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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  April 18, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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everything was as it should be, we then had a family life and yes, a daughter was born, i have a daughter, she is 14 years old, then his ex calmed down, no, this further aggravated her attitude towards us, she again tried in every possible way, climbed, brought my daughter and said that if you want to see, please, and it got to the point that my daughter should not have seen his daughter, that is, from her first marriage, i was also very offended by this, but i didn’t hold a grudge, i i don't hold it. why did you divorce him, not because you forgot, it became difficult for me to breathe with him, a person who constantly loves you, you know, when in a relationship someone loves you, someone allows you to love him, so he just me, probably at that time i thought so, that he simply didn’t love me, and married me solely out of pity , her husband, firstly, was a foreigner, they have their own certain traditions there, of course, the mentality is absolutely, that’s yana’s rights, you performed such feats in his honor, kneeling down. and
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i wanted to please him so much that i went and took out a loan in my name to give him a phone, well, one day he just lost me in a taxi, and this is very very me, of course, how can i say it, this is his carelessness and the fact that i understood that he was probably treating me with disrespect, and this letter came to my parents with what you have debt, delyara rustemovna, pay off the loan, who paid off the parent’s loan, i fell at his feet and said: “give me the money, please, come on!” let’s close the loan, otherwise the collectors will close me now, he said: i won’t forgive you for this, why did i even need this gift of yours, what did i ask you for, i and he said: that’s it, we we’re breaking up, i don’t need a wife who can’t even hold her, but how old were you, i was 25, i understand her very well, when you’re blinded by love, when the whole world is concentrated in one check, you can do absolutely inappropriate actions, and you are also jumping off the toilet, what is this, i am letting go of my desire in the universe, letting it come true. please demonstrate to us
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how it should be, how the technique works, the cimaron technique is a technique that fulfills any desire, that is, you turn off your brains, you have to completely surrender to the process and you know, this is so that it’s like a game like this, everyone completely surrenders to this process, and the toilet is also called a push, push, you’ve never wondered why, now i’ll show you, i wonder what kind of ritual this is, for what? listen, but i think, i think that all means are good, stand on the toilet, it can support you, the main thing is that it can withstand you, close your eyes, imagine below, as if, well, i always imagine a sea of ​​​​money, and as if you were jumping from the feeling that this now it will come true, but at the same time you need to make another click like this, yeah, say poperla, but you have to help me now, i will talk about three, you need to shout poper and then you will have monetary abundance in
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your life. one, two, three, fuck it! that's it, now i'm rich. god, i can imagine how many people will be taken to the hospital today with broken limbs, how many plumbers will have to fix fallen old toilets that have been torn out from the roots. god, i understood all this, i need to jump , sunita, she says, now i have will trample now. anything, do you have any other interesting life hacks on the topic of getting rich? you will be surprised, but they all mostly revolve around the toilet, for example, there is such a ritual: you need to sit on a stool next to the toilet, put your feet in it so that the flush washes them, and read a spell, when i put my feet in the toilet, money will pour in everything at once, although i personally recommended it.
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i really like the surprise, and i... it’s beautiful, emotional, you can immediately see that the person was getting ready, she did a great job, a very creative number, i love it like. wonderful, simply beautiful delyara, some kind of amazing flower, the dances are completely different, they cannot be compared, my kind of improvisation, because it’s very fast, and the music of the nineties is always a win-win option, dilyara’s number is very beautifully choreographed, what a wonderful delyara, really ,
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lighter, good girl, you andrey, a very good girl, very much, they weren’t afraid to take one like this, i wouldn’t have been afraid, on the contrary, something so light comes from her, it seems to me that she’s for the family, for and knows how to love, and he knows how to attract money, yes, by the way, this is one of the advantages, why a gift, yes, no, with her, she understands everything about the family, and will appreciate it, and by the way, you wanted a daughter, yes, yes, here it is ready for you, he has a daughter, yes, i i’ve already thought about it, the girl is really spectacular, feminine, it seems to me, honor the tradition, it’s already ready. i liked my wife, all the girls, they are all ready and worthy of happiness, but of course i won over delyara, she is so stately, she is tall, she will somehow look next to you, well, and you will look
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very good next to her, and she from a family where they understand and honor traditions, for example, which is very good, on the contrary, and which is very rare today, oh, i wouldn’t hesitate, i invite everyone to come out and support andrey.
