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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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that simply no one is ready to go to die in the middle east, no one is ready - but israel, in my opinion, was very frightened, of course, it was impossible to imagine that israel would be attacked there by three hundred missiles, and it would not respond, but after all, he did not answer, and the west cannot now oppose anything to the iranian position, this is indeed very serious evidence of how the world has changed, and not in favor of the west, our cause is right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, great ... the game will return at 23:00, do not miss. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. certificate for a new presidential term. allow me. and in a big
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conversation about the voting results, the wisdom of the russian people and the consolidation of society, vladimir putin took ella panfilova as an example. they haven’t seen each other for 10 years, my daddy, my darling, they connected, guys, you ’re smiling so much, you’re my beauty, you can hear me well, the film crew of channel one helped a resident of liberated avdeevka find relatives in saratov. traces of this assassination attempts lead to kiev, a criminal has been detained who in moscow planted an explosive device under the car of a former sbu officer who defected to the russian side. hundreds of settlements are at risk, the level of the ishim and tabol rivers is rising, ice has come to tomsk along with large waters, and orsk may again be under threat. the deserted city was flooded in a matter of minutes. hurricane winds and heavy rain fell over.
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planes floated to dubai's largest airport. the restoration ended in a powerful fire, the fire destroys one of the symbols of copenhagen, the danish stock exchange, which is 400 years old, burns down. smoke can be seen even in sweden. but first, about vladimir putin’s telephone conversation with iranian president ibrahim roisi. the situation in the middle east, which seriously worsened after the israeli air strike on iran, was discussed in detail. representative offices in damascus and the retaliatory measures taken by tehran. vladimir putin expressed hope that all parties will show reasonable restraint and will not allow a new round of confrontation, fraught catastrophic consequences for the entire region. in turn, reisi noted that iran's actions were forced and limited in nature. at the same time, he emphasized that tehran is not interested in further escalation of tensions. the interlocutors stated that the root cause of the current events in the middle east is the unresolved issue in palestine. israeli
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conflict. and today in the kremlin, vladimir putin received ella pamfilova. we discussed the past presidential elections, the results of which were called surprising and unprecedented. the consolidation of society, which showed its wisdom, all attempts from the outside to influence the voting process, brought the opposite result, a historical result. and today ella pomfilova presented vladimir putin with the certificate of the elected president of russia. konstantin panyushkin watched. the inside of the document is just as laconic as the outside: name, position, term, signature of the cec chairman. thank you very much and to all your colleagues in the field, the work was difficult, i understand that, but very important for the country, for internal stability of the state, especially today, a month after the elections, the central election commission compiled a multi-page analytical document in hardcover.
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march 2024, that is, 3 days before the start of voting, the first day of an unprecedented attack on the border regions of the belgorod and kursk regions, the most cynical and vile thing, they relied on terror, this is something that has never happened before, that is, why and how you can buy an appearance, intimidate people, cause fear, panic, an armed formation of mercenaries, they tried to cross the state border to gain a foothold in the nearest settlements, rocket artillery hit the cities. so the enemy decided to try
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to disrupt the presidential elections, who they decided to intimidate, the russian people, the multinational people of russia, this did not happen. they are afraid of something on their side, let them be afraid, not us, i want to express words of gratitude and admiration for the residents of the belgorod region and other border regions, i want to say, to express gratitude to you for your courage, in
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the front-line regions all this is true as in relation to voters, and employees of precinct commissions, explosions, killings of people all together, ours are faced with the same... with what they are doing. in 2024, the central election commission recorded unprecedented results of the presidential elections, with a turnout of 77.5%. the highest in the entire history of modern russia. the ordinary citizen of the country understood, understood in his heart, that he was in demand, the country needed him,
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the future of russia depended on him. this is due to the high turnout. the winner's result is also the same as never before - 87.28%. the rest was shared by three more candidates, who, however, have already rallied around vladimir putin. long live russia! konstantin panyushkin, ekaterina iravenko, sergey deev, channel one. now there is a fresh report from the ministry of defense. russian fighters are improving their positions, occupying more advantageous positions along the entire front line. the enemy is suffering huge losses, especially in the donetsk and avdeevsk directions. during the day, 1,160 militants were killed. operational-tactical aviation with missiles, troops and artillery. attack on military facilities in the khmelnitsky and cherkasy regions, explosions thundered in the airfield area starokonstantinov, where
