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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 18, 2024 2:20am-3:01am MSK

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everyone with whom he meets, in case of danger you do not show yourself, we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people. grigor ivanovich, where are you going? with you. where is he? here. egor was always there, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone, so that you. didn’t you see this, do you suspect something is wrong with the mountain? according to the laws of war, the story continues, from april 22, on the first. this is a substance deception podcast, we talk about obesity. with me is zukhra pavlova, a famous endocrinologist and i am olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda. another one is such a frequent statement that we hear from
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friends, from patients, we have such genetics: mother, grandmother, everyone was overweight and i have no chance of getting rid of it, in such situations we need to figure it out, it’s monogenic such a concept, that is, when there is a gene mutation, everything is actually clear and so, what do you look at a person, there will not only be obesity, there will also be specific factors, and here it is really extremely difficult to avoid gaining weight, but in most 95% of cases... when a person is overweight, these are so -called polymorphisms, these are predispositions, and to certain changes, and this is not a verdict at all, here a person should or can know about it, it’s fashionable now make genetic passports, and there everything is, it’s defined and suggested, well, zukhra, well, isn’t it also family habits, now we’ll get to that, so there are predispositions, they are not a verdict, an informed person knows. it's just that, well,
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let’s say, he monitors his diet more closely, and sometimes, under the guise of genetics, those same family habits, that’s how it is, that’s how it’s accepted, yes, when i tell, say, my friend, there’s no need to piss on onions, these are additional calories, these same end products glycation, which we have talked about many times, the soup will be very tasty if you just add finely chopped onions, carrots , and so on, without frying, that’s most often the case. people are in such a stupor, and then it’s they who think that it will ruin the borscht, it’s just this is no longer borscht, i know, my family is the same, yes, we are also rich in culinary traditions, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s why when people say olivier on the new year’s table should be with mayonnaise, i i say, well , god bless him, once a year, yes, no disaster will happen, but if you eat like this regularly, it will definitely have negative consequences, so...
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as an exclusive for maintaining family traditions, once a year for health , you will even feel certain things that haven’t felt it before, such, figuratively speaking, purified receptors of the tongue will immediately give you a clear understanding that it will seem tastier, well, of course, everyone will most likely react in their own way, but there was such an experiment in my family, once upon a time my relatives we decided to plot and went to a restaurant. and they wanted to keep it a little secret , to eat something that once seemed delicious to them, so they came, laughed, brought it with them , so to speak, with irrefutable evidence, and i was surprised what it was, they they say: we went there, we wanted to, as they say, quietly eat up, have a blast, but it turned out to be not as tasty as it was before, that’s why sometimes it works like that, when you haven’t eaten it all for a long time, and you don’t understand why you liked it , yes , very much... conversations around how
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to define obesity, yes, what is obesity, by what classical criteria do we make such a diagnosis: well, there is the well-known body mass index, this is a calculated indicator of the ratio of body weight, well, kilograms and height, then there we divide body weight by height - squared, we get the value, depending on the obtained value we understand that this is a deficiency of body weight, everything that is less than eighteen is normal body weight, and up to 25, this is excess body weight from 25 to 29.9, well, figuratively speaking from thirty, so from thirty to five units - this is obesity of one degree or another depending on it, that is, zukhra, you considered seventh degree obesity, that is, it is 40-45, 45-50, 50. but
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this person can already say already lost 18 kg. we started not so long ago and it’s normal normal period of time for this over what period in my opinion it seems to me almost less than a month yes it has passed no no no definitely more than 18 kg cannot be lost in a month because it is dangerous it uh has its consequences weight needs to be lost gradually classic classic such a step is 4 kg per month but when we use certain medications. this step increases a little because we reduce the risks of those troubles that threaten people who quickly lose weight. so there’s no need to rush, remember? no, well, zukhra, there are plenty women who cannot lose 3 kg throughout their lives. there are such women, of course, but
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in order to start losing weight, we will talk about this in another program, well, just looking ahead briefly, subtract 500 from your current color and you will start losing weight in two sandwiches, but that’s okay. sarcopini will not show, will not show, he will show that a person of absolutely normal weight or even underweight or underweight can show, and this criterion can lead us astray, or if before you are a bodybuilder, yes, you don’t even need to take
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a bodybuilder, if you take nikolai voloev, but such a well-known athlete of ours is already a political figure, he also has a good degree of obesity according to his body mass index. but the person has a lot of muscle mass and he doesn’t have any excess fatty tissue at all, in any case, i don’t know, i haven’t seen nikolaev for a long time, i hope he’s doing well , good health, so if you have a person with a lot of muscle mass, the index body weight may show some degree of obesity, but it is not overweight at the expense of fat, but at the expense of muscles, so this is a somewhat crafty indicator, a parameter, but there is, and there is a more objective one, we can... determine the waist circumference, the waist circumference is a more objective criterion, there are certain ethnic characteristics, here for russia, for europe, has certain criteria: for men the circumferential steel should be less than 94