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my daughter larisa was completely burned, and kristinochka was completely intact, the house burned down in which my daughter and the neighbor’s girl died. do you know who killed your children? i can’t even imagine you two, i was sure they weren’t there. this is the second fire in the house; two houses have already burned down. now their third house has burned down, we are already dealing with the consequences, we need children save, the mother is normal, should we now wait for all the other children to burn, i will rebuild my children to the last, and i will do everything so that you are deprived of them, give them to me, give one, pavel is your
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brother, yes, this the father of the girl who lives with you now, let's call him. hello, a terrible tragedy occurred: children died in a fire, when this happens, it is absolutely obvious that adults are to blame, the question immediately comes to mind: where were the parents, and where are they? we'll figure out. today in our studio fedosia shkuleva from the republic of odegea. she turned to our program for help. hello. hello. what's happened?
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on february 21, a tragedy occurred. the house in which the children died burned down. my daughter is the girl next door. please accept our condolences, thank you, what happened at the time of the fire, i was absent, and how long were the girls yours? we were 12 years old, 12 years old, you were away, yes, and the neighbors, come on, listen, let's be honest right away, you came here because they want to deprive you of parental rights, deprive you of parental rights for all the other children, and how many children do you have, there were seven, there are six left, there are six children left, and where are they now, three children are in the hospital, they got sick, and two are with the sister, with the eldest, and one is... with your father, they want to deprive you of all six of you, not limit, but deprive you
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of maternity parental rights, but why? they think that i’m a bad mother, i’m doing the wrong thing, i’m doing my own thing, there’s some kind of guilt in what happened, yours is, especially since you weren’t at home, i was in the neighboring village, we went to see my father, we drove by to visit him, you let's go alone? no, my older brother was with me, how long did you leave? for the whole day, when we returned, we were already driving from there , returning from a neighboring village, approaching the house, i saw that there was a fire, that is , no one called you, did not inform you, no, until the very end i was sure that my girl was not there that she might be with her grandmother, but you didn’t call during the day, didn’t check where she was, she didn’t have a phone, her phone was with tanyusha’s younger sister, that is, you are a twelve-year-old child i have no control at all.
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the investigation is ongoing, but you showed us what was left of your house, at 11:00 in the morning we left... the house, we were not at home all day, when we arrived, the fire truck was standing right here, i immediately ran into the house, i jumped straight into the room where the girls could presumably be, when i jumped in, here christina was lying on the floor, face there, feet here, my daughter was lying on this bed under this blanket, she was wrapped up, i threw back the blanket, i saw child, grabbed her head, but they immediately took me and took me out, my daughter was... completely burnt, christina’s house, the fire could have come from the stove, it’s unlikely, because the stove had also recently been repaired,
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it was absolutely intact, it was our kitchen, the stove was heated from here , they heated the entire room here was the room of my eldest deceased daughter, the firefighters say that the source of the fire was most likely from this room, because it was all burned to the ground, from this room to the exit... it turns out that this is the room , there is an immediate exit, why did they didn't go out, i didn't even i can’t say, after the fire, my children and i moved here to live with my brother; there are six of us living here. five children, me and my mother, seven, it’s a bit crowded here, and the kitchen, bedroom,
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two in one, we came here without anything, people responded, helped, naturally, they brought diapers, they brought children’s things, paints, pencils, potatoes, onions, butter, this is not enough for our family, the administration, naturally, did not help us in any way, what we are most worried about is that this ceiling, which is crumbling like this, could at any moment... fall on someone’s head, before the new year, when we arrived here, we go in, here, please, the ceiling has fallen, it’s unsafe to live here, there’s not enough of everything, everything is so cramped, we can get off this one, it’s honestly scary, it’s scary to go there, and there there is nothing that can ensure the safety of your children, especially children, i am not talking about you now. you as an adult, you as a mother, you as a parent, you had to create conditions for
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safety, yourself, first of all, naturally a home, fire does not forgive anything, and you drink, to be honest, yes, i can drink, but not to such an extent that when, i’m just wondering, your baby is 2 months old, i can only drink on weekends and what’s the difference, i ask you the child is 2 months old what did you drink when you were pregnant? or that no, you don’t feed the child, there is no breast, my child is artificial, you never said who the children’s father is, the eldest daughter’s father came to the funeral. i told him that larisa had died, in the 12 years of her life he had never helped her once, he was only a father, but the rest of the children, who are the fathers of yana and tanyusha krasovsky pavel, he took yana to him at the moment when my late husband died, the father of the other four children, he died, from what,
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his trompe came off, and pasha, to make it easier for me , suggested...
