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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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you know, the worst thing in this situation, where they will miscalculate, is that this is not objective information, so our forecast is that they will stumble on this. maria butina, the mediator doll, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. they called back. 3000 sim cards. fsb police neutralized a network of telephone scammers who helped in 40 regions. work for quality of life.
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vladimir putin spoke with the head of crimea and the murmansk governor, who is recovering after the attack. a hospital in gorlovka, a blood transfusion center and again the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, ukrainian terror, our attacks on the enemy’s military rear. floating soil. rose to a thirty-year high in the kurgan region, evacuation in tyumen is being prepared around the clock. summer assignment: retaking the unified state exam, relieving teachers of paperwork, integrating new regions. mikhail mishustin, head of rosobrnadzor. unpacking the nuances of why the new american tranche is dangerous both for the kiev regime and for the states themselves, where.
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biden got his geography wrong again. more than 40 million fraudulent calls were stopped by a large-scale operation of the fsb and the police in 40 regions at once, dozens of detainees, hundreds of thousands of confiscated sim cards, equipment that facilitated the hacking of accounts and electronic wallets in the interests of ukrainian terrorists. for reference , over the past year, cybercriminals defrauded russians of almost 16 billion rubles, compared to 14 billion in 2020. ivan prozarov with details of the scheme. fraudsters have turned luxurious mansions, small offices, and apartments in ordinary high-rise buildings into huge factories for cybercrimes. wires and servers are everywhere, between the beds where the attackers slept, even in the washing machine. literally every corner was filled with equipment used by operators of criminal call centers, mainly from ukraine. what are you doing at the address? employees of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs worked
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together, it took a long time to identify the criminals, even experienced operatives were flogged. 70, do you hear, 73 simboxes, here they are, the so-called simboxes, in fact, this is a communication center into which you can install hundreds of sim cards, scammers from ukraine and equipment connect to them replaces the number with the phone of a russian mobile operator, even with a local code, well, in the receiver you can hear a supposedly comrade major or an employee of the central bank with conviction.
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in this criminal cell, the roles were clearly divided into a financier, an order manager and a registrar of gray accounts, they started doing this in june somewhere, they bought sim cards, gave numbers to people, that is , they registered accounts, then we ourselves sim- cards were destroyed, this is the largest complex operation against cyber fraudsters, the fact is that simboxes they usually use legal call centers, they are sold freely, it is extremely difficult to track them, in addition, criminals constantly transport equipment, however, during the latest raids, as well as checks last december, searches were carried out at almost 180 objects in 40 regions of russia, seized and more than 930 communication centers and 300,000 sim cards were disabled, the functioning of large locations of criminal telephone traffic was stopped, thanks to the initiative and coordinated work of the police. employees of the fsb of russia suffered
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significant damage to the criminal infrastructure of call centers located outside our country, mainly in ukraine. this equipment allowed criminals to make 40 million calls per day, even if at least one person in a thousand fell for the bait, we are talking about hundreds of russian victims every day. so over the past year, the central bank calculated, cyber fraudsters stole almost 16 billion rubles. if this infrastructure is currently destroyed and attackers cannot take advantage of it, we expect that the central bank's damage statistics for this year should decrease due to this operation. however, more and more new criminals are appearing... using neural networks to fake the voices of, for example, a boss or a mother. a ninety-year-old veteran of the great patriotic war, viktor vasilyevich berdyugin, allegedly received a call from a neighbor, asked him to urgently borrow 100,000 rubles, sent a taxi driver for them, and sent money courier took it, but realized that they were trying to deceive the pensioner and returned
