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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 18, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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they understand who did it, but i think they agree, the main thing is that they have to go somewhere further, not a single fpv was spent to remove this inscription, yes, yes, yes, that is, they do not remove it, this is an important story, here important, very revealing, thank you guys for taking the time to send me such important stories, glory to the far east, well, in conclusion to our conversation about iran’s nuclear weapons, i say again, there can be many arguments, points of view, and so on and so on stuff like that, i’m at my place now...
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here is an archival photo taken in the nineties in a bookstore in baltimore, usa. everything seems to be decorous, noble, sweet lady of white tights, enthusiastically reading a book, but there are nuances, if you look more closely, then it turns out that in the photograph...
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us national intelligence was born in sixty-nine in new york in the family of an artist and a professor of biochemistry . her father, thomas haynes, worked at the country's leading medical institutes, which brought significant income to the family. heights' parents owned two apartment buildings in manhattan, where they rented out housing. managers of one from the buildings they hired an italian who dreams of becoming an actor. they paid him $14 a week in a small room on the first floor. subsequently, their manager grew into a hollywood star.
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johns hopkins, together with david, they bought the building where the bar and brothel used to be. the authorities put it up for auction after liquidation. there's a drug den there. everel and david eventually opened a book café in the space. renovations to the building and changes to the sign did not help. the former atmosphere and criminal spirit have been preserved, as has the purpose. book the cafe was notorious. evenings of readings of erotic literature were often held there. at the evening of erotica, haynes took the initiative by reading an excerpt from a fairy tale about a handsome prince who, in a fit of love, managed to awaken the sleeping beauty. then the visitors were invited. read your
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own juicy stories. out of the blue, haynes suddenly developed a thirst for study, and after closing her business, she entered george town university law school in washington. at that moment i thought, not should i get a legal education, at the same time i’ll take a closer look at what’s what? yes, that's absolutely right. from there, haynes first got an internship and then a job at the state debate department in the department of military-political affairs. this is how she managed to get close to the democrats and meet personally with joe biden, who then... headed the senate foreign relations committee. after the election of barack obama, the girl was invited to work in his administration, and he later offered her to the post of deputy director of the cia. at the cia , you became the first woman to hold a position. deputy director of the agency. in general, it is an amazing experience to be the first woman deputy director of the cia. haynes perfectly covered up the dirty deeds of her employers, because it was under her that mass targeted killings of the so -called enemies of the american state began.
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question from the prisoners, or simply put, torture. when the republicans led by donald trump came to power, haines was assigned to a consulting firm named after antony blinken. in particular, she advised, or better said, covered the company polantir, big data analysis software developers. the main customers, pollantir, as you know, are the military structure and intelligence services; joe biden returned her to the civil service. almost immediately after his inauguration , haines nominated him for the post of director of national intelligence. if confirmed to this position, i look forward to the job of leading the intelligence community on behalf of the american people. from that moment on , haynes reflected the main tasks of the united states in intelligence reports. in addition to helping ukraine, the main the american spy does not even describe it as a desire, but as a real goal - to drive a wedge
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between china and russia. so, comrades, how many special services do you think? in the united states they are engaged in espionage, intelligence, well, someone would probably name three, well, that is, let’s say there is, well, the fbi, the cia, probably the nsa, but in fact there are 17 of them, above all these seventeen services there is one a woman, an overseer, this is our character today, so, here is the structure of all intelligence communities, in the center we have ' and then there are departments, agencies, why so many? anyway, where did haynes' position come from? here it is very important to understand that the americans perceive themselves on a planetary scale, they control the planet, they have military commands all over the world,
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both european and asian, and intelligence services work there in different directions, but in fact, besides this, we we also understand that the business that builds... huge economic projects also, in a narrow connection with intelligence, pursues the interests of america. and it is very important to say that there are no methods or solutions that american intelligence would not applied. this is not just one-way information collection, it is proactive action in countries. it is these intelligence officers who make color revolutions, it is these intelligence officers who carry out contract killings. but after the terrorist attack in 2001, even then george bush was younger, the senate reported that. intelligence agencies work unsynchronized, the president needs to somehow consolidate this entire array of data into one daily so-called brief report, then a change was made and the director of national intelligence was appointed, who these services, conditionally speaking like an umbrella closes, he does not