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nato f-16 aircraft can be stationed, in uman a blow was struck at the railway station; according to some reports, there was a transshipment base through which western weapons and equipment for the armed forces of ukraine passed. and in the liberated territories, people are gradually returning to peaceful life and trying to find their relatives. this is sometimes difficult to do. 10 years have passed. our film crew in avdeevka organized a video bridge for a grandmother whose children and grandchildren now live in saratov. all these years she herself could not leave her home. now with horror remembers what he had to endure when the ukrainian nazis were in charge. evgeny lyamin listened. by the way , lyudmila petrovna says, i’m used to drying the bread like this, in large pieces, feeding the chickens, and of course, i’ve also arranged it on the table like this: i take the bread, i tear it up, i take this crush, i fold it, the water is boiling, i fold it, i cover it with a lid, i get soft bread, warm,
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soft bread, like croudy from the bakery above, there were two people left on the whole street, pensioners, at first lyudmila petrovna hid in the basement during shelling, but it was very difficult there, then i got used to it a little and says that... to be less afraid, i worked around the house, cleaned up the battle, the more he shoots, look, i have these, like saucepans, everything sparkles everywhere, the house miraculously survived the original walls, photographs of my parents, i tried to keep them here that former family hearth in the hope that one day the daughter, grandchildren and great-granddaughters will come to visit, it’s a pity, the parents were building, building a hut, the granddaughter left and two grandchildren were already born, i’ve never seen them, what kind of granddaughters are they? i was about eight years old, and now i’m already 18, but i didn’t see, at least i could hug him close, my family left for saratov back in 2014, lyudmila petrovna did not want to leave her parents’ house, they didn’t communicate for many years, there was no communication, there was no opportunity to come, after the liberation
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of avgeevka, her granddaughter asked the activists of the popular front to find lyudmila petrovna, and it turned out that she was at home, waiting your family, my darling, my dear, guys, you smile so much, you hear me well, so tell me, what city do you live in, saratov, who is this, and what is your grandfather’s little name? we'll rent the kids every year for 10 years years, every year, every year they imprisoned, well
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, it’s dangerous, scary, even before the liberation of avdeevka, ukrainian snipers did not allow us to live in peace, they shot at those who refused to leave for ukraine and waited for the arrival of the russian army, the ukrainians, alone, that means, with a gun , apparently the guy accompanying her is also dating her, she says, well, how did you drive these guys there?
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on which, in his opinion, the settlement process should be built, they are cited by the xinhua agency. first, we must focus
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on achieving peace and stability and not pursue selfish interests. secondly, you need to defuse the situation, and not add fuel to the fire. thirdly, it is necessary to create conditions for peaceful negotiations and refrain from further aggravating tensions. fourth, we must reduce the negative impact on the global economy and not undermine the stability of global industrial and supply chains. china. encourages all efforts leading to a peaceful solution to the crisis and supports the timely convening of an international peace conference, recognized by both russia and ukraine, with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all options for a peaceful settlement. meanwhile, zelensky signed a scandalous law on tightening mobilization. the main part of its norms will come into force in may and then all military personnel from 18 to 60 years old will have to confirm their credentials and always wear them. is a military id, going abroad without it will become impossible, disabled people, in order to get not even a reservation, but
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just a deferment, will have to go through a medical examination again, draft dodgers, and everything else your driver's license will be revoked. the document says that the story is considered handed over, even if the conscript has not seen it, which means that from now on it is completely legal to catch reservists on the streets. another defendant, in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus, was taken into custody today; the court in tver arrested him for 2 months. a local resident who, according to investigators , fictitiously registered terrorist accomplices at his address. we are talking about those two who later supplied the militants with money, provided them with an apartment and a car. ashurov - this is the name of the person arrested, who reportedly had tajik citizenship and a russian passport. under the article on false registration , he faces up to 3 years in prison. let me remind you that 11 defendants, including the perpetrators, have already been arrested directly in connection with the terrorist attack. the death of 145 people, they all face life imprisonment.
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with details, you have a weapon, no, it took fsb officers less than three days to detain the man who planted a bomb under a car in the north of moscow.