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the cash, wishing him good health, if i see that a person needs help, i have always provided this help, i still doubt it’s gen asked for money or not, we are all very much so. grateful, of course, because it was his attention, if it weren’t for him, then of course the money would be crying. and a resident of vladimir, who threw an incendiary mixture at the regional government building and set fire to a car, as the regional governor said, was also under the influence of scammers from ukraine, who persuaded the man to take out a loan, and promised to write off his debts for sabotage. in such situations, criminals emphasize urgency and demand that they not hang up. psychologists say it is necessary by all means, switch and break contact. don't reveal it. no personal information, it doesn’t matter who introduced themselves to you and how, say that i ’ll call you back, where are you from, from the bank, okay, i ’ll call you right back, from the ministry of internal affairs, tell who to call back, what’s your name, write it down directly, people usually get lost at this and just hang up, in russia
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they constantly carry out such special operations, last year five scammers were detained who were also involved in spoofing phone numbers, now a resident has been detained st. petersburg, which helped activate ukrainian terrorist organizations. a large city, like donetsk, it is still close to the front line, the attack was combined and targeted, first with explosives from a drone, then with cluster artillery shells of nato caliber and from the american haiers rocket system, the most severe damage was to the surgical
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building of city hospital number 2 and the center blood transfusions. it all happened in the middle of a working day, when patients are being examined and donors are being accepted, 10 people were injured, among them is a child. today , acts of nuclear terror continued in sow. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was attacked by a kamika drone. the drone was neutralized right above the roof of the training building, but just a few tens of meters away from it there were already power units, which had flown there earlier. about the situation at the nuclear power plant and the reaction of the west, evgeny lyamin. educational and training center of zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the first time a ukrainian fpv drone attacked the center was early last week. this morning. another try. the drone was neutralized from the roof of the g-hull the training center, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. as a result of the attack, the operation of the station was not disrupted; all six units are in a cold shutdown state and are not generating electricity. news from the nuclear
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power plant is truly accurate news from the front line. for 2 weeks now, the ssu has been hitting nuclear power plants with fpv drones. previously, the sixth power unit was attacked by two drones at once. one hit the roof of the defense power unit. held, the second one was suppressed by the rep system. he fell nearby, no one was hurt, three people were injured being wounded in another attack on a car near the canteen, when brought food was being unloaded there, another drone struck between the fourth and fifth power units, all this certainly creates a threat to nuclear safety, but despite this, the west does not stop kiev, as if encouraging it. in magath, whose specialists are at the station and are recording everything, they also prefer vague formulations, without naming those who are attacking the station. was not behind these incidents, they ignore repeated calls from the international community for maximum restraint, said ceo grossi. so far, the drone strikes have not jeopardized nuclear security at the site, but as i told the security council the other day, reckless attacks must
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stop immediately. the position of magathe ceo rafael grossi deserves special attention; when it comes to naming those responsible for the attacks on the station, rafael grossi begins. attacks can be stopped, but only by directly pointing out who is delivering the attacks, although
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for the past 2 weeks in the west they have been silent about this, they blame russia for everything, they say that it should go behind the nuclear power plant, then the shelling will stop, they literally betrayed themselves and the zelensky regime, they accept the quote: hand over control of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, then they will stop shelling it, they not only publicly admitted that ukraine is a source of threat to the safety of the plant, but also actually confirmed their... complicity in dangerous attacks on this facility, and kiev continues to blackmail, just today, when a ukrainian drone once again hit the nuclear plant, zelensky, speaking before the european council, mentioned the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, demanding an air defense system. russia does not give up radiation blackmail; in particular, it continues to cruelly play with the security of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. we do not rule out that the infrastructure of our other countries will also be under the threat of russian terror.