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interfere with their work, he does not do the work of the cia or other services, but he is a buffer between the president and these services, in fact, she forms the president's opinion about ... how and what is happening in the world, this she needs to make every day from all the reports of all the intelligence services into one piece of paper in understandable language for biden, conditionally, what is needed, she conveys his opinion that most likely this happens in a conversation, she learned this well with barack obama, now, of course, this person is one of serious hawks, because america's policy and the actions of intelligence services are becoming more aggressive every day, what is interesting here is that it essentially should solve the main problem that... arose, which was found out after september 11 in america, that only the agencies did not report all the information, they also competed and hid information from each other. there is a book called lumin tower, a burning tower, where, in fact, this concept is described, that the problem arose, in the absence
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exchange, now there is such an overseer, spying on this whole process, and her name is mrs. haynes. once mrs. hens was asked, here... what are the functions of all these seventeen intelligence services, why are they so interested in the european continent, this is what she answered: i am concerned about the growing politicization of those analytical reports that come from our intelligence department, we are talking about on the annual threat analysis, on page 38 you write about problems in the field of public administration in european countries. you're talking about populist parties taking advantage of inflation and high... energy prices. you are concerned that popular discontent, potentially leading to mass protests, could weaken support for moderate european governments while leading to increased support for populist and extremist parties. you also say that this could have a negative impact on the quality
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of democracy, as it relates to foreign intelligence in general. and who are all these populist parties? in europe that you were so worried about. we will be ready to provide you with additional information on this issue, but. as a general note, senator, i would like to say that we are engaged in studying the various influences on democracy around the world, which is something that has traditionally been our area of ​​expertise. and democracy throughout the world, and human rights throughout the world, they interfere in absolutely everything, and they want to know absolutely everything, to decide for themselves who should rule which country and whether there should be countries at all, that’s strictly speaking, broadcast her response. well, in fact, the main conclusion can be drawn from this answer of hers: in general, the us national intelligence is working to ensure that in european countries , no pro-russian ones come to power, as we call them... leaders, yes, precisely pro-national leaders, leaders who defend the agenda of their countries, not the agenda
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of the united states of america, not the forwarders of their foreign policy, but their own forwarders, in other words, so that there are as few orbans and fitzs as possible, this is the formula i see in this, this is what directly concerns the intelligence activities of its formal subordinates, well, they have some kind of logic, well, those that are part of the military departments probably have a logic, it’s clear there is the cia, the fbi. structures, i was surprised by the following, they actually seem to be in these ministries there, but they separate them into separate ones , but separately, yes, separately, and this is what i want to say, they have a ministry that seems to be completely peaceful, completely civil , well, like everywhere else, the ministry of energy, yes, within the ministry of energy there is an intelligence department and counterintelligence, they conduct energy intelligence, and they conduct it not through the forces of business, not through the forces of, as it were, not intelligence, but a spy. espionage is exactly espionage, by the way, espionage in general is such a joke, but it’s not such a joke that espionage is
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the national sport of the united states, according to this scheme we see it, using the example of this energy ministry this is very illustrative, you know , another very important point, we have 17 special services, they are very different in weight, they are different in budgets, in some places it’s just billions, in others it’s millions, but such a position as the director of the national intelligence service, it balances them out, but the most important thing is that each of these services... has its own area of ​​​​responsibility, there is definitely russia, there is europe, and almost all are divided into continents, you say, coast guard intelligence, it also works across continents, look, it is the intelligence community that has been growing leaders for europe for decades, they are the ones preparing, they have recruiting bases, they don’t even deny it, they say, they say openly, we have a budget for training new leaders that we are raising for a certain country, they now have another service: to destroy
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russian interests in the arctic and if we look at why europe and energy security, remember, in france there was a very difficult issue , at what price can you sell energy to citizens? if you are a nuclear-powered country, you can produce it yourself for pennies. even before the invasion of ukraine, we saw a strong rapprochement between russia and china, we
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saw cooperation in all areas, this closeness has increased somewhat since the invasion, however, although their rapprochement continues, in our assessment there are limitations and they will not be able to reach the level of nato allies. what can we do to drive a wedge between them that would separate the two sides, we see certain obstacles to their rapprochement, some believe that it can be used by... russia and china, than our partnership for america is so fundamental for destruction. yes, well, look, as we know, a long time ago the american the establishment is concerned about the rapprochement between russia and china, very large, powerful eurasian powers, plus they seem to be consolidating around us. countries with whom the americans currently have big problems are iran, north korea, and the rest of the list, but they