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what kind of fires, the first house was bought with yan’s money for children’s money, which was the first house they had that burned down, with maternity capital, with maternity capital, so where are they all registered so far, well then, thank god, no one was hurt with them , that is, one house has already burned down, one house has already burned down, the second one has burned down, then they have children in the car almost burned down, managed to jump out, now their third house has burned down, we have already escaped. and you are pavel’s brother, who is the father of her two children, that’s right, well , even pavel himself is not sure about the second child, but in any sense he agrees to take the child, and yana now lives with you, yana lives under an agreement through a notary we took her because the school could no longer
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transfer her to the fourth grade, because she was lagging behind, no one was taking care of her, we have a child. i just started studying, i got a certificate of merit, now i’ve won, i’m going to artteks with us, we’re for children we do everything, zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, this is especially the attitude towards talents, she felt them. just instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, should i go somewhere, help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky after meeting zoya borisovna dedicated a poem to her: “abide, light, fleeting, incessant, i don’t reproach you for passing, i thank you for coming, andrei
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generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother.” andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel. to mark the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiere on saturday on the first. lately we have been hearing the phrase “global majority” more and more often. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of, and most importantly, who controls these states. we.
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bashar al-assad on sunday at the first , the simple boy benito musalini would never have achieved what... achieved, if not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people, his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published
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the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to dispose. with other people's lives prime minister, ordinary fascism two, in monday, on the first, please tell me, you came here because you are ready to take all the children, absolutely right, and i will ask you to help me with this, to take all the children, so that they have at least some happiness in life, with it’s impossible for her, with her... therefore, i can explain, you ask her a question, at least from the children’s alone, she
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bought something for the house so that the children could live a little easier, at least the same boler, so that the children they bathed her, now the children, i know 100%, before the transmission arrived at their home, the children were taken to their sister, they bought them there, why is one now in the hospital with pneumonia. and others are lying in the hospital with a heavy cough, it’s not like that, damn, no, she drinks, drinks, drinks, drinks, well, it’s obvious, it’s obvious, well, not like that, damn, but neither pregnancy nor childbirth stops her , when a person who drinks is stopped, i know from myself, because i used to drink freely, now i’m already after the sixteenth year, my health is the same, i don’t even drink kvass. please tell me, this is her roommate who is with her lived, the four children with whom she gave birth, did he also drink? vasily, i’ll honestly say for him, he either drank or didn’t drink, but
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he didn’t drink because of a good life, and why not because of a good life, if his wife goes for a walk, and the boy is nervous, and the children are either at home, or with their grandmother, or with the neighbors, she was walking, or maybe she’s walking now, but how can you walk with so many children, well, how? we usually leave the children with neighbors or grandmothers or someone else and go for a walk. your wife, yulia, is also in our studio, yulia, and you are ready, there are six children there. wait, i understand that you had a family council, and you said that you would take everyone, but the council was a family one, this was decided mainly by kolya, because the children need to be saved, that is, now fedosia’s daughter lives with you, and you are ready to take everyone else , let's see that the children are all together, let's see. where do we want to take all the fen children to this new house so that they are happy, we have a small farm, the food is all fresh, everything
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is homemade, the children will not have any problems with food, now we will feed the ducks, eggs let's collect it, this is the freshest, we just applied it today, five hundred square meters of land, we gave it to pavel, he will also have mulberries at home, he wants to put it at 9:10. and if the fenins give us children to raise, they will also be with us, with him, here we have 87 chickens , we specially made the hall so large, because we have grandchildren, children, sons-in-law, a large family in general, if give us the fen children, we want to re-equip with yulia here. a little bit to make a complete children's room, we have a bathroom, a toilet in the house, not like there in in the village they have a toilet on the street, i
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don’t know if there is a bathtub, there is no, there should always be a first course in everyday life, she was accustomed to what, to sausages, to dry something for snacks, that’s what it was like, yana, well, for me it was never difficult to cook, you always want to treat everyone, you always bake something, we... useful, please, thank you, you knew that your daughter would not spend the night at home, but she often stayed with me at fenya’s, they, we
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lived next door, there was. did they start to extinguish or i don’t know, maybe when they started to extinguish they did not enter the house, then have no right to come in or what, no one knew that during the day they were not there at all.
