand , i’m falling asleep, everything seems to be fine, suddenly a brownie came, he didn’t just come, he lay down on me and starts to choke me, what are your dreams talking about, solving dreams using science, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first, three chords , on sunday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running , shining and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are
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messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward. what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. so, dear friends, we are in the kitchen. three superfoods for good sleep. in this case, we always have a parade and food. so, the products are in the studio, the pistachios are entering the arena, there is no insomnia. now turkey appears, give healthy sleep,
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meet cheesemezan, sound sleep for everyone, here we are making a loud noise and shouting so much, i remind you that we are having a pajama breeze today, we are being quieter, we only have tired toys sleeping, it may sound like tired toys are sleeping now. the books are sleeping, even hers is a little quieter, well, what about turkey, parmesan and pistachios, bring us these miracle products to the studio, so pistachios, cheesemesan and turkey. dear friends, all the products are so decent, but everyone knows that they improve sleep. so, who wants to start where?
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can we start with pistachios, why? because one of the most important sleep hormones is melatonin is what allows us to sleep well. in fact, it was first isolated, discovered, and purified from the pistachio nut. for melatonin, i have to say thank you to pistachios. therefore, here there is pure melatonin, approximately, a pure sleep hormone, so if we use pistachios, look here, in 100 g of already peeled pistachio kernels there will be approximately 25 mg, and for melatonin, we need from 3 to 6 mg for good sleep , that is, about 20 g of pistachios, shortly before bed, but remember not that you ate all the pistachios.
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melaton was isolated from festachios, so when you buy all sorts of supplements with melatonin, most often it is melatonin isolated from pistachios, so eat pistachios, it’s safer, healthier and better. the next product, the next product is turkey, turkey contains tryptophan, approximately 144% of the daily value in 100 g of ekeni, what is tryptophan, why do we need it? this is the amino acid from which melatonin is formed in our body, that is, tryptophan is the precursor of melatonin, melatonin, so that
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tryptophan is needed to be formed, so melatonin itself is in pistachios, we get tryptophan from turkey, let's go to the models, german-six, so we have such a swing, what we want to hint at, so we laughed, stayed awake. now we went, it's time to sleep, time to sleep, our swings moved like this, we pulled melatonin, it was developed and we went to sleep at this moment our brain expires, consolidates information, is cleansed of toxins, we wake up with slybka, tryptopane, the precursor of melatonin is contained. in india, mikhail egorovich, to you, as an amateur everything italian comes from parmesan, here is parmigiano, parmigiano reggiano, and in order
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for tryptophan to turn into melatonin, the sleep hormone, parmesan is needed, why? because it contains calcium, it is a calcium champion; 100 g contains 1.2 daily calcium requirements. only with the help of calcium does tryptophan turn into melatonin into the sleep hormone and thus we fall asleep, the circle is closed, tryptophan in turkey, parmesan is calcium, calcium turned tryptophan into melatonin, here you also grabbed pistachios and took pure melatonin, our wonderful cook alexey kofba said that from these three incompatible dishes you can make something compatible. so, hello, yes, well , look, they’re not so incompatible, the idea is, look, we can make a cool sauce based on cheese and pistachios, that
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is, smashing them together makes a paste, that’s it. it’s a wonderful pasta, i would call it, hummus made from pistachios and parmesan, if you can call it that, and we bake or stew the turkey or heat -treat it in any way, manu parmigiano reggiano, try the caco, since i’ll try the sauce for the sauce, well, the nut sauce turned out, well, yes, in fact it turns out, you can call it tahini or something like kurjuta, and this is made from pistachios, that is, we made such a variation, it’s very tasty, remember? the turkey itself is made into a sauce from pistachios and cheese, grind it, add spices as you like, and dip our beautiful turkey in it, sleep like logs, it’s all delicious, mihalach, it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, the ocean is aggressive kangaroo, prime minister of australia, anthony albanese, to my life partner, jody hayden, thank you,
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that you came into my life. he walked this path with me, they sculpted an image for him, his wife, his first, left right on new year’s holidays, ah-ah-ah, judy is a political project, we went out onto the street where a car was waiting for him, then it hit me, after all, he is going to the combat zone, australia will supply some of its fighters to ukraine, is taking a step towards china, who can replace china for australia, because the americans are demanding to leave the chinese market, is trying to sit on two chairs at the same time.
