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tv   Taksi pod prikritiem  1TV  April 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:59pm MSK

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oh loaf, loaf, how did we miss it, loaf? not a night job?
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oh, hello taxi driver, hello, the unknown one will be on his way soon, there are no signs of entry, maybe they entered through the roof, maybe through the roof, or a false alarm, it’s closed. let me go right, you go left, i like left.
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okay, okay, lyokha, where is he? over there. where did he rush, central, stand,
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police, stand, like this, if you wish, hold on, well, this is like nothing?
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so that he understands that it’s me, we must continue to wait for his instructions, it’s inconvenient, you’ll manage. thank you for sitting and sorry for staying with me there again, but stop it, to whom are you explaining that you didn’t live together, i love
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the loaf, we had a great time, listen, buddy, you’re lucky, she loves you. didn’t your wife throw a tantrum again? yes, he’s still new to work, well, he says he’s in a mess, but how’s his father? ok, all business, do you still get along with your father? well, everything seems fine, let's go already. thank you again, lesh, about what you told me on the phone then, yes, i am now i can repeat, i love you, lesh, stop it.
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listen, a couple of questions, now, just tell me, for example, she can cut it, okay, yeah, but chocolate, but she can’t, yes, yes, allow it, yes, come in, can i call you back in a minute, literally, thank you, yeah, what , you got access to the mailbox, uh-huh, the address was registered just a couple of days ago, there are no incoming or outgoing messages, yeah, but somehow you can track it, but where? this user goes online, well , basically yes, we sent a request to the company the owner of the server to receive information about
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logging into your account, we will receive a response, we will try the ip addresses, however, if they are not masked by vpn and proxy servers, by the way, i gave our guys a task, they will pack a photo of the trojan, okay, okay, you, you go, work, got it, hello, it’s me again, yes, i called you just now, yes, tell me, i have a couple more questions, can i have any fruit, yes, yeah? zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works that have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, a special attitude towards talents, she felt them right instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t do it at all, i have to where -to travel, to help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting with zoya
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borisovna, dedicated a poem: remain bright, fleeting incessantly, i do not reproach that it has passed, i thank you that it came. andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother. hearts, andryushka and i they lived very amicably. was his song, reflecting the moment of our only quarrel. for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, the premiere is on the first today. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clone, a lot of brilliant people who were found in the circus. some kind of poetic, fantastic reality, this is fleetingness that i want to grab, the
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circus that i want to make, it’s not exists. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew. that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and
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in the spring the waters are noisy, the sleepy shore will be running, they are running, they are shining, and they are shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when , spring series? games on sunday on the first, this is a fashionable verdict on the first channel with you, me, liliya rakh, girls, we’re guessing, evelina, leggings with fleece, how do we feel about this, what’s wrong, let’s hurry to get to know our heroine, yes, she’s good, i ended my relationship with the sumo coach, i usually
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talk to men very little, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, no one ever told me that i’m beautiful, we’re trying, we’re starting a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, can i hug you, of course, we’ll fix all this bullshit, life with a husband, children, when to be a girl? we’re going on a date dressed like this, dear mom, well, it’s not me, all together, beauty, beauty, the suitors will have a fashionable verdict. new season from april 22 on the first. well, my mukhtar, i’m ready to work undercover again. maybe the shawarma will fail again? yozh, can you imagine, i
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just saw you on tv. really, there was a report showing from a clothing store where a policeman was wounded last night, and you were there, just 2 seconds, really, but i’m a diamond, you know, that’s for sure, and i was in this store just last week , it’s good that he wasn’t burned by these criminals, otherwise natasha would have to look for a new job again, natasha to your niece, well, yes, she works in this store... as a salesperson, didn’t you know? no, i didn’t know, to be honest, well , tell her hello, i’ll tell her, i’ll tell her, she also asked about you, here on tv they’re talking about you, well, i think, let me get there, i’ll find out how you are, is everything okay? are you okay, well, aren’t they strangers, after all, you forgive
