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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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parts of our big planet, including russia, so we look, observe and take action on time in the world, maria butina was with you, the doll of the heir to tuti, now is the time of the program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. first person document. vladimir putin was presented with a certificate of the president of russia. the head of state received the chairman of the center electoral commission. three days from the terrorist attack. before the arrest, what did
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the ukrainian agent say who blew up the car of the ex-sbu officer, who is on our side? universal vehicle, bmd, mobile solution to assault missions and artillery support. tula paratroopers destroy the enemy's shelter. the unknown is behind us. a grandmother from liberated avdeevka looked at her family for the first time in 10 years. a family story that will bring you to tears. damage assessment, this spring's flood in russia is a record for decades, a lot of water is going to the mound, there is still a lot of ice in tomsk. writer, muse and wife, zoya boguslavskaya on her anniversary about her life, creativity with andrei voznesensky and about friendship with the great people who entered their house. so, today to vladimir putin was presented with a certificate from the president of russia. a month ago, it was the second of many days of voting, which showed a historical maximum
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of support for the current head of state; the chairman of the central election commission, ella pomfilova, spoke about the results and qualities that our people showed, and she brought the document to the kremlin. konstantin panyushkin, more details. let me give you my id. the inside of the document is as laconic as the outside. name, position, term, signature of the cec chairman. thank you very much and everyone.
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the people of russia, this was never certain, never will not be. in fact, the howl of the siren and the roar of rocket explosions did not stop the russians. when we went to the elections, we had rage in our hearts, you know, just like in 1941, when all the people rose up for a just war, so we belgorod residents went to the elections, now at this historical moment. this does not scare us, so we fulfill our duty, our responsibility as a citizen of the russian federation. to say that we...were weak and up and left when they scared us, no, this, this won’t happen, but why be afraid, we are at home, we are at home, why should i be in my city, in our country should be afraid of something, let them be afraid, not us, the courage of the residents of the belgorod region inspired the whole country to go to the polls, i want to express words of gratitude and admiration for the residents of the belgorod region and other border regions. i want to say, express my
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gratitude for your courage. in the front-line regions, all this is true, both in relation to voters and employees of precinct commissions. and explosions, killing people. they also played a big role in uniting our people with what they do. in 2024 the central election commission recorded unprecedented results of the presidential elections, a turnout of 77.5%, the highest in the entire history of modern russia. the ordinary citizen of the country understood, understood in his heart, that he was in demand,
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the country needed him, the future of russia depended on him. this is due to the high turnout. the winner's result is also the same as ever, 87.28%. the rest was divided by three more candidates, who, however, also rallied around vladimir putin, which is best illustrated by these shots. march 18 red square. on stage prepared for the winner of the election next to putin, all of whose names were on the ballot. the russian leader expressed hope that all parties will show reasonable restraint and will not allow a new escalation that is dangerous for the region.
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iranian, in turn, noted that his country was forced to act within a limited framework and was not interested in increasing tensions. both presidents agreed that the root cause of current events was uncertainty. russia and iran for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, relief of the humanitarian situation and politics-diplomatic settlement. another person accused in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus was arrested; a resident of tver, as stated in court, fictitiously registered terrorist accomplices at his address. we are talking about those two who provided them with money, an apartment and a car. ashurov, as the name of the arrested person indicates, had citizenship. the investigation confirmed their connections with ukraine, which was reiterated today by secretary of the russian security council nikolai
