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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 18, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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immersion in the creative process each time a new denouement, premiere in moscow, the rosta theater, presents the improvisation performance the best city on earth, not only actors but also spectators participate, so the finale depends on who is present in the hall. the production was created with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. the details were told by the artistic director of the theater, honored artist of russia, nona grishaeva. the idea of ​​love for the city, for one’s native land, is number one, the second is an educational project, after all, yes, because many people in the hall do not know about the facts that they hear at this performance, about their city, of course, for a person who was born in moscow, of course, for him moscow is the best city on earth, there, for example, i was born in odessa, for me odessa has always been and will be the best city on earth. that’s all for now, we are monitoring
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the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue with the “time will tell” program. well, this is amazing, of course, just now, listen, uh, i’ll tell you later, there will be time, but just two words for now, here’s alexey secher he said that it turns out to be on the website of some kind of ukrainian property agency, they have a picture of our simferopol, simferopol airport, look, how beautiful it is, and you say, we are wasting money, well, guys, that is, it’s not joke, do you understand? it just froze, of course, so okay, let’s now what do we want to talk about, well, we ’re closely following, naturally, well, it’s clear that the main thing, so to speak, is that the clash is happening in ukraine for us, we’re closely following it, but we’re watching out of the corner of our eyes and for the situation in the middle east, because , as it turned out, this situation very much affects the general situation in the world, so to speak , including ours, so to speak, our northeast military district, why? well, because, firstly, both ukraine and israel are now real rivals.
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we want to understand, firstly, when this moment comes, and secondly, what are the signs that the sponsors of the war suddenly felt that profitability was, so to speak, decreasing and melting, let's talk about this today immediately after the advertisement, chapter american national intelligence service avril haines, for whom the path to fame turned out to be, to put it mildly, unusual, the use of an interrogation method with simulated drowning is a form of torture, what she had a hand in was...
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destroying russia's interests in the arctic, we observed a strong rapprochement between russia and china, what can we do to drive a wedge between them, in the near future some actions may even be imitated, and this will simply cause a very strong public outcry, she is on the advisory board. quality of biological application specialist weapons, she plays that she works for the president, she works for those who always have dirt on the president, those who misinform the president, this is the notorious one. avril hames, a girl who paints death. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is causing more and more interest day by day, this is the director.
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soviet, russian writer, who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days, i realized that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch and yourself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a truly poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine and good poetry. my 49 and a half minutes of jazz is not just a program for me, it is an important program for me. i know that you are sitting at a table in
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a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49. motador, tomorrow on the first. and i’m walking, walking around moscow, still at the universitet metro station passengers point to that same escalator, and someone even starts putting on the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from film "i'm walking around moscow" i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: “lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba started crying.” i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it is like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, what gundareva played, we get the prize, i happy that he is watching, and he is watching, very interesting, always carries slander,
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for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i ... exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years is a must harmfulness. especially her attitude towards talents, she felt them right away. she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young man, i can’t live without work, should i go somewhere, help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting
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zoya borisovna, dedicated a poem to her: “abide, light, fleeting, unstoppable, i don’t blame you for passing, i thank you for coming.” andrey generally had it in his life. two priorities: his work and my mother, eclipse of the heart, andryushka and i lived very together, this was his song, reflecting the moment of our only quarrel, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, the premiere on saturday on the first, the city has an organized spy network, and we could reveal it, from this minute? you take note of everyone he meets, in case of danger you don’t show yourself, we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people, grigor ivanovich, where are you going, with
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you, where is he, here, yegor, he was always there, didn’t go anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone. so you don't see this, you suspect that something is wrong with the mountain, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, from monday on the first, so to speak, energy, when he had already headed the country, so we returned - on the air of the first channel, so, friends, let's do it all -so step by step, not abruptly, but let’s try to keep the same one in mind.
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military aid bill providing $60 billion in new aid to ukraine, but they are all wrong, the war is lost, in fact 90% of people in europe believe it is. will ukraine be able to win the war against russia? 10% said yes. so, what do they see that hollywood stars don't see: the white house and the leaders of the capitol? three things: first, ukraine does not have enough soldiers to win. kiev lost at least 70,000 people killed, and another 100,000 were ineffective.
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in order for the state to fulfill its social functions, protect the borders,
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work law enforcement, work the state apparatus, that is, this is all, per year ukraine needs from, well, there are different different figures, from 50 to 100 billion dollars in order to just function, that is, we understand the order of the numbers, these are not my numbers, these are the numbers of the international monetary fund, so in order to somewhat dampen, so to speak, this severity of this crisis, they are written off, that is, in principle, the west works in this sense, it is not they just didn’t leave it to the mercy of fate, but anatoriy asked, asked a question, when to understand that the project is unprofitable, when they started ukraine as, well, like a hot cake, like a suitcase. throw hands at each other, because what the usa does, it says: so does europe, this is your problem, the european union, no, no,
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we can’t do it without american help, oh, listen, but there are private investors, no, there are no private investors, the international monetary fund is looking for private investors and so on, but so far without success, because that they don’t understand what and how to invest in, they see that - ukraine has turned into a black hole in europe, you know, no matter how much you put it in, everything disappears, but here look how it turns out, for peaceful life 450 billion, if not more, here. much less for the war, 60, so is it more profitable for them to fight? here, here, here, i just took it off my tongue, katerina, because yes, indeed, now continue this situation, continue mobilization, so the demands of the united states, the demands of the european union, mobilization, that is, you must continue, because it is cheaper, calculation was that they would use our illegally frozen gold and foreign exchange reserves, but anglo-saxon law says, no, we can’t, well, we can’t, yeah.
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and the collapse is such that you can get everything for next to nothing, that is, they, alexander, they wanted it’s not even ukraine itself that can make money, in fact, look, firstly, of course, no one has canceled the trosky theory, that is , exporting revolution at bayonets, the possibility of turning the war into a so-called gray zone, this is exactly the same hybrid war that develops into subversive war on enemy territory, there were two vectors, one vector was directed from the western side... the other vector, why i think it’s too early for us to celebrate victory so
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enjoy life, if someone is happy, it is directed, it is still directed from the south the caucasus, which has ceased to be russian at the moment, is directed towards the northern caucasus, well, yes, and from the northern caucasus it is directed towards krasnodar, this is actually a revision, or rather revisionism and history, this is a return to the kuchuk era of the najar world, the attraction of turkey, which here is the main interest, and turkey has not yet... said its word, it is only going to say it, and what word will it say, despite all our flirting and extortion in sankaroy, this is still a very unclear situation, because turkey is only getting ready come out of the scene, then the condition that...
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very interesting, because in fact we are dealing with a repetition of the project, nothing from the fact that in those games that our ancestors played, everything remained the same on the board, we are now replaying the game , or rather, we are forced to replay, which was played in the era of the second world war, because the second world war hitler relied on recreating the nato project, or rather the entente at that time, i apologize, it was called the crimea-cossacks, and the project was presented to wrangel, but brangel refused under it sign, saying that i stand for a united russia, so... this will not be put up for the league of nations, but the project was very serious, the british prepared it with a business plan, the creation is, roughly speaking, in a word, revenge, well, it really is it’s all very serious, because in the era of yeltsin, boris nikolayevich, whom i hated , the cossack nationality was invented, it exists, there is such a nationality, there is a nationality, in the russian federation we have the cossack nationality, and
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a separate nationality from the russians, cossack, and this, by the way, is a very serious idea for kuban and krasnodar and so far no one has. for some reason, he doesn’t think or speak about this topic, but he thinks and speaks now, to be fair, it must be said that there is a special department in the presidential administration that moderates this, this is this ethnic group, let’s call it that, but wait, okay , if i return to money again, that then they had a business plan, that now they have business plans, when it ceases to be a rental, it doesn’t work, the business plan doesn’t work for the simple reason that in order for all these figures that aleksey alekseevich cited to work, a population is needed.
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i’m not ashamed of what he says, such a wonderful investment, look, it means that we’re kind of fighting, but we’re not dying, yeah, these people are dying, cool, cool, well, that is, in all seriousness in open texts, that is, no one is ashamed of anything, so now, coming back, i’m interested in exactly what ’s happening now, after all, if you believe the physical laws again, then well, they’re impossible,
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there’s not an infinite amount of money and there’s not an infinite number, and apparently the project still went a little differently from the plan according to which they... losses are already the basis for the implementation of the next business plan, that is, by the way, answering the question, funds will be allocated to help ukraine, not aid for the war in ukraine, or not, they have already been allocated, they are already included in the us military budget, which has grown
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by exactly these 60 billion dollars, i would add what you know? after all, colleagues, we have our own view, let’s expand it, i say again, in due time with anatoly was discussed on another broadcast, well , today ukraine belongs to them, it’s their asset, well, yes, yes, but they have already won, no, well , look, the chernozyums belong, the vanguard, and so on, and even intesa managed to confer, and so on, yes , here is black rock naturally, and the deposits belong to the avaks. launched barut including uranus, they already belong to the west, everything belongs like bulgaria, all of bulgaria belongs to western europe, there are roads, mines, yes, bulgaria belongs entirely to the west, to the french, to the belgians,
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this tells us, this indicates that today their investments in the war have already paid off, this says, deserted ukraine is like a walking field, this is also very profitable, alex and i were now explaining why, then we dump the excess population, everything has already paid off, the words of some lince graham or something -there’s donald trump, that let’s give them weapons on lease, but firstly they are scoundrels, secondly they are scammers, they have already acquired everything, they have acquired everything to the tenth power, they have robbed the ukrainians, they are still trading, look, then let’s do it.