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cm, and for women less than eighty, but this is not the case everywhere, the americans have different criteria, their men have 102 cm, and women 88, and why is this objective? so or just say so, well there you go if you look at the american population, that’s why they are so surprised when they look at our video from the patriarchal ores, well, that is, these are such giveaways, but a little, and somehow they seem to me to be helping their citizens, because they are the same more integrated, and so that at least some part would be throughout the country, because the same americans are mostly immigrants from europe, and at one time their descendants were already there. now, if you have a japanese man or a japanese woman in front of you, then there are different criteria; the japanese are the only nation whose steel circumference should be smaller normal than for women, for men it is 85, and for women it is 90, this is according to some criteria,
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it is clear that with our own eyes we can understand, yes, that a person is overweight, but not always the circumference, and we do the same according ... maybe like body mass index, if we have a person with arcopenic obesity, and here only bioimpedance analysis of body composition comes to the rescue, or dinstometry - this is the most objective gold standard in determining body composition, but you won’t send it to x-ray each time a person is in order to determine his body composition, for example, when we lose weight, this analysis is done very often, we look at what we are losing, because a person can lose in the process.
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as if to think about it, to understand the meaning of the name of the method bioimpedance, impedance in english is resistance, biobiological resistance, that is , a low-intensity current passes through the human body, it does not... a person encounters resistance from different tissues, bone, muscle, fat, the apparatus calculates the volume these tissues and liquids, by the way, actually give such a picture in the form of tablets beautiful, precise parameters, we know how many kilograms of muscle adipose tissue, how many kilograms can be converted into liters of water in the body as a percentage, this percentage ratio is very important to us, because sometimes a person comes and says: oh, doctor, i’m like that got a wonderful result of bioimpedances,
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i say, yes, what’s so wonderful about it, he says: i am 70% muscle, i say that you, what are you, show me, please, and i slowly begin to explain to the person what this is basically are impossible, that’s why we have diagnostic methods, they are objective. and with you again , the podcast deception of substances. we are talking today about the causes of obesity. and in the studio, the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova and i am an endocrinologist zuhra pavlova. zukhra, let's do a little more probioimpedance. well, what does this mean? is it simple - poorly calibrated instruments or not instruments at all? well, what if when does a person get these 70% of muscles? well, sometimes it’s such a completely banal thing when a person becomes... to the platform like scales, yes, well, that is , these are some kind of built-in bioimpedance devices, yes, and
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this is such a projection of the legs, but the legs are very different in composition from the composition of the rest of the body, that is, bioimpedance in this situation can only measure the condition of the legs , well, that is, where they measure the ratio of muscle fat tissue and 70% of muscles, it’s definitely only the legs, legs, then mathematically the device completes what the whole body could look like if it were measured normally, yes, so the same, let’s say, bioimpedance, which has a special objectivity, we conducted research, compared the data with denstometry data from this gold standard of x-ray research, and the data coincides almost completely, so uh, when we explain to the patient that you have lost weight remarkably, in your opinion, but you, unfortunately, have lost the most valuable , you have lost muscle mass and water. so let us still return to the recommendations that were given initially, you will balance
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your food this way, and not the way you want, yes, because a person sometimes, when, let’s say, a decrease in appetite occurs due to medications, he begins to eat not so much healthy, because he doesn’t really want to eat, but rather tasty, well, this is healthy in itself, if you need to eat few calories, then why spend them on it's better to eat it. even if there is not very much on the scale, it is important for us not to see the numbers, yes, they are also of course
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important, but not a priority, it is important for us that the body composition becomes physiological, that there is as much fat as necessary, by the way, as much as necessary in men up to 24% of normal composition body, and in women up to 31%, and of course there is a sufficient amount of muscle mass, then everything is ideal, this is the ratio, the balance, it... for children it’s not so much the scales, but the ratios, because then the person will be healthy, which means on diagnostics, we talked about methods, and i would very much like certain parameters to be included in this diagnosis, i often hear, we will not talk about what tests need to be taken, yes, because despite all that they are largely repeated from patient to patient, each patient has his own peculiarities. when a doctor examines a patient, he sees certain signs of