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the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, the tandem we have is such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, or maybe it will be even better, they came up with the idea of ​​​​making a shelving here, dad and son leave the room one by one together, a pop complex, even just to have some fun . in this corner everything for cozy evenings is collected, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, and we got to our home, about comfort, the premiere on saturday at the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a room to hotels, yes i am pissed off, come here, and you’ll catch me... i was in
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the studio, dozens of people saw me, you ’re lying, why are you lumping everything into one pile, and we’ll get used to it, live separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, we don’t decide , and then come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, in in the next world together, what could it be... what eternity, i'm right now i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving her, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, she’ll calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello , lian, a frivolous conversation, whether they themselves are sure that they truly love each other, what you are ready for, that’s all. life after life, the premiere
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of a multi-part film is soon on the first, this is how a nerve impulse is transmitted, through processes from one cell to another. right now we will show you what happens at night in our head. we have already said that at night the brain is washed and all the processes grow. related to memory, such a hectic life happens at night in a person’s head, and now imagine that a person cannot fall asleep, his legs do not give him rest, restless legs syndrome, right now i am going to our medical site, where the president of the association of somnologists works, sleep specialists, doctors, roman vyacheslavovich bazunov,
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a woman was sleeping here, her sleep was disturbed, she was examined in her sleep, she had a problem, this patient, roman vyacheslavovich, that’s right, you can sit down for real. today even roman vyacheslavovich can take off our amazing cap. thank you. sit down. so, what was stopping you from living? oh, you can, you can wear slippers. what stopped you from living? restlessness in the legs during sleep. during rest, it’s just that even i can’t even go to the theater, sit through a performance, because i have to move my legs all the time when i go to bed. any period of rest, any in a dream, just sit, legs begin to twist, tear, it feels like it gives me an electric shock, you need to move for these feelings to go away or what to do, no, i need
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to get up, yeah, walk, be sure to walk, warm up, lie down again, well, literally for 15 minutes the same thing starts again, that is, i have a full sleep no, i wasn't.
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you sat, right, yes, literally 10-15 minutes and it’s impossible to sit still, well , okay, you don’t have to go to the theater, and it’s impossible not to sleep at night, so the man lay down, it started, it started, we have a video, not even of restless legs syndrome , because what i described our guest, this is more serious, and this is a situation when a person moves his legs in his sleep, because of these movements he always wakes up, this is also a symptom, this is the second part, the second side of the medals, the so-called periodic movement syndrome.
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because it was impossible to fall asleep, you had to get up and walk around for these difficult sensations to go away, the reasons, but first, probably, you diagnose true restless legs syndrome already when all causes are excluded, however, this can happen when the peripheral nervous system is affected , sugar diabetes and alcoholism, that’s right, what other reasons are this, it could be injuries, also with damage to the peripheral nerves. these may be diseases associated with renal failure with uremia, restless legs syndrome also becomes more severe, that is, it is really necessary to differentiate between true restless legs syndrome associated with the dopamine system and some peripheral
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diseases. what's happening? first, the problems may be in the head, so it cannot be solved without a doctor, second, the problems may be in the peripheral nerves, that is directly in the nerves of the legs. what's happening? thing: the nerve fiber is destroyed, no matter what: sugar, alcohol in alcoholism, injury, no matter what, this is the nerve, here it is, this is its shell, this is...
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enough, then there is not enough dopamine, so the brain does not produce it, you go crazy with your legs, since it means it is involved in the synthesis of dopamine, if it is not the first we exclude anemia, the second is understandable, we exclude diabetes, diabetes, we exclude renal failure, and after that we say, we have ruled out everything for you, yes, and legs they twitch, so the woman tells us, well , okay, but what should i do, how should i live, how should i be? is there any way to treat this roman
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vyacheslavovich? we cannot completely cure it, it’s still a disorder of dopamine metabolism in the brain, but by prescribing iron supplements, if there is an iron deficiency, compensating for diabetes or kidney failure, or giving drugs that directly stimulate dopamine receptors, that is, we ’ll come here now, then in the end, we give medications that make it normal. work this system, you accept them, now the question for you is how quickly did these symptoms go away, how quickly did you start sleeping? on the second day, of course, on the second day, but this is only because the person was in good hands, because professor bazunov, he is the president of the association of somnologists, he has been studying sleep, i don’t know how many years,
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today the program is that one a viewer asked: we have been sleeping for more than 20 years out of 70, if we have been given 70 70, why are we losing so much sleep, so a man came and said: it’s a blessing to sleep, and i agree with you, great thank you, professor bazunov, for coming to us, for treating such difficult patients who often bypass everyone, drink a sea of ​​sleeping pills, all to no avail, no, i go without sleeping pills.
