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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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the volume of precipitation will probably be 2/3 of the norm for the month, plus the atmospheric pressure will collapse and the wind will rise in places to 25 m/s. at such values, roofs and billboards are torn off, owners of summer cafes are urged to close the verandas of pedestrians and drivers, exercise maximum caution, and it is better not to go outside unless necessary, all city services are on high alert. and that ’s all for now, we are monitoring... developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, hello, in live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today we will talk, as always, about the most important current events concerning, well, it’s so interesting, the most important current events, and
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everyone, and even if some decisions are the most important current ones , that they concern are accepted in the united states, but they concern what is happening on the territory of the former ukraine within the framework of the military confrontation, then this certainly concerns us, to a large extent concerns those who are fighting on the front line, because there are many questions whether there will be something is changing now that the united states seems to have taken some steps towards providing military assistance, the kind that has been howled for a long time in the neighboring swamps. but let’s talk about this, there are still many questions, and this is a topic that is important not only for the domestic policy of the united states, but also for the foreign policy of, well, half the world, since there are a lot of things involved in this conflict, the question is: to the extent that the united states continues to be actively involved in it in the military-technical and military-financial sense or pretends to be so, it is very is important, but before we start talking about it, i... want to make
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a remark that is not directly related to the matter, or maybe it has the most direct relevance, because when we talk about this very bill in congress, we will often say that it is written there that biden must prove this, biden must prove it, biden must justify it, which means biden will sign there, by the way he has already stated that he will sign, and we will say biden biden, biden biden, so that's often the case. we're talking about this, so here we go in an interesting way, somehow a number of facts have accumulated, once again think about whether biden generally understands what is happening, but even if in the united states of america it is an open, public, official question that is asked more and more often, well, roughly speaking, does the president understand anything, and in any case, how sane is he if he asks the attorney general of the united states this question?
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officially, publicly, and he answers about this in all seriousness, this says something, listen, have you ever seen evidence of irregularities in your meetings with the president? i have seen how the president effectively leads his cabinet members and the military, but you will not say that you have ever seen any irregularities in this part, the president has no deviations, president, you have never seen? i don't know how many times i can say this, i have complete trust.
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when we hear from the president, the leading economic and one of the most powerful military powers in the world, the text that he literally pushed here about his uncle, who died during the second world war, for the first time in public, i told about the circumstances in which my uncle died, there is something to think about, listen, my uncle ambros, i called him uncle bosie, they told me that as a child he was an excellent athlete. he became
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an army air corps officer before the united states air force was created. he flew single-engine aircraft over combat zones as a reconnaissance aircraft. he was shot down in new guinea and his body never appeared anywhere, now attention, the official supreme the commander-in-chief of the united states of america, about whom we will talk a lot today in the program, he suddenly takes this version from somewhere, then the question arises, this is what he said from a cheat sheet, someone was just
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kidding, let’s write to grandfather about cannibals, or when he is left without a cheat sheet, he suddenly begins to speak from himself, the cannibals immediately come to life in his head, you don’t know what’s better, that is... you see, well, i’m saying it again, if this man were not the president of a powerful nuclear military power who still considers herself has the right to perform the functions of a gendarme and hegemon around the world, she, unfortunately, still has quite a lot of strength for this, it would not
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occur to me to make fun of an eighty-year-old grandfather who is talking some kind of nonsense, who clearly has deep problems with cuckoo , but the problem is that he is still the president of the united states, more... like, well, everything is fine, and this, my friends, on the one hand is funny, but on the other hand you think, this is all that we are now with we will discuss with you, given that this person is clearly in some very strong fog, in general, it is not clear who will sign all this, why exactly all this will be done, just remember this, not only
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as such a funny little bow, but about the essence of what is happening now, immediately after a short , very interesting advertisement, we will show the film... you are looking at a biography of ivan the terrible, which is being published in the west - this is a clearly negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, he will be strong, they will not recognize him, a big game, a special issue, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow
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places the crown of the tsar of all russia on himself , and the film ivan the terrible, the film turns out to be somehow timeless, because every era. looks at it with his own eyes, finds some answers to his questions, today on the first day, today we will introduce you to a man whose work arouses more and more interest day by day, this is the circus and theater director, valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus. this is fleeting. which i want to grab, that circus, which i want to do does not exist, we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovitsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my
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beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such... really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49.5 minutes of jazz for me not just a program that is important to me... i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49, ciao baby. matodor, tomorrow is first. lately , we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is part of it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who governs these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war. this is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west now
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supports and promotes leaders like zelensky, these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, answering everything with yes boss. and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. do you use social networks, is this interesting to you? before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinions of the majority are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company. new project of the first channel, the global majority. bashar assad. on sunday on the first. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri
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nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but i saw the light, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re still lying, why are you lumping everything into one a bunch, but we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, we don’t decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, from spouses known to you.