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like we were talking just now, it doesn’t matter with whom and how before the broadcast, there’s such a good girl sitting there, i want a handbag, but i’m tired of eating in chinese cars, i definitely want to eat in a beha or a merc or
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something else in a toyota, that’s why it’s like that, that’s maybe, of course, later on i’ll be a little different, but now i’m thinking like this, because well, as the ukrainians kept saying, as a girl i want swirly panties to go to europe, because i haven’t taken pictures in front of the colosseum with a dear friend yet, i haven’t gone yet , well, given the logic of spring, it doesn’t matter. girl will say in 10 years, it is important that i want, i want, i want, i want now, this will be how they will continue to play with the next stage of development of our lands, they will gain a foothold in the remnants of ukraine and will begin to throw their tentacles onto our territories again, and then in 20, 30, 40 years there will be another breakthrough, they live and move in this way, by the way, it would be enough to say they move successfully, look in history, the russian empire where was the era of our officer, general staff analyst edrikhin van dam, he lived in the era .
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i would like to remind you that this year there are two such round dates, not very fun, but they are round, 120 years since the beginning of the russo-japanese war, a war that lasted 20 months, and 110 years since the beginning of the first world war, well, in another a few months will be the roundest date, well, i would like to say that i had to write a lot on...
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at the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century, a process began that in lenin’s work, imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism, is described as the internationalization of economic life , well simply put, this means that there is an increase in the interdependence of states, so yes, well then, in fact, not only national monopolies appear, but also international monopolies. the fourth sign of imperialism is the division of the world between
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capitalist unions. orders, but this will continue indefinitely, well, a big war cannot start, because it is a blow to the interests of international business, international business is not so, it turned out absolutely everything is not so, but because the approach was precisely economic or something i would understand, everything is fine, that is, it’s good, we remove it completely, so to speak, well, it’s clear and this means the economic approach,
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let’s assume we have it. before the start of the war, when it was already clear that war was inevitable, the ministry of finance of the russian empire said that yes, we are already ready for this, and we believe that the war will require 100 million gold rubles, they even said that the treasury does not have that kind of money , but that means we’ll outwit everyone here, and half of this amount will be provided by simply turning on the printing press, that is, not
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secured by the golden...
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big brother, you want to win power, what do you need power for? he says: power for the sake of power, and here in fact the owners of money, as i call them, of course, that...
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the result was a petrodollar, our ruined country, a colossal power, which we restored, clenching our teeth over the course of several decades, and they also forced us to pay for our neighbors, many of whom have now rebelled against us, we had our backs, and
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we also built them houses, roads, factories , stations, just peace after the war belonged to the one who planned this war, the result is an undermining of our influence, now even if we win, the world will belong. friend, roughly speaking, so to speak, somewhere in a dark village they must make him happy, whether a tajik or an uzbek or a frenchman will be happy there, which is a national matter, tajiks, uzbeks, french, this is a completely different message, a completely different message than we said before that, the russian empire was also of the messianic type, orthodoxy,
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autocracy, nationality, we will reach turkestan, in the name of our great idea, we unite all the slavs, what the hell are the slavs who betrayed us, wait, that is, we we we we are voluntarily abandoning the great mission?
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and this is a good benefit, this is not a cannibalistic benefit, this is the norm, in the sense of a benefit, after all, i understand the situation in such a way that in fact, well, so, to be honest, yes, the country is ours needed, so to speak , a complete, so to speak, i don’t know, rethinking, restructuring, excuse me, please, and so on, complete, unconditional, but it is clear that without the most powerful such a shocking, as if external factor, we would never have started this, this is the same one, excuse me, until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself when possible.
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in istanbul, is very doubtful, because the americans, in general, had complete information about what was happening not only in ukraine, but in the group that went to istanbul for negotiations. why did the americans allow, let’s say, yes, the ukrainians to sit down at the negotiating table and talk about signing in the future, but about agreeing on the project. contract, i want to emphasize that the contract is
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the highest form of agreement is an agreement between states, below are agreements, protocols and so on, an agreement on permanent neutrality, i want to draw your attention, and security guarantees on permanent neutrality, this is what these negotiations mean, why did the americans go? for such a meeting to take place in istanbul, it was a sounding of the americans to see how far both sides would go towards each other, this is a gamble, a complete gamble, but when they felt that this was an agreement on permanent neutrality, security guarantees, suddenly declare that they are not the guarantor of this agreement, this is all an invention
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of the ukrainian side, it turns out that in fact it was known in advance that these negotiations would end in nothing, right when the text of this agreement became clear, the draft of this agreement, they called boris nikolaevich johnson, he quickly arrived and said, remember the thesis, remember the senator’s thesis. former and the late mccain, we will fight with russia until the last ukrainian, and this is a phrase that has become very common in the media, here it is, here it is politics, let's now remember who were the guarantors of the minsk agreements, on the maidan, yes, these are european countries, the usa, which invested 5 billion, 5 billion more, yes.
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imagine imagine even zelensky came with a team of kvn players without politicians, i apologize, thank you, we will contact you again, the news is on the first channel, thank you very much for your attention, see you soon, this is the news on the first channel, hello, almost 18,000 houses
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are now flooded in russia due to spring floods. in the kurgan region, the water level is the tabol river is already approaching the 10 m mark. dozens of dachas and several microdistricts on the right bank are flooded and the peak of the flood has not yet been passed. additional forces of the ministry of emergency situations have been deployed to the region. at night , another special board arrived and delivered lighting equipment. the evacuation continues around the clock. those who until the last hoped that the water would not come are leaving. there is no fence here, there too, well, in short, you can’t swim there, the current is strong, we were there until recently, we hoped that there would be little water, we just passed. about how it turns out the situation is constantly reported to the president; the day before, vladimir putin discussed in detail what measures are being taken with the government and
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governors of the affected regions, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, said that in the tyumen region, in the worst-case scenario , they could end up flooded. houses in almost hundreds of settlements. the peak of the flood is expected there in the coming days. those on the river bank continue to erect sandbag barriers , and military engineers clear the river of ice jams. over the past few days, there have been more than half a thousand explosions. explosive technicians work in the tomsk region. thanks to this , it has so far been possible to stop the rise in water levels, but the situation remains difficult. in the khabarovsk territory, the khor river overflowed its banks. two settlements were drowned. in orenburg. almost 900 more houses have been freed from water within a day, rescuers continue to pump water from their plots, where it has gone, they decontaminate the area and carry out cleaning. ukrainian militants again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the drone was neutralized above the roof of the building, where the world's only full-scale
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reactor hall simulator. there were no casualties. the same center in the ukrainian armed forces was hit a little over a week ago. then the simulator was not damaged either.
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as telegram channels write, the target is a hotel where military pilots were accommodated, they report attacks on military airfields in kolomyia, ivano-frankivsk region and starokonstantinovy, khmelnytskyi, sites were being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. strikes in vyshgorod, kiev region, where important energy facilities are located. and news from the front lines. on the south donetsk
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direction, the electronic warfare complex was destroyed. verbovoy district in zaporozhye region. the paratroopers disrupted the enemy's initial rotation. stock. supplies became a target on the right bank of the dnieper. and on the left bank, the russian military holds a line of defense, tens of kilometers away. militants regularly organize forays, try to cross the river in boats, and attack from the air, launching kamikaze strike drones, but our fighters are always on the alert. the sabotage group will not swim through, the enemy bird will not fly by. report by valery kuznetsov. i zavitsa detected an enemy afv. zaporozhye direction of the dnieper river an air surveillance post is shot down by an enemy reconnaissance drone. this is a foreign -style technique, it records take-off points, we’ll look further to see if we can direct artillery at the points further. the ssu launches kamikaze strike drones every time, becoming
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more sophisticated with their weapons. an aircraft-type drone was shot down, which was carrying almost 10 kg of half-weight. with damaging elements. there was no such type, this was the first time this happened, they work soldiers of the 1197th motorized rifle regiment, the line of defense, which has been held since october 2022, stretches along the left bank of the dnieper for several tens of kilometers, we stand everywhere, do not let anyone through, densely, tightly, created new units of aircraft, uavs, orland-10 drones replace each other , in the sky around the clock, even well-camouflaged ones are revealed. targets, the coordinates of this hangar with several ukrainian armed forces vehicles were transferred to the command post, it was decided to destroy it with cannon artillery. enemy sabotage groups are also detected. just the other day the fighters destroyed nine boats and up to twenty militants from the thirty-fifth and thirty-seventh brigades of the ukrainian marines on the right
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bank of the dnieper, even if they sailed, they did not cross the river, the military says, after the militants blew up the kokhovskaya hydroelectric station, the depths changed, that is, directly , if it ’s impossible to go straight through it, but the forwarder, but this must first be studied, to carry it out, and we won’t give that, every day along the entire bank of the dnieper motorized rifles are stopped along...