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they only fire at the one they control. fighting jokes with ukrainian nuclear blackmail, of course, is a very dangerous move. attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant continue. rosatom specialists and employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant continue to support the operation of the nuclear power plant in such difficult and dangerous conditions. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kachuri, nikita sebastyanov, irina chyuchuy, mikhail kunitsin, ruslan bashko. first channel. our armed forces are constantly identifying locations where ukrainian armed forces equipment and ammunition are stored and attacking them. precision strikes even in deep rear areas. today, targets were hit in the kiev, khmelnitsky, ivano-frankivsk,
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kharkov and dnepropetrovsk regions. and confirmation came from the ministry of defense that the day before in chernigov, the enemy control center of the operational command of the north group was destroyed. let me remind you that in the video from the scene there is a destroyed building, turned into a barracks, bunk beds in the window openings, this is how the military sleep. there are more details from that side. the strike was delivered accurately by three iskander missiles. we approached, here in the square that we gave out yesterday, i realized that we are not taking anyone,
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no, we are not taking anyone’s language, that is , we are working purely for reconnaissance, commander of the sniper group of the eighty trerian airborne brigade sets a task for its fighters, a foray behind the front line requires maximum concentration, you must first take a closer look, we don’t do it rashly, this is the essence of a sniper, that we first conduct reconnaissance, wait, take a closer look, study the enemy, his operating mode, schedule , there is a walk to be done. rather, about walking several kilometers in complete darkness, giving yourself away with fire or excessive noise is a failure for a reconnaissance officer, night vision devices , thermal imagers, that is, communication, and over headphones, that is, we are all talking over possibilities, if the situation allows it, depending on the moment, it may sometimes be worth letting the enemy leave in order to remain unnoticed and continue completing the task, like patient night predators, they move quietly and secretly to choose the best point, the most opportune moment for an ambush, according to the commander already... almost two hundred confirmed targets. another dark night, another task for the sniper group,
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they go into the darkness, go into a very dangerous area, where the enemy, in general, feels confident. fierce, go ahead. the path lies to a settlement in the gray zone, as a village is called, where neither of the warring parties gains a foothold for long. this may be military-style, impractical, for example, there are no suitable shelters, or the situation simply does not allow it. in such places it is possible. meet both friends and foes, or at least get caught by an enemy drone. the skies above the gray zones are patrolled by aerial reconnaissance aircraft, ready to quickly hand over a target to the operator of a drop copter or kamikaze drone. in this case, the snipers’ algorithm is simple, i noticed try to destroy, reset, everything into cover, to the end, finish it off, the bird was shot down, 1:0 in favor of the paratroopers, reconnaissance continues, despite the mortal danger that lurks at every step, the group is attacked by a kamikaze drone, into the drone, the drone flies, guys, guys, quietly, we sit, we sit,
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the snipers are under attack again, the fighter doesn’t have time to shoot down the copter, it also happens... it turned out to be not the most skillful, the ammunition did not harm the group, another copter catches the guys on the further path, they water it again in several trunks, this way there is a higher chance of hitting a bird. wait, wait, wait, don't come, so what's going on here? yeah, well burst and stepped back. well, that’s it, let it lie here, it’s better not to approach the downed drone, because the operator can remotely blow up the bird. direct combat contacts occur here. during raids, guys sometimes come face to face with the enemy. we are returning, they are not returning. this has happened more than once, right?
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happened more than once, the sortie under drone strikes again lasted until dark, but the risk was worth it. the paratroopers opened several fire points. opornik, control point and two artillery positions in the ssu. now the command will decide how to destroy it all. alexey kruchinin, roman khrolenko and ruslan mishcheryakov. first channel donetsk people's republic. and our heroes, stormtroopers, serve shoulder to shoulder. sailor roman kolesnikov and private maxim turaev. we discovered an enemy fortification and suddenly attacked. having entered into close combat, they destroyed four militants, covered the flanks, ensuring the clearing of the strong point and regrouping. the occupied positions were held until the approach reinforcements today vladimir putin discussed support for our fighters and participants in the special operation with the head of crimea sergei aksyonov. the conversation took place via video link, they also talked about the development of the region and another meeting of the president with the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibes, who returned to work after the recent attack. konstantin
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panyushkin will continue. how are you feeling? thank you very much, i’m recovering, but already. at the workplace, in working mode. today murmansk governor andrei chibes closed sick leave, although two weeks ago, after wounds in the stomach, the condition of the head of the region was assessed as serious. on the evening of april 4 , a man armed with a knife attacked the governor. the surgeons said that andrei chibes was very lucky; the blade almost hit the abdominal aorta. the governor was successfully operated on; within 5 days after the attack, chibes began to walk around the ward, and after 7 days he was discharged and began working from home. now the governor has returned to his office. how. thank you very much for the meeting, i would like to report on the results of five years of work. andrey chibes heads the murmon region 2019, according to in his opinion, the main thing that during this time has been achieved for the arctic region is to achieve population growth. as for the slowdown in the rate of population decline,
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last year, compared to 2019, the natural population decline decreased by almost seven times. of course , there are people who earn less, we understand this, this is an average, but therefore we are also in ninth place in the country. the arctic region is creating hundreds and thousands of new jobs, investments in the region over the past five years amount to 200 trillion billion rubles over the next 10 years , over 3 trillion more should be raised. with our belarusian colleagues, you are also studying the possibilities and the possible construction of a transshipment complex for the needs of belarus, and we have already worked out a land plot with them; our colleagues have already registered a legal entity here in the murmansk region and we are already starting to
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prepare for practical implementation. the ports of the murmansk region provide access to the northern sea route. and here is the tuloma terminal. tuloma terminal, project the documentation is ready, that means, but so far it is not in the implementation stage, because the owner is again thinking about increasing its capacity, for coal it is still good there, well this year it will be ready, in july last year during the working trips vladimir putin observed the construction of this new port from a helicopter, and today the governor is already inviting the president to the opening, do you think that already...