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i was not there, i was in the neighboring village where the mothers were, i ask, they say, i was sure that they were not there, my condolences, because you have lost people dear to you, i believe that they are dear, although as a priest , i can say that sooner or later each of you, dear mothers, will have to appear before not an earthly court, but before a heavenly court, and there is already a different report, there is different knowledge, so i really want you to beg gentlemen. forgiveness and mercy, so that in a few years your children will still call you mom, and how many children do you have, by the way, three adults, and christina was the fourth, yes, yes, she is the only one who lived with you, yes, you drink, i drink, well, i’m not saying that it’s so often very strong, but on that very day no one drank, neither fenya nor i, please tell me, fenya, your daughter has been living with her uncle for a year, and you how many times
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should i point it? in all the time i came once, how many, so she, usually she came to me, how many times, how to say exactly, how to say exactly, it means not exactly and not at all, but you gave her at least a penny for a year, i sent money, how much money nikolai sent you for a year, and only to the phone, in general, it seems like she or i didn’t send it to my wife when i had to wear clothes for school, but do you receive child benefits? yes, i receive an allowance, but why don’t you send an allowance to the child? i paid off the loans, but why don’t you give the child money? well, when she asks me for a phone number, it’s her money. when they took yana, they said, fenya, we don’t need anything from you, that is, i had no words, why during all the time i
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raised the child, when did i apply for sneakers. pavel for the elements, he paid the elements, so he gave 1.00 rubles to the child, which means fenya, listen to me, please, you came here so that your children would not be taken away from you, we will only help so that they are taken away, it’s normal, i gave one, one, receives money from the state, doesn’t give a penny to the child, my god, my god, how does the earth even carry, wow you, my dear, flew, but for god’s sake, you flew, so lord, my god, a thief. they would have swept you away, but why did you leave, so your girlfriend came to intercede for you, wait, no, we checked about pavel, the father, he doesn’t have any debt on alimony, but she does, she killed your daughter, you understand that or not, i have to live with this feeling for the rest of my life, but there is no way to exist, i will never forgive myself in my life,
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do i believe you? after all, elena, fedosia’s friend , came to us to protect, to drown, not i know why, let's call her, elen, and you came to intercede, yes, how did you find out about the fire, we found out about the fire, we were driving home to the hairdryer, when we were driving, we saw the house on fire, there were two ambulances, there were emergency workers, there were a lot of people there, i even got confused there, well, you drove up to the house, you were talking...
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two houses had already burned down, well, the wiring was to blame, as far as i know, the car almost burned down with a child, for this i’m generally i just heard it here for the first time, so before you say anything, should you? you first collect information, i know fenni already , now we have to wait for all the other children to burn, they won’t burn, and where did you get that from, well, because she’s a normal mother, she ’s like this, she’s a mother’s mother who doesn’t drink, having this number of children, a normal mother leaving for a neighboring village will clearly find out where a twelve-year-old child is, a normal mother will not...
