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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 18, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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there, too, well, in short, there is no strong current to swim there, entire houses are floating, in the tyumen region in the danger zone of 100 settlements, where there is still high water, a heavy bird, an enemy drone, it has 10 kg of plastids on it, this type did not exist, this was the first time this happened, the defense lines on the dnieper, the enemy will not fly or swim, but our fighters have armor-piercing support, repair teams, under the cover of darkness they make their way to the very most advanced and from there they are already pulling out damaged vehicles. political thimbles of the us delegation to the un was caught in a lie. the west is preventing a peaceful settlement in the gas sector. russia demands an immediate ceasefire. sanctions against israel for non-compliance with the adopted resolution. and there were also children caught lying in germany, about whom kiev stated that they were supposedly you... the water level in
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the tabol river in the kurgan region is already approaching 10 m. dachas and neighborhoods on the right bank are flooded and the peak of the flood has not yet been passed . people continue to be evacuated. the president is constantly informed about how the situation is developing. the day before, vladimir putin discussed in detail what measures were being taken by the government and governors of the affected regions. in the khabarovsk territory it overflowed its banks. over the past few days, there have been more than half a thousand explosions. explosive experts are working in the tomsk region, thanks to this they have so far managed to stop the rise in water levels, but the situation remains difficult. andrey goldrev has all the latest data. there is no fence here, there is no fence there either, well, in short, you can’t swim there. the current
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is strong, so strong that even special all-terrain vehicles cannot cope, we have to move carefully along the flooded streets, it’s difficult in a motorboat, at least the tobolus won’t carry us away here, the tobolus has already risen 9 m, almost the entire right bank in kurgan is flooded, and this is more than 100 snt and several microdistricts, the rescuer is evacuating those who are evacuated to the last i hoped that the water would not come, we were there until the last moment, we hoped that... it would, many left valuables and pets on the second floors, but a lot of water came, the level continues to rise, well, there was no such flood, that is just as if it could flood a second time, but your house itself is like, well, somewhere up to the windows, it was even smoking yesterday, now we need to somehow get it out dry, where necessary , rescuers are helping in the region, and additional ones have now been deployed emercom forces were preparing, yeah.
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the water is scalding, like anna rybnikova’s husband has diabetes, we evacuated the day before, when the water had already begun to rise, we just drove by and how it began to bubble, half an hour later the water started to flow like this, it’s scary, it’s very scary, i don’t know how to even put it into words hand over, take with you we didn’t have time to grab all the necessary medicines and return for insulin, while there was still not much water, surgut rescuers helped, they have been taking people out for three days now. oops, i fell through, no, a hole, be careful, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, i’m also in the hole, but i’m holding on, the peak flood is now passing through the village of kitovo, this is a few kilometers from kurgan, the level of the tobol river here has already risen by 11 m , the water has reached some central streets, this is, for example, lenin street, and people here are already changing their means of transportation, near residential buildings it was not cars that were parked, but boats; at night, a special board from the ministry of emergency situations again arrived in the region and was delivered.
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for lighting, to make it more convenient to conduct search and rescue operations in the dark . evacuation continues around the clock, as does water level monitoring. in some places the situation is such that entire country houses are floating. the house floated calmly under the bridge. in the neighboring tyumen region, they are also waiting for the elements to strike and the water is gradually rising. thousands of homes could be in flood zones across the region. active preparations are underway now.
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i don’t hope that the water won’t come, the water will come, all of kazakhstan is flooded, the relatives called and said: leave urgently, don’t sit, don’t wait like unbelievers. according to the latest forecasts , more than 100 settlements may be flooded in the region, which is twice as many as experts expected the day before. more than 17 thousand residents are at risk. andrey goldarev, maxim trubnikov, tatyana bakulina, evgeny lenov and evgeny kuznetsov, channel one. massive attacks on the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, as telegram channels write, explosions in vyshgorod, where important energy facilities are located. arrivals in starokonstantinov, khmelnitsky region, there is an airfield and news from the front line. in the southern donetsk direction , an electronic warfare complex was destroyed in the verbovoy area in the zaporozhye region. the paratroopers disrupted the enemy's night rotation. an ammunition depot became a target on the right bank of the dnieper. and on the left, russian soldiers hold the line of defense. there are sabotages in this area every week. the militants
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are attacking from the air, trying to cross the river in boats, but our fighters are always on the alert. report by valery kuznetsov. i am for an enemy uuv detected. zaporozhye direction dnieper river coast air surveillance is being shot down by an enemy reconnaissance drone, this is a foreign-made technique, it records take-off points, we’ll see what happens next, if we need to point further artillery at the points, the army is launching kamikaze attack drones each time, becoming more sophisticated with their weapons, an aircraft-type drone was shot down, which was carrying almost 10 kg of plate. with damaging elements such like it wasn’t, this was the first time this happened. soldiers of the 1197th motorized rifle regiment are working. the defense line, which has been held since october 2022, stretches along the left bank of the dnieper for several tens of kilometers. we stand everywhere,
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don’t let anyone through, tightly, tightly, we created a new unit, aircraft. orland 10 drones replace each other in the sky around the clock.
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first channel zaporozhye region. saving civilians in the gaza strip is impossible without a full, sustainable ceasefire. our permanent representative stated this at the un security council vasily nebenze. the meeting began with a minute of silence in memory of the victims among humanitarian workers. since the latest escalation of the conflict , more than 200 workers have been killed by the israeli army. most of them are representatives of the un agency for the relief of palestine refugees in the near east. as for the termination mode.