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undercover taxi premier, watch after the program time. zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, especially in relation to. .. ride, help someone? andrei andreevich
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i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovno, dedicated a poem to her: “abide, bright, fleeting, unstoppable, i don’t blame you for passing, i thank you for coming. andrei generally had there are two priorities in life, his creativity." passengers point to the same escalator, someone even starts humming the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don't like to be called
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a comedian because i don't do much comedy. removed. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct? his own life, daneli came home and said to sokolova, lyuba, i ’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and this lyuba sokolova got everything, the fact that gundareva played, we get the prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he ’s watching, he’s very interested, he’s always slandering, for example, she said that he got married at the first meeting, why did the director blame himself after the tragedy that happened in his family? after clinical death he weighed 42 kg and i realized that i had to save him. our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. well, shall we sit down? oh my god,
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what happiness! and also sit down, in short, the last part of our program is devoted to solving dreams, solving the dreams of insomniacs and advice, solving them according to science, i propose to do this, very many of them are there you know why you dream about something, that’s right, let’s go, so what do you know, well, if you dream about a little girl, it means you’ll be surprised by a miracle. if you dream of a small child, a boy is struggling, some kind of trouble, this is the first thing that came to mind, lord, please, someone tell me what came to your mind, they are offended, but i simply heard that if the dream is good, then this is already good, but if it is not so good, then in
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principle there is no need to be sad, because it is believed that on the contrary, that blood is stolen. who heard this? and the worst thing is, i i heard that if a tooth falls out, it almost leads to the death of someone. well, in general, this is how it is, these are all folk signs. now, if someone wants to talk about the dream, tell me. i have a granddaughter who has a young man, and she needs to take a driving test. in short, the day before they met, well, she answered them something wrong, and in short, he started attacking her, you ’re going to get behind the wheel there, you’re going to crush people, in general,
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she’s all covered in blood, yes, she’s all covered in blood, well, as i understand it, i really believe in dreams very much, as i understand it, this blood is for relatives, well, my relatives are probably me, because she has no one closer to me, i think, then my relatives arrived in time, i already arrived in time, as it were, now, now the most important thing is that i need to decide, as relatives, they fell into the abyss, won’t he drag her under... i think so, yes, maybe it’s time for him to break up, he can drag her into the abyss, you know, so i’m wondering how this is with scientific point of view, the funny thing is that from a scientific point of view we now need to decipher, in general, look, first, dreams, so that
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to interpret, you need to understand that all these stories, the boy will suffer, the girl will rejoice, this is of course a blue cloud. why? because the work of the brain is well studied. so, the brain, when we go to bed - this is the first principle - analyzes the information of the previous day. the brain is not able to analyze your life or plan the future. it can analyze and package the previous day's information. the previous day , the girl had a fight with a young man. this is the first. second, you can be a dream hero. only you himself, it doesn’t matter who was driving and who was flying into the abyss, she was flying into the abyss, if you don’t learn the rules of the road, then there will be blood... a lot and the young man was right, if you don’t know the rules, what kind of steering wheel sits down, we all know how many jokes there are about girls driving,
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recently i was walking around the back of a car, and some young girl got behind the wheel, she suddenly accelerated backwards, it’s a miracle she didn’t hit me, so there still needs to be a rule know, so, the hero of the dream, you yourself, no one else, and third, the dream never offers you direct words, he... can’t tell you: you quarreled with a young man yesterday, he was right, prepare for the exam, he talks about everything metaphorically, a dream, this is a metaphor, an exaggerated emotional perception of what worried you the day before. now, if you treat dreams so simply, then you will understand, for example, i have two grandsons , a granddaughter, if you dreamed of them, lord, will i ever think that my boys are about to suffer? yes, i’m happy, i wake up, i understand that i either talked to them, or something happened, and so on, therefore, if from these positions you
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analyze your granddaughter’s dream, then your worldview will change. so, first: the heroine is a granddaughter, second is an analysis of the events of the previous day, third - the dream is a metaphor. how will you decipher the dream that your brain was trying to tell your granddaughter? well, it’s probably still necessary. study the topic of driving more closely, okay, let them meet, no, that’s not the point, the interpretation is this, the heroine is a granddaughter, she actually, even though she imagined her boyfriend driving a tram, it was she who flew into the abyss, she really needs to prepare and go take the exam, she’s just not sure that she’ll pass the exam, that’s absolutely true, so she’s waiting for a pass, he has nothing to do with it at all, globally he was right, i’m like that. i think it’s like if i also took a driving test, my husband also examined me, but i just prepared by the sweat of my brow, that is
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, there were now such tests, when you can do a lot of tests, i did it, well, probably 100 times these tests, that is, the tests could be thrown into the air, i answered questions on the fly, and i passed on ice nowadays there are electronic exams, i just passed them on ice, so i need to prepare, a car is a dangerous tool. thank you, i'll tell you to get ready. and be more merciful, more merciful to your friend. well, children love to go to their grandmothers, even more than to their parents. grandmothers love everyone. let's have one more dream. i see, young people, and fish for pregnancy, and a boy and a girl. i’m a sensible person, even though i’m old, but i relate to this, well , absolutely, what are the signs, what are the prophetic dreams, that’s it. somehow i always treated this ironically, i’m normal man, i go to the doctor, but i have arrhythmia, but i only use the services of doctors, but
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just a few months ago, can you imagine, nightmares began to choke me, in a dream, in a dream, i fall asleep, everything seems to be fine, suddenly a brownie came , he didn’t just come, she says doo-doo-doo, he lay down on me and starts to choke me right now, i remember that these brownies need to... grandma, that’s what i remember, that i need to swear at them, i’m trying to swear at him -i’m an intelligent woman, but here he still doesn’t leave, i wake up from my own scream, that is, for me , all this scares me so much, i have never had any nightmares, as long as i can remember, i’m sorry, i’m in my eighties, i’m not a girl, but these are just a few months, my husband says , this is a harbinger of some kind of trouble, well, what kind of trouble is a harbinger like...


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