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we continue to work live, we are discussing some changes live, that ’s how important and significant changes have occurred in the approaches of the united states to military, financial in this sense of the word, political support for the ukrainian reich, there are different points of view on this matter, the fact is that and probably after, let’s say , an increase in escalation in the middle east. or maybe for another reason, then we need to understand for what reason, and the project for allocating aid from the united states was
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divided into several parts, respectively , israel separately, ukraine separately, the indo-chinese, indo-pacific region separately, and this is how i say it, the fourth part, well, probably it is potentially for internal security, but we’ll talk about that separately, which means that within the framework of this , bills have been presented, which will either... will not be voted on in the coming days, either on friday or saturday, and we, of course, with all the importance of the middle east topic, we’ll talk about it later, of all strategic importance far eastern topic, we are now interested in details related to maxim, there’s no point in writing down the numbers, the numbers don’t add up, and this is kind of what i was going to start discussing, i see what ’s here, listen, that’s why you’re here, that means this actually. speaking, compiled according to the us house of representatives committee on appropriations on april 17, 2024, the draft
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aid package of the us congress for ukraine, the total amount is indicated, well, almost 61 billion, while it is broken down into sub-amounts of 23 with a little 11 with a little 13 with a little and 26 million for supervision for weapons, that is, everyone like maxim is now either counting in his head or grabbed a pen with a piece of paper and understands that 13 are hanging somewhere. five are hanging somewhere, and well, perhaps these are the same five that they will later find, you know, they’ve already found it several times, that is, they ran out of money, ran out, ran out, then once again, oh, and we counted, we found another 3 billion, once 3 billion, or something else, but it’s not the only, not the only question is how to relate, i say again, how to relate to this movement, to
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this step, in particular this document, and especially since there are still a large number of interesting conditions, well, for example, some of them, please, no later than 60 days after the adoption of this bill, the president must enter into an agreement with the government ukraine on ukraine's reimbursement of economic assistance to the united states. at any time after november 15, 2024, the president may cancel up to 50% of ukraine's total debt with respect to economic aid- related expenses. the president can... cancel all remaining debts of the government of ukraine at any time after january 1, 2026, after the effective date of this law, the president shall transfer long-range attack missile systems to the government of ukraine to help ukraine defend itself and achieve victory over the russian federation. i repeat, for us there are a lot of important points here,
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the importance of which cannot be overestimated, but cannot be underestimated, because once again... things, but these are of course not the most important, not the most interesting questions for us, and for us this extreme point regarding missile attacks from a longer range is very important, if i understand correctly, then in their, let’s say, sorting, the attack missiles that we have now have a range of 165 km, this is the usual range,
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when we talk about a longer range, if i understand correctly, we are talking about 300, now you can correct me whether i understand correctly or not, moreover. there, at least, i didn’t find anywhere the number of missiles that, as it is written, the president must transfer government, this is the same one, if anyone doesn’t understand, this is the same grandfather whose uncle was eaten by cannibals, and he told israel not to attack haifa, he should do it, moreover, there is a clause saying that he, this the president himself, he must prove to congress the military necessity of providing these atacoms missiles, well, for starters, i think, these...