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this is special equipment that allows you to make mass mailings, send short messages, as noted, the total capacity of the devices made it possible to make more than 40 million fraudulent calls per day, and with the help of simboxes you can activate accounts on social networks and financial wallets, this was also used for sabotage and terrorism. the workload on teachers should be reduced, this applies to employees of universities, schools and kindergartens. mikhail mishustin discussed the topic with the head of the federal service for supervision in education, anzor muzaev, filling out less paperwork, more time to work with children and check homework. we were talking about the possibility of retaking the unified state examination. in his address to the federal assembly, the president said that we... need to reduce the excessive load on our students, and this is especially true for schools, it must be reasonable,
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balanced, on the other hand, it is necessary to work on it when improving the unified state examination the opportunity to retake one of the exams before the end of the university admissions process, this is very important, because the guys they are often worried, but everything happens in life, such a right... to make a mistake is, of course, very important for children, i know that you are now working on all the mechanisms that needed to be worked out for this to be realized. speaking in parliament, you already announced the dates, july 4-5, you gave us an instruction, i want to report that all issues related to retaking, with the opportunity to retake one of the subjects, er... have been carried out, this year the guys will take advantage of this opportunity, and universities will be able to take this result into account, that is, in
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the president's instructions will be fully implemented this year. the joint fight against international crime is the central theme of the meeting between the president of cuba, miguel discanel and the prosecutor general of russia. igor krasnov has a big program, and negotiations were also held with the head of the local anti-corruption agency. it was about cooperation and exchange. we have accumulated significant potential in various categories of crimes, such as the criminal use of cryptocurrencies, extremism, terrorism, crimes against children, crimes related to illegal arms trafficking, drugs, including crimes related to the illegal use of virtual assets. russia has developed a stable judicial and investigative practice, and we are ready to share it. again in venezuela, in caracas , there is a cooperation agreement between the prosecutor general’s offices of the two countries, this concerns in particular the fight against corruption. a most complex operation and
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a miracle that the doctors of the sklefosovsky institute performed, a successful transplant of the small intestine, this is the rarest type of transplantation in the world. in russia only the second a lucky chance, the first 10 years ago, there in sklif, a chance for a full life. the patient feels great and is already going home. report by maria saushkina. good afternoon, good afternoon, how are we doing? okay, we are ready to send you home with best wishes. thank you very much, doctor. natalia's diagnosis was thrombosis of important arteries that fed the small intestine, which developed due to a genetic disease. in such a situation, only transplantation allows the patient to live a full life. patients are so susceptible protein starvation. of course, there is intravenous, as much as water, but there are physiological ones. the path of passage through the esophagus and the absorption of proteins, amino acids, preparations that are saturated with calories, proteins and vitamins,
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but i repeat this again. the most complex operation to transplant the small intestine at the sklifosovsky institute took 6 hours, it was carried out by several teams of doctors. such transplantations are rarely performed in the world and even less successfully. the main reserve of immunity in a person is in the intestines and the transplanted organ begins.
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in total, there are 65 transplant centers in russia in 34 regions. moscow today is one of the leaders in this field not only in russia, but in the world. our system for organizing donor service is exemplary, thanks to it we were able to help natalya. the institute announced the ability of our doctors to help patients who have lost most of their intestines and put them on the waiting list for intestinal transplantation. and the attending physician. this patient, where she was operated on, heard about this offer and got in touch with us, we offered to transfer her to our institute, where she spent a month preparing for an intestinal transplant. i liked it in the intensive care unit, the care was so good, i really, really want to go to work and do some good for people, i took on a healthy appearance,
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the patient had a day the other day. channel. audiences across the country should have the opportunity to see the most outstanding performances. minister of culture olga lyubimova spoke about this at a press conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the union of theater workers. the anniversary is in 2 years, but the program is so large-scale that it is being prepared now. but they were also invited to moscow representatives of regional branches of the union. they will present their proposals. we welcome
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the chairman. we already know what a unique story this century and a half has been. behind us, and of course, i want the glorious pages of our union of theater workers to be ahead, and powerful, large, bright, interesting projects to begin very soon, we really miss a large platform for young theater workers, we really miss the important mission of public organization to preserve the memory of our outstanding artists. we'd like it to be the celebration is over. throughout the country and would be organized on the basis of all branches of the union of theater workers, and for this event to be informal, because it is really an event, we must rethink ourselves in space, return to the soul, this is incredibly important, no one can teach as he will teach theater. that's all for now, we are monitoring
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the development of the event, informationally. the channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues, the program will tell, time will tell, we are working live air. the ukrainian armed forces again tried to strike at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this time the target of the attack was a training center, unique in its kind, a ukrainian drone, fortunately they managed to shoot it down, it was neutralized above the roof of the building, there were no casualties. in america, of course, these are not... arsenals, the vote will take place on april 20, the text of the future law has already been supported by the president of the united states joseph biden,
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the bill involves the transfer of atak ms missiles to ukraine. it will only be november 15, i think, 2024, no previously. but how joseph biden himself justified the need to support this bill to help ukraine in his article in the wall street journal. we must step up support for ukraine now to stop putin from encroaching on our nato allies and ensure he does not drag american troops into a future war in europe. if congress passes military aid to ukraine and israel, we will not discharge. blank checks, we sent military equipment from our own reserves and then used money authorized by congress to replenish these reserves by purchasing equipment from american suppliers. we will invest in america's industrial base,
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buy american products made by american workers, support jobs in nearly forty states, and strengthen our own national security. we can help our friends by helping ourselves. at the expense of the ukrainian... the us plans to make good money on the project, by the way, part of the funds will remain in the united states of america, new jobs will appear, and the military arsenal, then kiev will have to return all or half of the promised amount to washington, this is how former cia analyst ray mcgover commented on this bill. regardless of whether this bill is passed or not, most people should understand that in reality it... after they get there, again, whether the russians are ready to negotiate, it’s already somehow embarrassing
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to talk about it, they repeat every day, yes, they are ready, but not on the wild conditions that zelensky proposed for more than a year ago, according to them, we must not only suffer defeat, but pay reparations, we do not agree to this, we will talk, but not on such terms, and you know, looking at the fact that... exclusively benefit, unfortunately, from simple americans have little to do with it, the decisions are made by congressmen and senators who are elected, but still they must somehow, at least to some extent, take into account the opinions of their voters, because there is
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a new election cycle ahead, and there are very high stakes on who will become president the united states, it is clear that most likely the same characters, biden and trump, will compete again, so of course every person is here. every congressman, every senator will weigh the pros and cons of how to vote, so this principle will not work here, that all republicans will vote in a consolidated manner, all democrats will vote in a consolidated manner, so we must remember that any decision made now is designed for the elections, how will this affect voting in november in the presidential election, for which republicans will bargain, they must tell the democrats, we will vote for, well, at least part of the republicans, but if you give us that, well, first of all , this problem with...
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is going on, well, then it’s unclear how it will end, therefore, all this is a bargaining, it is very significant that these issues were divided into assistance to ukraine, israel there and the pacific countries, because what did the democrats count on, that if this whole thing comes in one package, then it is clear that the republicans will not oppose it, democrats won't mind to speak out, now there may be different nuances, for example, republicans can vote for aid to israel, but, for example, not vote for aid to ukraine, so here, too, there is still no one hundred percent guarantee that in...
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she will give it away, the only thing she can give it away - this is with their enterprises, shares, that is, in fact, in fact, the united states and other donors will become owners of land in ukraine, will become owners of enterprises, that is, any small-scale profitable production under will come under the control of foreign investors, but in the worst case scenario, when ukraine ceases to exist as a political reality, it is clear that these debts will have to be written off, and this point has already been laid down immediately that the debts can be written off. and there’s just one option left, ukrainians will have to work for more than one generation exclusively for the west, it’s just such outright enslavement, they give money on credit, but at the same time, it means they make them out of ukrainians, which means that it’s probably already been planned how many of them should remain in ukraine, will be slaves of the united states of the entire collective. the west, but
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there are actually different opinions regarding the fate of ukraine, british military analyst mike clark says that today the situation in ukraine at the front is extremely difficult and difficult, and the fate of the kiev regime on the battlefield will be decided within six months. at the moment , ukraine urgently needs 155mm and 152mm shells, as well as 120mm tank shells, and missiles for air defense batteries. 6-7 petriot air defense batteries and small arms ammunition. if the west, especially the usa, will supply all this, and the ammunition will be on the front line in less than 10 days, then ukraine will hold out until the end of this year. ukraine's goal is to continue the fight for another 6 months. after this, their affairs may improve. alexey petrovich, explain these statements to us, how ammunition can end up on the front line in 10 days, how much will this really help ukraine hold out until the end of the year?