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and the film ivan the terrible is somehow timeless , it turns out to be a film, because every era
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looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to your questions, today on first, this is dasha, our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman, the guys met at work and were playing. dash, well, here you are on this side of the girl, the knife has not been cut off, she has me too excited, we will do suzdov art, i need colored plates, it’s just like our film crew, very beautiful, what is needed, there is such a tradition in wedding , wedding, celebrate by ringing bells, why do you have a three-headed bride, well, it happened. she is the second, it seems to me, we are opening, hurray, the road, we are young, our premiere, we are playing a wedding, on sunday on the first, today
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the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolayevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but i’m an idiot, come here, and you ’ll catch me, i was in the studio. “dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, from those you know the nechaev spouses have received a statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to be together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live together in the next world, well , what kind of love can there be?” “where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to it’s
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time to part, hello, lyon, a frivolous conversation, whether they themselves are sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, what is life. after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, listen to me, please, i will defend my children to the last, i won’t give them to anyone i'll give it back. i will do everything so that you are deprived of them and so that you are not sent to foster care. when a woman's child was taken away. the child was screaming with tears. give me to my mother, don’t give me away anywhere, i saw this with my own eyes, if you saw this and it hurt you so much, you wouldn’t drink, you know, don’t drink, we asked the neighbors to answer a few questions at the same time,
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the grandmother of fedosia’s four children, the grandmother, grandmother, she has three children, i know, let’s listen, i ’m sitting in the store, i’ve been making good purchases for the children all the time... i say, oh, well done, how the children are fed well, she always looks after the children well, she looked after the children well, and fenya generally bought alcohol, no, she didn’t buy it from us, they drink and party. well, mothers, they went on a party, arrived, and the house burned down, the mother didn’t look, didn’t look, parents wouldn’t normally treat their children like that, she drinks, drinks well, while her husband was alive, he’s only in her hands and he held it, it’s not like it’s a day, it’s a holiday, on this day too, where she was when the child died, she was drinking as a neighbor , it was good, it’s better then either the children go to the orphanage, or let that...
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you didn't communicate with her after the fire? no, no, i haven’t seen it and i don’t want to see it, it ’s the children’s grandmother, yes, i think everything is said here, the children’s grandmother, even my late husband didn’t communicate with her, i say again, she believes that these are not her grandchildren, she believes that this is so, nikolai, pavel is your brother, yes, this is the father of the girl who is now respected, yana and another one who is not included, yes, who is not included yet, yes, come on. let's call him, let's say hello to everyone, and i see that fen
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has never changed, yes, yes, just like you, it has gotten even worse, yes, and you have really changed, i see that your relatives really turned you against me, how did you get to this point, you thought you would reform, but thanks to you , only your relatives took you away, they were able to correct you, so pash, it turns out that only your relatives corrected you when they took you from the village, why does your daughter still live not with you, but with your brother, with nikolai, well, as if i had... i also have a family, i have a wife, two children, but what would another child do, well, just we live in a one-room, in a one-room, i’m at my brother’s more than at home, maybe to say, that is, you communicate with the child, of course, i see it every day, but why the second daughter didn’t register herself, here i am already in doubt 50/50, in what sense, because there were walks from left to right, she was walking, the mother perhaps... will your two children be deprived
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of their rights to them? then the question arises: who are the closest relatives? are you ready to record yourself with tanya or not? yes, ready, i’m not, but what if we were waiting for a dna test? yes, yes, i waited, i say, if the dna test at the end of the program shows that this is not your daughter, are you ready too? ready, why did you break up, pavel? well, she found someone else, a friend. me, started feeding the children, helping me financially, that other one over there, what did you do, you went to work, earned money, went, got drunk, everyone around you is to blame, you know, this is what your main mistake is now, that you are on one you’re sitting on the sofa with the mother of the second dead girl, it’s very clear who is grieving and who isn’t, do you even understand what we’re talking about? i know, and i understand everything perfectly, you don’t understand anything,
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you have everything that doesn’t relate to living with the loss, well, i don’t see, i see, my mother is sitting, who is really in deep grief, it doesn’t matter, she drinks, she doesn’t drink, it doesn’t matter , she’s really grieving, you’re not, without guardianship authorities, of course, there’s nowhere in such a situation, the family and fedosie have been registered as socially disadvantaged since 2019 a family and a family in a socially dangerous situation, inspections, visits, conversations were carried out repeatedly, but it does not change its lifestyle, so to speak, it often leaves children unattended, the last case was a fire, we filed a claim for deprivation of parental rights, the court decision has not yet been considered, we do not remove children as soon as there is a decision. the question will be whether to leave the children in the family or place them in