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or not, actually, this is still a minimum of issues related to the military-technical part, of course, there is political, political science and etc. go. the first thing i want to start with is a sharp change in the rhetoric of the speaker of the lower house, the house of representatives, who previously spoke in one paradigm, that there are internal interests of the united states, there are borders, and so on, now there is a feeling that the speakers of the white house with such key narratives are defending. may be even more important, but let’s start with what you’re talking about is very important, maybe the military-technical part, and then
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we’ll discuss these overriding ones, that is, apparently , agreements have been reached there, now in terms of amounts. here are 60 billion almost 61 all the question is how much will actually reach ukraine, that is, that’s all that is being thrown out there, because there are leftovers there, there are 3 billion that they have left under the presidential program, how many warehouses will now be transferred to the us army, and how many will be ordered, in the end for all according to the calculations, the following story turned out: ukraine will receive 27.1 billion in weapons, which consists of two points, what will be unloaded immediately from warehouses, most likely it will be from european ones.
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are discussed in terms of a certain victory, now about long-range missiles, yes, indeed, the americans are now crossing, so to speak, a conventional red line, by handing over operational-tactical missiles
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that can carry, including tactical nuclear weapons, these are carriers, this is very important, the kind we are talking about in connection with the fact that what you said is important for everyone to remember and it’s good that you confirmed it, about which precisely because they can carry nuclear weapons, there was a time when we were drawing. red lines, these are attacks from a longer range, this there was one of the red lines that we drew for the reason you said, and so far we see two such carriers, these are b-61 missiles version 12 for f16 aircraft , we already said that f-16 is in the sky - this is a red line for us, what if there are nuclear weapons, the second long-range attack missiles can also carry one of the warheads of large strategic missiles that are used, where there are... a lot of them, but we understand perfectly well that of course the americans are not in their right mind they will hand over nuclear weapons, no one in their right mind will, but do you remember that we started with those who in exchange for ice cream,
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which means i force grandfathers to sign a document, they are in their right mind, they understand what will fly over their pitchforks there, which means parking for yachts, this can all end very critically, you think they understand , well, i’d like to believe, we don’t know completely, we’re used to impunity, that’s why they’re handing over the attack? because they now have two missiles, which are operational-tactical, which are launched from the ground, these are these hamers complexes, where this missile could be, they are now making a new one for 700, and then up to 1.00 km, it’s called a prism, it’s just been launched, so the warehouses need to be cleared, several thousand missiles can be exchanged for money, that is, that too, it will all be in real life, that is, they will buy it back from themselves, it’s very profitable, it’s not just given away free, plus at ukrainian expense, the second option is a missile, the so -called... stifon is where cruise missiles with a very long range can be launched into tomahawks, here they are generally for europe, no one has them, it’s only chinese direction, now these complexes stationed in the philippines along the border with
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taiwan. that is, this, by the way, is an indicator of someone having such a serious priority there from the point of view of a big war themselves, that’s what for satellites, what you can do here to warm up, they transferred this to ukraine, which for us, now the question is how this will affect to the front? how will this affect the front, how quickly can it affect the front, provided that they vote, that is, that everything will now go like clockwork, how quickly it can end up at the front, then the first point, by the way, in these volumes... how much can it affect something. so, the first point is that you can’t shoot with money, and europe proved this when it said, we have a billion, now we will supply a million shells, it didn’t work out, it turned out for a billion, they could only buy 300, because it became very expensive, all orders increased, and physically the factories cannot produce a lot of them, so these 15 billion are the prospect of six months, a year, some products will reach the front, they will not understand how they will
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work for ukraine. indicator, that is, they have a time frame of some kind of objective year and manufacturing of the product plus logistics and so on, but at 11. and 7 billion it will most likely fall in a month, these are warehouses most likely in europe, then, that the americans brought weapons and equipment there, they’ll just do an exchange, they’ll just write them off from european warehouses and buy more for themselves, it will get there quickly, now the question is, what will this money do, how much will it be, because we always talk in terms of money, we need to pieces to measure, because well, for example, how much is the complex the patriot is worth, which the germans want to hand over, but they can roughly estimate him there at one and a half billion dollars, that’s a minus right away, and
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how many missiles are there for him? 100.