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but for ideological reasons. when to i became aware of a nationalist, even nazi, anti-people coup in kiev, and i decided to fight this government using any available methods. as a result , prozarov handed over to our intelligence dozens of documents from the central office of the sbu and its so-called anti-terrorist headquarters, which was primarily engaged in preparations
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for military operations in the donbass back in 2014. availability was assumed in advance. april 2014, none of the kiev authorities planned a peaceful solution to this conflict, all statements of commitment were peaceful - this is nothing more than hypocrisy. among the documents handed over by vasily to the russian special services are data on torture. arranged at the mariupol airport and a memorandum from the head of the sbu addressed to the then acting president of ukraine turchynov with recommendations for special information measures, among which the main one is the creation of the image of russia as a threat to the supposedly civilized world. today we see very well that these recommendations are already being implemented by the current ukrainian authorities, and according to the words of the one who switched to
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prozrov’s side of russia, western intelligence services, primarily the american cia and british mi-6 have long been in charge of everything in the sbu or. engaging in joint planning of terrorist attacks, or turning a blind eye to them, it is enough to recall the murder of journalist daria dugina, military correspondent vladlin tatarsky, and the attempt on the life of writer zakhar prilepin. fortunately, vasily prozarov was practically not injured in the explosion, which he himself reported on the internet. everything is fine with me, i’m alive, healthy, arms, legs, everything works. uh, what happened? and i don't have doubts, this is another attempt at a terrorist attack. committed by the kiev regime and its special services, but i want to appeal to them: guys, you didn’t succeed, because god is for us. it remains to be added that the investigation into this case continues. anton vernitsky, maxim kulifeev, channel one. more than 8 trillion rubles will be allocated this year to support investments in the russian economy,
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mikhail mishustin announced this at a strategic session in the government. tax deductions have become widespread, which allow people to save significant amounts on this; a long-term savings program has been launched since january of this year; this is also a new tool that helps citizens invest their own funds in the funded part of their future pension and they will receive additional income. regarding
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the flood situation, additional measures are now being taken in the tyumen and kurgan regions, the water level in the ishim and tobol rivers. is growing, somewhere it has already reached critical levels, and meanwhile the peak of the flood, according to experts, is still ahead, in the risk zone of over hundreds of settlements, severe flooding in the tomsk region, orsk was again under threat in the orenburg region, as local authorities report, a private reservoir on the border with kazakhstan overflowed. read more about the situation in the regions and forecasts, report by andrey goldarev. in tomsk, along with the big water, a lot of ice came, which... managed to melt, in several snts at once, almost all the houses were flooded, people managed to evacuate, the entire first floor, everything was in the water, two garages, all three greenhouses.
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it turns out that the fence is in the water, but the house is dry. in some areas, the flood situation , on the contrary, is gradually stabilizing. here, 80 km from kurgan in the village of gledyanskaya, the large water began to slowly recede, and just today it went down by 20 cm. residential buildings here were saved, helped by this embankment dam, which was built in a few days. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , came here first. first, the minister assessed the situation from the air, then examined it. the dam itself, warned citizens so that they if possible, they took out all the valuables, picked them up, yes, it was discussed, they went through it themselves, they know everything, that’s right, right there on the spot we immediately
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spoke with local rescuers, that’s right, that’s it, thank you, a lot of water is coming to the mound, we need to strengthen group, several bridges and highways in the city have already been blocked , one of the roads has gone under water in some places, at the entrance to the mound. the roads began to flood, this tyunino highway and from it to the city center is about 3 km, but now you can’t drive here anymore, the depth is too there is a lot of water and the water continues to rise literally every hour, besides, the weather has worsened, now it is raining, they managed to remove residents from the flood zone throughout the region in advance, some are returning to check how the situation is, everything was dry, but you see how it is flooded, that is, that's all, that is, these are the vegetable gardens, this is my next vegetable garden. it’s not even visible, that is, all this water is our three vegetable gardens. in kurgan itself they continue to prepare for the arrival of big water, the level of the tobol river is gradually rising. the peak of the flood, according to experts, is expected in
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the next 2 days, they are waiting for him in the tyumen region, there now the water is approaching the populated area, yesterday it wasn’t there yet, it was there, yesterday the flood came, and today it’s already less than 40, and you live high from the water, here we are the highest , here are our houses, as if at the highest level. and we’re already worried. in some areas, schoolchildren have already been transferred to distance learning, and evacuation is underway. they promise a lot of water, and the likelihood of a dump breaking or overflowing is growing. collect valuables and immediately go to a safe place to visit your relatives or to a temporary detention center. at temporary points accommodation, we will provide you with everything you need. according to forecasts, if the water level reaches critical levels, over 9,000 houses may be in the flood zone. andrey goldarev, maxim trubnikov, anastasia slobodenyuk, tatyana kozlova, sergey shatila and evgeny kuznetsov. first channel.