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certain diseases or conditions and adds something else, so when they say: what should i test? a patient calls, let’s say, wants to come for an appointment, says: what should i give? and i always tell him: i will examine you first, interview you , then i will assign you the scope of the examination. so, i often hear from my colleagues when they say that determining some parameters there without... mentally, they don’t talk about anything, well, for example, there is such a hormone leptin, when it was discovered in the last century, scientists had the feeling that a revolution had been accomplished, now we... with the help of this leptin, its analogues, we will cure everyone of obesity, this is a saturation hormone, but it turned out that when we gave these laboratory animals were injected with this hormone, then some actually lost weight, and some did not react to it in any way, meaning, they simply did not want to eat, they felt full all the time, full, yes,
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that’s how it really worked, no there was an increased appetite, accordingly rats and other animals. lost weight, but some of the rats did not lose weight and even gained it, so, in fact, this hormone, like insulin, is such an indicator of the volume of adipose tissue, that is , if you and i see an overweight person with some kind of morbidity obesity, we already understand, he will have a lot of insulin, a lot of iliptin, and the worst thing is that resistance to both hormones very often develops, resistance, they cannot act. leptin cannot tell the brain that there is enough food, don’t eat more, insulin also cannot ensure the passage of glucose into the cell, saturate this cell and give the hunger centers and other substances there a signal: stop, we no longer need to eat, and due to this resistance, there is a lot of glucose in the blood, there is a lot of insulin in the blood , a person is always hungry, he always
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wants to eat, and up to three bitches, literally, especially in the evening, when... the activity of the same insulin is as high as possible, sometimes, to show the patient what is happening in his body, this is not such a big expense, but when you show how the same insulin is very high, you can not only calculate insulin resistance, but also explain, we have such a problem, it is fraught with something, it is possible to overcome it with willful efforts, control yourself, it is impossible, sometimes this can even be demonstrated in medicine like this in exams on... to show this part, you have to show, for the patient this visual image, it is very sobering, it defines such a boundary, now like this, and if you take another step in the same direction, then there will be more worse, there will be diabetes, there will be cardiovascular pathologies and so on and so forth, i generally paint
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obesity as the sun, but i have such a positive approach, well... yes, why not, yes, why scare me anyway? so i’m drawing this sun to show that obesity is the basis of many diseases. what rays does the sun have? here is one of the rays - these are cardiovascular diseases, in addition to obesity, a person will have carbohydrate disorders, prediabetes, there is increased glycemia on an empty stomach or after eating, diabetes itself and some other troubles, this will be a disorder. lipid cholesterol profile and fats are in the wrong balance, and this will contribute to atherosclerosis, again cardiovascular diseases, this is an imbalance of sex hormones, androgen deficiency, followed by erectile dysfunction, reproductive dysfunction and so on, in women this is ovarian plecystic disease , which very often develops against the background of overweight or
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obesity, this is a disorder, you and i often discussed this at one time, of purine metabolism, that same gout, yes, hyperuricia, high the level of uric acid, as a rule, against the background of fatty degeneration of the liver, is now raging, this disease is progressing, hepatosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and there is this highest uric acid, followed by arthritis, arthrosis, urolithiasis, this radiance it will only increase every year, unfortunately it will not illuminate a person’s life with health. on the contrary, therefore, when we start like this, literally, as you know, in a rusty pipe, from which it flows from all sides to close separate holes, this is of course a necessary measure, but initially we need to fight obesity, let’s remove this solar disk, everything else will crumble like a house of cards. well, zukhra, it was very interesting, thank you very much,
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there was a podcast with you about deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, a famous doctor. the dog handler zuhra pavlova was with me. hello, this is the easy money podcast and i am its host, mikhail khanov. today our guest is the president of the association of russian banks , gorigin tasunyan. hello gorigin ashotovich. thank you very much for agreeing. take part in the conversation. our conversation will be quite capacious and rich; first of all, for our audience, i will say that grigoshoch is an academician of the russian academy of sciences, so his words matter. special weight, first of all, since almost all of our audience, our readers and listeners, one way or another work with banks, either they have accounts or have deposits, now
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a burning topic is fraud, this is how to protect your savings not from market losses, but from losses from attacks by fraudsters, that ’s how effectively banks are able to combat this kind of fraud, which arises from year to year, everything is new, and this... and it cannot be said that we have outstanding successes, but banks are not passive either lead because they are driven to this, firstly,
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by material interest, because the losses of clients one way or another, albeit not one hundred percent, are largely reflected on the banks themselves, these are all types or main types of fraud, thanks to which tens of billions are flowing away rubles, huge amounts per year. these are more technical or, let's say, technological methods, technology is a tool that you can use effectively if you hit the right psychological note, there is an approach when you hypnotize your counterparty, and from him you get what he pays you i didn’t intend to, and it works here.