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are really afraid that russia and china together, the collective west and especially the united states of america will simply not be able to defeat , so we see a huge number of attempts to drive a certain wedge in our relations, yes, this is what they now call for example, this is what they are doing, let's see what some republicans in the united states of america are now proposing, let's... i recently spoke with you, a candidate for us president and trump, in principle, hinted at this even during his first term, well and so on, that is, in principle, such topics arise from time to time, plus a huge number of stuff in the mainstream international press, in the media, about what you see, there are contradictions, well, china is not fully helping russia there, that is, they are trying
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to create, as it were, politically and economically defined problems in the media, well, sanctions, of course, and sanctions are imposed on those companies and banks, especially in china, which...
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i chose a professional, she has the highest qualifications, a former deputy director cia, former deputy national security advisor to president obama , and an ardent advocate of always telling the truth and living with the consequences of your recommendations along with those who make the decisions. she is a very direct person, she says without further ado. i know this because
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i worked next to her for more than 10 years, a person with a bright mind and great modesty, maybe... by the way, about the peculiarities of managing a bookstore . the bookstore, as we already told you, was not easy. here, in fact, is the quote: what were the cheats doing there, haynes. erotica has become more common because people are trying to get sex without having it. other. need new fantasies to make their monogamous relationship more enjoyable. erotica offers spontaneity, unexpected turns, and this affects everyone, although at first we were terrified of who might show up in our establishment, we thought it would be a bunch of dirty old men, and many of our friends said mockingly: you just want to have a massive orgy in your bookstore
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. it would seem that these things, they seem to be unrelated, so we laughed, yes, well, think about it, but conceptually you need to understand the depth of haynes herself, the depth of the position to which she is appointed, because in essence, what is it about? are we talking? well, first of all, this is still the center new york, and those people who come to this store for supposedly innocent entertainment are very difficult people, this is the second point, because she is essentially talking about an ideological breakdown, because if you want to undermine the very foundations...
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doesn't look much like a real spy, there 's a dog buried here, because avril hens is an intelligence officer, apparently she was... recruited, maybe even when she opened this store, or immediately after, when she began to work studying jurisprudence, but she was assigned to the current
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the position is not accidental, all her further actions, her entire demeanor shows that she is part of the cia, one, and part of the biden team, part of the democrats, that’s two, in fact, you’re already talking about the moment when she, well, was recruited, hooked, recruited into the intelligence services, we found this moment right in her interview, after a short advertisement we will definitely show it to you, stay with us and find out where this mysterious mrs. haines, head of us national intelligence, came from. now for the first time, grand duke moscow, the crown of the tsar of all russia,
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places himself, from now on, the russian land, to be one, raises his hand against the boyar power, already tatar arrows, boyar hatred, and the knife of all those... transit who raised their hand against moscow, i will not allow the force to the evil neighbor has strangled our power with a trade noose, power must pass to the boyar tsar, so that power can be shared with the boyars, the boyars again, the people are rising up against you, a film by sergei ezenstein and... grozny, today on the first, monte
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shoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. rum, castro, product of steller group. vodka, veda, product steller group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. bourbon starsman, a product of the stelar group, and i’m walking around moscow. until now, at the mitrouniversitet station, passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts humming the song by nikita mikhalkov’s character from the film i’m walking around moscow. i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home. said sokolova, lyuba, i i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, what would it be like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn
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marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and he got it all, loving sokolova, what gundareva played, it’s us who get the prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he ’s watching, very interested, always slandering, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which did the director blame himself after the tragedy? happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, this is dasha, our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman, the guys met at work, we are playing, dash, well, you’re sharing on this side. the night didn’t sleep, it really turned me on, we’ll do
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suzdol art, i need colored plates, just like our film crew, very beautiful, just what we need, there’s a tradition of celebrating weddings by ringing bells, why do you have three heads bride, well it happened, she's the second one, i it seems that we are discovering
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what he achieved, if not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people, his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had
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special rights, on monday on the first. avril haines, the head of national intelligence of the united states, a person who has information from all 17 intelligence communities, which reports it all together.