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this is an important question, but a separate one, but the fact that they have even moved to this stage, that suddenly this happened, well, listen to speaker johnson, the same one whom we discussed many times, who very cheerfully said that like ukraine is very important, but we have our own internal affairs, we have our own internal problems, so for example, he looked so cheerful, so cheerful just recently, so look at this man, when he speaks without hesitation, without a single hesitation, looking straight into the camera, he says that like, guys, we need a wall, we have internal problems, this is generally a disaster, he says there, i answer the word disaster, we need in general, very cheerful, now this same cheerful man just recently comes out to the cameras, and it seems that he was fed something before and listen and look, the most important thing is how this cheerful mike talks now, and what does he say, listen why are you willing to take risks?
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losing your job because of? was able to do my job. history judges us for what we do. now is the most critical moment on the world stage. i could have made selfish decisions to do things differently, but i do what i think is right. i think providing lethal assistance to ukraine right now is critically important. i really believe the intelligence briefings. i believe that shizen pin and vladimir putin and iran are truly the axis of evil. i think vladimir putin would continue to march through europe, if he had been allowed to. he can go to the balkans, he can arrange a showdown. from poland or one of our nato allies, to put it bluntly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine than american guys. my son is going to the naval academy this fall. for me, as for many american families, this is live fire training. this is not a game, this is not a joke.
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we can't play politics with this. we must do the right thing. and i'm going to give every member of the house of representatives the opportunity to express their opinion and will about this question. i believe that this is how this institute should work. and i'm willing to take personal risks. for the sake of this, because we must do the right thing, and history will judge us, but what andrei was talking about, i posted on my telegram, i just posted a post, where there is no translation superimposed, where you can hear, even without knowing english, how he gets confused at every phrase, like three times this is the story of us, it seems that this manual, this is the same, this is the same grandfather talked about this all the time, history, history to us will not forgive, we are in the face of history, my grandfather had this in his address to congress. and now suddenly mike johnson started talking in these terms, it feels like they pulled it from somewhere, well, i can’t say on the air, where from before releasing the press, that is, it’s clear that the person is saying some completely different text, moving different logic, accordingly, the question arises, in
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your opinion, what could have happened, because it is obvious that something happened, that he, as burbock says, changed his position by 360°, well, firstly, it is absolutely obvious from behavior of a person, that he is under very serious...
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something should have appeared now, which for some reason was not told to him before, which now he is, if you will, forced to exchange for, given that he does not remember about the wall at all, that is, the walls seemed to be gone, they were screaming about this wall, about this texas, and so on, we said here that for them this is a matter of vital survival. precisely according to the election history, something that will not be done in relation to trump, but johnson, who is considered or was considered trump's man will bend to this, for example.
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so that everything is already ready, or it was bent to some or some part, but the question is, what’s next, that is, we all talk as if the job is done, the question is it’s done, because if... how you rightly say, there are no regulations, then here is an example, it is very radical, but nevertheless, this is - she is a member of the house of representatives of the very one where there will be no regulations, mergery taylor greene, just so you understand, what kind of amendments could theoretically be made to during these discussions, i’ll just read it to you, it’s her, it’s not me, any member of congress who votes for aid to ukraine is obliged. join the armed forces of ukraine. no funds can
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be used by kiev until the country holds free and fair elections. ukraine must close all biological laboratories and provide data on the research that was conducted there. ukraine must submit a report that proves that christian churches in the country are able to operate without interference from their government. and ukraine must redirect funding for victims of fires in hawaii, victims of a train crash in east palestine. to the attorney general to initiate mass deportations of illegal immigrants from the united states to finance the construction of a border wall, well, i say again, this is merejorie taylor greene, but she makes these amendments, and if there are no regulations, and all this will have to be discussed, again, again - after all, it was he who said that there are no regulations, as it will actually be, that is, he is still trying today , today his position is i won’t interfere, yeah, let him history will be made, yeah, this is his position, that is, he...
