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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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territory, which is 80 times smaller than the territory of iran. the west is overextended, obviously, and the money they give is no longer theirs, but just money out of thin air, yes, they can create trouble, yes, they can support aggression in different parts of the globe, but the hegemon has weakened, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the seized equipment made it possible to carry out up to 40 million calls per day. a gang has been uncovered in russia that was involved in telephone fraud and involved in sabotage and terrorism. from
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khaymarsy to the building to hospitals and blood transfusion stations. a barbaric blow to the throat has casualties and a new attempt to attack the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. vladimir putin framed the support for the participants in the special operation, as well as the development of the peninsula, the situation in crimea with sergei aksyonov, and a conversation with the head of the murmansk region andrei chibis returned to work after being wounded. retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects, this is an opportunity for graduates will be this summer. the head of rosobrnadzor told the prime minister about preparation for the exam, and also about how the work of teachers will change. moscow is expecting a force nine storm; weather forecasters predict heavy downpours in a few hours, 2/3 of the monthly precipitation norm, winds up to 25 m/s. a large-scale special operation by the fsb police immediately uncovered a gang in forty russian regions that was involved in sabotage and terrorist activities.
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dozens of people were detained, 300,000 sim cards and special equipment that made it possible to carry out more than 40 million calls per day, the same scammers who stole money and other people’s personal data, hacked into accounts and electronic wallets, and also helped ukrainian terrorists. ivan prozarov will tell you the details. fraudsters have turned luxurious mansions, small offices, and apartments in ordinary high-rise buildings into huge factories for cybercrimes. hands behind your head, pull your hand out, hand on... there were clean wires and servers, even a washing machine, literally every corner was filled with equipment used by operators criminal call centers, mainly from ukraine, what are you doing at the address, you came in, what you were doing, server security, fsb and mia officers worked together, it took a long time to identify the criminals, but even the operatives were amazed, i have already called witnesses 70, you hear 73 simboxes , these are the so-called simboxes, essentially this is a communication node into which you can install. fraudsters from
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ukraine connect to them and the equipment replaces the number with the phone of a russian mobile operator, even with a local code, well, in the receiver you can hear supposedly a comrade major or a central bank employee who convinces them to take out a loan or transfer money to safe accounts, and a relative who is asked to help out; judging by the stamps found, the criminals prepared fake documents. shilime, another yes. moreover, as reported by the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs, these sim cards could be used to sabotage terrorist attacks and spread fake information.
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thanks to the proactive, coordinated work of police officers of the fsb of russia , significant damage was caused to the criminal infrastructure of call centers located behind outside our country, mainly on the territory of ukraine. this equipment allowed criminals to make 40 million calls per day, even if one person in a thousand fell for the bait, we are talking about hundreds of russian victims every day. most often , swindlers try to steal money, this happened with...
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if it weren’t for him, then of course the money would be crying. and a resident of vladimir, who threw an incendiary mixture at the regional government building and set fire to a car, as the regional governor said, was also under the influence of scammers from ukraine. ukrainian terrorists attacked gorlovka today, fired a volley
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of fire from the rocket system, the attack was on city hospital number 2 and the blood transfusion center, at that moment normal work was going on there, donors were donating blood, eight people were injured, including a child. eyewitnesses say that rockets exploded in the hospital courtyard, and neighboring residential buildings were also damaged. and today the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was attacked again in the ssu. the kamikaze drone was neutralized over the roof of building g, namely it houses the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator. ukrainian strikes on the nuclear power plant, which could lead to a nuclear disaster, have happened not for the first time, but in the west they continue to perform a verbal balancing act, just not to recognize it. they are unlikely to notice today's attack. report by evgeny lyamin. educational and training center of zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the first time a ukrainian fpv drone attacked the center was early last week. another try this morning. the drone was neutralized from the roof of the g-utc building, where
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the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. as a result of the attack , the operation of the station was not disrupted. all six units are in a cold shutdown state and are not generating power. as a result of the incident, there was no destruction and no one was injured. the news from the nuclear power plant is really exactly the reports from the front line; for the past 2 weeks the ukrainian armed forces have been hitting the nuclear power station with fpv drones. previously, the sixth power unit was attacked by two drones at once, one hit the roof of the power unit, the defense survived, the second succeeded suppressed by the rap system, he fell nearby, no one was hurt. three people were injured in another attack on a car near the canteen, when they were unloading brought food there, and another drone struck between them. fourth and fifth power units, all this certainly creates a threat to nuclear safety, but despite this, the west does not pull back kiev, as if encouraging it. in magata, the specialists who are at the station and record everything also prefer vague formulations, without naming those who are attacking the station. special the position of
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magathe ceo rafael grossi deserves attention. on the one hand, he is actively involved in political games around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, he formulates certain principles for the safety of the plant, and speaks out. with various kinds of initiatives, on the other hand, when it is necessary to name those responsible for the attacks on the station, rafael grossi becomes silent, begins to hide behind magat’s technical mandate, this , to put it mildly, is ambiguous behavior, it does not create the best perception of the role that the agency’s general director is trying to play in these events, once again...