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the main issue that is currently being resolved is the price, the final price of gas, it is determined by the antimonopoly service, and here it is fundamentally important to directly fix it so that it is within, let’s say, plus or minus the russian average, then investors, including the company mfurahim, will very... understandably consider investment projects for the construction of factories, and most importantly, we will understand how much heat will cost the population in order to optimize their payments to our people for heat, because they significantly hit their pockets, of course, and here i would also ask for your support. another request from the head of the region has already been implemented; money has been allocated for renovation of military camps in the arctic zone. the chairman of the government signed a corresponding order, now the limits will be brought to our attention, well, the weather will allow us to... do that same renovation on a large scale this year, this is the most important, most important task, as well as the fact that we, of course, continue to support those
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guys who are now on the front line with all the necessary additional support and support for their families, who for the most part live in these settlements, but the governor’s term is also expiring for andrei chibes it’s time to decide with your support and of course the support of the northerners, i am ready to continue to serve the murmon region and fulfill the assigned tasks.
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attention, however, the situation is stable, developing well, the economy is growing. sergei aksyonov today summed up the entire decade of crimea’s development since its reunification. during
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this time, the peninsula's treasury revenues increased more than fivefold. over these 10 years, we managed to increase spending on housing and communal services by 25 times compared to the fourteenth year, environmental protection by 23 times, by on roads - 12 times, sports - 13 times, healthcare - four times, education there - eight times, indeed crimea is developing successfully, it is falling apart. both the economy and the social sphere are confident, everything is on the march, on the rise, private investments in crimea over the past decade have amounted to more than 900 billion rubles, however, the main driver of the peninsula’s economy is the federal target development program worth a trillion rubles. the healthcare system as a whole, it is of course developing, large hospitals have been built for us, but as for district hospitals, here this primary care in the country as a whole... there is a large program, how does crimea fit into this program? in all departmental target programs, the federal goal in every practical activity is a health care system. in our country, of course, in
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terms of issues, our citizens’ incomes and food prices, medicines are number one, healthcare is in third place for all problems without exception, but there is progressive progress. you mentioned the need to increase citizens’ incomes; naturally, this is the task facing the whole country, before all regions, before the government as a whole, but for crimea, this is still a thing that needs to be paid special attention to, as well as special attention from the crimean leadership to the participants in the special operation and their families. this is task number one, supporting military personnel in all areas without exception. we have created all social passports for the families of all military personnel without exception, and we have fully coordinated work with the defenders of the fatherland fund. we have taken 12 measures to support our military personnel, those who are fulfilling their duties today military duty. on the other hand, the crimean peninsula itself is forced to constantly defend itself. for the exception of the sabotage group over the years, which committed sabotage and explosions, here are words of gratitude to the colleagues of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, the russian guard, we are working as one team, so in this case we are trying to work for
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prevention. sergey. russian graduates had the opportunity to retake the exam in one of the subjects before the end of the admission process this year. the topic of the unified state exam became one of the main topics at mikhail’s meeting mishustina with the head of rosobrnadzor. and the president spoke in a message to the federal assembly about a second chance for applicants. what has already been done in this direction, and what remains to be done? this was also discussed. and olga knyazeva knows. there is no excitement now, but...