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this is generally speaking, and the manifestation of anti-semitism from my point of view is a demonstration, this is a demonstrative attitude, in addition, if we consider the options of how all this can calm down there in the region of israel , then a situation may well arise when a palestinian state is created, although the israelis are now categorically against this, but if it is created, it will be created connected with access to the sea, the only thing... what can be done, this is just a way out in
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the haifa area, that if i were there, comrade residents of haifa , i would, well, some of my friends there tensed up in connection with this, simply because they would attack, and then they would say that these were burials, all of them, but returning to this situation, returning to this situation, you see, america is governed institutionally, there are formal institutions, there are informal ones, but in this regard, the weaker the first person who signs the papers, the worse he is...
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if the translation is correct, united states, to current military operations, the united states of america officially and publicly recognizes itself as a party to the conflict, albeit indirectly. and since we are talking about red ribbons here, i will remind you that one of the ukrainian terrorist organizations, which we do not recognize as such, the main intelligence directorate, officially recognized that it was budanov, in my opinion, they have already recognized extremists and terrorists personally, and the organization no, it's them.
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money, this is recognition, declaring itself a country of conflict. by the way, give me back some more a die with these four conditions, with these four parts, yes, in fact, in addition to what
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johnson said, well then maxim gives us everything that is called, well, first, johnson is a jumper, this is not a wall, it rested.
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in a week kiev will fall, but why now? now they understand this, they need to record that they should come victoriously to the russians, say: guys, you can’t move, yes, we all stop, we come to an agreement, so they also have a logic in deciding on the transfer of money, so i’m making a big bet that after all the majority of republicans will vote for,
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of course, well, it’s also an interesting factor that, roughly speaking, a change in the position of johnson, who is still considered partly trump’s man, is actually a change in trump’s position. and i suggest that you don’t waste your time on these daily news, because you want to write a post there every day, good or bad, but if you think about it globally, we’ll put ourselves, well, in general, in the situation of october last year, when this
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bill was just introduced what it turned out to be if someone told us that it would take more than six months for... to be at the current stage, but we would have twirled our finger at our temples and said, well, you’re a kremlin dreamer, not even a kremlin dreamer, there are no such people in the kremlin, that’s fair, look, what happened, it all dragged on for six months, that in the end this package would be accepted, well, in the depths of our souls, because none of us doubted, well, they would accept, without this, we discussed that they would definitely accept, whether the question was in this volume or in another, the question is this or that, look, when we are already sorting out, is it the same volume, if only one?
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they won’t pay, so, but again, here i propose to think globally, return to the situation in october 2023, if only then it had been allocated immediately in full, but...
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years, if we were told that this would continue six months and that in six months it will be closer to acceptance against the backdrop of such an assessment of the situation at the front, which, of course, needs to be divided by eight, but even if it is divided by eight, it is still generally quite impressive, in october of twenty-three they think: what would it be for us? it was also too chocolatey, well , that's it, let's say, whatever, bloomberg, let's use bloomberg as an example. the russian
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army continues to advance while ukrainian forces are hampered by delays in american and european military aid. there is growing concern in the united states and europe that russia could make major gains in the coming weeks by breaking through ukraine's overextended front lines. russian troops are on the approaches to the next key target - sentinel yar. its location on the high ground makes it key to ukraine's defense in the area. so, well, there are dozens of such articles. i say again, they must be divided by eight, by four, by 16, it doesn’t matter, but the fact that the situation now at the front is different from what it was in october 23, when it started, is fair, maybe, maybe, the point has been passed no return, because the egg is dear to the day of christ, yeah, especially with easter coming soon, yes, yes, all this, in general, let’s remember this one. saying, but maybe now it's too late, that's when this weapon will do, but the fighting spirit has already
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been undermined a little, or maybe not a little, look, maxim, here again there is a fair logic of reasoning, but the question arises, maybe it’s too late to say why, because if some of these weapons arrive in a year , in one and a half, probably, after they are accepted, and some part may be now, that is, the question is what andrei is talking about: how do they assess whether it is late, not too late on time, to stabilize the front or some there's this mythical victory hold back that if you need to stabilize the front, then maybe it’s not too late, maybe that’s why now, in order to stabilize the front at some other stage, well, that’s what andrei said, you know, late is not too late, because it doesn’t happen at all, it happens for something or for something, a complete feeling of art, that it’s too late, i’m just watching it. what and how they write in ukraine, well, something, something has broken there, help would have come six months earlier, maybe it would have been different,
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of course, somewhere they will get help, obviously, but overall the dynamics have changed radically , and whether this will be enough now, i’m no longer sure, well, well, in order to turn the situation around, no, to turn the situation around from the impending collapse of the front. or turn the situation around from the fact that they are now on the defensive, but go on the offensive, for example, you know, again, will this be enough to turn the situation around, the question is, what do you consider a turnaround in the situation, that ukraine can consider them in the current situation as a turnaround situation, what is expected of them in the states, how to turn the situation around, that’s the question, you know what i mean, there was a very interesting publication in politics, high-quality work by a journalist who went to the place, talked, well, i think with...
