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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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continue in the same spirit and are very angry at the fourth reich, which again declares that its main goal is global hegemony, but this global hegemony is slipping away, because our cause is just and the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00, don't miss it! this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. ukrainian militants again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the drone was neutralized above the roof of the building, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator. there were no casualties. the same center of the ukrainian armed forces was hit a little over a week ago. then the simulator was not damaged either. after the break, europe's largest nuclear power plant.
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stat: hand over control of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, then they will stop shelling it. they not only publicly admitted that ukraine is a source of threat to the security of the station, but also actually confirmed their complicity in dangerous attacks on this facility. and most importantly, they confirmed that they are engaged blackmail, with only one nuance, this is nuclear blackmail. particularly noteworthy is the attitude of magathe ceo raphael grossin when required. to name those responsible for the attacks on
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the station, rafael grossi falls silent, begins to hide behind the technical mandate of mgt, the hushing up of the crimes of the kiev regime, especially attempts to justify them, is considered by us as complicity. and urgent news is coming from tehran at this moment: iran will reconsider its nuclear policy in the event of a threat to its nuclear facilities from israel. blow if tel aviv will show aggression. tehran is ready to repel an attack. it is also reported that the dislocation of all israeli nuclear facilities has been revealed. the army is ready to strike at them at any moment, if i repeat, israel will take such a step against iran. and returning to the criminal actions of the kiev regime, the ukrainian armed forces attacked a hospital in gorlovka, the very center of the city. there are conflicting data about what kind of weapons ukrainian militants used, according to some sources. rszzo hymers on other
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shells dropped from a drone, direct several buildings were hit, including a blood transfusion station, eight people were injured, including a child. there is information that doctors were injured, windows were broken, the facade was damaged, and offices were destroyed. almost 18,000 houses are now flooded in russia due to spring floods. in the kurgan region , the water level in the tabol river is already approaching the 10 m mark; several microdistricts on the right bank are flooded; the peak of the flood has not yet been passed. additional forces of the ministry of emergency situations have been deployed to the region. at night another special board arrived, delivered lighting equipment. the evacuation continues around the clock. those who until the last hoped that the water would not come are leaving. there is no fence here, and there too. well, in short, you can’t swim there, the current is strong. we were there until the last moment, hoping that...
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there would be water; we just drove through, and after half an hour the water began to bubble, and then it immediately began to look scary, it’s very scary, i don’t even know how to put it into words. the president is constantly informed about how the situation is developing. the day before, vladimir putin discussed in detail what measures are being taken to government and governors of the affected regions. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , reported in the tyumen region. in the worst- case scenario, houses in almost a hundred settlements could be flooded; the peak of the flood is expected there in the coming days. those on the river bank continue to erect sandbag barriers, and military engineers are freeing the river from ice jams, over the past few days there have been more than half a thousand explosions. explosive technicians work in the tomsk region. opportunity to retake the unified state exam. reducing the burden on teachers from kindergartens to universities, integration of our new ones. into a single
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system, mikhail mishustin discussed important topics related to education today with the head of the federal service for supervision in this area, anzor muzaev. as for the unified state exam for the innovation, which... was proposed by vladimir putin, and technically and organizationally everything will be ready by the designated dates. olga knyazeva will continue the topic. there is no excitement now, but of course the exam itself will be. to worry less during the exam and not have to figure out how to fill out the forms. all over the country these days they are writing the test unified state examination in the russian language. this is a gymnasium in lugansk. 150 students from different schools in the city came to test themselves. the unified state exam takes a lot of energy and nerves, as a rule, from the whole family. therefore, when the president announced. that it would be possible to retake this exam , the rosobrnadzor hotline literally exploded, everyone asked that such an opportunity appear this year, it is necessary, when improving the unified state examination (use), of course, to work out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before
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completion of the admissions process for universities, this is very important, because the guys are often worried, but everything happens in life, such a right for error for children is, of course, very important, i know that you are now working on all the mechanisms that needed to be worked out in order for this was implemented, you, speaking in parliament, already announced the dates, july 4-5, gave us instructions, i want to report that all issues related to retaking, with the opportunity to retake one of the subjects , have been completed, this year the guys will take advantage of this opportunity, and universities will be able to take this into account result, that is, the president’s instructions will be fully implemented this year. a problem, a solution that teachers in a large country are waiting for. teachers spend 4 hours a week filling out a variety of documents, and it would be nice to have a lesson plan; they are required to report
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even on excursions or holidays. these 4 hours could be spent working with children and checking homework more thoroughly. this is an order to relieve teachers of unnecessary workload, it... a problem associated with a large number monitoring that exist in the education system, the working group has now submitted amendments to the state duma, these amendments will be adopted in the spring session, the essence of these amendments is that there will be an official , logical, understandable list of issues for
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which a teacher or educator and schools are required to answer or a kindergarten will respond only to those requests that are prescribed in federal law, there will be fewer monitoring and fewer information systems, because the results of each monitoring...