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why does the expert assume that at the end of the year things will improve in ukraine, why? well, look, first of all, biden, when justified why it is necessary to organize assistance to ukraine, he practically revealed the mechanism of how this is done, that is, the pentagon, on the direct orders of biden, supplies ukraine with all the necessary weapons, then the us congress confronts the fact that the pentagon has a surplus. and come on, so that our national security does not suffer, the national security of our partners, we need to allocate money, this money will immediately cover the fact, but the shells have already left , for example, the supplies include such shells for volley launchers, as well as ms, in a cassette version, there are a large number of them, the americans want to dispose of them, because direct disposal means money, and disposal on the line of combat contact is restrained.
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the entry of the russian army, about which they constantly say that they will go there, they will go there, they have accumulated force there and so on, so cluster shells are now being actively used, this is the kind of help that is coming, a representative of the czech republic spoke recently, it seems the prime minister, yes, who said that 180,000 shells, they will literally be delivered to ukraine within a few weeks, before that he promised a million tomorrow, but the most interesting thing is when there is already a million and so on, the specific figure is 186, but still he has not purchased it. i think that they are already on the territory of ukraine, that is, the usual practice, they say, we will deliver within a few weeks of days, it is already, when they say, it is already being used at the front line, it is being used, it is being used, here is the shelling of donetsk, gorlovka, well then what do you have they are in stock, if the ammunition that they promise to give tomorrow is already in ukraine today, they are being used, if tomorrow they vote for what else they can be strengthened, i explain the following, look, that’s why now this ammunition was urgently delivered to them, they are firing, they are not may leave.
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mastery of these maneuvers, flank attacks will begin to defeat the ukrainian units, so you need to hold on, hold on, why another six months, yes, in six months it will be clear who is changing power there, the republicans, despite the fact that trump seems to promise that he will end the war, no one will end it, the americans have too many problems that will remain after biden, they will need to be solved, and ukraine will help, the longer it twitches, the better, besides, european partners will also... it happens, they also need shells, they also need air defense systems, they are standing in line, here he says, an extraordinary allocation, and zelensky, when he appealed that they gave it to israel, they didn’t give it to us, he did not understand the essence of the game a little, because that israel is close to the heart, and ukraine is this is something that can be exchanged at any time,
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so slaves in ukraine and so on, who cares, it will play its role, will be written off with history, maybe somewhere in history books, remember that there was such a state, but she's now playing for the americans in general. such an important strategic role, because losing in ukraine is not profitable for them now, because biden has too much of a list of what he lost, and ukraine would be a big minus for this, on the other hand, they associated this minus with the image themselves the united states of america, they are the hegemon, they have no right to lose, that is , in this game of contradictions and everything related to the national security of the united states, ukraine is holding on. well, you correctly said that they will continue to continue, which means maintaining this agony, offering them all sorts of adrenaline injections, then , ahead of the next meeting of the nato council of ukraine, the alliance’s secretary general jens stoltenberg once again called on the west to scratch the surface and send kiev the necessary
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weapons. germany announced that it will supply ukraine has another patriot system. this is all part of the alliance's efforts to meet the need. ukraine in air defense issues. i am also encouraged that the us congress may consider further assistance to kiev. all this unprecedented aid may include supplies of f-16 fighter jets from denmark and the netherlands, but ukraine needs even more. it is for this reason that if nato members are faced with the question of helping ukraine or building their own capabilities, my answer is simple: send more help to ukraine. well, in kiev, meanwhile, they insist that they can be saved... at the moment only by patriot anti-aircraft missile systems and missiles for them, all reserves of the armed forces of ukraine are absolutely zero, in ukraine they calculated how many installations are in service in other countries, here you see this on your screens, here the prime minister of the netherlands mark ruth has found
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a way to provide ukraine with additional patriot systems, it’s enough to simply buy them from those countries that do not want to transfer american air defense to kiev voluntarily, is that really enough? from holland money for this is a big question, most likely there is no, one patriot system costs about 500 million dollars, and one kni missile is one system, not one battery, but one missile costs about 2-4 million dollars. we know that many countries have a lot of these patri systems, perhaps they do not want to transfer them directly, we can buy from them and deliver to ukraine, we have the money. can we once again show a screenshot of how many ukrainians have counted patreon systems around the world. petrovich, please explain these numbers to us, because it turns out that saudi arabia probably transferred the most, japan 24-25, yes, approximately, germany 10 - these are batteries, yes, poland has only two batteries, in ukraine,
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how many have already been transferred, compared to these figures, which of the countries listed here, we all thought that there were a lot of pet systems, when the ukrainians themselves considered that it turned out that in principle there weren’t that many of them... which work like pvu and like pro, that is, you need to shoot down missiles too and airplanes, of course, poland and germany spent the most on this matter, it was from there that they were supplied these are from there, because they are from poland. only two batteries and through poland you or through poland or the battery there clearly means
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there was a polish battery, there was a battery with germany, there were batteries with the usa, and even the netherlands supplied two launchers, here you also need to understand that they are writing the usa 60 batteries, if we are talking about launchers, then the united states has 1,100 launchers, that is, if they measure it that way, the americans have something else, more batteries. so that our viewers understand that our air defense batteries and their batteries have different numbers, so we cannot lead to one dependence which battery, if the gun version is pak-1 or pak-2, this is one number of launchers, pak-3 is their modern modification, which allows them to work in a distributed air defense system, which, by the way, the united states built on ukraine, we figured out this defense and started knocking out these complexes, that is, for a long time it was believed that the patriot was such a... universal installation that it could cope with airplanes and missiles, but as it turned out, it couldn’t cope,
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that is, the downing of one dagger at the cost of an entire battery, yes, when 28 anti-missile missiles were fired, we saw it almost in real time, and if you calculate the economics, how much a dagger costs, how much a destroyed launcher costs, you can say approximately, if approximately, then the cost before the start, one battery cost somewhere in the region of $2 billion, but now the supply is of course higher. it has two achilles heels that the americans have not corrected, the first is drones, what happened in the area with audio frame, it still hasn’t been eliminated, the second is hypersound, no matter how they puffed themselves up, they didn’t say that hypersound was too tough for them, they really couldn’t cover it up. exactly, even in israel the same thing happened that happened in ukraine. aleksan lenovich, arthur
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lenovich, look, besides the cost, excuse me, you don’t have to spend daggers on this, you can just launch fairly cheap drones in large quantities, that’s all, and this patriot will shoot off all the missiles and the stop will remain, and they shoot patriot missiles are fired at drones, that is , they are fired at our girans; theoretically, theoretically, they can be used against any flying target. no, but on the other hand, ours also do this, sometimes they fly around targets and you’re there they try to shoot, well, as we see, they mostly hit urban areas than our missiles, well, we install chips from microwaves, from washing machines cars, that’s why they fly and turned out to be perfect, yes, listen, there’s an interesting question, what is ukraine like now? speculates.
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can sell the patriot system on the black market or is it too big it seems to me it’s unlikely it’s even for them it’s too much it’s possible it’s possible to track everything it’s the same as selling nuclear weapons now zelensky looks and says it sounds like a challenge i’ll try as for tracking yes in 161 ukrainian children were found in germany, it was believed that they were taken to russia, that’s how the children ended up in germany, what happened to them all this time is not reported. thanks to our cooperation with law enforcement agencies germany has established the whereabouts of
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161 ukrainian children in germany who were wanted as forcibly displaced. well, the children were found, let's be glad that they were found, let's find their parents, return them there to ukraine and so on, but what happened to them and most importantly, why were they taken out, by whom? it means that if no one knew about it, where they were taken to russia or somewhere else, it means they were exported for some purposes, that’s what they were taken for, or this is some kind of adoption, and the children are to be distributed according to distribute them among families in western countries, yes,
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or use them for something else, for medical experiments on organs and so on, this also needs to be clarified. follows in the footsteps of fascist germany, there hitler jurgen riveted the volsturm, here, probably, the same prose in ukraine with motivation, the tune came out wrong, a short advertisement. we will show sergei zenshtein's film, ivan the terrible. we need a strong government to beat the crap out of those who
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oppose the only russian power. a fundamental picture that raises questions existence of russia. predicted much of what is happening to russia today. in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave, to the boyar power, the biography of ivan the terrible, which is published in the west, is definitely a negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, he will be strong, i admit, a big game, on purpose. release: now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow, the crown of the tsar of all russia, places on himself, and the film ivan the terrible, somehow the film turns out to be timeless, because every era looks at him with his own eyes, finds some answers to his questions. today is the first one. and i'm
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walking around moscow. until now, at the universitet metro station, passengers point to that same escalator, who’s going there? is already starting to hum the song of hero nikita mikhalkov from the film “i walk around moscow.” i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i’ve fallen in love, lyuba began to cry, i thought, what is it like to live unloved, that’s what it’s like to live unloved. is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived two lives. and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundareva played, we get the prize, i ’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s looking very interested, he always speaks slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our
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exclusive, family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov. they gave me a blanket so it wouldn’t be cold to sleep outside, where do you sleep when it rains? yes , where is it always under the bridge, i am speechless, what is this? this is our main delicacy, ants with cassava puree, lord, lord, the lives of others, the premiere, on sunday on
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the first, lately we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, it includes which countries it consists of, and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war. this is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky, these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, answering everything with yes boss. and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. you use social networks, this is for you interesting. before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect
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the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company, a new project of the first channel , global majority, bashar al-assad on sunday on the first. the simple boy benito mussolini would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his colleague was a prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians. all bridges decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to dispose of other people's lives. premiere,
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ordinary fascism 2. on monday, on the first. good afternoon, this project helps children in our country make their first. steps towards your dream. my name is katya, i'm 16, i live in donetsk. i am studying at a medical college and plan to become a doctor, but i have i have a dream to learn how to photograph professionally. i will photograph my city and show through my photographs how beautiful donetsk is and what tragedy happened to this beautiful city. the fact that katya is alive now is a real miracle. in september '22
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, a ukrainian armed forces shell hit their house, an ordinary house where ordinary civilians live. katyusha, let's shoot faster, quickly. we live here with our family, a year and a half ago we almost died in this house. a shell exploded over a stove somewhere. i understand he passed through the house and came out all the way from the other side of the house, the last moment that i remember was my mother standing here, then i remember an explosion, a blow and i was already lying here, at that moment both concrete and glass fell on me, i had burn of the cornea of ​​the eye of the first, second degree, there was both a chemical and thermal burn, i was very lucky that i didn’t go blind at all when i turned my head and didn’t see my child, even now, it’s scary to remember, but i lay there for about two minutes -three unconscious,
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in addition to the eyes, i also had a concussion, open craniocerebral injury, moderate concussion, fragments all over my body, my mother says an angel saved me, she’s arriving somewhere. my perception of life and the war in general changed after my mother and i almost died, and before that i thought that i was brave, when you lie under a pile of concrete and cannot open your eyes, then the perception changes, and i started to be very afraid after katya’s injuries. she is afraid to leave the house and does it only for the sake of studying, but in the center of donetsk there is one place where she has been for a long time i dreamed of visiting, but was afraid. katya asked our film crew to accompany her there.