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pointing out who is attacking, however, for 2 weeks now everything has come down to one thing, this is dangerous, it must be stopped, in the west they blame russia for everything, saying that it should leave the nuclear power plant , then the attacks will stop, another encouragement for kiev, nuclear blackmail, just today, when a ukrainian drone once again hit a nuclear power plant, zelensky, speaking before the european council, mentioned the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, demanding an air defense system. russia does not give up radiation blackmail; in particular, it continues to play cruelly. with security of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we do not exclude that the infrastructure of our other nuclear power plants and distribution networks will also be under the threat of russian terror. ukraine has really switched to open blackmail, they are literally telling western countries that if you don’t want a nuclear disaster, give
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us weapons, air defense or just finances and so on, that is, continue to actively support us in every possible way, otherwise there will be a nuclear disaster, of course in the west same. they understand everything perfectly, there are even memes born about that of the four nuclear power plants that ukraine considers its own, for some reason russia is only shelling the one it controls, to fight jokes with ukrainian...nuclear blackmail, of course, this kind of move is very dangerous, attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant continue, but so far in the west prefer to remain silent, rosatom specialists and employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant continue to support the operation of the nuclear power plant in such difficult, dangerous conditions. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kachuri, nikita sebastyanov, irina chyuchuy, mikhail kunitsi, ruslan bashko, channel one. our army today dealt a massive blow to the ukrainian military rear, explosions thundered in different regions, kiev, khmelnytsky, ivanofranko.
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explosion there was just an operational meeting taking place, and also from the report: our units continue to improve their positions along the entire front line, the enemy is suffering huge losses of 940 militants per day, two launchers and a radar of the s-300 complex were also destroyed, as well as several more warehouses with ammunition. support for our fighters, participants in the special operation, today vladimir putin discussed with the head of crimea sergei aksyonov. the president communicated with him via video link from novoagorevo, they said.
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problems, well, i personally, that is , i consider all requests from military personnel personally, there are no unsolvable issues, the second connection is with the families of military personnel, the task is personally delved into, of course, this is helping the regions that have returned to their historical homeland, which means thanks to your decisions in the first queue, and of course we have payment positions to pay 10 thousand - these are residents of the kherson-zaporozhye regions, more than 100 thousands of people in crimea were received by residents of the kherson and zaporozhye regions, payments corresponding to those assigned by the federal government. in general, we keep our finger on the pulse, my colleagues always ask me about continuing my career or
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work there, i say, i am a soldier of the president, as vladimirovich will say, in this case, wherever he sends me, i will go there to carry out the assigned tasks, vladimirovich, therefore i ask for your decision regarding the continuation of my further work, sergey evarievich, everything is working out for you, well, not everything, but all the main tasks you decide, i am sure that the crimeans will support you, i wish you good luck, crimea is truly developing.