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the exam itself, of course, will be, in order to worry less about the exam and not have to deal with how to fill out the forms, all over the country these days they are writing a test unified state examination in the russian language, this is a gymnasium in lugansk, 150 students from different schools in the city came to test themselves. the unified state exam takes a lot of effort and nerves, as a rule, the whole family. therefore, when the president announced that it would be possible to retake this exam, the rosobrnadzor hotlines literally cut off, everyone asked that such an opportunity appear this year. needs improvement. unified state examination (use), of course, work out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before the end of the university admissions process. this is very important, because children are often worried, but everything happens in life, such a right for error is, of course, very important for children, i know what you are doing now all the mechanisms that needed to be worked out for this to be realized, you
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speaking in parliament. have already announced the dates of july 4-5, they gave us instructions, i want to report that all issues related to retaking, with the opportunity to retake one of the subjects, have been completed, this year the guys will take advantage of this opportunity, and universities will be able to take this result into account, that is, in full to the extent possible, the president's instructions will be carried out this year. solutions that teachers in a large country are waiting for. teachers spend 4 hours a week filling out a variety of documents, and it would be nice if the lesson plan requires reports from them, even about excursions or holidays. these 4 hours could be spent working with children and checking homework more thoroughly. this is the order to relieve teachers of excessive workload; it should be implemented at all levels, from kindergartens to higher educational institutions, respectively. how is work going in this
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direction and how is it going? is that there will be an official, logical , understandable list of those issues for which the teacher or educator is required to respond, and the school or kindergarten will respond only to those requests that are prescribed in federal law, there will be fewer monitoring and fewer information systems, because the results of each monitoring the school must enter into these systems today, everything must be done by september, so that we , literally until the end of summer and before the start of the new school year
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, resolve all issues related to the regulatory framework, this also applies... from kindergartens to institutes, we receive temporary licenses and accreditations, so that to speed up the processes , some kind of branches of rosobrnadzor are opening in new territories; in the schools themselves in lugansk and donetsk, of course, there is a completely different atmosphere. it is very important for me that we have increased the number of students studying russian language and literature. in those harsh ukrainian times, we studied russian literature, for example, the novel war and peace in one lesson. we speak about everything important in our lives in russian,
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the most important thing is... we managed to clarify the situation with most of the missing people, requests for which were sent germany, it was found that the vast majority of those wanted, together with their legal guardians or accompanying persons, entered the federal republic of germany of their own free will as part of a joint escape from the combat zone. the abduction of children is beneficial to ukraine, but it will be exposed, stressed maria lvova belova, commissioner for children’s rights under the president of russia. by the way, she is among those on whom the west imposed sanctions precisely because of this topic. but the facts are completely different. our soldiers saved children from shelling. those,
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those who needed urgent medical care received it. and, of course, the russian country has always provided information about such children in full. the restoration of mariupol is going well. at a rapid pace, the renovation of the housing stock is mainly planned to be completed by the end of the year, deputy prime minister marad kusnulin announced this today; he inspected the work and examined the houses ready for occupancy. the deputy prime minister also visited the hospital, where the reconstruction of the new building is being completed, and today marat khusnulin took part in the opening of a kindergarten that helped builders near moscow to restore. renovations of buildings are already being completed, facades are being repaired, less and less.
