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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 18, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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you also need to understand, but the decision is yours to make , and when we really have a pipe, there is always a moment of truth, and you can say what you decided to do, but well, i think that yes, first of all, you really need to take your mother to a specialist, to a psychiatrist to at least make a diagnosis first, to understand where all this is coming from, where it all comes from, and well , because i... oh, i really don’t want to think about old age, honestly, it’s so scary to be in such a situation, so scary, so important raising kind children, kind decent ones, is so important, that maybe there is nothing more important in the world, since you have given birth to your children.
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we will all have to think about this, we had a good time with you, may you live a healthy life. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, the program will be shown by ruslan astashko, olesya loseva. about the situation with floods in russian regions. in the orenburg region, the water level is still above dangerous levels, but is decreasing. in orsk, which was the first to encounter the disaster, they have already begun to restore the road infrastructure. in kurgan, the water level is the tobol river approached the ten-meter mark. the water continues to exist. the flood has already flooded 25.
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in my life it was a complete surprise, we have such a small but strong tandem family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better, they came up with the idea of ​​​​making a rack here, dad and son go out separately or together from the room op complex, even just hanging is very good for the back, in this corner? everything has been collected
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for cozy evenings, this includes vinyl, this is a cinema hall, maxima got home, about comfort, premiere on saturday.
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiered on saturday on the first, you were still a cop boss, no hearing, no intelligence, number, unexpected, surprise, cool, bayan, so ingrained, why do you need such a handsome one, why do you see that you are rushing.
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svetlana petrovna ilagina, a military lawyer, no big deal, she’s become pretty beautiful, by the way, i was in love with you, well , just a little, stay with me, we’ll work together, it’s okay, and how do you like it between two husbands ?
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the information channel on the first continues, we are working live. georgia is still in the center of attention of all the world media; yesterday the parliament of this country passed its first vote. the scandalous bill on foreign agents, after which the scenario of a classic maidan began to unfold, the demands of the crowd, fireworks, special forces, detentions, fights of all kinds, tear gas, water cannons, well, characteristically, they protested near the parliament building not only against the scandalous
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bill, but also against russia. the georgian parliament is discussing another controversial bill aimed against organizations receiving foreign funding. a similar law exists in russia, which critics say is undemocratic and aimed at silencing political opponents. this law also contradicts georgia's ambitions to join the european community. western countries, including the us, uk and germany, have called on georgia not to pass the law. the georgian government has faced
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accusations of authoritarianism and pro-russian views, but parliament says the law is needed to ensure transparency and the fight against pseudo-liberal values ​​imposed by foreigners. this is the law. protects democracy in our country from any foreign interference. are you planning to...
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journalist giorgi dzhabiashvili comes to us directly from tbilisi, giorgi, hello, hello, i greet you, i greet your audience, who protested yesterday, who was taken to the streets, most importantly, who ordered yesterday’s protests, who behind them is, well, the answers to all your questions are obvious to me, although... the situation is quite tense, now i wouldn’t say that it’s the peak, but protests continue, based on my profession, i often have to communicate with various people, and for me the clearest answer to all these questions you asked was yesterday’s interview with one young politician, mamuka pipia, who stated directly that there is an attempt to change power in our country, the united states of america, together with the west, want to demolish the power in georgia, which does not obey them - they want to bring about a change to the georgian dream any a government that will
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unquestioningly carry out all their orders and instructions, and most likely, because i see what is happening at the rallies, there is an attempt at a georgian, so to speak, maidan. georgy , please tell me, a year ago something similar happened, in connection with this the question arises: when the authorities again initiated the adoption and consideration of this scandalous law on foreign agents, what did they count on, or did they have it? in order to take some measures and prepare for the coming confrontation? yes, i agree with you, i passed exactly a year after those rallies, clashes with special forces, the authorities worked on their mistakes, they met with the population throughout this year, explained to people that this is not a so-called russian law, but the same law that was adopted back in the thirties years, in america, in israel, in other countries, it is much simpler, simpler in georgia, which they are going to...
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a personal forecast of how events will develop further.