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patrushev. the criminal kiev regime deliberately commits sabotage against civilian targets, shelling russian border ones. regions, using fire weapons against civilians, commit terrorist attacks in crowded places, organize assassinations of government officials, public figures, and journalists. a striking example of inhumanity, fierce hatred of our country is the terrorist attack committed on march 22 in kroku city, during the investigation it was confirmed and procedurally... the connection of the direct perpetrators of this terrorist attack with ukrainian nationalists was confirmed. the perpetrators, accomplices, organizers of this monstrous bloody terrorist attack, and other affiliated persons, no matter where they hide
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and no matter how they try to confuse the traces of the crime, will suffer a well-deserved punishment. the west is pushing the version that the terrorist attack was in close hands with... the islamic state group in russia, but this cannot hide the essence of the state of ukraine. new confirmation was provided by the perpetrator of another terrorist attack, a ukrainian agent who blew up the car of a former sbu officer in moscow last week. reportage anton vernitsky. it took fsb officers less than three days to detain the man who planted a bomb under a car in northern moscow. it turned out to be a russian citizen. year of birth, at the very first interrogation, admitted to collaborating with the ukrainian special services, in november 2023 , he was recruited as an sbu officer; in february, my supervisor told me that he was
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assigned the task personally by the head of the sbu, malyuk. the terrorist attack was prepared carefully, first the detainee watched the car, then he was asked to do so. assemble a homemade explosive device, my curator explained it with the help of instructions, i assembled it on the ninth. at approximately 2:00 am, i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, they tried to blow up vasily prozarov, a former ukrainian security service officer who defected to russia in 2014. he served in the sbu from 1999 to 2018. during the last five years of his service, that is, since 2014, he collaborated with russian intelligence, as he himself claimed, for ideological reasons. when consciousness came to me. nationalist, even nazi anti-people coup in kiev,
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and i decided to fight this government using any available methods. as a result , prozarov handed over to our intelligence dozens of documents from the central apparatus of the sbu and its so-called anti-terrorist headquarters, which was primarily engaged in preparations for military operations in the donbass back in 2014. it was assumed in advance that there would be a large number of casualties among the civilian population, which in turn was immediately announced. individuals of terrorists, even before the start, one might say, active hostilities, you understand that even in april 2014, none of the kiev authorities planned a peaceful solution to this conflict, all statements of commitment in a peaceful way are nothing more than hypocrisy. among the documents handed over by vasily prozov to the russian special services are data on torture in a prison set up at the mariupol airport and a memorandum from the head of the sbu addressed to the then acting president of ukraine turchynov with recommendations for special information measures, among which the main one is the creation of an image
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russia as a threat to the supposedly civilized world. today we can clearly see that these recommendations are already being implemented by the current ukrainian authorities, and according to prozorov, who came over to the side of russia, western intelligence services, primarily the american central intelligence agency and the british mi-6, have long been overseeing everything in the sbu, either engaging in joint planning of terrorist attacks, or closing their eyes. suffice it to remember the murder.
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region, the likely target is a military equipment transshipment base in the area of ​​the railway station. russian armed forces are hitting military facilities, as well as enterprises associated with the armed forces of ukraine. this is a response to the enemy's attempts to damage our energy systems. reports from the ministry of defense, the loss of militants per day is 1,160 people. aviation, missile forces and artillery, along with ammunition and fuel depots, hit the drone production workshops. poe's force shot down six british stormshadow cruise missiles and two american ones.
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russian troops are advancing in all directions, our correspondent gusein guseinov is working in seversk. his report from paratrooper positions. it's deep night outside, time for rest, but not for our soldiers on the front line. the crew of the airborne combat vehicle is preparing to perform the next task. this is an armored group crew. handsome, handsome, there was a hit, let's fire at the same two shells, we noticed
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movement there at night, we drove the car out and worked out the ammunition. the large-caliber bmd4 cannon is ideal for work on oporniks, the military says. infantry is designed to perform assault missions and support, but here in special conditions in a military operation, it works both as an artillery piece and its main advantage.