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me, lyosha, for what happened then, you forgive me, well, i thought that i was really interfering, you’re a young, handsome guy, girls you they love you, you’ll figure out for yourself who’s nicer to whom, really, we’ve passed, i’m lyosh, i’m worried about you, because of your stupid little girl, that’s for sure, well, you’ll let him go to me, why should you hang around with him, and i’ll have the bone is reserved for him, the bone is holy, but what about the brother? let's go, let's go, let's go, loaf, let's go, the password is correct, we enter only the word agree, yes, we write, i agree, we call the file with the photo and the trojan yura, yeah, and send it
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to this address, sent. as soon as it goes into the mail, we will immediately know about it, well if he also opens a photo, then it’s a total loaf, all you can do is wait, uh, hope and believe that we have a brother named leskov, leskov is your semi-box, which is the driver, yes, but why are you asking, and not just, you minding your own business, valer, that's it, come on, that's it. so, brother, the guys are working, but so far nothing interesting, home, school, work, shop, well, we need to meet with palych again, maybe he’ll give us some tips, and palych is who we have, but my informant, listen, yura, i'm late for the hospital, so let me and palych, and you in go to the hospital, no, he
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won’t talk to you, go ahead, take me, i’ll quickly talk to him then to the hospital, okay? the identikit was compiled with the help of our colleague, who, as you know, is now in the hospital; the suspect entered a clothing store, for some reason tried to set it on fire, then wounded junior sergeant krasnoseltsev, and fled the crime scene on a motorcycle of an unknown brand. during the arrest we are careful, but catching this criminal, as you understand, is now a matter of honor for us. next... tonight another one a schoolgirl fell from a crane while trying to take a selfie, like him, no, not a selfie, tiktok, and nothing funny, this is the third such incident this month, in this regard, we draw attention to teenagers on
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the lifting screens, on the lifting screens of the runner . have you heard anything about mishanya? i heard something, but without specifics, but do you know the name yunus, yunus? something familiar, do you have a photo? a familiar scoreboard, a non-left-handed person has been playing for an hour? lefty, well, exactly, volodya lefty, i know this guy,
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i even had a drink with him a couple of times, though a long time ago it was a long time ago, really a long time ago, even before you closed the kozarinsky, what does that have to do with the kozarinskys, well, what does it have to do with it, you sent everyone else to the bunk, what does that mean?
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can you please see if this is an identikit of the suspect who tried to set fire to your store, does he look like vadim, does he look like vadim? yes, vadim, our former security guard, he really didn’t work here for long, only a couple of months, but why so little? i don’t know, they said that he seemed to have stolen something, they kicked him out for this, by the way, all the girls really liked him, he was like that in uniform, pulled on a motorcycle. on a motorcycle, yeah, natasha says his name is vadim, he worked
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as a security guard here for two months in the spring, natasha, a consultant in a store, and natasha by chance doesn’t remember his last name, no, just his first name, but i think that they have it in their papers without any problems find, yeah, i'll take a look, ask the girls working in the store, they say that many fell for him. maybe he’ll remember something, i’ll ask around, okay, okay, thanks, good luck with natasha, we couldn’t get close to the kozarinskys for a long time, we relied on agents, it was a stupid tip that helped, a tip from one of our colleagues, former ones at that, thanks to him we managed to get all 19 people into... the gang, but until today i didn’t even imagine that any of them remained free, some of them went a deal with the investigation, one
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person yura, and he volunteered himself, he was threatened with a tag, so he sang so much to us that the whole top was sentenced to life, and he got an a, his last name is skvartsov, he’s sitting here in the region, and what are you asking? but if mishanya was in kazararin’s gang, that means could you recognize the starlings? let's go, let's go. you don’t remember, that means it’s understandable, it’s still good
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that you’re sitting near st. petersburg, there are opportunities, your wife is visiting you, the child even, how old is he now, seven, eight, cholokh mikhailovich, eight, good. so, if you don’t want to be transferred somewhere beyond the urals, maybe we’ll strain our memory and try again, who is this? lefty, who brought this lefty into the gang? mishan pulled him up. is mishan here in these photographs?
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something is turning out somehow strange, i thought we had the whole gang covered, then these mishans appear, left-handed, it’s like when everyone was covered, they didn’t accept it anymore, that is, they kicked them out, that is. for what? well, they screwed up some kind of store there, didn’t tell anyone anything, didn’t bring in the money, were being sarcastic, it turns out, it turns out, they were kicked out, they set up a meter, and kozarin charged some unrealistic amount, said if he didn’t come back, he’d fix it, well, that’s natural , discipline.