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they’ve been trying to revive mikheil saakashvili for two years now, if i’m not mistaken, and of course they are connected to absolutely all the processes taking place in our country, including what is happening now on rustavelli avenue. saakashvili directly calls on his supporters and various radical forces to go to the square, storm buildings and remove this government. my forecast is now very difficult to say, because the processes are actually continuing, but i still hope that the georgian dream, the ruling party will be able to withstand this, so to speak, aggression, the political aggression of the west. i hope so. thank you big, giorgi dzhebiashvili, a journalist from tbilisi, was in direct contact with us. a part-time french citizen, as was said, the president, georgia, this is the straw, sensing the smell of something fried, immediately announced that she would veto... the parliament of the european union will most likely be able to bypass all this, the entire west, but there was a reservation right there,
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that he wants to veto it, because at one time the west imposed a taboo on any national interests of georgia. here is your expert opinion regarding the further development of events, i still care about how well were the authorities able to prepare, initiating the adoption of this law again a year later, understanding, yes, what would now begin in the country. either entered into a war with russia directly, or created problems for us, well, let’s say, in the southern direction in abkhazia and south ossetia, the current georgian government categorically does not want this, but at the same time, it understands how powerful the resources of those very ngos are now, it’s interesting, but these same ngos, they also brought the current government, representatives of the current government, prime minister, deputies, ministers, they all also
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come from ngos, but these are guys who, at some stage of their political development, began to defend the interests of georgia rather than interests.
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well, here in georgia the situation for those who organize the state transfer is much more complicated, because if the parliamentary coalition is able to overcome the presidential veto, then, well, this is global support for all, practically all the people, at least the majority of the people, this is parliamentary coalition, it relies on support of the people, but regarding technology so far i don’t see any breakthrough here or anything that would distinguish georgian technologies from ukrainian ones, especially since there were a number of them after ukraine. unsuccessful attempts to organize coups d'etat, belarus in the twentieth year, then kazakhstan that followed, in serbia there were certain attempts, this manual is failing, well, apparently they just developed an antidote, it’s not that the technology is ineffective, it’s just that the antidote turned out to be more, well, more effectively, again, here you need to act tough, yesterday’s videos, night videos show that in principle the authorities, well
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, the government, but the georgian one, are ready , among other things, to take tough measures against. to the organizers and participants of this event. let's return to the events in ukraine. our army continues to carry out targeted strikes on military targets there. tonight the target was military warehouses in ivano-frankivsk, as well as airfields in the city of kolymyia, in the ivano-frankivsk region. and the day before, explosions were heard in the area odessa port with subsequent detonation in krivoy rog, where repair factories for military equipment are located, but the most important target was in chernigov.
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russia has been intensifying attacks on energy infrastructure across ukraine, with missile strikes leaving some of the country's main power plants in ruins since late march and energy minister german glushchenko asking all ukrainians to be prepared for even larger power outages in the coming weeks. this substation was recently attacked and airborne alarms are constantly sounding. alarms, because of them you have to give up any attempts to fix the power systems. thank you, there is great alarm in the region.
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3 weeks ago we experienced the biggest attack on our infrastructure, we lost 80% of available capacity after the first two attacks. of course, these are the most difficult times since
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the beginning of the full-scale invasion in terms of the country’s energy supply and the scale of destruction. we will simply soon have nothing to restore. ukraine urgently needs the supply of air defense systems to protect the civilian infrastructure of the population. well, none a statement means give air defense without words, it’s just not in ukraine right now.