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the fortifications passed through the fortifications more calmly and easily, with minimal losses they occupied the defensive positions, moved forward, and now the artillerymen are destroying another ukrainian armed forces dugout, to the right 0.05, the range is more than 50, one, they received a correction after the first shot, now they repeated it again. the work is hard and dangerous, the paratroopers say, but they didn’t expect anything else, the enemy. there is a constant counter-battery fight, enemy drones are hanging in the sky, you can say that we are waiting for the bird to fly away, tell me, did someone give a signal or what? yes, we have a man standing in a trench, listening to the sky, but despite all the attempts of ukrainian militants to interfere with the work of our mortars, they continue to squeeze out the enemy. gusein
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huseynov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and svetlana vedyashkina, channel one, donets! in the liberated territories , there are amazing stories about the return to peaceful life: a grandmother from ovdeevka saw her relatives in saratov for the first time in 10 years. the video bridge was arranged by our film crew. report by evgeny lyamin. my little ones, my good ones, my little ones, by the way. “bread,” says lyudmila petrovna, is used to drying it like this in large pieces, feeding it to chickens, and, of course, for the table, too. then i lined up like this, i take the bread and tear it apart. i take this trushlyakh, fold it, the water is boiling, fold it, cover it with a lid, i get top bread, warm soft bread, like croudy from the bakery above, there were two people left on the whole street, pensioners, at first lyudmila petrovna was hiding in the basement during the shelling, but it’s really hard there, then i got used to it a little and says that in order to be less afraid, i worked according to the house, i was cleaning up the battle, the more it shoots,
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i have these saucepans, everything is shiny everywhere, but yours is very clean. everything is just so scrubbed, the house miraculously survived the original walls, photographs of the parents, i tried to preserve that old family hearth here in the hope that one day my daughter, grandchildren and great-granddaughters will come to visit, it’s a pity, the parents built, built a hut, the granddaughter left, two grandchildren were already born , i’ve never seen them, what they are like. my grandson was about eight years old, and now he’s already 18, but i haven’t seen them, even if they were jumping. family to see you left for saratov back in 2014 lyudmila petrovna did not want to leave her parents’ house, they didn’t communicate for many years, there was no communication, there was no opportunity to come, after the liberation of avdeevka, her granddaughter asked the activists of the popular front to find lyudmila petrovna, and found out that she was at home, waiting for her family, she already has great-granddaughters in saratov, she’s seeing them for the first time via video call,
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my, my dear, the guys connected, it looks like you’re working, on maternity leave, well, in general we’re working, again on maternity leave, you want one more, oh, it’s maternity leave on vacation, the third will be according to the second, i heard on the radio, they don’t give little money to little ones in russia, they give it to them, she looks at the screen, peers at the faces, getting closer and closer, she can’t get enough of it, you’re my darling, and you’re so
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beautiful, la, of course, she will calm down her own people,
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i say, well, congratulations, i then tell him, listen, let me kiss you. she waited for the liberation of avdeevka for 10 long years, now she hopes that she will soon see her relatives, she says she prepares for this meeting every day. it’s at the firewood we begin to make preparations, you see, we already have little bits. the servicemen of the troop center group took care of them, medicines, food, and brought a generator. lyudmila petrovna has already received a russian passport and even managed to participate in voting in the elections.
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also purchasing bonds, bonds, shares, actually directing their funds into the economy, thereby contributing to the further development of the country. restrictions on the volume
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of investments have been lifted and tax deductions have become wider, allowing people to save significant amounts on this. from january this year in 2018, a long-term savings program was launched; this is also a new tool that helps citizens invest their own funds to save the cumulative part of their future pension. they will receive additional income. the current flood in russia is the highest in decades. this assessment was given today by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov. the topic has been in the top news since the beginning of the month. how was it? by april 5, a critical mass of water had accumulated near the orsk-orenburg region. the embankment dam failed. water in the ural river moved further west by sunday reached a dangerous level already in orenburg itself. in 3 days. after the orsk events, another region, the kurgan region, declared a state of emergency. there, in half a day , the water level in the tabol river rose another half a meter, approaching dangerous levels.
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there is heavy rain in the region. this river comes to us from kazakhstan, where in eight of the seventeen regions there is a flood emergency regime. over 100,000 people were evacuated. tabol and another river. and shim is predicted to spill to its maximum in the tyumen region. that's water. reporting by andrey goldrev. frightening footage from tomsk. along with a lot of water , a lot of ice came to the suburbs, which did not have time to melt. the result was an explosive mixture. the element seizes everything in its path, immobilizes river transport and residential buildings. due to the congestion , water has already made its way into some urban areas. look, how terrible, there is probably about half a meter of water in the apartments here.