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there really aren’t enough shells, these dollars are not converted into shells, what will they turn into, well there will be these attack systems, but they will attack the crimean bridge, but roughly speaking, even if.
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three bubbles of information, which are very manipulatively controlled, that is, what they will now inflate at their telethon from all these questions, you do n’t seem to know, but mikhail gennavich, although the logic your reasoning, i understand it perfectly, with deep regret i cannot imagine a ukrainian official who now, when meeting with a foreign journalist, especially a politician, says something contrary to state
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information policy.
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to fame turned out to be, to put it mildly, unusual, the use of an interrogation method with simulated drowning is a form of torture, what she had a hand in was essentially extrajudicial executions, about 50 thousand people were eliminated, the person who would help her develop into a negropont, you did amazing work, she has allocated huge budgets in order to literally, as she quotes, destroy russian interests in the arctic. we
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have seen a strong rapprochement between russia and china, what can we do? in order to drive a wedge between them, in the near future some actions may even be imitated, and this will simply cause the strongest public outcry, she is on the advisory council as a specialist in the use of biological weapons, she plays that she works for the president, it works for those who always has dirt on the president, those who misinform the president are the notorious deep state. avril haynes, a girl who paints death. stellar group product cognac old barrel stellar group product bourbon steersman product stellar group whiskey mancacher - product
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steller group gin. sheaf, a product of stellor group. the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise. our tandem is such a small but strong family. we will formulate a request with you. we have a good room, or maybe even better. we came up with the idea of ​​making a rack here. dad and son come out.
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nikita mikhalkov’s character from the film “i’m walking around moscow” even starts humming a song. i don’t like to be called a comedian, because i haven’t done many comedies. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how could he? managed to direct his own life, koneli came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba started crying, i think, what’s it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and it all went to lyuba sokolova, what gundareva played, we get a prize, i ’m happy that he’s watching, but he looks very interested, always slandering, for example, she said that he got married. at the first meeting, why did the director blame himself after the tragedy that happened in his family? after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director, exclusive
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with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. zoya borisovna personifies the century; all her life she was engaged in her beloved in fact, she creates things around herself. these are the centers of culture, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, especially the attitude towards talents, she felt them right away, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she a very young man, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated a poem to her: abide, bright, fleeting, incessant, i don’t blame him for passing, i thank him for coming, andrei generally had two priorities in life, his work and my mother,
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andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected our only moment, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiered in ... saturday on the first, this is dasha, our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman, the guys met at work, we’re playing, dash, well , you’re on this side, girl, it’s not a knife, she made me crazy, we’ll do suzdol art, i need colored plates, just like our film crew, beautiful, then, what is needed, there is such a tradition at weddings to celebrate the wedding with the ringing of bells, why do you have a three-headed bride, well, it happened, she is the second, it seems to me, we are opening, hurray,
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the road, young, our premiere, we are playing a wedding, on sunday on the first. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, we are discussing live another story, geographically located in a different place than what we said, not in europe, but more than once this region has appeared here in one way or another, and i’m talking about the middle east , naturally about the aggravation between iran and israel, we have already talked about what is possible, among other things, separation. for several packages, related, among other things, to the need to help israel, and this in turn depends on how much we, and most importantly, how much the americans assess today
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the prospects for a tough military-technical direct escalation between iran and israel, about what there is there are also different opinions, some believe that this has now already moved into the plane of such information- disinformation psychology... military person, as i understand it, please, if israel wants to take action against our nuclear facilities, it will definitely face our response, israel and its nuclear facilities will be attacked, the location of their nuclear centers
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has been determined, we have the necessary information about all targets. iran is ready to launch powerful missiles to destroy targets; after an israeli attack, tehran may reconsider its nuclear doctrine. actually, that's my opinion. another important element in the discussion of what is there what may or may not happen next between iran and israel, since the nuclear trump card is already in... iran on the territory of israel itself, and now, it seems to me, through the mouth of a high-ranking representative of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, another half step has been taken in this direction , when he says that we can now not only hit israeli territory from iranian territory, and we do it...