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you see, the plant has five or six modern ammunition, each with one and a half, well, let ’s say, 500 kg of explosives, which it carries, it is clear that it is already impossible to restore this plant in a year or two, you remember how the attacks were carried out on the dnieper e.g. hydroelectric station, the dam was not destroyed, it didn’t even receive any shrapnel, the engine rooms were destroyed, we hit it precisely, we hit it precisely, very accurately. exactly, in this case, even they themselves admit that high accuracy, i in this case i want to compliment our intelligence officers
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who provide these targets and the aviation, naval and missile specialists who simply carry out the defeat of these targets, in this case this is the war of the 21st century, when the soldier is protected and decided. all military issues, in this case the worst thing, ukraine has long been unable to reproduce itself and fight, it is in a comatose state, all the strength, energy is energy and money, weapons, specialists from the outside, and they also have to do this very hard, and when the minister arrives to conduct the audit, this will be absolutely objective in the near future. report that will say, guys, if this continues, you know, we're going to have to decide on help from the united states for our
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manufacturing economy. i see this as a very positive stage, despite the colossal resistance of the armed forces of ukraine and the colossal assistance that the collective west provides today to the armed forces and ukraine as a whole, the degradation of their main vectors has begun economic development and support for that military proxy campaign and war, which the collective west... energy, which are now being shouted about in ukraine, but if they follow the path of the west, then let them already follow the path of seemingly herbivores, but in fact bloodthirsty greens, who in the same germany mothballed everything, that is, power plants, are in favor of green energy, here is an example from the west, please use it, act, look, they are the energy sector, when they degraded, we degrade their energy sector, 80%,
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which today is degraded. is being restored by the networks of western power lines that they provide, then it will get worse, of course, they themselves are not enough, there is a nuance that the electricity of the west goes to western ukraine first of all, but no one wants to sit independently by candlelight anymore, as far as i know , yes, the political publication reports that 650,000 men of fighting age left their country, most of them crossed the border illegally, the only thing is that the ukrainian troops are running out of ammunition: the country is experiencing a dangerous shortage of something even more difficult to obtain than a shell, the fighting spirit necessary for victory. the morale of ukrainian troops is depressed by incessant bombing, lack of modern weapons and losses on the battlefield. at the same time, volunteers seeking to join the army disappeared in the rear cities. many are evading conscription or have left the country altogether. ukraine is sliding towards disaster; the front line could
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collapse as early as this summer as a result.
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the west is doing everything to prevent a demographic explosion in ukraine. short advertising, and we'll be back. for the first time, the grand duke of moscow places the crown of tsar of all russia on himself. from now on. the russian land will be the only one to raise its hand against the boyar power, already with tatar arrows, boyar hatred, and we will not allow the power to pierce all those who raised their hand against moscow, so that the evil neighbor strangles our power with a trade noose. power must
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pass to the warrior tsar, so that power stands miyari again, the people are rising up against you, film by sergei ezenstein, ivan the terrible, today on the first, voice live, tomorrow after. today we will introduce you to a person whose work arouses more and more interest day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the
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circus that i want. it does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer for about 15 living in paris for years. i came to my beloved woman and after 2 and a half days i realized that she was not there, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine and good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe where they are playing... in the last nowadays we hear the phrase more and more often the global majority, who is part of it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who
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governs these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky, these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, to everything, answering yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that such everyone decides questions for themselves, my children they don’t study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer, you use social networks, is this interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a government organization.
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everything in the fields is white with snow, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run and sparkle, and they say, they say to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what where, when , spring series of games, on sunday, on the first, fashion verdict show on the first channel, i’m with you, alexander rogov, for the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly,
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boldly, a red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially lately, how she has gained weight, a difficult mother, my mother really wants me to be... a decent girl , this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, this is something like that that can be performed in such an image, you need what - completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale! inhale, the image of your daughter, i didn’t expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, you are super, a fashionable verdict, the new season is from april 22 on the first, and meanwhile our guys
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on the battlefield are bringing down the enemy and not only the western representatives literally to the point of hysteria, they show a real master class, which means... the russian tank is not an easy one, it is also called the tsar-barbecue, here it is on your screens, under targeted fire they reach the center of krasnogorovka, which is near donetsk, landing troops there and returning back, while being constantly shelled. military observer bilt, yulian roebkin, such an ardent russophist, after watching this video, he simply fell into a stupor. the russian turtle tank, yes, which everyone laughed at, brought russian troops into the central part of krasnogorovka under intense pressure. the tank remained unharmed by ukrainian artillery fire and returned to base, this is not funny at all, but where are the ukrainian defenders? well, it turns out that the more jokes about russia in the west, the more often they are not funny.