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you know, we have such a special place in our city called the oleya of angels. it was created in memory of the children who died in donbass due to shelling. there is a tradition: people who come there leave toys. i understand that my sister and i. they just miraculously survived, but these children, no, every day people in donetsk don’t know whether they or their family and friends will return home, it’s truly scary. katya has a younger sister and a mother who works in the only bread kiosk in their area. in fact, these people accomplish
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feats every day. choosing to stay at home, in your homeland, of course, don’t pay attention, we still need repairs here, after arrival, the windows are covered, god forbid, if the glass breaks, so that the children don’t get hurt, this is the girls’ room, the youngest daughter caroline, and this is another hobby of mine, i love music, it calms me down very much, these are korean performers, and this... this is my diploma from the camp for the press service, i took photographs there, exhibited everything. except photography, another dream of katya was to go to a peaceful city, where there is no shelling, where you can walk calmly, enjoy spring and be an ordinary real child. my colleagues and i decided that these two dreams needed to be combined. girls, let me sit closer to you, they just told me that
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katyushka, they prepared very big ones for you. you love your hometown, how you feel about it, so reverently, so warmly, and we couldn’t stay in the country, katyusha, i didn’t even look, in general, it’s a camera, as you already guessed, i really, i don’t know, what
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you can say because it was very much. i’m grateful for such a gift, right now i can barely restrain myself from bursting into tears, it wasn’t my relatives who gave me such a gift, it’s very nice on the one hand, on the other hand, you’re somehow embarrassed, that’s enough for today, the simplest thing is taken off automatic, but you and i will learn to immediately understand how light works and how the camera itself works. katya turned out to be a good student. i understood everything very quickly, however, that day in donetsk it was restless, the arrivals took place one after another, so we tried do everything quickly so as not to endanger anyone, let’s stand against the backdrop of the temple, so, so, yes, you see that already , that’s it, well done, we have now arrived in the kiev region, yes, yes, this is one of the most heavily shelled , as far as i know, people also live, despite the shelling, i really want to show you, yeah, here are a couple of shots. i hope
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everything will be without incident, because i’m very afraid, great, smart girl, this is probably one of the best days in five years, maybe even more, katyusha, we have to tear you away from the process, you you’ll still have time to continue, but the point is that we have a train in a couple of hours, do you know where we’re going, where? sochi, sochi, do you want to go there? yes, that's it, let's go, that's it, come on, come on, now in sochi, okay, i didn’t think that i was in sochi, just like that, the first question, how do you like sochi? it’s a very beautiful city, everything is so green in
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comparison. with donetsk, we 're going there now, oh, i want to take a boat ride, we're filming a dream step, this is a project before the first channel, let's go for a ride, let's go for a ride, yes, let's go! tell me, what is your name? raphael. if anything, we left with raphael on this boat. look for us in the sea in black. have you gone boating? no, no, that is, also the first time.
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class, photographer yulia klimtseva invited katya to go to the most beautiful places in sochi, take photographs, and also try herself as a model. this is where black swans live. show me what happened? that's it, class. and now i’ll show you the coolest place, this incredible picturesque magnolia sulanja tree. cool, look, yes, it is very beautiful. what kind of sun is it here? let's now take a full-length shot, how can i stand up, i just, well, i don’t know how at all, well , imagine that you’re dancing, well, little one, well
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, everything’s fine, it was very difficult for katya to contain her emotions, probably asking her to relax is the most difficult test for a child who has long forgotten what it’s like like, dachas, your little eyes, so big, do you see how beautiful it is? very yes, there are seagulls over there, now it will be very beautiful here, i am very glad that our project unites people with a kind heart, alexander, who came to donetsk. was not afraid to help katya fulfill her dream, yulia, who gave katya an unforgettable day in sochi, and designer naira rutyunyan, who specially came to katya to give her images for the upcoming event, katya doesn’t know about it yet, here’s a pearl
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dress, here’s such jewelry work, you see everything here stitched, the second look i picked for you, here is the set, this is such a beautiful blouse, wow, you see. thank you very much, it was very beautiful when i found out who naira was, however, i could have chosen my jaw like that, it very cool designer, i heard so many compliments in my direction this evening, we really wanted... to give katya a feeling of celebration, joy of life, choice of outfit, professional makeup, all this is not available to katya in donetsk, there’s simply no time for that, we we hope that the memories of this day will warm katya for a long time,
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wow, this girl is so beautiful, hello, good morning, how are you, great. let's get dressed and let's go, the car is waiting for us downstairs. for me, the main reward for our work is the smile of a child, the happiness in his eyes. for katya we organized a personal exhibition of photographs of donetsk at the sochi winter theater. katya's reaction will stay with me forever. we are now going to your first exhibition of photographs that we take in italinsk. we're going out in style, hello, that's it, good, thank you
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so much that you wanted to come to us here today, it's really fantastic, i 'm holding on myself right now so as not to cry, holding your hand let's let you go, being with you, good, we just left. i grabbed palina’s hand, i was very afraid to let go, i it was quite scary, thanks to the support of polina, the film crew, everything worked out for me, so the fact that you are here with us today, for us it is very honorable and very pleasant, this was the first person whom i asked to take a photo so as not to hear the sounds of shelling, every time she puts on headphones and listens to music, you know, i think that you love your city, you love these people, you want to convey your pain, this photo was taken in... further in one of the most shelled areas
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of donetsk , everyone is afraid for themselves, for their life, for your loved ones, and you see you, i clearly understand that we will win, victory will be ours and thank you very much, city, thank you very much, there were people who say, i admire you, your photographs, i stand there and think so , a lot. that is true, i would like from alexey sergeevich, our head of the city , to present you with this fresco of the city of sochi, thank you very much, so congratulations, we have another gift for you, anna vladimirovna and i invite you to a two-week rehabilitation in the city of sochi, everything will be ok, we'll be glad to see you again, this is from all of us to you, so that there will always be spring in life and there will be wonderful people nearby who will... smile at you and cry only with happiness, after this
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exhibition i looked at myself with different eyes, i got a second wind, so to speak, i am very grateful to everyone for this, and we are grateful to katya for her sincerity, for her openness, and desire to learn and develop, we will be happy to follow her further successes, my dream has come true, thank you very much, but these were the best moments. life, that's how i wake up tomorrow without cameras, i i don’t understand at all, that’s it, i went to take pictures of the city while i have time, hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. ukrainian militants today again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant
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using a kamikaze drone. it was neutralized above the roof of the building, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. there were no casualties. a ukrainian drone already hit the same center at the beginning of last week. other infrastructure facilities of the nuclear power plant and the city are also under fire. energodar. the management of the nuclear power plant will notify magatha about this. however, the head of the agency, rafael grossi, although he admits that there is a threat... is silent about the fact that it comes from kiev. the other day at the un security council, he, as usual, did not call a spade a spade, saying that the west and grossi personally are engaged in nuclear blackmail and they themselves actually admitted it, said maria zakharova, a representative of our foreign ministry. the position of magathe ceo rafael grossi deserves special attention. on the one hand, he is actively involved in political games around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, he formulates certain principles for the safety of the plant. comes up with various kinds of initiatives, on the other hand, when it is necessary
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to name those responsible for the attacks on the station, rafael grossi becomes silent, begins to hide behind the technical mandate of magat, this , to put it mildly, is ambiguous behavior, it creates a bad perception of the role that the agency’s general director is trying to play in these events. let me emphasize once again, the hushing up of the crimes of the kiev regime, moreover, attempts to justify them are considered by us as complicity. and today , ukrainian terrorists attacked gorlovka, the blow was struck in the very center of the city, by this moment it is known that eight civilians were injured, among them a child. a double attack, a drone was used, from which ammunition was dropped, and nato artillery was also active. one of the medical institutions in the center of gorlovka was seriously damaged. our army is today delivering new