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okay, i'll be there soon. the object has moved to kamenoostrovsky 73, he comes into the front door, yes, listen, i can’t talk now, i’ll pass the phone, i’m listening.
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but in the end, they paid the barracks, they didn’t have time, you swept us all away, comrade lieutenant colonel, it seems they found lisky, well, why, they’re not having a dance there, they’re sitting, bazaar, open up. vyacheslav mikhailovich, maybe we’ll wait a couple of hours, why, let them get drunk as they should, we’ll take them warm and take them, i won’t wait, open up, you ’re a sweet berry, and don’t move anyone, hands, so i can see what? “we
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haven’t communicated with him for 2 years, why? well, look, after the army he decided to settle in st. petersburg, i helped him with work, an apartment for the first time he withdrew his money, he quit his job , moved out of the apartment, didn’t say anything to anyone, got in touch with some mandyugans, you can’t call him, he’s always drunk, the music is blasting, he’s talking about some kind of talk, the last time we called each other, two years ago. he didn’t congratulate his mother on her birthday, i told him everything, so we don’t communicate, i don’t even have his number, gosha will definitely kill me when he returns from a business trip, this is his favorite sofa, italian, exclusive, that’s what i ’ll tell him, and i’m walking, walking around moscow, there are still passengers at the universitet metro station they point to that same escalator, someone even starts singing the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow”?
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“lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundareva played." “we get a prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s looking very interested, always slandering, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on
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the first , appearance. having such a child in my life was a complete surprise, our tandem is such a small but strong family. countries it consists of, and most importantly, who is the majority, who is included in it, which ones control these states. we met
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in the palace of the syrian president, a man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, to everything, answering yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children don’t study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer, you use social networks, this is for you interesting, before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i don’t forget, real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, perhaps a fabricated company, a new project first channel, global majority, bashar assad on sunday on
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the first. this is a cache. does that mean robbery? i don’t think they would have taken down the crystal chandeliers and the gilded watches, these were not germans, not germans, who are forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, why did you come to say goodbye, and then climb to the front now, you won’t tell me, svetlana petrovna, they wanted either to destroy our wounded, or to help their own, or both, in any case it worked. and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him. according to the laws of war. a story to be continued. from april 22, on
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the first. from the forest of command, ask for whatever you want. and you know what i want. send news to vanya. okay, okay, i'm getting off.
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in general, nothing will work out for us, vyacheslav mikhailovich, why? the letter has been read, ip the recipient was masked, they did not open the photo, and the mailbox was subsequently deleted. this address no longer exists. so what should we do now? i don’t know, the only thing we know is that mishanya is looking for new fighters, which means she’s preparing a new case, would we like to know where and when? let me remind you that from today , an apartment operation is being carried out in the city in order to identify individuals and criminal groups committing apartment thefts.
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go ahead. the criminal who wounded our colleague during an attempt to arrest him continues to grow. his identity is still unknown installed. what about a motorcyclist? i gave you a complete breakdown, they still show us his sketch, you still haven’t established his identity, what do you mean until now ? we asked all the employees, the director, the secretary, he worked in the store for only a month and a half, all this time on a probationary period without a work permit, no one opened a personal file, the secretary swears that all the documents, including a photocopy of the passport and statements, were in her desk, but disappeared somewhere, everything we know about him is that he is vadim, even... well, maybe this freak stole them
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after my dismissal, i also stole the keys, well, maybe i made copies, it’s some kind of nonsense, okay, i got my work done, there will be news, i’ll dial it, and the color, of course, but i like it, so what? “citizen yunus, lately i have learned a lot of new things for you, for example, that you were in the kozarin gang, who got you there, mishan, and then because of mishan you were kicked out of there, when he persuaded you to break the store in the region and the common fund close your eyes, are you sitting? there’s such a thief here, i’m not in business, boss,
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i’m going into unconsciousness, i live in the concept, i’m not my own i rent it out from someone i spied, at mishani’s, at mishani’s, only volodenka is stupid, because you are in prison, and mishani is free, you are here slurping gruel without laces, and he is living in grand style. you feed the bugs, there are bugs here, i just don’t know, they were there before, and he drinks cognac somewhere in a club, for example, in the same one where you hung out together, a good club, chicks there, cocktails, karookas, so here he is there and at the same time he recruits new fraters, look. look, look,
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you see, we are grazing the mishan, we will accept him and close him, he is under our hood, just to get him anything else on him, darling, but i want to help you, you fool, you, well, is it legal to steal money from the common fund?