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blasting work is underway on the ice. the tense situation in the kurgan region, more and more snt in the water near the regional center, floods entire streets. we're diving into gardening, probably window-deep, in july it turns out that the fence is in the water, but the house is dry. in some areas, the flood situation , on the contrary, is gradually stabilizing. here, 80 km from kurgan in a village. the high water of gledyansk began to slowly recede, only today it went down 20 cm. residential buildings here were saved thanks to the help of such a bulk dam, which was erected in a few
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days. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, came here. first, the minister assessed the situation from the air, then examined the dam itself. here you can immediately talk with local rescuers on the spot. while power is everywhere enough. thank you. big water is coming to kurgan, we need to strengthen the group. sirens sound in the city every 2 hours. several bridges and highways have already been blocked, and one of the main highways has gone under water in some places. this. tyunino highway and from it to the city center is about 3 km, but now you can’t get through here, the depth is too great and the water continues to rise literally every hour, and besides, the weather has worsened, it’s raining now. residents from the flood zone throughout the region managed to get out in advance, some come back to check on the situation. everything was dry, but you see how it flooded, that is , this is all, that is, here are the vegetable gardens, here is my
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next vegetable garden, it’s not even visible, that is , this is all...
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floods are expected in the tyumen region, there the water is now approaching populated areas , it wasn’t there yet yesterday, it was there, about 40 meters away, but today it’s already about 40 meters away, and you live high from the water, here we are the highest, here are our houses, as if the highest, and we’re already worried, in some areas schoolchildren have already been transferred to distance learning, evacuation is underway, water they promise a lot, the likelihood of a dump breakthrough or overflow increases. through them, collect valuables, immediately go to a safe place to visit relatives or to a temporary detention center. at temporary accommodation points, we will provide you with everything you need. according to forecasts, if the water level reaches critical levels, over 9,000 houses may be in the flood zone, and what is important is that the water does not go away quickly. this is clearly visible in orenburg. after a record rise of the ural river by almost 12 m. the water recedes back only a few
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centimeters, all this time. the consequences of the flood should not affect the progress of the sowing season. the situation in the affected regions and support for farmers was discussed today at a meeting of the operational headquarters at the ministry of agriculture. anna kurbatova with details. we are riding a cow. orsk, farmers rescue cattle by floating. and these shots were filmed in orenburg. local residents, together with rescuers, are moving cows through the water to
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a safe place. farmers are trying to save livestock grain, seeds, there is a federal emergency situation here, equipment, about the situation in which they find themselves orenburg farmers due to floods, was discussed today at an operational meeting at the ministry of agriculture. the development of the situation is monitored by a specially created government commission, as well as separately. in contact with the federal center, the vice-governor of the region continues to calculate the damage in the region, here are the updated data: the overall estimate according to preliminary data, unfortunately, it changes, and if we gave 68 million for 3 days, then this is about 145 million rubles. form appropriate groups and let them go out to help the regional authorities of the agro-industrial complex
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fix the damage. well, here's another one. from errands. the operation of the oil refinery in orsk has been suspended, which means that the orenburg region needs to very seriously control the availability of fuel. well. and finally, regional veterinary services should, if necessary, quickly organize places for temporary housing of farm animals and monitor very carefully, dear colleagues, the provision of biological safety in the flood zone. just at this time in the orenburg region they usually begin spring sowing of grain, beans, and in general the region is at the forefront of harvesting durum spring wheat. they hope that despite the difficulties, this will be the case this year when the water recedes. the land will be prepared so that the grain can be replanted. the situation remains difficult, in the kurgan, tyumen regions, in the altai territory, a regional emergency regime has been introduced there in the risk zone of the samara region, and meanwhile in the south, in the stavropol territory, on the contrary, they are waiting for rain. today
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we are finishing the seed, there will be 90 hectares of corn left, everything has been sown, the only drawback now is moisture, soil, that's all it fell in 2 months. draft. the forecast is now being closely monitored in the north caucasus and southern federal districts, where the passive period is already ending in many regions. this is the same result for the country as a whole. spring sowing is gaining momentum, its area is already approaching 5 million hectares. the pace is slightly higher than last year. today at the meeting we discussed the situation in our new regions. there they continue to clear agricultural land on already cleared land. sowing is in full swing. in the dpr the fields are sown spring barley, peas, lentils, in these bags are domestic seeds for sunflower and wheat, prepared at the volodarsky variety seed plant. the needs of the donetsk republic, maybe even the neighboring lugansk