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attacks on the ukrainian military rear, explosions are heard in different regions, shortly before release, information came about powerful flights across the dnepropetrovsk region, and not the first today, after the impact a strong fire started, a column of black smoke is visible from afar, according to some data , the khimpromsoyuz enterprise was hit, it itself had not worked for a long time, but its territory was used to guard ammunition for weapons the armed forces of ukraine, just like many factories in kharkov, where it was also today. in addition, explosions thundered in the kiev region, reports of arrivals in vyshgorod, where the kiev hydroelectric station is located, it is true that it was the target of the strikes, it is not reported, explosions and fires after our attack in ivanofrankovsk, the authorities of the khmelnytsky region also report arrivals, and personnel from the front line from our ministry of defense, the south donetsk direction, front-line su-34 bombers destroyed an enemy stronghold, the attack was carried out by high-explosive aviation bombs with a universal planning and correction module, this is... a network that was involved in
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the circulation of sim cards in the interests of ukrainian terrorists was stopped by our special services, a large-scale operation was carried out by the fsb together with police, seized more than 300,000 sim cards and more than 600 sim boxes, this device allows you to use a large number of numbers at once, make mass mailings and calls, reportedly, the power of the seized equipment made it possible to make 40 million fraudulent calls per day, and even more messengers and bank wallets activated it and used it. for sabotage activities and dissemination of fake information. during the events, which took place in 40 regions of russia , more than thirty suspects were detained. one one of them is a resident of st. petersburg. according to the fsb , he helped terrorists from ukraine activate sim cards of russian telecom operators. control over the quality of education. this topic
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is the focus of mikhail mishustin’s attention today. the prime minister met with the head of the federal service for supervision in this area, anzor muzaev. he reported on how the integration was progressing. it must be reasonable, balanced, on the other hand, when improving the unified state exam, the unified state exam, it is necessary, of course, to work out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before graduation from the university admissions company. this is very important, because children are often worried,
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but everything happens in life, such a right for error is, of course, very important for children, i know that you are working on everyone now.
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gardens that help builders from the moscow region to restore, we looked at a wonderful kindergarten, very well renovated, very well equipped, and right next to a school, mothers came up to us, for example, they say, someone has one woman, she says: i have three children, two at school, one goes to kindergarten, that’s good, that life is being restored, we looked at the apartments today, i remind you that when 2 years ago we started this work, we had a lot of badly damaged houses that were initially set for... demolition, then after calculating the cost of money, calculating the timing restoration, we decided to restore the houses as much as possible. we made a decision, agreed on it, allocated money, and we took almost 800 apartments for renovation. there is a big discussion in the federation council about the role of women in local government.
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speaker of the chamber valentina matvienko met with the heads of municipalities, during the conversation she noted: there are three times more women in this service than men.
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the entire belgorod region is a single volunteer movement that unites tens of thousands of residents, and since if i say that now the entire belgorod region, the territory... not to get lost, to take care of people, of everyone, this is of course an invaluable experience, and for this in order to organize such work at such a time,
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in addition to organizational abilities, leadership abilities, spiritual and heartfelt qualities are no less important, so success to you and keep it up, now work has begun in orsk on combating floods, as well as measures to support those who suffered as a result of the natural disaster. mobile complexes of the ministry of emergency situations for notifying residents about compensation, the procedure for payments, where and how they can go to assess the damage. over the past 24 hours , almost four hundred more houses in orsk have been freed from water, and about a thousand throughout the region, but in some places the situation still remains tense. all the latest information about the flood situation is in andrey golderev's report. there is no fence here there too, well, in short, you can’t swim there, the current is strong, so strong that you can’t even cope on purpose.
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kurgan, the level of the tobol river has risen here , but i’m holding on to the peak, the flood is now passing through the village of kitovo, this is a few kilometers away , already at 11 m. the water has reached some central streets, for example, lenin street, and people here are already changing their means of transportation , not cars, but boats are parked near residential buildings. at night , a special board of the ministry of emergency situations again arrived in the region. we delivered lighting equipment to make it more convenient to drive search and rescue. work in the dark . evacuation continues around the clock, as does water level monitoring. in some places the situation is such that entire
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country houses are floating. the house floated calmly under the bridge. in the neighboring tyumen region, disaster strikes are also awaiting and the water is gradually rising. there may be thousands of homes in the region's flood zone. active preparations are underway now. the vishimi continue to build a barrier made of sacks on the river bank. sand, both emergencies ministry employees and volunteers are working, i will help the city, i myself local, as if i also have a chance that there will be flooding, people are taken from dangerous areas in advance to temporary accommodation centers, some still remember the flood of 2017, so they immediately agree. there are people who don't believe that water will come, but i don't hope that water won't come, water.
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i made it clear to the israelis, don't attack haifa, i mean, anyway, just look at what we did recently when there was an attack on israel. joe biden now only has to ban himself from participating in the elections, so the american president’s reservation was commented on by the official representative
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of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova, and she added that what was happening with biden. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, the big game is live, and i, vyacheslav nikonov. today, the president of russia, vladimir putin, is working with... with regional governors, he has already held conversations via video conference with the leader of crimea, aksyonov, with the governor of the murmansk region, chibis, who, as you know, recently survived an assassination attempt, and the president wished him a complete recovery, and we also join the wishes of the president, but
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as for the special military operation, then... clearly the situation is now heating up, escalating, like the whole geopolitical big a game. over the past 24 hours, our aerospace forces have dealt serious blows to military installations in dnepropetrovsk, kiev, ivano-frankovsk, kurakhov, kharkov, khmelnitsky; power outages have already begun in ukraine nationwide, obviously. we are advancing to ocheretin, novokalinovo, in chasovyar, but the ukrainian armed forces also became more active, ukrainian drones were shot down, missiles and even balloons over the belgorod, rostov, voronezh regions again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, just after we discussed this question at the security council of the united nations, that is
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, it is obvious that the situation was moving forward. alarm there are a lot of messages, well, kind of catastrophic, that oh, there was a breach, there’s a problem, there’s a problem, there’s a problem, and we see this on the map, that is, our troops are actually moving forward very well in some places, first of all this concerns the cheretinsky sector, the day before they secured a foothold on the eastern outskirts of the settlement and took an opornik, then today it’s already the ukrainian publics, i’m literally reading now that today our troops entered a residential development,
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they are trying to storm the already residential development . in parallel, developing success on the sides, that is, we took one landing in the direction of novokalinovo, it’s also going pretty well serious assault operations on novokalinov we are trying to finish off the enemy in berdechi and novobakhmutovka, a very serious battle is going on, the enemy is also trying with all his might to resist us, well, in the end , let's see what happens tomorrow, we will see by tomorrow, i really hope for good news hence, this also applies to krasnogorka, here our troops have advanced quite significantly, thanks to the emergence of new... means, as the king called it , the grill tank, the turtle tank, or the large iron kaput, well, whoever calls it, but nevertheless, the fact is obvious, this is a technical solution, including thanks to the rebs that were created by the people's military-industrial complex, they have already made it possible to occupy more than a quarter of the settlement, the enemy has no chance yet of doing anything to oppose this, especially since we also treat them with cabs, shells, everything as it should be, and chas
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avyar is here, of course the situation is difficult for the enemy, he also admits this after the defeat. sixty-seventh brigade, well , like i said yesterday, this morning with my colleagues, time will tell, i say, the situation stable-good, yes, for us the situation is stable-good, yuriy ivanovich podalyaka always accurately assesses the situation on the front line, but that means stable bad for ukraine, and this leads to the fact that in the west there are now more and more initiatives that are very far-reaching, related with increased support.