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a family. the issue of deciding shkuleva’s parental rights was raised more than once, but she periodically corrected herself, did not drink, cleaned up the yard during trips, this was visible, and on the next trip back it all returned to normal, then she asked to be given a chance to correct herself, i suspect so that she was more worried about money than about children, and then this... tragedy happened the next day she was drunk with bruises under her eyes, and then it was like the last straw, the guardianship decided to draw up documents for... well, here you go, she’s been registered for a long time, they gave you a lot of chances, you live in a different area, nikolay, together with yulia, that’s why your guardianship authorities are different, we asked them if there was a chance for you to take all the children with you, this family at their place of residence is characterized positively, the family contacted us at the
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guardianship department, we provided them with the necessary package of documents that must will they prepare for this. in order to take children into custody, they must have the necessary housing conditions and income; if the children need to be placed in a family, that is , there is a court decision on the deprivation of parental rights in shkulevo and feodosia, then perhaps they will have the prospect of taking the children into custody , at least they wrote my name correctly, no, listen, what do you think, after this program airs, did you hear what she said?
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i will create all the conditions for them to be, what? you say your ceiling is falling, now the guardianship authorities will come, conduct an inspection of your home, realize that it is in disrepair , and take the children away. yul, what? listen, this means that i am now addressing the guardianship authorities. you don't have to wait for anything. there is the seventy-seventh article of the family code. if the life and health of children are in danger. you can seize them now without trial, and only then, let her go and prove that she created all the conditions, that she no longer drinks, that she is this and that, according to article 77, take the children today, the children died in the fire, criminal
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a case has been opened, the investigative committee gave us a comment, let's listen, yeah, the investigative department of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the republic: yadg , a criminal case has been opened regarding the death of two minors as a result of a fire that occurred in one of the households in khuttor ignatievsky, kashkhabol district of the republic of adygea, according to signs of a crime provided for in part three of article 109 of the criminal code of the russian federation. in order to establish the cause of the fire, a fire-technical forensic expertise. during the investigation of the criminal case, all the circumstances of the incident will be established, as well as an assessment of actions and inactions.
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fire, or illness, now you, pavel, doubted that the youngest child was yours, but it was 50/50, 50/50, look, here there is no 50/50, if it’s your child, of course, but if it’s not yours, if you still say that you’ll take it, we’ll take it, then at least she won’t give you one thing... “this is your girl, thank you, dear brothers, you are siblings, i wish that everything that alexander said would come true, i am on alexander’s side, as a member of the public chamber of the russian federation, i have a colleague from adegey, one of the most
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respected people in your republic, i will ask him to do everything with us to help these children in any form. adoption, guardianship, no matter what form, you had, thank you, with all my heart i believe that everything will work out, you will be able to take these children, you will be able to raise them into worthy people, i really hope a fair decision from the court, you i sympathize, i see that you are grieving, olga, i'm talking about you, i hope this will stop you from abusing alcohol forever. just in memory of your daughter who died, stop drinking, i don’t believe you, i see what kind of drunk pavel is sitting here, but according to your words, there’s a drunk there. everything like that, but somehow now he lives with a new woman and doesn’t drink, because it’s impossible not to drink with you, you’re
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so cold and callous that you can go crazy. head of american national intelligence avril haines, for whom the path to fame turned out to be, to put it mildly, unusual, the use of an interrogation method with simulated drowning is a form torture, what she had a hand in is essentially extrajudicial executions, which eliminated order. 50 thousand people, the person who helped it develop was a negropont, you did an amazing job, she allocated huge budgets in order to literally quote her: destroy russian interests in the arctic. we have seen a strong rapprochement between russia and china, what can we do to drive a wedge between them? in the near future , some actions may even be imitated, and this will simply cause a very strong public outcry. she is on the advisory board as a specialist in the use of biological weapons. she plays that she works for the president, she works for those who always have dirt on the president, those who misinform the president, this is the proverbial one. avril haynes,
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a girl who paints death. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up your sleep. she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first.