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republic will be able to provide this enterprise? it can, we are gaining momentum. but in the whole country during sowing, the focus is on domestic selection. anna kurbatova, denis avcherov, pov, alexey ivanov, news from the ministry of defense, our military ensured a safe rotation of observers at the zaporozhye npp. mission of the international the atomic energy agency has been present at this plant, the largest in europe, since the fall of twenty-two and has seen shelling from the ukrainian side more than once. this happened at the beginning of the month after a break. our permanent representative to the un finally called on magathe to name the culprits. about the security council giorgi alesashvili. neither the calls of international experts nor the demands of the un agent protected the zaporozhye nuclear power plant from attacks; the recent drone attack is an example of this, so the topic of plant security has again become relevant for the un security council. the head spoke first
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atomic energy agency magatha, who detailed the circumstances of the attacks, as a result of which three zaes employees were injured and the plant itself was damaged. our international mission confirmed the first. november 2022 attacks directly on the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. an examination showed that the impact also fell on the outer shell of the sixth reactor. the damage was minor , but the attack itself sets a dangerous precedent. we are dangerously close to a nuclear disaster, these irresponsible the attacks must stop. rafael grossi's detailed report, however, did not contain one important detail, which the russian post-spreader drew attention to. we call on management. magatta admits the obvious fact and does not engage in verbal balancing act, but points to the source of the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this is not a political issue. now it is simply a question of the safety of the plant and the nuclear and radiation
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safety of europe. the hesitation of the agency secretariat to call a spade a spade only encourages the kiev authorities to further irresponsible and extremely dangerous action. zaporozhye is the largest nuclear power plant in europe. since the fall of 2022, all its power units have been shut down, rosatom specialists and zaes employees have to literally keep them in working order, however, as reported in the state corporation, all necessary measures for the safe operation of the station by civilian personnel have been taken, water supplies, backup diesel generators, fuel volumes for backup diesel generators, everything exists with a reserve, and in this sense we have no concerns, only those arrivals that have taken place in recent days are of concern, this was especially active on april 7, we are very grateful to the international community, primarily the nuclear community, magat specialists, who
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immediately responded to these attacks. the day before, another rotation of magathe observers had just taken place on zaes. russian sappers conducted reconnaissance of the area, after which , under the cover of the forces of the ministry of defense and... the guard , four inspectors left the station, yielding place for visiting colleagues. by the way, in the presence of the commission at the station, rosatom sees an additional safety factor, but at least russian specialists have long ago established it. united states and united kingdom. this means that this was prepared in advance in your texts.
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to protect the station, but still, against the background of provocation in the armed forces of ukraine, as the russian
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permanent representative noted, savbe could have directly condemned the actions of kiev, and although this did not happen, no one began to argue with vasily nebenzia. georgy altsashvili, pavel nesterov, natalya lobanova, channel one usa. the ukrainian theme was continued in beijing. chinese president xidin ping received german chancellor olaf scholdz. the xinhua news agency cites four principles necessary in the assessment of the chinese leader. to resolve the conflict. first, we must focus on achieving peace and stability and not pursue selfish interests. secondly, you need to defuse the situation, and not add fuel to the fire. thirdly, it is necessary to create conditions for peaceful negotiations and refrain from further aggravation tension. fourth, we must reduce the negative impact on the global economy and not undermine the stability of global industrial and supply chains. china encourages all efforts leading to a peaceful solution to the crisis. and supports the timely convening of an international peace conference,
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recognized by both russia and ukraine, with equal participation of all parties and a fair discussion of all options for a peaceful settlement. the west, let me remind you, is planning a conference in switzerland for the summer without russia’s participation. china has a different approach which the kremlin called balanced and constructive. adding that he does not yet see any changes in the position of the kiev regime on the issue of negotiations. zelensky, let me remind you, banned them. another scandalous one today he signed a tightening of mobilization in ukraine, the age was lowered, it was 27, it became 25. now the law is to hunt for people, like this one in zaporozhye among belodnya, in order not to violate, ukrainian men from 18 to 60 years old, you have to go to the center recruiting such as a military registration and enlistment office, clarifying registration data, in other words, give up, carry your military id with you , show it.