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the united states is its western allies, so we certainly shouldn’t relax; the czech initiative to provide ukraine with shells is attracting attention. ukraine may receive the first ammunition purchased under the czech initiative in june, reported prime minister of the country petro fiala. he stated that thanks to the czech initiative , 5,000 units of artillery ammunition have already been received, there are contracts for 180 thousand units, and it is quite possible for the czech republic to provide another 3,000 units. denmark and the netherlands are the countries with which the czech republic cooperates most on the czech initiative aimed at purchasing ammunition for ukraine from countries outside the eu. the netherlands promised to contribute 250
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million euros, denmark - 100 million euros, as of last february, for the purchase of up to 800,000 artillery shells. representative government for the restoration of ukraine, tomas kapiechny said that the purchase of 800 thousand units would cost about $3 billion. and of course there will be $3 billion for ukraine, that’s what nato general manager stoltenberg said after yesterday’s meeting of the council of the european union, which confirmed increased assistance to ukraine, including air defense equipment. we have provided ukraine with an unprecedented amount of assistance, including the supply of f-16 fighter jets from denmark and the netherlands, but this is not enough for ukraine, for this reason. if before our allies will have to choose between their own weapons and help to ukraine, then my message is very clear. send ukraine as much as possible. president zelensky has requested a meeting of the ukraine-nato council, and we
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will hold it on friday together with mr. zelensky and the defense ministers of the alliance countries. we intend to discuss an urgent increase in assistance to ukraine, and i hope that we will particularly focus on air defense supplies. i note the fact that in europe. like in the usa, they finally found a formula for how to provide military assistance, despite the fact that either someone does not accept it in monetary terms, or someone is in no hurry to fork out, it is done very simply, as they say, watch your hands, which means that shells and other ammunition are confiscated from those orders that go directly to nato countries, also, including the united states , supplies are supplied to ukraine, then the parliaments of these countries, the congress. and so on, they are faced with the fact that in fact there is a big, big gap in national defense, and it urgently needs to be patched up, it can be patched up precisely from the money that is allocated to ukraine, without fail, that is, the fact that
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national security is under threat, there is, there are no shells, and the fact that ukraine has been supplied, that is, we are not going, so let’s roll, it is clear that this is all being done - with only one condition, that ukraine hold out as long as possible . before changes occur in the governments of european countries in the united states of america, maybe after these changes, how the situation can improve, or maybe worsen, no one can clearly predict yet, but ukraine must be supported, because successful the actions of our aviation, which began to use aviation ammunition, such as glide bombs, to attack fortified areas, they began to give quick results, that is, if earlier ... we actively used artillery, a multiple launch rocket system, then aviation ammunition became that very master key , which began to break down this defense, in order to hold the ukrainians we need shells, in order
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to prevent our aviation from operating, we need air defense systems, preferably a patriot, in extreme cases sams, well, even if it’s really bad, although by the way, everything was said by the state, guys, don’t give a damn about your defense, the main thing is to help ukraine, why, because if... contacts, we are moving forward, military correspondents are watching how this happens, anastasia mikhailovsky is in touch with us now , military correspondent of the russian spring, anastasia leonidovna, good afternoon, what will you
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tell us about today? i’ll tell you how it is now in yari, now we are actively attacking, our guys from the 200th and 98th brigades are attacking on all fronts of the hour pr, now they are retreating to the ukrainians, abandoning their wounded, placing weapons right in the residential buildings of chasovra, now you will see how the tank that ours worked on abandoned and abandoned their wounded, guys, dryers, yes, they are working, unfortunately, as well it’s hard for them, as you can see, but there’s a knocked out tank here, and not everyone can take out their wounded, you see how our guys did a great job, and i want to say again that the tank was knocked out because it didn’t have a reb system, we are now collecting together for our rap, for rap for tanks, for
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our medical machines, i urge you all to join our collection, together with you we have already collected 30 million rubles. now we are purchasing a large number of rebs on the tank, namely, which will protect our tankers, our guys, thank you very much for this, i urge you all to join once again, all our soldiers thank you, send a huge greeting to all viewers of the first channel, a big greeting to all viewers games, thank you all so much, yes, thank you, thank you, anastasia mikhailovsky, war correspondent of the russian spring, well, all of us tv viewers can join the system assistance program with electronic warfare systems by clicking on the appropriate qr code, and we are waiting for your reports, take care of yourself. so what about the west? last bid or not? there is a time factor, the last one is strong.
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i’m not sure, there is no one yet, as you rightly said, there is no one to make fundamental decisions, which means that the american government can change, which will happen only in january, the british one, that is, everyone has already predicted this for britain, that it will simply change, that 80% of those surveyed will vote for laborites, it won’t get better, it will get worse, because the laborites are generally the worst public, there will be a global medical threat, a climate threat, they are already announcing it, but.. if you look at smaller states, in particular about my beloved asia, each of the us allies there also has some problems, there is another crisis in japan, this is normal there, elections in south korea, which obviously will not be disadvantageous to those who are. wants to throw south korea at china and so on, that is, this whole year turns out to be the year...
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extrajudicial executions eliminated about 50 thousand people, the person who helped it develop was a negroponta, you did an amazing job, she allocated huge budgets for this , to quote her verbatim: destroy russian interests in the arctic, we have seen a strong rapprochement between russia and china, what can we do to drive a wedge between them? in the near future some actions may be imitated, and this will cause just a strong public outcry, she is on the advisory board as a... a specialist in the use of biological weapons, she plays the fact that she works for the president, she works for those who always have dirt on the president, those who misinform the president, this is the notorious one. avril hames, a girl who paints death. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. cognac, monteshov. product of steller group. today we
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will introduce you to a man whose work is becoming more and more interesting every day. this circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school. to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i want to make does not exist, we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and we would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer for about 15 years living in paris, i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 from the 2nd day i realized that it didn’t exist, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia who lived on bad
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wine on good verses, my 49.5 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, but an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe. where they play programs with 49. ciao baby. matador is on first tomorrow. the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise. our tandem is such a small but strong family. we will formulate a request with you. we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better. we came up with it. here to make a rack, dad and son leave the room separately or together, pop complex, even just to have fun, very good for the back, everything for cozy evenings is collected in this corner, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall,
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we got to our home, about comfort, the premiere is on saturday at the first, and i’m walking around moscow, until now, at the metrouniversitet station , passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts singing the hero’s song nikita mikhalkov from the film i walk around moscow. i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home and said to sokolova, lyuba, i ’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, but what is it like to live unloved, that’s what it’s like to live? unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, what gundareva played, we get the prize, i happy that he is watching, and he looks very interested, always carries slander, for example, she said that he married
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the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family... the secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. zoya borisovna personifies the century. all her life she did what she loved. she creates hotbeds around herself culture. i'm not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years - they will definitely write this out of harm. this is a special attitude towards talent. i felt right instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young man, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated a poem: “ stay,
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light, fleeting, incessant, i don’t blame you for passing, i thank you for coming, andrei generally had two priorities in life, his work and my mother." andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel. for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya. premiere on saturday on the first. the game is live. so , the answer to the question: whether or not the west will give ukraine a lot of money for weapons to wage war, has been received from the point of view of explaining why this was done and how it will be done - explained one boris johnson, former
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prime minister of great britain. he said? i'm embarrassed to ask again. why the hell are we so slow in sending weapons to the ukrainians, which they so desperately need, because if ukraine falls, it will be a disaster for the west, it will put an end to hegemony from the west and we will not... and therefore, after all, in the us congress it is clearly the hawks take over, and another johnson, in fact, the speaker of the house of representatives, michael johnson, also becomes a superhawk, let's listen to him. i do what in my heart i think is right. i believe that providing ukraine with lethal weapons is
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this is critical. i really believe in this, just as i believe in the intelligence data that sidzenpin, vladimir putin and iran are really an axis of evil, they are acting together. vladimir putin, if given free rein, will march further across europe. perhaps the balkans or poland, our nato ally, are next in line. to put it bluntly, i would rather send weapons to ukraine than our guys. my own son will be joining the navy in the fall, so this topic is relevant. me directly, as well as many other american families, this is not a joke or toys, there is no need to play politics, we just need to do the right thing, i will give everyone in the house the opportunity to vote according to their conscience, this is how our system should work, and i am ready to take full responsibility, because we need to do the right thing and let history judge us, and he said that he is already the wartime speaker of the house of representatives, what does the package look like that... he is going to vote for, there is aid to israel, there is aid to taiwan, and there is
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more than 60 billion in aid to ukraine, 23 billion for replenishment of american arsenals from which weapons have gone or will still go to ukraine, 11.3 for current us military operations in support of ukraine, 13.8 for the purchase of the latest weapons systems for the us army and allies, supply of atak ms long-range radio-radio missiles. at the discretion of president biden and 7.8 billion in economic assistance provided on loan. 26 billion is allocated to israel, including to counter the threats of iran. apparently, there will be a vote on each of these articles, and there is good reason to believe that the vote will be positive for ukraine, since johnson signed up for it, and apparently, since he spent the last weekend with trump, this is the position.
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johnson voted against giving ukraine $300 million before
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we handed you the gavel along with most republicans, and no one understands why your top priority now is giving ukraine another $60 billion. you are seriously deviating from the republicans by continuing to pass bills coming from from the democrats. well, first i would like to say a few words about american strategy. in my opinion, on the one hand, they are pumping money into ukraine.