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at sea, that’s what they say literally, restoration, and israel understands this, this threatens the existence of the country if there they will strike cities with nuclear weapons, the territory is too small, it is deserted, there is such urbanization, whoever has been to israel knows, they said that if we see that iran is approaching the creation of nuclear weapons, we will strike, as we did before , blowing up scientists, carrying out air strikes on iranian territory and attacks. there are hacks associated with hackers, everything else, now they understand that they need to strike more powerfully. iran took into account previous raids and placed all its facilities underground. what is israel for now? waiting? it would seem that he already said that we will answer the question only when and how? yes. saturday voices. no, they even talk about something else, but they said it in such a way that we already know exactly how, the only question is when? for myself, i see several events that push this back. literally there for a week and a half,
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the first is saturday, this is voting. israel needs to achieve now in these conditions that they be allocated a package of 26 billion, because for israel the situation is difficult, because those mobilized, who are now reservists, ended up at the fronts, this is real sectors of the economy, that is, they already have a minus 30 billion budget hole, they need money simply to replenish their immediate expenses there, plus sanctions, let’s call them that, related to a certain blockade, which is now being imposed on expenses... this is all the cost, this money, the second point is on monday, from 22 to 30, they begin one of the main religious holidays in pesach, these are dedicated, not to be confused with easter, these are events associated with liberation from the departure of the people from under the egyptian pharaohs, so i think , that at the end of april in may they can strike, now one important point is who, how will they strike this blow, will the americans help them, because the americans say: we will...
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i understand, an interesting analysis, i, in fact, when these news, they arrived shortly before our broadcast, i was just writing about this statement, i was wondering the same question that i’m asking you, in your opinion, is this still such an informational psychological story or already some kind of
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applied one, i’m still there asked one question that what iran, what follows from of the statement that i showed, he takes, well , another half step, warning that there will be... does this mean that they have nuclear weapons already ready, so they can raise the stakes, or vice versa, they are not ready yet , so they are in a sense, a little, well, let’s say, they are raising the bar, you see, there is a problem from this point of view, it lies in the fact that iran is a muslim country, on the territory of israel there are shrines of the muslim faith, jerusalem, for example, this is among muslim saints, not only...
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he is not the commander of the nuclear facilities, he is made the commander of the unit for ensuring the security of nuclear facilities, that is, he says: i am the person who is responsible for the security of iran’s nuclear facilities, and he says: guys, don’t hit me, yeah, because then you , maybe other divisions will answer, he is this, this is a classic demonstration when it is not a political figure to make a political statement, so that later politicians at a higher level can calmly play back, but from a practical point of view, in your opinion, this bluff, or i think that iran, since we saw in the last attack not only a demonstrative response so as not to cause
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any harm, we saw the use of hypersound, which cannot damage the airfield, but may well cause damage to a nuclear facility, serious enough, with other side position.
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calm down, let's breathe out, there's no need to stir things up before we get to our elections, while we don't need headaches and uncertainty, especially on such a delicate issue for america and essential as israel, on the other hand there are old opponents of israel, maybe the current israeli effective managers have forgotten how and against whom israel was created, in the fight against england, it was created, in london they remember this well, and for them to provoke israel to some kind of insane atrocities.
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not by satellites, not by proxy, but by the territory of the islamic republic, but, but, while the fixed match is still ongoing, it is still american.