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no, is there an office there or a store to break down? yes, of course, well, getting old people wet is somehow ugly. and third, the most important thing, your bitch is a target, because he was a bitch, and the cops are covering for him, those same rats, then they will share the money with him, and you will be in the zone ? well, by the way, they can get you in the zone, just so that you don’t blurt out anything unnecessary, that’s all, yes, don’t wait for me, mom, so i’m in your place i’d think about yourself, think about yourself, give me something for it, i can really knock off your sentence, i’ll take the mishan in... a few days, only then i
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won’t offer you anything, you’ll get it in full , so to speak, the severity of the law, okay, to hell with you, master master. returned, who returned? he is our former security guard, he walked past me, covered his face so that i wouldn’t recognize him, but it’s definitely him, listen, all the girls are at lunch, i’m alone here, what should i do, what, he’s now with the owner in his office, and there are some screams, oh, lesh,
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they seem to be fighting, natasha, don’t do anything, okay, sit quietly, i’ll be right there, uh-huh, i... when i served in the army, i met the local bad guys on leave, and markin in this unit is just for the gunsmith answered, but i brought them together, they worked fine, until someone snitched on markin, so it was... markin brought you into the kazarin brigade? markin didn’t work with the kazarinskys, mishanya was hanging out with them, and he brought me up. then, when we were kicked out, markin offered to stir up his team, that is , there were four of you, you, mishanya, martin, leskov, well
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yes, mishana didn’t trust strangers, although he once got together with that bullshit bald guy. with a razor, but he was still resting with him in the pre-trial detention center, he slid, yes, yes, the razor was almost crawling on his knees in front of him, he threw it into the brigade to take it, mishanya wanted to send him first, then she thought that she would not use nonsense, really then he really regretted it, why, what why, why did he regret it, but he turned out to be a good-for-nothing, mishanya told him to give up the taxi, he screwed up, ran into a cop, then he leaked to some old man where he lived, who to work with, going, okay, at least he corrected himself, but we thought, we decided, maybe we could also cook porridge with him, we gave him a gun, we decided to check it out, they told him to clean out the store
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and send us the money, but he screwed up, well, he sent mishan i will finish off his patience, i sent him. well , there were no other candidates for master of sports, why weren’t we, one liskov was drawn by some fellow countryman, a staganrog, he met another markin at the club, he just leaned back, but mishan rejected both of them immediately, why? i only know that he is a cop and... helps us, like he gives us tips, that is , a jewelry store, a car dealership, a construction company, that’s all he, about those old people
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who have you, well, right? a wonderful drama is being filmed, i hope it will be funny. boris yurivich had some kind of vein, he could choose from the crowd, there are a lot of famous people now, thanks to iralash, he was like that, just a kinop, he was, for me, it ’s not me, it’s herself, i don’t have acting education and this is not, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of boris grachevsky, on saturday on the first. three chord, new season, on sunday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running and shining and looking forward, what, where, when,
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spring series of games, on sunday on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. ah, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, come here. and you’ll catch it, smartly, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but then, come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nechaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want be together. i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live together in the next world with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva, what kind of love can there be, what eternity. i’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving her, in the end, she was the first to swim, i’m having a serious conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you
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ready for, anything, life after life, premiere serial film, soon on the first one, yes, natasha, i’m a couple of minutes away, the outfit is also about to arrive, lyosha, they’ve left. in terms of where did they go, find me the home address of your owner, but mishanya hasn’t told the bros about this yet, maybe he blurted it out by accident or while drunk, there’s nothing, but how mishanya announced the next case, well , very simply, he said that in such a way - at that time we were attacking such and such an object, well, we were preparing, we were preparing, of course. called, we had a complete scheme, let’s say, with a car dealership, we knew where the back door was, where the back door was, where the camera was, where
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the alarm button was, the full layout, we even knew the estimated time of arrival of the cops, that’s they were supposed to arrive at the car dealership in 5 minutes, so there were three of us for the whole job, don’t interfere here, i’ll be there. take citizenship somewhere and live in peace, but i like thailand more, and i like the soktivkar, that’s okay, i’m not
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asking you about plans for life, but about the next raid, what were the plans, well, there were plans, well , where , when, without specifics, mishanya simply said that soon everything will be new, although we haven’t been... i heard something about the boulevard of innovators, well, we’re waiting for a signal and we’ll work for the innovators, that there on the boulevard of innovators, there is a bank, an office, a store, well, i don’t know that, i know. i don’t know, okay, the next question is how to
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find mishanya, he’s your undercover, yes. he's under your hood.