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this is a lie and manipulation, because it was the united states that vetoed the resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire four times. the joint fight against international crime is the central theme of the meeting
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president of cuba, miguel discanel and the prosecutor general of russia. igor krasny has a big program. negotiations were also held with the head of the local anti-corruption agency. it was about cooperation and exchange of information; we have accumulated significant potential in various categories of crimes, such as the criminal use of cryptocurrencies, extremism, terrorism. crimes against children, crimes related to illegal trafficking in weapons and drugs, including crimes related to the illegal use of virtual assets. in russia a stable forensic investigative practice has developed, and we are ready to share it. meanwhile , igor krasnov is already in venezuela in caracas, there is a cooperation agreement between the prosecutors general, this concerns, in particular, the fight against corruption. commercials now, we 'll be back in a few minutes, don't switch. we will show a film by sergei from einstein, ivan the terrible, we need
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a strong government, to lick the backs of those who oppose the unity of the russian state. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia, predicted much of what is happening to russia today. in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave. the biography of ivan the terrible, which is being published in the west, is now raising its power, this is a clearly negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, he will be strong, they do not recognize him, a big game, a special issue, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow crown, the tsar of all russia on the film ivan the terrible also lays claim to itself. the film turns out to be somehow timeless, because each era looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to
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my questions, today is the first one, the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, in tandem we have such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you: we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better.
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and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. my children don't study politics. one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. you use social networks, it is interesting for you. before i became president, i headed the government organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people. online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority. these are just fragmentary fragments.
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“we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people. grigory ivanovich, where are you going? with you? where is he? egor, he was always nearby, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone, so you wouldn’t see it, you suspect , according to the laws of the military." the story continues from monday on the first. this is the news on
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first, and we continue: more than 160 children were found in germany, about whom kiev stated that they had been taken to russia, but now they have been found, the head of the national police of ukraine admitted this. the west uses this topic for speculation. i blame russia for the kidnappings, but the facts are completely different. our fighters saved children and took them out from under shelling when they were in mortal danger. this applies, in particular , to boarding schools and children who... needed urgent medical care, and, of course, the russian country has always provided information about children who are in our country. and now the commissioner for children’s rights under the president of russia, maria lvova-belova, proposes to look for children in other states, not just the european union. ukraine has created a mythological system regarding children who were allegedly deported to
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russia, citing numbers in the tens of thousands and reporting circumstances that do not exist. checking the lists of minors received through various channels, we see that some children have been at home with their parents or in other states and was never even separated from her closest relatives. and again, a special operation zone is on duty around the clock, repair battalions are on the front line, under fire, the task is to remove, as the soldiers say, wounded equipment, sometimes they work from trophies. report by alexey ivanov. and the evacuation operation is in complete darkness, technicians are pulling out a damaged or, as the soldiers say, wounded armored personnel carrier from the battlefield, in order not to fall under enemy fire, you need to do everything as quickly as possible, it’s not easy to remove a passenger car from the street for violation parking rules, here is an armored personnel carrier weighing 16 tons, with half of its wheels still not spinning, but engineers in bulletproof vests could not
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cope with such tasks, everything is not here. the bremka vehicle is made on the basis of the t-72 tank, its only armament is a machine gun, but there are several devices that will help save damaged equipment, no matter where it is, in a ditch or trench, first of all, a powerful winch, a crane, a blade in front, like at the bulldozer to clear away the rubble. guys, on burdens, of course, these armored evacuation vehicles are very brave, they make their way to the very, very, very advanced line under the cover of the night. the routes are calculated down to the details every time. you
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have to move along the roads like this at almost a snail’s pace, but at walking speed it’s different. you can see everything, everything is full of holes, we hook it, this mechanism rises, the lock snaps into place, everything is fixed, we leave, literally a minute or two and we are hooked, the strap makes the most of the front-line off-road, equipment from the front line is brought to the assembly point at rimbat damaged vehicles, here the armor
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is restored, spare parts are replaced with new ones, the mechanics of this armored personnel carrier repaired the transfer case, and the unit was rebuilt in less than a day, the loads are heavy, everything, dirt , off-road conditions, bad weather, how long did it take to restore, well, how long did it take, day, in this workshop, sometimes in the open air, sometimes in such tents, equipment is repaired, as they say, from start to finish, engines, suspension, electrical and hydraulics are restored, highly qualified specialists work here in any car service center in civilian life, they would have accepted, as they say, with open arms, but the guys understand that their task is to be here and put military equipment in order, thereby bringing our victory closer. alexey ivanov, valentin stulkanok, alexander napalkov, channel one, donbass. in georgia, there were shouts, stampedes, clashes with the police at a night rally against the law on foreign agents, the draft of which was approved in
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the first reading. the day before, the protesters did not wait for parliament’s reaction to the ultimatum to withdraw the document and began to march. to the building government, tried to break through the police line, but were met with severe resistance. opponents of the law believe it will hinder georgia's integration into the eu. prime minister irakli kabakhidze objects, the norm precisely corresponds to european values. the goal is to ensure transparency and accountability, what are the problems with politically affiliated structures? in recent years, there have been two attempts at color revolutions. that's all for now, we'll be back with more news, antifake is on air right now. today starts one of the central events of this spring in russian sports, the final gagarin cup series. sports will win the country's main hockey trophy.


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