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yerevanovich podalyaka joins our conversation. yuri ivanovich, hello. yes, good afternoon. i can’t help but ignore the question of the surprise of the german journalist röbka about our king-barbecue, aka a garage, aka a turtle. and what kind of development is this, which at one time everyone laughed at, but it turns out that on the battlefield you proved yourself to be quite effective, well, not just effective enough, very effective, everyone is just amazed. it turned out that there was nothing, he calmly carried out his missions, cleared minefields,
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imports infantry, jams rebs, i don’t know how much better drones are, i don’t know how many dozens of drones they burned on it, it’s just that it’s a development, including people in the military-industrial complex, i know who developed it, i know how much it costs , this is all after the war, we will talk, i will only say that we will present them with many more unpleasant surprises, so here is a similar situation with the same tank, well, without this barbecue. with the same system, the guys got stuck in a puddle, they dug it out, he says, while they were digging it out, we just look, zhu-zhu and fall, he says in dozens, they tried to knock him out, that is, in fact , the system is really some kind of integral unique, that is, there is still a mine trawl in front of him, yes, accordingly, he removes the minefields, that is, he drops all the mines that are in front, this iron dome protects , if by chance the rap system stops working, well, anything can happen, but technical reasons will cause damage, that is , in general, it will still protect the tank to some extent.
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in general, this is dangerous, this is the trend when
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they launch these balloons, weather balloons, yes, that carry explosives, what kind of technology is this? well, the technology is simple, in fact , it was used for the first time, in my opinion, not in the first world war, perhaps even earlier, i can even in the 19th century, in my opinion , there was also some use of balloons to deliver them to enemy fortresses ammunition, dropping mines and so on, this... like the first world war, this was a fairly common occurrence, there is nothing new in this, it is very cheap, it allows you to try to portray at least something, primarily in the information sphere, you understand, all their victories that they are trying to show, they are primarily focused on information, that is , this umbrella will fall someday, they understand this perfectly well, some of the russian residents hope for it, they finds it, starts to climb there , explodes, or if they are lucky, it falls somewhere.
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there is, after all, a special application that was developed by the popular front, called, just for such cases, you are right that from the point of view of electronic warfare it is difficult to suppress it, it is not on radars visible, but no one has ever canceled visual control, our ordinary citizens, who can see in the sky what seems suspicious to them in the video of weather balloons, balloons, drones, can use this application to take a photograph, shoot a video and send it via: from the people front to our competent authorities, it seems to me that this can be quite
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effective, here we are with technology, yes, of course, this is the most effective, when we have millions of eyes watching our citizens and knowing where to send, this will be very effective, everything is in our hands, let's use what the popular front gives us, including, but we somehow use the technology of balloons and aerostats, or we have other technologies that replace them more effectively, of course we don’t use it as if all the armies of the world. they are used, again, repeaters and cameras with good resolution are hung there, that is, in the rear there it is 5-7 kilometers up to part with optics normally, so i was in sochi in sochi. when there was an international youth festival, there exactly the same technology worked, the stat was visible, it constantly hung above sirius, that is, it’s like a well-known technology, it ’s just that what they use is a hack in order to cause a media effect, balloons they have always been used are and will be used as the situation on the fronts is traditionally good, yes, that is
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, the enemy managed to localize the breakthrough in the queue, although we gained a foothold in this sector, nevertheless he tried. to knock out unsuccessfully, over the past 24 hours our troops have expanded the heel of this breakthrough a little, well, in order to make it convenient to supply him, they accordingly consolidate in the positions they have achieved and even expand them a little, this threatens with catastrophic consequences for the enemy, because this is essentially a breakthrough of that main line of defense behind avdiivka, which they very much counted on, that is we have already passed it, and of course they will try with all their might to knock us out of there, until they succeed, i think they will not succeed,
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the states are following their tradition of suppressing bait on everyone they can. joseph biden can no longer calmly look at a dying ukraine; he once again calls on congress to approve his request for independent assistance. this time he is even ready to sign three separate bills: aid to israel, aid to ukraine, aid to taiwan. let's talk about it. biden did not hesitate, he decided to write, or rather, they probably wrote for him, all this was published on the pages of the wall street journal. we must step up support for ukraine now to stop putin from encroaching on our nato allies, and ensure that he does not drag american troops into a future war in europe. if