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a blogger who lost his newborn son,
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a housewarming party on russia's first combat icebreaker, there will be much more, don't switch, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, romcastra a product of the stellar group, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group. bourbon storsman is a product of the stellar group. whiskey mancatcher. stellar group, gin сnop, a product of the stellar group, cognac, monte chococa, a product of the stellor group. zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she
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creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years is necessarily harmful. everyone will write, especially her attitude towards talents, she felt them right away, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky after meeting zoya borisovna dedicated a poem to her: remain bright, fleeting incessantly, i don’t reproach you for passing, thank you for coming, there are two priorities in life: his work and my mother, an eclipse of the heart, andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment our only quarrel, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiere, today on the first,
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voice live on friday. on the first one, and i’m walking, walking around moscow, still at the universitet metro station passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts humming the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from film "i'm walking around moscow" i don’t like to be called a comedian, because i haven’t done many comedies. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova, lyuba, i...
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an exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered on saturday at the first. i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we convey hello everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me,
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making me a real person, what makes me happy is the health of my loved ones, not just my loved ones, everyone around me. and this is very important, i wish our country to be great, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their own happiness, this is the program of time and we continue, a flood where recently artificially caused rains, dubai, showers are so powerful, what a car...
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for six months did it cause rain this time so far not reported. raw foodist blogger maxim lyuty, who actually starved his newborn son to death, received 8 years of strict regime. this was the verdict handed down by the court in sochi. father azuver is also required to pay a fine of 1,000 rubles. previously, the court sentenced the boy's mother to two years of correctional labor; the couple had a child in 1922; the parents did not register him anywhere, but they started right away. the first combat icebreaker is preparing for sea trials in the arctic. ivan popanin. the crew is already on board, they say the sailors themselves moved in. after
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the ship becomes part of the navy, it will begin patrolling the northern sea route. but the tasks may be different. potential weapons include modern cruise missiles. alena germanova will tell you more about ivan popanin’s capabilities. along the quay wall of the admiralty ships there are bodras. towards the gangway, several months of preparation on the shore are behind us, and now the commander sets the crew a task: to inhabit the patrol ship, the first combat icebreaker of its kind. personnel accept office premises, living office premises from representatives of the plant, the commander of combat unit five accept technical equipment, emergency equipment. check-in begins with the spacious sailor's cabins, each with four beds, there is a separate sanitary block, and a common gym nearby. in the galley they are already distributing the first ship's lunch, cutlet, rice from the dump, all the same things are sent on a special elevator to the officer's wardroom,
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for all the years of service as a cook, that is, this is what i have the first such galley, as it were, asked for itself, well, because firstly, new equipment is all new ship, like soup, for example, you can cook up to 160 liters at a time, enough for the entire crew for the plant employees, while tests are underway at sea, they they will also live on the ship along with the military, sailors and testers. every mechanism on board project 23550 is a patrol ship and a tug and an icebreaker all at once, its reinforced hull will easily pass one and a half meters thick ice, there is a towing winch and crane installations on board, but first of all this ship is a combat ship, there is a hangar for the k-27 helicopter, an artillery installation, and if necessary, a caliber missile system will be placed on the deck. now we have a lot of work ahead of us, studying the ship from the inside. to study its technical means is a colossal responsibility, there is a lot of work to be done, including
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ice testing, and this will be new for each crew member, including me. now, within a minute , the automated control system will be prepared, and the oil pump will work and the starting a diesel generator. there are four diesel generators in the engine room at once; if one fails, the rest will pick up. the movement of the ship itself is provided by two electric propulsion motors; they allow ivan popanin to reach speeds of up to 18 knots, more than 30 km/h and easily maneuver in the ice. there are no foreign mechanisms or devices here anymore, that is, everything is only russian-made, our manufacturers have tried their best here in this regard and installed only our own device mechanisms. like ivan papanin himself, the head of the first polar drifting station, and the ship. named after him will work in the vast expanses of the arctic, where the northern sea route passes, this ship will be able to protect our caravans of ships,
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participate in rescue operations, navigation autonomy is 2.5 months, range is 10,000 miles. dverkh always builds complex , high-tech ships, this is the main order, and there is also silver, it is now at the stage of slipway construction and after the delivery of this ship we will also have a serial number for the ship. its name is generally the soviet ocean. nikolai zubov, after the lead ship , it will also become part of the kola flotilla of the heterogeneous forces of the northern fleet. ivan popanin still has road and state tests ahead. only then will the st. andrew’s flag be solemnly raised above the stern and the ship will stand guard over the arctic. alena germanova, vladimir smirnov, ksenia ugarova, shamil fabrikov and natalya lobanova. channel one st. petersburg. a book from the series “ dedicated to the life of remarkable people” was presented today at the central house of writers in moscow.