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the ministry of agriculture spoke today about the need to quickly eliminate the consequences of flooding so that they do not affect the progress of the sowing season. the situation in the regions was discussed in detail at a meeting of the operational headquarters. the head of the department, dmitry patrushev, gave a number of assignments. but not only the measure, the connection with the flood, they also discussed support for farmers from the state. anna kurbatova will tell you. state of emergency at the federal level, farmers are trying to save livestock, grain, seeds, equipment, the situation in which orenburg farmers found themselves due to floods was discussed today at an operational meeting at the ministry of agriculture. the development
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of the situation is monitored by a specially created government commission, as well as a separate interdepartmental headquarters. the ministry of agriculture participates in the work of both of these structures. in touch with federal center vice-governor of the region damage in the region continues to be calculated. and here are the updated data. relevant groups and let them go and help the regional authorities of the agro-industrial complex fix the damage. well , here are a number of other instructions: the operation of the oil refinery in orsk has been suspended, that is, the orenburg region needs to very seriously control the availability of fuel. finally, regional veterinary services should, if necessary, quickly organize places for temporary housing of farm animals,
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monitor very... carefully, dear colleagues, monitor the provision of biological safety in the flood zone. just at this time in the orenburg region they usually begin the spring sowing of grain, beans, and in general the region is at the forefront of harvesting spring durum wheat. they hope that, despite the difficulties, this will be the case this year, when the water recedes, the land will be prepared so that the grain can be replanted. the situation remains difficult in the kurgan and tyumen regions in the altai territory, where a state of emergency has been introduced of regional importance, in the risk zone of the samara region. meanwhile, in the south, in the stavropol territory, on the contrary, they are waiting for rain. today we are finishing the seed, there will be 90 hectares of corn left, everything has been sown, the only thing is that there is a lack of moisture right now, very much, in 2 months only 4 mm of precipitation has fallen. the forecast is now being closely monitored in the north caucasus and southern federal districts, where the sowing season is already ending in many regions; this is the same result for the country as a whole. gaining momentum.
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having sat down, its area is already approaching 5 million hectares, the pace is slightly higher than last year. today at the meeting we discussed the situation in our new regions; agricultural lands there continue to be cleared of mines, and sowing is in full swing in areas that have already been cleared of mines. in the dpr, the fields are sown with spring barley, peas, lentils, in these bags are domestic sunflower and wheat seeds prepared using the volodarsky seed variety. will the plant be able to meet the needs of the donetsk republic, maybe even the neighboring luhansk republic? can, we are gaining momentum, but in throughout the country during this period, a guide to domestic selection. anna kurbatova, denis avcherov, amir yusupov, alexey ivanov, ekaterina belova, anna zayakina, sergey romanov, channel one. today at the central house of writers in moscow there was a presentation of a book from the series “the life
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of remarkable people, which is dedicated to a leader.”
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raw foodist maxim lyuty, whose newborn son , 8 years old, was sent to a maximum security colony, the blogger died of exhaustion. in addition, he is obliged to pay a fine of 100,000 rubles. court decision in the krasnodar region. previously, the verdict was passed the mother of the child received 2 years of correctional imprisonment. let me remind you that a resonant story became known last spring, lyuty and his partner decided to have a home birth in a rented house in sochi, the couple did not turn to doctors for help, did not register their son at the clinic and did not register it anywhere. the father lied to the owner several times , left the mother hungry and doused him with cold water. as a result, the child died before he could be taken to the hospital. dramatic footage of the publication in the capital of the kingdom spent almost 10
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hours extinguishing a huge fire. fire destroys one of the symbols of copenhagen in the stock exchange, the building is 400 years old, an architectural heritage, the famous spire of intertwined dragon tails flared up like a torch and soon collapsed onto the roadway. it is not possible to stop the flames, part of the roof has already collapsed, rescuers warn of the threat of destruction of the load-bearing structures of the walls, the city center is cordoned off, smoke from the fire is visible even from neighboring sweden. when it all started, everything that could be saved was taken out of the hot building, valuable paintings and... this is art. antique the building was undergoing restoration , and it was in the room where the work was being carried out that a fire broke out. the authorities planned to renovate the facades. now experts say that the historical monument is likely completely lost. well, there is a flood in dubai, after heavy downpours, cars in places are up to their windows in water, and what are the cars, the planes are floating, the airfield is flooded. as a result, flight delays and cancellations. at these moments messages arrive from
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aeroflot. some flights to dubai are being postponed. for another time.


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