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this is a hiding place, which means it’s a robbery, i don’t think they would have removed the crystal chandeliers and watches with gilding, these were not germans, not germans, who are the forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, why are you, i only came here to move around, and then climb to the front now, you are not for me, the group was working, and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him , according to the laws of war, the story continues, from monday on the first, from the forest command. ask for whatever you want? you know what i want to send to vanya with some news. and
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now the project help for russian children, which we are doing together with the popular front. my younger brother and i lived here all our lives life, you can’t take a walk here, the ceiling can fall on your head, drunks walk around, it’s scary to walk, you’re scared for the child, everyone is lying around, water leaks from the roof from the fifth to the first, the sewerage stinks, we can’t walk anywhere, perhaps all the time. this house is 45 years old, in appearance it
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looks very decent, but there has never been a major renovation in it, the administration knows this house very well, but does not go further than the entrance, firstly, there is an unbearable stench here, and secondly, the residents begin load with your own... well, tell me what’s wrong with the house, what are the main problems? there was a fire once, the wiring was on fire, then a second time, then our panel was on fire, wait, how many fires have there been, yes , they are here all the time, and the administration is also aware that you have such problems with the wiring that fires happen all the time, it’s raining, we walk around the house with an umbrella, they say, you can live here, wait, we’ll do a major renovation for you, i want to look at... your rooms where you live, hello, did n’t wake you up, no, no, right there the children are sleeping, it's mold, mildew, all this, yes, yes, yes, you don't care
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it’s scary, well, it’s just about... yes, they hang straight , sometimes you can feel how it’s melting, sparkling , melting and it all burns periodically, as i understand it, everyone complains that the wiring burns endlessly, aren’t you afraid that you just might one day here you won’t wake up, you’ll just burn out, and oh, what a nightmare, here you have wires hanging and everything is pouring, wait, what about you, when it starts running, you put a bucket here, and the water drains along this rope? and who came up with this idea? i came up with this myself, i’m shocked, it’s dripping, i made it with a spoon so as not to get too much it was splashing, my child lived in a tent all summer, it’s good that i came when it was snowing, yes, otherwise you and i would have had to hide in this tent together, there is no floor, be careful, there are boards here, what does this mean
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there is no floor at all , everything is rotten, see what? cover the entire ceiling with polyethylene, everything flows down here and is immediately collected through the sleeve of the half-sink, well , we haven’t used switches for a long time, because it closes everything, and why is it dripping here, and here it’s also dripping, trees used to grow here, there were a lot of trees here, god, what a nightmare, and you we weren’t in the basement yet, the tenants didn’t come here without rubber boots and a respirator, and i was prepared, so, yeah, you have to walk on the bricks, yes, yes, i wanted to show the tattered pipes, and what’s pouring, here it’s just a waterfall, the management company came and said there’s nothing to repair here, it needs to be replaced, there’s no money to change, that
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is, all this has been going on for several years, but... that’s how people live here, people live like that, i have a question for the administration, everything is fine with you, this house has undergone major renovations the next year, the team came and partially carried out the repairs, they took 5 people, bought two buckets of mastic, poured it in, and it started to rain. just like a saw, you understand that this is an emergency situation, emergency situations are resolved here, today now, every day the wiring is on fire, what are you waiting for everyone there to burn, have you ever gone down to the basement of this house, and i was the only one going down, please show me marina sergeevna in this basement, there is knee-deep feces, a
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disabled child is building a tent for himself at home to sleep in in it, because water is pouring on him... on his head, we are taking what measures you have taken, if you tell me that you were in this basement a year ago, well, we are solving their problem, no, you are not solving it, you you pretend that you are deciding, these are two big differences, because you have such tame media that will always write something good about you about current repairs, now i will invite the management company, there is no possibility of carrying out routine repairs, because that i even send employees to such a dangerous place... yes, you what, dear woman, i was just there with my cameraman, they didn’t choke on anything, these people, they live there with their children, and where have you lost your conscience, then let’s go out today and see what kind of work we can do produce.


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