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regions. participants in the sixth congress of the all-russian association in our new border territories for the development of self-government shared their experience in this and other key areas. oleg shishkin with stories of delegates. residents of nevinnomysk know exactly where to find their leader. paratrooper, reserve lieutenant colonel, hero awarded with a star in the second chechen war, begins his working day with the reception of citizens, at exactly 13 morning on a bench near the administration building. and such a direct dialogue with the residents, the mountains... for people to solve their problems faster, you just need to give them a mobile phone, they write to you, they come to the bench, you take screenshots, send the controller right there, now there are many tools to increase speed and solutions to this or
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that problem, and we take advantage of this. more than 200 delegates from all 89 regions of the country, and leaders of large cities and heads of small rural settlements, specifically to the locals. municipalities judge the entire state as a whole; special qualities are needed to work locally, vladimir putin emphasized after the communal accident, and according to the reaction at the municipal forum “small motherland is the strength of russia,” which took place at the beginning of the year. you have the most difficult job because you communicate directly with people, and this is always the most important part of ours. general work, you sometimes have to be responsible even for what is not part of your responsibilities, for the whole country, i’m great i am aware of this, it’s great, since
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the days of working in leningrad and st. petersburg, you need to find strength in yourself, find such strides in your soul that... in any case, supporting a person is, this is talent, in new regions you still need to be ready to risk oneself for the sake of others, the head of the vasilievsky municipal district in zaporozhye, natalya romanichenko , rescued the wounded and led the evacuation of people under the fire of ukrainian militants, and there are so many everyday issues that sometimes one gives up, the support of a huge country helps, partly which the zaporozhye region became in the fall of 2022, this is a great contribution for...
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there was even a proposal to create a separate direction in the “woman leader” program within the framework of the russia country of opportunities project. more than 3.00 local government employees volunteered in the war zone . many who today. in the fall of 2022, as the head of the municipality, i personally handed the summons to my eldest son, last year my second son passed away, and there are many such mothers, our men, husbands, sons, brothers, are seeking victory in the northern military district, and we...
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challenges, when there is force majeure, and at the same time
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not to get confused, not to get lost, to take care of people, of everyone, this is, of course, an invaluable experience, and in order to organize such work, at such a time, in addition to organizational skills, leadership abilities, spiritual , cordial qualities are no less important, so good luck to you and keep it up, the city authorities are doing everything necessary to compensate local residents for damage from shelling from ukraine. already on the first day, practically from the first minute , councils begin to come out, communicate with people, take measurements, document all damage, close the perimeters of windows, roofs, and so on, with builders already working from the second day. the development of local self-government is one of the priority tasks of the state, the forum participants go home with the confidence that their initiatives and ideas are ready to be considered even in the highest offices, and the most effective managers received letters of gratitude...
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there will be a storm in the forecast for central russia and much more, not switch, we will show a film by sergei from einstein and the vangroz need strong power, to overcome the ridges of those who are united. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia, predicted much of what is happening to russia today. the boyars in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave, the boyar power is rising. the biographies of ivan the terrible, which are published in the west, are clearly a negative figure, terrible, gloomy. does not recognize, will be strong, will not be recognized, big game, special
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issue, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow, the crown of the tsar of all russia on himself puts it, and the film ivan the terrible, the film turns out to be somehow timeless, because every era looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to its questions, today on the first. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group. bour bon stersman is a product of the stellar group. viski mancacher is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of stellar group. cognac monte shoca. product of steller group. rom. castro. product of stellor group.