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throughout the entire interaction, explain to clients what not to do, correctly, structuredly, clearly explain, this is not allowed, but if they call,
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they ask such questions, you don’t even need to enter into a conversation, because then from your words they can, using artificial intelligence, form some fake answers, and so on and so forth, so we work very closely with financial monitoring, with the central bank, of course.
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technology, which includes many elements, firstly, you need to get the appropriate database, these are no longer psychologists, these are already technologies, that’s how things are, let’s say, here i am listening to you, i understand that to effectively fight this you need to start in schools, when you introduce elements of financial literacy, not even elements, but a whole course, that you cannot talk on the phone with people who introduce themselves there as authorities and fsb officers and someone else, because these people as a rule. well, there is a whole system of counteraction, which of course includes elements of the fact that you don’t need to talk, no matter who you seem to be on the other end of the communication, you don’t need to perceive this as an objective reality, you need to answer as follows: leave the coordinates, i ’ll call you back, leave your phone number , name, position, i’ll call you back, if it’s law enforcement, send the paper, send the paper, that’s all.
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dollars in several payments, thinking that these were his bosses from london, yes, and
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copies were made, but...
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on saturday at the first. sergey, it will be uncomfortable for me to live at your expense. well, if you want, you can go to work yourself. this is a fashionable verdict on channel one, i’m with you, lilia rakh. girls, let's guess. evelina, leggings with fleece. how do we feel about this? yes, what is it? let's quickly get to know our heroine. yes, she's good. have you finished yours relationship with a sumo coach, i usually talk very little to men, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, that’s what no one ever told me that i’m beautiful, let’s try, start a new life,
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how do i deal with this walk down the street, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, can i hug you, of course, i fixed it all, it’s all bullshit, to be a husband, children, when to be a girl? we’re going on a date dressed like this, dear mom, well, it’s not me, we’re all together, beauty, khazhors will have a fashionable verdict, a new season from april 22, on the first, now quite serious systems have appeared in the leading banks that counteract the transfer of naskorb when...
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designated, and in this sense we
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also work collectively when they are involved in this is a lot of students, they are offered to open an account for a small amount, get a card, then they take this card, give them 5 or 10 thousand rubles there and then use these cards, the danger here is not only that this is a toolkit for swindlers, but also v that these guys actually become accomplices. rubles, so that you would open an account, receive a card and give it to an unknown user, in no case do we fall for this, moreover, the degree of this crime will depend on what this money was then used for, you did not just become one of the accomplices or contributed to a fraudulent operation by...
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you signed a blank sheet, that is, by giving your bank card and account details, you are actually signing a blank sheet on which you can write anything you want, well, this is an image yes, like that, then you with your signature below, and the card is yours, you opened a bank account, then
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it seems like people don’t have you, they say: well, i ’ll come and confess, and then they’ll bring all these charges against me in the first steps, you see, this is a very serious thing, this also has a psychological effect on those who are not far-sighted, well, more often than not, they can get benefits here now without thinking, such operations usually do not take place with the elderly, because they understand that the energy there is different .. .
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