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congress passes military aid to ukraine and israel, we will not write blank checks. we sent military equipment from our own. write this statement, and not let biden speak personally, because just like a few hours ago, he said that israel does not have the right to attack haifa, haifa, by the way, is a purely israeli city, that is, israel should not attack itself , well, i froze, so to speak, i froze, well, especially frostbitten, maybe they learned something, but
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what they might say, there is quite a logic, israel really cannot attack israel, he will say, he’s logical, grandpa, it’s quite logical to vote for individual bills. will be this saturday, as for ukraine, it is planned to allocate assistance to it not for free, in the form of loans, loans, in addition, of the estimated package of $61 billion, a third will go to replenish the arsenals in the united states itself, but there is also a small consolation the prize is most likely square will still receive american missiles by attack, over the past day several very important news have appeared, especially from the house of representatives. and the stakes are dangerously high this week. mike johnson is now risking his position as speaker by doing everything he can to help ukraine and israel. we will publish the text of these bills as soon as they are ready. we will allow time for an active amendment process. we expect that the final adoption of bills on assistance to ukraine and israel will take place on saturday evening. in this major
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the senate bill includes funds for ukraine, israel, the indo-pacific region and humanitarian assistance. a popular decision among house republicans . instead, johnson wants to pass four separate bills that appear to be for the same amount but provide loans rather than grants to ukraine. the fourth project will include money for blocking tiktok and humanitarian aid, although it is unclear for whom in what amount. well, it looks like ukraine’s future debts are already in the american bank, here are the past ones they promise ukraine to think about writing it off, but they may not write it off before. in my opinion , on november 15, 2024, the president can do this, up to 50% of the assistance already provided can be written off, the question arises, why is this happening all of a sudden? they mean they say that we can...
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the money will go to the states, well, before the elections , congressmen take care of their states and that in fact we are just replenishing our reserves and that putin is going to invade europe and so on, that is, any arguments that regarding debt forgiveness, look, and after biden most likely loses the election, he still remains the president of the united states, but at the same time he, as president , is no longer bound by anything, neither by ratings, nor by any political factors, so he has 2 months during which he can do the craziest things.
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he was in kiev, then they took him out , remember, they gave him this show with a siren, that is, he can do anything, but in this case, what’s more important to us is not that he brings his carcass to kiev, and the fact that he will forgive them the money, and thereby somewhat reduce, perhaps, the long time of the kiev regime, but again, even if it reduces it by 70%, ukraine will not give this money back. and this, by the way, is zelensky’s cunning plan, why zelensky agreed with trump’s plan that they should lend money to ukraine, because he
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understands perfectly well that ukraine will not give the money back, which means they will give it back in kind, there enterprises, land, resources, and so on further, so that ukraine gives in kind, well, so that it has this nature, which means the united states should be vitally interested in ukraine giving its main assets, land enterprises, retained resources there so that, roughly speaking, america would not abandon ukraine, but would give it more and more money.
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the fact that when a salvo is fired there from eight, as if their own barrels, the column is simultaneously hit with an accuracy of up to a meter, and even in our program we showed those shots of objective control that they showed during testing, today it seems to me that georg said absolutely correctly , what trend the americans are solving today, they are solving a unique trend, firstly, of such an independent, sovereign country as ukraine is not, it is already completely controlled by the americans, since all this talk
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about money is their money, moreover, the money they give and say, they draw it, what they are doing, today, having developments, they will supply all modern weapons and have already been supplied to ukraine, including from nato countries, great britain, germany, france.
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our soldiers, they have already placed special forces there, tank crews and hymers who are working, ammunition carriers, ukrainian soldiers, even those trained for launching, for now they don’t really give them the opportunity to shoot, i’m not even talking about the patri system, which were, so you understand, one launcher of the petris system is 20-30 depending on the modification, 20-30 soldiers. which should provide it, there are eight launchers in the battery, eight in the battery, they are in a division, well, in our opinion, three batteries, these are 24 launchers, they want seven eight such divisions for the west to supply, the west is looking today, but these are hundreds of patriots, moreover, the request that
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zelensky made before, in general... conversation i was talking about 100 batteries, about 800 launchers, the most important thing, the most important thing, i ’ll tell you, in this situation, zelensky was just speaking from the words of the military, competent military, they understood that only this can ensure that ukraine is held today, in ordinary military language , they have a chance today of all collective care, having an advantage in the main areas from three to...