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for the study of the russian language and literature. about we speak russian for everything important in our lives, the most important thing is that children understand the beauty and charm of the russian language. olga knyazeva, anna zayakina, yuri yarchenko, channel one. our military attacked the infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces. several explosions in dnepropetrovsk, as telegram channels write, the target was a hotel where military pilots were accommodated. attacks on a military airfield in kolomyia, ivano-frankivsk region in starokonstantinov, khmelnitsky. and a report from ming. defense, our aviation and artillery destroyed the operational control center command north. let me remind you that the day before we received footage from chernigov, the location of the ukrainian armed forces, a hotel, an eight-story building that ukrainian militants turned into a barracks. local telegram channels wrote about the death of forty servicemen. at the same time, the kiev authorities
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habitually tried to pass everything off as a strike on a civilian target. however, in the videos and photographs there are people in military uniform, and in the hotel itself there is a bunk bed. just like in the barracks. more than 160 children were found in germany, about whom kiev stated that they were taken to russia, and now they have been found, this admitted the head of the national police of ukraine. the west uses this topic for speculation, groundlessly accusing russia of kidnappings, but the facts are completely different: our soldiers saved children, took them out from under shelling when they were in mortal danger. this applies, in particular, to boarding schools and children who needed urgent medical care, they received it in full. and, of course, the russian side always provided information about the children who were in our country. as for those found in germany, this is the answer that came from the german police. to a request from our colleagues from the arti tv channel. it was possible to clarify the situation with
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most of the missing, requests for which were sent to germany. it was found that the vast majority of those wanted , together with their legal guardians or accompanying persons, entered the federal republic of germany of their own free will as part of a joint escape from the combat zone. the myth of child abduction is beneficial to ukraine, but it will be exposed, emphasized marie lvova belo, commissioner for children’s rights under the president of russia. she suggested continuing the search children in other countries and not only in the european union. all infrastructure destroyed or damaged in our new regions will be restored. speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko spoke about this and other key areas of work on the ground at a meeting with women, heads of municipalities, including the mothers and wives of our soldiers, who today the topic of military training has also become personal for me. uh, in the fall of 2022, being the head of the municipality, i personally handed
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the summons to my eldest son, last year he went to svo is my second son, and there are many such mothers, people who come to the municipal service, they really serve, serve their population, with heart and deed, our men, husbands, sons, brothers, achieve victory in the svo, and we create in our municipalities comfortable life for our population. i think that i will not be mistaken if i say that now the entire belgorod region, the entire belgorod region, is a single volunteer movement that unites tens of thousands of residents, and since the territory is border, priority attention pays attention to safety, modular ones are installed.
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such work at such a time, in addition to organizational abilities, leadership abilities, spiritual qualities are no less important, so good luck to you and keep it up, updated houses for mariupol, as well as hospitals, schools, kindergartens, how the city is being restored, the vice-president came to check -prime minister marat khusnulin, after repairs , the restart of enterprises that are important for the economy of the region and the country as a whole will be completed by the summer.
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up to 25 m/s. but she returned to st. petersburg winter, at night -5, snow will fall on friday, all
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this against the backdrop of abnormal heat in the south, in the krasnodar territory, for example, +32°. and the end of the shooting, like something out of a movie in indonesia, is a volcanic eruption and a powerful thunderstorm, lightning strikes and lava flows, a terribly beautiful sight, every frame could be framed on the wall. the area is closed to flights. there are several villages at the foot, evacuation is underway, the authorities warn that there is a risk that part of the mountain will collapse, and this will cause a tsunami. that's all, thank you for being with us, right now in... today one of the central events starts this spring in russian sports, the final series of the gagarin cup. metallurg and lokomotiv will win the country's main hockey trophy. the teams finished the last regular season with identical results, winning 44 times and losing.


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