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there are people who are driven by motivation in the sphere of money, someone by power, but she has an interest, she objectively became interested, she became noticeable, seeing this, they began to move her, actively move her, i know that we will definitely talk about plantir and prowest exeec advisors are a must, well, but it ’s not just moved, it’s kept in good standing, this time they don’t remove it 100% from activity, it’s not a piece that they want to practice throwing, it’s... a piece, on which they put, yes, especially considering the fact that she in general, everything is very interesting, for example, it’s interesting and cool, if you had a license to kill, let’s look at this fragment from her interview: do you have a license to kill? no, no, but that would be very cool, alas, and also in the situation room - this is where decisions are made to liquidate entire villages, people, simply without a trial,
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it turns out. it is from there, that is , the roots of her sinophobia and dislike for china, that i allow myself to conclude that her japanese martial arts, japanese martial philosophy, she is whatever, mentally,
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philosophically, dialectically about... we know that at the nsc, avril haines was responsible for making decisions about whether it was legal or illegal to include certain individuals on the so-called hit list of former cia director brann. we know that in almost all the cases where she concluded that putting
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names on a hit list was in accordance with the law, those people were subsequently killed by drone, they were not given a fair trial, and haynes was not held accountable for it. before us was ex-cia employee who made this revealing statement, saying that she not only gave orders to kill people, but on top of that she excluded this data from the reports, so the report of 5,000 pages of torture turned into 500 and more elements stained black, that is, in fact there was nothing left in it, yes, but in fact it is worth noting that the american journalists who are engaged in ...
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intelligence made decisions, and ordered these materials in order to make a decision, and the fact that we've all encountered in
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lately, we have been seeing very well, so to speak, colin paul with his test tube, there is afghanistan and so on and so forth, we understand perfectly well that these figures, they are very convenient, you know, these figures, they are more... for so called interrogations, and you, in fact, used torture, this is what she replied: i believe that the use of the interrogation method with simulated drowning is a form of torture, and it is classified as such in accordance with the law. one of the conclusions
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reached in our report was that these methods were not only illegal with from the point of view of the current legislation, but also ineffective, do you agree that these methods are ineffective? yes, senator, i believe it is absolutely correct that there are alternative and more effective methods of obtaining true, accurate information, and this is true, i just wanted to emphasize that even if i found these methods effective, i would not allow them use, would allow, a novel, yes, thank you, you know, the senator is catching her in a trap here, in fact, she admits about everything, but he was emphasizing precisely on illegality, it is hooked on inefficiency, this is the first thing i want to say, the second is still there. they used torture, she knows about it, she participates in it, she used it, she at least observed it or knew exactly what it was, it was still tacit, they agreed, biden’s response speech to her appointment was as follows : in fact, the main thesis was, i will never lie,
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she’s not lying, she says, the report says that torture is ineffective, well, there are other more effective methods, in our studio stanislav krapivnik, this is a man who... served for several years in the american army and, unfortunately, knows torture. hello stanislav, what are we talking about? yes, the american government is very fond of torture. and the first most favorite torture that was named is water torture, this is accompanied by sleep deprivation, and food deprivation, if a very tough person, they begin to do torture with electricity, so this is the whole, the whole all inclusive, that is, what they excluded from the five thousandth report, almost 10 countries have been reduced, this is not easy that's how it was done, there was something to cut, so she actually started her career with... today i had the honor of introducing and interviewing one of my successors as
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director of national intelligence, this is avril haines, in my opinion, at some point you were almost appointed legal adviser to the state department, but then you were reassigned to one of the two departments, either the cia, or somewhere else, the cia. so i don’t know what i could have advised her if she had then turned to me for advice. nigroponte served as u.s. ambassador to honduras from 1981 to 1985, around the time president ronald reagan was a generation into his efforts to overthrow the sandiniz government of nicaragua. negroponte is said to have played a key role in these efforts. the honduran government, ruled by a military dictatorship, was a key ally of the reagan administration, and... negroponte helped develop that relationship. dozens of
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government opponents disappeared in ways strikingly similar to sudden political disappearances in other latin american dictatorships. rumors of death squads circulated, and human rights activists accused negroponto and his political masters in washington of turning a blind eye. this, in fact, is the mentor, haynes, who speaks with such pride about his student. nikolay, what are death squads? indeed, when he was ambassador to honduras, he really oversaw two directions: handuras and nicaragua, in addition to a huge number of so-called contras and anti-communist militants on the territory of ganduras, well, in nicaragua too , the so-called death squads also operated, these are specially trained, specially abandoned groups, well, let’s call them by their proper names, militants from the territory of the united states of america, many of them had experience of fighting in hot spots, yes . in vietnam, mainly at that time, so they were engaged in the liquidation