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how much can europe provide such significant assistance now? ukraine, europe has provided and is providing significant assistance , the potential of europe, but first of all, germany, france, great britain are still quite serious, well, besides these countries , there are others that seem to have, in general , relatively small arsenals, but there are many of them, that is, put sweden, norway, denmark, belgium, the netherlands there, it turns out that there is already a decent potential for air defense, for aviation, well, in particular, the same dachans say there are about 20 aircraft there. about 20 planes, a little here, a little there, as they say, the world understands the police rope, plus literally on the eve of ryuta, the prime minister, still the prime minister the netherlands made a statement that patriots are the same patriots, let 's buy them from those countries that do not want to supply ukraine for free, plus well , they have this topic, they started it with shells from the very beginning, here is the shell initiative of the czech republic, that so we will collect shells, buy shells from all over the world,
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do a little revision of them and send them to ukraine, initially we were talking about 800 thousand shells. zelensky took the lead role as he spoke about foreign policy strategy ukraine, when he was not yet president, but in essence he draws this strategy, we take it into any hole. yes, but it will take in any form, but of course it will not give back, that’s for sure, but again, here is the european potential, we saw the european potential during last year’s counter-offensive, after all, the main armored power is either the old
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old soviet technology, which was taken from eastern europe, or compare. the spaniards transferred their contingents to slovak territory, i wonder why there the spaniards are all acting in their own purely economic interests; on april 19
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, a meeting of the nato council of ukraine will take place, where the issue of strengthening will be raised. the only real criterion for joining nato is the willingness to fight the russians. from this point of view, we are already the best and most effective member of the alliance. and all we need to do is
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settle the formalities. if we were accepted into nato tomorrow, we would be ready. in fact, ukraine is always preparing for what it wouldn't be worth it. here the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine was once again plunged into the present harsh reality by a member of the bundestag. she reminded her western colleagues where the basis of peace lies in ukraine. i would really like to read out the quote, because these words are important to me, these are the words of the ukrainian negotiator at the negotiations in istanbul. sorry, i have to interrupt you, we are not going back to istanbul in 2022. i would just like to read what the ukrainian negotiator said, that's what he said. he said the russians were ready to end the war.
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i understand from the piece of paper, but nevertheless, not on my own, it is a quote from a specific negotiator: the west is talking about negotiations, he himself is his oppositionist, the fact that she is still considered an oppositionist and a politician does not allow her to speak out on this topic, to ukraine supplies money, in the end it seems that they want peace only in order not to pay for it, and so, if it were possible not to pay with shipping, fight with russia further, they want peace on their own terms, they want peace in order to fight, here what is the problem, and... came out, how is it? i’ll explain, a brilliant article came out, recently in foreign affairs, where the istanbul negotiations were discussed, it was told from insiders that in fact it was not so much the british that disrupted them, but the americans,
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because at the time of march 22, mr. biden did not need negotiations, he doesn't need them now. joseph biden’s task is not to enter into negotiations with moscow and thereby recognize some kind of russian equality, new rules of the game. his task is to defeat russia on the battlefield. now it's did. is impossible, but this can be done after some time, according to the americans, and this requires not negotiations, not peace, not a truce, but freezing the conflict, which is what the americans and europeans are now pushing us to do, trying to force us to do, in order to freeze the conflict, through start it again for some time, when ukraine is rearmed, remobilized, and so on , all point by point, but in this strategy to convince us of this next deception, europe, unlike america, acts, oddly enough, much more with ...
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scholz, because scholz is trying to defend the national interests of germany, as much as he can in this situation, maybe a little, but he is trying, maybe a little, but he is trying, we see how scholz is partisan to the best of his ability. yes, scholz’s opportunities are limited, because they are limited by the united states, as soon as scholz tries to do something, he is limited by the united states, they are limited by scholz’s coalition allies who interfere with him, that
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is, here you need to understand that a person works as best he can in this situation, let's feel sorry for him more, and here's another thing, ukraine in the meantime, this kind of agenda is now leaving the agenda of the world media, its place is taken by the conflict in the middle east, yesterday iran celebrated army day on a grand scale, showing: its combat power and readiness to respond again if something happens, and in the meantime, the wall street journal with citing their sources, they report that iran is thus preparing for a retaliatory strike from... but while iran is preparing, israel has not yet decided on the date of its retaliatory strike, it seems to have planned to strike, which means this strike on the evening of april 16, but for some reason they decided to postpone this attack, journalists from the asius portal report this, but there is a topic for discussion at the economic summit of the european union, where the leaders of all western countries have been discussing israel’s retaliatory strike for the second day, the upcoming political publication reports that almost no one talks about the economy.