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where is the money for the last time i ask , i don’t have money, i’ve already explained it to you 100 times, you’re the owner of the store, you should have money, are you completely stupid or what? i'm telling you, well, i don't have any money. no, not at home, not in a bank, not in a store, the store is generally on the verge of bankruptcy, when the new shopping center
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is built, there will be nothing at all, what do i need you for? hired you to set it on fire in order to... get insurance, the store would have burned down, there would have been money, but you couldn’t even do it, because your hands and asses are growing, and now there is no money and there never will be, at least kill, and i will kill, my whole life has been skewed for you, before that i was not in love, but now i’m completely beating you, because of you i’ll ruin the honey in rodovsky’s house, because of you i’m going to die because of you, but you have no money for i’m not here, i ’ll kill you right now, you old goat, the police fell to the ground, fell to the ground, i said, i’ll kill him now, quietly, quietly, calmly. calmly, raise the barrel, raised the gun, okay, okay, stand still, uh, come back, back, come on, give me your hand, go away, you, give me your hand , you'll fall, what do you do, you idiot, give your hand, let's fall your wife,
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and it hurts... how? and i broke your legs, in my opinion, now i’ll also break your arms, where? thank you, thank you, if it weren’t for you, you would have burned the store down to get the insurance, and the fact that the people living above your store would have died didn’t bother you at all, so shove your thank you far away, that taxi driver, wait i can't, we have now there are two wounded with you, and there could be two corpses. who is the second one? hello, hi, the girls say, vadim is at the police, did you catch him? yes, but not without your help, great, but how is our director?
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he is ok. “you’re a real hero, but if you want, i’ll come to you, we’ll sit, drink wine, watch a movie, finally, natasha, you’re a good girl, but i think it’s unlikely that anything will work out for us, exactly, exactly, sorry, i have to go, bye, bye, “sorry, it’s okay, we weren’t bored here with the bar, but the bar, whatever you want,
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i’m not, but you’re eating, i’m home from work, i’m with you. check papi, ol, if now zhenya comes running again, i’m afraid he won’t come running, why are you so sure, we broke up, why? i don’t know, i just... i don’t like it, they’re complete strangers, i used to doubt it, but now your father told you the expression that he said, well, he likes to give advice, and that now, now
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i’ll move in with my parents. why to your parents, you have your own apartment, i will sell it, why? it turns out that my father is now in great financial difficulties, he owes his wife to our father, but he made it clear to his wife that his father will now demand a return, the creature, but nothing, selling an apartment is considered. i’ll live with my parents for now, or maybe film something, i don’t know, well, if you want, you don’t have to, lesh, everything will be fine.
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i have already agreed with your superiors, now the first thing we will do is select all the objects that
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could potentially be the next target of the gang: we will systematize them, make screenings, select the most promising from the point of view of the gang, that is, those places where there is the most money, and then about we will set up an ambush for each of these points, wait, just wait, we still have no other choice, sit and wait in the hope that one of them will make a mistake, there is a big game on the air today... we want to discuss a number of significant events that took place in washington, in kiev, but also, of course, in the middle east, and we must not forget about beijing, which
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the chancellor of the federal republic of germany is currently visiting, but we’ll start anyway, we’ll start with moscow.


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