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of political opponents, and the liquidation of not just political opponents, but sometimes even not very selectively, given that, well, there is an opinion that only these death squads eliminated about 50,000 people, 50,000, about 50,000 people in those four incomplete years, by the way , that he was ambassador to honduras, that’s the story, stanislav, what is it, you’ve heard about spark death, of course, it’s all going on. from one source there is fort benning georgia, which used to be called the school of americas, now they have renamed the institute for security and stability of the western hemisphere, all dictators, all leaders, death squads, everyone over the last 70 years have gone through this school, the same schools are being built in ukraine for militants and for other vassal states, what a nightmare, stanislav, thank you very much , i’ll tell you honestly, this is terrible information, he’s in charge of all this, let me remind you.
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in ukraine there are laboratories for the development of biological weapons. no, let me be clear. we do not believe that ukraine is working on the creation of biological or nuclear weapons. this is essentially propaganda that russia is spreading. okay, but they still have centers for biological research. what is the role of our government in the implementation of ukrainian biological research programs. as far as i understand, there are just over a dozen biological laboratories operating on the territory of ukraine. that are dealing with biological defense and response
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to biological threats in ukraine, in fact, that's exactly what they were created for, and i believe that the us government is providing assistance to ukraine, or at least has been providing assistance until recently in the past, it is precisely in the context of solving problems of biological safety, which we are doing at the global level in cooperation with a variety of countries. once again, i want to absolutely firmly state that we do not believe that ukraine is seeking to create a biological or...
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from such scenarios as consultant haynes was present, but in such scenarios there is one more thing in common, the most common thing is that all these things are to blame naturally we are with you. hinz is still involved in ufo issues, also in the poisoning of american diplomats, interference in elections, fraud of all in other things, it turns out that we are also to blame. how do they do this whole logic, a few minutes after a short advertisement, stay with us. we will show sergei izenshtein's film, ivan the terrible. a strong government is needed to break the bones of those who
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are the only opponent of the russian power. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia. predicted much of what is happening to russia today. the boyars, in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave, the boyar power is rising. biography of ivan the terrible, which comes out in the west, this is definitely a negative figure, scary, gloomy, europe doesn’t recognize him, he will be strong, i admit it. big game, special edition. now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow places the crown of the tsar of all russia on himself and the film ivan the terrible turns out to be a timeless film, because every era looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to its questions. today is the first one.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. gin сnop product of stellar group, cognac monte chocha, product of stellar group, rom castro, product stellar group, vodka veda, a product of stellor group, today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gnevshev. also to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i want to make does not exist, we continue our series
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of half-hour portrait programs and want introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer already about. living in paris for 15 years, i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i ’m writing, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine and good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz for me are not just a program, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in st. petersburg... cafe where they play programs from 49. ciao baby, matodor, tomorrow on the first. zoya borisovna personifies . all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her
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literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, especially her attitude towards talents, she felt them here just instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, for someone... for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, the premiere was on saturday on the first, you were still
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a boss, there was no hearing, no intelligence, the number was unexpected, the surprise was cool, boyan, i got it so much, why do you need such a handsome one, why do you need it, for real, when spring comes , that's the whole old thing, that's it... sunday on the first. maria
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butin is with you again, this is the heir to the puppet. and tute, you know, in relation to mrs. haines, the head of the national intelligence of the united states, i suddenly remembered a quote from a very famous film that i also destroyed the chapel? no, it was before you. well, we are completely to blame for everything. and, speak, speak, but don’t start talking, one day heni. agreed to the point that everything says, russia is finished, they spent absolutely everything, all their shells too, at this point even the cia analysts said, please, well, let's see, we just found a video of avril haynes, where she claims that the russians have running out of ammunition, to defuse the situation for a second, let's see how fast russia is.