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they decide who will turn out to be the beloved wife of the west today, ukraine or israel. at this week's eu leaders' summit , two conflicts will vie for guests' attention: ukraine-russia and iranian-israeli. however, europeans are able to somehow influence only the first of them. and it seems paradoxical that the middle east, a theater of war where the united states is infinitely more influential than europe, would receive more attention than ukraine. candidate country . union, which is desperately pleading for more european help. why israel is more important than independence, at least for the united states, is explained in clear language by one of the american presidential candidates, robert francis kennedy jr. could you talk about why you think israel means so much to americans' america. israel is our springboard. these are the eyes and ears of the united states, he
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provides us with intelligence data and gives us the opportunity to influence affairs in the middle east, if israel disappears, china and russia will control the middle east and 90% of the world's oil supplies. this would have catastrophic consequences for us national security. here's your answer. the united states has many firsts, but few only ones. it is now clear that the united states will seek to concentrate for...
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this whole conflict, then, the blow that palestine dealt against israel is a prepared special operation for as a provocation, as a trigger, the main target is still iran, and iran, they are trying today to practically drown out as a country, but having such additional intelligence data, they realized that it was not very simple, just two small numbers: iran announced. they launched old weapons, drones and ballistic missiles, spent 2 million dollars, in total, iran, iran, 2 million dollars, the cost of their strike, some their missiles are cheap, yes, their missiles are cheap, and the answer that israel has already failed, which they spent 1 billion 300 million to repel the iranian conflict. at the same time, iran
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has not yet used anything, it has carried out reconnaissance in force, and at the same time it says absolutely clearly: i don’t want to do anything, i answered what i had to answer, now it’s up to you, but if you don’t listen to us, everything will be much more serious , we need to pay attention to this, american analysts are paying attention to this and today they are looking at whether they can or cannot can resolve all issues with iran, because...
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the ukrainian front line. moscow's next major goal appears to be the capture of the city of chasov yar. russian troops are only 500 meters from the ukrainian city. russian troops reached the eastern outskirts of chasav yar. the ukrainian city is located approximately 10 km west of artyomovsk. ukraine's commander-in-chief, colonel-general alexander tsirsky, warned that the situation on the battlefield in the east had worsened, but said that brigades in this sector had been reinforced ammunition and drones. chasov was used as a regrouping point and forward artillery base of the ukrainian army. if russian troops capture this city, they will be able to launch a direct attack on the so-called fortress cities. slavyansk. razin. vladimir, hello , how are things going? ruslannaya,
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good afternoon, things are progressing quite positively for our military personnel, we are still pressing the enemy in the watch area. this is the northern direction from bogdanovka towards kalinovka we are moving, we are moving, slowly, but quite productively along the forest belt, in front of us are the heights that the enemy occupied, the main battles are now taking place for them from the south side, from the ivanovsky side, we are also moving towards the canal through the forest area, also not quickly, but again i will repeat , quite productive considering that the enemy is transferring very large reserves to the flanks of artyomovsk, on the flank of chasovyar. trying to somehow restrain our advance from the eastern side to the chasyar , on our side , our positions have not changed in the last few days we are anchored on them, there is video confirmation from our military personnel that we are on the first streets, anchored in the first high-rise buildings
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of the microdistrict, the channel along the clock itself along the western outskirts continues to work like artillery, aviation, reconnaissance, this is not at all... absolutely absolutely from our side both during the day and
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at night and fpv drones and reconnaissance drones and drones with drops , an accumulation of enemy manpower is constantly recorded near almost every entrance; 5-7 people in a group are constantly moving. pickup trucks have all this all the time i’m amazed, thank you very much, war correspondent vladimir razin was in direct contact with us from the direction. we are closely monitoring what is happening at the front, in the geopolitical arena; now the news is on channel one. hello, news on channel one. andrey ukharev is with you. the criminal network that was involved in the trafficking of sim cards in the interests of ukrainian terrorists was stopped by our special services. a large-scale operation was carried out by the fsb together with the police, more than three were seized.


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