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it’s very useful for the new generation, especially now they are trying to write a reliable history;
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textbooks for high school have already been published on the president’s instructions, i think. this will be a good help for a politician. zoya boguslavskaya is a playwright, literary critic, art critic, today she is 100 years old, the wife and muse of the poet andrei voznesensky, she dedicated her life to him, remaining an outstanding personality herself, and confirming by her example that behind every great man there is a great woman. she now has work meetings, new books, and exhibition for the anniversary. there olga pautova met with the birthday girl. i look like this, i feel so great everything, only thanks to work, that this engine that turns me on, it affects the physical side of my life, so before my birthday i’m all busy, my loved ones barely persuaded me to take a break to give her a surprise, an exhibition a journey to the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, her golden age in letters and photographs. brilliant, who
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came up with this? now she is working. over a new book of memoirs, and his first story from the author about young physicists literary critic boguslavskaya published it when voznesensky insisted: you write better than those you write about. he always had a very big overestimation of my capabilities, you know? it seems to him that i can do much more than what i do. she never learned to talk about him in the past tense. 14 years old. from his beloved andrei, for whom zoya boguslavskaya was not just a wife, but his best friend, inspiration and ally. you can say that now it’s no longer a hassle, but a hassle. she was the only one who wasn't openly scared to support the disgraced poet after scolding khrushchev for a meeting with the creative intelligentsia, and then they weren’t even together yet, but it seems they already understood everything about their common destiny. you
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will wake me up at dawn to see me off without shoes. come out, you will never forget me, you will never see me, he said, once voznesensky, it was absolutely accurate, i write poetry with my feet, because he tapped out this rhythm while walking. almost all of her poems are written while walking, for example, her favorite poem from him, put your hands behind my shoulders, clips, only the gobs breathe, wash, i was never embarrassed to tell him that i didn’t like it, i spoke very carefully and said it in such a way that you might even think about it, that
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was my main expression. and you will come in, sit in the corner, i will select music for you, this is one of their first photographs together, in it voznesensky asks what to read to you, and he asked this question to her all his life, so the poet confessed his love to his muse, when the words were no longer needed, he took up watercolors, there were huge two hanging at home portrait, he had this idea for me to sit, i say, i won’t sit, he says, i ask you, sit for half an hour, i say, i don’t know how to sit without moving, she was like that from her youth, stubborn, active, with an unbending inner core, did not agree to compromises when promises were asked to cut out a monologue from her play, it was better to close the play immediately, and was not afraid to stand up for others when she saw talent, largely thanks to her efforts,
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torkovsky was still allowed to direct andrei rublev, this is my nurse. when did it start war, boguslavskaya was 17, eager to go to the front, but they didn’t take her, then she completed medical courses to help in the hospital. the first time i worked as a nurse with seriously wounded people, i fainted, they said she was unfit as a professional, i pulled myself together, and severed arms, severed legs, torn out hair, bloody faces, i taught everything.
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shshagal only allows her to watch him work in his workshop, with brigitte bardot and liza mineli, they trust each other with secrets, in the alteration it is not theirs with voznesensky the entire creative intelligentsia of that time gathered at the house. ay! clayboy, they were not at all a typical couple for a bagen environment, they lived together for 46 years and almost never quarreled, is this possible if you live with a poet, perhaps if a woman lives with this poet who knows a little more about people than others, everyone wants in order to be understood, or something like that, you must learn to understand others the way you understand yourself. i'll never see you again. i will never forget you. olga pautova, tatyana bodrova, vyacheslav amilyutin, mikhail fedorov and kristina neznanova, channel one. to mark the anniversary of zoya boguslavskaya, today at midnight we will broadcast a documentary film,
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the golden age. this is the premiere, repeating saturday at 7:00 p.m. well, right now it’s a fictional detective movie, an undercover taxi. don't remember! and how he left, he was armed, but you didn’t understand that he wasn’t. oh, loaf-loaf, how did we miss it?
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loaf. i'd rather drive, eh?


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