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thank you very much, i’m recovering, but already at work, in work mode, i see, okay, how are you doing, the first such key result for all of us within the framework of our plan to live in the north, this is, of course, what we succeeded in. last year, for the first time in the past 33 years , we achieved migration growth, again , there are not many numbers, but from the nineteenth to the twenty-third year, the growth of the domestic regional product amounted to 2 and a half times per capita, and in terms of per person, we are in tenth place in the country, the tasks that the murmon region faces today are large-scale, elections for the governor of murmansk will take place in september of this year.
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the result for all of us, and most importantly, will serve to improve living conditions in the north in the mormant region. and i want to wish them success. the procedure for retaking the unified state exam should be convenient and comfortable for graduates. this task was set by mikhail mishustin. the prime minister met with the head today rosobrnadzor. the topic of the unified state exam has become one of the central ones, that children have the opportunity to retake one exam before the end of the admission process at universities,
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the president said in his message to the federal assembly. anzor muzaev reported to mishustin that the order will be carried out in full. what else was discussed, does olga knyazeva know? there is no excitement now, but of course the exam itself will be. to worry less during the exam and not have to figure out how to fill out the forms. all over the country these days they are writing the test unified state examination in the russian language. this is a gymnasium in lugansk, 150 students from different schools in the city came to test themselves. the unified state exam takes a lot of energy and nerves, as a rule, from the whole family, so when the president announced that it would be possible to retake this exam, the rosobronadzor hotlines were literally cut off. everyone asked that such an opportunity appear this year; while improving the unified state examination, it is necessary to work out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before the end of the university admissions process. this is very important because guys are often worried but everything happens in life, such a right for error is, of course, very important for children, i know
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that you are now working on all the mechanisms that are necessary. that is, the president’s instructions will be fully implemented this year; the problem that teachers in a large country are waiting for will be solved . teachers spend 4 hours a week filling out a variety of documents, and it would be nice if the lesson plan requires them to report even on excursions or holidays, these 4 hours could be spent working with children and checking homework more thoroughly. here such an order to relieve teachers
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of unnecessary workload, it should be implemented at all levels, from kindergartens to, respectively. higher educational institutions, how is work going in this direction and how is the experiment going in twenty-four educational institutions, educational organizations, i know that in six regions of russia you conducted an experiment, during the experiment we saw that a very large number of requests would pour in there, we saw a very serious problem associated with the large number of monitoring systems that exist in education system, now to the state duma - the working group has submitted amendments, these amendments will be adopted in the spring session, the essence of these amendments is that there will be an official, logical, understandable list of those issues for which a teacher or educator, and a school or kindergarten, must be responsible will respond only to those requests that are prescribed in federal law, there will be fewer monitoring and fewer information systems, because the results of each monitoring must be entered into these systems today by the school, by september
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do everything so that we literally finish summer and... before the start of the new academic year, all issues related to the regulatory framework are resolved, this concerns the instructions to reduce the administrative burden, the president spoke about this in detail in his message, i ask you to strictly follow this at the end of the meeting, mikhail reminded the head of rosobrnadzor, so that all the necessary conditions for retaking the unified state examination, so that it is convenient and comfortable for children, will be fulfilled, so that all the instructions of the message are fulfilled.
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tehran today announced that it would review its nuclear security doctrine if israel decides to attack iranian nuclear facilities. a representative of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, an elite unit of iran's armed forces, warned that the army knows the location of israeli nuclear centers; if suddenly tel aviv, as stated, commits an act of aggression, iranian forces will immediately launch.