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veda vodka, a product of stellor group. today we will introduce you to a man whose work day are causing more and more interest every day, this is the director of the circus and theater valentin gnevshev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found in the circus some kind of poetic, fantastic... reality, this is fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i want to make, it doesn’t exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs. and we would like to introduce you to dmitry sovissky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2.5 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a truly poor
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moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine and good poetry. my 49 s2 minutes of jazz is not just a broadcast for me. an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor, tomorrow on the first, svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, no khukhry-mukhra, how beautiful you have become, by the way, i was in love with you, well , just a little, stay with me sedoryanko, we’ll work together for... and how do you like it between two husbands? well, they don’t look like murderers, civilians, jealous husband, abandoned wife, that’s all pies, a common thing, you ’re afraid, but i don’t feel comfortable, you should figure out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll get into trouble, you may
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never wait for it, well, look around, there is a war going on, people are dying, and if you are lucky and alive, you have to live, it’s stupid to hide from life. according to the laws of war. a story to be continued. from monday, on the first. grigory ivanovich, maybe we can make a joint card, i’ll send it to vanya. i'll organize it now. this is the program of time and us. we continue: flood chronicle: the maximum in 30 years has exceeded the water level in the tobol river in the kurgan region, in kurgan itself the 10 m mark was passed in the evening, the same height at the dam due to leaks of which three microdistricts are being evacuated. andrey golderev from the disaster zone. there is no fence here, there too, well,
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in short, there is no strong current to swim there, so strong that even special all-terrain vehicles cannot cope. we are now sailing along tomina street, there is even more water here , by the way, this is not far from the center of kurgan, the right bank of the city, you can see that somewhere the first floors of houses are already opening, somewhere the water is already under the roof, and go to the boats you need to be very careful so as not to run into a fence or any other metal structures, fence, fence, fence, back, where, where, where, right here, right here right here is a fence, a fence that ’s high, yes, yes, yes, tobol already climbed almost 10 m. almost the entire right bank in kurgan is flooded, and this is more than 100 snt and several microdistricts. how is it there? i’m already experiencing the second flood, this is it, but when was the first? in 1994, that same street never flooded. here are pictures from thirty years ago, and this is how the flood looks this year, and in
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several areas the maximum water rise of 1994 has already been exceeded. volunteers come to help. rescuers, many have been on their feet for several days, a woman calls, she has eight dogs, the flooded animals will not leave until we save the dogs, so the girls and i, the volunteers who went there for these eight dogs, distributed all the dogs to state shelters, only then the grandmother tried to evacuate. evgeny khlustun says how he found out that the right bank was flooded, he took a boat and came here, and yesterday he saved one of the local residents. the man could not swim out like a dog, he went by boat, with oars. dog and couldn’t swim out of there, because - well, he didn’t have enough strength, it was already dark in the evening and he got lost, people are each other they help, the volunteers work, they seem to help well with the animals, they provide food and food, just now the veterinarians have arrived there, that is, there is also a lot of help from the local population. at night, a special board
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of the ministry of emergency situations again arrived in the region, and lighting equipment was delivered to make it more convenient to conduct search and rescue operations in the dark . the evacuation continues. jokes takes people out the water flow is now passing through the village of kitovo, this is a few kilometers from kurgan, the level of the tobol river here has already risen by 11 m. the water has reached some central streets, for example. lenin street, and people here are already changing their means of transportation; not cars, but boats are parked near residential buildings. in
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the neighboring tyumen region , temporary accommodation centers are moving people out of potential flood zones in advance. some still remember the flood of 2017, so they immediately agree to leave. there are people who don't believe that the water will come, but i don't hope that it will. “the water won’t come, the water will come, the whole of kazakhstan is flooded, the relatives called and said: leave urgently, don’t sit, don’t wait, how an unbelieving thomas, especially since the water is gradually coming up, in general there is a lot of water, there was an island here, now it is gone, according to the latest forecasts, more than 100 settlements in the region could be flooded, this is twice as many as experts expected the day before, over 17 thousand residents are at risk." andrey guldarev, maxim trubnikov, anastasia slobodenyuk, oleg smolkov, alexey vaskov and evgeny kuznetsov. channel one. iran today
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promised to review its doctrine in the field of nuclear security if israel decides strike iranian nuclear facilities. a spokesman for iran's elite islamic revolutionary guard corps warned. the army knows the coordinates of israeli nuclear centers, and if an act of aggression is committed, as stated, iranian forces will immediately launch it. i mean anyway, just look what we did recently when there was an attack on
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israel, a map to make it clearer, haifa is the north of israel, and less than 200 km to the south, the gaza strip, where since october the israelis have really are conducting a military operation in response to the attacks of the hamas movement, creating a humanitarian catastrophe for the palestinian civilian population, biden's second story from geography in a month and a half. in march, he said: when the americans were hunting for osama benlan, the former leader of al-qaeda, banned in russia, they should not have gone after him to ukraine, iraq or afghanistan. the reality is that us special forces killed bin laden in pakistan, on the orders of barack obama, for whom biden was vice president. like this. and this is a nuclear figure running for a new term in the white house button and billions of dollars in resources for regimes pleasing to washington around the world. kievsky is no exception. the new package will be voted on by congress on saturday. mikhail akinchenko will continue. who won and who lost in this
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six-month-long confrontation on the capitalist hill cannot be said right away. on the one hand, the republicans, despite all the objections of the white house, still divided the financial package, which included money for israel, taiwan and ukraine, into its component parts. each of them will be voted on separately. on the other side, the contents of these packages have not changed much, except that one new version appeared in the ukrainian one. ukraine, as you know, is the most controversial issue, so we changed the terms of the package, 80% of spending on ukraine will go to upgrading american weapons arsenals, this is extremely important for the american defense-industrial complex. in addition, we have made some additions that conservatives support. i mean, for the sake of peace in ukraine, any support from the government will be provided as a loan. that is, no more gifts, $61 billion. will return, and this applies even to the money that will remain in america, because the weapons that are planned to be transferred to ukraine, although outdated, are also not free.