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israel will show, well, flashes, show craters, and this will be presented as a victory, that’s it, if everything goes as planned implemented, everyone will calm down, because the iranians are not eager to fight, but there is always a danger that the situation will get out of control, then all the options that we are discussing, including a more serious response from iran if there are casualties .
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here is the factor that israel, you like to put yourself in someone else’s place, put yourself in
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israel’s place, they really probably cannot watch the fact that iran is approaching or has already approached the creation of nuclear weapons, what is it about? andrey said, if i myself if i put israel in its place, then i will still be forced, although i really don’t want to, to take into account the reaction of the united states, after all, the biden team is not a hypothetical trump team that may come, a reaction.
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speech, they are going to restore here on these squares, here in this wasteland, that temple of solomon, which was, where the wailing wall is, this is one of its elements, in the year eighty-seven they created the institution of the temple, the task of which was to carry out excavations, now they have they are technically ready, they have three-dimensional model they have all the interior decoration, starting from the torah, which wrote one letter at a time, everything moved down, ending with pipes and so on, and what is stopping them from doing this, like two.
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try to play, taking into account that he needs to continue the escalation, the british will play,
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well, in general, with a little spice, it seems to me that it turned out okay, that’s it, now advertising with a little spice, as always. we will show sergei izenshtein's film ivan the terrible. basic picture. it raises questions about the existence of russia. predicted much of what is happening with russia today. they're starting to be bastards. ivan the terrible, who comes out in the west, is an unambiguously negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, he will be strong, everyone will recognize him. the big game, special issue, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow, the crown
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of the tsar of all russia, places upon himself. the film ivan the terrible, the film turns out to be somehow timeless, because every era looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to its questions, today is the first. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gnevshev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be, a lot of brilliant people who... in the circus there is some kind of poetic, fantastic reality, this is the fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i want to make , it does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years.
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i came to my beloved woman, and after 2.5 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. on the first. lately we have been hearing the phrase “global majority” more and more often. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged
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the collective west. our war is a war. headed a government organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i i don’t forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company, a new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar assad on sunday on
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the first, today. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, come here, and you’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you ’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, and we'll get used to living separately, anyway we’ll separate, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement was received from the non-chaev spouses known to you after death... they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to be together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live together in the next world, what kind of love, what eternity, then right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, in the end, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i’m soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i
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i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello len, not a serious conversation. are they sure that they truly love each other? what are you ready for? life after. life premiere of a serial film soon on the first. at the end of the program, there are two things that i want to say, one concerns this, well , not exactly the humorous part, but you know, there is always a place in war, even this is not humor, i don’t even know. what it is? this is about the question of moral and psychological spirit. my comrades from zaporozhye direction and a video that reflects, well, this was filmed from our copter,
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yes, which flies over the territory, over which the enemy also flies, that is , imagine the fighters who seem to find themselves in this well zone, they no less in some way, it just came... we often say here, but we don’t fully understand, this is very important for understanding what we don’t have any montage about, that is, this is this spirit of war, what they live people in combat, that is, how would you imagine, these are some kind of certain actions, efforts there, and so on and so forth, but for them it is important, and for them it is important that they did it in this way, that the enemy, who flies there with his furies, sees it too , the most... funny thing is that i think that most of those dill that fly there, they see it, most of them say: well, yes, that’s exactly it, that is, they understand who did it,
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but they think, that they agree, the main thing is that they don’t have a single fpv somewhere else spent to remove this inscription, yes, yes, yes, yes, that is, they don’t remove it, this is an important story, this is important, very revealing thanks to the guys for taking the time to send me such important stories, thank you... well, in conclusion to to our conversation about iran's nuclear weapons, i say again, there can be many arguments, points of view, and so on and so forth, i will now post one of these on my telegram, one respected specialist, a nuclear scientist, who claims that iran has had nuclear weapons for a long time, everything that is happening now is exactly so this is what happens, back and forth, back and forth, you want it, perceive it, you want it - no, in any case, the doll of tootie’s heir. at your service always.


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