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that's right, i just wanted to add, myself in fact, i believe that avril haines was actually presented with an intelligence report, only it talked about the state of the united states, and she thought that it was about russia, got it a little confused? i have two versions here, the first version - it really does not have information, the second.
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from his team, he then cannot make normal decisions, that is, if such information is given, yes, absolutely true, so they make many mistakes, and this situation is even more dangerous, because all this is superimposed on this kind of character leaders, after all, looking at everilds, many are really deceived that everything is in such a colorful wrapper, trying to imagine, and even when she talks about torture, and about drones, and about biological laboratories,
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there is something inside, like dead inside, as if half-dead or dead inside, there is a lack of empathy, because if we take the same topic of drones, but since i was personally in afghanistan, in iraq in yemen, where the americans used these drones and communicated with the presidents of yemen and with ali abdullah salehai, this is even before her, and after with abdarrab, mansour, malgadi and others, i remember my conversation when... i asked once again, how do you admit that on your territory the americans used a drone to hit wedding cartouches, 50 or 100 people died, they they threw up their hands and answered that the americans, yes, on our territory can carry out operations using drones, as a result of such operations there are often mistakes, as the leaders of these states told me, they do not even
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coordinate with the leaders of these states. if we look at the level of adoption of many decisions of the same biden administration after they receive intelligence information, then
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of course the questions all go away, but how did things like this happen? people don’t have complete information, and then everything turns out the way it turns out, well, for example, how now the same biden and his apparatchiks say every month that we had wonderful negotiations on israel there, there will soon be a truce , they've been talking about it since november, december, january, february, march, april, that's all already passed, there is still no truce, although all these negotiations are going on through the cia, information is coming in, but apparently distorted information, yes, which biden would like to hear, he then reports about it, gets into trouble once again when there is no truce, well, or... let's remember the twenty-first year, yes, how is biden until the very last moment i say that we have everything under control in afghanistan, everything is wonderful, and then the kabul regime fell literally in a few days, there was a terrorist attack, like we remember yes in kabul airport, when american marines died, then the americans hastily found some unfortunate family there, they were hit with the same drone, 13 people died, including seven children, and there was a huge scandal and all these apparatchiks had to make excuses, despite the fact that i
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admit that there really is an understanding inside the cia and some other... secret services of what is really happening, that’s why there are leaks from the cia about how bad everything is in ukraine, russia is winning, and so on and so forth , but to what extent are these materials reach the first person in general , the biden team, the same jake sullivan or blindkin - this is a big question at the moment, and here, of course, this is the direct professional unsuitability of ms. hayens, but she largely acts as a political appointee, there despite all her experience in the government apparatus, the state department and the intelligence services, she is involved in covering up all problems.