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the kiev regime will receive only about $8 billion in cash. it is separately stipulated that it will not be possible to spend these funds on paying pensions. this is to reassure those congressmen who are primarily concerned about the welfare of american pensioners, but it seems that these concessions failed to achieve appeasement. this capitulation is disappointing. the kiev regime on the capitalist hill adds one clarification to the bill: the american president receives the right to write off half of the ukrainian debt, although not earlier than november 15, that is, after the presidential elections. however, even if biden loses in them, then the duties of the head of state.
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to ukraine, and, as expected, congressmen can make their own amendments; with their help, dissatisfied republicans intend to, if not block, then at least delay the ukrainian package statement. there are already more than a hundred amendments, one of the first was introduced by an ardent opponent of the bill, congresswoman margery taylor greene. she posted her text on her page on the social network. she offered everyone who would vote for financial support of kiev to join the ukrainian army and separately explained that she was not joking at all. i'm serious.
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which will be considered immediately after the ukrainian one, its main point is the financing of the kiev regime at the expense of russian assets frozen in the west, which are estimated at approximately 300 billion dollars. however, it is not yet clear whether 61 billion of these funds will be taken, or whether this is only a reserve for the future; the chairman of the european central bank, christina lagarde, has already spoken out against it. in her opinion, such theft would be a direct violation of international law. the imf director
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also calls for thinking. "we are assessing the possible consequences, and of course, it is extremely important how this news will be received in the world, in the countries that keep reserves in dollars. let's not forget that this is 11 trillion dollars, and the countries that hold them own, will carefully observe what is happening. we believe that no matter what decision is made, first of all it is necessary to think about the consequences. we are, of course, talking about trust in the american dollar, however, supporters of support for the ukrainian regime in congress do not seem to be too worried about this, and biden has already promised to sign."
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soul, this is incredibly important, no one can teach as he will teach theater. dubai international airport returns to normal flight reception and departure hours after the collapse due to the coronavirus. record rainfall. the administration says all operations have been restored to 70%, but while people are trying to check in, fly out or get information, there are not enough staff. regarding our tourists , the federal air transport agency reported that the implementation was delayed. moscow, a cyclone is moving from south to north, its center is an area of ​​​​low pressure , into which air flows saturated with moisture are drawn. as a result: the rain is already outside the window. kutru
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weather forecasters expect 2/3 of the normal precipitation for the month in the capital. at such values ​​the roofs are torn off and billboards, do not take cover or park cars under trees, reasonable precaution, better. therefore, we are sitting and waiting for further instructions from above, but for now, until further notice, you will patrol the street like a good old man, in uniform with a partner, clearly,
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exactly, in addition, a thorough investigation will be carried out in relation to the turbine for involvement, well, you understand , in short, on the mishani gang. turbin, i don’t even want to comment on this nonsense, here’s your partner, come in, senior sergeant ryabov, please love and favor.
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lyosh, i wanted to talk to you yesterday, but it didn’t work out, well. do you remember marinka, who moved to moscow, yeah, yes, well, in general, i ’ve been thinking about this for a long time, now, when all this is not over, i finally decided, what i decided on, i decided to move to moscow. it’s just that i’m not going through the easiest
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period in my life right now, but...


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