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anyway, just look what we did recently, when there was an attack on israel, all joe biden now has to do is ban himself to participate in the elections, this is how the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova, commented on the reservation of the american president, and she added that what is happening with biden might seem funny, if not for one thing, this man is directing billions of dollars and colossal volumes of weapons to... . wars around the world, and just now congress has returned to the issue of a new aid package for ukraine, the vote on saturday is at stake , $61 billion, the document was presented the day before by
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speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, and today clarified the details, most of the amount, approximately 80%, according to him, will remain in the united states. the money will be used to replenish the arsenals previously sent to zelensky, as well as to purchase new weapons from american enterprises. another important addition is that the states now intend to provide military and financial assistance to kiev for a reason, on credit. disputes about the budget for ukraine have been going on in congress for almost six months. here's how johnson himself explained the situation on cnn. why haven't you accepted this package yet? ukraine spicy in it needs? yes, it does, but we need time to discuss. we must achieve consensus, that is the policy. as you know, we also considered other important bills. it's not easy to do everything at the same time. we know the schedule, we understand the persistence of ukraine and israel. we will help. israel is our closest friend and partner. lan johnson, however, has already
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been criticized by his fellow party members, the republicans. congresswoman mergerie taylor greene proposed adding a clause to the bill stating that ukraine would be able to spend the allocated she will only get money if she holds elections, closes biological laboratories and reports on their work. green also offered to colleagues who can’t stand it. if you want to fund a war, why not take part in it, show your support for ukraine. the topic of the special operation was repeatedly raised today at the congress of the all-russian association for the development of local self-government, with heads of municipalities taking part in it. throughout the country, including from our new regions, restoration of infrastructure, support for fighters, for many leaders, this is a deeply personal story, which they also shared at a meeting with
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speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko. oleg shishkin, first things first. residents of nevinnomysk know exactly where they can find their leader, paratrooper, reserve lieutenant colonel, hero awarded with a star in the second chechen war, the working day begins with the reception of citizens at exactly 93 in the morning on a bench near the administration building and so direct.
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has not been done, now in small quantities, but we are trying to do it, the front line will certainly move back and we will rebuild everything and do it better much more than before. there is unrest in belgorod, local authorities are doing everything necessary to compensate local residents for damage from shelling from the country of ukraine. from the first minute, our authorities begin to come out, communicate with people, take measurements, check all the damage, close the perimeters of windows, roofs, and so on , and from the second day builders are already working. “the federal center is open to local initiatives and ideas, and the heads of municipalities have the opportunity to convey their point of view to the highest offices. the federation council has a big conversation about the development of
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local self-government. self-government in quiet times is one story, when there are such challenges, when force majeure and at the same time not to get confused, not to get lost, to take care of people, about whom, this is of course an invaluable experience, and in order to organize such work at such a time , in addition to organizational abilities, leadership abilities, and spiritual and cordial qualities are no less important, so success to you and... keep it up more than
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300 local government employees went as volunteers to the combat zone ; many who attended the meeting today had sons who were not left out either. for me, the topic of svo also became personal, in the fall of 2022, as the head of the municipality, i personally handed the summons to my eldest son, last year my second son left, and there are many such mothers, our men, husbands... sons, brothers, are achieving victories in the northern military district, and we in our municipalities create a comfortable life for our population, i want to bow to you and all our mothers, women, thanks to such a rear, thanks to such strong support of the guys who are defending a safe country today on the front line, no one has any doubts about our victory, it
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will definitely happen, thank you...
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russia will help our units in the special military operation zone, we will ensure the purchase of these promising models to the front. dubai international airport, whose operation was disrupted due to record downpours during the day, will return to normal mode of sending and receiving flights. this statement was made by the airport administration. well, in the meantime at the airport this is it painting. check-in counter for a crowd of passengers. some are trying to buy a new ticket. and others to register, but there is a catastrophic shortage of staff. the airport was simply not ready for such force majeure. as for our tourists, russian airlines have almost completed all delayed flights from dubai, the federal air transport agency reported this. regions of central russia are expecting a force nine storm. in a matter of hours , moscow will be at the epicenter of the vortex. the showers will continue to fall, so by the morning, as forecasters say, the volume
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precipitation is likely to be . 2/3 of the norm for the month, plus the atmospheric pressure will collapse, the wind will rise in some places to 25 m/s. at such values, roofs and billboards are torn off . owners of summer cafes are urged to close the verandas of pedestrians and drivers, exercise maximum caution, and it is better not to go outside unless necessary . all city services are on high alert. and that's all for now. we are monitoring developments, and the information channel comes first. the program will continue, time will tell, hello, live on the first channel, program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today we will talk, as always, about the most important current events concerning, well, it’s so interesting here, the most important current events, they are because...


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