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i think that trump agreed on this change in position, johnson is not acting on his own, the main question here is what was traded for what, because we see that the trump card has fallen out of this package. which the republicans have prepared for themselves for the election campaign, border security, we talked about this a lot, suddenly this trump card disappeared. johnson, when asked why, answers very vaguely, he says: well, i don't have enough votes to pass it, it's great that you don't have enough votes, shift the responsibility for unsecured borders to the democrats, it's the democrats who failed this bill, we
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see that the bill has disappeared, which means trump is personally trading something- then for something, i think. against russia, china and iran. in addition, there is, well, the confiscation of russian assets, for a moment, the draining of ukrainian debts, and a lot of other goodies that the republican party has always opposed. moreover, the united states has now decided to
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deploy, uh, medium -range missiles in the philippines, that is, they withdrew from the inf treaty in order to... deploy them in east asia, and now the first set of medium-range missiles went to the philippines, which means a new round of the arms race not only in the far east, but throughout the whole world, because russia also warned that if the americans go beyond this line and start producing medium- range missiles, we will do this too, and biden started a new war with china, this time. let's listen to the us president. american steelworkers can work and compete as long as there is fair competition. but the chinese government has been pouring public money into chinese steel companies for too long, pushing them to produce as much steel as possible, subsidized by the chinese
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government. because chinese steel companies produce far more steel than china needs, it ends up... throwing excess steel onto world markets at unfairly low prices, they don't compete, they cheat, they cheat, and we see the damage from it here in america. i just want fair competition with china, not conflict, and we are in a stronger position to win the 20th century economic competition with china or anyone else because we are reinvesting american workers in america. like this. nothing new, nothing new at all. this is a continuation of the previous policy, which was outlined maybe, maybe a year ago, a year ago that’s it us allies in the technian region began to scream that there are no negotiations, no contacts at all between the us and china, you are putting us under confrontation with unclear goals, and we first want to be able to trade with china and
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negotiate, because we really want to live , at the same time somehow dealing with you too.
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for the twenty-fifth time, supposedly the chinese supply them to the usa, the usa actually consumes 80% of all apeoids in the world, and that is, we come to you, the chinese, we... threaten you, you explain to us what you lack sincerity, and we both know in advance that there will be such a diplomatic exchange. that ’s all for now, that’s it, the situation is slowly
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developing, yes, it’s developing slowly, in relation to ukraine, in my opinion, it’s developing quite dynamically, at least until recently, we said that time is working on our side there, yes, we seem to be gaining the upper hand, but now we can talk about it, if serious american aid really starts to arrive again, the question is, when will it be and in what quantity? if it will be come in the same small tranches as we saw at the end of last year at the beginning of this, then of course the situation will be critical for ukraine, but ukraine must last at least six months, as i told it there, so it will be provided with assistance. it takes a few things to survive. the first is fortified areas, such as those that existed, for example, in ovdeevka, and such still exist in the kramatorsk region. in the slavyansk area, something was built around kiev, and so on. i i think that the dnieper river itself will become the main defensive line. here. secondly, we need qualified
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personnel, they need to be trained somewhere. and most likely, the motivating personnel will be precisely those young people sent away, young people for whose sake the law on mobilization was changed, starting at the age of 25, that is, these are those who have already gone through these camps there and so on, who are motivated. they will most likely be sent to study, and while they are studying there, or have already been sent to study, and those who were recruited on the streets will die for them, then there is ukraine will hold on with its teeth with everything it has, and if they went on the defensive, then maybe they will succeed somewhere, but the fact is that these are even handouts, those 180,000 shells, 800 thousand, they , of course, are in no way comparable to ours, firstly, we have... the dynamics of volunteers who go to the zone of a special military operation, sign a contract, this is 1500 people, on average, this is per day, in addition to
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this they work military-industrial complex, that is, we have potential now several times ahead of what the west can provide for a certain time, it is clear that it was not in vain that a new team was created in the north, and there was also such information that the dnieper team was created. military flotilla, that is, all these two factors indicate that we will not stop there, which we will not, we will go further, at least to the dnieper, of course, that america will help, we have always said, the volume of these sixty to ukraine itself will reach, i think, a little, but enough to increase the number of casualties on our side is on the ukrainian side, so this will certainly delay military operations, but this is really the case now. a situation where the time factor will play a very big role , and to a huge extent, of course,
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the position of the american government in the west will depend on what is happening now in the middle east, where the situation remains extremely tense about this after the advertisement. we will show sergei's film from einstein , ivan the terrible. we need strong power. negative figure, scary, gloomy, europe does not recognize, it will be strong, they will not recognize it, a big game, a special edition,
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now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow puts the crown of all russia on himself, and the film ivan the terrible, the film turns out to be somehow timeless, because every era looks at him with his own eyes he finds some answers to his questions, today... on the first day, today we will introduce you to a person whose work arouses more and more interest day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gnevshev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher told me banned from being a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus. this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to create. it does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years.
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i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i i’m writing, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine and good poetry, my 49 and 2 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing the program .
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bashar assad on sunday on the first. svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, no big deal. how beautiful you have become. and, by the way, i was in love with you, just a little bit. stay with me, syudorenko, we will work together. i'll tempt you. and how do you like it between the two husbands? well they don't look like murderers, civilians. husband, abandoned wife, that's all the pies, it's a common thing, you're afraid, but i'm not at ease, you should figure it out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise he'll get in my way, you may never wait for him, well, look around, there is a war going on, people are dying, and if you are lucky and alive, you have to live, stupidly hide from life, according to the laws of war, the story continues from monday,
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the warm support of the educated and thinking, i would not have achieved what i achieved if it were not for the people, his comrade-in-arms was a prominent italian philosopher giovni gentile,
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the great game on the first: every day we learn something new about the president of the united states, joseph biden. now we have learned another piece of news from his family history, this time not about hunter, but about uncle bosie. let's listen. i had an uncle ambrose who i called uncle bosie. i was told that as a child he was a real athlete. he joined the army air corps before there was an air force. he flew single-engine aircraft to conduct reconnaissance over war zones. his shot down in new guinea and the body was never found, because there were really a lot of cannibals in that part of new guinea. everyone wondered what the uncle’s real name was, not the doll by chance. but biden also
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said. about what he sent, finally a clear signal to israel regarding the red lines, what it definitely shouldn't do, let's listen, i made it very clear to israel on haifa and tinin. carpet attacks are carried out with the same intensity, the civilian population is dying, children are dying on an even larger scale, both from direct blows and from hunger and lack of water, there really is a humanitarian catastrophe of the most terrible proportions, and it is no coincidence that already
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in the security council of the united nations, our country is raising the question of the need to impose sanctions against israel. let's listen to vasily nebenzi. the only way to stop the growing disaster in gaza is an immediate and widespread ceasefire to ensure safe and unhindered humanitarian access to all gaza residents in need, as well as to prevent threats of further expansion of the scale of the crisis. security council resolution 2728 was clearly not enough. it simply wasn't implemented. ramadan has passed, the issue of long-term establishment of fire is again emerging with all its urgency. we proceed from the fact that the un security council will return to consider it in the very near future.
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we remind you once again that failure to comply with mandatory security council resolutions should lead to the imposition of sanctions against violators. we believe that the council should consider this matter as a matter of urgency.
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they showed crying children, they showed , quite recently by historical standards , destroyed houses, and the western media told us this, crimes, in quotes, of the bloody regime of bashar al-assad, after which they imposed sanctions against syria, bombed syria.
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that today the foreign policy of the united states of america, as in the soviet joke, it can spoil the game of the democrats, therefore it fluctuates along with the party line, only the democratic party, which wants to be a peacemaker, but do not give them this opportunity if they finance murder people, then what kind of peacemakers they are, well , quite a lot of people are now ready to ruin the game of the democrats, including...
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we will bow down, no matter how many assassinations, coup attempts, attacks on the economy, like a taipragan, i will continue to defend the palestinian struggle, even if i will remain alone, as long as i am alive, we will continue. well , he also said that netanyahu’s crimes are now worse than even hitler’s crimes, yes, but you also need to know that high technology is behind these crimes, the fact is that israel is in a war against gas sector used a combat artificial intelligence system called laguna, this is a system.
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there, against the backdrop of these numbers, he talks about some kind of humanity, about some kind of justice, he can’t help but say this is outright genocide, everyone understands that those who support this genocide stand hand in hand next to those who do it , but the positions of russia and china regarding the eastern conflict do not differ far, china, i think, will really support, and what is important, china in this situation offers a shoulder to iran, sanctions are being imposed against iran. we now look at oil exports from iran and it turns out
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that it is an all-time record, and the main buyer, naturally, turns out to be china, that is, indeed , historical highs are already being overcome again, the west now, you heard speaker johnson, and the axis of evil, china, russia, iran, but they can actually make this a self-fulfilling prophecy for themselves, maybe really. non-aggressive evil, that is, we really help each other, this is absolutely logical, and the fact that we and the iranians supply china with oil, gas and so on is like a very old story, the fact that we have, including military contacts, is also not hidden by anyone, so i am very i sympathize with american diplomacy, you heard that...
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this is the news on the first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. ukrainian militants again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the drone was neutralized above the roof of the building, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. victims there is no destruction. that's why the center. they hit a little over a week ago, then.


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