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the first is atmospheric interference, the second is natural phenomena, the third is the objects of our opponents, the fourth is related to government or industrial developments in the usa itself, the fifth includes everything else, but... naturally, the question always remains open: is there something among all this that we simply do not understand yet and that could be of extraterrestrial origin. our space infrastructure is fundamental to many different aspects of our daily activities and interests. and yes, the threats looming over it are absolutely real in the sense that both china and russia are increasingly making space technology part of their military potential. they have both ground and near-earth means of combating ob'. in space, they have anti-satellite capabilities that allow them to jam the signals of some of our satellites, they have directed energy weapons that allow them to essentially blind the sensors installed on
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the satellites. well, in fact, if there are people in black who made films, who monitor, then they are subordinate to it, this service is most likely included in those units that are not publicly shown. in fact, of course, humanity sees a huge amount unknown phenomena and effects. what to make new star wars, is it a matter of money? well , here, in fact, there are many theories of answers to this, one of which is simply taking the population aside and a fairly good informational reason, and many are saying that in the near future some actions may be simulated, ufos are simulated, and this will cause... simply the strongest public outcry, and this way you can camouflage any situation at all, i wanted to say several aspects about her psychology, and so she is the one who crossed through moral qualities, she has no
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complicity with those who are being tortured, she didn’t do it herself, so it’s very easy to write them off as expenses, it’s possible, and most importantly, regarding torture, she told the truth, well, why torture with water? , america is the number one pharma, they can make such pharmacology that a person tells everything himself... he doesn’t even need to torture him, and ukraine is one of these testing grounds for testing all these drugs, so you say that these are them so scary, in fact they say that we are like that scary, because according to her, according to the american media, we have invented a special emitter, which, in short, you can see for yourself, it’s a nightmare, but it makes sense to see, yes, we have important information as part of our five-year investigation into mysterious brain injuries, reported by national... us officials, many believe they were wounded by a secret weapon that fired a high-energy beam of microwaves or ultrasound. for the first time we have evidence of who may be involved this.
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the pentagon-initiated investigation was led by recently retired us army lieutenant colonel greg edgreen. he had never spoken publicly on this topic until now. were we under attack? i think so. by whom? russia, the best officers in the entire intelligence service were attacked. and every time we found a connection with russia. listen, what are we talking about , please help me, what are we talking about here, what is govan syndrome, who did we irradiate, and how did it all happen? do you understand what the matter is, govan syndrome, why? nausea, headaches, loss of consciousness, they came up with so much pregnancy. listen, acclimatization, really, really, acclimatization, really no one. i couldn’t find the reasons for this govan syndrome, why did this happen? someone said that it was acclimatization, someone said that the jet was due to flights, but when you had to justify the money, you initially asked the question, why about ufos, but they are all about money
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, they have everything very simply, since 1961 , an article was introduced in the cia, which included the study of extraterrestrial ufo civilizations, for this taxpayers open their pockets and pay, remember, margaret thatcher said there is no government money, and what there is, there is only money to pay taxes. in all, they will also infer about the govan syndrome . jeanpierre, the white house press secretary was asked after this program, they said: so, after all, where is the russian? well look what he said, it's quite funny. last
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night a report came out linking abnormal health cases to russian military intelligence. what is the white house's reaction to this report? i will very careful here. the intelligence community has not reached this conclusion. obviously the intelligence community. only gave a certain assessment. american officials who deal with issues related to russia, especially those who are abroad, are safe. we are doing everything we can. the president thinks.
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to some sounds that they heard, so in the end it turned out that it was a strokat sykat, for him, yes, switches they confused this with the fact that there was supposedly some kind of weapon there, but of course, they unleashed huge money for the investigation, plus they received colossal compensation, those american diplomats who allegedly suffered, well, i think that by the way... speaking, history will develop in approximately the same way, on the one hand there is a cutting of budgets, on the other hand there is an attempt to blame russia and china is what the americans do themselves. one more point literally about our character today, and we talked about the fact that her protege, or rather the person who helped her develop, was negroponte, in my opinion, even more she was helped to a degree by john branon, the director of the cia, because she helped to shield him at one time with torture, then she helped him in the sixteenth year to promote this with russiagate. then he helped her
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move up the ladder, as it were, made her head of national intelligence, and you need to understand that this politicization of the american intelligence services will not end there, but now we are seeing a gradual selection of team members, perhaps the future president trump , and those people whom he wants to put at the head of the intelligence services, john redfliffe, cash poteu and so on, these are people who will actually be even more politicized than avrio hines, so they will already defend the republican agenda, so here i think we will have very interesting things waiting for us...
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in that this is not objective information , so our forecast is that this is where they will stumble. maria butina, the doll of tute's heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. these called back, 300,000 sim cards, the fsb and the police.


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